Who owns the superyacht docked outside the 2024 Venice Biennale?

The sea pearl has been a looming presence along the water during this week's preview.

The Sea Pearl docked near the entrance of the Venice Biennale © The Art Newspaper

The Sea Pearl docked near the entrance of the Venice Biennale © The Art Newspaper

Visitors walking along the water to the 60th Venice Biennale pavilions from St Mark's Square during this week’s preview have undoubtedly noticed the massive yacht docked near the entrance to the Giardini. The ship, called the Sea Pearl, is reportedly owned by Indian-born Indonesian billionaire Sri Prakash Lohia.

Lohia is the billionaire chairman and founder of Indorama Corporation, and made his fortune in petrochemicals and textiles. He has a large collection of lithographs and rare books. His daughter-in-law, Aarti Lohia, leads the SP Lohia Foundation and is a significant collector of contemporary South Asian art . Aarti Lohia is serving as this year’s British Council ambassador for the Venice Biennale, with John Akomfrah’s British pavilion. On 16 April, Aarti Lohia threw a reception onboard the Sea Pearl to support fundraising efforts, the British Council confirmed. The SP Lohia Foundation did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The ship is more than 82 metres long, according to its maker Abeking & Rasmussen , and photos and videos show multiple decks and an onboard pool. The yacht can reportedly accommodate around a dozen overnight guests in seven cabins and features include a gym and cinema.

During the 2011 edition of the Venice Biennale, mega collector Roman Abramovich docked his 115-metre boat Luna near the Giardini, a move that agitated locals and spurred the then-mayor to threaten a new “oligarch tax” on oversized yachts. For the following edition in 2013, the British pavilion artist Jeremy Deller referenced the incident with a mural of the British social reformer William Morris chucking the superyacht into the Venetian lagoon. The Sea Pearl was joined by another superyacht on 18 April.

This year’s British pavilion by Akomfrah deals with, among other topics, the environment and climate change. A 2021 report by Indiana University researchers found luxury yachts with features like helipads and submarines can burn thousands of tons of CO2 a year, and the team described the ships as “by far the worst asset to own from an environmental standpoint”. Venice, built on more than 100 small islands, is uniquely vulnerable to rising tides and other effects of climate change.

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What happened to Russia’s seized superyachts?

super yachts moored in venice

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Miles Johnson

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On the morning of March 29 2022, Captain Guy Booth was working aboard Phi, a 192ft aquamarine superyacht moored in London’s Canary Wharf, when he heard a commotion below. Down on the pier a car had pulled up and Grant Shapps, then the UK’s transport secretary, emerged from the vehicle, followed by a retinue of aides.

“The first thing we saw was his entourage, several men and women carrying clipboards and make-up and hairbrushes,” says Booth. 

Shapps and his team then began to shoot a video for the social media network TikTok, where the government minister announced that Phi — built in 2021 by the famed Dutch luxury shipbuilder Royal Huisman and worth an estimated £38mn — “belongs to a Russian oligarch, friends of Putin”.

Booth watched in amazement as several television crews who’d been tipped off about the news arrived at the scene. “Shapps was positioning himself like a big game hunter, checking his best angle,” says Booth. “They took several takes.”

Next, a black cab arrived and three officers from the UK’s National Crime Agency got out. They climbed aboard and handed Booth a brown envelope. Inside was a government order: the boat he captained was now detained for being “owned by persons connected with Russia”.

Video description

A video shot by Grant Shapps in Canary Wharf, which shows the yacht Phi after the order to detain it in London

Today, Phi is still moored in the same spot in Canary Wharf outside an Indian restaurant, and with a small skeleton crew aboard. Each day, Booth, along with two engineers, a chief officer, a crew cook and two deck hands wake up on board and dutifully service the vessel.

Its once feted “infinite wine cellar” and seven-metre swimming pool lie unused. A lonely sun lounger sits out on deck, and the yacht’s Maltese maritime flag droops. Pink paint has been applied to its roof to protect it from the risk of dust from nearby building sites. 

Paul Dickie, a lawyer at Jaffa & Co who has represented Phi, claims the boat has been targeted by squatters. A notice on its side warns any would-be trespassers that they will be prosecuted “to the full extent of the law”.

For western nations, the yachts’ fate is a high-stakes test of the effectiveness of sanctions. For the lawyers who work for the owners, these seizures are acts of modern piracy

Phi’s owner, a Russian businessman called Sergei Naumenko, has repeatedly denied any connection to Vladimir Putin or the Russian state, and has twice unsuccessfully appealed to the English courts to have the yacht released. 

In May 2023 an English High Court judge said Shapps’s TikTok video claims that the owner had “close connections to Putin” were “excusable political hyperbole”. The Court of Appeal in March this year said it was “troubled” by Shapps’s “incorrect” statements. Both courts, however, upheld the UK detention order for the vessel.

After Putin’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 prompted western governments to unleash an avalanche of economic sanctions against Russian oligarchs, there are now multiple superyachts like Phi trapped in ports around the world. Several are stuck in seemingly never-ending legal quagmires, with vastly expensive lawyers hired by often opaque offshore owners battling for their release.

Although tens of billions of dollars of Russian-owned luxury assets, including mansions, luxury cars and private jets, have been frozen, it was the symbolism of the seizure of the oligarch superyachts — vast, floating Versailles palaces often worth hundreds of millions of dollars — that captured the public’s imagination. Anti-corruption campaigners hoped at the time that these vessels would be auctioned off and the proceeds could be donated to Ukraine.

Side view of a gleaming yacht with skyscrapers towering over it in the background

Yet more than two years on from the start of the war, the future of these superyachts remains unresolved. Once prized trophies in the west’s co-ordinated response to Russia’s aggression, some have racked up vast maintenance costs for taxpayers, had their angry crews turn fire hoses and drones on snooping reporters, and been the target of sabotage plots by anti-war activists. 

For western governments, resolving the fate of these superyachts will be a high-stakes test of the effectiveness of economic sanctions. For lawyers working for the oligarchs who own them, the seizures are acts of modern piracy.

Perhaps no single vessel exemplifies the array of headaches that seized superyachts have caused western governments more than the Amadea — a $300mn, 348ft boat detained by the US authorities in Fiji in 2022.

Such is its gaudy opulence that the Amadea could be a pastiche of an oligarch’s fantasies. According to a 2021 profile in Boat International, it boasts a Pleyel piano with 24-carat gold pedals, a swimming pool that converts into a stage for DJs, hand-painted Michelangelo clouds on the dining-room ceiling, a lobster tank and a helipad. 

A large multi-deck yacht with a speedboat zooming past

When the US Department of Justice seized the Amadea, it claimed that it was owned by the sanctioned Dagestan-born gold magnate Suleiman Kerimov. The DoJ said he was “part of a group of Russian oligarchs who profit from the Russian government through corruption and its malign activity around the globe”.

Deputy US attorney-general Lisa Monaco announced at the time that the seizure “should tell every corrupt Russian oligarch that they cannot hide”. Not long after Amadea was seized in Fiji, she told the Aspen Security Forum that investigators had even discovered an “alleged Fabergé egg” aboard. It was later found to be an imitation.

The Amadea was then moved by the US authorities from Fiji to San Diego, where it is currently moored. The US government last October brought a civil forfeiture case against the superyacht based on its claim that it was owned by Kerimov. 

We have 60,000 litres of diesel on board. If there are problems with fire detection, that could be very dangerous. You can’t get a fire engine in here’ Captain Guy Booth

During the time the Amadea has been stuck in San Diego, it has racked up maintenance bills of $740,000 a month, or almost $9mn a year, to be paid by the US government. Because of this, the Department of Justice moved to try to sell the boat, arguing that the costs it was incurring were “excessive”. 

Superyachts require constant maintenance and upkeep to keep their seaworthiness, let alone their value. Crew salaries and vast mooring fees must be paid. Hulls must be scraped, engines must be cleaned.

“The water here is brackish, half freshwater and half seawater, so things grow in it,” Booth says about Phi. “We are constantly having to remove biological marine growth from the filters. The teak decks require constant daily attention.”

Sabotage is also a risk. Lady Anastasia, a yacht seized in Mallorca and owned by the CEO of the Russian arms exporter Rosoboronexport Alexander Mikheev, in February 2022 was almost destroyed by a Ukrainian mechanic working on the boat who tried to intentionally sink it.

Some boats have simply disappeared. In the summer of 2022, two yachts owned by Dmitry Mazepin, another sanctioned Russian billionaire, vanished from the Sardinian port of Olbia. An investigation by Italy’s financial police, which had seized both yachts shortly after Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, found that one had made a stopover in Tunisia before vanishing, while the other was spotted sailing towards Turkey. In response, Italy has hit Mazepin with fines, which remain unpaid.

A large white yacht in a dock

Booth says he believes Phi has suffered significant damage, as well as lost charter earnings, as a result of being stuck in Canary Wharf. “I am not at liberty to discuss the exact figure,” he says, “but it is huge. We are talking tens of millions of pounds.” 

Because of the freezing order, Phi’s Dutch manufacturer is unable to perform warranty work on the yacht. One of many issues, Booth says, is that he has been unable to fix faulty fire protection systems.

“We have 60,000 litres of diesel on board. If there are problems with the fire detection systems, that could be very dangerous. Exceptionally dangerous. You could have an ecological disaster in central London. You can’t get a fire engine in here.”

In Phi’s case, the costs are all borne by its Russian owner, who — unlike many other owners of frozen yachts — is not sanctioned and has not been proven to have any meaningful connection to the Russian state. He will be able to get this money back from the UK government only if the restriction order is overturned and he can then win a successful damages claim.

For other superyachts, the burden of paying for upkeep falls on the countries where they are being held. Lady M, a yacht owned by the sanctioned Russian steel and mining magnate Alexei Mordashov, has been blocked from leaving the Italian port of Imperia as one of seven yachts belonging to Russian oligarchs in the country.

A rear view of a yacht close to a harbour with three masts but its sails lowered and out of sight

Another, Sailing Yacht A, designed by Philippe Starck and, at 468ft long, one of the largest private sail-assisted motor yachts in the world, is currently impounded in the port of Trieste. Alleged by the Italian state to be owned by the sanctioned Russian oligarch Andrey Melnichenko, the boat is estimated to have cost the Italian taxpayer more than €18mn in upkeep, according to the local newspaper Il Piccolo. Lawyers for Melnichenko have said he does not personally own the yacht, and instead it is controlled by a trust that has no connection to him.

Costs aside, seizing a superyacht is simple enough, provided it is in the right place. At the time of the invasion, the only way for sanctioned Russian oligarchs to protect their yachts was to be lucky or shrewd enough to not have them in territories or waters where they could be captured. In March 2022, two superyachts belonging to Roman Abramovich, one of them featuring an onboard missile defence system and anti-paparazzi “laser shield”, sailed away from Europe towards Turkey and remain free to this day.

But in an industry where it is common to own vessels through cascades of offshore companies and anonymous trusts, a far trickier task for investigators can be to prove in court who really owns a superyacht once it has been detained.

Legal tussles over the ownership of government-seized assets are common. The difference with the superyachts is the owners’ legal resources, the value of the assets and the cost to the taxpayer

In the case of the Amadea, the US government has been battling in court to prove that Kerimov is its true owner before it can be allowed to sell the yacht and stop paying the vast costs of its upkeep.

The Department of Justice appeared to have strong evidence to back up its claims, including records showing that Kerimov’s family spent large amounts of time on the Amadea, and that his children had requested structural modifications to the superyacht.

However, Kerimov denied ownership. Instead, a different wealthy Russian, Eduard Khudainatov, a former chief executive of the Russian state-owned oil company Rosneft, stepped forward to claim that he, in fact, was the true owner of the Amadea and the seizure was unlawful.

“When you need records from overseas, when you are dealing with shell companies in secrecy jurisdictions, or people are hiding behind nominee owners, it’s going to take a long time,” says Stefan Cassella, a former federal prosecutor who served 30 years in the US Department of Justice specialising in asset forfeiture.

Cassella says these sorts of legal tussles over who owns an asset that has been seized by a government are common. The difference in the case of oligarch-owned superyachts is the legal resources available to the owners fighting the seizures, the size and value of the assets, and the cost to the taxpayer of keeping them afloat.

“We litigate this all the time,” Cassella tells me. “Say a drug agent sees a dealer dealing from a Mercedes car and they want to seize it. He claims it’s not his car, that his mother or sister owns it. We then need to litigate with that person to see if they are really the owner. Who pays the insurance? Who brought it in to get oil changed? Whose garage is it sitting in? This is the same, just on a much larger scale.”

The US responded in a court filing to Khudainatov’s claim to own the Amadea by accusing him of being a “clean, unsanctioned straw owner” serving as a front for Kerimov. Khudainatov’s lawyers have denied he is a straw owner and say he is the legal owner of the yacht.

The picture was further muddied when it was alleged by the US in court documents that Khudainatov, who in June 2022 was placed under EU sanctions, was the fake owner of another, even more valuable and mysterious super yacht, the Scheherazade — which he has denied.

The Scheherazade, one of the longest yachts in the world, worth an estimated $700mn, was seized by the Italian authorities in the Tuscan port of Marina di Carrara in May 2022 because of its suspected “meaningful economic and business connections with prominent elements of the Russian government subject to EU sanctions”.

A photo taken at night of a large yacht. The lights are on in the building behind the yacht

In 2022 the now deceased Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation published an investigation that claimed that the Scheherazade was in fact owned by Putin himself, based on the fact that many of its crew were agents of the Federal Protective Service, a state security unit responsible for the Russian president’s personal safety.

The US authorities have argued it is impossible that one man could own so many yachts, writing in court documents that “there is no reason to believe [Khudainatov] has the financial resources to purchase the Amadea and the Scheherazade, or is there any apparent reason why a single individual would own multiple superyachts of their size”.

Whoever is the true owner of the Scheherazade, they have not let its seizure dim their ambitions. During the time it has been held in Tuscany, the Italian government has allowed the owner to pay for an expensive refurbishment. It is a decoration job that the owner clearly wants to conduct in privacy. When reporters from Radio Free Europe tried to get close to the vessel earlier this year the Scheherazade’s crew turned on fire hoses, and deployed a drone to follow them.

Meanwhile, last month a New York court ruled that the US government was not allowed to sell the Amadea, meaning that US taxpayers will have to continue for now to foot the bill for its upkeep. 

Even if governments are able to establish ownership and get court permission to sell a superyacht, further legal complexities can make finding a buyer difficult. In June 2023 the Alfa Nero, a yacht alleged to be owned by the US-sanctioned phosphate billionaire Andrey Guryev, which has been impounded in Falmouth Harbor, Antigua, was sold at auction for $67mn to former Google chief executive Eric Schmidt.

The deal later fell apart, with the US ambassador to Antigua announcing that Schmidt backed out of the purchase because he was worried about future legal problems if he bought it.

Yulia Guryeva-Motlokhov, Guryev’s daughter, this year launched a challenge to the Antiguan government’s decision to seize and sell the Alfa Nero, claiming that she is the sole beneficiary of the trust that owns the yacht, rather than her father. The case is expected to be heard in September.

Back in the UK, Booth, the captain of Phi, believes that the yacht and its owner have been unfairly caught up in events outside of their control. “He’s not a billionaire, he’s never met Putin,” Booth says of Phi’s owner Sergei Naumenko. “He’s against the war. He’s just a private Russian gentleman who likes boats.” 

Phi will make another bid to be freed in the UK’s Supreme Court, in an appeal to be heard next January.

A superyacht floating in water with a cityscape in the background. There is also a white swan floating in the water

Captain Booth says he will not desert his ship. “My team and I have remained on board, remained loyal. I’ve won numerous awards for what I do in my industry. I could have left almost straight away, and said, ‘This is not my bag, I’m off to captain another superyacht in the Med’ . . . I would not sleep well at night if I abandoned this owner.”

But Booth and his crew may be waiting a long time. Cassella, the forfeiture lawyer, says he expects many cases to drag on for as long as a decade. “I thought two years ago when all the superyachts were seized that 10 years was an appropriate timeframe,” he says. “This is not going to be resolved any time soon.”

Miles Johnson is an investigative reporter for the FT. His book ‘Chasing Shadows: A True Story of Drugs, War and The Secret World of International Crime’ is now out in paperback

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By SuperyachtNews 15 Aug 2016

Superyacht crewmember jumps off Venice bridge

A drunken superyacht crewmember has reportedly jumped off venice’s rialto bridge, landed on a passing water taxi and is now in hospital.….

Image for article Superyacht crewmember jumps off Venice bridge

Reports have surfaced that a drunken superyacht crewmember jumped off Venice’s Rialto Bridge and landed on a passing water taxi, and is in hospital. The crewmember, at 49 or 50 years old (media reports are conflicting at this stage), is said to be from New Zealand and to have been in the area due to a yacht he was working on being moored in Venice.

The crewmember reportedly dived off the bridge, despite a ban on swimming in the canals, landed on the water taxi and smashed the windshield, injuring the driver of the water taxi, who was taken to hospital and treated for fractures and severe trauma. An Italian online newspaper has said the crewmember in question is in the hospital’s intensive care unit.

Just last week, a superyacht captain voiced his concerns to The Crew Report about the pressure on superyacht crew to spend their largely disposable income on drink and drugs, and the dangerous repercussions that are so often seen – and so often left unseen. The question remains as to where the responsibility lies in ensuring crews remain professional. Once news is out surrounding the superyacht on which this crewmember works, no doubt many media outlets will shout this from the rooftops, naming and shaming the crewmember and, consequently, the yacht. And with this media frenzy, so often the real problem at hand isn’t even addressed – why is this a recurring problem for our industry? And who is taking the responsibility – for their crew and the wider industry – to ensure the number of these types of incidents reduces?

Look out for The Crew Report 's feature on crew negligence and safety in issue 79 of The Crew Report , out mid-September and available at the Monaco Yacht Show.

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U.S. wins case to seize Russian superyacht in Fiji, sails away

"The Amadea" in Turkey's Bodrum

The United States won a legal battle on Tuesday to seize a Russian-owned superyacht in Fiji and wasted no time in taking command of the $325 million vessel and sailing it away from the South Pacific nation.

The court ruling represented a significant victory for the U.S. as it encounters obstacles in its attempts to seize the assets of Russian oligarchs around the world. While those efforts are welcomed by many who oppose the war in Ukraine, some actions have tested the limits of American jurisdiction abroad.

In Fiji, the nation’s Supreme Court lifted a stay order which had prevented the U.S. from seizing the superyacht Amadea.

Chief Justice Kamal Kumar ruled that based on the evidence, the chances of defense lawyers mounting an appeal that the top court would hear were “nil to very slim.”

Kumar said he accepted arguments that keeping the superyacht berthed in Fiji at Lautoka harbor was “costing the Fijian government dearly.”

“The fact that U.S. authorities have undertaken to pay costs incurred by the Fijian government is totally irrelevant,” the judge found. He said the Amadea “sailed into Fiji waters without any permit and most probably to evade prosecution by the United States of America.”

The U.S. removed the motorized vessel within an hour or two of the court’s ruling, possibly to ensure the yacht didn’t get entangled in any further legal action.

In early May, the Justice Department issued a statement saying the Amadea had been seized in Fiji, but that turned out to be premature after lawyers appealed.

It wasn’t immediately clear where the U.S. intended to take the Amadea, which the FBI has linked to the Russian oligarch Suleiman Kerimov.

Deputy Attorney General Monaco Speaks At ATF's Police Executives Forum

Fiji Director of Public Prosecutions Christopher Pryde said unresolved questions of money laundering and the ownership of the Amadea need to be decided in the U.S.

“The decision acknowledges Fiji’s commitment to respecting international mutual assistance requests and Fiji’s international obligations,” Pryde said.

In court documents, the FBI linked the Amadea to the Kerimov family through their alleged use of code names while aboard and the purchase of items such as a pizza oven and a spa bed. The ship became a target of Task Force KleptoCapture, launched in March to seize the assets of Russian oligarchs to put pressure on Russia to end the war.

The 348-foot -long vessel, about the length of a football field, features a live lobster tank, a hand-painted piano, a swimming pool and a large helipad.

Lawyer Feizal Haniff, who represented paper owner Millemarin Investments, had argued the owner was another wealthy Russian who, unlike Kerimov, doesn’t face sanctions.

The U.S. acknowledged that paperwork appeared to show Eduard Khudainatov was the owner but said he was also the paper owner of a second and even larger superyacht, the Scheherazade, which has been linked to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The U.S. questioned whether Khudainatov could really afford two superyachts worth a total of more than $1 billion.

“The fact that Khudainatov is being held out as the owner of two of the largest superyachts on record, both linked to sanctioned individuals, suggests that Khudainatov is being used as a clean, unsanctioned straw owner to conceal the true beneficial owners,” the FBI wrote in a court affidavit.

Court documents say the Amadea switched off its transponder soon after Russia invaded Ukraine and sailed from the Caribbean through the Panama Canal to Mexico, arriving with over $100,000 in cash. It then sailed thousands of miles (kilometers) across the Pacific Ocean to Fiji.

The Justice Department said it didn’t believe paperwork showing the Amadea was next headed to the Philippines, arguing it was really destined for Vladivostok or elsewhere in Russia.

The department said it found a text message on a crew member’s phone saying, “We’re not going to Russia” followed by a “shush” emoji.

The U.S. said Kerimov secretly bought the Cayman Island-flagged Amadea last year through various shell companies.

Kerimov made a fortune investing in Russian gold producer Polyus, with Forbes magazine putting his net worth at $14.5 billion. The U.S. first sanctioned him in 2018 after he was detained in France and accused of money laundering there, sometimes arriving with suitcases stuffed with 20 million euros.

Khudainatov is the former chairman and chief executive of Rosneft, the state-controlled Russian oil and gas company.

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From grand canals and iconic gondolas to hidden treasures wrapped up in Venetian beauty, there is no better view of Venice than by superyacht, and no better escape encapsulating such paradise beauty and bygone sophistication.

Historic Beauty  The city of Venice is historically dazzling and architecturally unrivaled. From illustrious palaces built in the Baroque, Renaissance and Byzantine styles, with each district hosting a collection of treasures. From the unmissable St. Mark's Square to the crystal waters of its canals, history is bursting at every corner. 

The Landmarks of Love From Rialto Bridge, the architectural icon of the region, to the colourful beauty of Burano, the landmarks of Venice are astoundingly beautiful and a must-see on your superyacht adventure. Whether you are searching to take home a Murano glass gift, looking to marvel at its Renaissance art, or simply seeking the best bellini cocktail in the house, the iconic landmarks of Venice offer experiences to remember, all wrapped up in the beauty of a region truly frozen in time. 

Island Paradise When seeking Italian beauty known to the region, Venice is just a moment away from Italy's islands of splendour. The island of Murano is home to the numerous glass ateliers that have helped to make Venice famous, while the island of Burano is famous for its kaleidoscope of brightly-coloured house fronts and a historic lace museum. The island of Torcello offers something for the history lover; home to a magnificent Byzantine-Italian church dating from 639 a.d. and a vertiginous bell tower. Lido is also a paradise worth discovering. Famous for its glamorous beach, this tranquil haven offers the ultimate respite into restful bliss.

The 10 countries with the most superyachts in the world: RANKED

  • Bloomberg ranked the top 10 countries in the world with the most superyachts on their coastlines.
  • The US came in first place, with 158 superyachts counted in April 2019.
  • Italy , Spain , France , and Greece round out the top five.
  • Spain saw the largest increase in the number of yachts as compared to 2018.
  • Visit BusinessInsider.com for more stories .

Insider Today

When you think of the world's top yachting destinations, the Mediterranean coastline and the Caribbean islands probably come to mind.

But what about the Netherlands , or the United Arab Emirates ?

Bloomberg just ranked the top 10 countries in the world with the most superyachts on their coastlines, and a few countries on the list might surprise you.

The US came in first place, with 158 superyachts counted in April 2019, followed by Italy , Spain , France , and Greece rounding out the top five. 

Read more : Calling all yacht crew: Tell us what life is really like working on board a yacht, from the good to the bad to the downright wild

France saw the largest increase in the number of yachts as compared to last year, with 29 more yachts spotted off its coast in April 2019 than in April 2018.

The US and Australia, on the other hand, both saw a decrease in their number of yachts.

Bloomberg noted that the April 2019 count includes all yachts reported within two miles of the country's coastline between April 15 and April 18, 2019. The April 2018 count is based on April 9 through April 13 data. The median yacht length in the study was 160 feet. 

While there is no official definition of what makes a yacht a superyacht, the industry generally considers it to be a yacht that's longer than 79 feet and that requires a professional crew.

Here are the 10 countries with the most superyachts in the world.

10. The Netherlands

super yachts moored in venice

Number of yachts in April 2019 : 18

Number of yachts in April 2018 : 10

9. Australia

super yachts moored in venice

Number of yachts in April 2019 : 19

Number of yachts in April 2018 : 26

8. United Arab Emirates

super yachts moored in venice

Number of yachts in April 2019 :  22

Number of yachts in April 2018 : 21

super yachts moored in venice

Number of yachts in April 2019 : 41

6. The Bahamas

super yachts moored in venice

Number of yachts in April 2019 : 45

Number of yachts in April 2018 : 35

super yachts moored in venice

Number of yachts in April 2019 : 82

Number of yachts in April 2018 : 62

super yachts moored in venice

Number of yachts in April 2019 : 118

Number of yachts in April 2018 : 89

super yachts moored in venice

Number of yachts in April 2019 : 133

Number of yachts in April 2018 : 113

super yachts moored in venice

Number of yachts in April 2018 : 129

1. United States

super yachts moored in venice

Number of yachts in April 2019 : 158

Number of yachts in April 2018 : 162

super yachts moored in venice

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Blog Venice and Veneto Venice boats: Nine ways to ride a boat in Venice

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Venice boats: Nine ways to ride a boat in Venice

Madeline Jhawar

When planning an Italy itinerary that includes Venice , there are three things I always recommend: spend some time getting good and lost; s ee Venice from above, and s ee Venice from the water.  Since Venice is built on 117 islands – connected by 400 bridges – there are lots of ways to see Venice from the water. Note: swimming is not one of them unless you go to one of the public beaches . Here are some great Venice boats:

The short, inexpensive  Traghetto

Traghetto boat in Venice, Italy

Photo by zenm via Flickr, licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0

  Although the word traghetto means ferry everywhere else in Italy, in Venice, it’s a specific type of boat as pictured above that only goes back and forth and back and forth across the Grand Canal at seven designated points (here’s a  map of traghetto crossings ). Since the Grand Canal is not that wide, the ride takes only a few minutes. It’s inexpensive, and if you don’t want to spend the money on a gondola but want get your photo taken on a gondola-like boat, a traghetto is not a bad substitute. Or, if you want to cross the Canal and there isn’t a bridge, take a traghetto .

Public boat or vaporetto

super yachts moored in venice

“The Grand Canal at Dusk” by Marco licensed under (CC BY-ND 2.0)

Those big boats in the foreground that look like ferries are vaporetti .  They are Venice’s public transportation: you buy a ticket, you get on, there are different routes, designated stops, and you get off where you need to. Even though it’s touristy, I do recommend taking a boat down (or up) the entire length of the Grand Canal. You can even download a free audio tour . But, the vaporetti are crowded. They are full of people with luggage, confused tourists, excited tourists, and are usually packed to the gills. It’s not a quiet cruise where you can sit and enjoy the sights and listen to your audio tour. Luckily, however, There’s A Boat For That.

The Hop On Hop Off Boat, aka the Vaporetto dell’Arte (UPDATE: This boat, as of 2014, is not currently running. Service may resume but I don’t know when)

super yachts moored in venice

This boat is exclusively for tourists, but given that there are more than 60,000 visitors to Venice per day – more than the number of residents – Venice is not a place you need to worry about looking like a tourist. Everyone is a tourist, and for good reason: The city is fantastic and you should feel good about supporting it with your tourist dollars. So get on the tourist boat, relax in comfort, peace and quiet. Put on the headset, pick your language, and enjoy the tour on the Vaporetto Dell’Arte .

A Dinner Cruise

super yachts moored in venice

Why not kill three birds with one stone? See the sights of Venice, ride a boat, and eat dinner on the Galleon Dinner Cruise .  It’s a candlelit aristocratic Venetian feast that travels past the famous islands of Burano, Torcello, and Murano in addition to the main islands of Venice.  The only limitation? It’s just on Wednesdays.

Hotel, shmotel: do a boat and breakfast

super yachts moored in venice

Stay on the Boat and Breakfast Sarah Sun Island yacht, moored near Piazza San Marco in the heart of Venice. It has air conditioning / heat, includes breakfast, and even though it’s a fancy yacht, it’s in the budget accommodation category – at least for Venice.  Or, stay on a houseboat .

Paddle a Kayak through the canals

super yachts moored in venice

Explore the canals of Venice on your own power by paddling with Venice Kayak on a half-day, full day, multi-day, or evening tour. If you’ve been following the news on  the damage cruise ships are doing to Venice , you’ll love this no-motor alternative. And because you’re not on a boat with a motor, you’re not restricted the same way as other boats – in a kayak you can go practically anywhere you want, but not completely on your own: kayak rental comes with a guide.

Get to or from Venice on a historic Burchiello boat, instead of taking the train

super yachts moored in venice

Instead of arriving or departing Venice on the train, take a river cruise down the Brenta on a Burchiello . They’ve been modernized since the images above were done, and they’re comfortable boats. Take a full day to get from Venice to the gorgeous and underrated city of Padova , and you’ll learn a lot from the guide about the villas along this historical waterway, even stopping to visit some of the frescoed summer dwellings of Venetian aristocrats from 3 centuries ago.

A historic Topetta 

super yachts moored in venice

A topetta is a historic Venetian wooden boat, though these days it usually has a motor attached. It holds up to 6 people and is what the locals use to get around and to transport goods. If you’d like to book a private boat tour in Venice that is longer than a 40 minute gondola ride and more reasonably priced, you should  book a tour through the canals on a topetta .

And finally, the Gondola: some beyond the obvious tips

super yachts moored in venice

On my first trip to Venice, as a high school student, I had no money so I didn’t ride a gondola but I really wanted to; I thought it was a romantic must-do. Then later, when I was working in Italy as a tour guide (but still poor) and spent quite a bit of time in Venice, I turned up my nose at this only-for-tourists activity. A few years later, when I was living in Milan and had a decent salary as a corporate expat, I finally rode a gondola. And you know what? I really enjoyed it. Yes, it’s for tourists. But it’s a historical, romantic way to see the canals. It’s not at all beyond the obvious, but if it’s on your bucket list, go ahead and do it. You may have heard that gondola rates are fixed : you can not negotiate the cost, but make sure you get your full 40 minutes and know that the rates buy you the entire boat. It’s worth spending the extra money to go after 7 pm, when the rates go up but the light is nice and the water traffic has died down.

A lot of people don’t realize that gondola routes are not up to the gondolier:  you can decide where you want to go. I recommend having a look at these six great gondola routes . The website is in Italian but the six routes are highlighted on the map when you click the links on the left side of the screen. Decide which one you want to do, and find a gondolier at one end of the route. Tell the gondolier the itinerary you’d like him ( or her ) to follow and if they try to convince you the route needs to end where it begins, insist on your route. Be firm but polite, and if they aren’t flexible, go talk to another gondolier.

  Venice traghetto from foto silenziose ; Vaporetto from Raison Descartier .

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super yachts moored in venice


Yacht charter in zadar.

December 15, 2021

30 minute read

Enjoy a unique yachting experience in the heart of central Dalmatia. Moor your yacht right next to the Old Town promenade and explore the 3000-year-old streets, where ancient times meet the modern era.

Discover a picturesque city with a unique atmosphere and a long history, just a few steps from your superyacht. Find out why yachtsmen all over the world have been drawn to Zadar throughout history and enjoy a memorable yacht charter in Zadar.

Grab the best seats on your yacht sun deck and watch the majestic sunset in the middle of the Zadar Channel, which is famous for its majestic beauty. During your yacht charter in Zadar, you will explore the rugged coastline with over 300 islands, full of unspoiled nature. Enjoy cruising around countless secluded bays and find out why it is known as a nautical paradise.

You will certainly enjoy the scenery full of extraordinary views and untouched nature. The SuperYachts Croatia team will assist in exploring all the best spots, that are only familiar to local experts. This way, your charter holiday will be a highly-curated and private experience, far away from the brimming city crowds and prying eyes. You will also get a chance to explore 89 uninhabited, mostly private islands with countless mesmerizing bays and enjoy all the best summer activities from the comfort of your yacht charter.

Make sure to visit the otherworldly Kornati Islands, just an hour of cruising from Zadar, where you can spend most of your charter holiday and enjoy all the perks of the yachting lifestyle. Do not miss out on nearby islands such as Dugi Otok, Ugljan or “The island of olives” and the ancient Pašman, full of unique natural features and magnificent locations fit for a perfect yacht charter holiday.


You will have the best berth in the world! Explore the 3000-year-old city centre and moor your yacht charter in Zadar, right next to the Old Town peninsula. Relax on your yacht deck and listen to the majestic symphony of nature on the “Sea Organ” ,and discover why this unique engineering masterpiece is worth visiting. Enjoy the world-famous solar installation “Greeting to the Sun” and witness a spectacle of light you can only experience in Zadar.

Discover why Florida sunsets cannot match those in Zadar. Secure the best spot and anchor your yacht in the middle of the Zadar channel. Grab a glass of champagne and enjoy the vibrant burst of vivid colours on the horizon, so you can witness a breathtaking sunset so bright, even Hitchcock mentioned its beauty in his memoirs.

Zadar has the best position to start your charter vacation. Except for the town’s extraordinary beauty and remarkable architecture, the location of the city alone is very practical, meaning that it will save lots of time, which you can then spend cruising around the stunning archipelago instead of travelling to far-away destinations. Zadar is a city of exceptional historical and natural beauty, surrounded by the sea, the majestic Velebit mountain range, 4 National parks and 2 Parks of nature.

The city even has its own airport just 20 minutes from the town center, connected to Zadar by a highway. The SuperYachts Croatia Team will gladly organise a VIP transfer for you and your charter guests from the airport to your superyacht. You will enjoy a panoramic view of the city and a short stop in one of the most beautiful places in town, perfect for a toast before the start of your charter in Zadar.

Zadar can provide even more reasons for a yacht charter holiday in Croatia! Anchor your floating castle near Europe’s only sphinx and enjoy the peaceful Maestral Bay. You can also moor your yacht in the Zadar Marina, which is fully equipped to meet all your needs and located only 100 meters from the city centre. When strolling through Zadar`s old core, soak up the lively atmosphere of historical streets and enjoy a unique place, where ancient mixes with the modern.

Enjoy the unparalleled local gastronomy in exquisite restaurants with native cuisine that leaves every guest asking for seconds. Taste the quality of wines and liquors in charming bars hidden between narrow cobbled streets. Get ready to mingle and have a night out at the exciting open-air clubs in the middle of the historic 5 Wells Square!

Yacht Charter in Zadar Old Town and Marina Zadar


The charter season in Zadar begins in April and lasts until November. The sailing conditions are exquisite, and the weather is excellent all year round. We recommend booking your yacht charter in Zadar at the end of June and first 2 weeks of July, so you can enjoy ideal weather conditions.

The most popular time for a yacht charter in Zadar region is during the summer months i.e. between June and September. Summer in this region means that you will be blessed with 13 hours of sunshine per day and temperatures between 25 and 30 C ° (77-86 Fahrenheit).

The Mediterranean climate promises a dry and warm summer with winds of no more than 10-20 knots. The peak season for sailors is July and August, with an insanely high number of sunny days and a great number of yachts on the water, while June, September, and October offer equally satisfying sailing conditions but fewer crowds.

For a truly tranquil yacht charter in Zadar, April, May, and November are ideal for exploring the 300+ islands, islets, and reefs. Thanks to the low boat traffic, the underwater world is at its peak during these months. You will have the opportunity to explore the region in all its glory, without the summer crowds. Imagine waking up on your yacht in a peaceful, pristine bay and seeing curious dolphins jumping around your boat.

The winds are particularly reliable during the yachting season when local yacht lovers claim they can set their watch by relying on their frequency. The mistral wind blows during the day, peaking between 9 am and 12 pm, then taking a break for a couple of hours before returning at 3 pm (“after lunch”) for a few more hours until dusk, when the winds die down to a light breeze.

Yacht Charter in Zadar air temperature graph

Zadar has mild winters and warm summers, but the temperatures are never too extreme. In the yacht charter season from May to September, conditions are practically perfect – the temperature is somewhere between 20 and 25 C °   (68-77 Fahrenheit) which means swimsuits, light clothes and bare feet are the order of the day.

The Adriatic is very well protected and enclosed, so temperatures never drop below 15 degrees, and the sea is swimmable all year round. By the end of May, swimming in the sea becomes pleasant and refreshing at around 20 degrees, and by the end of August, at 25 degrees, it feels like you are swimming in a pool.

Yacht Charter in Zadar promenade


Zadar is a picturesque historical town in southwestern Croatia, considered to be located in the “Heart of Dalmatia”, with its roots dating back to the time of ancient Roman emperors. The city is separated from the islands of Ugljan and Pašman by the Zadar  Sea Channel, meaning that this town is the ideal base for your yacht charter holiday, because it has a natural deep-sea harbor protected from harsh weather by the dotted islands and the Velebit mountain range. You can reach Zadar very easily, by air, sea, and land.

Zadar airport is located in Zemunik Donji, 9 km southeast of the city. The airport is well connected with the whole of Europe and other international destinations. You can easily find a direct flight to Zadar from any major European city, especially during the summer months. Once you land, the SuperYachts Croatia team can arrange a VIP transfer for you and your charter guests.

Zadar is also excellently connected via highway to all major cities in Croatia. You can reach Zadar by driving on the A1 or enjoy the scenic route along with the Velebit Mountain range by way of the famous Jadranska Magistrala (D8).

If you are arriving by sea, your yacht charter in Zadar will be awaiting your transfer! Yachts can moor on the peninsula next to Old Town, giving guests the possibility to enjoy all the amenities of the attractive Old Town, as well as transfer quickly between vessles.

Yacht Charter in Zadar alalaya yacht


Island hopping around nearby islands.

Enjoy island-hopping adventures by sailing between nearby islands in the greater Zadar region. Discover unspoiled nature, crystal clear sea, and secluded bays, only 2.5 km from the city centre! Along the way, stop at the smallest inhabited island in the country – Galevac. On your next stop, take a moment to soak in the view of the lush scenery on the “Island of Olives” – Ugljan. Visit the ancient island of Pašman and discover the heart-shaped island of Galešnjak. Also, do not miss “The Island of Diversity” – Dugi Otok.

Visit the “Island of Olives” – Ugljan

On Ugljan island, you will discover rich vegetation and more than 200,000 olive trees. While cruising along the coastline, explore the 7 “Island jewels” of Ugljan; seven authentic and traditional villages surrounded by lush Mediterranean vegetation. On Ugljan, you can also escape from the crowds and enjoy complete solitude in charming fishing villages.

This majestic island is also perfect for nature lovers, as well as various outdoor activities. You will enjoy peaceful walks in unspoiled nature, hikes under the shade of pine trees and relaxing bike rides along its 24km long coastline.

Moor in one of the countless natural lagoons around Ugljan island and immerse yourself in various water sports around pristine bays. If you are looking for wonderful coves with a hint of privacy and excitement around Ugljan – try Mulina bay, which offers suitable moorings for yachts and a secluded corner for naturists.

Yacht Charter in Zadar agram Ugljan island

Cruising around a nautical paradise – Kornati Islands

Escape to Kornati Islands and explore countless private islands, with an interesting history. These 90-or-so islands were originally owned by ancient aristocratic families in Zadar, which used the islands to pay their workers for hard labour. Today, those same barren and once considered worthless, islands are priceless and deemed to be a nautical paradise.

Kornati islands will impress you with their crystal-clear sea and beautiful seascape. Cruise around a true oasis for yachts, full of unique experiences and turquoise bays. Witness spectacular views from high ocean cliffs or swim and snorkel in pristine waters, surrounded by wild fish.

Cruise around the limestone island Taljurić, famous for its flat surface that reminds of a plate, standing only 3m above the sea surface. This islet is not easily accessible by larger boats, but if you wish to take a few spectacular photos, hop on your tender and take a closer look.

Drop your anchor in a private bay on Mana island, and just a short hike away, you will discover scattered stone ruins on top of the island, which were part of a movie set from the 1950s movie named “As the Sea Rages” with old school Hollywood stars Maria Schell, Cliff Robertson, and Cameron Mitchell.

Yacht Charter in Zadar Kornati islands national park

Discover Pašman, an Ancient Roman Island

Explore the `Island without frontiers` – Pašman , where you will discover the wonders of a 60 km long island filled with countless private coves, ideal for spending a night at anchor or having fun with water toys in the afternoon. Soak up the sun on your yacht deck, cruise around the island and explore the 7 breathtaking sandy lagoons of this island paradise.

Since Pašman was populated from ancient Roman times , it has a rich heritage and many traditions. Enjoy a unique atmosphere, while visiting ancient ruins and 2 historical monasteries around the island. – the Franciscan Monastery of St. Dujm in Kraj, or the Benedictine Monastery of Saints Kuzma and Damjan, near Tkon. Besides the monasteries, you can also explore a few old churches, including the Church of Our Lady of Loreto on the hill of Mali Bokolj.

Yacht charter in Zadar island pašman yacht africa

Enjoy the romance on the heart-shaped island – Galešnjak

You can enjoy a romantic date, an anniversary dinner or a proposal on Galešnjak, also known as the “Island of Love”. With the help of the SuperYachts Croatia team, your romantic plans on this unique, heart-shaped islet will go smoothly. Prepare for an exquisite fine dining experience for you and your beloved, with impeccable service and top-notch cuisine, right on Galešnjak island.

Yacht Charter in Zadar, island of love Galešnjak

Explore the Island of diversity – Dugi Otok

Known as ‘The Island of Diversity’, Dugi Otok has a lot to offer, like exploring shipwrecks filled with fish and coral. Located near Veli Rat, Michelle is an Italian merchant ship that sank in 1984; today, she is a very attractive spot for divers or snorkelers.

The wreck is partially above the surface, so it is easily accessible and visible.  There are 2 more shipwrecks to explore in the nearby Muline bay -. Cargo ship Etna and a military ship named  Muline. Both ships are located in pair, near a peaceful and secluded cove. Grab your snorkeling gear and get ready for a unique underwater adventure.

The north side of Dugi Otok hides another kind of experience;  relax under the shade of pine trees, near the 800m long sandy beach – Sakarun. Swim in the crystal clear sea of Veli Žal or moor your yacht in one of the turquoise bays of your choice.

You can visit the highest lighthouse in the Adriatic- Punta Bianca, or cruise around to the southern side of Dugi Otok to enjoy the remarkable Nature Park Telaščica, home to an infinite number of secluded coves, majestic cliffs and awe-inspiring nature. Embark on an adventure in the Telaščicaa Nature Park and reconnect with your natural self. This island park is a popular destination for yachtsmen, as well as nature lovers.

Yacht Charter in Zadar Golubinka Sea Cave

Visit the “Island of Captains” and snorkel next to sarcophagi on Silba

If you plan on staying longer on your yacht charter in the Zadar region, be sure to also visit Silba or the “Island of Captains”. This island is a lush, tranquil oasis without cars and the perfect place to escape from the hustle and bustle of the city. On Silba, you will learn about the love story behind the Torretta tower, built by the legendary captain Marinić.

Climb to the top of this enchanted tower and enjoy a spectacular panoramic view of the island Silba. Except for being known as the `Island of  Captains`, Silba is also recognized for great cuisine and fresh seafood dishes. Enjoy delicious local food near the stone wells in restaurant Leggero, relax under the shade of the olive trees and watch the food being prepared in front of you on an open grill.

Yacht Charter in Zadar Silba Sotorišće Bay

Cruise around Olib island, the Adriatic king of sandy beaches

Enjoy exploring countless sandy beaches around the island of Olib. This isle is full of lush vegetation, untouched nature and awe-inspiring sandy lagoons, where you can enjoy complete seclusion in this Adriatic paradise on your yacht charter holiday. Olib has only one settlement, famous for producing pillows made entirely out of seagrass. Purchase a unique souvenir that will always remind of that perfect charter vacation in Croatia.

Bask in the sun, alongside music from the Sea Organ

Dock your yacht charter in Zadar, on the peninsula next to the Old Town promenade and experience a unique symphony of the sea combined with a solar-powered light show. Zadar is home to a one-of-a-kind installation which you can find only on the city promenade.

The Sea Organ is an experimental musical instrument built by local architect Nikola Bašić, and inspired by the deep voices of Dalmatian traditional a-capella singers. Take a stroll on the seafront and sit on majestic marble steps, so you could listen to the song of the wind and sea.

This sound is made by using pipes of different sizes and diameters, built under a series of huge cascade steps. This wonderful technical masterpiece is the place where all locals and tourists gather to enjoy spectacular sunsets while listening to “Nature`s orchestra”.

If you prefer listening to this spectacular melody in more private surroundings, you can listen to it from your yacht deck or hop on your tender and enjoy the concert from the sea, with a view on Zadar and the spectacular Velebit mountain range.

Yacht charter in Zadar sea organ

Witness the world’s most extraordinary sunset experience

Experience an awe-inspiring, out-of-this-world moment on your next charter holiday right here. Zadar has the most beautiful sunset in the world, at least that’s what Alfred Hitchcock claimed . Whether it’s true or not, it is up to you to decide.

Imagine the sun’s rays breaking over the horizon and gently setting into the Adriatic Sea, while warm orange tones paint a vivid picture in the sky, together with clouds that change colours right in front of your eyes. You can enjoy this spectacular vista on your main deck aft alfresco area, with a glass of the finest champagne, right in the middle of the Zadar Channel.

Yacht Charter in Zadar Zadar sunset in Old Town

Enjoy a shopping spree on your yacht charter in Zadar

Enjoy a tour of the old Roman streets and shop during your sightseeing walkabout in Zadar. As you stroll around the ancient marble walkways, you will discover many charming boutiques around Old Town. Make sure to stop by the green market or the fisherman’s market, where you can find traditional, locally grown produce from the Zadar region, as well as freshly caught fish. , There are also dozens of little souvenir and craft shops, right next to the Old Town promenade.

Zadar has 2 large shopping malls with dozens of shops. The City Galleria shopping centre is within walking distance from Old Town, while the Supernova shopping centre is slightly outside city limits.

This is the largest shopping centre in the region and has all the stores you need in one place. Supernova offers dozens of shops, stores, and many other services. This shopping centre has a large number of parking spaces, so you can park right in front of the mall.

Visit these must-see sightseeing spots

Roman Forum and the city Landmarks – Only a few steps away from your yacht charter, you will discover the largest preserved Roman Forum in Dalmatia. During ancient times, the forum was the centre of city life.

Since Zadar was destroyed and rebuilt 4 times throughout history, you will be able to see numerous remains,  including the famous pillar of shame and the majestic Church of St. Donatus , a must-see landmark of the city. Near the St. Donatus church, you will discover a majestic bell tower, which is open for visitors.

Climb up to the top, and witness a spectacular 360 panorama of the entire town and archipelago. Near the cathedral, you can find the best Gelato in the region in the Donat Ice cream shop.

Yacht Charter in Zadar Catheedral Zadar(1)

Nearby, you will also be able to see the Monastery of St. Mary, where you can visit the famous exhibit inside the church -the  “Gold and Silver of Zadar”. From this location, you can take a stroll along Kalelarga – the main street which will lead you to the main square.

The People’s Square – Everything that has ever mattered in Zadar, happened on this square. The People’s Square is the centre of urban life, a place where locals enjoy their macchiatos and a place that draws visitors in with a unique atmosphere. Here you will find the first lamp ever put in town, as well as City hall and main street Via Magna, also known as Kalelarga. If you keep walking straight, you will find St. Simon’s church and the 5 wells square.

The Five Wells Square – This unique system of cisterns with 5 wells from 1574 once saved the city from an Ottoman siege, providing it with water from Lake Vrana. Today, this square is a popular clubbing destination with 2 clubs surrounding it. Svarog bar near the 26m tall Captain’s Tower and Ledana Lounge bar on the left in the park of Queen Jelena Madijevka. These clubs provide a unique blend of experiences, mixing ancient with the modern, alongside great music.

The Foša harbour and the Land Gate – This charming little harbour hides three spectacular things. First, the Venetian Landgates, followed by a fine-dining restaurant also named Foša, and lastly, a UNESCO heritage site i.e. the fortifications of Zadar. These mighty walls were considered impenetrable, and they defended the city from all conquerors for centuries.

The Sea Organ & Greeting to the Sun installations – Just a step or two from your moored yacht, you can stumble upon 2 unique installations. “Greeting to the Sun” is a solar-powered installation, made by the famous architect Nikola Bašić. It represents our solar system while performing a spectacular light show after sunset. On the same spot, you will find the magnificent Sea Organs, which will let you listen to the symphony of the sea.

Yacht Charter in Zadar greeting to the sun

The Footbridge & the Rowing Boatmen – the Zadar peninsula is connected to the mainland part of the city with the Footbridge, which is within a 10-minute walking distance from the Zadar marina. You can enjoy a tranquil stroll around the marina and cross the footbridge to get into the Old Town, but there is a faster way.

The Rowing boatmen will take you from the Marina Zadar pier to  Oldtown in no time. Venice has gondoliers, and Zadar has boatmen! For centuries now, from dawn until dusk, the hardworking boatmen row in their orange wooden boats transporting people across the channel. Moor your yacht in Marina Zadar, and try out a traditional rowing boat ride across the blackwater, for a much faster route to the city centre.

Yacht Charter in Zadar Rowing Boatsmen Barkajol


The culinary scene in Zadar is fantastic, with choices ranging from Dalmatian cuisine to Italian and international flavours. However, if you do not know what to pick, always opt for seafood, the true speciality of Zadar, caught in the Adriatic Sea and brought straight to your plate.

Meat lovers will get the opportunity to try mouth-watering steaks, marinated with first-class spices and prepared with great expertise. For vegetarians and vegans, there is a wide selection of dishes made from organic vegetables grown in the Zadar region. Exceptional dishes are not the only thing Zadar has to offer, you can try a wide selection of award-winning local wines, gins, liqueurs, and much more.

Harbour Cookhouse and Club – Enjoy a unique dining experience right on the seafront, while you soak up the spectacular view of Old Town and its famous footbridge. This place will amaze you with its one-of-a-kind decor made completely out of wooden ship parts. You can observe a real-life wooden deck in the middle of this cookhouse, which certainly gives this place a special atmosphere, perfect for savouring exquisite cuisine, impeccable service and a stunning fine-dining vibe. We also recommend trying the award-winning local wines from Degarra winery or Kraljevski vinogradi vinery.

Yacht Charter in Zadar Harbour Cookhouse and club fine dining

Restaurant Foša – The best and most famous seafood restaurant in Zadar will amaze with its open-air terrace, overlooking the mighty Zadar walls and the majestic Land Gate adorned with the Venetian winged lion. Enjoy first-class dining, an astonishing sea view, a delightful atmosphere, great service and freshly caught seafood.

Restaurant Bruschetta – Discover Bruschetta, a charming restaurant located on the promenade, only a short walk away from your yacht.  Sit down and enjoy dining in privacy, with attentive service and extraordinary food.

Ravni Žakan – Accessible only by your yacht, this inhabited islet has one of the most famous island restaurants for yacht enthusiasts, and it is a must-see spot of surreal beauty. This island is a luxury destination and is recommended for people who appreciate the beauty of nature, combined with outstanding food and atmosphere and complemented by top-notch service. All this makes Konoba Ravni Žakan a unique fine-dining spot in an unbelievable surrounding, far away from prying eyes.

Šporka Mare – visit the oldest restaurant around the Kornati islands archipelago. This historic place is located on the south shore of the islet Katina, near the Proversa Vela channel (the north gate of Kornati National Park) and is owned by a family which kept it running for 4 generations.

They received the bare island Katina in the 19th century from Zadar’s noblemen and that’s where the story begins. The old family stone house on the shore was a storm shelter for fishermen, but also a place for unloading fishing nets.

Slowly, this shelter for fishermen and sailors became the first restaurant on the Kornati islands, and over time it got an outstanding reputation among yacht lovers, fishermen and sailors, who named it after its owner – grandma Mare. Today this restaurant is a must-visit spot for yacht charters in Zadar, famous for its extraordinary seafood dishes and fine impeccable service. Enjoy top-notch seafood made from Mare’s cookbook and served in traditional hand-made pottery.

Konoba Opat – Discover an eco-friendly paradise in Opat bay in the heart of the marvellous Kornati Islands. This extraordinary restaurant will welcome you with warm hospitality, professional service and a stone house restaurant made of eco-friendly materials.

You will enjoy fresh seafood on the open-air terrace by the sea in Konoba Opat and witness the stunning vistas while you enjoy Mediterranean cuisine. Relax in a unique Dalmatian atmosphere, extraordinary views and a 1st class fine-dining restaurant incorporated into the natural environment.

Restaurant Core & Lounge bar is a modern, impeccably designed venue in Vrulje bay. Enjoy homemade food and a great selection of wine and fantastic view of the Kornati archipelago. All the dishes in Core have a traditional base implemented with innovative culinary methods and chic ingredients.

Except for mouth-watering gourmet food, this place will offer a stunning lounge bar, with a glamping resort nearby. Moor your yacht on the restaurant dock and try out colourful cocktails at the bar while the skilful chef prepares your meal, or simply enjoy swimming in the Vrulje bay with backdrop vistas of the splendid Kornati Islands.


Explore countless secluded bays and discover beautiful private bays, as well as unspoiled nature and rich heritage, all in one place. Moreover, because Zadar has a unique atmosphere, it is a great place to start your yacht charter holiday. Keep reading for our suggested seven-day yacht charter in Zadar.

Yacht Charter in Zadar SuperYachts Croatia map

Day 1: Zadar – Ugljan – Pašman

Start your yacht charter in Zadar by visiting the nearby islands of Ugljan and Pašman. Located only 2.5 nautical miles from Zadar, Ugljan will take your breath away with its lush landscapes.

This green island is a perfect place to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and the summer crowds. On your way from Zadar to Ugljan, make sure to visit the smallest inhabited island in the Adriatic – Galevac.

There you can explore the Franciscan monastery in the heart of the islet. Afterwards, drop your anchor in Mala Lamjana bay, one of the largest and most beautiful coves on Ugljan island. Here, you can find diverse underwater life with plenty of fish and shellfish, skittering on the sandy sea bottom.

Sail from Ugljan to the nearby island of Pašman and experience the true meaning of the Adriatic spirit. Ask your charter crew to anchor your yacht charter in a private bay and sunbathe in complete privacy, under the shade of pine trees, while your diligent crew serve refreshing cocktails and terrific finger food.

Yacht Charter in Zadar Preko Ugljan Školjic

Day 2: Pašman – Galešnjak

Pašman is connected to Ugljan island via the bridge, so you can take a bike ride along Ugljan and Pašman or hop on your Vespa and enjoy breathtaking views while you ride. Because of its unique character, this place overwhelms your soul and enters the pores of your innermost being.

We suggest dropping anchor in Kobiljak cove, a secluded bay adorned with exceptional beauty. This bay is exposed to the scirocco wind, and it has a 4-10 m deep sandy bottom. Another lovely cove, where you can enjoy the surreal beauty of Pašman island is St. Ante Bay.

This bay is located on the SW coast of the island, and it is one of the favourite anchorages for yachts on Pašman island. This bay was named after the nearby church of St. Ante, which you can visit with your tender. The SuperYacht Croatia Team will gladly procure a Vespa, a motorcycle, an e-bike, a quad or a scooter, so you can enjoy exploring 2 islands of remarkable beauty.

Nearby, in the Pašman Channel, you will find the heart-shaped island of Galešnjak – a world-famous “Island of love”. It is so popular that even the world-famous singer Beyonce celebrated her 39th birthday here . The island has an area of 0.132 square meters, and although it is small in size, it has a grand effect on people. Even Forbes recognized that! Galesnjak was on the Forbes list of the most romantic Valentine’s destinations.

Day 3: Kornati Islands

This labyrinth of remarkable beauty, according to the legend, was created from the rocks that God had left after creating the world. He tossed them into the sea and decided the Kornati were so perfect that nothing else needed to be changed.

On your cruising adventures around the stunning Kornati islands , notice the incredible landscape of the Kornati crowns (cliffs) which were shaped by the sea. These magnificent cliffs will make your cruise worthwhile and impress you over and over.

No matter if you are a beginner or an experienced scuba diver, you can enjoy snorkeling around Kornati or diving with your private diving instructor to explore the Kornati underwater crowns, which are full of colourful marine life. We suggest the spots around Piškera and Rašip islands.

Kornati Islands are also recognized as famous gastronomical heaven for yachts. Moor right in front of numerous restaurants and enjoy exquisite fine dining, as well as various seafood and unmatched service. The SuperYachts Croatia team will make sure you have the best seats in the 1st class restaurant of your choice.

Yacht Charter in Zadar Kornati Islands

Day 4: Telašćica Nature Park

Embark on a wild adventure in the Telašćica Nature Park and reconnect with unspoiled nature on the southern side of Dugi Otok. This island park is a popular destination for yachts and nature lovers. Apart from pristine bays, you will get to discover majestic white cliffs, roaring 200m above sea level, mighty and unmovable.

You will also have the opportunity to visit the salty lake “Mir” ( translated to “peace” in Croatian) and soak in its waters, which are known to possess healing properties. You can also discover countless private coves around its 13 surrounding islands; witness this lush Eden of the Adriatic, also home to more than 500 different plant species.

Imagine starting your day snorkeling with numerous colourful marine animals, sponges and corals that have found their home in this exceptional park.

Yacht Charter in Zadar_novela_yacht_telascica_nature_park

Day 5: Dugi Otok

Drop your anchor at Sakarun , the best wild beach in Croatia, famous for its white sand and crystal clear sea. There are a few beach bars that offer cocktails, lounging areas and light snacks. Enjoy the fine white sand and Caribbean colours, which are truly a unique phenomenon in the Adriatic.

This 800-meter-long lagoon offers enough space for a perfect beach escape under a lush pine forest. Since Sakarun bay slopes very gently, kids can splash around in the sea and play in the sand as they please.

For your next spot on Dugi Otok, we suggest exploring the majestic Golubinka sea cave. Here, you can dive straight into the ‘underground world’ and discover a beautiful pebbly cave beach. Outside the cave, you can try cliff jumping, if you are up for the challenge, or just relax and enjoy the shallow turquoise Brbišćica

Drop your anchor in stunning Pantera Bay, one of the most beautiful and popular destinations for yachtsmen, located on the northwestern side of the island. From here you can take a relaxing walk through the pine forest and explore the Punta Bianca at Veli Cape,  overlooking the majestic bays of Dugi Otok .

Besides the extraordinary nature, Dugi Otok is also home to the remains of a 70 meters long military tunnel. used for sheltering submarines. Explore this fantastic army hideout and find out more about submarine warfare in the Adriatic from your knowledgeable crew.

Yacht Charter in Zadar Dugi Otok Dragos Eye

Day 6: Silba – Olib

On Silba island, experience a unique snorkeling adventure and discover hidden treasures beneath the surface of the sea, better known as the sunken sarcophagi near Pocukmarak bay. On the other hand, you could also enjoy swimming in the crystal-clear sea near the sandy Sotorišće Bay or just take a nice and relaxing walk through an island without any cars or traffic.

Visit the Open Air Art gallery and admire the unique sculptures made by the Croatian sculptress Marija Ujević- Galetović. Cruise with your yacht charter to the nearby island Olib and moor your yacht near Slatina bay on Olib island, which will charm you with its stunning seabed.

Refresh yourself with an afternoon dip in St. Nikola bay, full of untouched nature. Feel the sand beneath your feet as you relax with a refreshing drink or a cocktail in the shallow sandy lagoon and soak up the surroundings. Enjoy exploring the countless secluded coves, dive with exciting fish species or just relax in your yacht pool, far away from the crowd with a spectacular view.

Yacht Charter in Zadar Silba and Olib islands

Day 7: Olib – Pag – Velebit – Zadar

On your last day of yacht charter in the Zadar area, you can observe the majestic landscape or Croatia`s biggest mountain chain, by cruising through the Velebit Channel and enjoying the view of the islands and the Velebit mountain range. Be sure to visit the island of Pag, which is full of culinary surprises.

Yacht Charter in Zadar Pag Island

Try Paški cheese and Paška lamb and enjoy the magnificent views of the bare and unreal surface of Pag. This unique island got its nickname “the Moon Island” because its bare landscape reminds people of the surface of the moon, especially in the evening when the moon shines over the calm sea with a silvery haze.

The truth is, Pag is bare due to strong Bura winds from the north, although its moonlike appearance made Pag a perfect filming location for multiple TV shows like ‘The Terror’ , ‘Winnetou’, ‘Top Gear’ and many commercials for famous brands like Bugatti, Rimac and Audi.

Apart from UNESCO heritage treasures like Paška lace , Pag conceals another gem – the impressive Zrće beach , also known as the “Croatian Ibiza”, where you can moor your yacht at Club Noa and enjoy the beats from your yacht deck.

Zrće beach is one of the best spots for electronic music in Europe and every year it hosts numerous big names from the electronic scene (Guetta, Tiesto, Garrix, Carl Cox, Hardwell, Van Buuren, Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike..) with world-known celebrities.

Yacht Charter in Zadar Zrće beach Noa club yacht party


You will find two top-class marinas for your yacht charter in Zadar – Marina Zadar Tankerkomerc and Marina Borik. The Zadar region has the largest concentration of marinas in Croatia, with several marinas on the central Dalmatian coast between Zadar and Šibenik.

In the Zadar archipelago, there are numerous berths with a good mix of marina berths and free-swinging anchorages. Further south lays the marina Dalmacija in Sukošan – the largest marina in Croatia (located 7 km south of the historical town of Zadar) and the beautiful marina Biograd.

Marina Zadar (Tankerkomerc) – You can get to this marina quite easily from the airport, by taxi or a VIP transfer, arranged by the SuperYachts Croatia team. The journey from the airport to the marina takes less than 15 minutes, and there’s no real effort, except to sit back and enjoy a scenic ride through Zadar.

Tankerkomerc Marina Zadar has a total capacity of 300 wet berths and 200 dry berths, all of which are equipped with water, electricity and other amenities. It can accommodate yachts up to 45 m in length. Sea depth in the marina ranges from 8 to 12 m, and at the breakwater between 12 and 15 m.

Marina Zadar is located right in the city centre, which means that it is a very atmospheric place to stay, with many bars and restaurants nearby. The nearest supermarket is Konzum on the main road leading from the marina towards the bridge to the old town and should have everything you need.

Yacht Charter in Zadar marina Zadar Tankerkomerc

Marina Borik (D-Marin) – The premier boutique marina D-Marin Borik is a fantastic gateway to the dotted Adriatic coast. Marina Borik has 177 berths with a maximum draft of 3.5m and a maximum boat length of up to 40m, and it has sufficient facilities to accommodate up to 185 vessels in the sea.

This marina offers six floating pontoons with depths up to 6m and is equipped with a side finger pier mooring system. This marina is also equipped with freshwater outlets and a 220 V power bollard.

D-Marin Borik is located near the famous Sailing club Uskok, where you will find many sailors and professional skippers. Here you can also witness some regattas, such as the traditional regatta Zadarska Koka in October which is a delightful sight. Near the marina, you can enjoy the sandy beach Borik or the pebble beach Uskok.

D-Marin Dalmacija – the largest and most luxurious marina on the Croatian coast, located near the city of Zadar, with first-class facilities and top-notch gastro and hospitality services. This marina has a berthing capacity of 200 wet berths and 300 dry docks, and a capacity for superyachts up to 70m.

The marina is only 12 km from Zadar Airport, which has a direct connection to London, Manchester, Dublin, Glasgow, and many other European cities. This marina is open all year round, and it is located south of Zadar near Sukošan. There are enough berths to accommodate 1200 boats.

The marina has many facilities, including a reception, water and electricity connections, telephone connections, a small shop, a hotel, a casino, a yacht club, an indoor Olympic swimming pool, laundry, and dry-cleaning services, sports fields, medical services, and a charter fleet. The marina has a lift and is equipped for repairs as well as the many amenities and services you might need.

Telašćica Bay – anchor your superyacht in the extraordinary Telašćica bay, known as the largest, safest, and most beautiful Croatian harbour full of unspoiled nature. This paradise is located in the SE part of Dugi Otok and it offers protection from all winds. Due to its extreme beauty, it was declared a nature park in 1988.

Telašćica is popular amongst the yachts lovers for its calm emerald bays and pristine nature. This stunning bay is one of the most beautiful places in the Adriatic, filled with lush vegetation and majestic white cliffs.

Yacht Charter in Zadar Africa yacht and jet ski in Kornati

Sakarun Bay – Anchor your yacht charter on one of the most famous beaches in Croatia – the 800m long Sakrun bay, widely recognized for its white sand. You will enjoy a hint of the tropical atmosphere and feel the Caribbean flare while you swim in the turquoise lagoons that is Sakarun bay.

Levrnaka Island – cruise with your yacht to the island Levrnaka, a place of truly remarkable beauty. This small island offers two anchorages – one on the north side and the other on the SW side. They offer good protection from north and south winds. The bay on the N side is deep and suitable for larger boats.

The bay on the Southwestern side has a sandy bottom and offers mooring buoys. Here you will find the only sandy lagoon in the Kornati archipelago – Lojena.


yacht charter in zadar, things you didn't know about zadar


SuperYachts Croatia will make sure you have experienced a fully-tailored yacht charter experience, suited to your needs and preferences. We will make sure that everything corresponds to the highest levels of superyacht hospitality.

Trust in our local know-how, relax and enjoy your yacht charter in Zadar. Let us make all your dreams come true because nothing is impossible for your SuperYacht brokerage team.

super yachts moored in venice

SuperYachts Croatia

Is a yacht connoisseur, agent, broker, local tour operator, destination manager, organizer ... a wholehearted company that will provide you with a list of luxury yachts available for charter in Croatia. Find all relevant information about your yacht charter & get in touch with us in order to book your dream superyacht.

Yacht Charter Experience

Towable water toys on yachts

Inflatable water toys aboard yachts in Croatia

Electric Surfboards on a Yacht Charter in Croatia

SeaBob on a yacht charter in Croatia

Charter Yachts

We present to you the best selling yachts for charter in 2021. Slide through these different yachts, ranging from 20 to 80 meters in length, and choose the best option for you. If you have any questions regarding yacht charter, destinations & yacht support, contact us.

from 105.000 € p/w

31m | 11 guests

from 210.000 € p/w

43m | 12 guests

from 160.000 € p/w

47m | 12 guests

from 76.875 € p/w

25m | 8 guests

from 775.000 € p/w

80m | 12 guests

from 72.000 € p/w

30m | 8 guests

from 30.000 € p/w

24m | 8 guests

from 280.000 € p/w

55m | 12 guests

from 99.800 € p/w

39m | 12 guests

from 64.000 € p/w

31m | 10 guests

from 218.000 € p/w

45m | 10 guests

from 68.000 € p/w

26m | 9 guests

Spice of Life II

from 18.000 € p/w

20m | 6 guests

from 100.000 € p/w

29m | 8 guests

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Standout superyachts spotted in the Caribbean

BOAT keeps an eye on the standout luxury superyachts spotted in cruising in Caribbean waters...

The 66 metre Lürssen-built superyacht Elysian has been spotted in Falmouth Harbour, Antigua. First delivered in 2014, Elysian has been island hopping in the Grenadines since March after spending several weeks visiting the British Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. Designed by legendary superyacht designer Espen Øino , with an interior by Reymond Langton , Elysian can accommodate a total of 12 guests and 17 crew on board. 

Heesen superyacht Odyssea has been spotted in the Bahamas. The 46.7 metre superyacht, first delivered in 2012 to a design by Omega Architects , has spent February 2021 cruising between the Bahamian capital of Nassau and Black Point, stopping by Shroud Cay in between the two destinations. Able to accommodate 12 guests and 10 crew, she boasts a cruising range of 4,000 nautical miles. She is currently available to charter with Ocean Independence from $200,000 a week.

Recently refitted sailing yacht M5 was spotted cruising in the warm waters of the Bahamas in March 2021. The 78 metre superyacht, first delivered in 2004 by Vosper Thornycroft , left Florida’s Key West in late February and sailed past Fort Lauderdale, Bullock Harbour and Nassau before heading south towards Black Point. 

Designed by Ron Holland , M5 can host 14 guests and 12 crew members. Previously known as Mirabella V , she is considered the world’s largest sailing sloop .

The 80 metre hybrid Nobiskrug superyacht Artefact has been spotted anchored in Pitons Bay, St Lucia. Delivered in 2020, Artefact was designed by Gregory C Marshall and, with a 2,990GT, is the biggest-volume 80 metre superyacht in the world.

Maltese Falcon and Aquijo

The 85.9 metre sailing ketch Aquijo has been spotted alongside the 88 metre Perini Navi sailing superyacht Maltese Falcon anchored off Christophe Harbour in St Kitts.

Delivered in 2015 by Oceanco and Vitters, Aquijo was designed by Bill Tripp and can accommodate a total of 14 guests and 16 crew members. The 88 metre Maltese Falcon was delivered in 2006 and was built by Perini Navi. Available for charter, Maltese Falcon can accommodate a total of 12 guests and 19 crew.

Drumbeat, 10 and King Baby

Three superyachts were spotted moored up shoulder to shoulder in St Lucia's Marigot Bay. The IAG Yachts  42.67 metre  King Baby , the  Alloy Yachts  53 metre sailing yacht  Drumbeat and the  Delta Marine  46.24 metre  10 were photographed together.

Drumbeat had just arrived from Mustique, having been spotted in Rodney Bay and Grenada, while King Baby had previously visited Guadeloupe and the US Virgin Islands.  10 had cruised over from St Vincent and the Grenadines.

Pictures courtesy of Twitter.com / @JoanMacKinnon

The stunning 83.5 metre Feadship Savannah had been cruising in the Caribbean, where she departed from St. Maarten (pictured bottom left) on and then anchored off Gustavia in St Barths (right).

Delivered in 2015 and winner of last year's World Superyacht Awards , she features an interior by CG Design and boasts a semi-submerged observation lounge. Additionally, she has a nine metre swimming pool on deck as well as a vast Jacuzzi.

Pictures courtesy of Instagram.com / @vi_matt / @derox1 @beatricejoyceuk

Mayan Queen IV

Mayan Queen IV  left St Vincent and the Grenadines and was photographed cruising off Tobago Cays. She had been in the Caribbean since late 2016 when she moored at St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Delivered by Blohm + Voss in 2008, 93.25 metre Mayan Queen IV is not available for charter. She can sleep up to 16 guests and boasts interiors designed by Terence Disdale .

Pictures courtesy of Boat International Travel Editor Sophia Wilson (left) & Instagram.com / @superyachts_gibraltar (right)

Gene Machine

Gene Machine had been cruising in the Caribbean for the majority of the winter season when she was spotted in the Bahamas, St. Maarten, St Thomas and Guadeloupe.

The55 metre Amels superyacht was photographed frolicking with a pod of humpback whales in the Dominican Republic, having left the Ocean World Adventure Park.  Gene Machine was delivered in 2013.

Pictures courtesy of Instagram.com / @king_ of_ never_land

Axioma was spotted off the coast of Gustavia in St Barths.

Sleeping up to 12 guests in six cabins, her interior offers plenty of reasons why celebs love to charter Axioma . Her double height atrium and mezzanine level boasts a luxurious lounge area and cocktail bar. Additionally, she has a spa area complete with sauna and steam room, an indoor cinema room and an elegant dining room.

At 72.5 metres, her expansive deck space has a swimming pool and Jacuzzi, as well as multiple al fresco dining spots and lounge areas.

Delivered by Dunya Yachts in 2013, Axioma is available for charter and is also currently listed for sale .

Pictures courtesy of Instagram.com / @sg8584 / @epicmarina

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