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Guía para viajar a Providencia desde San Andrés


La Isla de Providencia es un destino paradisíaco y menos visitado por los turistas que llegan al Archipiélago de San Andrés.

Las formas en las que puedes viajar hasta este hermoso lugar, actualmente son dos, con un catamarán, o en avión, pero no te preocupes, acá te contamos más.

Una vez que hayas planificado tus vacaciones no puedes dejar de leer esta guía para viajar a Providencia desde San Andrés . Sobre todo, porque no es un destino tan conocido.

Requisitos para ir a Providencia

  • Pasaporte para extranjeros. Cédula de ciudadanía para colombianos.
  • La tarjeta turística que pagas al llegar a San Andrés también cubre tu visita a Providencia. Ese pago lo haces en el aeropuerto.

Cómo llegar a Providencia desde San Andrés

Providencia se encuentra ubicada a 90 kilómetros de San Andrés. Y, uno de los aspectos que ha ayudado a que toda su fauna y paisajes se conserven, son las formas limitadas que existen para llegar.

Estas son las opciones:

1. De San Andrés a Providencia en Avión

Es la forma más utilizada debido a que el tiempo de viaje es muy corto, tiene una duración aproximada de 20 a 30 minutos.

Es importante tener en cuenta que, hasta el momento no existe ningún vuelo que sea directo a Providencia desde el territorio continental colombiano, por esto, debes salir desde la Isla de San Andrés.

Para este viaje se utilizan avionetas que tienen una capacidad de 17 pasajeros. Y, para reservar tu vuelo puedes ingresar directamente a la página oficial de Satena .

Los precios pueden variar dependiendo de la fecha en la que escojas para viajar . Por esta razón, es importante que la planificación del viaje se lleve a cabo con antelación.

Como se trata de una avioneta muy pequeña, el equipaje que se acepta es de 10 kilogramos, y uno de mano de 5 kg.

2. De San Andrés a Providencia en Catamarán

Catamarán de San Andrés a Providencia

El catamarán es la otra opción que existe si quieres llegar hasta Providencia, la duración del viaje es un poco más que lo anterior. Por lo general, suele tardar tres horas , sin embargo, dependiendo de ciertos aspectos puede ser un poco menos, o más.

Para muchos usuarios esta es la peor forma de llegar hasta Providencia; y es que, de acuerdo a los expertos, el mar durante todo el trayecto no se encuentra para nada tranquilo. Si sufres de mareo, esta opción no te va a gustar.

Los catamaranes viajan prácticamente todos los días, pero con más frecuencia los lunes, miércoles y viernes, con una de las compañías más reconocidas »Conocemos Navegando». Y, el horario es desde las 8 de la mañana, en adelante.

La salida se lleva a cabo desde el muelle de »Providencia» . Las salidas extras se realizan en la temporada alta de vacaciones para cubrir todos los viajes solicitados por los turistas.

Qué hacer en Providencia

Playas de Providencia

Providencia es uno de los lugares más hermosos que puedes visitar, y es que, sus playas, la cultura y todo el ambiente que te ofrece para tus vacaciones es increíble.

A pesar de que no es muy grande, cada uno de sus rincones te va a sorprender, y a continuación, te mencionamos algunas de las mejores cosas para hacer:

Parque Nacional Natural Old Providence McBean Lagoon

Este es un parque natural que se encuentra ubicado al noreste de la isla, y se dio a a conocer en el año 1995. Desde ese mismo año es considerado también como reserva natural.

A pesar de que no puedes conocer toda la zona, visitas algunos manglares, y la región costera donde se ubica Cayo Cangrejo y Cayo Tres Hermanos.

Cayo Cangrejo

Es un cayo que mide 2 hectáreas, por lo tanto, es considerado como pequeño; y, a pesar de que no tiene ninguna playa es amado por muchos turistas porque pueden hacer snorkel y practicar buceo en el momento que lo deseen.

La forma de llegar a este cayo es a través de algunas de las barcas ubicadas justo al frente del hotel Deep Blue.

Es una de las ubicaciones más pequeñas, y que no tiene muchos aspectos para visitar. Sin embargo, encuentras la gasolinera del pueblo, y también algunos lugares en los que puedes alojarte hasta que terminen tus vacaciones en la isla.

Es una localidad pequeña ubicada dentro de la isla de Providencia, y, es quizás una de las más turísticas, porque incluye los mejores hoteles para alojarte en tus vacaciones.

Además, tienes una playa, supermercado, y restaurantes importantes para toda la isla.

Pero no solo eso, también existe una tienda en la que puedes alquilar una moto, o mula para trasladarte.

Viajar a este lugar no solo significa disfrutar de la playa, si te atreves un poco más también puedes aprovechar del hermoso paisaje que te ofrece la montaña con su vegetación y algunos de los animales.

Anteriormente una distracción era subir la montaña atravesando el Parque Regional Natural El Pico sin problemas. Sin embargo, ahora debes hacer esta caminata con ayuda de un guía.

Recorrer la carretera

Es una de las cosas que puedes hacer mientras estés en Providencia, y lo más importante es que esta es la única carretera que, dentro de la isla, te permite ir hasta las playas.

Si tienes una mula o moto, puedes recorrer la carretera de forma más rápida para disfrutar de todo el ambiente tradicional que encuentras en la isla.

Bahía Manzanillo

Es considerada como una de las mejores playas de todo el lugar, y a pesar de que no tiene ningún restaurante cerca, el paisaje es realmente increíble.

Southwest Bay

De acuerdo a los turistas, esta es otra de las mejores playas que puedes visitar, sin embargo, muchas veces su vegetación puede no llamarte mucho la atención.

En la zona puedes encontrar el famoso restaurante »El Divino Niño» , en donde sin duda alguna vas a disfrutar de un momento de relajación.

Esta es una playa que es alargada, y por lo tanto, te permite estacionar tu mula o moto en la entrada. Así puedes recorrer la carretera y hacer todo lo que desees.

Esta es una pequeña bahía en la que puedes disfrutar de un hermoso paisaje, y en la entrada puedes dejar el vehículo que en el que te trasladas. Sin embargo, para ir hasta la playa debes hacerlo caminando.

Santa Catalina

Es una pequeña isla en la que puedes también disfrutar de un hermoso paisaje.

Aunque no tiene muchas playas, la estructura de sus casas tradicionales, los restaurantes y la conocida Cabeza Morgan (un acantilado con rocas) te harán vivir una experiencia de otro mundo.

Además, también puedes ver el mar desde diferentes ángulos y desconectarte de todos los problemas de la ciudad, por algunos minutos.

La marea en esta zona afecta mucho la costa, y por esta razón, muchas de las playas han ido desapareciendo. Teniendo en cuenta esto, es recomendable realizar las visitas cuando la marea esté baja.

En caso de que te traslades en una mula, o una moto, la puedes dejar en la isla de Providencia; y desde ahí debes cruzar el puente de los enamorados, hasta llegar a Santa Catalina.

Una vez que llegues, comienza caminando por el sendero del lado derecho para que puedas ver el cañón que se encuentra en la punta de la isla. Mientras que, del lado izquierdo disfrutar de la playa Fort Bay.

Santa Isabel

A pesar de que no es un lugar en el cual los turistas deseen tomarse fotos, o visitar, es una de las localidades que debes atravesar para ir a Santa Catalina. Es la entrada a la isla Santa Catalina. Y, es el sitio perfecto si deseas ir a una farmacia, supermercado, o incluso hasta el muelle.

Dónde Hospedarse en Providencia (Mejores Zonas

Hospedaje en Providencia

Desde el momento de la planificación del viaje, también debes pensar en el lugar donde te vas a hospedar para disfrutar de unas vacaciones increíbles.

Existen muchos hoteles , casas o cabañas, que, seguramente se adaptan a lo que estás buscando.

Para escoger el lugar correcto en donde te vas a hospedar es importante que, tengas en cuenta algunos criterios, como los siguientes:

  • Si vas a alquilar un carro de golf , mula, o una moto, te puedes hospedar en el lugar donde desees sin problemas. Porque, con este vehículo te puedes trasladar a todos lados.
  • Una de las mejores zonas para hospedarte es Aguadulce, y esto debido a que tiene diferentes opciones que puedes disfrutar durante tu estadía.
  • Establece el objetivo de tu viaje, si se trata de visitar las playas, es recomendable que te hospedes en la zona de la playa de Manzanillo. Uno de los lugares más bonitos y que te facilita el traslado con tu vehículo, o también ofrecen servicio de taxi.

Consejos para viajar a Providencia

Ahora que conoces toda la información para ir a Providencia, también es importante tener en cuenta algunos consejos que te ayudarán a planear un viaje increíble.

  • La isla de Providencia no es tan grande, y por lo tanto, si deseas conocer los sitios más populares en 1 o 2 días puedes hacerlo. Sin embargo, lo más recomendable es quedarte como mínimo 4 días para que disfrutes de todas las actividades y playas.
  • Para moverse dentro de la isla es importante que sepas, que, a pesar de que es pequeña no se puede recorrer caminando, y por lo tanto necesitas alquilar una mula o una moto. De esta forma, puedes visitar todos los lugares que desees en la comodidad de un vehículo.
  • Enero-Junio: Es considerada como la mejor época, debido a que son los meses que menos lluvia existe en la isla. Pero, ten en cuenta que, en diciembre y enero la marea crece, por lo que la forma más recomendada para viajar es en avioneta.
  • Diciembre-Agosto: Estos dos meses es en donde la isla recibe más turistas, y por lo tanto, el hospedaje y pasajes son mucho más caros.
  • Ten en cuenta también que, en muchos de los hospedajes o alquileres de mulas las tarjetas de débito y crédito no son aceptadas. Y, sólo puedes pagar con efectivo .
  • Además, recuerda que, para llenar el tanque de gasolina de mula, solo puedes hacerlo en Old Town.
  • El aeropuerto El Embrujo, es pequeño, y los trámites se realizan rápidamente. Es un aspecto importante porque, así puedes determinar la hora exacta en la que debes ir.

Descubre más con nuestra guía de viajes a San Andrés

Conocemos Navegando


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Ruta San Andrés – Providencia

Vuelta a la Isla San Andrés

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How To Get From San Andres To Providencia – Flights + Ferry Options

Published: September 15, 2023

Modified: December 27, 2023

by Gretna Daly

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Planning a trip to the beautiful Colombian islands of San Andres and Providencia? One of the key considerations when traveling between these two paradisiacal destinations is figuring out the best mode of transportation. With options that include flights and ferries, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons to make an informed decision.

San Andres and Providencia are both stunning Caribbean islands located off the coast of Nicaragua. San Andres is the larger and more developed of the two, known for its pristine white sandy beaches, vibrant coral reefs, and lively nightlife. On the other hand, Providencia offers a quieter and more secluded experience, with its untouched natural beauty, crystal-clear waters, and a laid-back atmosphere.

Now, let’s explore the various options available to travel from San Andres to Providencia. Whether you prefer the convenience and speed of a flight or the adventure of a ferry ride, we’ll discuss everything you need to know to make the right choice for your journey.

San Andres and Providencia Overview:

San Andres and Providencia are two enchanting islands in the Caribbean Sea, each offering a unique experience for travelers seeking a tropical getaway.

San Andres, the larger of the two islands, is a vibrant destination with a bustling atmosphere. It boasts a mix of Colombian and Jamaican culture, resulting in a distinct blend of food, music, and traditions. The island is famous for its stunning beaches, such as Playa Spratt Bight and San Luis Beach, where visitors can bask in the sun and take in the breathtaking views of turquoise waters.

Aside from its natural beauty, San Andres offers a plethora of activities to keep visitors entertained. Snorkeling and diving enthusiasts can explore the colorful coral reefs surrounding the island, teeming with marine life. Water sports such as jet skiing, parasailing, and windsurfing are also popular among thrill-seekers. For those interested in history and culture, a visit to La Loma, the island’s oldest settlement, is a must.

On the other hand, Providencia is a quieter and more laid-back island, perfect for those seeking tranquility and seclusion. This hidden gem is known for its untouched natural landscapes, including the UNESCO-protected Old Providence McBean Lagoon National Natural Park. The park offers opportunities for hiking, birdwatching, and getting up close to the island’s unique flora and fauna.

Providencia is also home to some of the most beautiful beaches in the Caribbean, such as Manzanillo and Southwest Bay Beach. Relaxing in a hammock in the shade of palm trees and enjoying the gentle ocean breeze is the ideal way to unwind on this charming island.

Both San Andres and Providencia provide a range of accommodation options, from luxurious resorts to cozy guesthouses. Each island has its own local cuisine, influenced by African, European, and Caribbean flavors. Whether you have a taste for fresh seafood, tropical fruits, or traditional Colombian dishes, you’ll find something to satisfy your cravings on both islands.

Now that you have a glimpse of what San Andres and Providencia have to offer, let’s move on to exploring the transportation options available to travel between these two paradisiacal destinations.

Flight Options from San Andres to Providencia:

When it comes to traveling from San Andres to Providencia, flying is the most convenient and time-efficient option. There are several airlines that operate direct flights between the two islands, making it a hassle-free journey for travelers.

One of the main airlines that offers flights between San Andres and Providencia is Satena. They operate daily flights with a short duration of approximately 20 minutes, making it a quick and efficient way to reach your destination. The flights are typically small, accommodating around 20 passengers, which adds to the unique experience of flying in a small aircraft.

Another airline that provides flights between the two islands is Searca. They also offer daily flights, ensuring that travelers have flexibility in choosing the most convenient departure time.

It’s worth mentioning that flight schedules may vary depending on the season and demand, so it’s advisable to check the availability and book your tickets in advance to secure your preferred travel dates.

When booking your flight, it’s important to consider luggage restrictions, as some airlines have limitations on the weight and size of baggage. It’s recommended to inquire about these details beforehand to avoid any surprises on the day of your departure.

Overall, flying from San Andres to Providencia is a comfortable and efficient option for travelers who value convenience and want to maximize their time on the islands. The short flight duration allows you to reach your destination quickly, giving you more time to explore the natural wonders and immerse yourself in the vibrant culture of Providencia.

Ferry Options from San Andres to Providencia:

If you’re in the mood for a more adventurous and scenic journey, taking a ferry from San Andres to Providencia is an alternative option to consider. While it may take longer than flying, the ferry ride offers a unique experience and allows travelers to take in the beauty of the Caribbean Sea.

There are a few ferry companies that operate between San Andres and Providencia, and they offer different schedules and services. The most popular and well-known ferry service is called “Catamaran Miss Elizabeth”. This catamaran ferry operates several times a week, and the journey from San Andres to Providencia takes approximately 3 to 4 hours, depending on weather conditions and sea currents. Be sure to check the ferry schedule in advance to plan your trip accordingly.

The ferry ride is a great option for travelers who enjoy being on the water and want to soak up the coastal views during their journey. The catamaran provides comfortable seating and amenities onboard, including refreshments and restrooms, ensuring a pleasant and enjoyable trip for passengers.

It’s important to note that the ferry schedule may vary, especially during the off-peak season, so it’s advisable to confirm the departure and arrival times closer to your travel dates. Additionally, as the ferry can be affected by weather conditions, it’s recommended to check the weather forecast before embarking on your trip.

While the ferry ride may take longer compared to flying, it offers a more relaxed and scenic way to reach Providencia. It’s an excellent option for travelers who want to take their time and appreciate the beauty of the Caribbean Sea, as well as those who may have a fear of flying.

Whether you choose to fly or take the ferry, both options provide an opportunity to explore and discover the wonders of Providencia, making it an unforgettable experience.

Comparison of Flights and Ferry:

When deciding on the best mode of transportation from San Andres to Providencia, it’s important to consider the factors that are most important to you: convenience, speed, comfort, and the overall travel experience. Here’s a comparison of flights and ferry to help you make the right choice:

  • Duration: Flights from San Andres to Providencia have a short duration of approximately 20 minutes, ensuring a quick and efficient journey. On the other hand, the ferry ride takes around 3 to 4 hours, providing a more leisurely and scenic experience.
  • Convenience: Flying is generally considered more convenient, as it allows for a faster and direct route between the islands. The flights operate daily, offering flexibility in choosing departure times that suit your schedule. The ferry, while slower, offers a unique and adventurous experience for those who enjoy being on the water.
  • Comfort: Flights on small aircraft between San Andres and Providencia may be a bit cramped, accommodating around 20 passengers. However, the short duration makes it bearable. The ferry, on the other hand, provides comfortable seating and onboard amenities, allowing passengers to relax and enjoy the journey.
  • Schedule and Availability: Flights have a more reliable and frequent schedule, making it easier to plan your trip in advance. On the other hand, ferry schedules may vary, especially during the off-peak season, so it’s important to check the availability and adjust your travel plans accordingly.
  • Scenic Views: If you appreciate the beauty of the ocean and prefer a slower pace, the ferry offers picturesque views of the Caribbean Sea and the opportunity to take in the coastal scenery. The flight, while quick, may not provide as much opportunity to enjoy the scenic views.

Ultimately, the choice between flying and taking the ferry depends on your personal preferences and priorities. If you value convenience and want to reach Providencia quickly, flying is the ideal option. On the other hand, if you’re seeking a more relaxed journey and want to enjoy the coastal views, the ferry provides a unique travel experience.

Consider the factors that are most important to you, such as time, comfort, and the overall travel experience, and make the decision that best suits your needs. Regardless of the mode of transportation you choose, both flights and ferry rides offer their own charms and will lead you to the tropical paradise of Providencia.


Choosing the best mode of transportation from San Andres to Providencia depends on your preferences, priorities, and the experience you desire for your journey. Whether you opt for a quick flight or a leisurely ferry ride, both options have their advantages.

If convenience and speed are your top priorities, flying is the way to go. Flights from San Andres to Providencia are quick and efficient, taking just around 20 minutes. This allows you to maximize your time on both islands and explore the breathtaking beaches and vibrant culture as soon as possible.

On the other hand, if you prefer a more relaxed and scenic journey, the ferry provides a unique and adventurous experience. While it takes longer, the ferry ride allows you to soak in the stunning coastal views of the Caribbean Sea and enjoy the leisurely pace of the journey.

Ultimately, consider factors such as duration, convenience, comfort, schedule, and the desire to appreciate the scenic beauty when making your decision. Regardless of whether you choose to fly or take the ferry, both options will lead you to the enchanting paradise of Providencia.

No matter which option you choose, make sure to plan ahead, check schedules, and book your tickets in advance to ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey. San Andres and Providencia are both incredible destinations in their own right, offering unique experiences that will leave you with lifelong memories.

So, pack your bags, prepare for adventure, and get ready to immerse yourself in the beauty of San Andres and Providencia. Whether you take to the skies or embrace the waves, an unforgettable Caribbean escape awaits you.


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Boat & Catamaran charter in San Andrés  - Yacht Rental

Boat & Catamaran charter in San Andrés - Yacht Rental

San andrés yacht rental.

Welcome to Yachting.Rent, your premier choice for a top-tier yacht rental service in the breathtaking waters of San Andrés. Our commitment is to make your sea voyage an unforgettable experience. We offer an extensive selection of luxury yachts that cater to different needs and preferences, promising an unparalleled journey of exploration and relaxation in the Caribbean paradise of San Andrés.

The island of San Andrés, known for its vibrant coral reefs, white sandy beaches, and crystal-clear turquoise waters, is an ideal destination for yacht charters. With Yachting.Rent, you can immerse yourself in the sheer luxury and comfort of our professionally-maintained yachts, equipped with all the amenities needed for a memorable sailing experience.

Our yachts come in various sizes and styles, suitable for all kinds of outings – be it a family vacation, romantic getaway, or an adventure trip with friends. All yachts in our fleet are fully equipped with modern navigational technology, safety gear, and luxurious amenities to provide an unforgettable sailing experience.

Onboard, indulge in the comfort of spacious cabins, elegantly designed interiors, well-equipped kitchens, and outdoor spaces perfect for soaking in the sun and enjoying panoramic ocean views. Let our professional and friendly crew take care of your needs as you explore the hidden gems of San Andrés, from Johnny Cay’s postcard-perfect beaches to the rich biodiversity of Old Point Regional Mangrove Park.

With Yachting.Rent, your journey in San Andrés becomes more than just sailing. It’s about immersing in nature’s splendor, living moments of pure relaxation, and creating precious memories. Whether you’re a seasoned sailor or a first-time yachter, we’re here to provide an exceptional yacht charter experience in San Andrés that will exceed your expectations. So, hoist the sail, let the trade winds guide your voyage, and embark on a spectacular Caribbean adventure with Yachting.Rent.

Daniel Goldman

CEO of Yachting.Rent

Boat & Catamaran charter in San Andrés

Bali 4.4 - 3 + 1 cab. - Apollo - 2022

Bali 4.5 – 4 + 2 cab. – Adria Chicha – 2017

Lagoon 450 F - 4 + 2 cab. - Shiva - 2018

Lagoon 450 F – 4 + 2 cab. – Shiva – 2018

Lagoon 42 - 4 + 2 cab. - Eleni - 2023.

Lagoon 42 – 4 + 2 cab. – Hanselli – 2024

Lagoon 42 – 4 + 1 cab. – pirelli – 2024.

Saxdor 320 GTO - Kali - 2022

Saxdor 320 GTC – Olivia – 2022

Saxdor 320 gto – kali – 2022.

catamaran san andres providencia colombia

Why Choose Us

Yacht charter in San Andrés

Welcome to Yachting.Rent, the premier provider of yacht charter services in San Andrés. Discover the freedom of sailing the open seas in one of our luxury yachts, meticulously maintained and equipped with all the amenities to make your journey as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. Our yachts are available for charter throughout the year, providing you with the opportunity to explore the tropical paradise of San Andrés at your leisure.

San Andrés, a breathtaking Caribbean island renowned for its vibrant coral reefs, crystal clear waters, and white sandy beaches, is a dream destination for any sailing enthusiast. With Yachting.Rent, you can set your own pace and chart your course to explore the island’s many natural wonders, from the palm-fringed beaches of Johnny Cay to the biodiverse Old Point Regional Mangrove Park.

Our fleet of yachts ranges from compact yet luxurious vessels ideal for romantic getaways, to larger, more spacious yachts perfect for family vacations or group adventures. Every yacht in our fleet comes with a professional and friendly crew committed to providing exceptional service, ensuring your sailing experience in San Andrés is nothing short of extraordinary.

We understand that every journey is unique, and our team is dedicated to providing a personalized service that meets your specific needs. Whether you’re an experienced sailor or new to yachting, we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

When you charter a yacht with Yachting.Rent, you’re not just booking a service. You’re embarking on a once-in-a-lifetime adventure in the heart of the Caribbean, filled with unforgettable memories. Experience the freedom of the open sea, the relaxation of a luxury yacht, and the stunning beauty of San Andrés with Yachting.Rent – your ideal partner for yacht charters in the Caribbean.

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About San Andrés

Why is San Andrés a good sailing destination?

At Yachting.Rent, we’re passionate about delivering unforgettable sailing experiences. We believe San Andrés, a sun-drenched Caribbean paradise, is a matchless destination for such adventures, and here’s why.

Renowned for its vibrant coral reefs and crystal-clear turquoise waters, San Andrés offers an immersive sailing experience unlike any other. With an array of marine life just below the water’s surface, it’s a captivating spot for snorkeling and diving, offering the chance to explore the underwater world in all its splendor.

Sailing around San Andrés also allows you to discover hidden coves and pristine, white sandy beaches, many of which are inaccessible from the mainland. Visit Johnny Cay, an idyllic islet fringed with coconut palms and perfect for a day of relaxation. Or anchor your yacht near the Old Point Regional Mangrove Park and kayak through the mangrove canals, witnessing the island’s biodiversity up close.

The consistent Caribbean winds make San Andrés a sailor’s paradise, with reliable conditions perfect for both experienced sailors and those new to yachting. The tropical climate provides warm weather year-round, allowing for a smooth and enjoyable sailing experience no matter the season.

Apart from its natural beauty, San Andrés is also a melting pot of cultures, offering a rich history and a unique blend of British, Spanish, and African influences. Stroll through the colorful streets, savor local cuisine, and immerse yourself in the vibrant music and dance that resonate throughout the island.

When you choose to sail in San Andrés with Yachting.Rent, you’re not only embracing a world-class sailing destination but also embarking on a journey that promises discovery, adventure, and relaxation. From the tranquility of the open seas to the exhilaration of exploring a Caribbean gem, San Andrés truly is a paradise for any sailing enthusiast.

catamaran san andres providencia colombia


catamaran san andres providencia colombia

What Choose

Sailing boat or Catamaran, what to sail in San Andrés

Welcome to Yachting.Rent, your trusted provider for yacht and catamaran rentals. As you plan your sailing adventure in San Andrés, you might be wondering whether to choose a traditional sailing boat or a catamaran. Each type of vessel offers unique benefits and the choice ultimately depends on your personal preferences, sailing skills, and the kind of experience you’re seeking.

A traditional sailing yacht offers a truly intimate connection with the sea. It’s designed for those who love the thrill of cutting through the waves, guided by the force of the wind. The classic sailing experience, with its characteristic lean as you sail, is something many seafarers relish. In San Andrés, where the winds are consistent and the waters inviting, a sailing yacht allows for exciting exploration and the exhilaration of mastering the elements.

On the other hand, a catamaran, with its twin hulls, offers unrivalled stability. This makes it a perfect choice for those who are new to sailing or prefer a smoother ride, especially when anchoring in the crystal-clear waters of San Andrés for a spot of snorkeling or sunbathing. The wide deck space and larger cabins offer more comfort and living space, making it ideal for family trips or group getaways.

San Andrés, with its turquoise Caribbean waters and constant breeze, is a wonderful location for both types of sailing experiences. Whether you’re keen on navigating the sea with a sailing yacht, or prefer the stability and comfort of a catamaran, Yachting.Rent provides top-quality vessels to ensure a memorable sailing experience.

Remember, the decision between a sailing boat or a catamaran isn’t just about performance, it’s also about the kind of memories you want to create. Whether you’re planning a high-seas adventure, a peaceful retreat, or a mix of both, we’re here to provide the perfect vessel for your journey in the stunning waters of San Andrés.

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Sailing the Colombian Caribbean: From Cartagena's Historic Port to the Pristine San Andrés and Providencia


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Isla de Providencia, Colombia’s unspoilt paradise island

South West beach, Providence Island. Crab Cay Boutique Lodge Hotel Providencia Island, Colombia accommodation review: Colombia travel guide by Cuppa to Copa Travels

Sometimes, I use affiliate/sponsored links with my recommendations, which if bought through might earn me a few pennies at absolutely no extra cost to you . This helps with the cost of keeping this site alive so I can continue to guide you on your travels. Please remember that I would never ever ever recommend anything I don’t or wouldn’t use myself. Big thanks to each and every one of you who have trusted my recommendations so far! Lozzy x

Oooooh Isla de Providencia, Colombia! WHAT an island! While our favourite trip of our travels was without a doubt the San Blas Islands for a very long time, Isla de Providencia swiftly swooped in to steal that top spot. The lesser-visited sister of the island of San Andrés , Isla de Providencia sits around 80 miles North-West of SA. A short bridge away from Providencia is Santa Catalina Island, which has no urbanisation and just one street of wooden-porched houses.

You can see a video of our first 4 days spent on Providencia Island below; after that trip we decided we loved Isla de Providencia so much that we returned again 5 months later.

While you’re in the Isla San Andres and Isla de Providencia area, don’t miss the following guides:

  • An honest review of Crab Cay Boutique Lodge, Isla de Providencia Colombia
  • Rated: the beaches of Isla de Providencia Colombia
  • Unbeatable guide to San Andres Island, Colombia

Isla de Providencia’s strongly Caribbean culture has the slightest of Colombian twists, and local life there appears laid-back and full of happiness.

Family ties are strong, so it’s common to see large groups of people of all ages sat outside houses or shops, chatting until the wee hours.

Roland's reggae bar Manzanillo Beach Isla de Providencia Colombia travel guides

The main draw of Isla de Providencia is the beautiful turquoise water and stunning white-sanded beaches, and the famous Crab Cay (Cayo Cangrejo) that sits just off the North coast.

All the beaches can be found on the West and South coasts, the rest is mostly rock.

Check out our ‘ Beaches of Isla de Providencia Colombia ’ post to see how we rate each Providencia Island beach!

Fresh water bay Cayo Cangrejo Isla de Providencia | Colombia travel guides by Cuppa to Copa Travels

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History of Isla de Providencia

Isla de Providencia, or ‘Providence Island’, as it was formerly known, was originally held by the British, with many Dutch residents too. They created a Puritan colony there, which was super-strict on church service attendance and godly behaviour.

Residents were heavily encouraged to produce tobacco, even though other islands such as Jamaica produced tobacco of far greater quality, and even when the market was flooded with supply so the price went down.

Workers on Isla de Providencia were mostly indentured servants from Europe, who were working hard labour for free in order to pay off a debt or crime.

Once their time was done, the residents of Isla de Providencia decided to replace the workforce with African slaves, and the island became a slave-trading hub. Bizarrely, for all that’s wrong with that sentence, it was the ungodly profiting that the Puritans took issue with, and so slaves were only able to be traded for tobacco, not hard cash.

Landscape Isla de Providencia Colombia

The economy of Isla de Providencia then took a few dips south so it instead became a hub for pirates and expeditions on their quest to take down the Spanish. Isla de Providencia was positioned in the ‘mouth of the Spanish empire’ in Latin America, so it was perfectly placed as a spot from which to defend all that was British in the Caribbean. The island was eventually gifted to Colombia in the Victorian times.

Nowadays, there are around 5000 residents on Isla de Providencia and 150 on Santa Catalina, most of them direct descendants of the African slaves brought to work the land. Lots of locals lean towards Caribbean culture rather than Colombian, and many see this as the least Colombian area of Colombia.

The first language is Creole, but almost all islanders also speak both Spanish and English to a good level. Isla de Providencia is the first place we’ve been to in South America where some natives seem to prefer using English to Spanish.

The population of Isla de Providencia has been particularly affected by Colombia’s narco wars, after cartels realised the invaluable sea skills of the young men living there.

While the island itself doesn’t have a particular narco problem, thousands of local men have gone missing after setting off in their boats over the last few decades. Some ended up in prisons in Miami, others died at sea. Many Isla de Providencia families never find out which was the fate of their loved one.

Safety on Isla de Providencia

We felt incredibly safe on Isla de Providencia, mostly owing to islanders’ friendly and helpful attitudes. Stand idly on the street too long and you’ll have a local asking you how they can help.

In all honesty, we’ve always wanted to check out more of the Caribbean, but safety concerns on larger islands often mean you’re advised to stay within the boundaries of an all-inclusive resort and therefore are not able to see what real life is like there.

Isla de Providencia may be small, but it feels like the perfect place to immerse yourself in authentic Caribbean vibes without having to look over your shoulder the whole time.

safety on isla de providencia colombia island caribbean town

The only area of Isla de Providencia that our local host told us to be careful in was Manzanillo beach, where she said that crime wasn’t generally violent, but unattended bags sometimes went missing.

Until the next big election in 2020, the current governors on Isla de Providencia have restricted the opening times of beach bars, meaning they have to close at 7pm every night – which translates to ‘whenever the police eventually turn up to shut it down’. This is due to a fight that broke out on New Year’s Day after a party carried on into the afternoon on Manzanillo Beach. 

Beach hopping on Providence Island in a golf buggy | Isla de Providencia | Colombia travel guide by Cuppa to Copa Travels Roland's reggae beach bar Manzanillo

Can anyone live on Isla de Providencia?

A stay on Isla de Providencia may have you wishing you could move there permanently, but unfortunately this small island has some restrictions so that the paradise can continue to be enjoyed by the natives and not profited from by foreigners. You are allowed to buy a house on Isla de Providencia as a foreigner, but you cannot buy land on which to build your own property.

This keeps westerners and mainlanders alike from putting up monstrosities of hotel chains on the island, or from turning it into a summer house destination, empty during the working months. It also goes some way to controlling gentrification that we see on Isla San Andrés , where locals can no longer afford many of the shops and restaurants in the centre.

If you do own a property as a foreigner on Isla de Providencia, be warned that you are only allowed a visa of up to 4 months to stay there. If you are just a regular visitor without property, the tourist visa on Isla de Providencia is 3 months long.

isla de providencia colombia island caribbean

Are there ATMs on Isla de Providencia?

Yes there are ATMs on Isla de Providencia, but only in the main town (Pueblo Viejo), next to the port. If you’re worried about charges to your card, make sure you stock up on cash in San Andrés or the mainland (don’t forget to check our list of ATMs for free cash withdrawals in Latin America !).

catamaran san andres providencia colombia

To give you an idea of budget, an average cost of the cheapest dish on the menu in a restaurant is around 30k COP, beers are usually 5k and cocktails 15-20k.

catamaran san andres providencia colombia

Isla de Providencia Carnival

In June, Isla de Providencia has a big carnival, which sees droves of natives from other Caribbean islands flocking to this teeny one. There you’ll see traditional parades and music artists from all over coming to perform, mingle in the crowds and enjoy this little piece of paradise.

Flights, catamaran tickets and accommodation will be hard to come by during this time (lots of owners shut their places down to go and revel in the party), so plan way ahead.

Where to stay on Isla de Providencia

If you want luxury, get yourself down to Deep Blue Hotel . It’s modern, it has its own jetty looking out to Crab Cay, and to be quite frank, its price tag gives it an exclusive feel. Some of the rooms have their own pools overlooking the sea.

The restaurant has excellent food, though you will pay much higher prices than you’re used to if you’ve been in Colombia for a while – still cheaper than the UK, of course! You can eat at this restaurant as a non-guest, too.

Deep Blue Hotel Crab Cay Cayo Cangrejo Isla de Providencia | Colombia travel guides by Cuppa to Copa Travels

For a more Caribbean, homestay feel with friendly staff and even more beautiful views (due to its elevation), make a booking with Crab Cay Boutique Lodge . We wrote a full review on our stay there at this link .

We’ve so far stayed there twice, and then spent a day with the staff during their holiday when we crossed paths on San Andres Island a few couple of months after our last visit.

Crab Cay Boutique Lodge Hotel Providencia Island, Colombia accommodation review: Colombia travel guide by Cuppa to Copa Travels

If you want to stay somewhere beach-side on Isla de Providencia, look at somewhere along Fresh Water Bay or South West Bay.

One thing to be said is that despite a high average cost of accommodation here – compared with mainland Colombia, for example – the majority of places are quite basic. I mean, you’re on a teeny-tiny island miles from anywhere. Therefore, you may not get the luxury and modernity that you might be expecting, even with accommodation in the higher end of prices.

You can also practically forget about the rest of the world for a few days, with WiFi and phone signal hard to come by reliably. With that being said, the charm of Isla de Providencia is best enjoyed offline.

Things to do on Isla de Providencia

1. kayak to crab cay (cayo cangrejo).

Number one on our list of things to do on Isla de Providencia is a visit to Crab Cay (pronounced ‘key’). This is the small rock off the North coast of the main island.

Go to the jetty of Deep Blue Hotel and either ask Lady for a boat ride for 40K COP pp or hire kayaks and row yourself over for 30K COP per person.

It’s not a difficult kayak as the sea is relatively calm (and warm!), and only take 10-15 minutes with average fitness, though you may want to stretch it out longer as the super-clear seas have plenty to reveal to you underneath the kayak.

Kayak to Crab Cay Cayo Cangrejo Isla de Providencia | Colombia travel guides by Cuppa to Copa Travels

Unfortunately, you cannot stay overnight on Crab Cay. In terms of timings, all boats must be back on the main island by 4:30pm, and Sundays after 1:30pm is for locals only.

The snorkel tours tend to crowd Crab Cay between 11am and 1:30pm, so going either side of that is always a good idea!

Upon arrival, you will be asked to pay an 18K COP conservation charge in cash.

Once on Crab Cay, make sure you take the 5-minute climb up to the top to see breath-taking 360 degree views, then hire a snorkel and flippers for 20K COP and take a swim round the island.

Crab Cay Cayo Cangrejo Isla de Providencia Colombia Caribbean island

Crab Cay is a regular feeding ground for wild turtles. If you see them, you can swim near them, but remember never to touch them. You can also quite easily swim around Crab Cay if the water is calm, to enjoy the variety of reefs and marine life it has to offer.

Just don’t go too far out as there is no one watching out for you around the back-side of the island.

Turtles on Crab Cay Cayo Cangrejo Isla de Providencia | Colombia travel guides by Cuppa to Copa Travels

There is a drinks stall on Crab Cay which sells soft and alcoholic drinks for reasonable prices (5K COP for a can of beer; 20k for a cocktail), as well as a stand offering ceviche and snacks, which may be closed in the PM once all of the snorkelling tours have visited and left.

However, if you want a proper meal you’ll have to bring it with you from Isla de Providencia.

Crab Cay Cayo Cangrejo Isla de Providencia Colombia Caribbean island

2. Golf buggy beach-hop around Isla de Providencia

Don’t miss doing this! Isla de Providencia is teeny, and with only one circular main road there are very few ways to get lost.

There are fewer than 20 taxi drivers on the whole island, and taxi rides tend to be pretty expensive (25-35K COP per trip), so your best option is to either hire a moped or a 2- or 4-person golf buggy.

These cost 80K and 200K respectively (2-man buggies presumably a little less than 200k) for 24 hours. The owners will drop off and pick up the vehicles wherever you like around Isla de Providencia (fantastic for us when we finished the day with a few beers at a beach bar on the other side of the island from our accommodation).

Be sure to stop in at Manzanillo, Fresh Water Bay and South West Bay. For something secluded, Almond Bay is your pick, but there’s a steep walk to get there and back from the main road. Arm yourself with our ratings for the best beaches of Isla de Providencia beforehand to plan your beach-hopping.

golf buggy rental isla de providencia Colombia

3. Join a snorkel tour

For 300K COP each, Isla de Providencia’s snorkel tours take you to several areas around the island, including White Shoal, the reef breaks, Santa Catalina and Crab Cay, plus you should get to sail around the Tres Hermanos rocks where you can see frigates flying around like mini draculas.

For us, Santa Catalina had the most insane corals to snorkel around, and the coral cities in the deep, deep ocean around the reef breaks were awe-inspiring.

After snorkelling around Isla de Providencia, the guides drop you off at a beach restaurant (usually Arturo’s on South West beach) for a late lunch to finish the trip.

You can also organise the option to take a glass bottom boat tour if some of your party would rather not get their face wet.

Turtles on Crab Cay Cayo Cangrejo Isla de Providencia | Colombia travel guides by Cuppa to Copa Travels

4. Explore Isla Santa Catalina

Santa Catalina is the smaller island that juts off from the main town (Pueblo Viejo) of Isla de Providencia. It doesn’t have a huge amount of life on it, but it offers quitter spots for snorkelling and swimming.

You do have to walk a fair bit to get to the more northernly post where the best waters and beaches are.

From the main town, cross the wobbly “Lover’s Line” bridge to get onto the island, and turn immediately left, following the path around the island. The path to the right is just a dead end 😉

lovers line bridge Isla santa Catalina providencia colombia

We were under the impression that we could walk all the way around Isla Santa Catalina, and Google Maps made it seem like it was possible, but in reality most of the island is overgrown and very steep.

Therefore, the furthest you can hike to is Morgan’s Head, a rocky resemblance of the pirate Captain Morgan, who used to use Isla de Providencia and Santa Catalina as a base to attack Spanish ports.

It’s around this area that you can find the best snorkel spots.

Santa Catalina hike Isla de Providencia | Colombia travel guides by Cuppa to Copa Travels

5. Scuba Dive

You can scuba dive around the corals in several sites around Isla de Providencia & Santa Catalina – in fact, this is the third biggest coral reef in the world, after Australia and Belize .

Get in contact with Sonny Dive Shop on Fresh Water Bay to organise your scuba-diving excursion.

6. Climb the Peak of Isla de Providencia

Right in the middle of Isla de Providencia is ‘The Peak’, which you can climb in a couple of hours. Ask your accommodation to organise a tour (50K) for you if you want to ensure you’re going the right way and learn about the terrain as you go.

The hike starts very early in the morning, so thankfully you reach The Peak when the sun isn’t yet too strong.

hiking peak isla de providencia colombia

7. Chill in an Isla de Providencia beach bar

Popping up on almost every list of things to do on Isla de Providencia is Roland’s Reggae Bar. The best evening of the week to go is a Sunday. Expect banging dancehall and reggae music and coco loco cocktails served in fresh coconuts around the firepit. People drunkenly swing on ropes tied to palm trees and chill in the sea.

While the party was pretty cool, it has to be said that this felt like something that was really cool maybe 5 years ago, before it started appearing in places like the Lonely Planet. A standard effect of such an international feature is that places once enjoyed by locals become swamped with westerners, until eventually the locals find somewhere else to mingle.

Roland's reggae bar Manzanillo Beach Isla de Providencia | Colombia travel guide by Cuppa to Copa Travels

The locals in Roland’s Reggae Roots Bar tended to either keep to themselves – sitting on their motorbikes next to the toilets instead at a table – or were very obviously there with the sole intention of picking up an exotic blonde girl.

On South West, a beach bar not yet swamped with tourism is La Sirenita, and unapologetically loved by tourists (but not at at in an inauthentic or tacky way) is Chill Spot / Tom’s Corner on South West Bay.

This is an idyllic spot to take in the afternoon sun face-on as it goes down over the calm, clear waters of Isla de Providencia – just bring your bug spray!

south west bay isla de providencia chill spot beach bar

8. Get pampered at the spa

As Isla de Providencia is such a good spot to get away from the crowds and truly wind down, it’s fitting that the island should have such a good spa on offer.

Right on the beach of South West Bay is the Cotton Tree Spa , which offers all sorts of therapies, rituals and packages, ranging from traditional to modern, detoxing to energising.

Cotton tree spa providencia island colombia

How to get to Isla de Providencia

Step 1: get to san andrés first.

To get to Isla de Providencia, you first have to get to Isla San Andres . There are regular flights from most major cities in Colombia to San Andrés from as little as £50-60 return.

We recommend spending a day or two on this island as it’s a pretty cool place, then heading on to the real paradise of Isla de Providencia.

If you’re after some ideas for what to do on San Andrés, check out these from Jarrod over at Ramble Around the World , and you can also read our comprehensive guide to the island here .

Step 2 Option A: Fly from San Andres to Providencia

We highly recommend getting the first plane of the day from San Andres to Providencia. Flying through the pink clouds in an 18-seater propeller plane at sunrise is an experience we’ll never forget.

The flight from San Andres to Providencia is only 16 minutes long, and gives unimaginable views of both islands.

Propeller Plane San Andres to Providencia Searca Satena | Isla de Providencia Providence Island | Colombia travel guide by Cuppa to Copa Travels

The downside: the planes get booked up very quickly, and they’re not cheap. We got our return flights from Isla San Andres to Providencia for £160 per person. San German, Searca and Satena are the companies that fly there; check their websites for availability as they don’t show up on comparison sites (we’d recommend not trying to book through Searca as they never got back to our initial enquiry, despite the fact we ended up on a Searca plane).

You may need to leave large luggage somewhere on San Andres or the mainland as the planes to Isla de Providencia are so small that checked luggage is restricted to 10kg and hand-luggage 5kg, but from what we saw they weren’t as strict as we expected at check-in, if you coughed up a little extra cash.

Don’t be alarmed if they weigh you whilst holding your hand-luggage so they can balance the plane’s weight.

How to get to Providencia from San Andres | Propeller Plane San Andres to Providencia Searca Satena | Isla de Providencia Providence Island | Colombia travel guide by Cuppa to Copa Travels

Step 2 Option B: Boat from San Andres to Providencia

The other option is to get a catamaran across from San Andres to Providencia. Be warned, the reviews are not good. It’s 3.5 hours long, and so choppy that most people end up sea-sick. It’s smoother on the way back, so we’re told. For this reason, some travellers opt to buy a plane ride on the way to Isla de Providencia, and a cheaper catamaran ride back.

There is currently only one catamaran company that sails from San Andres to Providencia, called Conocemos Navegando . There are 5 catamarans to Isla de Providencia a week (no boats on Tuesday or Saturday), and a return will cost you in the region of 400K COP (£100) depending on the season.

You have to be at the catamaran port an hour before departure.

Catamaran Providencia to San Andres Colombia

Isla de Providencia tip: Remember to keep your San Andrés tourist card!

This is a card you have to pay for at the check-in desk on the mainland, as you check in for your flight to San Andrés. The San Andrés tourist card costs 112,500 COP (£28).

You will need this card to prove you’ve paid the tourist tax throughout your time on Isla San Andres and Isla de Providencia, and will be asked to show it on any arrival to and departure from the islands – even when heading back to mainland Colombia.

That concludes our comprehensive guide to Isla de Providencia, Colombia’s least Colombian island! We hope you get the chance to explore this relatively untouched part of the Caribbean, and that you have the same incredible experiences that we have had during our visits. Let us know if you have any other burning questions!

How long to stay on Isla de Providencia, Colombia? 3-4 days

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Fresh water bay Cayo Cangrejo Isla de Providencia | Colombia travel guides by Cuppa to Copa Travels

Last Updated on 8 November 2023 by Cuppa to Copa Travels

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19 thoughts on “isla de providencia, colombia’s unspoilt paradise island”.

Do you have any idea if it is reasonable to visit Provencia now? I would like to support recovery and I like the idea of spending where it will stay local, but is hard to find out whether they have recovered enough to make a visit a good idea?

Hi! I spoke to a friend who is from Providencia for you and he said the rebuild is about 90% there, so it is possible to visit again 🙂

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' class=

Never mind, I found the answer elsewhere.. it seems travel to Providencia is more of a challenge than back.

' class=

I|ve taken the catamaran more times then I can remember. Each time different depending on time of year, current change, before or after a storm. My advice is always take some Dramamine or something similar. Can be bought at local Pharmacy's.

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San Andres Island Hotels and Places to Stay

Palms trees on Caribbean Sea on the shore of San Andres y Providencia, Colombia

Getty Images/iStockphoto


Providencia, 56 miles (90km) north of San Andrés, is a wonderfully remote and traditional Caribbean island with breathtaking scenery, gorgeous golden-sand beaches, friendly locals and superb diving. Best of all, it's a pain to get to, ensuring that you'll only have to share this slice of paradise with the other intrepid travelers happy to fly here in a rickety 20-seater plane or brave the often-rough three-hour catamaran ride.

Leave the planning to a local expert

Experience the real Providencia. Let a local expert handle the planning for you.


Must-see attractions.

El Pico Natural Regional Park

El Pico Natural Regional Park

Don't miss a trip to El Pico Natural Regional Park for outstanding 360-degree views of the Caribbean from El Pico mountain (360m). The most popular trail…

Bahía Suroeste

Bahía Suroeste

This gorgeous bay boasts a magnificent palm-lined beach backed by steep hills. There are just a couple of hotels here, so it's a great spot for true…

Cayo Cangrejo

Cayo Cangrejo

Cayo Cangrejo, a small island that's part of Parque Nacional Natural Old Providence McBean Lagoon, rises sharply and dramatically off the coast. There's…

Santa Catalina

Santa Catalina

Some tiny, deserted beaches exist on the island of Santa Catalina. It's worth a look if only to see Morgan's Head, a rocky cliff in the shape of a human…

Parque Nacional Natural (PNN) Old Providence McBean Lagoon

Parque Nacional Natural (PNN) Old Providence McBean Lagoon

To protect the unique marine life here, a 10-sq-km nature reserve in the island's northeast was established in 1995. About 10% of the park's area covers a…

Bahía Manzanillo

Bahía Manzanillo

This very lovely stretch of white-sand beach is also Providencia's wildest, with no development at all, save the much-loved Roland Roots Bar. The water…

Almond Bay

A relatively little-known beach a five-minute walk downhill from the main island road, tiny Almond Bay has lovely white sand, calm clear water and very…

Bahía Aguadulce

Bahía Aguadulce

This sleepy hamlet offers peace, quiet and a charming sandy beach. There are more than a dozen places to stay here, many right on the beach, and also a…

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catamaran san andres providencia colombia

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Get to the heart of Providencia with one of our in-depth, award-winning guidebooks, covering maps, itineraries, and expert guidance.

Visiting The Colombian Caribbean? Go To Providencia Instead Of San Andres

The often-overlooked Providencia is home to some of the most incredible beaches in the Colombian Caribbean.

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How to get to providencia, what to expect in isla de providencia.

Colombia is one of South America's most vibrant destinations and offers a range of incredible places to visit . The country features different climates, excellent gastronomy, vast wildlife, colorful small towns, music, and gorgeous beaches.

The Colombian coastline is located on the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, so it's an exciting destination for travelers planning to visit Caribbean islands . San Andres, a small island close to Nicaragua, is an important tourist destination in Colombia, which means this paradisiac spot is often crowded with tourists. Yet, the Archipelago of San Andres, Providencia, and Santa Catalina hides many overlooked areas and perfect places to relax.

Providencia is still an unspoiled paradise located only 58 miles from San Andres. The only way to reach this tiny island is by taking a ferry or flight from San Andres, so it's a good idea to plan a trip that combines both islands.

To arrive in San Andres, travelers can take a direct flight from many cities in Colombia, including Bogota and Cartagena. When doing the check-in, they must pay a tourist tax of 112,500 COP (approximately $34).

The quickest way to arrive in Providencia is taking a flight, which lasts between 20 and 40 minutes and is operated by Satena , Decameron , or San German .

The luggage has a 10 kg weight limit, so most travelers leave their suitcases in San Andres and take just a backpack to Providencia.

  • Cost: Between $70 and $150

RELATED: How To Climb Rock Of Guatapé, Colombia's Most Eye-Catching Monolith

Most travelers travel to Providencia by boat, as it's the cheapest way to reach the island. Travelers can book it in advance at Conocemos Navegando , and the journey takes approximately 3.5 hours.

The boat often departs at 8 am and can bring up to 60 people.

Travelers can expect a rough journey on the sea, and many people report they felt sick while on the boat.

Before booking the tickets, it's essential to check the weather and avoid the catamaran when there are storms or too much wind.

  • Cost: Approximately $60 (one way) and $115 (round trip)

Despite its proximity to the vibrant San Andres, Isla de Providencia seems to be a relaxing paradise. This former British colony has a strong Creole cultural influence, and it's one of the most relaxing spots in Colombia.

There are approximately 5,000 inhabitants, the lifestyle is more laid back, and it's common to see more locals than tourists around.

This tiny island has only 10 miles, and travelers can explore it by renting a golf cart or a motorcycle. There are few taxi drivers on the island, and those are the best way to navigate it.

Visitors can find an ATM at the port, but it's better to bring cash.

RELATED: Colombia Is Home To An Underground Church, Here's How To See It In Person

The Paradise For Scuba Divers

The main attraction at Isla de Providencia is the sea, and it's hard not to be impressed by its turquoise waters. The island is home to the third-largest coral reef on earth and features a vast marine life, so it's an excellent spot for scuba diving.

There are many agencies on the island, and the tours depend on the weather.

For those who aren't comfortable with scuba diving, Providencia is also suitable for snorkeling. The visibility is excellent, and travelers can encounter turtles and colorful fishes.

The snorkeling tours often stop on multiple spots, including White Shoal, the reef breaks, Santa Catalina and Cayo Cangrejo.

Discover Cayo Cangrejo

Cayo Cangrejo (Crab Cay) is a small rock formation near the main island and is one of Providencia's most famous spots.

Travelers can rent a kayak; it takes approximately 15 minutes to reach the cay, and visitors can stay there until 4:30 pm. On Sundays, they must leave earlier, as only locals are allowed after 1:30 pm.

After arriving at Cayo Cangrejo, visitors can climb to the top of the rock, where they get a panoramic view of the island. It's also an excellent place to go snorkeling. Surprisingly, there's a small shop selling drinks at Cayo Cangrejo.

RELATED: See Colombia In A Whole New Way By Booking A Stay On A Coffee Farm

Cross The Bridge To Visit A Second Island

Santa Catalina is a smaller island close to Providencia's port, and a bridge connects them. Travelers can find some lovely B&B on this side, and it's a great area to stay.

The most famous attraction is Morgan's Head, a rock formation that reportedly was used by pirates in the past. It's another great place to go snorkeling.

Enjoy Pristine Beaches

Providencia is the ultimate definition of paradise, with its white sand and palm trees along the beach. It's a perfect place for solo travelers or couples looking to have some quiet days.

Manzanillo: Providencia's most famous beach is filled with excellent seafood restaurants. It's also home to a bar where locals and tourists hang out at night.

South West Bay: It's the largest beach on the island, and it's possible to see some locals riding horses on the weekend. There are also great restaurants by the beach.

Maracaibo Bay: It's home to the Old Providence McBean Lagoon National Natural Park and a popular place for snorkeling.

Freshwater Bay: Travelers looking for excellent bars and restaurants to spend the day by the beach should head to Freshwater Bay.

Rent a boat in San Andrés and Providencia with or without a licence

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San Andres Pontoon, Boat (2020)

From €340 per day.

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Tour en Catamarán

Tour en Catamarán

Descubre todo el encanto de San Andrés con este Tour en Catamarán . Navega por la isla, observa las especies que la habitan y comprende mucho más de este fantástico ecosistema acompañado por un guía experto. ¡Reserva hoy!

catamaran san andres providencia colombia

*Campos Obrigatórios

Disponible: Sí

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  • Traslado ida y vuelta del hotel a la Náutica (sólo para hoteles en el circuito de recolección).
  • Guía acompañante bilingüe (inglés/español).

Días & Horarios:

  • De lunes a domingo
  • Horario a coordinar con el operador.


  • 1 hora y media aprox.

*Este tour opera con un mínimo de cuatro personas. Para reservas individuales consulta las observaciones..

Recorre San Andrés a bordo de un catamarán (embarcación a vela) y descubre a qué se debe el nombre del mar de los siete colores. Haz que tus vacaciones en el Caribe Colombiano se conviertan en las mejores de tu vida con las auténticas experiencias que ofrece Colombia4u.

Este tour ecológico en San Andrés bordea a zona de los manglares del Parque Natural Old Point , un santuario de la flora y la fauna ubicado al oriente de la isla, en las bahía Hooker y Haynes , cerca del centro de la ciudad. Durante el tour en catamarán estarás acompañado de un guía bilingüe, experto en las especies que habitan en San Andrés , quien te mostrará la enorme riqueza del lugar donde conviven cangrejos, iguanas lagartos y aves endémicas. También podrás bañarte en las aguas caribeñas, siempre que las condiciones climáticas lo permitan.

Reserva online el Tour en Catamarán por San Andrés y deslúmbrate con el hermoso paisaje caribeño. Complementa tus días de playa en San Andrés con esta mágica excursión.

  • En caso de que tu hotel no esté dentro del circuito de recolección para el traslado, se asignará un punto de encuentro y la dirección se enviará por correo electrónico al culminar la reserva. Consulta a nuestro Equipo de Atención al Cliente para conocer si tu hotel se encuentra en el circuito de recolección.
  • Este tour opera cuando cuenta con un mínimo de cuatro personas. Ten en cuenta que si haces una reserva individual y no aparece otro pasajero que desee realizar la actividad, la reserva individual se tomará como un tour privado, lo que acarreará un costo adicional. Nuestra recomendación es que antes de hacer una reserva individual te contactes con un miembro de nuestro equipo de Atención al Cliente para consultar sobre la disponibilidad del servicio.

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Mapa de colombia: regiones y ciudades, información general de colombia, datos útiles de colombia, tips de viaje para tus vacaciones en colombia, top 10 de atracciones en colombia, catálogo de tours, los mejores tours en colombia, tours de aventura, tours privados, tours para la familia, tours ecológicos, traslados en colombia, city tours en colombia, ofertas especiales colombia, promociones en alquiler de autos, excursiones para cruceros en colombia, tours parque nacional tayrona, tours de café, tours vida nocturna, tours caribe colombiano, tours a la catedral de sal de zipaquirá.

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An island with palm trees at its center ringed by beach with beach umbrellas is seen across an expanse of clear blue water.

You Haven’t Seen Blue Until You’ve Seen San Andres

The island, close to Nicaragua but part of Colombia, boasts waters in seven shades of the color. Counting them — from a boat, from a cay, from the shade of a coconut tree — is a meditative experience.

The attractions on San Andres include the tiny islands known as cays. Johnny Cay, which sits across the water from the more populated northern part of San Andres, looks like the dictionary entry for “deserted island.” Credit... Toh Gouttenoire for The New York Times

Supported by

By Shannon Sims

  • March 11, 2024

On San Andres, a small Colombian island in an archipelago off the Caribbean coast of Nicaragua, counting the blues in the famous “Sea of Seven Colors” is on every visitor’s to-do list. It’s a midday activity done en route as you cruise among the cays, or keys, dotting San Andres’s eastern side: low-lying (mostly) uninhabited specks that aren’t much more than coral topped with palm trees and circled by sandbars.

From my bobbing perch, I counted six: a deep sapphire, a dusky azure, stripes of teal, turquoise and cerulean and, in the distance, a swath of brilliant cyan against the edge of a tiny, palm-fringed island.

“Do you see seven?” the boat’s captain asked.

When I told him my tally, he laughed. “Six?” he said. “That means you can still relax a little more.”

San Andres is not on the radar of many U.S. travelers, but in Latin America, and especially among Colombians, it is a coveted honeymoon destination or a long-weekend retreat — a spot in the middle of the ocean to disconnect from whatever weighed you down on the mainland.

A man stands to the left side of the photograph wearing a blue short sleeve button down shirt. He is bald and has a goatee. In the distance you can see a town and blue water beyond it.

Connecting with history

The archipelago of San Andres and Providencia is more than 400 miles north of the mainland of Colombia, and closer to 100 miles east of Nicaragua, but thanks to a historical wrinkle that is still being ironed out, it is part of Colombia.

Kent Francis James, 73, was the archipelago’s governor during the 1990s and advised the current local and national government on boundary issues with Nicaragua. But his passion, he said when I met him on San Andres, is helping tourists connect more deeply with the island’s history.

“We want you to come here not just to get your skin burned, but to bring home a better understanding of Caribbean history,” he said, as we sat on his home’s balcony and enjoyed the view of the water in the distance, framed by bougainvillea and palm trees.

Mr. James scanned the horizon and pointed out the shipwrecks that litter the island’s waters. “We were geographically on the route of the Spanish going up the coast with gold, so this is the place the pirates used to be on watch,” he explained, describing how voyagers often underestimated the shallow waters surrounding the islands’ many cays and ran aground — to the delight of pirates like the Welsh-born Sir Henry Morgan, who is believed to have used San Andres as a base of operations.

We were technically in Colombia, but Mr. James spoke in clipped English — his accent itself a nod to the island’s history.

Although it is believed that the Dutch and Christopher Columbus landed on the archipelago, it was the British who settled San Andres around 1630. English was the island’s first language, and still today it’s spoken by the native islanders.

Unlike most places in Latin America, San Andres has no record of Indigenous peoples on the island. It was seemingly uninhabited when the Europeans arrived. And that’s why when locals refer to “native” islanders, they are referring to the descendants of the original British settlers or, more frequently, the descendants of the once-enslaved Africans those settlers brought over.

This Afro-Caribbean ethnic group is called Raizal, a takeoff of the Spanish word for “roots.”

Posadas Nativas

Cleotilde Henry, 75, is one of the island’s Raizal leaders. Her family traces back to the African slave trade, she explained, as she set out crunchy slices of fried breadfruit and balls of sweet coconut on her dining room table. She didn’t make the treats just for me — she sets them out every day for the tourists who rent rooms in the upstairs of her home through the island’s posadas nativas , or native inns program.

“I was born in this house,” she said, pointing around the small living room to yellowed family portraits in wooden frames and crocheted table coverings. “So when I thought about what I could do to make money from tourism, the only thing I had was this house.”

Today Ms. Henry, who is also the president of the archipelago’s Posadas Nativas Association , rents 12 rooms, which can be found under the name “ Cli’s Place ” on travel-booking websites like

Across the archipelago, around 200 homes have been designated “posadas nativas,” offering an opportunity for tourists to stay with a local family — usually under the watchful eye of the matriarch — in their home, and to eat local, Raizal foods.

It’s the local solution to a universal challenge: how to retain the unique identity of a place when tourism starts booming. Less than 20 years ago, Raizal people accounted for 57 percent of the population of San Andres, but each year that number gets smaller, as Colombians from the mainland are lured to the blue waters of island life.

A bikini and a golf cart

Although the beaches of San Andres are not among the most beautiful in the world, the water a short distance offshore is, thanks to the sunken reefs, and so many visitors skip exploring the interior of the island in favor of getting wet.

Each cay differs from the next. Johnny Cay, which sits across the water from the more populated northern part of San Andres, looks like the dictionary entry for “deserted island”: a clump of palm trees ringed by white sand. Rocky Cay is not much more than its namesake rock, with a lean-to beach bar and a rusty shipwreck sticking out of the water beside it. You reach Haynes Cay by wading through waist-deep water, holding a wobbly rope connecting the cay to a no-frills restaurant built on a sandbar. A typical day vacationing in San Andres includes bopping among the cays, pausing to doze against their palm trees or swim in the water around them, and, along the way, counting blues.

Like the pirates of the past, today’s snorkelers and scuba divers are delighted by the sunken ships dotting the waters, as they get to explore the underwater ecosystems created by those wrecks. In 2000, the U.N. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization established the massive Seaflower Biosphere Reserve , a vast protected marine area surrounding the islands.

“It’s like a mountain range under the water here, and that’s why we have deep spots but also these sandbars and cays,” explained Jorge Sanchez, 68, a former dive instructor on the island who invited me to his home one afternoon to view topological maps of the area’s ocean floor. Waving his hand across one map, he added, “The ocean species don’t know where the border is between Colombia and Nicaragua, so this is a great place to see all kinds of animals from different places.”

Even if you don’t enjoy the waves, San Andres is a gorgeous setting to enjoy the seven shades of blue from afar. And the not-too-steep hills and smooth-enough roads mean that the breeziest, most fun way to do that is by renting a mule (pronounced moo-LAY), a little golf cart, the typical way visitors get around the island.

I’d never driven a golf cart any significant distance, so when Ms. Henry suggested that I put on my bathing suit and take one around the island, I balked. But about an hour later, I was smiling like a fool, the ocean wind blowing back my hair as I chugged down the road ringing the coast at about 25 m.p.h., with motorcycles zipping around me. I cruised past the cays, hopping in the water when it called to me, making my way down to the island’s less populated southern end. I stopped for lunch at the Raizal restaurant Miss Janice Place for fried fish and coconut rice.

On the way back, I planned to swing by Mr. James’s house, to tell him about my day. Without a good cell signal on the island, the only way I could do this was by popping in, so I headed toward his place, until the chugs of my mule became less frequent, and I finally realized the engine had shut off. My trusty mule was sliding backward down the hill. I slammed on the brake, slowing the slide, but couldn’t get the engine to turn over again. Fortunately, some utility workers witnessed the scene, suppressed their laughter and came to my rescue. They improvised a solution and hauled the golf cart to the top of the hill using long wires. I told them I was visiting Mr. James, and one of the workers turned and shouted over a wall of bushes — “Mister Kent! We found an American!”

Grinning, Mr. James emerged from his property to greet me, and as I waved a thank you to my utility-worker heroes, he explained he wasn’t surprised to see me.

“Because a tourist can spend their days on the beach, and fill their stomach with our food and rum, and then go home and never return,” he said. “But once you start to talk to locals about our history, you will always want to come back.”

Gustavo Rojas Pinilla International Airport has direct connections to Panama City, Panama, and multiple cities in Colombia, and from San Andres it’s possible to get a flight to the neighboring island of Providencia.

Once on the island, the best way to get around is either by taxi, easily found in downtown San Andres or arranged in advance, or by mule , which can be rented for around 200,000 Colombian pesos, or about $51, per day.

Staying at a posada nativa, or locally owned inn, is the maximum immersion experience on the island, and often will be the most affordable lodging option; expect to pay about 235,000 Colombian pesos a night with breakfast. Cli’s Place Posada Nativa , Posada Nativa Licy and Miss Trinie’s Posada Nativa are some of the most popular.

For a more upscale experience, Decameron operates many hotels on the island, including the Decameron Isleno at Spratt Bight beach, a centrally located, all-inclusive option for about one million Colombian pesos per night. Hotel Casablanca offers rooms with a view of Johnny Cay for about 1.1 million Colombian pesos per night. Short-term rental options are also available through Airbnb. Many are within condominium developments and have amenities like pools, doormen and gyms.

Niko’s Seafood is a midrange restaurant near the center of San Andres serving fresh-caught fish cooked for around 50,000 Colombian pesos.

La Regatta is perhaps the fanciest restaurant in San Andres, specializing in seafood like ceviche for 75,000 Colombian pesos a or grilled lobster with coconut rice (215,000 Colombian pesos) served on a patio over the water near central San Andres. Reservations required, request the patio.

Miss Janice Place on the southern end of San Andres in San Luis offers typical Raizal food for 40,000 Colombian pesos for mains accompanied by coconut rice and jars of natural fruit juice.

Namasté Beach Club San Andres is near Rocky Cay with chic lounge chairs and a menu ranging from beach snacks like empanadas (around 30,000 Colombian pesos) to proper dinner like fried local fish (50,000 Colombian pesos).

Follow New York Times Travel on Instagram and sign up for our weekly Travel Dispatch newsletter to get expert tips on traveling smarter and inspiration for your next vacation. Dreaming up a future getaway or just armchair traveling? Check out our 52 Places to Go in 2024 .

Open Up Your World

Considering a trip, or just some armchair traveling here are some ideas..

Italy :  Spend 36 hours in Florence , seeking out its lesser-known pockets.

Southern California :  Skip the freeways to explore the back roads between Los Angeles and Los Olivos , a 100-mile route that meanders through mountains, canyons and star-studded enclaves.

Mongolia : Some young people, searching for less curated travel experiences, are flocking to the open spaces of this East Asian nation .

Romania :  Timisoara  may be the most noteworthy city you’ve probably never heard of , offering just enough for visitors to fill two or three days.

India: A writer fulfilled a lifelong dream of visiting Darjeeling, in the Himalayan foothills , taking in the tea gardens and riding a train through the hills.

52 Places:  Why do we travel? For food, culture, adventure, natural beauty? Our 2024 list has all those elements, and more .



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  1. Providencia Travel

    Agencia de viajes especializada en San Andrés Isla y Providencia. Español. English; Español; Português; Français; Celular/Whatsapp: +57-315-5552990; Mi cuenta. Recuérdame. Registrar. INICIO; ... San Andrés Isla, Colombia ¿Cómo llegar? Celular/Whatsapp: +57-315-5552990. [email protected]. Edificio Hansa Reef Local 3. San ...

  2. Guía para Viajar a Providencia desde San Andrés (2024)

    1. De San Andrés a Providencia en Avión. Es la forma más utilizada debido a que el tiempo de viaje es muy corto, tiene una duración aproximada de 20 a 30 minutos. Es importante tener en cuenta que, hasta el momento no existe ningún vuelo que sea directo a Providencia desde el territorio continental colombiano, por esto, debes salir desde ...

  3. How To Get From San Andres to Providencia

    The Boat from San Andres to Providencia. As the flights were all booked up, we went to our plan B - the catamaran! Owned and operated by Conocemos Navegando, it only has departures at 08.00 on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays during low season.. Due to these limited departures and fixed passenger numbers (approx. 60) - and the boat being a popular option for island residents - it is ...

  4. Conocemos Navegando

    Ruta San Andrés - Providencia. Solicite su reserva aquí. Más información. Vuelta a la isla de San Andrés en Colombia. Solicite su reserva aquí.

  5. How To Get From San Andres To Providencia

    Duration: Flights from San Andres to Providencia have a short duration of approximately 20 minutes, ensuring a quick and efficient journey. On the other hand, the ferry ride takes around 3 to 4 hours, providing a more leisurely and scenic experience. Convenience: Flying is generally considered more convenient, as it allows for a faster and ...

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    Conocemos Navegando: Viaje en Catamaran - 38 opiniones y 13 fotos de viajeros, y ofertas fantásticas para Conocemos Navegando en Tripadvisor. ... San Andrés, San Andrés 132507, Colombia. Abierto hoy: 8:00 a. m. - 12:30 p. m., 2:00 p. m. - 6:00 p. m. ... Un transporte seguro para viajar San Andrés/Providencia/San Andrés, rápido y ...

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    Set sail in San Andrés with our top-tier yacht rental services. Discover the island's vibrant culture, dive into the pristine waters, or relax under the tropical sun. ... Featured Boats & Catamarans in San Andrés. For Rent . Lagoon 52 F - 6 + 2 cab. Abaroa Boat Yard Marina. Rental price 18.800 ... San Andrés; Providencia; Santa Marta ...

  10. Boat Rentals on Sailo

    Boat rental and yacht charter in San Andres and Providencia, Colombia | Choose Sailo's best offers for a sailboat, motor boat or catamaran rental with or without a captain! Hop aboard our boat rentals and yacht charters in San Andres and Providencia to enjoy a day trip or week-long sailing vacations to remember!

  11. Ultimate Guide to Providencia, Colombia: Travel Tips & What to Do

    11 Best Things to Do in Providencia Island, Colombia. 1. Cruise Around Providencia on a Scooter or Golf Cart. 2. Walk Across the Bridge to Santa Catalina Island. 3. Go on a Snorkeling Boat Tour to Crab Cay (& Beyond!) 4. Watch the Sunset at Southwest Bay.

  12. Diving in Providencia and Santa Catalina

    First, you need to get to San Andrés, and from there, you'll have two options: the first is to charter a flight with the company Satena -this will take approximately 20 minutes to arrive in Providencia; the second is to take the catamaran, which takes approximately three hours from San Andrés to Providencia.

  13. Isla de Providencia, Colombia's unspoilt paradise island

    Oooooh Isla de Providencia, Colombia! WHAT an island! While our favourite trip of our travels was without a doubt the San Blas Islands for a very long time, Isla de Providencia swiftly swooped in to steal that top spot. The lesser-visited sister of the island of San Andrés, Isla de Providencia sits around 80 miles North-West of SA.A short bridge away from Providencia is Santa Catalina Island ...

  14. Catamaran from San Andres to Providencia

    Catamaran from San Andres to Providencia - San Andres Island Forum. South America ; Colombia ; San Andres and Providencia Department ; ... Colombia Jun 17, 2023; Has San Andres island been rebuilt after Hurricane Lota Apr 05, 2023; Juntada o sugerencias del 6 al 10 de marzo de2023 Mar 05, 2023;

  15. San Andres & Providencia, all you need to know

    Visit both islands. San Andres is the livelier, more commercial of the two, with fabulous hotels, restaurants and a thriving tourism scene. Just 5,000 people live on Providencia and it's a natural wonder, with beaches hidden behind thick forests and some of the world's finest scuba diving.

  16. Providencia travel

    Providencia, 56 miles (90km) north of San Andrés, is a wonderfully remote and traditional Caribbean island with breathtaking scenery, gorgeous golden-sand beaches, friendly locals and superb diving. Best of all, it's a pain to get to, ensuring that you'll only have to share this slice of paradise with the other intrepid travelers happy to fly ...

  17. Advice on Boats & Flights to Providencia & San Andres, Colombia

    The catarmaran leaves San Andres in the morning, and returns to Providencia in the afternoon. The journey takes just over 2 hours - reservations can be made up to 3 days in advance. The 30 seater boat is called El Sensacion (pictured above) and the cost is 160,000 Colombian pesos for a return journey (one way journeys cost approx 90,000 pesos).

  18. Visiting The Colombian Caribbean? Go To Providencia Instead Of San Andres

    To arrive in San Andres, travelers can take a direct flight from many cities in Colombia, including Bogota and Cartagena. When doing the check-in, they must pay a tourist tax of 112,500 COP (approximately $34). The quickest way to arrive in Providencia is taking a flight, which lasts between 20 and 40 minutes and is operated by Satena ...

  19. Yacht charter San Andrés and Providencia & Boat rental at the best

    With Click&Boat, personalise your San Andrés And Providencia yacht charter. Large selection of boats Best deals Rent a boat in a few clicks With or without skipper. Rent a boat in San Andrés and Providencia, Charter a motorboat or a yacht quickly and at the best price with Click&Boat. 100% Security 100% User-Friendly.

  20. Tour en Catamarán

    Recorre San Andrés a bordo de un catamarán (embarcación a vela) y descubre a qué se debe el nombre del mar de los siete colores. Haz que tus vacaciones en el Caribe Colombiano se conviertan en las mejores de tu vida con las auténticas experiencias que ofrece Colombia4u.. Este tour ecológico en San Andrés bordea a zona de los manglares del Parque Natural Old Point, un santuario de la ...

  21. Archipelago of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina

    The Archipelago of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina (Spanish: Archipiélago de San Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina, pronounced [aɾtʃiˈpjelaɣo ðe ˌsan anˈdɾes pɾoβiˈðensja j ˌsanta kataˈlina]), or San Andrés and Providencia, is one of the departments of Colombia, and the only one located geographically in Central America.It consists of two island groups in the ...

  22. Providencia, a charming Colombian island

    Get to know Providencia, located in the San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina archipelago. Let yourself be captivated by the comfort of the Caribbean Sea and it's marine fauna and flora surroundings. Providencia, located in the Colombian Caribbean Sea, is the second largest in the entire department, with 17 km2. Its infinite colors on the surface, lush underwater landscapes, and ...

  23. The Blue Waters of San Andres, an Island Belonging to Colombia, Are

    The archipelago of San Andres and Providencia is more than 400 miles north of the mainland of Colombia, and closer to 100 miles east of Nicaragua, but thanks to a historical wrinkle that is still ...

  24. Catamaran from San Andres to Providencia, Colombia

    Twenty seconds to illustrate the four hours of motion sickness hell that was taking a catamaran from San Andres to Providence Island in Colombia's Caribbean ...