caban uomo marina yachting

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Marina Yachting, collezione uomo primavera/estate 2014

Marina Yachting, collezione uomo primavera/estate 2014

Di anno in anno, da un porto all’altro. Ci sono indumenti classici, frutto di un’eleganza internazionale, che non passano mai di moda. Il “marinaio” cosmopolita di Marina Yachting li adotta da sempre: con nuovi volumi e materiali innovativi li rende per la prossima stagione primavera/estate contemporanei. La giacca pickot , resa nel colore della sabbia bagnata, rivela chiusure lampo a vista (concessione tecnica di un capo classico) e cuciture impunturate simbolo della sartorialità del marchio. Il travel jacket si trasforma in un bomberino multi tasche estremamente funzionale. Il parka si allunga sul retro e diventa perfetto per i temporali estivi. Il caban di nylon, rosso cerato da ripiegare e portarlo dappertutto, è composto di un materiale tecnico che non teme vento/acqua/raggi UV.

Sui colori non si sbaglia: Marina Yachting ripropone le classiche combinazioni cromatiche in stile navy di rosso/bianco/blu con nuovi dettagli in argento.

Il logo, inoltre, firma importante delle collezioni moda Marina Yachting, diventa grande sulle polo .


Veronica Eredi,  www.thebeautypost.it

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 15.423 Opinioni

Il tuo caban su misura

Indeciso sul cappotto? Quest'anno scegli un caban : dai un tocco di stile al tuo guardaroba invernale e divertiti a provare le varie opzioni del nostro configuratore. Scegli il tessuto, il colore e modifica i risvolti, la lunghezza, il taglio, le tasche. Crea subito il tuo caban perfetto per le giornate più fredde e Hockerty te lo invierà da casa in soli 15 giorni.

Inizia con uno stile di base

Giacche invernali, giacca velluto a coste, field jackets, caban taglie forti.

Come disegnare il tuo cappotto

caban uomo marina yachting

Scegli il tessuto

Scegli la lana, il colore e la fantasia che preferisci. Crea il tuo capo versatile per essere sempre alla moda!

Personalizza il tuo capo

Scegli il tipo di risvolti, la lunghezza,il taglio, le tasche, lo stile delle maniche e se aggiungere o meno le controspalline. Scopri subito tutte le opzioni!

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Risparmia tempo! Prendi le tue misure dove e come vuoi, inseriscile sul nostro sito e crea il tuo abito comodamente da casa.

Dove, Come e Quando Vuoi

Il Caban è un cappotto che si riconosce da alcune caratteristiche quali: un taglio generalmente corto e svasato, revers ampi, il doppiopetto a 6 bottoni e le tasche diagonali. Sul nostro sito puoi modificare questo capo secondo i tuoi gusti. Prova il nostro configuratore 3D, aggiungi le tue iniziali, scegli la fodera interna e quella del collo, aggiungi le toppe, scegli il colore delle asole. Arricchisci la tua giacca invernale con tutti i particolari che più si addicono al tuo stile.

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caban uomo

Guarda le nostre collezioni di Cappotti Caban

Caban blu

Mezze stagioni

Caban blu

Peacoat blu

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Rosso Borgogna

Cappotto Doppiopetto rosso

Caban camel in lana

Semi lucido

Caban camel in lana

Cappotto Doppiopetto grigio

Cappotto Doppiopetto grigio

Cappotto Doppiopetto blu

Cappotto Doppiopetto blu

Peacoat blu con collo a contrasto

Peacoat blu con collo a contrasto

Cappotto Doppiopetto beige

Color Sabbia

Cappotto Doppiopetto beige

Peacoat nero con contrasti nei bottoni

Peacoat nero con contrasti nei bottoni

Peacoat blu

Caban blu 100% lana con contrasti nei bottoni

Caban blu lana 100% con passanti

Caban blu lana 100% con passanti

Personalizza il tuo look su misura, dai tessuti resistenti fino ai minimi dettagli. Prenditi cura del tuo stile e sentiti sicuro con la nostra Garanzia Perfect Fit.

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caban uomo marina yachting

  • Garanzia di vestibilità perfetta

Realizzato su misura da sarti esperti.


Seleziona tessuti, fodere e tutto il resto.

Come prendere le misure

Lascia che lo faccia il nostro algoritmo o misurati a casa.

Rivisto da te


ovviamente sono di estrema qualità, io mi ci trovo benissimo!

Simone - Italia

Grazie per questo cappotto!

Marcoar - Italia

Cappotto veste bene

Il cappotto è arrivato puntuale. La vestibilità è ottima grazie al sistema efficiente e funzionale di definizione delle misure. Il colore del tessuto non è come mi aspettavo dalle foto sul sito, ma è comunque gradevole.

Stefano Garolini - Italia

Leggi l'articolo sul nostro Blog

20 Tipi di Cappotti da Uomo

20 Tipi di Cappotti da Uomo

Sei alla ricerca del cappotto perfetto ma ti senti sopraffatto dalle opzioni disponibili? Che tu sia un esperto di moda desideroso di ampliare il tuo guardaroba o semplicemente qualcuno che vuole capire le basi, questo è l'articolo che fa per te.

La guida al caban

La guida al caban

Il caban, che deve la sua origine alla Marina, è un'opzione piena di stile indossata da tantissimi uomini negli ultimi anni. È perfetta sia d'inverno che in autunno, dal momento che è possibile rimuovere uno dei due strati che compongono la giacca. Nelle giornate più...

I nostri cappotti Caban

Il Peacoat , meglio conosciuto come Caban , nasce all'incirca all'inizio del XVIII secolo per riparare i marinai dal freddo, oltre che dall'umidità e dall'acqua, durante le ore di navigazione e allo stesso tempo per assicurare piena libertà di movimento. Curiositá . Seppur il nome di questo cappotto ricordi una parola straniera, ci sarebbe la possibilità di una derivazione dal siciliano "Cabbanu" , a sua volta ispirato all’arabo Qaba ovvero tunica/cappotto, oppure persino all’inglese Cab equivalente di carrozza, poiché si dice fosse utilizzato dai cocchieri della famiglia reale.

Perché comprare un caban uomo

Stanco della solita giacca imbottita da uomo? Vuoi provare qualcosa di più classico ma ch enon sia troppo elegante? Il caban è il capo giusto per te. Un cappotto corto con chiusura a doppio petto che può essere indossato con sneakers e dolcevita. Scopri tutte le novitá della stagione e leggi l'articolo sul nostro blog con i nostri consigli di stile. Scegli un colore che vada bene per tutta la giornata e per tutti i contesti, che siano formali o informali. Rendi unico il stile del tuo caban con Hockerty.

Caban o montgomery da uomo: scegli il tuo cappotto uomo

Sia che cerchi un caban o un montgomery da uomo, il nostro configuratore 3D ti permette di trovare il cappotto perfetto per le prime giornate fredde.

Ti consigliamo di optare per un caban uomo molto caldo, antivento ma elegante: realizzata in lana, ti accompagnerà in tutte le tue uscite a partire dall'autunno. Scegli un colore che ti piace, facile da abbinare e ordinate un montgomery da uomo in lana con cappuccio da indossare con tutti i pantaloni.

Il caban, un cappotto con una storia

Come molti cappotti, il caban uomo fu creato per l'esercito e fu il guardiamarina della Royal Navy britannica a indossarlo per la prima volta, un caban di lana e chiuso con una doppia fila di bottoni per affrontare meglio il maltempo e il freddo durante le traversate. Molti modelli di caban conservano ancora oggi il simbolo della loro origine grazie all'ancora marina che decora i bottoni del cappotto.

 Il caban, un cappotto casual chic

Rivisitato dalle principali marche di moda maschile, il caban uomo è il cappotto ideale per una passeggiata nella foresta o al mare durante la brutta stagione. Ma il caban offre anche un look casual chic ed è molto trendy indossarla aperta sopra un maglione, con pantaloni di velluto o jeans per una giornata di shopping in città o semplicemente per andare in ufficio.

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caban uomo marina yachting

Marina Yachting

Men's Marina Yachting Jacket

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Marina Yachting Men's jacket, with zip closure and elasticated edges. Available in multiple sizes and colors. Perfect combination of comfort and style.

  • Brand Marina Yachting
  • Men's jacket
  • Two side pockets with zip
  • Elasticated edges
  • internal pocket
  • Material: External fabric 100% Nylon Padding 100% Polyester

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  • 36 Foot Searay Yacht – Our Famous “Cateleya”
  • 47 Foot Searay Yacht – “Cabo Yacht Life”
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  • About Cabo and the Marina

The Cabo San Lucas Marina is one of the premier destinations for yachts or for vacationers. Looking for a luxurious day of yachting, fishing, shopping and dining? The Cabo Marina should be on the bucket list! It is extremely relaxing to watch the boats come and go! This port brings plenty of visitors to the city each day. There are a variety of things to do at the Marina.

The place to be is the marina in Cabo San Lucas. Whether you’re heading out to sea to fish or sipping wine with friends at sunset, we can help guide you to take advantage of everything it has to offer.

About Cabo and the Marina Cabo San Lucas

Firstly, the Cabo San Lucas Marina is a modern facility strategically located at the very tip of the Baja Peninsula. Ideally situated at the mouth of the Sea of Cortez, the marina welcomes fishermen, cruisers, sailors and yachtsmen. Accommodating yachts up to 375 feet with a 29-foot draft. Importantly, the facility is home to a total of 380 slips.

Encompassing a bustling upland, boasting restaurants, bars, high-end shops and smaller retail stores to reach a broad array of tourism. Unquestionably, this is one of the world’s foremost yachting, sport fishing and mega-yacht lifestyle destinations. It offers an outstanding range of on-site conveniences including a fully operational boatyard, modern fuel dock with high speed pumps, pump out services, and water services. Exceptionally, the marina provides a full array of amenities available to owners, guests , captains and crew.

About Cabo San Lucas

Cabo San Lucas, Mexico is complete with resorts, fishing enthusiasts and water sports fanatics. Most noted for “El Arco”, the natural archway in the rock formations of the Sea of Cortez, Cabo attracts celebrities, yachtsmen, fishermen and tourists alike. The waters off Cabo San Lucas Marina provides some of the best deep sea fishing in the world. The Marina Cabo San Lucas is host to the largest and most competitive sport fishing tournaments in the world. Not a fisherman? Not to worry. You can do some snorkeling along the coast or take a sunset cruise, tee up at one of our fourteen beautiful golf courses.

Annually, more than 3 million people passengers pass through the Los Cabos airport. Incredibly, 90 percent of travelers come from the United States and Canada. If fishing and great weather 350 days per year are a passion there is no better place than being in Cabo San Lucas . The possibilities for recreation are endless if staying nearby the Marina Cabo San Lucas. A vibrant nightlife is prefaced by days spent on the water or the beaches. The retail shops are just steps away from the marina.

Around the Area

There are over 50 restaurants to choose from just a few steps from the marina. You’ll find that there’s an eatery for every taste and occasion from fast food chains to top-end international dining opportunities. If you want to do some shopping, you’ll find Plaza Paraiso, the largest mall in the area with a broad range of stores all within walking distance.

As the central hub for the world’s largest and most popular sportfish tournaments, Marina Cabo San Lucas is a busy center of activity focused on water sports, luxury shopping and dining. Therefore, Marina Cabo San Lucas is at the mouth of the Sea of Cortez because it is the most sought-after location in the peninsula.

Shopping offers an array of options for the yachtsman on land or the tourist seeking treasures to take home. Puerto Paraiso, one of the city’s largest malls, is located at one end the Marina. There you’ll find Harley Davidson, Nautica, Lacoste, and a variety of Mexican boutiques. The mall also has a movie theater for those in need of a break from the sun. The marina shopping extends along the water and includes fine cigar shops, tequila dealers, artisan shops, and beachwear. Importantly, there are also elegant art galleries to browse and perhaps find an exquisite souvenir to take home.

To learn more about Cabo and the marina, exclusive villa accommodations in addition to our yacht charter plus accommodations packages, please contact us today!

Author:  Cabo Yacht Life

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Waterfront Marina

Your Superyacht Homeport in the heart of the Med

Waterfront marina is a large yacht hospitality facility.

An intimate marina with 26 berths for yachts from 25 to 110m LOA, located in the heart of Genoa, in the new Waterfront area, minutes away from the city’s historical centre, an Unesco World Heritage Site.

Perfectly located on the Italian Riviera, with iconic charter destinations like Portofino and Cinque Terre just a few nautical miles away.

A Captain and crew oasis with a sports and chill-out zone plus Crew Services dept for all your needs, all just 500m from one of world’s leading refit and repair centres.

Amico & Co and Waterfront Marina form the air


Important draft

Up to 4000 t

24 hours security

Top quality

We are in the heart of the city


Near to world famous destinations



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Book a berth.

Yacht berthing in Genova Waterfront Marina Docks view from sea

All crew members can come and enjoy the Waterfront Marina Crewopoly : A brand new sport and chill zone inside the Marina includes a fully equipped gym, and a training studio, padel court, tennis court/five a-side football pitch and basket/volleyball court which has been created to make the stay as pleasurable as possible for all yachting professionals. A designer lounge with smart tv and sofas and an extensive barbecue area complete the chill zone. The area also includes an extensive meeting room for events and training, kitchen and token laundry facilities, a module of showers, toilets and changing rooms, as well as scooter and car-parking, also for electrically powered vehicles. All the area is clearly wi fi connected!

See our marina office


A welcoming and efficient Crew Services for all formalities and requests.

See our private fitness center


An exclusive gym club for yacht crew with a weight and training room for personal use.

See our yoga studio


A private fitness room suitable to private lessons on demand.

Download our brochure

Follow us on social, genovawaterfrontmarina.


Read all our news

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Crew OlympiX 1st Edition

The Genoa Superyacht Hub Team is proud to announce the launch of the 1st Edition of the Crew Olympix! It will be a memorable four-day event beginning in Fe- bruary and lasting for about two months, dedicated to Genoa Superyacht Hub Crews and Captains.

caban uomo marina yachting

A record-breaking New Year’s Eve in Genoa

The immense New Year’s Eve concert in Piazza De Ferrari was a great success, bringing Genoa into the spotlight. Over 30,000 people gathered in the main square, Piazza De Ferrari, to sing and dance to the hits of today and yesterday.

caban uomo marina yachting

From today 28th September to 1st October, Amico & co and Waterfront Marina team will be at The Monaco Yacht Show 2022, the iconic superyacht exhibition which is an absolutely unmissable event, not only for sea lovers , but surely and above all for anyone who is part of the international nautical market!


Visit the Amico & co website

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REEFERS Blue marine Adult

Descrizione prodotto Questo Caban con vestibilità regolare a doppio-petto è un classico giaccone...

Miglior prezzo precedente €430,00

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caban uomo marina yachting

Radisson River Boat Tour

Duration: 2,5 hours

Address: Pier Ukraina Hotel, Embankment Taras Shevchenko, Moscow

If the boat departing at your selected time from Pier Ukriana Hotel is fully booked, you will be offered an alternative departure point: Gorky Park Pier 

Please arrive 10 to 15 minutes ahead of ship’s departure.

Please note, this is a ticket for the yacht tour, a transfer is not included in the price. It is possible to book a transfer (Moscow option) for an additional fee.

See the address on Google Maps.

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Your One-Stop Resource for Restaupreneurs and Foodies in the Philippines and Southeast Asia

8 Yacht Clubs and Marinas in the Philippines to Moor Your Boat In

Yacht Clubs and Marinas

FoodfindsAsia.com | 8 Yacht Clubs and Marinas in the Philippines to Moor Your Boat In | Filipinos’ history as a maritime people date back to prehistoric times. In fact, the Philippines’ basic sociopolitical unit today, the barangay, traces its etymological origins to the balangay , the ancient outrigger boats that were used by precolonial Filipino communities to explore and conquer islands this side of the Pacific. As a people belonging to a seafaring culture, it’s no wonder that modern Filipinos are taking a retrospective look at their glorious past as Austronesian mariners and are developing a renewed love for the ocean and marinas as present-day yachtsmen.

Today, Philippine marinas look to accommodate more and more yachts and other pleasure watercrafts as the years go by. In 2017, an ASEAN Briefing op-ed piece named the Philippines as a country with high potential in yacht industry growth. The natural beauty of the Philippine islands and its fantastic bays, combined with a growing interest in leisurely sea travel, can explain the spike in yachting activities throughout the country.

Are you part of the demographic that’s become enamored of the yachting lifestyle? Do you want to know where in the country you can berth your watercraft? Leading sailboat and motorboat authority Europa Yachts is happy to enter the conversation, and recommends the following locations for discovering the Philippines through yachting. Here is a short list of clubs and marinas in the country, organized by island region.  

Manila Yacht Club and Marina, Manila, Metro Manila

Established in 1927, the Manila Yacht Club and Marina is one of the oldest yacht clubs in all of Asia, and is nestled in the scenic Manila Bay. It is also near other well-known landmarks in the city, such as the Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP), the headquarters of the Philippine Navy, and the US Embassy. Facilities in the marina include a launching ramp and a fueling center, and the club itself is host to a restaurant and gorgeous function rooms. The Manila Yacht Club only welcomes visitors who arrive by boat, and it charges an initial security deposit of USD 750 upon arrival. Club membership is mandatory for medium and long-term mooring of boats.

Subic Bay Yacht Club, Zambales

The Subic Bay Yacht Club, which was founded in 1998, upholds itself as the country’s premier yacht club. It operates in the deepest bay in the country, and can host vessels well beyond 50 meters in length. Already benefitting from the innate beauty of the Zambales mountains surrounding it, the club hosts a number of other attractions, including its luxury accommodations, swimming pools, and its own movie theater, bowling alley, and nightclub. Those who venture outside of the club’s premises can also shop for well-priced imported goods at the Subic Freeport Zone, engage in water sports , or sign up for diving excursions.

Punta Fuego Yacht Club, Batangas

Peaceful Punta Fuego is a mecca for those who love the sport of sailing. As per its official website, the Punta Fuego Yacht Club aims to serve “a dynamic and vibrant community of boat enthusiasts and yacht owners.” This it does by playing host to a diverse population of watercrafts, from large catamarans and mono-hull yachts to small boats. Non-members of the club may use the berths for up to 3 weeks, and can refuel at the marina’s fueling station. The yacht club offers other amenities such as locker rooms, shower rooms, Internet facilities, a chart room, and a restaurant called Barracuda Bar, which serves delicious fares. Outside of the yachting crowd, Punta Fuego Yacht Club also caters to those wishing to celebrate weddings, conferences, and corporate events in their opulent quarters.

Puerto Galera Yacht Club, Oriental Mindoro

Further south, yachtsmen may moor at the Puerto Galera Yacht Club in Oriental Mindoro, an island location that’s home to tourist attractions like the Sabang Wreck dive site, lively beachfront resorts, and the Malasimbo Music Festival. Puerto Galera Yacht Club has been in operation for almost thirty years and lends services such as refueling provisions and yacht repairs from its marina. Boat owners also enjoy optimal convenience if mooring here, as they can also shop for spare parts in the nearby Batangas port.

Busuanga Yacht Club, Puerta del Sol Bay Marina, Palawan

Beautiful Palawan is a bucket-list destination for many, especially those who dream of cruising its crystalline waters. Accommodating the yachting community in this island province is the Busuanga Yacht Club, which promises secure mooring amidst breathtaking white-sand beaches. Here, each vessel will benefit from a typhoon-safe harbor, easy refueling, and direct access to transportation hubs like the New Busuanga Airport. Adjoining this marina is the Puerta del Sol Bay Resort, which offers luxurious accommodations to visitors. When not atop the deck of a boat, travelers can also explore the lagoons and freshwater lakes of Coron, go shipwreck diving, or relax in the hot springs of Maquinit.

Iloilo Sailing Club, Arevelo, Iloilo City, Iloilo

Iloilo Province is home to some of the country’s most beautiful old-world architecture, a flourishing ecotourism industry, and delectably fresh seafood cuisine. What will round off an unforgettable visit to Iloilo, however, is an excursion to the Iloilo Sailing Club on a leisure watercraft. The club accepts visitors and encourages membership in the case of medium and long-stay mooring. It also hosts a number of amenities and activities, including a dinghy storage, a beach bar and restaurant, and classes for those who want to learn about sailing. In recent months, the Iloilo Sailing Club has also been a convenient meet-up point for big maritime events, such as the Iloilo-Guimaras Paraw Regatta and the Seafarers’ Job Fair.

Cebu Yacht Club, Mactan Island, Cebu

The historic Mactan Island in Cebu was the site of Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan’s arrival in the Philippines. Now known as a commercial hub that hosts a prolific furniture and musical instruments industries, Mactan is also the location of the Cebu Yacht Club, an institution that is beloved by the locals. Aside from being an ideal spot to restock on much-needed fuel and supplies, the Cebu Yacht Club is also a trusted club to commission for boat repairs. There’s a good vibe in this club for everybody, as it sports both luxury accommodations and a waterfront strip of restaurants that laid-back diners can frequent. MINDANAO

Holiday Oceanview Marina, Samal Island, Davao del Norte

The Holiday Oceanview Marina is a major attraction of Samal Island in Davao del Norte Province, one that welcomes Filipino and foreign yachtsmen alike to moor within its premises. The space is quite roomy, in fact, with 56 berths that can fit vessels up to 15 meters in length. The club also has a boat ramp that can accommodate boats up to 18 meters in length. The well-guarded and weather-safe marina is a gateway to some of Mindanao’s finest attractions, such as the Pearl Farm, Hagimit Falls, and Giant Clam Sanctuary.  

There’s no better way to discover the Philippines from end to end than getting onboard a seaworthy vessel and going on a long cruise, with stops in some of the most beautiful places in the country. Find a safe harbor in any of these major clubs and marinas, and participate in the renaissance of sailing in the Philippines.

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Cabin Charter

Start your sailing adventure with navigare yachting.

Navigare Yachting makes it possible for you to indulge in an exotic luxury charter yacht holiday , to your choice of four incredible sailing holiday locations around the world !  - Croatia Cabin Charter offers two options to sample the leisure and entertainment opportunities of Croatia's Dalmatian Coast  - Greece Cabin Charter explores wonderful islands and destinations in the Aegean Sea and the fabulous Saronic Gulf.  - Spain Cabin Charter explores Mallorca and the Balearic Islands, a premier Mediterranean sun & fun holiday destination.

caban uomo marina yachting

Discover Your Premium Luxury Holiday

Navigare Yachting makes it possible for you to indulge in an exotic luxury charter yacht holiday , to your choice of four incredible sailing holiday locations around the world:  - Instead of the expense of a full yacht charter, all you pay for is your cabin . You'll have your own private room , but share the adventure with fun, new friends. This is the ideal luxury getaway to meet new people, sharing a charter yacht bound for sun, fun, and wonderful destinations !

Imagine the amazing vacation you can have if you're given a yacht, a crew, and the freedom to explore the world's most celebrated sailing locales, as only a privileged few are able. Now you and your group of family or friends can!

Pick your destination

Navigare offers cabin charter in 3 different locations, available dates.

  • Experience Croatia (2024) Starting from 11.05.2024. and available until 16.10.2024.
  • Starting from 18.05.2024. and available until 28.09.2024.
  • Starting from 12.05.2024. and available until 06.10.2024.

Navigare Carefree Cabin Charter Package

  • Pre-planned route (choose from Croatia, Greece, BVI, or Spain routes)
  • Skipper and Hostess
  • 7-night cruise with half board service (breakfast + lunch or breakfast + dinner)
  • Drinks on board (half-liter wine or 1-liter beer per passenger/day)
  • 1 liter water per passenger/day 
  • Tourist tax
  • Organization costs

Your Charter Yacht Crew Is Ready to Take You on a Holiday Adventure!

Navigare Yachting Cabin Charter

Imagine the amazing vacation you can have if you're given a yacht, a crew, and the freedom to explore the world's most celebrated sailing locales , as only a privileged few are able. Now you and your group of family or friends can!

Our Navigare Carefree Cabin Charter Package includes :

  • Pre-planned route (choose from Croatia, Greece, or Spain routes)
  • 7-night cruise with half-board service (breakfast + lunch)
  • 1-liter water per passenger/day

This is the perfect sailing holiday if you want the most relaxing , convenient , and responsibility-free vacation experience possible, with a group of like-minded fellow couples and sailing holiday enthusiasts.


This is a chance to make wonderful new friends on the open sea, while still enjoying the privacy and relaxation of your cabin.

Why Our Guests Choose a Cabin Charter

Here are some of the reasons navigare yachting is preferred around the world by experienced yacht vacationers:.

Luxury Yacht Charter BVI Croatia

Cabin Charter in Croatia, Greece, and Spain

Exceptional Service

We know exactly what it takes to deliver a peak holiday experience for couples and solo travelers who may be new to sailing , and we prioritize exceeding your highest expectations for efficient, friendly, and exceptional service.

Highly Trained & Experienced Crews

We select our crews based on their proven mastery of every sailing and hospitality detail required , you'll be in the hands of the best Skipper and Hostess you can find.

Premier Destinations

Croatia's Dalmatian Coast , the Greek Islands , Mallorca, the Balearic Islands , and the British Virgin Islands are among the most spectacular and desirable sailing destinations in the world. Navigare Yachting makes them all possible for you!

Advanced Yachts

Our fleet of yachts is modern and equipped to the highest standards , with a full complement of amenities and advanced features, including water toys for everyone to have fun in the sun!

Local Expertise

We don't choose just any crews. Navigare Yachting selects experienced Skippers and Hostesses , who know the local waters and the ins and outs of every quaint town and exciting leisure destination. They'll provide superior guidance to ensure you enjoy the best holiday possible , with visits to the most enjoyable destinations.

We Make it Easy for Our Guests

NO deposit required , NO hidden costs , NO insurance needed (we provide insurance with your package), NO cleaning required (we take care of that for you), all damages covered , faster check-in, airport transfers, and more. Navigare Yachting lets you and your guests focus on having fun and enjoying the sailing vacation of a lifetime!

With a Cabin Charter Yacht Vacation from Navigare Yachting, everything is managed to ensure your relaxation , enjoyment , and satisfaction are guaranteed. Let us guide you on a sailing vacation you and your guests will never forget!

Cabin Yacht Charter

Book your Cabin Charter Yacht Vacation today and you'll receive the best rates and availability. We make planning your adventure as simple and easy as possible.

For any questions and for bookings , please contact us by filling out the form below.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Inquire About Charter

Frequently asked cabin charter questions.

If you would like to book online, you can pay either with a credit card or via bank transfer.

Based on when you book a cabin and the charter date you have an option to pay in up to 6 installments if you are paying with a credit card. For example, if you choose to pay with a credit card and you book the cabin more than 6 months before the departure date, you will have the option to pay in up to 6 installment payments. The web application will calculate and offer you the maximum number of installments.

Based on the number of monthly installments, we will send you the payment links every month to your email address (the one you submitted at the time of booking). If you choose the bank transfer payment option, you will have the option to pay in up to two installments. Our agent will send you documentation containing bank account information.

The charter fee must be fully paid prior to the charter.

After you request the charter, we will send you an automated confirmation. If you do not receive one, please check your spam folder. The email will contain information on the login to the member area. After we receive your request for the charter, our representative will contact you and send you the booking confirmation (in the case of the bank transfer it will state the needed payment amount). In case of credit card payment, we will contact you with the booking confirmation, and our representatives will take you through the whole process.

We have made it possible for you to explore our boats fully online. If needed our team can help you out via chat or direct communication to answer all the additional questions you might have regarding the cabin or our services.  By choosing to book directly online, you can rely on our dedicated team to communicate with you from the beginning to the end of your chartered trip and make sure you have the perfect sailing vacation. By booking online you have an option to pay in monthly installments. By booking directly with us you save time regarding booking a cabin and spending your vacation sailing.

3D / 360 VR tours may differ in some details from the exact yacht as they are based on the same model and layout of the yacht. Minor details on the yacht may differ.

If the Charterer who has made a reservation makes a cancellation more than 120 days before embarkation – a cancellation fee of 500 EUR applies. If cancellation occurs 119 to 60 days before embarkation, NY has the right to the retention of 50% of the charter fee. If cancellation occurs 59 days or less before embarkation, NY has the right to the retention of 100% of the charter fee. If the cancellation is due to objective reasons (death in the family, heavy injury, etc.), the paid price will not be paid back but NY will give the Vessel at the Charterer's disposal in another free period or within the next sailing season, but in this case, NY has the right to charge Charterer with administration and other objective costs. In any other case, NY is not obliged to return the Charterer amount paid in accordance with this Contract.

Navigare Yachting & Cookies

Navigare uses both our own cookies and cookies from third parties to be able to improve your experience on the website. We also use the information to evaluate the use of various functions on the site and to support the marketing of our services. We use cookies for the following: necessary features of the website, features that give you the best possible user experience on the site, statistics, web analytics and marketing.

By clicking "Accept All" you give consent to all areas of use. You can also choose which areas of use you want to give your consent to by clicking on “Manage Cookies” below. You can withdraw your consent at any time. Please click on "Privacy Policy" located in the footer of our site for more information on consent management.

About cookies

caban uomo marina yachting

Logo Yacht Owners New York

Cabana Yacht

Relaxed and Ready to Party

Are you hosting a special event with a guest list of not more than 300? We have the perfect yacht rental NYC for you. The Cabana Yacht is a mid-sized yacht that is large enough to comfortably accommodate a good number of guests while still maintaining an intimate atmosphere. The 98 Foot party boat NYC features two decks that are designed to provide a luxurious ambiance for your event. The nautical décor offers a charming touch to the relaxed interior of the lower deck. The indoor lounge is climate controlled to ensure the comfort of your guests no matter what the conditions are outside.

The top deck offers panoramic views of the city and the river as you sail along. Your guests are assured of comfort on the semi enclosed deck. They can enjoy the spectacular sights that make New York a desirable destination while in the comfort of a semi enclosed space.

This boat rental NYC is a great choice for intimate weddings, corporate events as well as any other special gathering that you have planned. The boat is equipped with a built-in dance floor and a state of the art audio visual system that are both sure to keep your guests on their feet.

Your guests can enjoy a wide range of specially prepared cocktails from the bars on each deck. When you’re done dancing, you can lounge on the casual deck furniture and catch the breeze as you enjoy unobstructed views of one of the world’s most famous skylines.


Cabana Yacht Dining

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Restaurant-Yacht Chaika

Ratings and reviews, location and contact.

Pleasantly surprised, service is good so is the food. Great selection of Fusion food, a mixture of Italian, Japanese, European, Asian etc. A pleasantly nice dining experience, highly recommended, a must try!

Thank you for your feedback and invite you to have lunch or dinner again aboard the ship in an atmosphere of high standards of yacht hospitality.

everything was perfect - the food, the service, the desserts were the best, nice atmosphere and the location - magical

Best food, best view in Moscow. absolutely faultless from arrival to finish. Best risotto i had for many years absolutely perfectly cooked. The view on Ukrainian hotel and the white house by night is amazing

Had to wait for the food for 1.5 hours and then another 20 minutes for the check. Finally called for the manager and he offered... a 10% discount as a compensation. Simply pathetic! The food is mediocre at best. Not bad per se, but one... would expect something better considering the prices. There are many places to eat in area that are much better. Avoid this one at all costs. More

Hello, Alexander Your comment is extremely important for us, thank you a lot for it. We are terribly sorry for your time that you`ve spent waiting your order and we have already taken actions to improve quality of our service and it would be realy... More

Food is very expensive,very pretentious, doesn't worth that money. Portions are very small. We ordered ravioli and there were 4! Four raviolis! For almost 15 euros. Then we asked to bring us dessert menu but nothing, they didn't even bothered, so we payed and left... without dessert. Very poor service for that price. More

This is a very good restaurant. The food is really good, maybe the best in Moscow. The service is also good. The view from the restaurant is great. The prices are very high.

I often visit this restaurant and must say it’s one of the best in Moscow in terms of quality and service. Staff really try hard to make sure that you are happy and satisfied. Customer service is a huge problem in Moscow but Chaika sets... a great example for others in the industry! Food is delicious and the menu has lots of options for everyone! Atmosphere is great and view is beautiful on the embankment. Special thanks to German & Oleg! More

Thank you for your feedback! Again aboard the yacht restaurant "Chaika" in accordance with the high standards of yacht hospitality.

Highly recommended, great location in the city center of Moscow with a superb atmosphere. Too many menu choices, though all delicious!

caban uomo marina yachting

Thx a lot for your review! We are looking forward to see you in our restaurants.

Visited this lovely restaurant with a friend of mine. It was relaxingly warm August evening - so the place on the river seemed like a good idea. We came quite early and the restaurant was not full. The hostesses kindly offered several places to sit... and we chose to sit on the sofas. We had some wine, which was good. We struggled a bit when deciding about the food as few options (scallops) were not available. Fish on ice on display did not look very fresh. To be honest it was an unusually hot August and it is probably understandable that some see food options were not available. However, we did manage to order something and sat waiting and looking onto the river. My long-legged friend struggled sitting at the low sofa and the manager noticed that, offering as a very good, proper table beside the open window. It was nice touch and I was very pleased by their polite observations and immediate reaction to solve the problem. Food was quite good and presentation was perfect. Perhaps I can something about the food, but 1 visit is not enough to criticize or make a definitive opinion. Overall, quality place, which of course, does not come cheap. I would recommend this restaurant without hesitation. More

Good afternoon! Thank you for your detailed feedback! We are looking forward to seeing you again, we are sure that you will be delighted with our dishes!

I've been here several times during two business trip in Moscow. The overall quality for both service and food is absolutely top-notch, plus the location is very unique.

Hello! Thank you for your feedback! We are looking forward to visiting again!

Located on a boat at Krasnopresenskaya River Bank this 5 Star Restaurant transforms into a party location due to multiple groups hosting events. Impressive wine selection, Asian and European kitchen...

caban uomo marina yachting

Thx a lot! We are waiting for you!

It is a nice place to gather specially at the lounge The service and staff very good I like the river view The food is almost like all restaurants in Russia they serve different cuisine. Staring Russian appetizer till Asian dishes Presentation and taste amazing... I consider it overpriced little bit More

Good location. Nice views. Good choice of food and drinks. European and Asian menu. Nice service. Pricey enough.

Had a large group dinner here. Food was above average and service quite good. The real attraction is the view of Moscow from the river on a nice night. Great place for a larger group dinner. More

Hello, John We are really pleased by reading that you and your friends were satisfied by our service, client`s experience is the highest value for us. We will be happy to see you again, come and enjoy some new dishes from our chef and nice... More

The luxurious atmosphere of this place, the view and the location make it quite outstanding. We had dinner here with friends and the dishes were amazing, accompanied by a chilled bottle of Chablis, it really made me feel as if it was a part of... the classic Russian movie. More

RESTAURANT-YACHT CHAIKA, Moscow - Presnensky - Menu, Prices & Restaurant Reviews - Tripadvisor

  • Service: 4.5
  • Atmosphere: 4.5


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    Marina Yachting, collezione uomo primavera/estate 2014. Categorie: Life Style. by La redazione di BoatMag. ... Il caban di nylon, rosso cerato da ripiegare e portarlo dappertutto, è composto di un materiale tecnico che non teme vento/acqua/raggi UV. Sui colori non si sbaglia: Marina Yachting ripropone le classiche combinazioni cromatiche in ...

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    Giacche e cappotti da uomo, scopri la selezione dei nostri capispalla. Goditi la stagione invernale in grande stile con la nuova collezione di capispalla da uomo Marina Militare Sportswear. Dettagli eleganti e tagli moderni definiscono i capispalla maschili, donando a chi li indossa un look impeccabile e sempre alla moda. Affronta al meglio le ...

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  19. Yacht for Sale in Moscow (36 Used Boat)

    Yachting in Moscow You can leave your yacht parked in Moscow at the pier of one of the many yacht clubs on the banks of the Moscow River and the Khimki Reservoir - for example, on the territory of the Yacht Port "Estate Port" with 36 berths for vessels up to 15 m long or in CHALET RIVER CLUB yacht club on the border with the Moscow region ...

  20. Cabana Party Boat Rental Private Event Cruise for 250 Guests NYC

    The Cabana Yacht is a mid-sized yacht that is large enough to comfortably accommodate a good number of guests while still maintaining an intimate atmosphere. The 98 Foot party boat NYC features two decks that are designed to provide a luxurious ambiance for your event. The nautical décor offers a charming touch to the relaxed interior of the ...


    Restaurant-Yacht Chaika. Claimed. Review. Save. Share. 185 reviews #494 of 10,700 Restaurants in Moscow $$$$ Italian Seafood Mediterranean. Krasnopresnenskaya Emb., 12A Berth International Exhibition, Moscow 123610 Russia +7 495 777-87-88 Website Menu. Open now : 12:00 PM - 12:00 AM.