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Three Peaks Yacht Race: In the spirit of Tilman

  • Katy Stickland
  • October 26, 2022

Sam Griffiths and his team of pupils take part in the gruelling 2022 Three Peaks Yacht Race, sailing to the highest mountains in Wales, England and Scotland

Children and adults on a boat during the three Peaks yacht race

The Shrewsbury School team sailed on the Swan 46, Gertha 5, during the 2022 Three Peaks Yacht Race. Credit: Rob Howard Media Credit: Rob Howard Media

The whole of Barmouth was out, the band was playing, even the sun was making an appearance; the 44th Three Peaks Yacht Race was about to begin, writes Sam Griffiths

And this year it was extra special: two school teams, Shrewsbury and Sedbergh were entering for the first time.

With six pupils each, two adult sailors and an adult runner or two, we would enter the Challenge Class which allows engines.

While this would help them at times of no wind and an adverse tide, the jury was still out as to just how long it would take such youngsters to cover the gruelling land legs.

A fresh westerly breeze had picked up as the yachts vied for position across the start line before the teams were released across Cardigan Bay; the five-day-plus adventure had started in earnest!

The boats crossing the start line of the Three Peaks Yacht Race at Barmouth

The boats crossing the start line of the Three Peaks Yacht Race at Barmouth. Credit: Andy Sanderson

Surrounded by stunning views, we were even able to see the grandeur of Snowdon far to the north, the summit of which was our goal in the morning.

For now, though, we had to inch past the great tidal headland that is the Llŷn Peninsula.

Yachts come in close here, hoping for a back eddy to propel them around the corner before they can be somewhat released north-east towards Anglesey.

The light was now fading but we had a fast point of sail for Simon Ridley’s Swan 46, Gertha 5 , that he had so kindly agreed to skipper for us.

A sailor of vast experience, he’d even completed the race before and was joined by the similarly capable Malcolm Corcoran.

Running down Snowdon, the first land stage of the Three Peaks Yacht Race. Credit: Rob Howard Media

Running down Snowdon, the first land stage of the Three Peaks Yacht Race. Credit: Rob Howard Media

Creeping over Caernarfon Bar at 0430, the engine went on, only for it to feel like an eternity for us to reach the dock.

The runners climbed the pier for the obligatory kit check, before trotting through the sleepy streets; our Snowdon ‘nearly marathon’ of 24 miles had begun.

Oscar Dickins, Ed Scott, Tim Strebel and Hamish Griffiths were with me.

By the time we turned left up the Watkins Path, we were already going slower when in the sanctuary of the shady sections. We summited, and quickly turned downhill and let gravity help us as we tried to stay ahead.

Boats sailing

The teams have to sail from Barmouth to Fort William via Caernarfon and Whitehaven. Credit: Rob Howard Media

We stepped up to a furious pace along the busy road back to Caernarfon, just reaching the boat in a run of just under four hours.

This ensured that we could just creep through the Menai Strait with inches to spare.

We were relieved to hoist sail at Puffin Island, knowing that our first country, Wales, was now behind us.

Continues below…

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The earliest we could get into the lock at Whitehaven was 0700 Monday morning and so a leisurely lunch was rustled up. Gertha 5 was soon becalmed though and the engine was resorted to as we made our steady way north through the Irish Sea and the accompanying darkness.

Dodging offshore wind farms became our main excitement as copious amounts of pasta was consumed and an early and calm night’s sleep was had.

Anchoring off Whitehaven for a couple of hours, we were eventually let in, side by side with Sedbergh, but with two very different game plans for the daunting 53-mile bike/run ahead.

The Three Peaks Yacht Race route. Credit: Maxine Heath

The Three Peaks Yacht Race route. Credit: Maxine Heath

We chose to use the full 12-hour cycle and give our entire team a run out, thus Anna Booker and Sophie Whiteman joined us.

Finally, on our mountain bikes, we rode towards the fells and were soon blown away by the beauty of Elterwater.

Locking up the bikes at the Black Sail Youth Hostel and ascending the pass, we were somewhat taken aback by the length of the descent into Wasdale head; by the time we reached this checkpoint we had been going four hours and we had not yet started climbing Scafell Pike.

The almost absurd splendour of the Lakes couldn’t quite disguise the feeling that we would not make it back in time for the 1900 tide.

Children on a yacht sailing

The rivals – Sedbergh School on their Sun Fast 3600, Panache . Credit: Rob Howard Media

After riding and running for eight hours, we were starving; we made a sheepish stop for a sandwich and a Coke at the Wasdale Head Inn.

This might have tarnished the image of hardened mountaineers and sailors, but it did wonders for morale, and we returned to the boat in triumph exactly 12 hours after we set out.

But the nature of this famous old race is one of highs and lows.

As we chased down Sedbergh’s pacy monohull, all the hours in the sun and the confused sea off the Mull of Galloway saw some succumb to the dreaded mal de mer.

By 1000 Tuesday we had made it past the final headland that was the Mull of Kintyre.

A team at the finish line of the Three Peaks Yacht Race

A tired but happy Shrewsbury School team after sailing 389 miles, cycling 40 miles and running 55 miles. Credit: Rob Howard Media

The Mordor-esque views of the Paps of Jura soon mesmerised us as the wind held enough for us to stem the last of the ebb through the potentially boat-stopping tidal gates of Fladda.

Our mood continued to rise as, abreast of Kerrera, we knew the magic carpet that was now the flooding tide would take us all the way up the ever-narrowing Loch Linnhe to our final port of call: Fort William.

Sam Griffiths is Housemaster of Ingram’s Hall, Shrewsbury School. He was brought up in Scotland where summers were spent sailing and climbing, two passions he passes on to future generations. Credit: Sam Griffiths

Sam Griffiths is Housemaster of Ingram’s Hall, Shrewsbury School. He was brought up in Scotland where summers were spent sailing and climbing, two passions he passes on to future generations. Credit: Sam Griffiths

At first light on Wednesday, it was clear that the hot weather was no longer.

News of freezing conditions on ‘The Ben’, coupled with Sedbergh’s now 27-minute lead was enough to see us belting along Corpach’s tow path.

Spirits eventually rose though, as we through the freezing mist, we caught Sedbergh having their compulsory summit photo taken.

Although we overtook them by Red Burn, when they’d stopped to strip off layers, they passed us again when we had to do the same

Clearly a dramatic climax to five days of non-stop racing was ahead and, with just two of the overall 18 miles to go, we were relieved to haul them in again and finally collapse exhausted across the finish line.

This being the Challenge Class there are rightly no winners as the benefit of occasional engine use is impossible to quantify.

It was therefore the happiest of comradeship that ensued as Sedbergh were applauded home: together our pupils had added another significant chapter to one of Britain’s toughest and most historic adventure races. www.threepeaksyachtrace.co.uk

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three peaks yacht race results


three peaks yacht race results


three peaks yacht race results

The original Three Peaks Yacht Race is one of the oldest and most remarkable multi- sport endurance races in the world.

It draws competitors from all sporting backgrounds & with sailing experience from off- shore cruising to round- the- world races.

Sailing and sports clubs, military and company teams all enter and compete on equal terms in this amazing and spectacular race.

If you have a spirit of adventure, and want to do something unique, this could be just the challenge you are looking for!

Teams of four or five per yacht sail from Barmouth to Fort William, with two of the crew climbing the highest mountains of Wales, England and Scotland, and running the equivalent of three marathons in 3 or 4 days.

three peaks yacht race results


three peaks yacht race results


  sunday 14 th july 2024.

Three Peaks Link

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Three Peaks Yacht Race 2022

three peaks yacht race results

This year’s Three Peaks Yacht Race showed, once again, why it has endured since 1977 as one of the world’s great adventure races.

The 44 th race was won on handicap by a skipper and boat combination which first won in 1999, while the Challenge event was successfully completed by two school teams for the first time, with 16 and 17 year old pupils taking part.   The 44 th race was one for the record books.

On the hardest land stage, 40 miles of cycling and 12.5 miles of running to the summit of Scafell Pike in the Lake District, the young Sedbergh School runners beat the time of all the race teams, except the runners from team ‘Wild Spirit’, who are GB internationals.

The faster runners from Wild Spirit couldn’t hope to gain enough time to prevent Osprey Meadows taking the win on IRC handicap with a corrected overall race time of 4 days 3 hours 46 minutes.

The winning skipper was Geoff West, and it was his 7 th race win, the last being in 2014.  His first win had been on the same X99 (Tactix) in 1999, and he won on it again in 2010, meaning he has won the race on the same boat in 3 different decades, over a period of 25 years!

Next year’s race will start on June 10 th .

You can review the live satellite tracking,  daily race reports and photos on the website; www.threepeaksyachtrace.co.uk

More information and photos of the race are available on request from [email protected]

Find the race on Facebook at https:/ /www.facebook.com/ThreePeaksYachtRace

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About the author: sailscotland.

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Roach and Taylor take Three Peaks titles at first attempt

Endure 24

Thomas Roach and Catherine Taylor were the respective male and female winners of the 68th edition of the Three Peaks Race supported by inov-8 – and remarkably both were racing the fabled event for the first time.

Roach, of Lewes AC but now based in Austria, led from start to finish and clocked the fastest splits up Pen-y-ghent and Ingleborough into the bargain to cross the line in 2:53:28, just outside the ‘revised’ course record.

Taylor was fourth behind Scarlet Dale coming off Pen-y-ghent but had moved to the front by the second peak of Whernside and never looked back from that point.

She stopped the clock in 3:34:44, nearly 10 minutes ahead of runner-up Catherine Williamson.

Roach a class apart

First run in 1954, the Three Peaks is one of the oldest and most prestigious events in the UK off-road running calendar.

The route, which was slightly increased in distance this year to nearly 39km, traverses the famous Yorkshire Dales mountains of Pen-y-ghent, Whernside and Ingleborough – and it was run in ideal conditions this time, relatively dry underfoot, virtually no wind and comfortable temperatures.

But Roach’s performance was still remarkable – and shattered the previous best for the MV40 category, even with the additional kilometre as a result of the route change.

He’d flown in from what’s now home in Austria and had never seen the course before but belied his inexperience with a dominant display – though he admitted the route up Whernside proved the most challenging from a navigation point of view.

He was a minute and a half ahead at the famous Ribblehead Viaduct but had a five-minute cushion at the summit of the third and final peak of Ingleborough.

And he extended that to nearly seven minutes by the line, with Alexander Chepelin (Carnethy Hill Racing Club) taking the runner-up spot and Daniel Connolly (Mercia Fell Runners) rounding out the podium in third.

🏔️ Your runaway winner of the @3PeaksRaceInov8 – Thomas Roach. 👏 And on his very first attempt! pic.twitter.com/xDV8hi4NV7 — RUN247 (@RUN247com) April 29, 2023

Last year’s winner Brennan Townshend (Keswick AC) was sixth.

Home World Champs for winner

Speaking to RUN247 afterwards, Roach – who came to the fore in impressive company at the Golden Trail Race Series late last year – said: “It was my first time here so the plan was to follow the leader as I didn’t really know the course and I didn’t know how well it was signed.

“But I always like to run my own pace and I felt like I could push a bit more on the first climb so I took off!

“I lost my way on the second climb a bit [Whernside] but I managed to find it again and then was able to finish it off on the last one.”

Asked how much he’d enjoyed his first experience of this iconic race, he added: “I absolutely loved it. This is my passion so I’m always smiling.”

The first two automatically qualified for Team GB at the World Mountain and Trail Running Championships in June – and it’s at a significant location for Roach.

“The aim today was to qualify for the Worlds, which is in my home town of Innsbruck, so that’s the next big target – and the Golden Trail Race series too.”

Taylor times it perfectly

Catherine – or ‘Cat’ – Taylor, of Black Combe Runners, ended up a clear-cut winner too, but the first third of the women’s race was a closely-fought affair.

Scarlet Dale was first up Pen-y-ghent in 33:24, with Taylor in fourth and she’d remain in that position through Ribblehead. But going up Whernside she made her move and from then on was out on her own – in stark contrast to Dale who would drop out of the race.

👏 And a clear-cut women’s winner at the @3PeaksRaceInov8 – Catherine Taylor. Another newcomer to the event too! pic.twitter.com/P3l4h3EaeV — RUN247 (@RUN247com) April 29, 2023

Catherine Williamson (Loftus & Whitby AC) and Holly Wootten (Keswick AC) were second and third respectively, around 10 minutes back.

And course record-holder and Three Peaks legend Victoria Wilkinson was fifth.

Jonathan Turner


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Arrival at Corpach for the Ben Nevis Run. Photo Rob Howard.

Arrival at Corpach for the Ben Nevis Run. Photo Rob Howard.

Sailors and runners gather for 42nd Three Peaks Race

The 42nd Three Peaks Yacht Race starts from Barmouth next Saturday, June 15th, at 19.30 and this year there are 12 intrepid teams of sailors and runners taking part in this iconic race.

The race is one of the oldest multisport adventure challenges in the sporting calendar and has a global reputation and following. It challenges teams of five (normally three sailors and two runners) to sail up the West Coast of the UK from Barmouth to Fort William, stopping off along the way for runners to go ashore and race to the summits of Snowdon, Scafell Pike and Ben Nevis. (The ‘three peaks’ are the highest points in Wales, England and Scotland.)

At sea the race is 389 miles of difficult coastal sailing including the passage of the Menai Strait, rounding the Mull of Kintyre and Mull of Galloway, and finding a route through the tidal gates of the inner Hebridean Isles. The race is non-stop so the crews are racing day and night, the racing is tactical and it doesn’t stop if there is no wind – then the crews get out the oars!

The runners too can be on the mountains in daylight or dark, and their aim is to reach the three summits, even if they set off feeling seasick! Snowdon is a 24 mile round trip with 4000’ of climbing, and just 12 hours later they could be setting off on stage two, which is 40 miles of cycling and 12.5 miles of running to the top of Scafell Pike and back. The final run is the steepest, an 18.5 mile to run to the snow covered peak of Ben Nevis at 4413’ and back.

It is an epic challenge and to succeed teams need great teamwork and endurance. This year the entries include one international team and three of the fleet are multihulls. This turns the clock back 20 years as multihulls last took part in the race in 1998. Since then it has been a race for monohulls only, but for 2019 the multihulls are back!

The multihulls will race in their own separate category with MOCRA handicaps applied to the sailing legs. The entries include an Iroquois catamaran (the only Scottish boat in the race), a Broad Blue Rapier 400 catamaran and the Dragonfly 920 Trimaran ‘Wandering Glider’, which is skipped by Michael Thorneloe, the oldest competitor at 78 years of age.

Runners from both categories will compete together for the King of the Mountains title and for the trophies for each individual peak. The Tilman Trophy for all -round performance is also open to all boats, whether they are multihulls or monohulls, and to win this prestigious cup 4 of the team must reach on a summit. This cup is named after the man whose sailing and climbing exploits inspired the race, and is won by the first over the line so handicaps don’t apply.

The one international entry this year is ‘Denebola’ from Belgium, skippered by Alain Poncelet, who built his own yacht in his backyard. He took part in the 2014 Three Peaks Yacht Race, so has some experience of this unique race and this time is racing with his son Matisse.

There are many competitors coming back to take part in this addictive race again, including Geoff West in his Reflex 38 racing as Wight Rose. He’s only missed four races since 1998 and has won six times in the past.

As always there are a wide variety of yachts entered, including a Pogo 405, a J109, and a Beneteau 40.7. There is a great tradition of military entries to the race and this year the Infantry Training Centre is taking part in the Vancouver 34 ‘Fusilier’.

Among the runners it is always hard to predict who will be the most competitive as the race is such a unique challenge. Those with prior experience have a considerable advantage and this year one of those returning is Czech ultra runner and adventure racer Pavel Paloncy (on Wight Rose), who returns to the race for the third time and has been a winner in the past.

Even so, when the race starts next Saturday even the most experienced of competitors will not know quite what challenges and adventures await them on the journey from Barmouth to ‘The Ben’ – and that is one of the great attractions of this unique race. Anything can happen … and probably will.

The boats will leave Barmouth harbour at 18.30 next Saturday after a full day of family activities on the quayside, and following the first ever running of the new Barmouth 10k road race, which starts at 11.00 am.

The race is supported by Barmouth Town Council and Gwynedd Events, and sponsored by Exposure Lights and Bruichladdich Whisky. The official race charity is The Youth Adventure Trust who work with vulnerable and disadvantaged young people in the outdoors.

M.O.S.S Australia


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three peaks yacht race results

The Three Peaks       Yacht Race

Start of the Three Peaks Yacht Race

Sail up the wild West Coast and run to the summits of Snowdon, Scafell Pike and Ben Nevis, the highest peaks of Wales, England & Scotland.    A classic adventure race for teams of runners and sailors, since 1977. 

Three peaks yacht race trophy winners 2021,  see the full results here, overall and sailing.

Barmouth Publicity Cup - Team Joy

(Overall winner, IRC Handicap + running)

Daily Telegraph Cup - Team Joy

(The first yacht to finish)

Tilman Cup - That's Not My Dog

Merioneth Cup - White Clouds   

(Second yacht to finish)

Viking Trophy - That's Not My Dog

(Second yacht to finish under handicap + running)

Tlws Meic a Gwenda Trophy - Team Joy

(Fastest sailing under handicap) 

Royal Hotel Cup - Team Joy

(Fastest team on first leg, IRC sail + run)

Pennington Arms Cup - Wild Spirit

(Fastest team on second leg, IRC sail + run)

Flicka Cup - Team Joy

(Fastest team on third leg, IRC sail + run)

Bodlyn Cup -  Marine Conservation Society

(Second team in Tilman Cup)

Idris Trophy - Tin Tin              

(Third team in Tilman Cup)

The Mountain Sections

John Morris Jones Cup - Wild Spirit

(Fastest time on Snowdon) 

Stuart Walker/Dave Robinette

Barbara Shields - Bee and the Bros

(Fastest time on Scafell Pike)

Simon and Anthony Fear

Grand Hotel Cup - Wild Spirit

(Fastest time on Ben Nevis)

Damart Cup (Kings of Mountains) - Wild Spirit

(Shortest aggregate time by the same two runners)

Peck & Royal Cups - Aurora

(The oldest pair of runners completing all three hills)

Alastair Pringle/Bill Breckenridge (107 years)

Kamminga Kloggs - TinTin   

(The greatest aggregate time on all land sections)

Other Trophies

Beneteau Trophy - Bee and the Bros  

(First Beneteau to finish)

Honey Pot - Not Awarded 

(First yacht to finish of 35” or under)

Last Inn Cup - Whisky Galore

(The last yacht to finish within the time limit)

Merseyside Police Cup - Sail Raisers and Trail Blazers

(The most meritorious performance in all or part of the race as voted by the skippers)

Anarchy Trophy - Sail Raisers and Trail Blazers

(The best effort among the smaller amateur yachts, as decided by the committee )

Wrinkles Trophy - LET'S RUN

(The crew with the greatest aggregate age finishing the race)

Arfon Trophy - Aurora

(The first Welsh team to finish)

Wild Rover Trophy - Not Awarded 

(First team with yacht based in Ireland to finish) 

Las Vegas Cup - Sail Raisers and Trail Blazers   

(The best performance by a Company team, four to work for the same Company)

Karrimor Trophy - Marine Conservation Society

(The team raising the largest sum for charity as at 1st October following the race)  

The Fjallraven Cup - Not Awarded

(The best performance by an overseas team)

Light Infantry Bugle - Not Awarded

(The first team crewed wholly by a service team)

John Stockford Trophy - TBC

(Best result by a club entry)

Lochaber Watersports Quaich - Not Awarded             

(First yacht based in Scotland to finish )

British Waterways Bowl -  Aurora

(Best decorated yacht in Corpach)

Colin Prescott Walker Trophy  -  That's Not My Dog

(The team with the lowest aggregate age to finish)

Smithers Purslow Cup - Sail Raisers and Trail Blazers

(The Challenge Team with best log of the journey as decided by the committee)

Team Bare Necessities were the only multihull to take part and completed the course.

Race winners Team Joy


Three peaks bike race 2024.

Vienna, Austria

One for the grimpeurs! A free-route race between three revered European climbs with a twist for 2024: riders can choose the order in which they ride the parcours. This year riders will tick off three peaks in the Dolomites, Vosges and the Alps before the finish in Nice.

06:00, 6 July, 2024

Total Racers

Distance — elevation.

~2,300km — ~35,000m


This Year's Female Winner

Jill Hovekamp

This Year's Male Winner

Dominique Schwab

Covered By:

three peaks yacht race results

Tom Thissen

Tracking Tips

As the race commences, the key events and happenings will be tagged here.


Once riders are on the ground we'll be able to provide a live leaderboard here.

Events Feed

This race is yet to start. When the riders set off, we'll provide detailed updates from the ground. Our expert commentators will provide written and photo commentary to better understand what is happening on the map. In the meantime, take a look at the route in the tracking panel and learn more about racing from our features and results . If you'd like to commentate for this race, please email [email protected]

2024 Three Peaks Yacht Race


The three peaks yacht race is one of the oldest and most remarkable multi-sport endurance races in the world., teams of five sail from barmouth in north wales across to bardsey island and then north up the llŷn peninsula and in to the menai straits to caernarfon. here they will drop two runners off who have to run 25 miles all the way to the summit of snowdon (yr wyddfa in welsh) and back. the sailors must then guide their yacht up to whitehaven by the lake district where the runners must cycle 20 miles to blacksail youth hostel and then run up and down scafell pike before cycling back to whitehaven. the team then sails north to scotland all the way to fort william where two runners will tackle the 16 mile round trip acent of ben nevis., a total of 389 sailing miles, 40 miles of cycling, and 59 miles of running.  it draws competitors from all sporting backgrounds, with sailing experience from off-shore cruising to round-the-world races, sailing & sports clubs, schools, military & company teams. the race starts on sunday july 14th 2024 and new for this year is a two peaks class for those who dont have the time to do the full event..

The entry fee is per team/boat.

See the main website for full details  www.threepeaksyachtrace.co.uk

14th July 2024 14:00
1st June 2024 00:00
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Location & Directions

Merioneth Yacht Club, The Quay, Barmouth, North Wales, LL42 1HB

Get google directions. Enter your postcode below:

Three Peaks Yacht Race

The classic adventure race for teams of runners and sailors since 1977

We have partnered with the EntryPoint for easy online entry. (Opens in new window)

For Sailors

2024 notice of race 1.0.

Everything you need to know about entering the event.

2024 Sailing Instructions 1.0

Everything you need to know about sailing the course.

ISAF Monohull Category 3 with Liferaft Inspection Card

Everything you need to know about preparing your monohull boat.

ISAF Multihull Category 3 with Liferaft Inspection Card

Everything you need to know about preparing your multihull boat.

For Runners

2024 running instructions 1.0.

What your runners need to know about completing the mountain legs.

Snowden Route

GPX file showing the Snowden run.

Scafell Pike – Cycle Route

GPX file showing the Scafell Pike cycling section.

Scafell Pike – Run Route

GPX file showing the Scafell Pike running section.

Ben Nevis Route

GPX file showing the Ben Nevis run.

Australian Three Peaks Race™

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The Australian Three Peaks Race™ was a non-stop offshore short-handed sailing and endurance mountain running event, commencing at Beauty Point just north of Launceston in Tasmania situated on the Tamar River and finishing in Hobart on the River Derwent. En-route, the running members of each team had to scale Mt Strzelecki, Mt Freycinet and Mt Wellington. The concept came from the British race, the Three Peaks Yacht Race that takes teams from Barmouth in Wales to Fort William in Scotland, climbing the highest mountains in Wales, England and Scotland. For competitors it offered an interesting alternative for the yachting fraternity and a challenging new activity for runners, climbers and bush-walkers. It was this unique combination of the two disparate disciplines which provided for such a challenging event. The course covered 334 nautical miles of short-handed sailing and 133 kilometres of endurance running over three mountains. The east-coast course around Tasmania afforded the best combinations of suitable mountains, coastal centres, accessibility for followers, media crews and the public. It brought significant publicity and exposure to two of the more beautiful National Parks but remote areas of the State, Flinders Island and the Freycinet Peninsula, and took competitors, supporting groups and the media the length of the beautiful east coast. The race was conducted for 25 years starting on Good Friday each Easter from 1989 until the last race in 2013. It attracted competitors from many countries, particularly Great Britain, New Zealand and the United States but other countries were represented too. There was also a core of dedicated local competitors who turned out each year, often just to "have a go" knowing that they possibly had little chance to win but wanted to experience the many challenges to successfully reach the finish line. Likewise there was a dedicated group of volunteers who each year manned various race controls for long hours maintaining a safety net over the competitors for the three to four day event. Results for the 25 years can be viewed here and Race Records here. There are many notable statistics from the 25 annual races, the quickest, slowest, oldest and so on. We thank all who had connections with the Australian Three Peaks Race, competitors, volunteers, the interested general public, municipal councils, corporate supporters and everyone who have helped make the race such a success for its 25 years. Organising authority for the race is the registered association, Australian Three Peaks Race Inc. Further information can be obtained be emailing '); document.write(name + '@' + domain + ' '); // --> .  
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IRONMAN 70.3 Santa Cruz

IRONMAN 70.3 Santa Cruz  

Santa cruz, california.

September 8, 2024

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Avg Air Temp Fahrenheit, rounded to a whole number 65
Avg Water Temp Fahrenheit, rounded to a whole number 63
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  1. Results 2019

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  2. 3 Peaks Yacht Race Results

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  3. Three Peaks Yacht Race Results 2017

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  4. 3 Peaks Yacht Race Results

    three peaks yacht race results

  5. 3 Peaks Yacht Race Results

    three peaks yacht race results

  6. Three Peaks Yacht Race

    three peaks yacht race results


  1. Pop Tops

  2. CTV Update Oct 18, 2023

  3. Pop Tops

  4. Three Peaks Yacht Race

  5. Middle Sea Race Maxi Yacht Start 21 October 2023

  6. Prince of Monaco wins the Best Pal Stakes (Gr.III) race 4 at Del Mar 8/13/23


  1. Three peaks

    Sail up the wild West Coast and run to the summits of Snowdon, Scafell Pike and Ben Nevis, the highest peaks of Wales, England & Scotland. A classic adventure race for teams of runners and sailors, since 1977. The Three Peaks Yacht Race is one of the oldest and most remarkable multi-sport endurance races in the world.

  2. Results 2022

    Colin Prescott Walker Trophy - Wild Spirit. (The team with the lowest aggregate age to finish) Smithers Purslow Cup - Sedburgh School. (The Challenge Team with best log of the journey as decided by the committee) No multihulls to took part this year. The trophy winners for the 2022 Three Peaks Yacht Race.

  3. 3 Peaks Yacht Race Results

    Race and Tilman Cup Winners. Kings of the Mountains (Damart Cup) Snowdon (John Morris Jones Cup) Scafell Pike from Ravenglass. Scafell Pike from Whitehaven. Ben Nevis (Grand Hotel Cup) Race Positions 1977-1999. Race Positions 1999-present day. 3 Peaks Yacht Race Results archive including winners and finishers of past races.

  4. Results

    Three Peaks Yacht Race The classic adventure race for teams of runners and sailors since 1977

  5. Three Peaks Yacht Race

    Welcome to the Two Peaks. We get it. Not everyone has time to deliver a boat to Barmouth and sail up to Fort William before getting the boat back to it's home. New for 2024 is the Two Peaks. Two mountains and 150-200 miles of sailing. Still a feat of endurance and a great start for first timers.

  6. Three Peaks Race Competitor Information

    Saturday 26th April 2025 10.30 start. Please read the following important information for all competitors in the 2025 race. A printable pdf document is also available HERE. VERY IMPORTANT - Read and be fully aware of the Three Peaks Race rules as covered on the website www.threepeaksrace.org under ' Race Information ' and also the 'FRA ...

  7. Barmouth to Fort William Three Peaks Yacht Race

    Barmouth to Fort William Three Peaks Yacht Race, Barmouth. 3,244 likes · 1 talking about this · 144 were here. It is hoped there will be plenty of entries from competitors for the next race in 2025. Barmouth to Fort William Three Peaks Yacht Race, Barmouth. 3,248 likes · 2 talking about this · 144 were here. ...

  8. Three Peaks Yacht Race

    The Three Peaks Yacht Race is held each year in June in the United Kingdom since 1977. [1] It is based on an idea of Bill Tilman, who had advocated a Three Peaks Challenge route without using motorised transport. His doctor, Rob Haworth, with colleague Merfyn Jones developed the idea into a race. Yachts with five crews, comprising sailors and ...

  9. Wild Spirit wins 41st Three Peaks Yacht Race in a wild finish

    Wild Spirit wins 41st Three Peaks Yacht Race in a wild finish. 16/06/2018. The annual Barmouth to Fort William 3 Peaks Yacht Race is always a great test of endurance, in both sailing and running, and this year the weather conditions for the race pushed teams to the limits to cope with the extremes of British offshore and mountain weather.

  10. Three Peaks Yacht Race: In the spirit of Tilman

    Sam Griffiths and his team of pupils take part in the gruelling 2022 Three Peaks Yacht Race, sailing to the highest mountains in Wales, England and Scotland. The Shrewsbury School team sailed on the Swan 46, Gertha 5, during the 2022 Three Peaks Yacht Race. Credit: Rob Howard Media Credit: Rob Howard Media. The whole of Barmouth was out, the ...

  11. Discover More About The Historical Barmouth Three Peaks Yacht Race

    The original Three Peaks Yacht Race is one of the oldest and most remarkable multi-sport endurance races in the world.It draws competitors from all sporting backgrounds & with sailing experience from off-shore cruising to round-the-world races.Sailing and sports clubs, military and company teams all enter and compete on equal terms in this amazing and spectacular race.

  12. Three Peaks Yacht Race 2022

    This year's Three Peaks Yacht Race showed, once again, why it has endured since 1977 as one of the world's great adventure races. The 44 th race was won on handicap by a skipper and boat combination which first won in 1999, while the Challenge event was successfully completed by two school teams for the first time, with 16 and 17 year old pupils taking part.

  13. Roach and Taylor take Three Peaks titles at first attempt

    UK's Biggest 24hr Trail Race. Thomas Roach and Catherine Taylor were the respective male and female winners of the 68th edition of the Three Peaks Race supported by inov-8 - and remarkably both were racing the fabled event for the first time. Roach, of Lewes AC but now based in Austria, led from start to finish and clocked the fastest splits ...

  14. Sailors and runners gather for 42nd Three Peaks Race

    The 42nd Three Peaks Yacht Race starts from Barmouth next Saturday, June 15th, at 19.30 and this year there are 12 intrepid teams of sailors and runners taking part in this iconic race. The race is one of the oldest multisport adventure challenges in the sporting calendar and has a global reputation and following.

  15. Results 2021

    The Three Peaks Yacht Race Sail up the wild West Coast and run to the summits of Snowdon, Scafell Pike and Ben Nevis, the highest peaks of Wales, England & Scotland. A classic adventure race for teams of runners and sailors, since 1977.

  16. Three Peaks Bike Race 2024 Tracking

    Vienna, Austria. One for the grimpeurs! A free-route race between three revered European climbs with a twist for 2024: riders can choose the order in which they ride the parcours. This year riders will tick off three peaks in the Dolomites, Vosges and the Alps before the finish in Nice. 23:00, 5 July, 2024. Total Racers. 247. Distance ...

  17. 2024 Three Peaks Yacht Race

    A total of 389 sailing miles, 40 miles of cycling, and 59 miles of running. It draws competitors from all sporting backgrounds, with sailing experience from off-shore cruising to round-the-world races, sailing & sports clubs, schools, military & company teams. The race starts on Sunday July 14th 2024 and new for this year is a Two Peaks class ...

  18. Enter

    Three Peaks Yacht Race The classic adventure race for teams of runners and sailors since 1977 Main Menu. Home; Guide Menu Toggle. Route; FAQs; Enter; History; Results Menu Toggle. Results; Enter. Enter. We have partnered with the EntryPoint for easy online entry. (Opens in new window) Documents. For Sailors. 2024 Notice of Race 1.0. Everything ...

  19. Pacheco

    Otherwise known as Pacheco, since it was located in Pacheco, California, just at the north edge of Pleasant Hill. Torn down and run over by the new interstate, progress forced the hardtops to the new facilities at Vallejo in 1961. We here at Vallejo Hardtops have very little about Pacheco, so if you have something to add, let us know.

  20. Australian Three Peaks Race

    The Australian Three Peaks Race™ was a non-stop offshore short-handed sailing and endurance mountain running event, commencing at Beauty Point just north of Launceston in Tasmania situated on the Tamar River and finishing in Hobart on the River Derwent. En-route, the running members of each team had to scale Mt Strzelecki, Mt Freycinet and Mt ...

  21. 50 KM Ultra running races in California

    Trail Run at Sly Park - Summer. Pollack Pines. 50 KM. 08/31/24. The Rubicon. Foresthill. 50 KM , 100 KM , 82 Miles , 100 Miles. 09/01/24. Crystal Springs - Summer.

  22. Ultra running races in California

    Tamalpa Headlands 50K. Muir Beach. 50 KM. 08/17/24. Bulldog 50K Ultra Run & 25K Trail Run. Calabasas. 50 KM. 08/17/24. Almaden Hills Trail Run - Summer.

  23. Results

    This event builds on the history of one of California's longest-running events. Santa Cruz has all things outdoors; surf, sand, and sun. From historic lighthouses, Santa Cruz Surfing Museum to the Beach Boardwalk and the Santa Cruz Wharf. A California coastline course with a beach finish line. BOA Endure IRONMAN 70.3 Santa Cruz is a must-do event for an athlete looking to add a low key end of ...