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  • Catamaran Cruises Mauritius Day Tours rated "excellent" by travelers

Full Day Cruise

Embark for a full day cruise to ile aux cerfs, ilot gabriel or ilot bénitiers..., sunset & dinner cruise, embark for a 2 hour sunset cruise on board of one of our catamarans..., overnight & private cruise, experience a night onboard of one of our catamarans..., live on board, discover mauritius differently on board of one of our catamarans..., ile aux cerfs.

visite ile aux cerfs, ile maurice

Ile aux Cerfs Island is an island off the east coast of Trou d'eau Douce village, Mauritius.

Île aux Cerfs Island , known in English as deer island is an island off the east coast of Mauritius near the village of Trou D'eau Douce. The island has an undulating...

Ilot Gabriel

Ilot Gabriel

Gabriel Island: also known as Ilot Gabriel, this island located near Round Island and Flat island at the extreme north of Mauritius and about 10 kilometers north of Cap Malheureux.

The distance between Gabriel...

Ile aux Bénitiers

Ile aux Bénitiers

L'Ile Aux Bénitiers is a rather long island which has a coconut tree plantation and has become one of the island preferred picnic spot for locals and tourists.

The island's closest neighboring village is La Gaulette....

Ile aux Aigrettes

visite ile aux aigrettes, ile maurice

On the beautiful turquoise waters of the Mauritian lagoons, there exists a small island where man and nature unite towards one same goal….

Recreate a little piece of a long lost paradise.

Ile de la Passe

visite ile de la passe, ile maurice

Ile de la Passe is a small but very historic island off the south-east coast of Mauritius.

From the islet all maritime movements into the Bay of Mahébourg, which is the largest bay of the island and contains the oldest port, can be controlled...

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Croisieres Australes


Grand Baie - Ilôt Gabriel

Croisières australes is the promise of an unforgettable tropical experience in mauritius! Cruise to the most beautiful lagoons around the island and discover some wonderful marine locations.

Your catamaran cruise specialist in Mauritius

Croisières Australes , the catamaran cruise specialist in Mauritius since 1992 and a subsidiary of Rogers , offers a range of fun and premium experiences off the coasts of the island.

Croisières Australes ’ fleet comprises of catamarans as well as speedboats, on which we can admire the rays of the setting sun, on top of a full day trip.

These sensational boats, departing from Grand Gaube , Grand Bay, Trou d’Eau Douce , Mahébourg and Black River , have unique itineraries for you to choose from and to discover the exceptional marine spots in the North, North-East, West, East, and South-East of Mauritius. Whether you wish to snorkel or relax, our catamarans and speedboat as well as our teams are the most reliable and professional ones in Mauritius.

The day trips include a barbecue lunch with a selection of salads and unlimited refreshments.

Magical sunsets with drinks and canapés can also be organised on the west coast.

Silver Distinction

Popular activities


Choose from the best speed boat tours departing from Grand-Baie to the northern islands or to the West Coast of [...]


Stunning Catamaran trips off the coasts of Mauritius - departures from the north-east, north, east, south-east and south-west of the [...]

Sunset Cruises

Sunset Cruises

Enjoy a magical sunset from the lagoon with our Sunset Catamaran Cruise from Grand-Baie or Black River in Mauritius. Book [...]

Exclusive Cruises

Exclusive Cruises

Book a private catamaran tour with Croisières Australes and choose your exclusive cruise from Grand-Baie, Black River, Trou D'Eau Douce [...]


Preparing For A Full Day Catamaran Tour in Mauritius

Imagine a day filled with sunshine, turquoise waters, and the gentle rocking of a catamaran—this is the promise of a full-day catamaran tour in Mauritius. From snorkelling in crystal-clear lagoons to exploring hidden coves and enjoying a delicious BBQ lunch on board, a full-day catamaran [...]

Discover the Hidden Gems: Islands in the North of Mauritius

A Guide to the Islands in the North of MauritiusMauritius is renowned for its stunning beaches and crystal-clear waters. While the entire island offers many attractions, the Northern Isles stand out as hidden gems waiting to be explored.Whether you're a sun-seeker, an adventure enthusiast, or [...]


Rogers Hospitality

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  • Nos séjours
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  • Croisière en voilier
  • Multi-activités montagne
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  • Ski de randonnée / Freeride
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  • Trek / Randonnée
  • Île Maurice
  • Îles Canaries
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  • Kirghizistan
  • Polynésie - Tahiti
  • Royaume-Uni
  • Côte d'Azur
  • Massif Central
  • Paris - Ile-de-France
  • Provence - Alpes - Côte d'Azur

Croisières à l'Île Maurice avec skipper catamaran & voilier

  • Croisière En Voilier arrow_forward_ios
  • Açores
  • Baléares
  • Grèce
  • Îles Canaries
  • Îles Vierges
  • Monténégro
  • Norvège
  • Polynésie - Tahiti
  • Thaïlande

Croisière en voilier, Île Maurice : 3 séjours

Croisière catamaran Île Maurice - avec hôtesse

Croisière catamaran Île Maurice - avec hôtesse

  • Matériel de snorkeling et kayak de mer pour profiter des fonds marins
  • Préparation des repas pris en charge par l'hôtesse / cuisinière
  • Salle de bain privative pour chaque cabine double

dorothée-N-Agence croisières en voilier-portrait

Croisière catamaran Îlot Gabriel - avec hôtesse

  • Convivialité et tranquillité au programme !

Le Morne Dream (Maurice)

Croisière catamaran Lagon du Morne - avec hôtesse

Tout savoir sur nos croisières à l'île maurice.

  •   Où se situe l’Île Maurice ?
  •   Quelle est la meilleure période pour faire une croisière à l’Île Maurice ?
  •   Quelle durée prévoir pour une croisière catamaran à l’Île Maurice ?
  •   Quelles sont les principales choses à voir ?
  •   Quelles sont les formules proposées ?
  •   Quel est le budget pour une croisière à l’Île Maurice ?
  •   Comment s’organise la vie à bord ?
  •   Qu’est-ce que la caisse de bord ?
  •   Comment se rendre à l’Île Maurice ?
  •   Quelles sont les formalités ?
  •   Quelle est la monnaie locale ?
  •   Quel est le décalage horaire ?
  •   Quelles sont les destinations alternatives ?

Où se situe l’Île Maurice ?

La République de Maurice est une île de l’Océan Indien dans l’ archipel des Mascareignes , située entre la Réunion à l’Ouest et l’île Rodrigues à l’Est. Peuplée de plus d’un million d’habitants et s’étalant sur près de 18 000 km2, l’ Île Maurice est une destination prisée pour ses plages de sable blanc, ses eaux turquoise ainsi que pour sa végétation luxuriante et la douceur de son climat. Un must pour une croisière en catamaran .

Quelle est la meilleure période pour faire une croisière à l’Île Maurice ?

Il est possible d’effectuer une croisière à l’Île Maurice tout au long de l’année. Il est néanmoins important de distinguer les deux principales saisons de l’île :

l’ été austral qui s’étend de la mi-novembre à la fin-mars, offre des conditions d'ensoleillement optimales et des températures comprises généralement entre 25°C et 35°C. Attention cependant à l’humidité qui peut être importante en cette saison.

l’ hiver austral , de mai à novembre, constitue une parfaite alternative avec des températures moins élevées (entre 15°C et 25°C) et des conditions plus sèches.

Quelle durée prévoir pour une croisière catamaran à l’Île Maurice ?

La durée d’une croisière catamaran à l’Île Maurice dépend principalement de vos envies et de la formule sélectionnée. Comptez généralement entre 4 et 8 jours afin de parfaitement découvrir toutes les merveilles marines de Maurice.

Quelles sont les principales choses à voir ?

L’Île Maurice regorge de curiosités naturelles, de visites culturelles et d’excursions à couper le souffle. Nous avons donc sélectionné quelques-uns des plus beaux sites à voir au cours d’une croisière à l’Île Maurice :

La plage de Flic en Flac

C’est une des plages incontournables de Maurice. Bordant la ville animée de Flic en Flac , cette plage d’une dizaine de kilomètres de long offre un véritable décor de carte postale . Eau turquoise, végétation abondante et riches fonds marins, tout y est pour une journée au paradis sous les tropiques.

C’est une destination mondaine au coeur de votre croisière. Ville dynamique du Nord de l’Île, Grand Baie offre de nombreuses possibilités : visiter la ville et découvrir les spécialités locales, profiter de la plage, faire du snorkeling et de la plongée, sortir sur le Sunset Boulevard ou faire la fête dans les nombreux bars et restaurants de la ville.

Cap Malheureux

Situé au Nord de l’île, le Cap Malheureux est reconnaissable à son église au toit rouge vif qui contraste parfaitement avec le bleu azur du ciel et de la mer. Avec une escale au Cap Malheureux, vous pouvez profiter des superbes plages, découvrir les environs ou réaliser une excursion à l’ Île Plate , située juste en face. Enfin, comme sur la plupart des destinations de l’Île Maurice, eau turquoise et poissons tropicaux seront au rendez-vous.

La plaine de Chamarel ou “terre aux 7 couleurs” , située au Sud-Ouest de l’île et à proximité du Morne Brabant , est l’une des destinations incontournables de Maurice. Plusieurs dunes de terre aux couleurs vives émergent de la végétation pour un spectacle unique. Par ailleurs, il est aussi possible d’observer la cascade de Chamarel , haute d’une centaine de mètres, et descendre s’y baigner.

Parc National des gorges de Rivière Noire

Le Parc National des gorges de Rivière Noire est le plus grand parc de l’île. Abritant des centaines d’espèces animales et végétales, le parc dispose d’une biodiversité unique . Par ailleurs, les nombreuses cascades et rivières du parc en font un véritable paradis pour les passionnés de randonnée . Evitez cependant de vous y rendre pendant la saison des pluies en raison des chemins pouvant être extrêmement glissants. Prévoyez aussi de bonnes chaussures de randonnée pour parfaitement découvrir les différents sentiers du parc.

Le Morne Brabant

Se jetant presque dans la mer et classé au patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco , le Morne Brabant est l’une des excursions incontournables du Sud de l’Île Maurice. Bordé de plages paradisiaques aux eaux cristallines et à la végétation luxuriante, se prélasser à ses pieds est un véritable bonheur. Les plus aventuriers pourront aussi tenter son ascension pour bénéficier d’une vue exceptionnelle sur la mer et toute la partie Sud de l’île. Attention cependant à la partie finale, assez escarpée et réservée aux personnes en bonne forme physique. Cerise sur le gâteau : il serait possible d’observer par temps clair et de nuit les lumières de la Réunion depuis son sommet…

Quelles sont les formules proposées ?

Les catamarans.

Une croisière catamaran à l’Île Maurice , est idéale si vous souhaitez allier confort et stabilité. Avec un faible tirant d’eau , vous pouvez notamment vous approcher beaucoup plus facilement des plages. Par ailleurs, en raison de sa conception avec deux coques, le catamaran offre davantage d’espace en intérieur ainsi qu’en extérieur. Un must pour découvrir tout en douceur les merveilles de l’Île Maurice.

Les catamarans que nos professionnels proposent pour votre croisière à la voile à l’Île Maurice sont spacieux tout en gardant une taille humaine. Leurs dimensions varient entre 12 et 15 mètres de longueur pour un nombre moyen de 3 cabines doubles, soit environ 8 couchages. Vous y trouverez tous les équipements nécessaires à votre confort ; bain de soleil, douche de pont, barbecue, enceinte, dessalinisateur, etc. Certains d’entre eux vous proposent gratuitement du matériel pour vos activités nautiques : stand-up paddle, canoë kayak, matériel de pêche et de snorkeling (palmes, masque, tuba), etc.

Croisière à la cabine

Une croisière cabine à l’Île Maurice pour partager votre aventure (et vos frais) avec d’autres participants. À noter que si vous êtes seul et que vous souhaitez avoir votre propre cabine, le skipper demande généralement un supplément.

Skipper avec hôte/hôtesse

Toutes nos croisières à l’Île Maurice bénéficient des services d’un hôte ou d’une hôtesse à bord qui s’occupe entre autres des repas et du rangement au cours de la croisière.

Quel est le budget pour une croisière à l’Île Maurice ?

Le coût d’une croisière à l’Île Maurice varie principalement en fonction de la formule sélectionnée. Comptez généralement entre 700 € et 1 400 € par personne, selon la période, pour une croisière cabine. À noter qu’il vous faudra aussi ajouter vos vols internationaux ainsi que la caisse de bord dans certains des cas.

Comment s’organise la vie à bord ?

Retrouvez toutes les infos indispensables pour préparer votre croisière à l’Île Maurice sur notre page croisière en voilier .

Qu’est-ce que la caisse de bord ?

La caisse de bord est une cagnotte commune à l’ensemble des participants de la croisière afin de contribuer de manière équitable à la vie à bord. Le skipper détermine à l’avance le montant moyen des frais (comprenant les frais de port, frais de carburant, frais de fonctionnement, frais exceptionnels de restauration, etc.) mais celui-ci est susceptible d’évoluer en fonction des envies des participants pendant la croisière.

Comment se rendre à l’Île Maurice ?

Il existe de nombreux vols au départ de Paris pour se rendre à l’aéroport International de Port Louis sur l’Île Maurice. Air France effectue des vols directs d’une durée d’environ 11 heures. Il est aussi possible de prendre un vol avec escale pour un trajet d’environ 16 heures. À noter que les prix d’un aller-retour varient principalement entre 800 € et 1 000 €.

Quelles sont les formalités ?

Pour les citoyens français, le visa n’est pas obligatoire . Un passeport valide après la fin du séjour est néanmoins nécessaire. Par ailleurs, un justificatif de moyens financiers est demandé (environ 100$ par jour) ainsi qu’une preuve de réservation sur place.

Quelle est la monnaie locale ?

La monnaie locale est la roupie mauricienne (MRs ou Rs). Comptez généralement pour 1 € environ 40 MRs.

Quel est le décalage horaire ?

Comptez + 3 h entre Paris et Port Louis en été et + 2 h en hiver. À titre d’exemple, si il est 14 h à Paris, il sera 17 h à l’Île Maurice (16 h en hiver).

Quelles sont les destinations alternatives ?

Les destinations de croisières à la voile sous les tropiques ne manquent pas. Pour cela, nous proposons des croisières en Polynésie , aux Seychelles ainsi que dans les différentes îles des Antilles .

Les garanties Kazaden

Des aventures dans votre boite mail.


Are you a Mauritian resident?

Video Oceane


As a family, with friends, as a group, embark with the professionals of Océane to the most beautiful sites on the East and West coast of Mauritius during an unforgettable trip. Catamaran excursions with a BBQ on board, aperitif at sunset, Yoga detox session at dusk, corporate cocktails, Team Building day for your group or your privileged clients…

We meet all your desires. Embark aboard one of our catamarans, speedboats or our ultra-comfortable floating lounge, the “Pontoon” boat !

Discover one of our cruise packages and catamaran excursions but also our different private packages .

Let yourself be enchanted by the beauty of Mauritius, its turquoise waters, its magnificent beaches, its fauna and flora…

reunion maurice catamaran

3 types of boats: catamarans, speedboats and pontoon boat

reunion maurice catamaran


In small groups of people, discover the most beautiful sites of Mauritius, and enjoy these few magical hours in unique comfort and safety in the lagoon.

Departing in Trou D’eau Douce on the East and Black River on the west, our friendly skippers will show you Ile aux Cerfs, the Grande Riviere Sud Est waterfall, Ile aux Benitiers, the Crystal Rock, Tamarin bay and its dolphins and the most beautiful sunsets. These excursions can also be organised on a private basis.

reunion maurice catamaran

East Coast: Ile aux cerfs & the Grande Rivière Sud Est waterfall (6h)

On the east coast, the clear waters of the longest lagoon in Mauritius are calling you… Against a backdrop of volcanic mountains, try and spot the peaks of the « Chat et la Souris » unmissable landmarks on the east coast. Then sail towards the GRSE waterfall, “eau bleu” and Ile aux Cerfs.

beautiful cruises 05

West coast: Ile aux bénitiers, Crystal Rock, Tamarin Bay and its dolphins (6h)

Discover the west coast in all its splendour!

Setting off from Black River, you’ll make your way to Tamarin Bay in search of bottle-nosed or spinner dolphins. Sail towards a snorkelling spot and then towards the famous ‘Crystal Rock’. And end this beautiful day on Ile aux Benitiers.

reunion maurice catamaran

South East Coast : the Eco Tour on Ile Aux Aigrettes for nature lovers

Setting off from Trou d’Eau Douce, sail along Îlot Mangénie, the famous Île aux Cerfs and all along the East coast to île aux Aigrettes where a guide awaits you to fully immerse yourself in the mauritian fauna and flora, absolutely magical place for nature lovers in search of new experiences.


reunion maurice catamaran


For lovers of new experiences, Océane also offers unique excursions in Mauritius. In small groups of 10/15 people, fall under the spell and enjoy the magical moments of the beginning or end of the day on one of Océane’s catamarans and relax while enjoying an ultra-fresh breakfast or a colourful aperitif or for the Sport enthusiasts, meditate during a yoga session on board, facing the rising/setting sun.

Serenity Breakfast

Yoga Detox session on the East coast at sunrise or sunset (3h)

Do your sun salutations, to welcome the new day ; stretch and feel the gentle lapping of the ocean. Be at one with nature while following your yoga instructor through asanas. A healthy breakfast is then served to start the day right.


Apéritif/Cocktails at sunset on the East & West coast (3h)

Sail towards Ile aux Cerfs or Ile aux Benitiers and admire the sunset on the most beautiful landscapes of Mauritius. Relax on the catamaran’s spacious decks or trampolines, catch a few sun rays and let yourself be blown away…

reunion maurice catamaran


reunion maurice catamaran

Groups & Team Building

An exceptional location to welcome your groups up to 400 people and plan a unique event for your employees, customers and partners… corporate cocktails, launches of new products and incentives, Océane adapts to all your requirements.

reunion maurice catamaran

The best boat experience ever!!

Feb 2023 • We had the most amazing day!! Everything was spectacular! Your crew were superb so kind and friendly and welcoming! The boat is beautiful, the itinerary is one of the best. The food was delicious. I would highly recommend Oceane cruise to anyone visiting the island! They will give you a trip you will always remember! They exceeded all expectations!! Nadjla...

reunion maurice catamaran


Jul 2022 • I travelled solo with my 8-year-old son. From booking, to changing the date of the cruise to arranging pick and drop everything was organised efficiently. We had a fantastic day. The crew are excellent were constantly engaging with all the guests. The water was too cold for us to go snokelling but we enjoyed staying on the catamaran. The BBQ lunch was just perfect.. Maria...

sea view

Private Catamaran Cruise – West Coast

Mar 2022 • Superb experience with Oceane Cruises. We hired a private catamaran for the day and it couldn’t have been a better experience. The team onboard were helpful and knowledgeable about the surrounding area. The food was cooked fantastically and no shortage of beverages. Would 100% recommend to anybody. Thank you all! Greg...


Have a worry-free day while snorkelling: you can dive into the refreshing waters of the lagoon and swim among the fish and coral while a crew member keeps watch on you from the stern. Lifebuoys tied to the boat are released for extra comfort and peace of mind, especially when there are children in the water.

reunion maurice catamaran

reunion maurice catamaran

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reunion maurice catamaran

10 Best Catamaran Cruises in Mauritius

The best catamaran cruises in mauritius.

For unforgettable fun, relaxation and adventure, nothing beats a catamaran cruise along the most beautiful coasts to amazing locations all around Mauritius mainland. For the convenience of clients there is a large selection of day cruises to several destinations, with few different departure points. In the North, the choice is between Gabriel Island and Flat Island. Through other cruises, you can also see dolphins on the West coast or choose to cruise on the east coast, visiting the famous Ile aux Cerfs Island.

For the romantic at heart, there are sunset and dinner cruises; both on a shared and private basis.

Upon request, exclusive cruises to remote islands destinations and tailor made overnight cruises can be organised. From budget to top luxury, you are sure to find the ideal cruise experience as per your likings, preferences and budget.

Enjoy sailing through the crystal clear water, breathtaking scenery all around, stay on the beautiful white sand beaches, snorkel inside the lagoons, explore the local marine line, and enjoy delicious food and bar services. This cruise is all about making sure you have a full day of true relaxation and fun.

Discover the Top 10 Best Catamaran Cruise in Mauritius

1. catamaran cruise to gabriel island.

Gabriel Island is a protected natural reserve, located near Round Island and the Flat island, at the extreme north of Mauritius, about 10 kilometers north of Cap Malheureux. The distance between Gabriel Island and Flat island is only 750 meters.

The size of the island is only 42 hectares, making it much smaller than Flat island, and the highest point is 28 meters. The island is most famous for its beautiful unspoiled beaches, with crystal clear water surrounding the entire island. It is a very popular site for snorkelers, and also offers great dive sites.

Catamaran Cruise to Gabriel Island

For you to be able to view and experience this amazing island, there are several packages ranging from day cruises, to overnight luxury stays or even 3 to 5 days catamaran overnight packages.

For the day cruise package, the catamaran cruise starts at 09:00, departing from Grand Bay. The sailing time is around 1.5 hours before reaching Gabriel Island where you will be able to discover the beautiful unspoiled beaches, with crystal clear water surrounding the entire island.

As part of the cruise you will pass by an amazing lagoon, where swimming and snorkeling are a must. Sometimes during this excursion you will be able to see whales as well as dolphins. If this happens, the crew will stop the boat, in order for you to observe these great animals from close in their natural environment. You may also enjoy any of the Gabriel island cruises on a private-exclusive basis. The trip includes breakfast, lunch, a selection of drinks including alcoholic (beer, rum, cocktails…) and non-alcoholic beverages throughout the day.

Book your Catamaran Cruise to Gabriel Island:

  • Catamaran Cruise to Gabriel Island
  • Exclusive Catamaran Cruise - Gabriel Island & Breakfast, Lunch

2. Catamaran Cruise to Flat Island

Flat Island, known as Île Plate in French, is located near Round Island, at the extreme north of Mauritius, about 11 kilometers north of Cap Malheureux, the Mauritius' mainland's northernmost point.

Flat Island houses one of the two working lighthouses in Mauritius. Flat Island, 253 hectares in size, is the largest of the northern islet and is mostly flat, except its single hill topped by a lighthouse.

North of Flat Island is Pigeon Rock, a spectacular bare rock stack, where many seabirds come for nesting. Flat Island is a very popular venue for snorkelers, and also offers great dive sites. The island offers beautiful beaches with crystal clear turquoise water

Catamaran Cruise to Flat Island

Same as Gabriel Island, there are several catamaran cruise packages available to visit Flat Island. One of the most popular is the ‘Catamaran Cruise - Flat Island & Lunch & Open Bar’. For this package, the catamaran cruise starts at 09:00, departing from Grand Bay. After a short sailing time of around 1.5 hours you will reach Flat Island where you can make the most of their beautiful unspoiled beaches, with crystal clear water surrounding the entire island. At around 12.30 you will enjoy a full delicious BBQ lunch buffet onboard. Please note that the menu includes only fresh fish, fresh chicken and a selection of fresh salads. If you are a vegetarian, with prior notice, necessary arrangements will be done.

You can enjoy swimming, snorkeling or simply enjoy a day of relaxation on a picture-postcard beach.

At around 15:00, you will leave Flat Island, heading back to Grand Bay. During the sail back you can enjoy light snacks, the bar services and the live music. Expected arrival time back to Grand Bay is 16:30.

There are a number of exclusive catamaran cruises that are provided for Flat Island. You may also enjoy a unique exclusive luxurious catamaran cruise, which includes a delicious dining experience at a top class restaurant - Governor's house located on Flat Island in a breathtaking location.

Book your Catamaran Cruise to Flat Island:

  • Catamaran Cruise - Flat Island & Lunch & Open Bar
  • Exclusive Catamaran Cruise - Coin de Mire And Flat Island
  • Exclusive Catamaran Cruise - Flat Island & Breakfast, Lunch
  • Luxury Flat Island Catamaran or Speedboat Cruise + Gourmet Lunch

3. VIP day Catamaran Cruise to Governor's House

The Governor’s House is a fine dining restaurant situated on a private beach of Flat Island and operated with much skill and class by one of the best hotels of Mauritius. The design of the Governor’s House restaurant is very unique; it is actually an old ruin, dating from the 19th century, which was brought to life with much style for providing all its visitors a very unique dining experience.

This cruise is all about enjoying a unique luxurious catamaran, which includes a delicious dining experience at a top class restaurant located on Flat Island in a breathtaking location.

VIP day Catamaran Cruise to Governor's House

The cruise takes you along the North coast of Mauritius, sailing past Fort Malartic, Cap Malheureux and other important historical sites until reaching the high sea cliffs of Gunner’s Quoin. The Gunner’s Quoin Island with its high sea cliffs towering into the sky is quite a remarkable site. These cliffs serve as nesting grounds to large colonies of tropic birds including the famous national bird of Mauritius.

After approximately one and half hours of easy cruising, the vessel will reach its destination and stop sailing at the lagoon between Flat Island and Gabriel Island. Then you will be transferred from Flat Island’s main beach a distance of about 1km to the northern part of Flat Island where you will spend the day on the private beach of the Governor’s house.

For lunch, you will have your own private dining table, shaded and overlooking the sea. All along you will continue to enjoy a selection of refreshments, which will be served before and after lunch. Lunch will be served from 12h00 to 14h30 at the Governor’s House restaurant. The restaurant offers a magical setting on a private beach at the north of Flat Island overlooking Round Island and Snake Island – the most distant islands of Mauritius.

At around 16:00, you will leave Flat Island, heading back to the departure point, reaching back to Sunset Boulevard Grand Bay at around 17:45.

During the sail back you will continue enjoying the bar services and the great atmosphere onboard.

Book you Luxury Flat Island Catamaran or Speedboat Cruise + Gourmet Lunch

4. Harris Wilson Catamaran Cruise

Harris Wilson is a 18 meters racing catamaran (60ft). The catamaran was built for ocean racing. This catamaran offers traveling at speed.

Harris Wilson offers a more luxurious catamaran trip, with more room to walk around, a 360 degrees view and also with a small bar on board the catamaran.

Harris Wilson Catamaran Cruise

We have 2 amazing packages that will allow you to experience this unique catamaran namely:

(i) Harris Wilson Catamaran Cruise - West Coast

This Harris Wilson catamaran trip to the South West Coast of Mauritius is a great way to discover the beautiful beaches, lagoons, and the mountain peaks visible from the sea. After departing from Tamarin, you will head to Tamarin Bay where you can encounter dolphins in their natural habitat. This is a unique chance to explore the spectacular lives of these magnificent marine mammals in their aquatic habitat. With some luck you will get to encounter the dolphins in the crystal clear waters of the bay. The unique wildness, peacefulness, tranquility and calmness of the west coast attract an increasing number of people every year.

(ii) Harris Wilson Catamaran Cruise - South East Coast

During this cruise, you will sail along the beautiful Eastern coast towards the islets Ile de la Passe and Ile au Phare. You will learn more about their historical background and enjoy a guided visit of Ile au Phare which harbors a lighthouse from 1864. You will then head towards Ile aux Cerfs; a visit to the island is a must because it’s beautiful beaches are well worth it. After that venture, you will re-embark on the catamaran and sail towards the Grand River South East Waterfalls, where you will be asked to board small speedboats to get closer to the magnificent waterfalls. For both packages, it will be a full day cruise full of sun, drinks, delicious food and a lot of fun and relaxation on a luxury 60ft Racing Catamaran. There will be snorkeling breaks and you will enjoy a full delicious BBQ lunch buffet set on the Harris Wilson catamaran.

Book your Harris Wilson Catamaran Cruise:

  • Harris Wilson Catamaran Cruise - West Coast
  • Harris Wilson Catamaran Cruise - South East Coast

5. Catamaran Cruise with the Dolphins (West Coast Cruise)

Dolphins are perhaps the most fantastic of all the creatures that live in the ocean. The dolphins, cheerful and playful, are a symbol of intelligence and grace. In Mauritius, the dolphins live in pods of about 20 individuals or more and can be observed swimming from Tamarin Bay (on the west coast of Mauritius). The most common dolphins in Mauritius are the Bottlenose Dolphin and the Spinner Dolphin.

For you to be able to experience these amazing creatures we would highly recommend the ‘Catamaran Cruise - See Dolphins + Visit Benitiers Island’

The cruise is done on a great 40 feet catamaran along the South West coast of Mauritius which is considered one of the most beautiful areas, and a must place to see when visiting Mauritius.

Catamaran Cruise with the Dolphins (West Coast Cruise)

As part of this cruise tour you will discover the dolphins of Tamarin bay, visit the famous Crystal rock which stands out in the middle of the lagoon, and stay on Benitiers Island for relaxation on its beautiful sandy beaches.

The cruise itself starts at 09:00 am. You will have a short pre-departure briefing by the boat’s captain. Then the catamaran will depart heading to Tamarin Bay area where you can encounter dolphins in their natural habitat. From Tamarin bay the cruise will continue along the coral reefs to the lagoon of La Preneuse. During the cruise, the catamaran will stop for breaks in some key locations, where you can enjoy a swim and some snorkeling in the sea, or enjoy the sun and drinks on board the catamaran.

Then the catamaran will head to the beautiful Island of Benitiers. Before arriving to the Island you will visit the famous Crystal Rock and will have a spectacular view of the Rempart Mountain, the Black River mountain range, and of the magnificent Le Morne Mountain.

You will have a delicious BBQ lunch buffet on the catamaran. After lunch, you can enjoy some relaxation time by the beach and the expected arrival time to Tamarin is 15:30.

For a more unique experience, you must try one of the exclusive Private Catamaran Cruise. These will include snorkelling breaks, dolphins encounter on the West Coast of Mauritius and you’ll get to spend a relaxing time onboard admiring the spectacular coastal views of the West side of the island. Depending on the selected package, some also include breakfast, lunch and unlimited alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks.

Book your Catamaran Cruise with the Dolphins:

  • Catamaran Cruise - See Dolphins + Visit Benitiers Island
  • 2-hour Exclusive Catamaran Cruise with Dolphins Encounter
  • Exclusive Half Day Catamaran Cruise-Dolphins+Snorkelling
  • Full Day Private Luxurious Catamaran Cruise - Benitiers Island
  • Exclusive West Coast Catamaran Cruise

6. Catamaran Cruise to Ile aux Cerfs

Ile aux Cerfs Island is a beautiful island near the east coast of Mauritius. With its swaying casuarinas and palm trees and the pure white beaches framed by the vivid turquoise waters, this amazing paradise island is the perfect setting for a relaxing day of sun worship.

Depending on the package that you select, the embarking can be done at 2 different locations:

  • Pointe Jerome in the South East of Mauritius.
  • Trou D’Eau Douce on the East coast of Mauritius.

Catamaran Cruise to Ile aux Cerfs

(i) Catamaran Cruise from Pointe Jerome in the South East of Mauritius

If you opt for the catamaran from the south east of the island, the catamaran cruise departs at 09:00. This cruise will sail through crystal clear water and around 11:00, the catamaran makes a stop for you to enjoy snorkeling inside the island's largest lagoon allowing you to enjoy the underwater marine life and swim amongst superb corals and brightly colored tropical fishes. After snorkeling the catamaran continues sailing along the beautiful east coast and will take you up the river’s mouth of Grande Riviere Sud Est to see the giant bat colony and monkeys living on the rivers bank and also to see the waterfall from afar.

A delicious lunch is then served onboard. The BBQ lunch which is prepared by the friendly crew members is one of the best lunches you get to have as part of any catamaran cruise offered in Mauritius. After lunch the catamaran will cruise into the canal between the Isle aux Cerfs and the world class sanctuary of Anahita before dropping you off on the famous white sand bank of Ile aux cerfs. After spending some time on Ile aux Cerfs, you will re-embark on the catamaran and sail back to the Hotel’s jetty by 16:00. Once on board tea and coffee is served as well as slices of cake, not to forget the open bar that remains open.

(ii) Catamaran Cruise from Trou D’Eau Douce on the East coast of Mauritius

If you opt for the catamaran from Trou D’Eau Douce, the cruise starts at 09:30. The catamaran will cruise along the shore line heading to the direction of the Grand River Waterfalls. Then when reaching the Grand River, you will go by small speed boats to visit the waterfalls which are found about 500m upstream. Following the visit to the waterfalls you will head back to the catamaran.

You will keep sailing inside the crystal clear water of the lagoon until stopping for a snorkeling and swimming break. You will get to experience a glimpse into the beauty of our world underwater. After the snorkeling you will enjoy a full delicious BBQ lunch buffet set on the beach or on the catamaran. After lunch, then you will be heading to Ile aux Cerfs Island where you are sure to have some relaxation and fun on one of the picture-postcard beaches or enjoy a swim and/or snorkel in the azure sea. After the visit to Ile aux Cerfs, you will enjoy the beautiful sail back to Trou D’Eau Douce, expected arrival time back to Trou D’Eau Douce is 16:15.

While at Ile Aux Cerf, you may take advantage of the wide range of facilities on the island and the various water sports activities found there.

You may also treat yourself to a memorable day by taking a private trip in a 42 ft catamaran. It will be full of sun, drinks, delicious food and a lot of fun and relaxation on the East Coast of Mauritius. This private trip will sail through the crystal-clear water, you will have breathtaking scenery all around, relax on the beautiful white sand beaches, snorkel inside the lagoons, explore the local marine line and enjoy delicious food and bar services. This cruise is all about making sure you have a full day of true relaxation and fun with your loved ones.

Book your Catamaran Cruise to Ile aux Cerfs:

  • Catamaran Cruise To Ile Aux Cerfs (From Mauritius South East)
  • Catamaran Cruise To Ile Aux Cerfs (From Trou d'eau Douce)

7. Sunset Catamaran Cruise

The sunsets in Mauritius are legendary, and the best way to experience one is from the ocean. You will see a symphony of colors in the sky, a mixture of red, purple, blues, pinks and mesmerizing yellow.

This sunset catamaran trip is the ideal activity for a romantic evening with your loved ones, birthday celebration, pre wedding celebration, reception on your wedding day, honeymoon cruise, or for enjoying a private cruise with friends and family.

We have different packages for different parts of the island and the cruise can either be on a shared or a private basis. Locations for the cruises are Grand Bay (North Coast), Blue Bay (South-East Coast) and Black River passing by Flic En Flac (in the South West).

Sunset Catamaran Cruise

You will embark onboard the beautiful 40 feet catamaran and experience an unforgettable 2 hours unique sunset cruise while enjoying a variety of local snacks served onboard the catamaran. The expected departure time for the cruise is 17:00 and arrival time around 19:00.

The setting of the cruises are ideal, sailing in a beautiful catamaran with clear blue water of the largest lagoon in Mauritius all around, a beautiful sunset, Sega music in the background and snacks and a home-made punch (made of fruit juice and Rum) served to you by the boat staff, who are there to attend your every need and desire. Sunset cruises are all about having a romantic and relaxed evening on board of a catamaran, while enjoying the company of your loved ones or friend

Link to Sunset Cruise: Sunset Catamaran Cruise

8. Catamaran Dinner Cruise

Experience a tailor made private or shared catamaran sunset cruise with your loved ones along the North, West or even the South West coast of Mauritius; this is definitely an enchanting way to enjoy romantic time, and is one of the most romantic things to do in Mauritius.

The catamaran dinner cruises depart at around 17:00 and expected arrival time is at around 21:00.

Toast at dusk to welcome the new evening with a bottle of sparkling wine and relish delicious light canapés provided to you onboard. In addition, you will have the benefit of complimentary beverages such as soft drinks, wine and beer. Lie back and admire the breathtaking scenery the sky paints for you as the sun begins to fade, gently lowering into the horizon.

Catamaran Dinner Cruise

You will have the splendid opportunity of enjoying first-hand the magnificent tropical sunset usually only witnessed in pictures.

You will be able to enjoy your cruise and bask in the spectacular sunset experience in all serenity. Additionally, a dedicated crew will be at your service throughout the journey, attending to your each and every need to the best of their abilities.

During the cruise, you will also get to experience a delectable dinner. Depending on the selected cruise, you can savour the blissful flavours of a 3-course dinner prepared by your private on-board Chef accompanied by an indulging service by your dedicated butler in the midst of gorgeous Indian Ocean.

Book your Catamaran Dinner Cruise:

  • Private Catamaran Sunset Cruise With Dinner - Grand Baie - Promo
  • Couple's Exclusive Lobster Dinner Evening Cruise
  • Luxury Romantic Sunset Cruise with Gastronomic Dinner
  • Private Catamaran Sunset Cruise with Dinner - Black River

9. Half Day Private Catamaran Cruise At Balaclava

Enjoy a private tropical cruise aboard the fastest catamaran, the Turtle Cruiser, currently operating in Mauritius.

This half day cruise is ideal for those wishing to enjoy an amusing time with their loved ones; family or friends, in an intimate setting.

The luxurious catamaran will take you on a discovery venture along the North-West coast of the island where you will get to bask in the beauty of the magnificent lagoon and the breathtaking surroundings. You will have an excellent range of entertainment options from snorkelling to live musical performances onboard; you will be spoilt for choice.

Half Day Private Catamaran Cruise At Balaclava

You will experience an enjoyable, intimate time onboard with the possibility of relishing a gourmet Asian Fusion BBQ lunch, served by an on-board private butler. If you are vegetarian, you will have the choice between a vegetarian or an Indian one, provided you make it known in advance. You will also be offered complimentary beverages such as soft drinks, beer and wine.

The catamaran cruise is proposed twice a day so you will have the choice of getting onboard at either 9 am or 11 am at Balaclava in the North region of the island. The cruise will last for a total of 4 hours so, depending on what time you board the catamaran, you will get back at either 1 pm or 3 pm.

You will glide on the calm, turquoise waters of the Indian Ocean from Balaclava to Mont Choisy (Ile au Phare) or Trou aux Biches. The catamaran will stop briefly by the charming isle of Ile au Phare for you to explore and will also give a splendid snorkelling opportunity through a vibrant marine park along the way.

Book your Half Day Private Catamaran Cruise At Balaclava

Overnight Catamaran Cruise

If you’re looking for a perfect retreat with nothing but the ocean between you and the horizon, then an exclusive luxury overnight catamaran cruise is for you.

We have different overnight packages available ranging from 1 night to 3 nights stays and you are sure to enjoy an unforgettable day and night cruising experience, which will be one of the highlights of your holiday in Mauritius. Some catamarans can accommodate a group of up to eight people.

This luxury catamaran cruise will make you feel as if you were in a top class hotel, offering all the possible facilities and features for you to experience cruising in the most elegant and stylish atmosphere.

Overnight Catamaran Cruise

Enjoy sailing through the crystal-clear water of the Indian Ocean and admiring the breathtaking scenery around you, consisting of beautiful white sandy beaches and magnificent turquoise seas. You will have the possibility of indulging yourself with fun activities such as snorkelling in the lagoon to explore the wonderful local marine life or fishing, if luck is on your side, you may end up with a great catch.

You may also choose to simply enjoy some downtime aboard the catamaran, relishing delicious food and round-the-clock bar services. This cruise offers you a chance to be totally pampered by an incredible crew who will make sure you have great fun and absolute relaxation throughout.

Depending on the selected cruise some of the catamaran comprises a kitchen with a refrigerator, a spacious lounge/dining area with a TV, a DVD/CD player, an embedded auto-pilot and a GPS navigation system and a dinghy. After the sun sets, you will be able to spend quality time with your friends or partner, watching the starry night sky from the catamaran’s deck, all while a dedicated, friendly crew ensure you have a fantastic time onboard.

Book your Overnight Catamaran Cruise

Catamaran Cruises in Mauritius - The Conclusion!

With the vast catamaran options available in Mauritius, you surely should treat yourself to a memorable day, which will be one of the highlights of your holiday in Mauritius.

You will experience sailing through the crystal clear water, while viewing the breathtaking scenery all around. You will also get to see the local marine line, and enjoy delicious food and bar services.

Since you will be out the whole day, we suggest that you bring your hats, swimsuits, t-shirts and extra sun block cream for sun protection and of course your cameras to capture as many memories as possible!


Catamaran Cruises at it's best in Mahebourg

Croisières Turquoise, a long time established Catamaran Cruise Company, operates three comfortable catamarans on the South East coast of Mauritius since 1987. Enjoy a peaceful sailing experience in the calm turquoise lagoon from Pointe Jerome to Ile-aux-Cerfs. On the way, you will have the opportunity to snorkel amongst tropical fish and corals, or simply swim in the crystal clear shallow water.

A short visit to the Grande Riviere Sud Est Waterfall will hopefully make you discover some species of the endemic fauna of Mauritius. (Monkeys, bats, paille-en-queue...) and the wilderness of the flora.

A mouth-watering lunch will be served on board (Smoked marlin mousse, grilled fish and chicken, potato and rice salads, fresh salads, crispy bread, season fruits...) accompanied of white and red wine.

Free soft drinks, beer, water, rum cocktail will be offered all day long. (Alcoholic beverages will not be served before the snorkeling stop.)

After lunch, you will visit Ile-Aux-Cerfs at your convenience, swim, sunbathe or just relax, while the friendly crew will prepare the boat for the return trip. You will be sailed back to Pointe Jerome around 4:00 pm.


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Want to know more and enjoy a fantastic cruise?


Reunion & Mauritius

Embark on a captivating journey through the tropical paradises of Reunion and Mauritius. From the adventurous landscapes of Reunion's volcanoes and scenic hikes to the serene luxury of Blue Margouillat and Shanti Maurice, indulge in beachside relaxation, cultural exploration, rejuvenating spa experiences, exhilarating water activities, and unforgettable culinary delights, creating cherished memories in this enchanting Indian Ocean escape.

Below are the starting prices for the itinerary above as of January 2024

  • Low: £3,064pp
  • Shoulder: £3,264pp 
  • High: £3,700pp
  • Festive: £4,925pp 

Note: This is a sample itinerary and can be customised based on your preferences, the availability of flights, and the duration of your stay.

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“We went on an unforgettable Seychelles trip, expertly organised by Ludo, filled with remarkable experiences that exceeded all expectations.”

Tom & Anna, Oxford

“Not only a tropical paradise, Mauritius is blessed with unparalleled culture and cuisine, fusing African, Asian and European influences. I cannot wait to travel there again next year.”

Olivia, London

“Ludo is our go to person for all our holiday plans. He doesn't just sell holidays, Ludo has personal experience of every country and hotel we've wanted to visit. He has a spooky understanding of what we're looking for!”

Steve, Oxford

“A 45 minute flight takes you from Mauritius to a relaxed yet sophisticated little piece of France in the Indian Ocean. Much of the island is a UNESCO World Heritage site, there are beautiful villages, active volcanos, canyons and waterfalls. The countryside is breathtaking which is best viewed from a helicopter. I would recommend this as a perfect add on to a holiday in Mauritius.”

Jane & Tim, Norwich

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Flight & Bus Tickets, Tours, Activitites

  • Ferry from Mauritius to Reunion Tickets, Schedule & Fare

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Cheap Mauritius to Reunion Island Ferry Online Booking

Reserve your cheap mauritius to reunion ferry tickets online..

Ferry from Mauritius to Reunion tickets online booking made easy. Unlike the Seychelles and Mauritius, its two Indian deep-sea neighbors, Reunion key attraction is its beaches. True, St-Gilles-Les Bains is packed with crowd during holiday periods and it is great and perfect beach. On the other hand, Reunion volcanic origins grant it is an amazing charming landscape, one characterized by deep canyons, high peaks, and plains. A Mauritius to Reunion day trip is possible. Express Mauritius to Reunion island ferry online ticket booking saving you money and time.

It is easy to travel from ferry Mauritius Reunion. The overnight journey takes around 12 hours. There are regular boat services from Mauritius to Toamasina and Reunion on the east coast. It departs about once every 2 weeks.

Other than that, you need to be lucky enough to get a ride on a yacht or cargo ship to surrounding islands and countries.

Ferry from Mauritius to Reunion, Attractions, Fares & Schedules FAQs

Mauritius to reunion day trip / places to visit:.

Placed in the east of islands are the plains, with volcanoes and heigh mountains. The plaine-des-Cafres and the desert volcano country with the Plaine-des-Palmistes are the most remarkable. There even is Volcano Road and there are many hiking trails to Cilaos and Pitaon-des-Neiges. The most remarkable viewpoint is at Plain-des Sabes. You can climb back up to some old craters and enjoy a even bigger view from the balcony which is three-hundred metres high.

Les Cirques

The Cirques of Reunion are a perfect example of geology with 3 big excavations a dozen kilometres in diameter, bounded by vertical almost unclimbable walls. For example, there is Cirque de Salazie, which can be accessed by road on the northeast coast. The vegetation here is very lush and waterfalls tumble down the mountains and in some locations even over the road. Salazie is the wettest of the 3 cirques that Reunion has and has even grips several worlds records for rainfall including the records for most rainfall in 1 hour and 1 day.

What is the affordable way to get from Mauritius to Reunion?

The affordable way to get from Reunion: express Mauritius to reunion island ferry cost $45 and takes 12 hours.

What is the quickest way to get from Mauritius to Reunion?

The fastest way to get from Mauritius to Reunion is to fly which costs $150 – $300 (return Mauritius to Reunion ticket price) and takes 1h 50m.

What is the travel distance of ferry Mauritius to Reunion?

The travel distance of boat Mauritius to Reunion is 233 km.

How long does it take from ferry Mauritius reunion?

It takes about 12 hours to Mauritius to Reunion Island ferry, including transfers.

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reunion maurice catamaran

This topic was also discussed in January, see:

When I did it a few years ago it was about 12 hours long.

Ferry also discussed here in April:

Tripadvisor staff removed this post because it did not meet Tripadvisor's forum posting guidelines with prohibiting self-promotional advertising or solicitation.

There is but by air and not worth it for a day.

Most trips even by air are for 2-3 days duration.

I have seen it advertised in the local papers here with local companies and if I come across it will let you know.

But TBH when I checked out the hotels they were using I backed off booking.

You may be better posting on Reunion forum - they are a helpful lot and gave me ideas when I was thinking of a trip to Reunion a while ago. They could maybe suggest a company in Reunion who could do a day trip package for you?

It looks to have been slow on Reunion forum but I'm sure someone will respond.

Ignore the first thread - just read it and its been bumped from a few years ago and is a really shocking subject!

Hi Munster4ever

You could do worse than check out this list of 14 incoming agencies on the Reunion tourism website:

Don't be put off by the fact some agencies only have a website in French - send them an e-mail in English and see who replies to you.

Let us know how you get on.

' class=

greetings from Marita

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reunion maurice catamaran

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Sortie en catamaran à La Réunion depuis Saint-Gilles : Tarifs, Avis, Informations

  • 53 par personne
  • Note : 4.71 /5 Voir les 7 avis

L’article en bref :

Sommaire de l'article

La croisière en catamaran à La Réunion offre deux options au départ de Saint-Gilles-Les-Bains.

La première, à 53 € par personne , est une sortie classique de 3 heures incluant boissons fraîches et apéritifs.

La seconde, plus luxueuse à 75 € , propose également des cocktails et snacks en plus.

Les deux options permettent d’admirer la côte réunionnaise et d’offrir des activités comme l’initiation à la voile et à la pêche à la traîne. Trois créneaux horaires sont disponibles pour chaque option. C’est une manière idéale de découvrir la beauté marine de l’île, avec la possibilité d’apercevoir dauphins ou baleines.

Aucune condition physique n’est requise.

Croisière de 3h en catamaran au départ de Saint-Gilles -

Profitez de vos vacances sur l’île de La Réunion pour  vous offrir une sortie en catamaran depuis le port de Saint-Gilles-Les-Bains  et profitez-en pour vous détendre et faire une des nombreuses activités proposées à bord !  

Une sortie en Catamaran à la Réunion pour vivre une expérience inoubliable en pleine mer   

L’océan Indien et la côte ouest de La Réunion vous réservent de belles surprises. En effet avec sa faune et sa flore débordante, ainsi que les somptueuses couleurs qu’offrent les différents lagons, partir en  croisière à bord d’un catamaran luxueux  est une solution idéale pour découvrir à la fois le grand bleu de l’océan ainsi que des panoramas depuis la mer des reliefs de l’île intense.  

Dans cette activité, vous serez  à bord d’un grand catamaran tout confort  et embarquerez dans ce bateau spacieux durant une demi journée depuis le port de saint Gilles.

Quelques informations importantes sur la  sortie en catamaran à La Réunion  :

  • Durée moyenne : 3 heures.
  • Difficulté  : facile ( aucune condition physique requise ).
  • Heure  : 3 créneaux différents sur la journée.
  • Tarif  : 53 € par personne.
  • Lieu de rendez-vous  : port de Saint-Gilles les Bains, Réunion.
  • Inclus dans la prestation  :croisière, boissons fraiches illimités, apéritif et fruits frais, initiation à la voile et à  la pêche à la traine.

Comment se passe  une sortie en catamaran depuis Saint Gilles les Bains à La Réunion  ?

Après avoir  réserver votre place jusqu’à la veille au soir  , le lieu de rendez vous sera convenu au port de Saint-Gilles les Bains, Réunion, ou vous pourrez vous garer facilement, le jour même de l’activité à l’heure que vous aurez choisi lors de votre réservation.

Une fois sur place, vous rencontrerez  l’équipage du bateau  ainsi que le reste de votre groupe et ce sera le moment, après un court briefing, d’ embarquer à bord d’un magnifique et luxueux catamaran  pour vous dirigez vers le large et profiter durant 3 heures d’un cadre magnifique.

Pendant votre  sortie en catamaran à voile , vous aurez l’occasion d’admirer les très beaux panoramas de la baie de Saint-Paul depuis la mer et ne manquerez pas de remplir votre collection de sublimes photos de la côte réunionnaise.

catamaran la réunion saint gilles les bains.webp

L’équipage sera au petit soins avec vous et vous offrira des jus de fruits frais illimités ainsi qu’une sélection d’amuses bouches ( samoussas, fruits frais … ) , mais aussi un choix de bières, punch et autres boissons fraiches afin de rendre ce moment inoubliable.

Durant ces 3 heures, vous aurez également l’occasion si vous le souhaitez d’apprendre quelques notions de  navigation à la voile , ainsi que les rudiments de la  pêche à la traîne .

L’équipage du bateau jettera un oeil attentif à l’horizon afin  d’appercevoir les dauphins et les baleines  se promenant le long de la côte, et, si vous avez la chance d’en appercevoir, vous pourrez immortaliser ce moment en vous approchant des cétacés, tout en respectant la charte d’approche de ces derniers.

Si vous réserver votre activité en milieu d’après-midi, vous aurez également la chance de pouvoir  admirer depuis la mer , le soleil se couchant sur l’océan Indien.

Au bout de ces  3 heures de rêve , vous regagnerez le port de Saint-Gilles , l’appareil photo ainsi que votre tête remplie de souvenirs impérissables.

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Une croisière  coucher de soleil en Catamaran à La Réunion

Si vous êtes adepte de  magnifique coucher de soleil , vous avez bien fait votre choix en venant sur l’île de La Réunion ! Presque tous les soirs à la tombée de la nuit, les couleurs du ciel deviennent féeriques et le contraste entre le orange rouge du soleil et le bleu de la mer est saisissant de beauté !

En optant pour une  croisière en catamaran avec un départ à 16h , vous pourrez profiter de ce magnifique spectacle en pleine mer, le tout en sirotant un succulent punch ou une boisson fraîche et en dégustant de délicieux samoussas.

Un moment inoubliable que l’on soit en couple, en famille ou entre amis.

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Quels sont  les tarifs d’une croisière en catamaran  à La Réunion ?

Longtemps inaccessible pour la plupart d’entre nous, le développement de cette activité sur l’île à permis, au fur et à mesure des années, de  réduire considérablement le coût d’une telle activité.

Ainsi il existe  plusieurs tarifs pour une croisière de 3h , selon si vous optez pour la version classique ou la premium :

La première solution, la classique  ( qui pour moi n’a pas grand chose à envier à la seconde mise à part un choix plus important en termes de boisson et de collations ) vous est proposée à  53 € par personne  avec le choix entre 3 créneaux horaires ( 10h, 12h30, ou 16h ).

La seconde option, la premium , vous fera grimper sur un catamaran un peu plus luxueux et vous aurez accès à un plus large choix de boissons, notamment des mojitos, des planteurs et autres cocktails en illimité. Cette option est disponible également durant trois moments de la journée ( 8h45, 12h30, et 16h ) pour un  tarif de 75 € par personne .

Les différents  avis sur le catamaran à la Réunion

Ayant eu la chance d’effectuer ces magnifiques croisières en cata plusieurs fois, entre amis ou en famille, je peux vous affirmer que  c’est un moment magique et exceptionnel.

L’équipage est à chaque fois au petit soins et fera tout pour que ce moment soit le plus agréable possible.  Vous pourrez vous détendre sur les filets à l’avant du bateau, apprendre les rudiments du pilotage et de la voile, et même de la pêche si vous le souhaitez .

Un autre gros  avantage de cette activité est son prix , très bas au vu de toutes les prestations offertes à bord et la durée de l’activité !

Le gros bonus est qu’il n’est pas rare de  croiser aux abords du cata des bancs de dauphins ou bien des baleines  lorsque c’est la saison, le rêve !

Ma note pour la sortie catamaran : 5 / 5

Mis à part mon avis personnel, il me semble important de vous faire part de  l’avis des autres voyageurs  ayant eu la chance de faire cette activité. Vous trouverez ci dessous différents commentaires et vous pourrez constater que tous sont unanimes, c’est un véritable moment de bonheur !

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Que faire dans  à Saint-Gilles les Bains dans l’ouest de la Réunion  ?

+ de 130 activités Outdoor à La Réunion

  • Plongée, snorkeling, parapente, canyoning.. Le meilleur des activités outdoors à La Réunion !


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La région de  Saint-Gilles  offre une multitude de choses à faire.

Vous pourriez profiter de votre  sortie en catamaran à voile  pour découvrir toutes les activités à faire dans ce coin.

Pour rester dans la thématique des  sorties en bateau , une activité phare depuis le port de Saint-Gilles est l’initiation à  la pêche au gros avec une sortie en pleine mer accompagné d’un pêcheur expérimenté qui vous apprendra les techniques de pêche pour les gros poissons peuplant ce coin de l’océan.

Si vous avez envie de découvrir les cétacés d’une autre manière, vous pourriez également vous laisser tenter par une sortie nage avec les dauphins et les baleines  pour partir à la découvertes de ces mammifères marins en palme masque et tuba.

Aussi, vous pourriez tout simplement  flâner dans le jolie centre ville  qu’offre cette station balnéaire.   Vous y trouverez de nombreuses boutiques, ainsi que des bars et restaurants près du port et du front de mer.

Saint Gilles est également la principale zone d’activités nautique de la Réunion.   En parcourant le port, vous pourrez  réserver de nombreuses activités aquatique  comme la plongée sous-marine, ou bien la pêche au gros.

Aussi, vous pourrez organiser tout un tas d’  excursions dans toute l’île  avec une prise en charge directement depuis votre hôtel.

Ou dormir  après  une croisière en catamaran à Saint Gilles Les Bains  ?

La région de Saint Gilles les bains mérite que l’on s’y  attarde au moins plusieurs jours  durant votre voyage à la Réunion.

Beaucoup de  solutions d’hébergement  sont possibles dans le secteur.

Pour les amoureux des couchers et levers de soleil sur la plage, vous pourrez poser votre tente ou votre hamac durant la nuit sur un des plus beaux spots de bivouac sur la plage de l’île :  le spot du choka à côté de Trou d’Eau.

Une solution a bas coût mais offrant une  excellente qualité de prestation  est  l’hotel de la Plage qui se situe dans le coeur de la ville à  seulement 2 minutes à pied du sable fin.    Vous serez également juste à côté des commerces et du port de plaisance.   Les chambres double, très confortables et dotées d’une terrasse vous coûteront  environ 60 euros la nuit .

Dans un style plus  luxieux et élégant , l’ Ermitage Boutik Hotel / Blue Beach  propose des chambres avec terrasse privée donnant sur le jardin ou la  piscine extérieure dans laquelle vous pourrez allez vous raffraichir .   Situé à seulement 100 mètres de la lagune, cet hôtel à aussi un accès à la plage en moins de 10 minutes à pied.   La chambre double vous coûtera  environ 95 euros la nuit.

Votre guide pour un voyage parfait à la Réunion

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La Réunion n’attend que vous ! Utilisez notre formulaire de recherche pour dénicher les offres les plus attractives de vols, hôtels et locations de voiture. Simplifiez votre planification et assurez-vous un voyage serein et mémorable.

reunion maurice catamaran

Notre sélection des meilleures activités à faire à La Réunion

1. Survol de l'île de La Réunion en hélicoptère

  • Survolez toute l’île ou seulement une partie selon vos envies et votre budget. Un incontournable lors de son séjour à La Réunion !
  • Tarifs : De 205 à 345€ par personne selon le tour choisi.

2. Canyoning à La Réunion

  • De Langevin à Salazie, découvrez les plus beaux canyons de l’île. Choisissez votre canyoning selon votre niveau et vos envies.
  • Tarifs : De 45 à 95€ selon l’activité

3. Randonnée à cheval pour tous niveaux

  • Parcourez l’île Intense à dos de cheval et choisissez parmi 6 itinéraires de randonnée adaptés à tous les niveaux.
  • Tarifs : De 35 à 180 € pour des randonnées de 1h à la journée complète.

Où faire une sortie en catamaran à La Réunion ?

Quel est le tarif d'une sortie en catamaran à la réunion .

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Cours de Surf à Trois-Bassins La Réunion

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reunion maurice catamaran

Chiller en catamaran à La Réunion

Catamaran à Saint-Gilles les bains 974

Voguez sur les flots et profitez du bon air marin ! La côte ouest de l’île de La Réunion est idéale pour vous évader en mer. Bercée par la tiédeur des eaux turquoise de l’océan Indien, elle vous invite à explorer de nouveaux horizons et à chiller sous le soleil.

Que vous soyez baroudeur ou amateur de farniente, la croisière en catamaran à La Réunion vous séduira. Laissez-vous transporter hors du temps sous les tropiques…

Une parenthèse enchanteresse le long des côtes réunionnaises

Avec un décor digne d’une carte postale et sublimé par le soleil toute l’année, la côte sous le vent de l’île invite aux découvertes et au voyage des sens. 

Buller en catamaran à La Réunion est une activité incontournable pour capturer en photo les nuances de sa beauté et revenir avec des souvenirs plein la tête.

reunion maurice catamaran

Les départs s’effectuent depuis les ports de plaisance de l’ouest. Direction Saint-Gilles-les-Bains ou Le Port pour une croisière sur la journée ou la demi-journée, selon la formule choisie.

À vous ensuite la navigation sur le bleu envoûtant de l’océan Indien, le long du lagon, de la baie de Saint-Paul et du Cap La Houssaye  ! Admirez le rivage qui se dessine au loin et immortalisez la vue panoramique.

À bord, des boissons chaudes ou fraîches servies à volonté vous attendent. Côté soft-drink, on fonce sans hésiter sur les cocktails de fruits à l’ananas ! 

Les gourmands ne sont pas oubliés durant les sorties. L’équipage du catamaran peut vous concocter des plateaux de viennoiseries ou de mignardises.

reunion maurice catamaran

Vous jetez votre dévolu sur une croisière sunset chill ? Lové sur les filets à l’avant du bateau, vous voici aux premières loges lorsque le ciel s’embrase sous la lueur douce du soleil couchant.

Apéritif créole, bulles et cocktails agrémentent cet instant de flow sur les flots ! Le bateau qui s’illumine à la tombée de la nuit vous enveloppe dans une atmosphère chaleureuse et conviviale.

Catamaran à La Réunion : réjouissances et surprises au fil de l’eau

reunion maurice catamaran

C’est l’occasion parfaite pour vous initier à de nouvelles activités (navigation, voile, pêche à la traîne avec un leurre ou un appât naturel au bout de la ligne) avant de regagner le port de plaisance.

Saviez-vous que l’océan Indien dissimule une faune d’exception ? De nombreux poissons colorés et des tortues palpitent au sein du monde aquatique de l’île.

S’il est parfois possible d’apercevoir des cétacés depuis le rivage, des dauphins peuvent nager et virevolter près des catamarans. Curieux, ils aiment s’approcher et se prêter à quelques photos.

Durant l’hiver austral, vous contemplerez peut-être le ballet de mammifères marins spectaculaires. La période entre juillet et octobre est en effet propice à l’ observation des baleines à La Réunion. Émerveillement garanti…

Les skippers à bord déploient le maximum pour rendre votre voyage en mer unique et mémorable. 

Ils vous conduisent au plus près des cétacés pour des photos souvenirs, en respectant la charte d’approche et d’observation des tortues, des baleines et des dauphins inscrite dans l’ADN de l’île intense.

Des croisières en catamaran à La Réunion qui s’adaptent à vos envies

Ambiance romantique en amoureux ? Journée détente et photos au soleil avec des amis ou en famille ? Séminaire entre collègues ? C’est vous qui choisissez.

Vous trouverez toutes les informations pour vos sorties auprès des prestataires de catamarans de l’ouest de l’île, au départ de Saint-Gilles-les-Bains ou du Port.

Le Cat’Ananas et le Cat’Alizé accueillent entre 12 et 13 personnes pour un circuit premium. Au programme : évasion, trampolines, musique, pêche à la traîne, etc.

Le Cata Passion vous réserve une croisière lounge prestigieuse, avec des cabines à disposition et une jauge à 16 passagers pour préserver le côté intimiste.

Le bateau du Namaste offre également une expérience à taille humaine, limitée à 14 occupants. Très confortable et spacieux, il vous permettra de vivre un expérience exclusive et intimiste en toute sécurité.

Le Bel'ile : Le capitaine Laurent et son équipage vous accueillent dans la plus grande convivialité à bord du Bell’ile,  un catamaran puissant et spacieux au design résolument moderne !

Le  Lady La Fée   : reconnaissable par sa couleur rouge chatoyante, ce catamaran mise sur la déconnexion en comité restreint à 18, sans oublier celles à mobilité réduite et une touche écologique fort bienvenue : « Un moteur hybride fonctionnant à l’énergie solaire, un revêtement de coque spécial, un système de récupération des eaux de pluie, etc.. 

Enfin, le majestueux Cata Maloya  propose des activités et des croisières à thèmes, à bord du plus grand catamaran à voiles de l’océan Indien, avec une capacité de 100 personnes. Idéal à notre avis pour voir la vie en grand !

Un événement à célébrer en ligne de mire ? Pour festoyer sur l’eau, pensez à la location de bateau et à la privatisation. 

Pour vos sorties, n’oubliez pas votre appareil photo et de quoi vous protéger du soleil.

Après une randonnée (ou avant une nouvelle semaine de travail), une réservation en catamaran à La Réunion rechargera à coup sûr vos batteries. 

De la promenade en mer classique, à la croisière musicale au rythme d’un bon maloya, le plus difficile sera de choisir !

Label Qualité Tourisme Réunion - 974

Full Suitcase Travel Blog

Mauritius Catamaran Cruise & Ile aux Cerfs Tour Review (+ Tips)

By Author Jurga

Posted on Last updated: February 2, 2024

Mauritius Catamaran Cruise & Ile aux Cerfs Tour Review (+ Tips)

Looking for a boat trip, a speedboat excursion or a catamaran cruise in Mauritius, but not sure which one to choose or what to expect? Then read on!

Mauritius is a paradise-like island destination, but I had no idea that there are quite a few smaller islands nearby that are just as picturesque and just as dreamy as Mauritius itself. Obviously, the best way to see some of those little islands is by taking a boat trip. So we joined a catamaran cruise in Mauritius…

In this article, you can read about our experience with a speedboat/ catamaran cruise in Mauritius , the places we visited, and whether it was worth it. Spoiler alert – it was!

In addition, at the bottom of this article, you can find our suggestions for the best boat tours in Mauritius – both by speedboat or catamaran. We also included some practical tips for your Mauritius boat trip.

Mauritius catamaran cruise and Ile aux Cerfs tour review

One of the most popular day trips from Mauritius is a boat tour to the picturesque island Ile aux Cerfs ( see all the boat tour options here ). We opted for a sightseeing catamaran cruise that visited several nice places in one day, in addition to this popular island.

Our catamaran cruise itinerary included snorkeling, a visit to Ile aux Fouquets (the Lighthouse Island), BBQ on the boat, an excursion to the GRSE waterfall, as well as some free time at Ile aux Cerfs.

Below you can read all about this catamaran trip. It will give you a good idea of what to expect on a speedboat or a catamaran cruise in Mauritius. This should also help you decide which Mauritius boat tour is right for you. Find out!

Update: The exact same tour with the company we traveled with isn’t available anymore, but this highly-rated tour offers pretty much the same itinerary as you’ll see described below. This is another very similar tour , and – at the moment of the last update – is quite a bit cheaper. The main difference with the one we did is that these tours use speedboats rather than catamarans.

Mauritius Catamaran Cruise & Boat Trips – OVERVIEW

  • What to expect – our catamaran cruise itinerary and review
  • Is a boat trip or a catamaran cruise in Mauritius worth it?
  • Catamaran vs. speed boat
  • Practical tips
  • Best Mauritius catamaran cruises and boat trips

Boat trip in Mauritius

Mauritius Catamaran Cruise Review & Ile aux Cerfs Tour Itinerary

You are probably wondering what is Mauritius catamaran cruise or speedboat trip like and what to expect?

Well, first of all, you can expect a very relaxing day full of sunshine, stunning scenery, white sand beaches, and azure-blue water. In addition, you’ll probably meet some really friendly people, dance to some great music (because… why not), get to taste some delicious local food, and – depending on the tour – maybe even get drinks à volonté . Mauritian rum & coke included. Vacation at its best!

The review below is based on my personal experience with a Mauritius catamaran cruise. Most catamaran trips in Mauritius seem to be very similar, so this gives you a good idea of what to expect.

Boat trip to nearby islands is a great thing to do in Mauritius

Snorkeling on a Boat Trip in Mauritius

Our catamaran cruise departed on the southeast side of Mauritius. While it was raining on our way there, the sun was shining on the coast. The scenery here is amazing – the azure-blue water of the sea and lush deep green mountains in the background…

We hardly installed ourselves at the front of our catamaran as the captain announced that we’d be stopping to go snorkeling . It’s probably a good thing that they start with the snorkeling before anyone had a chance to enjoy Mauritian rum anyway…. Equipped with snorkels and flippers, we jumped into the incredibly blue and clear water.

I have to say that snorkeling here was just ok, though. There isn’t much coral and we only saw small fish. It was nice, but definitely not wow. A few days before that, I took a free snorkeling tour from my hotel in Bel Mare (on the northeast side of Mauritius) and snorkeling there was much better.

Anyway, it’s always fun to be in the water and watch the fish. I had a great time and, since snorkeling wasn’t the focus of this catamaran excursion for me, I wasn’t disappointed.

Snorkeling in Mauritius

Ile aux Fouquets – The Lighthouse Island

Our next stop on this catamaran day trip in southeast Mauritius was the so-called Lighthouse Island . Its official name is Ile aux Fouquets – named after a bird species that live here. However, there is an old abandoned lighthouse on this tiny island and so locals call it the Lighthouse Island.

There are many boat trips visiting this tiny island, with tourists coming and going all the time. However, the island itself doesn’t feel busy because all the boats are parked at a distance.

The water is really shallow here, so you have to take a smaller motorboat to get to the island. You also have to walk the last few meters in the water. Water shoes would be really handy here!

Mauritius catamaran cruise review and tips

The lighthouse standing here was built in 1864 and witnessed several sea battles between the English and the French in the bay. It has long been abandoned and is now no more than a ruin. It also looks better from a distance than from close by. But it’s definitely an interesting place to visit and gives you some insight into Mauritius’ past.

The guide gives you a quick introduction to the history of the island and after that, you are free to explore on your own. The island is so small that you don’t really need more than 10-15 minutes. You can take some pictures of the lighthouse, watch the waves crashing against the rocky shore, or try to spot some birds.

Before you know it, the guide calls you back to a small boat that brings you back to the catamaran. It’s a really interesting short stop and a part of Mauritius that most vacationers never even heard about.

TIP: If you want to visit Lighthouse Island, there are just a few tours that come here. This is the tour that’s very similar to the one we did , and here you can find the other options.

Lighthouse Island - Ile aux Fouquets in Mauritius

BBQ Lunch on Catamaran

While we were snorkeling and exploring the Lighthouse Island, the staff of our catamaran was busy preparing food.

They set up a bbq on the deck and baked meat and seafood. It was served with traditional flatbread and fresh vegetables. Absolutely delicious!

There was a vegetarian in our group and there was plenty of choice for him as well.

BBQ lunch on Mauritius catamaran cruise, Ile aux Cerfs tour

Sailing on the East Coast of Mauritius

After lunch, we set sail to Grand River South East, which is quite far away and took about an hour to get there by catamaran. This gave us a chance to lie down on the net and the soft cushions in the front area of the catamaran. It’s such a great way to relax and enjoy the beautiful scenery and the wind in the sails.

TIP: Make sure you use sun protection when lounging on a catamaran or you might start to look like a boiled lobster in a matter of half an hour…

Relaxing on a catamaran in Mauritius

Grand River South East Waterfall

GRSE waterfall is one of the most impressive natural landmarks along the southeast coast of Mauritius. Many boat tours visiting Ile aux Cerfs also stop here. There are also tours from Ile aux Cerfs to this waterfall.

The waterfall itself is located a bit further from the coast, up the river, where large catamarans can’t get. So you have to change to a smaller boat that brings you all the way to the waterfall. In fact, it brings you so close that you can get a shower under the waterfall without leaving the boat…

It’s a short side excursion and the scenery here is nice, with mangroves and high rocks next to the river. The waterfall itself is also quite impressive, although this depends on what you compare it to, of course.

Grand River South East in Mauritius

Ile aux Cerfs

The last stop of our catamaran cruise in Mauritius was the beautiful island Ile aux Cerfs . If you see aerial pictures of this island, it looks like paradise: white sand beaches, lush green interior, and azure-blue waters. Picture-perfect. From the boat, it also looks really nice, but once you arrive, you realize that it’s also quite touristy.

Ile aux Cerfs seems to be one of the most popular destinations for boat tours on the East coast of Mauritius. So don’t expect to be alone here.  There are many boats coming and going to the tiny harbor of Ile aux Cerfs. Otherwise uninhabited, this tiny island comes to life during the day.

There are several restaurants and a bar on the island and a small market right by the harbor. Here you can find all the beach necessities as well as a big variety of Mauritian souvenirs.

Market at Ile aux Cerfs in Mauritius

The moment you disembark from your boat, you’re surrounded by local guides inviting you to try all kinds of water sports on the island. Sailing, banana-boat rides, water skiing… you can find it all here.

If you just take a boat to the island, you’ll have a lot of time here. You can go walking and explore the island without the crowds. Alternatively, you can just stay at the beach (which is what most people seem to do), go snorkeling or do some fun water sports…

If you are staying at a really nice resort in Mauritius (I can recommend The Ravenala Attitude with its all-in formula), you’ll have all these water sports available at your hotel as well. But if you are staying at a more local hotel that doesn’t have all this included, Ile aux Cerfs is a wonderful place to enjoy all that Mauritius beach has to offer.

Good to know: Catamaran cruises and boat trips that also visit other places on the same day, tend to spend just 1-1,5 hrs on Ile aux Cerfs. This gives you enough time to enjoy the beach, but probably not enough to explore the island further.

Ile aux Cerfs in Mauritius

Speedboat Trip

I had even less time on the Ile aux Cerfs island because I got a unique chance to take a semi-private speedboat ride back to the mainland and so I opted for that instead.

I love speedboats! And having one just to myself and a friend was a really special experience.

Other friends stayed on the island longer and came back with the catamaran instead. They said it was fun, but they didn’t see much of the island and just spent the time at the beach and did a few water activities.

Jurga from Full Suitcase on a speedboat in Mauritius

Best Mauritius Catamaran Cruises and Boat Trips

I was surprised to see how many options there are when it comes to taking a boat trip or a catamaran cruise in Mauritius. To help you easily choose the boat tour that’s right for you, I made a small selection of the best Mauritius boat trips that have a good itinerary, as well as great customer reviews.

Take a look at my hand-picked selection below. You can’t really go wrong with any of these.

  • This speedboat tour has the same pretty much the same itinerary as the trip that I did and described in this article. It includes snorkeling, a visit to Lighthouse Island, the waterfall, and Ile aux Cerfs. In addition, it stops at Ile aux Aigrettes. That’s an advantage of a speedboat – they can cover more ground at the same time.
  • Catamaran Cruise to Ile aux Cerfs with BBQ lunch . This catamaran cruise is one of the most popular boat trips in Mauritius. The itinerary includes snorkeling, sailing, bbq lunch, and Ile aux Cerfs visit. It starts and ends at Pointe Jerome in the southeast of Mauritius. TIP: This boat trip has pretty much the same itinerary but departs from the northeast of the island, so it might be a better option if you are staying on that part of the island.
  • Private Catamaran Day Trip to Ile aux Cerfs . This is a great option if you can share the costs of a private boat with a bigger family or a group of friends (or if you don’t mind splurging a bit). Private boat trips also include snorkeling, BBQ lunch, a visit to the waterfall, and free time on Ile aux Cerfs. Imagine a whole day on a private boat with an amazing crew, incredible scenery, and unlimited food and drinks… Life doesn’t get much better than that.
  • Catamaran Cruise to the Northern Isles . This is a great boat trip for those staying in the North of Mauritius (Grand Baie area). You can visit the most beautiful islands without having to spend a lot of time in the car.
  • Sunset cruises are also popular in Mauritius. Here you can find more sunset tours .

A catamaran in Mauritius at sunset

Is a Boat Trip or a Catamaran Cruise in Mauritius Worth It?

Well, as always, I guess it depends on what you compare it to and what the alternatives are.

There is so much to do in Mauritius that the choice can get really overwhelming. So if you only have a few days on the island, you may want to spend your time exploring more of Mauritius itself.

However, if you are looking for a relaxing day trip that combines beach and sightseeing, then a Mauritius catamaran cruise or a speedboat tour is a great choice. After all, that’s what an island vacation is all about – sea, beach, sunshine, stunning scenery, good food, drinks, music, and wind in your hair…

I really enjoyed my catamaran cruise in Mauritius. Snorkeling, visiting the historic Lighthouse Island, seeing a beautiful waterfall and the famous Ile aux Cerfs – we covered quite a lot of ground without much effort. I would have never been able to visit these places without a boat tour.

Furthermore, the combination of sightseeing with some relaxing time on the catamaran, delicious food, drinks, music, and good company made it a really fun and relaxing day. I’d do it again!

Scenery on Mauritius catamaran cruise and day tour to Ile aux Cerfs

Mauritius Catamaran vs. Speed Boat

The catamaran cruise that I did was a bit different than the standard catamaran tour in Mauritius because it combined a catamaran cruise and a speedboat. Normally, you have to choose one of the two, and they both have advantages and disadvantages.

On a catamaran , you have more space to walk around, there is a bathroom, and a big net in front where you can lie down to read a book, sunbathe, or simply relax. But it’s also busier as catamaran cruises take more people on board. A catamaran is also slower. If you opt for a group tour, a catamaran cruise in Mauritius is cheaper than a speedboat trip.

Speedboat goes much faster, so you can do more sightseeing in less time. That means that you can spend more time on the islands instead of on the boat or see more places in one day. You can’t really walk around the speedboat a lot, so it’s really more of a means of transportation rather than a place to relax. That being said, it can be really relaxing and luxurious. If you can afford a private speedboat tour , I wouldn’t hesitate. Contrary to group tours, a private speedboat costs less than a private catamaran.

Another advantage of a speedboat is that you don’t get seasick in it. A catamaran is, in general, also ok and I never got seasick on a catamaran. But then I never took a catamaran in rough seas. However, that shouldn’t be an issue in Mauritius anyway.

Catamaran vs. speedboat. I really like both – speedboat and catamaran. They are very different, but each fun in its own way. When it comes to choosing a catamaran cruise in Mauritius vs. a boat trip, I’d first look at the day trip itinerary and choose a boat tour based on that rather than on what type of boat it is.

Higher above, you can find our hand-picked selection of the very best boat trips in Mauritius. And below are some practical tips and things you may want to know when planning a day excursion like this.

Ile aux Cerfs tour by catamaran or speedboat - Mauritius

Practical Tips for a Boat Trip in Mauritius

  • Research and book a boat trip in advance. That way you can compare itineraries and prices, and read real customer reviews. Here you can find a big selection of boat trips and tours in Mauritius (or see our hand-picked selection of the best Mauritius boat tours higher above).
  • If you don’t like to spend a lot of time in a car, pick a boat trip that departs from a place that’s not too far from your hotel .
  • Wear your swimsuit , so that you don’t have to change on the boat.
  • Bring water shoes if you have them – it comes in very handy when you have to disembark in the water or for water activities or at the beach.
  • Sun protection. Make sure that you have a sunscreen lotion, a sun hat, sunglasses, and – ideally – also a long-sleeved summer shirt or a UV t-shirt to wear on the boat.
  • Check if towels are provided and otherwise bring one from your hotel.
  • Bring some cash if you’re planning to do any water activities on Ile aux Cerfs or buy souvenirs. Tips for your boat crew are also appreciated.

Preparing a bbq on a catamaran in Mauritius

More tips for your trip to Mauritius:

  • Airport transfers:  Private and shared Mauritius airport transfers
  • What to see: Best Things to Do in Mauritius
  • Private tours:   Private Day Tour of the South West of Mauritius  or  Private Day Tour with Customizable Itinerary
  • Must-visit: L’Aventure du Sucre in Mauritius
  • Where to stay:   The Ravenala Attitude Review

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What to expect on Mauritius boat trip or a catamaran cruise

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Wednesday 24th of August 2022

Please can you tell me the company you booked the catamaran trip through as I cannot find this specific itinerary with any of the links provided in the article.

Tuesday 30th of August 2022

Hi Julie, since we did this tour, a lot has changed and it wasn't offered anymore, so I took away those links. However, after doing some research now, I found a few tours that have pretty much the same itinerary as we did: this is the most popular tour and this tour is very similar too. The main difference is that they are speedboat tours and not catamaran. Hope this helps. Enjoy your trip!

Friday 6th of December 2019

Wow, it looks so pretty! I want to go there SO badly. I was never that interested until I saw your post (don't forget the AMAZING pictures). Anyways, quick question. My family would fly there, but want to make our trip more unique, you know? Do you reccomend any cruise lines that would take me from anywhere in the U.S. to there? Thanks so much!

Tuesday 10th of December 2019

Hi Melody, I really don't think that a cruise is the best way to visit Mauritius. Those ships just dock on the island for one day and you hardly have the time for one short excursion... That being said, it's a nice way to see many islands at once, and I'm sure there are some cruise lines that stop in Mauritius. But you'd have to research that yourself, because I have no experience with it. Also, it's so far from the US, so I think you'd have to fly somewhere in the area first and get on a cruise ship there (maybe in Seychelles or Maldives - I really wouldn't know where they start).

If you just interested in visiting Mauritius island and are not sure where to start, you should know that it's really not that hard to visit on your own. Book a flight and a hotel (you can read about one of the hotels I stayed in here: The Ravenala Attitude, but there are countless other options in a variety of budgets - check on And then either rent a car and explore the island on your own or book some day trips. The island isn't too big and if you stay somewhat around the middle of the island (West coast is most popular), transfer times to all the attractions will never be longer than an hour or so. Here you can read about what there is to see and do in Mauritius.

Hope this helps.


Mauritius Catamaran Cruise

What better way to enjoy your holiday than to enjoy a unique cruising experience sailing on-board one of our beautiful Catamarans.

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Catamaran Cruise - Ile aux Cerfs

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Catamaran Cruise - See Dolphins + Visit Benitiers Island + Lunch

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Private Luxury Sunset Cruise

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About Mauritius Island

Set in a beautiful turquoise sea Mauritius is an oasis of beauty and tranquility

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‘I don’t feel good about it’: Victim’s family speaks out on Maurice Jimmerson’s homicide plea deal

ALBANY, Ga. (WALB) - A missed opportunity for justice. That’s what the family of an Albany double murder victim is calling a guilty plea deal taken by one of the defendants in the case.

WALB has reported about Maurice Jimmerson – who was indicted in the 2013 shooting that killed Desmond Williams and William Davis, Jr. He took a guilty plea deal of 30 years on probation Wednesday, March 20. He is believed to be a part of the nation’s longest pre-trial detention. The 11 years he spent behind bars will be credited to his probation time.

The family of one of the murder victims believes Jimmerson got off easy.

“I’m not happy about it. I don’t feel good about it,” Willie Williams, Desmond Williams’ father, said.

While Jimmerson is also required to be banished from Dougherty and surrounding counties, Willie said he believes more should have been done to get justice for his son.

“I just don’t feel like the time that he’s been in jail or whatever, I don’t think that was long enough,” Willie Williams said.

Dougherty County District Attorney Greg Edwards said the plea deal was appropriate given the state’s evidence in this case.

“I believe justice has been served as best as humans can address justice,” he said. “The evidence was pretty clear he had a role in the case. The evidence showed that his car was used and he apparently was firing a weapon at the location.”

In March 2013 Desmond and William Davis Jr. were shot in a drive-by shooting — something the state believes was motivated by gang violence in the area. Five men including Jimmerson were arrested and charged with murder and other charges but throughout the years three men were found not guilty while one defendant died before he was tried.

While Jimmerson was originally facing 26 counts including felony murder, in the state’s negotiation he is only pleading guilty to aggravated assault and possession of a firearm during the commission of a crime.

Dougherty County District Attorney Greg Edwards also said Jimmerson did not spend 10 years in the Dougherty County Jail. He spent part of his time incarcerated in state prison for a crime committed in jail.

Read the document where Edwards outlines Jimmerson’s pretrial detention:

“He is absolutely, you know, responsible for his part on this particular case and it was appropriate for him to be sentenced as set out,” Edwards said.

“I think that is nonsense,” Willie Williams said. “I think they ought to just go to prison for the rest of their lives. They took somebody else’s life. I mean how do you want the family to feel? You know what I mean, I have to deal with this for the rest of my life.”

WALB’s Previous Coverage

  • Albany shooting victim’s family still looking for justice 10 years later
  • Mistrial declared after man waits 10 years in jail for day in court
  • Neighbors tense as police look for murder clues

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For the first time Rosatom Fuel Division supplied fresh nuclear fuel to the world’s only floating nuclear cogeneration plant in the Arctic

The fuel was supplied to the northernmost town of Russia along the Northern Sea Route.

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The first in the history of the power plant refueling, that is, the replacement of spent nuclear fuel with fresh one, is planned to begin before 2024. The manufacturer of nuclear fuel for all Russian nuclear icebreakers, as well as the Akademik Lomonosov FNPP, is Machinery Manufacturing Plant, Joint-Stock Company (MSZ JSC), a company of Rosatom Fuel Company TVEL that is based in Elektrostal, Moscow Region.

The FNPP includes two KLT-40S reactors of the icebreaking type. Unlike convenient ground-based large reactors (that require partial replacement of fuel rods once every 12-18 months), in the case of these reactors, the refueling takes place once every few years and includes unloading of the entire reactor core and loading of fresh fuel into the reactor.

The cores of KLT-40 reactors of the Akademik Lomonosov floating power unit have a number of advantages compared to the reference ones: a cassette core was used for the first time in the history of the unit, which made it possible to increase the fuel energy resource to 3-3.5 years between refuelings, and also reduce the fuel component of the electricity cost by one and a half times. The FNPP operating experience formed the basis for the designs of reactors for nuclear icebreakers of the newest series 22220. Three such icebreakers have been launched by now.

For the first time the power units of the Akademik Lomonosov floating nuclear power plant were connected to the grid in December 2019, and put into commercial operation in May 2020. The supply of nuclear fuel from Elektrostal to Pevek and its loading into the second reactor is planned for 2024. The total power of the Akademik Lomonosov FNPP, supplied to the coastal grid of Pevek without thermal energy consumption on shore, is about 76 MW, being about 44 MW in the maximum thermal power supply mode. The FNPP generated 194 million kWh according to the results of 2023. The population of Pevek is just a little more than 4 thousand, while the FNPP has a potential for supplying electricity to a city with a population of up to 100 thousand people. After the FNPP commissioning two goals were achieved. These include first of all the replacement of the retiring capacities of the Bilibino NPP, which has been operating since 1974, as well as the Chaunskaya TPP, which has already been operating for more than 70 years. Secondly, energy is supplied to the main mining companies in western Chukotka in the Chaun-Bilibino energy hub a large ore and metal cluster, including gold mining companies and projects related to the development of the Baimsk ore zone. In September 2023, a 110 kilovolt power transmission line with a length of 490 kilometers was put into operation, connecting the towns of Pevek and Bilibino. The line increased the reliability of energy supply from the FNPP to both Bilibino consumers and mining companies, the largest of which is the Baimsky GOK. The comprehensive development of the Russian Arctic is a national strategic priority. To increase the NSR traffic is of paramount importance for accomplishment of the tasks set in the field of cargo shipping. This logistics corridor is being developed due regular freight voyages, construction of new nuclear-powered icebreakers and modernization of the relevant infrastructure. Rosatom companies are actively involved in this work. Rosatom Fuel Company TVEL (Rosatom Fuel Division) includes companies fabricating nuclear fuel, converting and enriching uranium, manufacturing gas centrifuges, conducting researches and producing designs. As the only nuclear fuel supplier to Russian NPPs, TVEL supplies fuel for a total of 75 power reactors in 15 countries, for research reactors in nine countries, as well as for propulsion reactors of the Russian nuclear fleet. Every sixth power reactor in the world runs on TVEL fuel. Rosatom Fuel Division is the world’s largest producer of enriched uranium and the leader on the global stable isotope market. The Fuel Division is actively developing new businesses in chemistry, metallurgy, energy storage technologies, 3D printing, digital products, and decommissioning of nuclear facilities. TVEL also includes Rosatom integrators for additive technologies and electricity storage systems. Rosenergoatom, Joint-Stock Company is part of Rosatom Electric Power Division and one of the largest companies in the industry acting as an operator of nuclear power plants. It includes, as its branches, 11 operating NPPs, including the FNPP, the Scientific and Technical Center for Emergency Operations at NPPs, Design and Engineering as well as Technological companies. In total, 37 power units with a total installed capacity of over 29.5 GW are in operation at 11 nuclear power plants in Russia. Machinery Manufacturing Plant, Joint-Stock Company (MSZ JSC, Elektrostal) is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of fuel for nuclear power plants. The company produces fuel assemblies for VVER-440, VVER-1000, RBMK-1000, BN-600,800, VK-50, EGP-6; powders and fuel pellets intended for supply to foreign customers. It also produces nuclear fuel for research reactors. The plant belongs to the TVEL Fuel Company of Rosatom.

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Rosatom obtained a license for the first land-based SMR in Russia

On April 21, Rosenergoatom obtained a license issued by Rostekhnadzor to construct the Yakutsk land-based SMR in the Ust-Yansky District of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

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ROSATOM and FEDC agree to cooperate in the construction of Russia's first onshore SNPP

ROSATOM and FEDC have signed a cooperation agreement to build Russia's first onshore SNPP in Yakutia.

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Rosatom develops nuclear fuel for modernized floating power units

Rosatom has completed the development of nuclear fuel for the RITM-200S small modular reactor designed for the upgraded floating power units.

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Strange Glow Over Moscow Skies Triggers Panic as Explosions Reported

B right flashes lit up the night sky in southern Moscow in the early hours of Thursday morning, new footage appears to show, following reports of an explosion at an electrical substation on the outskirts of the city.

Video snippets circulating on Russian-language Telegram channels show a series of flashes on the horizon of a cloudy night sky, momentarily turning the sky a number of different colors. In a clip shared by Russian outlet, smoke can be seen rising from a building during the flashes lighting up the scene.

Newsweek was unable to independently verify the details of the video clips, including when and where it was filmed. The Russian Ministry of Emergency situations has been contacted via email.

Several Russian Telegram accounts said early on Thursday that residents of southern Moscow reported an explosion and a fire breaking out at an electrical substation in the Leninsky district, southeast of central Moscow.

Local authorities in the Leninsky district told Russian outlet RBC that the explosion had happened in the village of Molokovo. "All vital facilities are operating as normal," Leninsky district officials told the outlet.

The incident at the substation in Molokovo took place just before 2 a.m. local time, reported.

Messages published by the ASTRA Telegram account, run by independent Russian journalists, appear to show residents close to the substation panicking as they question the bright flashes in the sky. One local resident describes seeing the bright light before losing access to electricity, with another calling the incident a "nightmare."

More than 10 villages and towns in the southeast of Moscow lost access to electricity, the ASTRA Telegram account also reported. The town of Lytkarino to the southeast of Moscow, lost electricity, wrote the eastern European-based independent outlet, Meduza.

Outages were reported in the southern Domodedovo area of the city, according to another Russian outlet, as well as power failures in western Moscow. Electricity was then restored to the areas, the outlet reported.

The cause of the reported explosion is not known. A Telegram account aggregating news for the Lytkarino area described the incident as "an ordinary accident at a substation."

The outlet quoted a local resident who speculated that a drone may have been responsible for the explosion, but no other Russian source reported this as a possible cause.

Ukraine has repeatedly targeted Moscow with long-range aerial drones in recent months, including a dramatic wave of strikes in late May.

On Sunday, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said the region's air defense systems had intercepted an aerial drone over the city of Elektrostal, to the east of Moscow. No damage or casualties were reported, he said.

The previous day, Russian air defenses detected and shot down another drone flying over the Bogorodsky district, northeast of central Moscow, Sobyanin said.

There is currently no evidence that an aerial drone was responsible for the reported overnight explosion at the electrical substation in southern Moscow.

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Stills from footage circulating on Telegram early on Thursday morning. Bright flashes lit up the night sky in southern Moscow, new footage appears to show, following reports of an explosion at an electrical substation on the outskirts of the city.

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Why were so many metro stations in Moscow renamed?

Okhotny Ryad station in Soviet times and today.

Okhotny Ryad station in Soviet times and today.

The Moscow metro system has 275 stations, and 28 of them have been renamed at some point or other—and several times in some cases. Most of these are the oldest stations, which opened in 1935.

The politics of place names

The first station to change its name was Ulitsa Kominterna (Comintern Street). The Comintern was an international communist organization that ceased to exist in 1943, and after the war Moscow authorities decided to call the street named after it something else. In 1946, the station was renamed Kalininskaya. Then for several days in 1990, the station was called Vozdvizhenka, before eventually settling on Aleksandrovsky Sad, which is what it is called today.

The banner on the entraince reads:

The banner on the entraince reads: "Kalininskaya station." Now it's Alexandrovsky Sad.

Until 1957, Kropotkinskaya station was called Dvorets Sovetov ( Palace of Soviets ). There were plans to build a monumental Stalinist high-rise on the site of the nearby Cathedral of Christ the Saviour , which had been demolished. However, the project never got off the ground, and after Stalin's death the station was named after Kropotkinskaya Street, which passes above it.

Dvorets Sovetov station, 1935. Letters on the entrance:

Dvorets Sovetov station, 1935. Letters on the entrance: "Metro after Kaganovich."

Of course, politics was the main reason for changing station names. Initially, the Moscow Metro itself was named after Lazar Kaganovich, Joseph Stalin’s right-hand man. Kaganovich supervised the construction of the first metro line and was in charge of drawing up a master plan for reconstructing Moscow as the "capital of the proletariat."

In 1955, under Nikita Khrushchev's rule and during the denunciation of Stalin's personality cult, the Moscow Metro was named in honor of Vladimir Lenin.

Kropotkinskaya station, our days. Letters on the entrance:

Kropotkinskaya station, our days. Letters on the entrance: "Metropolitan after Lenin."

New Metro stations that have been opened since the collapse of the Soviet Union simply say "Moscow Metro," although the metro's affiliation with Vladimir Lenin has never officially been dropped.

Zyablikovo station. On the entrance, there are no more signs that the metro is named after Lenin.

Zyablikovo station. On the entrance, there are no more signs that the metro is named after Lenin.

Stations that bore the names of Stalin's associates were also renamed under Khrushchev. Additionally, some stations were named after a neighborhood or street and if these underwent name changes, the stations themselves had to be renamed as well.

Until 1961 the Moscow Metro had a Stalinskaya station that was adorned by a five-meter statue of the supreme leader. It is now called Semyonovskaya station.

Left: Stalinskaya station. Right: Now it's Semyonovskaya.

Left: Stalinskaya station. Right: Now it's Semyonovskaya.

The biggest wholesale renaming of stations took place in 1990, when Moscow’s government decided to get rid of Soviet names. Overnight, 11 metro stations named after revolutionaries were given new names. Shcherbakovskaya became Alekseyevskaya, Gorkovskaya became Tverskaya, Ploshchad Nogina became Kitay-Gorod and Kirovskaya turned into Chistye Prudy. This seriously confused passengers, to put it mildly, and some older Muscovites still call Lubyanka station Dzerzhinskaya for old times' sake.

At the same time, certain stations have held onto their Soviet names. Marksistskaya and Kropotkinskaya, for instance, although there were plans to rename them too at one point.

"I still sometimes mix up Teatralnaya and Tverskaya stations,” one Moscow resident recalls .

 “Both have been renamed and both start with a ‘T.’ Vykhino still grates on the ear and, when in 1991 on the last day of my final year at school, we went to Kitay-Gorod to go on the river cruise boats, my classmates couldn’t believe that a station with that name existed."

The city government submitted a station name change for public discussion for the first time in 2015. The station in question was Voykovskaya, whose name derives from the revolutionary figure Pyotr Voykov. In the end, city residents voted against the name change, evidently not out of any affection for Voykov personally, but mainly because that was the name they were used to.

What stations changed their name most frequently?

Some stations have changed names three times. Apart from the above-mentioned Aleksandrovsky Sad (Ulitsa Kominterna->Kalininskaya->Vozdvizhenka->Aleksandrovsky Sad), a similar fate befell Partizanskaya station in the east of Moscow. Opened in 1944, it initially bore the ridiculously long name Izmaylovsky PKiO im. Stalina (Izmaylovsky Park of Culture and Rest Named After Stalin). In 1947, the station was renamed and simplified for convenience to Izmaylovskaya. Then in 1963 it was renamed yet again—this time to Izmaylovsky Park, having "donated" its previous name to the next station on the line. And in 2005 it was rechristened Partizanskaya to mark the 60th anniversary of victory in World War II. 

Partizanskaya metro station, nowadays.

Partizanskaya metro station, nowadays.

Another interesting story involves Alekseyevskaya metro station. This name was originally proposed for the station, which opened in 1958, since a village with this name had been located here. It was then decided to call the station Shcherbakovskaya in honor of Aleksandr Shcherbakov, a politician who had been an associate of Stalin. Nikita Khrushchev had strained relations with Shcherbakov, however, and when he got word of it literally a few days before the station opening the builders had to hastily change all the signs. It ended up with the concise and politically correct name of Mir (Peace).

The name Shcherbakovskaya was restored in 1966 after Khrushchev's fall from power. It then became Alekseyevskaya in 1990.

Alekseyevskaya metro station.

Alekseyevskaya metro station.

But the station that holds the record for the most name changes is Okhotny Ryad, which opened in 1935 on the site of a cluster of market shops. When the metro system was renamed in honor of Lenin in 1955, this station was renamed after Kaganovich by way of compensation. The name lasted just two years though because in 1957 Kaganovich fell out of favor with Khrushchev, and the previous name was returned. But in 1961 it was rechristened yet again, this time in honor of Prospekt Marksa, which had just been built nearby.

Okhotny Ryad station in 1954 and Prospekt Marksa in 1986.

Okhotny Ryad station in 1954 and Prospekt Marksa in 1986.

In 1990, two historical street names—Teatralny Proyezd and Mokhovaya Street—were revived to replace Prospekt Marksa, and the station once again became Okhotny Ryad.

Okhotny Ryad in 2020.

Okhotny Ryad in 2020.

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  3. Le catamaran à Maurice

    reunion maurice catamaran

  4. Découvrez une croisière en catamaran d'une journée complète 3 Northern

    reunion maurice catamaran

  5. Coucher: Coucher De Soleil Catamaran La Reunion

    reunion maurice catamaran

  6. Sortie en catamaran dans les îles du nord de Maurice

    reunion maurice catamaran


  1. THE TOP 10 Mauritius Catamaran Cruises (UPDATED 2024)

    The best Catamaran Cruises in Mauritius according to Viator travelers are: Full-Day Catamaran Cruise to Île aux Cerfs with BBQ Lunch. Ilot Gabriel Catamaran Cruise in Mauritius. Luxury Catamaran Cruise: The Northern Islands. Sailing Catamaran Cruises.

  2. LES 10 MEILLEURES Croisières en catamaran à Île Maurice ...

    357. Imprégnez-vous de la beauté des eaux de l'île Maurice lors d'une croisière en catamaran d'une journée complète sur l'île aux Cerfs. Montez à bord d'un catamaran de l'île Hopper à Preskil Beach Resort, et admirez les paysages pendant que vous naviguez jusqu'à un lieu de plongée avec masque et tuba. Nagez, plongez avec masque et ...

  3. Catamaran Cruises Mauritius

    Ile de la Passe is a small but very historic island off the south-east coast of Mauritius. From the islet all maritime movements into the Bay of Mahébourg, which is the largest bay of the island and contains the oldest port, can be controlled...

  4. Croisières Australes: Catamaran and Boat Tours in Mauritius

    Cruise to the most beautiful lagoons around the island and discover some wonderful marine locations. Croisières Australes, the catamaran cruise specialist in Mauritius since 1992 and a subsidiary of Rogers , offers a range of fun and premium experiences off the coasts of the island. Croisières Australes ' fleet comprises of catamarans as ...

  5. Croisières Île Maurice : catamaran & voilier

    Croisière catamaran Île Maurice - avec hôtesse. (110) Tout compris. Matériel de snorkeling et kayak de mer pour profiter des fonds marins. Préparation des repas pris en charge par l'hôtesse / cuisinière. Salle de bain privative pour chaque cabine double. 8 jours. À partir de. 950€.

  6. Private Catamaran Tour & Boat Trip Mauritius

    Discover one of our cruise packages and catamaran excursions but also our different private packages. Let yourself be enchanted by the beauty of Mauritius, its turquoise waters, its magnificent beaches, its fauna and flora…. 3 types of boats: catamarans, speedboats and pontoon boat. Private outings for your precious moments.

  7. Sailing Catamaran Cruises 2024

    Take in the highlights of Mauritius on an unforgettable catamaran cruise, with plenty of opportunity to swim, snorkel, and even feed some reef fish. Or, if you prefer, stay on board and enjoy the views while sipping unlimited drinks from the open bar. Madiana sails from Black River Bay to Tamarin Bay, La Preneuse, Le Morne, and Benetier Island, stopping for a savory seafood barbecue lunch ...

  8. Private Sunset Catamaran Cruise from Rivière Noire, Mauritius

    4 hrs. Organized by Tamarin oceanpro diving. Scuba Diving From. US$479/person. PADI Open Water Diving course at Tamarin Bay in Mauritius. Flic en Flac - Tamarin Bay, Mauriti. 3 half days. Organized by Tamarin oceanpro diving. Share unforgettable moments with friends and family in Mauritius on a private sunset catamaran cruise from Rivière Noire!

  9. 10 Best Catamaran Cruises in Mauritius

    Discover the Top 10 Best Catamaran Cruise in Mauritius. 1. Catamaran Cruise to Gabriel Island. Gabriel Island is a protected natural reserve, located near Round Island and the Flat island, at the extreme north of Mauritius, about 10 kilometers north of Cap Malheureux. The distance between Gabriel Island and Flat island is only 750 meters.

  10. Croisières Turquoise, a long time established Catamaran Cruise Company

    Croisières Turquoise, a long time established Catamaran Cruise Company, operates three comfortable catamarans on the South East coast of Mauritius since 1987. Enjoy a peaceful sailing experience in the calm turquoise lagoon from Pointe Jerome to Ile-aux-Cerfs. On the way, you will have the opportunity to snorkel amongst tropical fish and ...

  11. Reunion Island and Mauritius Itinerary

    Embark on a captivating journey through the tropical paradises of Reunion and Mauritius. From the adventurous landscapes of Reunion's volcanoes and scenic hikes to the serene luxury of Blue Margouillat and Shanti Maurice, indulge in beachside relaxation, cultural exploration, rejuvenating spa experiences, exhilarating water activities, and unforgettable culinary delights, creating cherished ...

  12. Ferry from Mauritius to Reunion Tickets, Schedule & Fare

    Express Mauritius to Reunion island ferry online ticket booking saving you money and time. It is easy to travel from ferry Mauritius Reunion. The overnight journey takes around 12 hours. There are regular boat services from Mauritius to Toamasina and Reunion on the east coast. It departs about once every 2 weeks.

  13. Private Catamaran Cruise In Mauritius

    Z'ile Cruise is a creator of private catamaran cruises around Mauritius. Our aim is to make you discover the most idyllic corners of our lagoons in the greatest comfort. Your dream catamaran cruise in Mauritius. Discover our dream itineraries ranging from Saint-Brandon to Île aux Bénitiers via Gunners Quoin created by our team exclusively ...

  14. Can you take a boat trip from Mauritius to Reunion Island?

    Thanks Bronia. I looked On Skyscanner and there is an early flight in the morning from mauritius and a late flight back which allows about 9 hours in reunion. it would be a long day but quite a lot of the smaller island could be viewed if perhaps there was an excursion company functioning on a shore excursion type basis. 8.

  15. Catamaran à La Réunion depuis Saint-Gilles : tarifs et avis

    Sommaire de l'article. La croisière en catamaran à La Réunion offre deux options au départ de Saint-Gilles-Les-Bains. La première, à 53 € par personne, est une sortie classique de 3 heures incluant boissons fraîches et apéritifs. La seconde, plus luxueuse à 75 €, propose également des cocktails et snacks en plus.

  16. Chiller en catamaran à la réunion |office de tourisme de l'ouest

    Buller en catamaran à La Réunion est une activité incontournable pour capturer en photo les nuances de sa beauté et revenir avec des souvenirs plein la tête. Les départs s'effectuent depuis les ports de plaisance de l'ouest. Direction Saint-Gilles-les-Bains ou Le Port pour une croisière sur la journée ou la demi-journée, selon la ...

  17. Mauritius Catamaran Cruise & Ile aux Cerfs Tour Review (+ Tips)

    Ile aux Fouquets - The Lighthouse Island. Our next stop on this catamaran day trip in southeast Mauritius was the so-called Lighthouse Island.Its official name is Ile aux Fouquets - named after a bird species that live here. However, there is an old abandoned lighthouse on this tiny island and so locals call it the Lighthouse Island.

  18. Catamaran Fiesta Mauricien

    Catamaran Fiesta Mauricien, Grand Baie, Rodrigues, Mauritius. 19,907 likes · 696 talking about this. Île Plate-Îlot Gabriel-Coin de Mire Boat party W/DJ (+230) 5842 1204

  19. Mauritius Catamaran Cruise

    Mauritius Catamaran Cruise. What better way to enjoy your holiday than to enjoy a unique cruising experience sailing on-board one of our beautiful Catamarans. For the convenience of our clients, we offer a large selection of day cruises to several destinations, with few different departure points. Spend a day on Gabriel Island or Flat Island in ...

  20. 'I don't feel good about it': Victim's family speaks out on Maurice

    WALB has reported about Maurice Jimmerson - who was indicted in the 2013 shooting that killed Desmond Williams and William Davis, Jr. He took a guilty plea deal of 30 years on probation ...

  21. For the first time Rosatom Fuel Division supplied fresh nuclear fuel to

    21 April 2023 Rosatom obtained a license for the first land-based SMR in Russia. On April 21, Rosenergoatom obtained a license issued by Rostekhnadzor to construct the Yakutsk land-based SMR in the Ust-Yansky District of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

  22. Strange Glow Over Moscow Skies Triggers Panic as Explosions Reported

    B right flashes lit up the night sky in southern Moscow in the early hours of Thursday morning, new footage appears to show, following reports of an explosion at an electrical substation on the ...

  23. Why were so many metro stations in Moscow renamed?

    The Moscow metro system has 275 stations, and 28 of them have been renamed at some point or other—and several times in some cases. Most of these are the oldest stations, which opened in 1935.


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