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Laureus Sportler des Jahres: Kirsten Neuschäfer gegen Surfer, Skater und BMX-Biker

Action sportler des jahres.

Kirsten Neuschäfer betritt nach ihrem Golden-Globe-Race-Sieg die ganz große Bühne des Weltsports. Sie wurde für den Laureus Sports Award nominiert und hat gute Chancen, zu den drei Seglern aufzusteigen, die in 23 Jahren schon einmal gewinnen konnten. Weiterlesen →

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Boris Herrmann: Bundesverdienstkreuz im Hamburger Rathaus überreicht

"zutiefst gerührt".

Während einer Zeremonie im Hamburger Rathaus ist Boris Herrmann mit dem Verdienstkreuz am Bande ausgezeichnet worden. Der Skipper wurde für seinen Einsatz im Klimaschutz und Sport geehrt. Weiterlesen →

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18 Footer WM im Sydney Harbour: Großer Erfolg für Prinz Heinrich von Bayern

Der schwarze ritter.

Er ist der Ur-Ur-Enkel des letzten bayerischen Königs Ludwig III und machte Yellow-Press-Schlagzeilen, als er in großem Stil eine 49er-Seglerin heiratete. Aber insbesondere kann er richtig gut segeln – wie sein Vater. Weiterlesen →

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Verfolgung einer Segelyacht: Schmuggler versuchen mit 8,94 Tonnen Kokain wegzusegeln

Der französischen Marine ist ein spektakuläerer Coup gegen die Drogenszene geglückt. Dabei konnten auf einer Segelyacht fast neun Tonnen Kokain sichergestellt werden. Weiterlesen →

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505er Klasse: Werbung um Neueinsteiger – Gestelltes Boot und Mitsegel-Tinder

Prinzip bundesliga, ohne blei.

In der vergangenen Saison kam es zu einem spontanen, familiär geprägten SegelReporter-Gastspiel im 505er. Deshalb kann SR guten Gewissens die Empfehlung für eine coole Klasse aussprechen. Eine neue Aktion vereinfacht den Zugang. Weiterlesen →

arp yachtbau

Ausraster am Liegeplatz: Streit eskaliert

"i will kill you".

Der Eigner einer Lamborghini-Yacht ärgert sich laut schreiend darüber, von einem Hafenmanöver abgehalten zu werden. Er droht dem Marinero massiv und lässt schließlich sogar die Hosen herunter. “Ein kleines Missverständnis”, sagt der Skipper. Weiterlesen →

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Abenteuer: Brasilianerin ins Packeis gesegelt – 25-Jährige sucht Einsamkeit der Arktis

Tamara allein im eis.

Es mag seltsam erscheinen, dass eine Story, die hauptsächlich im Packeis spielt, ausgerechnet mit einer Brasilianerin als Protagonistin aufwartet und in der Bretagne beginnt. Doch was ist schon normal in der Segelszene?  Weiterlesen →

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Cruiser Paar ermordet: Wie sicher ist das Segeln in der Karibik?

Tragödie im traumrevier.

Vor einem Monat sind Kathy und Ralph Brandel auf ihrer Yacht offenbar Opfer einer Gewalttat geworden. Drei entflohene Häftlinge stehen wegen Mordes vor Gericht. Sie sollen das verankerte Schiff geentert haben. Weiterlesen →

  • International

arp yachtbau

J/70 Crash: Weltmeister wird umgefahren – Seine Reaktion ist erstaunlich

Der wird doch nicht.

Joel Ronning (67) war einige Jahre nicht mehr präsent in der J/70-Klasse, seit er 2016 die Weltmeisterschaft mit John Kostecki gewann. Nun hat sich der eCommerce-Millionär mit einem lauten Knall wieder zurückgemeldet. Weiterlesen →

arp yachtbau

Verletzungen beim Higspeed-Segeln: IQ-Weltmeister Kördel wahrt seine Chance

Wenn das wasser härter wird.

IQ-Foil-Weltmeister Sebastian Kördel hat sein persönliches Drama nach einem Sturz nur knapp vermieden. Er biss die Zähne aufeinander beim Extremsport vor Cadiz. Theresa Steinlein als Zweite schon fast durch. Weiterlesen →

arp yachtbau

49er WM: Sensationelle GER-Frauen wahren Olympia-Chance – Schwedin-über-Bord-Stunt

Skiff action.

Inga-Marie Hofmann und Catherine Bartelheimer sind die internationalen Sensation-Aufsteiger als WM-Siebte im 49erFX. Die deutsche Olympiaqualifikation ist wieder spannend. Titelverteidigerinnen mit spektakulärem Abgang. Weiterlesen →

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49er Worlds – es geht um Olympia: Frauen gut dabei – Auch Männer wahren ihre Chance

Der olympia-traum lebt.

Bei der 49er-Weltmeisterschaft auf Lanzarote beginnt nach drei Tagen die Gold-Fleet-Phase der Top 25. Sechs deutsche Teams sind dabei, eines erlebte ein irres Wechselbad. Weiterlesen →

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Cole Brauer: Einhandseglerin wird zum Internet-Star – Bei The Ocean Race abgelehnt

Pure lebensfreude.

Cole Brauer (29) hat das nonstop Global Solo Challenge um die Welt nach 130 Tagen auf Platz zwei beendet – aber das ist längst nicht ihre größte Leistung. Die Amerikanerin zeigt eine besondere Facette des Sports. Nächstes Ziel: Vendée Globe. Weiterlesen →

arp yachtbau

Suche nach dem Geisterschiff: Skipper spricht über Blitz, Feuer, Leck und Rettung

"mir dröhnt es immer noch in den ohren".

Der Class40 wurde im Dunkeln vom Blitz getroffen. Ein Team ist auf dem Weg, um das treibende Segelboot zu bergen bevor es untergeht. Der 24-jährige Skipper erklärt die dramatische Situation. Weiterlesen →

arp yachtbau

Segelyacht aufgelaufen und auseinandergebrochen: 30 Menschen gerettet

Ende eines klassikers.

Vor einem Strand auf Hawaii ist in 90 Fuß Zweimast-Klassiker auf ein Riff gelaufen. Er wurde zerstört, weil man sich zu lange über die Zuständigkeit für die Bergung stritt. Weiterlesen →

arp yachtbau

Wassereinbruch nach Blitzeinschlag: Class40-Team gibt nach Karibik-Sieg seine Yacht auf

Die Class40 Seafrigo-Sogestran hatte bei der Caribbean 600 Traumregatta vor zehn Tagen noch knapp gegen Burke/Fink triumphiert. Nun treibt das Schiff nach einem Blitzeinschlag als Geisterschiff auf dem Atlantik. Weiterlesen →

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Clarisse Crémer Entscheidung: Aus welcher Richtung die Denunziation vermutet wird

Wer steckt dahinter.

Viele Vendée-Globe-Fans haben aufgeatmet, als Clarisse Crémer und ihr Mann Tanguy Le Turquais von den Betrugsvorwürfen freigesprochen wurden. Aber wer steckt hinter den anonymen Anschuldigungen? Weiterlesen →

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Maritime Banche: Knut Frostad soll Henri-Lloyd auf die Sprünge helfen

"hervorragender ruf".

Knut Frostad (56) ist eine der schillerndsten Figuren der Segelsportbranche insbesondere durch das Volvo Ocean Race. Nach vier Teilnahmen war er acht Jahre lang als CEO das Gesicht der Regatta, dann bei Navico. Nun führt er Henri-Lloyd. Weiterlesen →

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Segeln im NDR-Talk: Barbara Schöneberger fragt Susann Beucke

"was treibt einen an, das zu machen".

Susann Beucke treibt hartnäckig ihre Offshore-Karriere voran. In der NDR-Talkshow hat sie die Gelegenheit bekommen, ihr Projekt einer größeren Öffentlichkeit zu präsentieren. 2028 will sie zur Vendée Globe. Weiterlesen →

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Fall Clarisse Crémer: Die Vendée Globe-Jury hat eine Entscheidung getroffen

"nicht klug oder notwendig".

Clarisse Crémer war verdächtigt worden, bei ihrer vergangenen Vendée Globe 2020-2021 betrogen zu haben. Sie soll von ihrem Ehemann per Handy Nachrichten zur Routenwahl erhalten haben. Weiterlesen →

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Arkéa Ultim Challenge: Armel Le Cléac’h im Ziel – Sein Fazit: “Es war kompliziert”

Leck im deck.

Am Sonntag, den 3. März, um 21:31 Uhr, hat Armel Le Cléac’h (46) die Ziellinie der Arkéa Ultim Challenge in Brest auf dem dritten Platz überquert. Der “Schakal” versucht, sich über Platz drei zu freuen. Weiterlesen →

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Faszination 470er-Segeln: Höchstleistungen im Sturm vor Palma – Entscheidung gefallen


Simon Diesch und Anna Markfort haben eine starke 470er-WM auf Platz vier abgeschlossen, aber den ganz großen Coup verpasst. Sie lassen der deutschen Konkurrenz ein Türchen offen. Weiterlesen →

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470er WM: Diesch/Markfort mit Doppelsieg – Wie das Winkel-Rennen verloren ging


Bei der 470er WM vor Palma haben sie Simon Diesch und Anna Markfort im Kampf um das Olympiaticket und Weltmeister-Ehren eindrucksvoll zurückgemeldet. Die Konkurrenz hat Federn gelassen. Weiterlesen →

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Video-Tipp: Cati und Johannes Erdmann auf Langfahrt – Traumtörn ins Ungewisse

Schlingerkurs ins segelabenteuer.

Cati und Johannes Erdmann segelten vor zehn Jahren von der Nordsee in die Karibik bevor sie “vernünftig” wurden. Nun steht ihr Film im Netz. Sie wollen zeigen, wie es wirklich ist, wenn man auf See lebt. Weiterlesen →

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Arkea Ultim Challenge: Thomas Coville auf Platz zwei – 9. Weltumsegelung, 5. einhand

"teil des schmerzes" gefunden.

Thomas Coville (55) hat die Arkea Ultim Challenge nach 53 Tagen mit “Sodebo” auf Platz zwei beendet. Auch seine Regatta war von zahlreichen Problemen geprägt. Sein Mittelcockpit-Trimaran kann aber nach wie vor nicht überzeugen. Weiterlesen →

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470er WM: Neue Spannung nach dem ersten Goldfleet-Tag – Ehepaar Winkel greift an

So schnell kann es gehen.

Für Malte und Anastasiya Winkel war diese WM und erste Olymia-Qualifikation schon nach dem ersten Tag fast vorbei. Nun sieht plötzlich wieder alles ganz anders aus. Weiterlesen →

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Lea Schüller und Lara Vadlau: Nationalstürmerin und Segelweltmeisterin, das Promi-Paar

Gemeinsam nach paris.

Am Mittwochabend stand Fußball-Nationalspielerin Lea Schüller im Mittelpunkt, als sie gegen die Niederlande für die Entscheidung sorgte. Am selben Tag punktete auch ihre Partnerin – bei der 470er-WM vor Palma. Weiterlesen →

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Charles Caudrelier: Offizier zur See, Crew-Spezialist, Familien-Mensch, Einhand-Ikone

"neugierig, was hinter dem horizont ist".

Er wirkt oft unnahbar, introvertiert und zurückgezogen. Charles Caudreliers langer Weg zum historischen Offshore-Helden. Dabei konnte er sich den eigentlichen großen Traum nicht erfüllen. Weiterlesen →

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470er WM: Aufregende deutsche Olympia-Quali gestartet – Diesch/Markfort überragend

Ein harter tag.

60 Boote aus 27 Nationen bestreiten die 470er WM vor Palma. Gleich fünf deutsche Mixed-Crews starten mit Chancen. Für sie geht es insbesondere um das Olympia-Ticket. Ein Team erwischte einen Sahnetag. Weiterlesen →

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Katamaran kracht gegen Felswand

Der wird doch nicht....

Mal kurz unter Deck gegangen? Eingepennt? Welches Rätsel wohl hinter diesem Vorfall steckt? Ein Cruiser-Katamaran motort stumpf gegen eine felsige Küste. Offenbar wird der Skipper durch den Aufprall geweckt. Weiterlesen →

  • R.P. bei Verfolgung einer Segelyacht: Schmuggler versuchen mit 8,94 Tonnen Kokain wegzusegeln
  • ex GER 1055 bei J/70 Crash: Weltmeister wird umgefahren – Seine Reaktion ist erstaunlich
  • pl_ready-about bei Ausraster am Liegeplatz: Streit eskaliert
  • Isnichwahr bei Verfolgung einer Segelyacht: Schmuggler versuchen mit 8,94 Tonnen Kokain wegzusegeln
  • Henry bei Ausraster am Liegeplatz: Streit eskaliert
  • Harald Machur bei Ausraster am Liegeplatz: Streit eskaliert


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A German shipyard for luxury carbon sailing yachts

A modern location.

The YYachts shipyard is located on the Baltic Sea, almost directly on the water. Here we can manufacture yachts up to 35 metres in length. The shipyard is equipped with modern and technologically advanced systems to guarantee efficiency and precision in production. At the same time, the structure is simple and straightforward to live up to the YYachts philosophy of "Keep it simple".

A clear vision

Our goal is to build sailing yachts that give you time for yourself as well as freedom and fun with your family and friends - a reliable investment in a better quality of life. We will treat you with the honesty and authenticity with which we produce our yachts. Our passion is to build sustainable sailing yachts that are ahead of their time, yet easy to sail and maintain.

A strict philosophy

There is a quote attributed to several famous thinkers: "I'm writing you a long letter because I didn't have time for a short one."  Applied to our business, this means: you have to be able to operate a yacht intuitively and without much effort - which is why a great many details and processes in its handling have to be rethought and simplified. 

A perfect look

YYachts works with only the best designers, engineers and builders in the world to develop award-winning yachts. Already in the early stages, YYachts cooperated with such famous designers as Sir David Chipperfield, himself a sailor and one of the most important architects of our time. He and Luca Brenta already fixed the extremely high design standards of YYachts in the first Y8.

A strong team

Our team has many hundreds of years of combined experience in building yachts; and everyone is still as passionate about it as on the first day of work. The common credo of our highly motivated crew is simple: Only yachts leave the shipyard with which we would also sail around the world ourselves. Experience in building fast luxury sailing yachts is essential for us. And an enormous security for you.

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45 years of yachting, welcome to the world of bavaria yachts.

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Sailing Yachts

Sailing is the passion to experience the sea and the wind. Discover pure joy of sailing and your personal sailing yacht.

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Motor Boats

Modern design, powerful and safe driving characteristics and plenty of space for the most beautiful hours on the water.

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Catamarans from NAUTITECH combine unforgettable sailing moments and maximum comfort for owners, who love the sea.

News from the world of BAVARIA YACHTS

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Gaining additional practical experience, learning new things and exchanging ideas with each other - more than 35 service technicians from our dealers were able to do all of this during a week-long BAVARIA service workshop at our shipyard.

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It is the Oscar of the yachting industry, the European Yacht of the Year Award. The BAVARIA YACHTS team is all the more proud that the BAVARIA C46 was able to beat six competitors in the "Family Cruiser" category

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Last week, the last BAVARIA VISION 42 was completed in Giebelstadt. On Friday morning, part of the BAVARIA YACHTS team gathered to give her a fitting farewell. The sailing yacht celebrated its premiere at the boot Düsseldorf in 2012 and the almost 13 metre long yacht was built in the shipyard for just over 12 years. 

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We will answer all your questions about spare parts supply and repairs, and provide tips and assistance.  We will help you to get your yacht back on the water!

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At the beginning of last year, the BAVARIA SR41 won the "British Motorboat Award", the BAVARIA SR36 won the "Best of Boat Award" just a few months later and was nominated for the "European Powerboat of the Year". This year, the latest motorboat from Giebelstadt also remains true to this "award tradition".

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BAVARIA YACHTS got off to a flying start at the Cannes Yachting Festival, where the German shipyard was represented with a total of eight motor and sailing yachts.

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With the world premiere of the new BAVARIA C46, BAVARIA YACHTS starts the new boat show season at the Yachting Festival in Cannes. The new BAVARIA C46 develops, interprets and expands the design concept of the German shipyard's very successful C-LINE

06.03.2024 Seasickness - information, prevention and tips Read more

17.02.2024 All aboard: Going sailing with children. What needs to be considered? Read more

27.04.2023 Buoy instead of anchor: correct approach and buoy check Read more

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BAVARIA YACHTS – 45 Years of Yachting

BAVARIA YACHTS has been a manufacturer of innovative series yachts for 45 years. Over 42,000 sailing yachts and motorboats have been built on the 200,000 m² site since 1978.

What makes us special and what we especially show greatness in, is the experience of our employees. We deliver perfection, for which about 700 employees give their best. 

Every day, with every move - We are BAVARIA!

The Boat Show in Prague will take place from March 15 - 17 this year. Our dealers will be happy to show you our BAVARIA yachts and answer your questions.

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Experience the pure joy of yachting.

From Era To Era: A History Of ARP Design

Arp produced a dazzling array of instruments that allowed for a multitude of creative possibilities. here's a walk through arp's storied history, seen through some of its instruments., the alan r. pearlman foundation.

ARP Family of Instruments (1976) by ARP Instruments Promo The Alan R. Pearlman Foundation

From Era to Era

Over its 11-year lifespan, ARP created roughly two dozen musical instruments. While there were one or two notable failures, the vast majority of these designs led to ARP becoming one of the greatest synthesizer companies in history. ARP innovations led the market to greater heights, and for a while ARP had the world's best-selling synthesizer lineup. Let's take a stroll through the world of ARP, from the massive impact of its birth to the remarkable potential of its legacy.

Meet the Family

This group photo features the ARP lineup from around 1976. Clockwise from the top: the Axxe , Explorer I atop the String Ensemble , 2600 , Little Brother , and Pro Soloist , with the Odyssey at the center. All these products and more are on the tour... with a few important exceptions.

Notably Absent...

This particular story won't say much about the 2500 ,  2600 ,  Odyssey , or symphonic keyboards like the  Omni . That's because out of the many ARP success stories, those synthesizers had such a powerful impact on the world that we’ve given them stories of their own. But don't worry, even with those set aside, there are plenty of other ARP synths to learn about!

Al with 2600 and 2500 (1972) by ARP Instruments The Alan R. Pearlman Foundation

The One-Two Punch of the 2500 and 2600

The  ARP 2500  (in the background) was the company's first instrument, a massive modular synthesizer with a unique design never before seen in the industry. The  ARP 2600  (shown here being played by Alan R. Pearlman) was and is a revolutionary machine, pioneering a new way to work with synthesizers that attracted fans from all over the music world. The impact of these two machines on the history of electronic music was so great that we've dedicated two other stories to them alone. But what came next?

ARP Soloist (1971) by Tonus / ARP Instruments The Alan R. Pearlman Foundation

The Soloist: Out of the Shadow of the Giants

There wasn't anything quite like the Soloist when ARP introduced it in 1970. Unlike the vastly flexible modular synthesizers that came before it, the Soloist was designed to be simple, fast, and expressive to play. A small keyboard that happily sat atop an organ or electric piano, it featured 18 preset sounds accessible with the flick of a switch.

ARP Brochure Soloist page 2 (1973) by ARP Instruments The Alan R. Pearlman Foundation

The Soloist also featured a highly significant innovation that influences synthesizers today. One of the difficulties that players had with existing lead synths was that it was sometimes necessary to play them with two hands, one to play notes and the other to control pitch, vibrato, etc. The Soloist's pioneering Touch Sensor was a pressure-sensitive bar under the keys that allowed the player to articulate notes as they were played, using only the playing hand.

Marketed primarily to organists, the Soloist even came with a built-in sheet music rack. 

This is a demo by Lars Wigren of a recently restored Soloist, running through its features and sounds. 

ARP Brochure Soloist Mk II page 1 (1972) by ARP Instruments The Alan R. Pearlman Foundation

Soloist Mk II

This ARP ad from 1972 features the Soloist Mk II , an updated version of the Soloist that never made it to market. It actually had fewer presets than the original, but had a digitally-controlled oscillator that effectively improved the tuning on the Soloist.

ARP Brochure Soloist Mk II page 2 (1972) by ARP Instruments The Alan R. Pearlman Foundation

This brochure also featured preliminary information on the new  Pro Soloist , which would come with added presets and other improvements. It's shown here in a never-released prototype form.

ARP Story Brochure Pro-Soloist (1974) by ARP Instruments The Alan R. Pearlman Foundation

The Pro Soloist

The Pro Soloist , which shipped in a significantly different design than its prototype, was the solo synth ARP had striven for all along. Its stable tuning, expanded preset selection (30 rather than 18), and refined pressure sensitivity made it very popular in studios and on stage, and it was a fixture of many famous keyboardists' rigs for years. With such a powerful synthesizer in the lineup, no need was seen for the Soloist Mk II, which never shipped.

This brochure from 1974 shows the layout of the Pro Soloist's controls, which were now placed above the keybed rather than under it. This may have been for engineering reasons, or because non-organists preferred to use a finger to flick a switch that was in easy view rather than thumbing a switch under the keybed, as was often done on organs. While this change didn't appear to affect the Pro Soloist's popularity, ARP's rivals almost always retained under-key controls in their competing models.

ARP Spec Sheet Pro/DGX p1 (1979) by ARP Instruments The Alan R. Pearlman Foundation

The Pro/DGX

The final refinement of the Soloist platform was 1978's Pro/DGX . It featured the relatively-new technology of digital pushbuttons with LED indicators to replace the old toggle switches on previous models, and had a new filter circuit for a warmer sound. It also featured a clear, easy-to-read black and orange finish, a style that was adopted by all other ARP instruments around this time.

This little piece by Frederic Hervieu has some tasteful melody lines played on the Pro Soloist complementing the Fender Rhodes electric piano. It's not an extensive workout of the instrument's capabilities, but presents its sound nicely in a musical context. Unlike many of the demo videos out there, this one presents the Pro Soloist's sound without any added effects like echo or reverb.

Electromotive: The Soloist and Pro Soloist

This excerpt from the fascinating documentary Electromotive: The Story Of ARP Instruments by Alex Ball covers the Soloist and Pro Soloist in loving detail. You'll see interviews with the designers and hear demos of well-restored examples. Check it out!

ARP Pro/DGX (2019) by GForce The Alan R. Pearlman Foundation

With the Pro/DGX , ARP closed the book on a series of instruments that put a new spin what it meant to "play a synthesizer." While nowhere near as programmable as their siblings, the Soloists filled a vital need for keyboardists everywhere, and their legacy is still seen today.

ARP Story Brochure Odyssey (1974) by ARP Instruments The Alan R. Pearlman Foundation

The Odyssey: Fame and Evolution

More compact than the 2600 and more powerful than the Soloist, the Odyssey hit the sweet spot for programmable solo sounds for many musicians. In its three versions over the years from its invention in 1973 to the end of ARP in 1981, it embodied a spirit of free and creative performance in a package that was portable, reliable, and above all, musical. We've devoted an entire story to the Odyssey, from its origins to its rebirth in 2015... but for now, let's look at some of the other synthesizers that came along with it.

ARP Story Brochure Explorer (1974) by ARP Instruments The Alan R. Pearlman Foundation

The Explorer I: Smaller, Simpler, Still Sexy

In 1974, ARP released the Explorer I , intended in some sense as a "bridge" instrument between the programmability of the Odyssey and the preset-driven speed of the Pro Soloist. In a familar organ-top form (complete with sheet music stand), it combined offered both preset selection and an easily accessible set of simplified but reasonably comprehensive controls for the left hand.

The Explorer I did find its way into a fair number of rigs over the years, but it suffered somewhat from being neither fish nor fowl: it wasn't programmable enough for players who lusted after the Odyssey but couldn't afford one, and it lacked the touch sensitivity that made the Pro Soloist so expressive to play. That said, its sound was simply enormous, capable of producing room-shaking bass notes.

There aren't many good videos of the Explorer I being played on its own, but this tutorial by boogie-boutique on the rare  Solina string machine spends some time on its built-in solo synthesizer voice, which is the same one used in the Explorer I.

ARP Story Brochure Axxe (1974) by ARP Instruments The Alan R. Pearlman Foundation

The Axxe: ARP for Anyone

In the Axxe , ARP created a lower-priced lead synthesizer with a unique timbre of its own, based around a single oscillator rather than the Odyssey's two or the 2600's three. Portable and with a clear layout, the Axxe made a lot of fans over the years, and some players actually preferred its sound to that of the Odyssey.

This brochure walked potential buyers through the relatively simple audio path of the Axxe, which would become an inspiration for many other small synthesizers over the years – it was a useful and affordable layout, even after advancing technology allowed the construction of truly polyphonic synthesizers.

ARP Spec Sheet Axxe p1 (1979) by ARP Instruments The Alan R. Pearlman Foundation

Later versions of the Axxe adopted the ARP black-and-orange livery, as well as three PPC controls for pitch bending and vibrato (see our Odyssey story to learn more) on the left side. Because the original Axxe had no panel space to retrofit a full set of PPC pads, ARP came up with a tiny single-pad retrofit that could bend up, bend down, or add vibrato, depending on the setting of a nearby switch.

This demo from the AnalogAudio1 YouTube channel runs through some of the many sounds the Axxe can create. It's sweetened a bit with external echo and reverb, a feature common to many of these demo videos.

ARP Little Brother (2019) by GForce The Alan R. Pearlman Foundation

The Little Brother

The Little Brother was designed as an add-on to synthesizers like the Axxe and Odyssey, although it could be used by many other synthesizers. Feeding its audio into the host synthesizer, which would control its pitch, the Little Brother added another oscillator to the host's sound for a bigger, fatter sound... or even a totally different one, letting a duophonic keyboard like the Odyssey play two sounds in counterpoint.

This video was intended to demonstrate a restored Axxe and Little Brother being advertised for sale by Sippicancottage . We're focusing on the Little Brother, which is played by itself and then together with the Axxe.

ARP Sequencer (2019) by Robert Gilliam The Alan R. Pearlman Foundation

The ARP Sequencer

Another useful add-on for the ARP synths was the ARP Sequencer , a device that allowed the user to preset a loop of up to 16 notes that could then be stepped through in a cycle to produce repeating melodies. It offered a lot of connection flexibility, and was popular as an addition to many synthesizers beyond ARP's lineup.

ARP Ad Sequencer (1976) by ARP Instruments The Alan R. Pearlman Foundation

This ad explained the Sequencer's value to keyboardists who might have heard of such a device. The graphics were striking (to say the least)!

ARP Spec Sheet Sequencer p1 (1979) by ARP Instruments The Alan R. Pearlman Foundation

ARP Spec Sheet Sequencer p2 (1979) by ARP Instruments The Alan R. Pearlman Foundation

Here's a straightforward demo of all the Sequencer's functions by Sam Ecoff , who's using it to control a 2600.

This video from GForce Software , creators of (among other things) the Oddity and Oddity2 software emulations of the Odyssey, shows the Sequencer driving the Odyssey in a short jam session.

ARP Avatar Brochure page 2 (1978) by ARP Instruments The Alan R. Pearlman Foundation

Not every ARP design was a success. The firm did make a few mistakes in its long tenure, and one of them would make history.

In 1976, ARP committed itself to developing a guitar synthesizer : a synthesizer that any guitarist could play right from their guitar, with no keyboard needed. This idea held out the promise of bringing synthesis to an enormous new market – but ARP’s attempts to tackle the problem led it down an expensive R&D rabbit hole that would eventually do the company irreparable harm.

ARP Avatar Brochure page 1 (1978) by ARP Instruments The Alan R. Pearlman Foundation

The  Avatar , released in 1977, was ARP's guitar synthesizer. It offered a single synth voice, controlled by a pitch-to-voltage converter that was triggered by a special pickup mounted to the bridge of any conventional guitar.

ARP Avatar Brochure page 3 (1978) by ARP Instruments The Alan R. Pearlman Foundation

This very elaborate promotional brochure, complete with an offer of a demo record, attempted to convince a skeptical audience of guitarists that having a synthesizer between one's guitar and amp was a good idea.

ARP Avatar Brochure page 4 (1978) by ARP Instruments The Alan R. Pearlman Foundation

The brochure explained in detail how the Avatar's  hexaphonic   pickup actually listened to each string separately, so as to provide the cleanest possible signal to the Avatar, which would track the pitch and onset of each note and play the synth accordingly. 

The Avatar sounded great and is prized today – by musicians who control and play it from a keyboard, or a sequencer, or… really, pretty much anything other than a guitar. Its pitch recognition was almost unusable; it “glitched" constantly, requiring the guitarist to use an extremely precise picking technique in order to get it to play accurately. Guitarists also balked at its high price, and at only being able to play one note at a time (unlike the Centaur VI). ARP ended up having to sell its overstock at bargain prices – barely recouping an eighth of what the Centaur VI had cost the company.

Here's the 3-track demo record ARP provided for the Avatar. All keyboard parts on the first two songs were played entirely on the Avatar by  Ned Liben  (The "EBN" of MTV heartthrob band EBN-OZN ), who also plays on the third track, an excerpt from the album No One Said It Would Be Easy by Riff Raff . This is one of the few recorded instances of a guitar actually playing an Avatar successfully, and as it was recorded in a professional studio, we'll never know how many takes or edits it took.

There was actually one thing the Avatar did very well: because its hexaphonic pickup could listen to each string of a guitar separately, it could put a separate fuzz circuit on each string, eliminating the sometimes-unpleasant sound of a fuzz trying to process two or more notes at once. This effect, called Hex Fuzz , resulted in a powerful yet clear singing distortion. It's the source of the fabulous guitar tone on Pete Townshend's hit "Rough Boys" from the album Empty Glass .

Centaur Prototype (1980) by Mark Vail The Alan R. Pearlman Foundation

The Centaur VI: An Experiment in Polyphony

The  Centaur VI  is the rarest and most mysterious of ARP's products. Specs and detailed descriptions have never been published, and these photographs are among the very few extant pictures of the two prototype units – which are currently inaccessible, in the hands of a private collector.

Centaur Prototype (1979) by ARP Instruments Promo The Alan R. Pearlman Foundation

While one development unit did have a keyboard, the principal prototype (shown here behind ARP Product Specialist Bill Singer ) was intended to be a fully polyphonic guitar synthesizer . This meant that there would be one synthesizer voice dedicated to each guitar string, which would be activated by a  pitch-to-voltage converter  that would sense the note being played and output a control signal to the synth.

ARP Custom Engineering Group Coordinator - John Koumatseas weith Centaur (1978) by John Koumatseas The Alan R. Pearlman Foundation

ARP's approach to creating this polyphony was to take it head-on: the Centaur VI essentially had six complete synthesizers in one gigantic box, with an unheard-of 115 circuit boards. The prototype (shown here with ARP's Custom Engineering Group Coordinator John Koumoutseas ) was so complex and got so hot that its circuits were constantly burning out – according to Alan R. Pearlman's MTBF (mean time between failures) calculations, a production model would last about two hours before something quit.

Centaur Prototype (1980) by mark Vail The Alan R. Pearlman Foundation

The Centaur VI project was eventually terminated, and ARP quickly returned to keyboard designs using their well-proven technology, and leveraged what they'd learned from the Centaur VI.

ARP Ad 16-voice Piano (1980) by ARP Instruments The Alan R. Pearlman Foundation

The 16-Voice Electric Piano: Expressive Innovation

1979's 16-Voice Electric Piano was a very nicely-designed electronic instrument with a choice of 16 different timbres, built-in effects, stereo output, and for the first time on an all-electronic piano, a dynamically-sensitive keyboard and foot pedals that worked like a piano's. Flexible, reasonably portable, very playable, and with an excellent sound, it should have been a major success for ARP.

ARP Spec Sheet Piano p1 (1979) by ARP Instruments The Alan R. Pearlman Foundation

The 16-Voice Electronic Piano's front panel was originally designed to use membrane switches. However, this design proved to be unreliable and was abandoned. ARP eventually moved to leaf switches and provided retrofit kits for Pianos in the field, and a later 4-Voice Piano came with a lower price tag and other design improvements.

ARP Spec Sheet Piano p2 (1979) by ARP Instruments The Alan R. Pearlman Foundation

This 1979 musical segment features a jazz trio with drummer Cleve Pozar and two keyboardists ( Michael Brigida on the left and John Shykun on the right) playing a large array of ARP synthesizers: we count one Axxe , one Pro/DGX , one 2600 , and two each of the Odyssey , Quadra , and 16-Voice Electronic Piano . The host of this local TV show seems quite stunned by the idea of this "mechanical band," and the trio's performance must have been equally stunning to a 1979 audience.

ARP Solus (1980) by Stefan Mac The Alan R. Pearlman Foundation

The  Solus , from 1980, was ARP’s last shipping product. It was a quite affordable synthesizer, built into its own road case and featuring a surprisingly powerful voice architecture that some musicians favor over earlier ARP sounds, even today. Coming as it did at the end of ARP’s life, it wasn’t made in large numbers – ironically, that rarity has made it a relatively expensive find for today’s collectors.

Here's a little demo of some of the Solus' features from keyboard resource .

ARP Arpeggio Volume 9 No. 1 p7.jpg (1980) by ARP Instruments The Alan R. Pearlman Foundation

The Chroma: What Might Have Been

ARP's last synthesizer was the  Chroma . It was essentially finished by the time the company closed its doors in 1981. The Chroma was a computer-controlled analog synthesizer with a highly-expressive keyboard, a rich polyphonic sound, and a variety of modern digital interface capabilities that were well-suited to the coming era of digital synthesis.

Rhodes Chroma Front View (1981) by Rhodes The Alan R. Pearlman Foundation

When ARP's assets were sold, the Chroma (and a lot of its designers) ended up moving to Rhodes , maker of the famous electric pianos, where it was finished. The Chroma was recognized as a groundbreaking instrument, and turned out to be a reasonable success, especially with the later addition of MIDI ; owners around the world still treasure theirs. But aside from the one prototype shown in a few grainy photos, no Chroma proudly displays the ARP logo – it was a door to a new era that ARP never got to open.

ARP Odyssey 2800 Series (2019) by Alex Ball The Alan R. Pearlman Foundation

(Not) The End

Even though its financial woes brought the company to an end just as overseas designs came to challenge all of the American and European makers' synths, the music world has never forgotten the glory days of ARP. Through the decades that followed, ARP's instruments were treasured, passed down from user to user, served as inspiration for hundreds of imitations, took a proud place in the annals of electronic music history... and then, in a wonderful turn of fate, triumphantly returned in 2015. ARP lives on, and with it the vision of Alan R. Pearlman.

Story by Mike Metlay; editorial contributions by Dina Pearlman and Mary Lock;  The Alan R. Pearlman Foundation

The ARP Odyssey: Keyboard Performance Redefined

The arp 2600: evolution and revolution, arp in the 1970s, the arp 2500: where it all began, the arp omni: an orchestra in a road case, alan r. pearlman: portrait of an inventor.

arp yachtbau

2019   Lagoon    46ft  /  14m


ARP Yacht Charter

ARP is actively available for charter.

The luxury sailing yacht ARP was built by Lagoon and delivered to her owner in 2019.

Charter guest accommodation

ARP has been designed to comfortably accommodate up to 8 charter guests in 4 suites.

The guest cabins comprise a primary suite with a king size bed and en-suite bathroom facilities and 3 cabins with a king size bed and en-suite bathroom facilities.

Your luxury charter crew

Your luxury charter on board sailing yacht ARP will be managed by the crew of 3 including the captain.

The crew will ensure you have a relaxed and enjoyable charter experience with all of your needs catered for while on board.

The 3 crew have their own separate crew quarters allowing guests to enjoy increased levels of privacy.

Amenities & Entertainment

Amenities on board for the charter guests include Air Conditioning, BBQ, Outdoor shower, Indoor audio system, iPod dock and TV saloon.

An extensive list of further amenities and water toys can be seen under the features and amenities section.

Yacht charter destinations

ARP is Currently cruising in the West Mediterranean.

Sample itineraries for the cruising destinations can be supplied by your professional charter broker allowing you to plan your luxury yacht charter vacation in detail.

  • Sicily & Aeolian Islands
  • Air Conditioning
  • Outdoor shower
  • Indoor audio system
  • Paddleboards
  • Snorkeling Gear


arp yachtbau

Frequently Asked Questions

How much to charter arp.

ARP has a weekly charter price starting at €5,000 and an estimated daily charter price of €833.

How many guests on board ARP?

ARP can accommodate 8 sleeping guests on board in 4 cabins.

Legal Disclaimer

Sailing Yacht ARP is displayed on this page for informational purposes and may not necessarily be available for charter. The yacht details are displayed in good faith and whilst believed to be correct are not guaranteed, please check with your charter broker. Charter Index does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information or images displayed as they may not be current. All yacht details and charter pricing are subject to change without prior notice and are without warranty.

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The yachting industry has no global listing service to which all charter yachts must subscribe to, making it impossible to ascertain a truly up-to-date view of the market. Charter Index is a news and information service and not always informed when yachts leave the charter market, or when they are recently sold and renamed, it is not always clear if they are still for charter. Whilst we endeavour to maintain accurate information, the existence of a listing on Charter Index should in no way supersede official documentation supplied by the representatives of a yacht.


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Yacht Charter ARP By Lagoon


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  • Paddleboards
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  • Outdoor shower
  • Indoor audio system
  • Snorkeling Gear

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Most computer programs/applications use logical addresses (IP Addresses) to send/receive messages. However, the actual communication happens over the Physical Address (MAC Address) that is from layer 2 of the OSI model. So our mission is to get the destination MAC Address which helps in communicating with other devices. This is where ARP comes into the picture, its functionality is to translate IP addresses to Physical Addresses.


Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)

The acronym ARP stands for Address Resolution Protocol which is one of the most important protocols of the Data link layer in the OSI model. It is responsible to find the hardware address of a host from a known IP address. There are three basic ARP terms.

Note: ARP finds the hardware address, also known as the Media Access Control (MAC) address, of a host from its known IP address. 

Address Resolution Protocol

Address Resolution Protocol

Important Terms Associated with ARP

Reverse arp, inverse arp.

Reverse Address Resolution Protocol is a protocol that is used in local area networks (LAN) by client machines for requesting IP Address (IPv4) from Router’s ARP Table. Whenever a new machine comes, which requires an IP Address for its use. In that case, the machine sends a RARP broadcast packet containing MAC Address in the sender and receiver hardware field.

Proxy Address Resolution Protocol work to enable devices that are separated into network segments connected through the router in the same IP to resolve IP Address to MAC Address. Proxy ARP is enabled so that the ‘proxy router’ resides with its MAC address in a local network as it is the desired router to which broadcast is addressed. In case, when the sender receives the MAC Address of the Proxy Router, it is going to send the datagram to Proxy Router, which will be sent to the destination device.

Inverse Address Resolution Protocol uses MAC Address to find the IP Address, it can be simply illustrated as Inverse ARP is just the inverse of ARP. In ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) Networks, Inverse ARP is used by default. Inverse ARP helps in finding Layer-3 Addresses from Layer-2 Addresses.

How ARP Works?

Imagine a device that wants to communicate with others over the internet. What does ARP do? It broadcast a packet to all the devices of the source network. The devices of the network peel the header of the data link layer from the Protocol Data Unit (PDU) called frame and transfer the packet to the network layer (layer 3 of OSI) where the network ID of the packet is validated with the destination IP’s network ID of the packet and if it’s equal then it responds to the source with the MAC address of the destination, else the packet reaches the gateway of the network and broadcasts packet to the devices it is connected with and validates their network ID. The above process continues till the second last network device in the path reaches the destination where it gets validated and ARP, in turn, responds with the destination MAC address.

  • ARP Cache: After resolving the MAC address, the ARP sends it to the source where it is stored in a table for future reference. The subsequent communications can use the MAC address from the table.
  • ARP Cache Timeout: It indicates the time for which the MAC address in the ARP cache can reside.
  • The physical address of the sender.
  • The IP address of the sender.
  • The physical address of the receiver is FF:FF:FF:FF:FF: FF or 1’s.
  • The IP address of the receiver.
  • ARP response/reply: It is the MAC address response that the source receives from the destination which aids in further communication of the data. 
  • The sender wants to send a packet to another host on the same network.
  • Use ARP to find another host’s physical address.
  • The sender is a host and wants to send a packet to another host on another network.
  • The sender looks at its routing table.
  • Find the IP address of the next hop (router) for this destination.
  • The sender is a router and received a datagram.
  • The router checks its routing table.
  • Calculate the IP of the next router.
  • Use ARP to find the next router’s physical address. 
  • The sender is a router that has received a datagram destined for a host in the same network.
  • Use ARP to find this host’s physical address. 

Note: An ARP request is broadcast, and an ARP response is a Unicast. 

Test Yourself

Internet Schema 1

Internet Schema 1

Connect two PC, say A and B with a cross cable. Now you can see the working of ARP by typing these commands: 

There will be no entry at the table because they never communicated with each other. 

Blank Entry Table ARP

Blank Entry Table ARP

Packet Loss ARP

Packet Loss ARP

Now, entries of the ARP table can be seen by typing the command. This is what the ARP table looks like: 

ARP Table

Types of ARP

A communication protocol called Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is used to determine a device’s MAC (Media Access Control) address based on its IP address. There are mainly 4 types of ARP available:

1. Proxy ARP

A Layer 3 device can reply to an ARP request for a target that is on a different network than the sender by using a technique called proxy ARP. In response to the ARP, the router that has been set for Proxy ARP maps its MAC address to the target IP address, deceiving the sender into believing that the message has arrived at destination.

Because the packets have the required information, the proxy router at the backend forwards them to the correct location.

2. Gratuitous ARP

The host’s ARP request known as “gratuitous ARP” aids in locating duplicate IP addresses. This is a broadcast request for the router’s IP address. All other nodes are unable to use the IP address assigned to a switch or router in the event that it sends out an ARP request to obtain its IP address and receives no ARP answers in return. However, another node uses the IP address assigned to the switch or router if it sends an ARP request for its IP address and gets an ARP response.

3. Reverse ARP

In a local area network (LAN), the client system uses this networking protocol to ask the ARP gateway router table for its IPv4 address. The network administrator creates a table in the gateway-router that is used to correlate the IP address with the MAC address.

4. Inverse ARP

The purpose of inverse ARP, which is the opposite of ARP, is to deduce the nodes’ IP addresses from their data link layer addresses. Frame relays and ATM networks, where Layer 2 virtual circuit addressing is frequently obtained from Layer 2 signalling, are the primary applications for them. These virtual circuits can be used with the necessary Layer 3 addresses accessible.

Is there any Relationship between ARP , DNS and DHCP

As was previously noted, IP addresses are dynamic by design since doing so protects users’ privacy and security. IP address changes, though, shouldn’t happen at random. An IP address should be assigned according to rules from a predetermined range of numbers that are available in a particular network. By doing this, problems like two machines getting the same IP address are avoided. The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, or DHCP, is the name given to the regulations. Because IP addresses are required to do an internet search, they are significant as computer identities. Users utilise alphabetical names while searching for a domain name or Uniform Resource Locator (URL). Computers, on the other hand, link a domain name to a server using the numeric IP address. In order to link the two, an IP address is converted from a bewildering string of digits into a more legible, intelligible domain name by use of a Domain Name System (DNS) server, and vice versa.

ARP Spoofing and ARP Cache Poisoning

ARP Spoofing is a type of falseness of a device in order to link the attacker’s MAC Address with the IP Address of the computer or server by broadcasting false ARP messages by the hacker. Upon successful establishment of the link, it is used for transferring data to the hacker’s computer. It is simply called Spoofing. ARP can cause a greater impact on enterprises. ARP Spoofing attacks can facilitate other attacks like:

  • Man-in-the-Middle Attack
  • Denial of Service Attack
  • Session Hijacking

Local Area Network that uses ARP is not safe in the case of ARP Spoofing, this is simply called as ARP Cache Poisoning.

Frequently Asked Question on ARP – FAQs

What is mtm attack.

A “man in the middle” assault is one in which the hacker or attacker establishes a connection with the victims in order to communicate with them or maybe intercept all of the victims’ data packets. In this instance, the victims believe they are speaking with one another, but in actuality, the communication is being controlled by the malevolent attacker or hacker; in other words, a third party is in place to oversee and manage the communication flow between the client and server.

What is ARP cache?

An IP address and a Media Access Control (MAC) address for a physical computer or device on a local network are linked by use of an Address Resolution Protocol cache (ARP cache), which is a data repository. The ARP cache aids in directing packets to the appropriate endpoint and can store information for both Ethernet and wireless routing.

What is ARP time-out?

Network hosts maintain the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) table, which retains ARP entries for a few hours.

What is ARP Spoofing?

Spoofing is a kind of attack where hackers infiltrate the target user’s system and utilise their trust to propagate dangerous malware and steal data, including PINs and passwords, that is saved on the system.In spoofing, the hacker’s primary goal is to psychologically influence the victim.

Is ARP provide security?

No ARP is not secure itself.

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What Is Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)?

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Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) Meaning

Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is a protocol or procedure that connects an ever-changing Internet Protocol (IP) address to a fixed physical machine address, also known as a media access control (MAC) address, in a local-area network (LAN). 

This mapping procedure is important because the lengths of the IP and MAC addresses differ, and a translation is needed so that the systems can recognize one another. The most used IP today is IP version 4 (IPv4). An IP address is 32 bits long. However, MAC addresses are 48 bits long. ARP translates the 32-bit address to 48 and vice versa.

There is a networking model known as the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model. First developed in the late 1970s, the OSI model uses layers to give IT teams a visualization of what is going on with a particular networking system. This can be helpful in determining which layer affects which application, device, or software installed on the network, and further, which IT or engineering professional is responsible for managing that layer. 

The MAC address is also known as the data link layer, which establishes and terminates a connection between two physically connected devices so that data transfer can take place. The IP address is also referred to as the network layer or the layer responsible for forwarding packets of data through different routers. ARP works between these layers.

ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) in action

What Does ARP Do and How Does It Work?

When a new computer joins a local area network (LAN), it will receive a unique IP address to use for identification and communication. 

Packets of data arrive at a gateway, destined for a particular host machine. The gateway, or the piece of hardware on a network that allows data to flow from one network to another, asks the ARP program to find a MAC address that matches the IP address. The ARP cache keeps a list of each IP address and its matching MAC address. The ARP cache is dynamic, but users on a network can also configure a static ARP table containing IP addresses and MAC addresses.

ARP caches are kept on all operating systems in an IPv4 Ethernet network . Every time a device requests a MAC address to send data to another device connected to the LAN, the device verifies its ARP cache to see if the IP-to-MAC-address connection has already been completed. If it exists, then a new request is unnecessary. However, if the translation has not yet been carried out, then the request for network addresses is sent, and ARP is performed.

An ARP cache size is limited by design, and addresses tend to stay in the cache for only a few minutes. It is purged regularly to free up space. This design is also intended for privacy and security to prevent IP addresses from being stolen or spoofed by cyberattackers. While MAC addresses are fixed, IP addresses are constantly updated.

In the purging process, unutilized addresses are deleted; so is any data related to unsuccessful attempts to communicate with computers not connected to the network or that are not even powered on.

What is address resolution protocol's relationship with DHCP and DNS? How do they differ?

ARP is the process of connecting a dynamic IP address to a physical machine's MAC address. As such, it is important to have a look at a few technologies related to IP.

As mentioned previously, IP addresses, by design, are changed constantly for the simple reason that doing so gives users security and privacy. However changes on IP addresses should not be completely random. There should be rules that allocate an IP address from a defined range of numbers available in a specific network. This helps prevent issues, such as two computers receiving the same IP address. The rules are known as DHCP or Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol . 

IP addresses as identities for computers are important because they are needed to perform an internet search. When users search for a domain name or Uniform Resource Locator (URL), they use an alphabetical name. Computers, on the other hand, use the numerical IP address to associate the domain name with a server. To connect the two, a Domain Name System (DNS) server is used to translate an IP address from a confusing string of numbers into a more readable, easily understandable domain name, and vice versa.

What Are the Types of ARP?

There are different versions and use cases of ARP. Let us take a look at a few.

Proxy ARP is a technique by which a proxy device on a given network answers the ARP request for an IP address that is not on that network. The proxy is aware of the location of the traffic's destination and offers its own MAC address as the destination. 

Gratuitous ARP

Gratuitous ARP is almost like an administrative procedure, carried out as a way for a host on a network to simply announce or update its IP-to-MAC address. Gratuitous ARP is not prompted by an ARP request to translate an IP address to a MAC address.

Reverse ARP (RARP)

Host machines that do not know their own IP address can use the Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP) for discovery.

Inverse ARP (IARP)

Whereas ARP uses an IP address to find a MAC address, IARP uses a MAC address to find an IP address.

What is ARP in Networking Useful For?

ARP is necessary because the software address (IP address) of the host or computer connected to the network needs to be translated to a hardware address (MAC address). Without ARP, a host would not be able to figure out the hardware address of another host. The LAN keeps a table or directory that maps IP addresses to MAC addresses of the different devices, including both endpoints and routers on that network.

This table or directory is not maintained by users or even by IT administrators. Instead, the ARP protocol creates entries on the fly. If a user's device does not know the hardware address of the destination host, the device will send a message to every host on the network asking for this address. When the proper destination host learns of the request, it will reply back with its hardware address, which will then be stored in the ARP directory or table. 

If ARP is not supported, manual entries can be made to this directory. 

What Is ARP Spoofing/ARP Poisoning Attack?

ARP spoofing is also known as ARP poison routing or ARP cache poisoning. This is a type of malicious attack in which a cyber criminal sends fake ARP messages to a target LAN with the intention of linking their MAC address with the IP address of a legitimate device or server within the network. The link allows for data from the victim's computer to be sent to the attacker's computer instead of the original destination. 

ARP spoofing attacks can prove dangerous, as sensitive information can be passed between computers without the victims' knowledge. ARP spoofing also enables other forms of cyberattacks, including the following:

Man-in-the-Middle (MTM) Attacks

A man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack is a type of eavesdropping in which the cyberattacker intercepts, relays, and alters messages between two parties—who have no idea that a third party is involved—to steal information. The attacker may try to control and manipulate the messages of one of the parties, or of both, to obtain sensitive information. Because these types of attacks use sophisticated software to mimic the style and tone of conversations—including those that are text- and voice-based—a MITM attack is difficult to intercept and thwart.

A MITM attack occurs when malware is distributed and takes control of a victim's web browser. The browser itself is not important to the attacker, but the data that the victim shares very much is because it can include usernames, passwords, account numbers, and other sensitive information shared in chats and online discussions. 

Once they have control, the attacker creates a proxy between the victim and a legitimate site, usually with a fake lookalike site, to intercept any data between the victim and the legitimate site. Attackers do this with online banking and e-commerce sites to capture personal information and financial data. 

Denial-of-Service Attacks

A denial-of-service (DoS) attack is one in which a cyberattacker attempts to overwhelm systems, servers, and networks with traffic to prevent users from accessing them. A larger-scale DoS attack is known as a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack, where a much larger number of sources are used to flood a system with traffic.

These types of attacks exploit known vulnerabilities in network protocols. When a large number of packets are transmitted to a vulnerable network, the service can easily become overwhelmed and then unavailable. 

Session Hijacking

Session hijacking occurs when a cyberattacker steals a user's session ID, takes over that user's web session, and masquerades as that user. With the session ID in their possession, the attacker can perform any task or activity that user is authorized to do on that network. 

Authentication occurs when a user tries to gain access to a system or sign in to a restricted website or web service. The session ID is stored in a cookie in the browser, and an attacker engaged in session hijacking will intercept the authentication process and intrude in real time. 

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  22. How Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) works?

    - GeeksforGeeks How Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) works? Most computer programs/applications use logical addresses (IP Addresses) to send/receive messages. However, the actual communication happens over the Physical Address (MAC Address) that is from layer 2 of the OSI model.

  23. What Is Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)?

    Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is a protocol or procedure that connects an ever-changing Internet Protocol (IP) address to a fixed physical machine address, also known as a media access control (MAC) address, in a local-area network (LAN).