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Sailing Nahoa

Sailing Nahoa YouTube

They started out on a sabbatical to sail the world, but that has morphed into a cruising career thanks to the success of their vlogs on YouTube.

Sailing Nahoa are Ashley, Ben, Willa and Bodhi. They did a great stint in the Philippines if you are researching those cruising grounds

They have already completed their first circumnavigation (well mum and dad have) on their trusty Lagoon 410 , and are now in the process of designing and building their next catamaran which will be an aluminium yacht - the Nahoa 55 - for the next lap around the planet as they raise their kids aboard.

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Sailing Nahoa Newsletter

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We Sailed Around the World!

Nahoa 55 update.

This newsletter is being fired off from Canada. The leaves are turning yellow. The air is crisp and fall is making itself known. The west coast of Canada is where we call home. The mountains meet the ocean. You can go golfing in the morning and skiing in the afternoon. It’s an incredible little spot on this planet. We’ve polished our resumes, sprinkled them with a dash of desperation and flung them into the inboxes of a generous handful of companies. That’s right, folks, we’re dusting off the office chairs and diving headfirst back into desk jobs. Because nothing screams adventure quite like spreadsheets, water coolers, and the sacred coffee break. Wish us luck!

Just Kidding….about the desk jobs..…golf. But we are indeed in Canada.

sailing nahoa catamaran

Let's dive right into this newsletter. Here’s what you’ll find:

Ridiculous Side Note

What happened to the circumnavigation.

Annapolis Sailboat Show

We don’t really “do” instagram but occasionally we’ll post something there. Last month we posted what we thought was an innocent video of our family going about our evening routine while offshore. Nothing special. Took a few minutes to post. Raw and simple. Just kids running around the trampoline. 22 Million views later and 20K+ comments we seemed to have stirred the pot. Apparently our life is a bit out of the ordinary and our kids are either going to die or be a fearless leaders.

sailing nahoa catamaran

The Comments:

sailing nahoa catamaran

Social media… you can’t really take it too seriously can you?

We left you last time in the middle of the Atlantic. Since then, we've quietly pulled into Grenada shortly after midnight, sipped some champagne to celebrate the circumnavigation, and that was that. It might seem wrong — and honestly, it feels a bit off not having a grand celebration. All of the “round the world” races do. Competitors cross the finish line with crowds lining the shores cheering and fireworks lighting up the sky. However, that's not the case for most cruisers who’ve just sailed around the world. We quietly drop anchor, maybe post something on social media, or not, and then go about our lives. Some of us return to life as we knew it prior to embarking on boat life. Most do not. The status quo is typically shattered. We’ve seen too much and realize there is more to life. We now know there are many ways “live” life.

It's not about the finish line. Rather, it's about the past 3, 5, or 8 years during which a sailor has transformed, shedding their old self. It’s about the challenges overcome, the storms battled—emerging on the other side often battered and bruised, but victorious. It's about the distance created from conventional society, gaining new perspectives. It’s about the cultures they’ve been immersed in and the thoughts they’ve taken away from those experiences.

The finish line is just an imaginary boundary— an incredible achievement, but merely the tip of an iceberg encapsulating everything that’s transpired over the past decade.

Many of us circumnavigators start new ventures. Friends of ours are launching a RV rental business in New Zealand, while others are starting a new Aeronautical business. And then there are those of us who simply keep sailing... Which brings us to our little family. Going back to desk jobs has never entered our discussion. Buying a beach shack or building a new boat….Now, that’s a conversation we’re having!

The Nahoa 55 is the next great leap forward for us, reminiscent of our initial bold decision to sell everything, quit our jobs and set sail. Anything worth having, takes time and effort. A lot of effort and uncertainty.

The Nahoa 55 project continues to progress behind the scenes. We communicate weekly with our Naval Architect, David de Villiers . Below, we’ll touch on the current status and then delve into specific features.

Current Status

The 3D structure model is complete, with every frame, bulkhead, hull plate, handhold, and toe rail meticulously added. This is a massive achievement, a step which allows us to now go forward and request quotes from the various potential builders.

There's one crucial thing we were entirely oblivious to when we initiated this process. The job of a naval architect doesn't conclude once the plans are set in ink. In reality, that moment marks the commencement of the next phase. This is the phase in which a proficient naval architect will begin engaging with boatyards, initiating dialogues about pricing and construction timelines, and providing guidance to potential builders on an array of issues. These range from material cutting methods—whether plasma, CNC, or waterjet—to precautions for preventing contamination with other metals. As we transition to the actual build, David will be indispensable, addressing a multitude of questions related to the intricate details of the build process.

We're really happy we chose a naval architect who has not only “designed” but also successfully brought many vessels from the drawing board to production. Communication is crucial, and we're in good hands!

Play vs Performance

When sailing around the world, you spend approximately 80% of the time at anchor. Leaning too heavily towards performance is a double-edged sword; Performance implies less space aboard. So you arrive at destinations even earlier, subsequently spending more time at anchor, all while having less space.

We envision the Nahoa 55 as a platform for exploration. Sailing to new places and then exploring them through fishing, diving, kiting, and swimming. However, there's typically one area that remains underutilized: the space between the two hulls at the aft of a cat. To maximize this space, we've decided to incorporate a swing-down platform for when we're anchored, which can retract while we're underway. This clever feature not only provides rear access to various compartments when lowered but also effectively expands the vessel’s usable real estate and utility, boosting its overall functionality. (Note the davits that swing up to not knock your head off while walking across the platform).

sailing nahoa catamaran

Wine Glassing

We’ve kept this under wraps, but let’s uncork this feature: the delightful 'wine-glassing' of the hulls. Speed on a sailboat is influenced by several factors, with one significant one being the wetted surface area (i.e., drag). Simply put, the more surface area underwater, the slower the boat moves. That's why high-performance catamarans tend to be very narrow, while modern cruising cats are notably (double) wide.

The 'wine-glassing' of the hulls is a compromise that allows for reduced wetted surface area while still creating more interior space. If you examine a cross-section of the hulls, you'll notice they flare outwards above the waterline, mimicking the shape of a wine glass. This design not only minimizes drag but also maximizes usable space inside, striking a delicate balance between speed and space.

sailing nahoa catamaran

Deck Layout & Sail choice

Let’s be honest. We’ve sailed a Lagoon 41 around the world—it's not exactly a performance boat. And our expertise in designing? Limited! But what we can do is lean on experts in the field. This approach helps ensure our vision of an expedition catamaran is successfully realized, rather than ending up as a home-built mess.

As part of that, Shayne Young have come onboard to help advise on sail selection and deck layout. Shayne has delivered almost all of the Gunboats and HH catamarans, and has raced some of the best Chris White designs. He’s also currently working for the French America’s Cup team. The knowledge Shayne brings to the table is invaluable, particularly when it comes to sail selection and ensuring the sail-ability of this vessel with a short-handed crew. Shayne and Anna run their own YouTube channel called Young Barnacles.

This approach will apply to every aspect of the Nahoa 55. We are not experts in electrical system design, electronics or steering systems (and basically everything in life). We are sailors through and through. Having experienced life at sea, we have a vision for the ultimate expedition catamaran. Our goal is a vessel that is low-maintenance, robust, and high-performing, giving us more time to enjoy the destinations.

Here's a quick bit of boat porn for those who haven't caught it on social media yet. We might be super biased, but isn't she a sexy, utilitarian expedition machine? We’re going to bypass the $50K paint job and celebrate the aluminum look. If you happen to drag anchor into us, you’ll be the one regretting it! We won’t even give it a second thought. Bunch more renders on our website here .

sailing nahoa catamaran

Are you coming the Annapolis Sailboat Show? David de Villiers as well as us (Ashley and Ben. No kids). If you haven’t already purchased tickets you can do so using the code NAH23ABS and you will get a $5.00 discount off each entry to the show. Tickets are available here: https://annapolisboatshows.com/tickets/

We really look forward to seeing you in person for the first time in a long time!!! It's been 8 years since our last boat show when we first set sail.

We’ll keep you posted on everything going on in the next months. It’s ramping up to be a super interesting 2024!

Ben, Ashley, Willa, Bodhi

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Sailing Nahoa


Channel Information:

Social media links:, the adventurous crew of sv nahoa.

Meet the incredible crew of SV NAHOA: Ben, Ashley, Willa, and Bodhi—a Canadian family hailing from Victoria, BC, on an awe-inspiring global sailing adventure. Over five years, they’ve explored 35 countries and covered an impressive 40,000 nautical miles. Their mission? To reveal the world as they encounter it, without judgment but with understanding and openness to diverse ideas.

Ben and Ashley were raised in middle-class families that instilled in them the values of hard work, humility, and gratitude. These values continue to shape their lives today.

Ben & Ashley: Dream Chasers

After leading typical post-university lives—working to pay the mortgage, traveling to keep the money flowing, and climbing the corporate ladder to own a house and some toys—Ben and Ashley faced a pivotal question: “What motivates someone to sell everything and embark on a perilous journey to sail around the world, facing storms, pirates, and financial uncertainty?”

After a decade of sacrifice, hard work, and saving every penny, Ben and Ashley made the bold decision to sell their house, car, and possessions to purchase an offshore sailing vessel. They left their jobs behind and set sail to live their dream… only to run out of money in their second year of sailing. That’s where their captivating videos commence—the remarkable story of Ben, Ashley, Willa, and Bodhi, and their sailboat, Nahoa.

Ashley: The Heart of the Crew

Ashley wears many hats, from logistics coordinator to yogi, mother, and cheerleader. Whether researching the next destination, steering the boat, ensuring meals keep flowing, or managing the schedule, Ashley is everywhere you look, often in a bikini. The crew jokingly claims that Ashley fills the bilges with seashells.

Ben: The Jack-of-All-Trades

Ben’s talents span from self-taught mechanic to plumber, electrician, videographer, ecologist, and beyond. He’s an avid fan of romantic comedies and an enthusiastic fisherman, often seen battling massive tuna in their videos. His famous line, “I AM NOT AN EXPERT!” is frequently heard when he’s fixing the boat. Ben’s tool of choice? A sledgehammer over a conventional one.

Willa & Bodhi: Young Adventurers

Willa, who ascended the ranks in her second year of life, helps her parents and holds the camera during fishing escapades. She favors mango-based foods, dislikes cold water, and sleeps soundly even in rough seas. Bodhi, a seasoned sailor since birth, has quickly adapted to life at sea. He’s a fast learner, mastering sailor skills, and enjoying his time in the water.

The Boat: SV NAHOA

SV NAHOA is a 2005 production Lagoon 410 catamaran. While not the newest vessel on the seas, Ben and Ashley firmly believe it strikes the perfect balance between comfort, performance, and cost.

Introducing the NAHOA 55: The Ultimate Expedition Machine

After 8 years of global sailing, the crew of SV Nahoa unveils their next project: the Nahoa 55. Designed for low maintenance, robustness, and superior performance, this catamaran is built to explore every corner of the world. From icy Alaskan waters to tropical paradises, the Nahoa 55 promises unparalleled safety and comfort for the entire family.

Certification: Beyond Standards

The Nahoa 55 doesn’t just meet Lloyd’s SCC and relevant ISO rules; it surpasses them. Conceived as an expedition-style catamaran, its design focuses on being not only physically bulletproof but also robust on paper. Meeting and exceeding certifiable standards is a priority, ensuring confidence in the vessel’s capabilities, even in challenging conditions.

Play vs Performance: A Balancing Act

Acknowledging that approximately 80% of sailing time is spent at anchor, the Nahoa 55 aims to balance performance and comfort. A swing-down platform maximizes the space between hulls, offering rear access to compartments when anchored and retracting underway. This innovative feature enhances the vessel’s functionality, providing more usable real estate for diverse activities.

Wine Glassing: A Delicate Compromise

The ‘wine-glassing’ design of the hulls reduces wetted surface area, striking a balance between speed and space. Flaring outwards above the waterline, this feature minimizes drag while maximizing interior space. It’s a clever compromise ensuring both efficient sailing and ample room for comfortable living.

Where can I purchase a Nahoa 55?

The stock Nahoa 55 details are in the finalization phase. Once completed, plans will be available for purchase, allowing customization to make the Nahoa 55 uniquely yours.

What is the build time?

Professional yard build time is estimated at 18 to 24 months. Information on various yards, including price, expertise, and stability, will be shared soon. DIY building is also an option.

What are the trade-offs?

The Nahoa 55 balances performance and comfort, prioritizing durability and safety without compromising too much on speed. Expect it to exceed 200-mile days at a 10-knot average.


  • Length: 16m (55’9″)
  • Beam OA: 8.050m (26′ 5″)
  • Draught (Fixed Keel): 1.250m (4′ 1.2″)
  • Displacement: 16160 KG (35626 LBS)
  • Hull Speed under power: 10 Knots approx.
  • Engines: 114 HP 2 x Yanmar 4JH57
  • Air Draft: 23.03m
  • Sail Area Upwind: 166.0m² (177sq ft.)
  • Bridgedeck Clearance: 845mm (2′ 9.29″)
  • Fuel Capacity: 1110 litres (239 USG)
  • Fresh Water Capacity: 900 litres (238 USG)
  • Solar Capacity: 3150 Watts

Want to own a Nahoa 55?

Join the exclusive pre-order list for the Nahoa 55, an opportunity extended to the most dedicated future owners. Sign up now at the Sailing Nahoa website (link in the channel profile at the top) to be the first to receive updates on the finalized design, base build price, recommended yards, and other exciting details. Your adventure awaits!

Sailing Nahoa Journey and Videos Locations

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101 Farewells – Adventure 01 (Sailing Around the World)

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17m Aluminium Expedition Catamaran Nahoa – Design #242

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The Adventure You've Been Waiting For

Welcome to the world of Axopar, a culmination of boating passion and expertise. Crafted by boating enthusiasts, these vessels are designed for quality-conscious adventurers seeking unforgettable experiences. As the Axopar West Coast dealer, Jeff Brown Yachts proudly presents the revolutionary Axoper lineup, offering advanced hydrodynamic efficiency, extended range, comfort, and adventure-ready features.

We operate from six offices in San Diego, Newport Beach, Sausalito, Seattle, Kailua-Kona, and Wrightsville Beach.

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Time to redefine your limits with Axopar

The Axopar lineup is a testament to our rich experience and unwavering passion for boating. Meticulously crafted by dedicated boating enthusiasts, it is tailored for discerning boaters who yearn to broaden their horizons. Discover Axopar with Jeff Brown Yachts.

Axopar Configurator

Our Axopar boat configurator is a user-friendly tool that allows you to craft your ideal Axopar boat from the comfort of your own home. It serves as the initial stage in defining your boat's equipment and plays a crucial role in establishing the baseline pricing for all the features and options you desire.

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Our Proven Success

"We had the pleasure of working with Wayne as out-of-town buyers. His service is second-to-none. While impossible to imagine given how much we love this boat, should we decide to upgrade to another boat, Wayne at JBY would be our first and only call!"

– Robert B.

"From the first conversation with Andy and throughout the entire process I couldn’t be happier to have had any other broker other than Andy working my deal for a Robalo R272."

– Shannti H.

"I have known Jeff Brown for well over 20 years and bought 2 boats from him. I have found him to be extremely knowledgeable, service-oriented, and a pleasure to work with."

"I purchased my Pardo 38 from Jeff Brown Yachts. Jeff and his team are excellent! They are always there for me when I need anything. I highly recommend them if you are looking to purchase a yacht. You won’t be disappointed."

– Cassandra D.

"I sold my 2019 Axopar 28c through JBY and then purchased a new 37xc from them. Great group to work with!"

"We purchased a pre-owned Axopar 28 from Jeff, and we had a great experience. He was very knowledgeable and committed to making the purchase process easy."

"We can’t speak highly enough of our experience with Jeff Brown Yachts and the Mari~Time program."

– The Austin Family

"Jeff’s professional and proficient handling of our transaction, and then spending a great deal of time familiarizing and training our family has been invaluable. We recommend him highly to anyone looking to buy or sell."

– Mark & Claire M

"I trust Jeff’s integrity and professional counsel in all boating needs. I recommend him to anyone needing sound and professional advice in buying or selling boats."

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  • Axopar Seattle

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Axopar Destination Transit Guide

Year-round adventure is never far away.

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Easy access to some of the world’s greatest cruising destinations is one of the great benefits of boating on the Salish Sea. And, each Axopar model provides you the room and comfort to share and enjoy those adventures all year long. Hike, fish, camp, bike, kayak, water ski, stay at your favorite hotel, catch a show or grab dinner across the sound, the possibilities are endless. 

With that in mind, we collected transit times from Seattle to some of our favorite area destinations at cruising speed in an Axopar. Enjoy the ride.

@30 knots | Seattle to 

Winslow | Eagle Harbor - 15 minutes Poulsbo - 25 minutes Bremerton - 25 minutes Tacoma - 45 minutes Port Townsend - 1 hour Hoodsport - 1 hour 40 minutes Friday Harbor - 2 hours Anacortes - 2 hours Victoria - 2 hours Bellingham - 2 hours 25 minutes Vancouver - 3 hours 45 minutes Princess Louisa Inlet - 6 hours

Use our Axopar Boat Configurator to build your dream boat.

View our Axopar offerings, including Axopar 28, Axopar 28 Cabin, Axopar 37XC Cross Cabin, used Axopars and more.

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whatever the adventure, we will take you there!

Live your adventure together with us, axopar boats.

Axopar is a globally renowned Finnish brand of premium range, multi-award-winning motorboats, developed through a passion for adventure and the outdoors for you to experience more timeless moments.

Brabus Marine Superboats

High-performance Brabus Marine’s Shadow Superboats: 1200 Range 1000 Range 900 Range 500 Range 300 Range

Axopar Models

Axopar 45 Range Axopar 37 Range Axopar 29 Range Axopar 25 Range Axopar 22 Range

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The brand is honored to be presented with awards from European Power Boat of the Year, Japan’s Boat of the Year, Boat of the Year, Motor Boats Award, Boat of the Year Award in USA, International Best of Boats Winner, Marine Industry Customer Satisfaction Index Award, and Boat Builder Awards.

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In the world of yacht brokerage, each journey is unique, and mine has been a captivating ride from roads to waters. I am Nate Evans, a seasoned entrepreneur with a background in the automotive service industry; I’m excited to share my story and why I chose to embark on the maritime adventure with Jeff Brown Yachts.

From Roads to Waters: The Evolution

Growing up on the water in Wilmington, North Carolina, instilled in me a deep appreciation for the maritime world. With over two decades of experience in the automotive service industry, I found myself yearning for a new challenge. The transition from car engines to marine engines was a natural evolution, guided by a genuine passion for the sea.

Discovering the Axopar Culture

The pivotal moment occurred at the 2020 International Boat Show in Dusseldorf, Germany. The Axopar culture instantly resonated with me, offering not just a boat but a lifestyle. Connecting with Jeff Brown and sharing our enthusiasm for nautical adventures, I knew I had found an amazing team with JBY, Axopar and Brabus Marine.

Client-Centric Approach: More Than Just Transactions

What sets the journey with Jeff Brown Yachts apart is the commitment to clients as individuals. Purchasing a yacht is more than a financial transaction; it’s a lifestyle choice. Understanding this, I take the time to delve into the unique boating desires of each client. The goal is not just to meet expectations but to exceed them through high ethical standards, hard work, and unwavering integrity.

Embark on Your Maritime Journey

For those eager to commence their maritime journey with me at Jeff Brown Yachts, I invite you to reach out at (910) 612-7651 and you can expect a personalized experience dedicated to making your nautical dreams a reality.

Cheers to new adventures ,

The Ultimate Boating Experience

The axopar range – let your adventure begin.

Axopar’s unique configurations allow you explore a variety of options for each range such as aft deck modules, open aft, wet bar and multi-storage.


Call Nate to start your adventure today!

(910) 612-7651

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Luxury rules at the moscow yacht show.

by Maria Sapozhnikova

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The windy Russian autumn weather might be a little bit tricky for sailing, but it doesn’t stop brave yachtsmen from all over the world from flocking to Russian capital in the beginning of September when the Moscow Yacht Show commences. The main Russian Yacht exhibition gathers professional and amateur yacht lovers together under the wing of The Royal Yacht Club.

This year it took place for a fourth time already. The exhibition is considered the principal event on the sporting and social calendar. The Moscow Yacht Show 2010 united in one area three of the largest Russian yachts distributors: Ultramarine, Nordmarine and Premium Yachts.

A wide range of yachts were on display for a week. An exhibition showcased yachts both from Russian manufacturers and world famous brands: Azimut, Princess, Ferretti, Pershing, Riviera, Doral, Linssen, etc.

It was a real feast for seafarers as visitors of the show had a unique chance not only to take a look at the newest superyachts before they hit the market, but also to evaluate their driving advantages during the test drive. The show provided an excellent opportunity for yacht enthusiasts to choose and buy a new boat for the next season.

The event started with the grandiose gala evening. It included grand dinner, the concert and professional awards ceremony for achievements in Russian yachting industry. The guests also enjoyed the annual regatta.

Special guest Paolo Vitelli, Azimut Benetti Group president, opened the evening.

Next year organizers assured guests they would bring more yachts, the scale of which will even make oligarch Roman Abramovich envious. Sounds very promising indeed.


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jeff brown yachts axopar

As the Axopar West Coast dealer, Jeff Brown Yachts proudly presents the revolutionary Axoper lineup, offering advanced hydrodynamic efficiency, extended range, comfort, and adventure-ready features. We operate from six offices in San Diego, Newport Beach, Sausalito, Seattle, Kailua-Kona, and Wrightsville Beach. https://jeffbrownyachts.com ...

Axopar Destination Transit Guide Year-round adventure is never far away . ... Subscribe to the Jeff Brown Yachts Newsletter. San Diego Marina Office 2614 Shelter Island Drive, Suite A San Diego CA, U.S. 92106 619-222-9899. Newport Harbor Office 2507 West Coast Highway, Suite 101

Axopar 37 Range Axopar 37 XC Cross Cabin Axopar 37 Sun-Top Axopar 37 Spyder Axopar 28 Range Axopar 28 Cabin Axopar 28 T-Top Axopar 28 Open ... Jeff Brown Yachts San Diego - Main Office 2330 Shelter Island Drive Suite 105 San Diego CA, U.S. 92106 (619) 222-9899 (619) 709-0697 https://jeffbrownyachts.com

Axopar 45 Range Axopar 45 XC Cross Cabin Axopar 37 Range Axopar 37 XC Cross Cabin Axopar 37 Sun-Top Axopar 37 Spyder Axopar 28 Range ... Jeff Brown Yachts San Francisco 298 Harbor Drive Sausalito, CA 94965 (415) 887-9347 https://jeffbrownyachts.com Instagram Facebook Youtube LinkedIn.

The all-new Axopar 29 range embodies Axopar's unwavering determination and resilience to continually push the boundaries of innovation in design, efficiency,...

The Axopar 37 Angler is a result of decades of fishing experience from the team at Jeff Brown Yachts. It's loaded with innovative features for the offshore A...

2024 AXOPAR SEASON KICKS OFF WITH 3 BOAT SHOWS~ CHARLESTON, VIRGINIA BEACH, & CHARLOTTE. Here's your chance to get a closer look at the versatile Axopar 28 and 37 models, plus, the BRABUS Shadow 500 Cabin. We'll see you in Charleston, Jan. 26-28, at the Mid-Atlantic Sports & Boat Show, in Virginia Beach, Feb 2-4, and Charlotte Feb 8-11.

Jeff Brown Yachts bespoke brokerage and yacht sales jeffbrownyachts.com Jeff Brown Yachts is the exclusive West Coast dealer for Axopar, BRABUS Marine, Pardo Yachts, Pearl Yachts, Sirena Yachts ...

Find 197 used Axopar for sale in your area & across the world on YachtWorld. Offering the best selection of boats to choose from. ... Offered By: Jeff Brown Yachts. Contact. Video. 2021 Axopar 37 XC CROSS CABIN. US$379,000* Price Drop: US$20,000 (Jul 19) US $3,227/mo. Sausalito, California. 37ft - 2021. Offered By: Jeff Brown Yachts.

24 likes, 0 comments - jeffbrownyachts on March 16, 2024: "Just in time for summer! Available Now - The only "Multi Storage" Axopar 37 BRABUS trim on the West ...

Axopar 45 Range Axopar 45 XC Cross Cabin Axopar 45 Cross Top Axopar 45 Sun-Top Axopar 37 Range ... Jeff Brown Yachts JBY Mid-Atlantic Office 6 Marina Street, Suite 1 Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 (910) 660-1107 https://jeffbrownyachts.com Manitowoc Marina 425 Maritime Dr, Manitowoc, WI 54220, USA ...

Axopar Boats Axopar is a globally renowned Finnish brand of premium range, multi-award-winning motorboats, developed through a passion for adventure and the outdoors for you to experience more timeless moments. ... For those eager to commence their maritime journey with me at Jeff Brown Yachts, I invite you to reach out at (910) 612-7651 and ...

The windy Russian autumn weather might be a little bit tricky for sailing, but it doesn't stop brave yachtsmen from all over the world from flocking to Russian capital in the beginning of ...

Every yacht for sale in moscow listed here. Every boat has beautiful hi-res images, deck-plans, detailed descriptions & videos.

Jeff Kline DDS. Menu. Our Location; About Dr. Kline; Contact; Blog; Services; Insurance/Financial; Welcome! 208-882-0991. Welcome! Welcome to the office of Jeff Kline! We are so happy you found us! Our entire team is committed to providing comprehensive, high-quality dental care in a relaxed, friendly environment.

Elektrostal Geography. Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal. Elektrostal Geographical coordinates. Latitude: 55.8, Longitude: 38.45. 55° 48′ 0″ North, 38° 27′ 0″ East. Elektrostal Area. 4,951 hectares. 49.51 km² (19.12 sq mi) Elektrostal Altitude.


  1. 17m Aluminium Expedition Catamaran Nahoa

    sailing nahoa catamaran

  2. 17m Aluminium Expedition Catamaran Nahoa

    sailing nahoa catamaran

  3. Location Catamaran Fountaine Pajot Fountaine Pajot New 45

    sailing nahoa catamaran

  4. 17m Aluminium Expedition Catamaran Nahoa

    sailing nahoa catamaran

  5. 17m Aluminium Expedition Catamaran Nahoa

    sailing nahoa catamaran

  6. 17m Aluminium Expedition Catamaran Nahoa

    sailing nahoa catamaran


  1. The Ultimate OFF-ROAD Trailer

  2. Semi Custom Luxury Sailing Yacht CNB 66

  3. Things We Haven’t Told you About Our Aluminum Catamaran

  4. Lagoon SIXTY5

  5. this Deadly FLAW will SINK our Boat

  6. GO TIME. Sailing Around the World Again!


  1. Sailing Nahoa

    NAHOA Tackle. Offshore Handlines. Ditch the Costly, Complicated Rod & Reel Setups. Learn more Join the Monthly Newsletter for updates. The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams. Where are we now? 30+ countries. 50,000+ nautical miles. Around the Cape of Good hope and back to the Caribbean.

  2. Sailing Nahoa

    Having completed our first circumnavigation, we're now in the midst of designing and building our next vessel, the Nahoa 55, for the next laps around the world as we raise our family aboard.

  3. Latest Updates on Our NAHOA 55: The Expedition Catamaran

    The NAHOA 55:https://www.sailingnahoa.com/nahoa55LOVE THE VIDEOS? Best way to support this channel: https://www.patreon.com/nahoaSUBSCRIBE TO OUR MONTHLY NEW...

  4. The Ultimate Expedition Catamaran: NAHOA 55

    A whole new chapter is about to begin for Sailing Nahoa! This Expedition Catamaran is going to be one hell of a machine designed for cruising the worlds ocea...

  5. Sailing Nahoa

    Sailing Nahoa are Ashley, Ben, Willa and Bodhi. They did a great stint in the Philippines if you are researching those cruising grounds. They have already completed their first circumnavigation (well mum and dad have) on their trusty Lagoon 410, and are now in the process of designing and building their next catamaran which will be an aluminium ...

  6. We're Building the Ultimate Expedition Catamaran

    Nahoa 1.0 is shiny, spiffed up and most importantly solid. 90% of the boat work is done (remember 10% of boat work is NEVER done). We are ready to set sail on the 5500nm passage to the Caribbean which should take anywhere from 6-10 weeks.

  7. Sailing NAHOA

    Sailing NAHOA. 6,925 likes · 2,025 talking about this. What started as a 3 year circumnavigation has turned into an endless adventure.

  8. We Sailed Around the World!

    The knowledge Shayne brings to the table is invaluable, particularly when it comes to sail selection and ensuring the sail-ability of this vessel with a short-handed crew. Shayne and Anna run their own YouTube channel called Young Barnacles. This approach will apply to every aspect of the Nahoa 55.

  9. Sailing Nahoa

    SV NAHOA is a 2005 production Lagoon 410 catamaran. While not the newest vessel on the seas, Ben and Ashley firmly believe it strikes the perfect balance between comfort, performance, and cost. Introducing the NAHOA 55: The Ultimate Expedition Machine. After 8 years of global sailing, the crew of SV Nahoa unveils their next project: the Nahoa 55.

  10. Things We Haven't Told you About Our Aluminum Catamaran

    Sign up & more details on the NAHOA 55:https://www.sailingnahoa.com/Patreon behind the scenes video updates:https://www.patreon.com/nahoaFOLLOW US ON INSTAGR...

  11. 17m Aluminium Expedition Catamaran Nahoa

    Design #242 - Nahoa 55 Catamaran Features ... Forward Sailing Cockpit - much appreciated by those who "know"! Sometimes copied but rarely understood! Aft Deck Lounge - uncluttered and not a rope in sight!! Fully covered roof with enclosable sides and aft end.

  12. The Ultimate Expedition Catamaran: NAHOA 55

    The Ultimate Expedition Catamaran: NAHOA 55. Deckhand 12 months ago 0 1 mins. A whole new chapter is about to begin for Sailing Nahoa! This Expedition Catamaran is going to be one hell of a machine designed for cruising the worlds ocean with speed, safety and comfort. SO MUCH More to share but here are the links mentioned in the video:

  13. Heavy Weather in a Sailing Catamaran

    Our PREFERRED Sailmaker: http://bit.ly/precision_sailsPLEASE SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/2EmmGnLWANT US TO MAKE MORE VIDEOS? https://www.patreon.com/nahoaWe're ...

  14. Moscow Oblast

    Moscow Oblast (Russian: Московская область, romanized: Moskovskaya oblast, IPA: [mɐˈskofskəjə ˈobləsʲtʲ], informally known as Подмосковье, Podmoskovye, IPA: [pədmɐˈskovʲjə]) is a federal subject of Russia (an oblast).With a population of 8,524,665 (2021 Census) living in an area of 44,300 square kilometers (17,100 sq mi), it is one of the most densely ...

  15. Elektrostal

    In 1938, it was granted town status. [citation needed]Administrative and municipal status. Within the framework of administrative divisions, it is incorporated as Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction—an administrative unit with the status equal to that of the districts. As a municipal division, Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction is incorporated as Elektrostal Urban Okrug.

  16. 628DirtRooster

    Welcome to the 628DirtRooster website where you can find video links to Randy McCaffrey's (AKA DirtRooster) YouTube videos, community support and other resources for the Hobby Beekeepers and the official 628DirtRooster online store where you can find 628DirtRooster hats and shirts, local Mississippi honey and whole lot more!

  17. Full Tour: Systems and Components of an Offshore Sailing Catamaran

    Full Equipment List: https://sailingnahoa.com/posts/systems-and-components-of-an-offshore-sailing-catamaranAfter three and a half years of sailing around the...

  18. jeff brown yachts axopar

    Jeff Brown Yachts San Diego - Main Office 2330 Shelter Island Drive Suite 105 San Diego CA, U.S. 92106 (619) 222-9899 (619) 709-0697 https://jeffbrownyachts.com... Axopar 45 Range Axopar 45 XC Cross Cabin Axopar 37 Range Axopar 37 XC Cross Cabin Axopar 37 Sun-Top Axopar 37 Spyder Axopar 28 Range ...

  19. Sailing Around the World

    [GET ONBOARD]Behind the Scenes: https://www.patreon.com/nahoa[FOLLOW US]Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/sailingnahoa Regular updates on Instagram - https...