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The Yacht Stowaway

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Bella ( Ruby Rose ) staunt nicht schlecht, als sie eines Tages einen Anruf von einem Mann namens Meeser ( Frank Grillo ) erhält. Der stellt sich als Geschäftspartner ihres Vaters vor und erzählt ihr, dass sie nach dessen Tod eine Yacht geerbt hat. Kontakt hatte sie zu ihm keinen, das Verhältnis war seit Langem zerrüttet. Ihre Trauer hält sich dann auch in Grenzen, als sie von dem Tod erfährt. Und doch ist sie neugierig auf das Boot, schließlich könnte dieses die Antwort auf ihre finanziellen Sorgen sein. Tatsächlich stellt sich das Erbe als gigantisch heraus, viele Millionen US-Dollar kann sie mit dem Verkauf verdienen. Als sie dies nachts feiern möchte und die attraktive Zufallsbekanntschaft Michael ( Patrick Schwarzenegger ) mit auf die Yacht nimmt, um dort die Nacht mit ihm zu verbringen, erlebt sie jedoch einen absoluten Alptraum: Eine Gruppe Männer bringt das Boot in seine Gewalt und fährt damit aufs offene Meer hinaus …

Kostengünstige Enttäuschung

Eine Zeit lang sah es so aus, als könnte Ruby Rose eine richtig starke Karriere in Hollywood haben. Viel geblieben ist davon nicht. Aus der Prestigeserie Batgirl ist sie ausgestiegen. Stattdessen gab es die Actionthriller S.A.S.: Red Notice und Vanquish – Überleben hat seinen Preis , dazu not die Komödie 1UP . Gesehen haben muss man nichts davon. Während der erstgenannte Film zumindest noch irgendwie Durchschnitt war, sind die beiden anderen qualitativ deutlich darunter angesetzt. Und leider gilt das auch für The Yacht , eine weitere eher kostengünstige Direct-to-Video-Produktion, die kaum dazu geeignet ist, der vor sich hin dümpelnden Karriere der Australierin neuen Schwung zu verleihen.

Fans der durchaus actionaffinen Schauspielerin dürften zudem enttäuscht sein, wie wenig ihr Kampftalent genutzt wird. Die erste Irritation besteht darin, dass wir eine junge Bella ( Eden Harper ) sehen, die Probleme mit der Polizei hat. Für den weiteren Verlauf der Handlung ist die Szene völlig irrelevant. Das bisschen Familiengeschichte hätte man auch anderweitig im Film unterbringen können, zumal es nicht einmal so ist, dass dadurch etwas für den Inhalt gewonnen wäre. Das entfremdete Verhältnis zum Vater wird nicht wirklich deutlicher. Die kriminelle Vorvergangenheit hilft nichts bei dem Überlebenskampf auf dem Schiff. Der Schicksalsschlag, der in ihr eine Wasserphobie ausgelöst hat, ist auch nur ein billiger Kniff, um die Protagonistin vom Meer fernzuhalten und sie zu einer Gefangenen auf der Yacht zu machen.

Unsinnig und langweilig

Nicht dass die Serie ansonsten großen Wert darauf legen würde, irgendwie sinnvoll zu sein. Tatsächlich sind die Logiklöcher teils so enorm groß, dass selbst eine Luxusyacht wie in dem Film darin problemlos verschwinden könnte. Warum beispielsweise die Verbrecher nicht vorher schon zugeschlagen haben, als dies mit wenig Aufwand möglich gewesen wäre, wird nie klar. Auch eine späte Wendung ergibt nicht sonderlich viel Sinn. Zumal kaum jemand, abgesehen von der Protagonistin, hiervon überrascht sein dürfte. Ian Hayden , der hierfür sein erstes und bislang einziges Drehbuch vorgelegt hat, hat damit nicht unbedingt ein Empfehlungsschreiben verfasst. Von den Figuren brauchen wir erst gar nicht anzufangen.

Das wäre alles zu verschmerzen, wenn der Film dafür spannend wäre. Aber auch bei seiner Hauptaufgabe versagt der Thriller. Dabei sind Setting und Szenario eigentlich durchaus geeignet, um Spannung zu erzeugen. So eine Yacht ist weitläufig genug, um sich darin irgendwo verstecken zu können. Gleichzeitig handelt es sich um einen in sich geschlossenen Raum, aus dem es kein Entkommen gibt. Daraus hätte man also schon etwas machen können. Tatsächlich passiert die Hälfte des Films lang praktisch gar nichts, erst später kommt es zu einem tatsächlichen Kampf. Warum Bella so gut im Kämpfen ist, wird übrigens ebenfalls nicht verraten. Da wird dann einfach ein Schalter umgelegt. Das ist schade, weil so viel mehr möglich gewesen wäre, nur selten wird es tatsächlich mal etwas aufregender. Und so sind die besten Szenen dann auch die, als Bella und Michael miteinander flirten. Auch das ist letztendlich nicht wirklich relevant für die Handlung, für sich genommen sind das aber Momente, die funktionieren – was man vom Rest kaum behaupten kann.

OT: „Stowaway“ Land: USA Jahr: 2022 Regie: Declan Whitebloom Drehbuch: Ian Hayden Musik: BC Smith Kamera: Giles Dunning Besetzung: Ruby Rose, Frank Grillo , Patrick Schwarzenegger, Luis Da Silva Jr., Major Dodge, Scotty Bohnen

The Yacht Stowaway

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Typischer Verriss der John Wick Generation. The Yacht bietet einen durchaus spannenden Thriller der, das ist tatsächlich für mich als Fan von Ruby Rose etwas unschön, sparsam mit Action umgeht. Aber gut. Das ist dem geringen Budget solch einen kleinen Film geschuldet. Der Film an sich ist nicht so schlecht, wie er auf diversen Seiten verrissen wird.

Übrigens glänzte Ruby Rose erst unlängst mit toller Action in dem Film „The Doorman“. Wird natürlich und wie erwartet im Artikel nicht erwähnt. Auch nicht erwähnt wird, das Ruby kleinere Produktionsunternehen, Independent Filme, unterstützt.

Ich hoffe noch viel mehr von Ruby zu sehen. Gerne auch in weniger spektakulären Filme wie The Yacht. Nehme ich gerne mit. Vanquish fand ich auch toll. Guter B-Movie.

Warum auch erwähnen.

Leider stört die Unlogik in dem Film, mehr als die unsinnigen Dialoge. Man merkt bereits am Anfang, dass dieser Film enttäuschen wird, denkt sich jedoch, egal, will die Story sehen. Man stellt sich so viele „warums“ und denkt sich „hä“s, dass es schon Mega langweilt, da man den Verstand wohl weglassen muss, dann bleibt auch kein Action. Also im großen und ganzen, eine 2 von 10.

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z. B. : Poor Things , Oppenheimer , Madame Web , Wo die Lüge hinfällt

 The Yacht

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Bella Denton (Ruby Rose) ist eine mittellose, aber toughe junge Frau, die sich als Kleinkriminelle und Party-Crasherin über Wasser hält. Als ihr von ihr entfremdeter Vater Arthur (Major Dodge) überraschend stirbt, erbt sie dessen Yacht. Nachdem Arthurs alter Armee-Kumpel Ed (Frank Grillo) ihr den riesigen Luxuskahn übergeben hat, reißt Bella zur Feier des Tages den attraktiven Michael (Patrick Schwarzenegger) auf. Doch die geplante, heiße Nacht auf dem Boot verwandelt sich in einen Albtraum. Denn drei brutale Kriminelle kommen an Bord. Sie ermorden die Crew sowie den Security-Mann und setzen Kurs auf ein Bella und Michael unbekanntes Ziel. Letzterer springt ins Wasser, um an Land die Polizei zu alarmieren. Doch Bella kann nicht schwimmen. Deshalb versteckt sie sich unter Deck und hofft, irgendwie mit dem Leben davon zu kommen …

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The Yacht

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Erstmals im Streaming-Abo: "Stirb langsam" auf dem Wasser - mit jeder Menge Action-Stars

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Review: The Yacht (Blu-ray)

Das Blu-ray-Cover von "The Yacht" (© 2022 Leonine Studios)

Das Blu-ray-Cover von “The Yacht” (© 2022 Leonine Studios)

Inhalt: Seit frühester Jugend schlägt sich Bella Denton (Ruby Rose, „ xXx – Die Rückkehr des Xander Cage “), deren Mutter jung verstorben und der Vater verschwunden war, als Kleinkriminelle durchs Leben. Eines Tages erhält sie von Ed (Frank Grillo, „ Boss Level “) einen Anruf, der sich als Freund ihres Vaters vorstellt und ihr offenbart, dass dieser verstorben ist und ihr ein riesiges Boot hinterlassen hat. Um die Begeisterung zu zelebrieren, lädt sich Bella am ersten Abend gleich männliche Begleitung (Patrick Schwarzenegger, „ Midnight Sun – Alles für dich “) auf ihre schwimmende Behausung ein. Schon bald gesellen sich ein paar maskierte, ungebetene Gäste zu der Party und nehmen die ganze Yacht in Beschlag. Auf hoher See und ohne Aussicht auf Hilfe startet Bella einen gnadenlosen Überlebenskampf.

Kritik: Auf dem Papier hat „The Yacht“ alle Elemente zu einem unterhaltsamen Action-Thriller: Eine schlagkräftige, aber traumatisierte Heldin, die sich auf beengtem Raum ihren Ängsten und ein paar mörderischen Psychopathen stellen muss, um sich selbst zu retten und einen monetär erquicklichen MacGuffin zu erlangen. Sehr viel weiter wurde das Konzept des Spielfilm-Debütanten und Musikvideo-Regisseurs Declan Whitebloom dann aber auch nicht ausgearbeitet. Es beginnt ein minimalistischer Plot, der so vorhersehbar jedes Element seiner ToDo-Liste abhakt, dass sich noch nicht einmal simples B-Action-Vergnügen einstellen mag. Irgendwie schaffen es die Macher, die wahrlich nicht komplexe Geschichte auch noch konfus und widersinnig zu gestalten. Hinzu kommen Dialoge auf unterem Level und rar gesäte, inkompetent umgesetzte Konfrontationen, die wohl jeden Action-Fan frustrieren dürften.

Bella findet neue Freunde (© 2022 Leonine Studios)

Bella findet neue Freunde (© 2022 Leonine Studios)

Man versucht jetzt schon seit längerer Zeit, aus dem australischen Model Ruby Rose einen Genre-Star zu machen. Hier beweist sie wieder einmal, dass sie zwar den passenden Look mitbringt, jedoch keinesfalls Ausstrahlung und darstellerisches Können hat, um einen Film zu tragen. „The Yacht“ wäre eigentlich einer der klassischen Filme der letzten Jahre, bei denen ein 5-Minuten-Auftritt von Bruce Willis als Verkaufsargument herangezogen wird. Diese Rolle muss dieses Mal Frank Grillo übernehmen, der sich wie so oft unter Wert verkauft. Auch Schwarzenegger-Sohn Patrick hat kaum Screen Time.

Wenn man nach 94 ideen- und spaßbefreiten Minuten über die gesehenen Qualitäten des Filmes nachdenkt, bleibt allenfalls Grillos natürliches Charisma, das seine wenigen Szenen aufhellt. Dennoch entspricht „The Yacht“ nicht einmal geringsten Ansprüchen, die einen Action-Heimkino-Abend rechtfertigen würden.

"Hallo, ich bin Ihr Bruce Willis für den Abend." (© 2022 Leonine Studios)

“Hallo, ich bin Ihr Bruce Willis für den Abend.” (© 2022 Leonine Studios)

Der Film ist ab dem 18.11.2022 auf DVD, Blu-ray und digital erhältlich.

Bild : Der Low-Budget-Digital-Look ist vollkommen in Ordnung. Schärfe und Detaildarstellung erfüllen immer die Erwartungen. Die Farbpalette sieht zwar nie brillant aus, wirkt aber recht natürlich. Kontraste und Schwarzwert wurden passend eingestellt. Kleinere Unsauberkeiten fallen nicht ins Gewicht.

Ton : Der deutsche und der englische DTS-HD MA 5.1-Ton sind grundsätzlich solide, enttäuschen aber ausgerechnet bei den Actionszenen. Während Hintergrundgeräusche und Musik hier und da noch ein wenig räumlich klingen, sind die Schüsse und Explosionen dermaßen zentriert und schwachbrüstig, dass das letzte bisschen Leben aus den ohnehin mauen Sequenzen weicht. Die Dialogwiedergabe ist in beiden Versionen problemlos.

Extras : Eine Trailershow ist der einzige Bonus auf der Blu-ray.

Mehr Informationen findet ihr auf der Seite von Leonine Distribution

Verfasst von Thomas .

Zuletzt geändert am 22.11.2022 Review: The Yacht (Blu-ray)

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  • Cast & crew
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Frank Grillo and Ruby Rose in Stowaway (2021)

A tenacious party girl fights to survive after three thieves commandeer her luxury yacht. Unable to escape and trapped on the yacht at high seas, she turns the tables on the intruders and ta... Read all A tenacious party girl fights to survive after three thieves commandeer her luxury yacht. Unable to escape and trapped on the yacht at high seas, she turns the tables on the intruders and takes matters into her own hands. A tenacious party girl fights to survive after three thieves commandeer her luxury yacht. Unable to escape and trapped on the yacht at high seas, she turns the tables on the intruders and takes matters into her own hands.

  • Declan Whitebloom
  • Frank Grillo
  • Patrick Schwarzenegger
  • 40 User reviews
  • 9 Critic reviews

Official Trailer

  • Bella Denton

Patrick Schwarzenegger

  • Captain Lawson

Major Dodge

  • Arthur Denton

James Di Giacomo

  • Baby Face Sailor

Teddy Parker

  • (as Teddy Polhemus)

Emma Maddock

  • Teenage Bella

Danny Bohnen

  • Young Bella

Anna Grace Loman

  • (as Michelle Colón)

Shane Malone

  • (uncredited)
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Did you know

  • Goofs The captain tells Bella that she can't sleep on the boat, but she just goes out to a bar and picks up a guy to come back to the boat with her after the bar closes. The security guy somehow allows her back onto the dock though she isn't allowed to stay on the boat.

[last lines]

Jim : I'll kill her and then i'll kill you

Meeser : [blows him away] You shouldn't just tell people you're gonna kill them

User reviews 40

  • william-71506
  • Aug 30, 2022
  • How long is Stowaway? Powered by Alexa
  • August 5, 2022 (United States)
  • United States
  • The Yacht: La pasajera
  • Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, USA (Marina and yacht location)
  • Volition Media Partners
  • New Legend Entertainment
  • See more company credits at IMDbPro

Technical specs

  • Runtime 1 hour 34 minutes

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Frank Grillo and Ruby Rose in Stowaway (2021)

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Top 200 largest yachts in the world Superyacht Christina O

The most spectacular yachts in film and TV

The glitz and glamour of superyachts makes them ideal stars for everything from box-office blockbusters to the latest Netflix drama...

Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery

Yacht: aquarius.

The 45 metre Mengi Yay motor yacht Aquarius makes an appearance in the opening of the trailer for Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery , the follow-up to the Acadamy Award-winning murder mystery Knives Out starring Daniel Craig. Delivered in 2016, the yacht can sleep up to 10 guests and eight crew across her three decks. Aquarius has a top speed of 15 knots that will no doubt be put to the test in Rian Johnson's sequel, which is set to be released on Netflix in December.

Triangle of Sadness

Yacht: christina o.

Dark comedy Triangle of Sadness follows a fashion model celebrity couple who are invited on board a superyacht cruise for the ultra-rich, but the vessel ends up sinking, leaving its guests and crew stranded on an island. The 99.15 metre classic superyacht Christina O is the star of the film, which suitably premiered at the 2022 Cannes Film Festival. Christina O was famously owned by Greek shipping magnate Aristotle Socrates Onassis who transformed her from an anti-submarine frigate to a luxury superyacht that has welcomed the likes of Winston Churchill, JF Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe and Frank Sinatra on board. Actor Woody Harrelson joins its star-studded guest list as he plays the role of the captain in the film.

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Yacht: leight star.

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No Time to Die

Yacht: spirit 46.

A Spirit 46 sailing yacht takes a starring role in the James Bond film  No Time to Die . The 14 metre sailing yacht features in the film, which catches up with Bond following his departure from active service. This is not the first time Spirit Yachts has collaborated with the Bond franchise. In 2006, the 16.4-metre sailing yacht  Spirit  featured heavily in Daniel Craig's first Bond film  Casino Royale  when it became the first sailing yacht to travel up Venice's Grand Canal in 300 years.

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The Wolf on Wall Street

M3  (previously Lady M ) played a crucial role in 2013 film The Wolf of Wall Street . When Jordan Belfort (Leonardo DiCaprio) hits the big time, he splashes out on the luxury yacht and names it Naomi after his second wife (as played by Margot Robbie). However, the film takes a disastrous turn when the superyacht sinks during a stormy passage between Porto Cervo and Capri — a scene that closely mirrors Belfort’s real-life yachting disaster in 1997. Directed by Martin Scorcese, The Wolf of Wall Street was one of the most successful movies of 2013, grossing more than $116 million at the box office.

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Daniel Craig's recent turns as 007 brought a new generation of beautiful sailing yachts onto the big screen, the most notable of which being Aria I . This 56 metre steel schooner from Pruva Yachting  starred in the 2012 film Skyfall as Chimera , the yacht which carried James Bond to villain Raoul Silva's island hideaway. Preparing the yacht for filming was an arduous process, including re-upholstering inside and out.

American Assasian

Yacht: itama 62.

Michael Keaton and Dylan O’Brien were the big names in the 2017 counter-terrorism thriller American Assassin , based on Vince Flynn’s 2010 novel of the same name, but the real star was surely the Itama 62. This 19 metre speedboat stole the show in a spectacular chase scene, which involved O’Brien jumping onto the moving yacht. Built in Italy as part of the Ferretti Group’s extensive range, the Itama 62 has a top speed of 40 knots thanks to twin MAN V12 engines and can accommodate up to six guests in three cabins.

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When US comedy series Entourage was given the Hollywood treatment in 2015 it was only fitting that the party-loving boys should be seen living the high life on a glamorous yacht. Delta Marine ’s 2007 launch Usher (formerly Mr Terrible ) took on a starring role by hosting a yacht party in the film’s opening scene, before lead character Vincent Chase (Adrian Grenier) embarks on a disastrous career directing movies.

Bonus entry: Argylle

Tender: sportjet 520.

This spy thriller is directed by Michael Vaughn, the mind behind the much-beloved action-comedy Kingsman . The plot follows Bryce Dallas Howard as author Elly Conway, as she learns that the plots of her best-selling espionage novels are starting to mirror the actions of a real-life spy organisation. The Williams SportJet 520 tender will no doubt feature in several high-octane chase scenes when the film premieres on 24 January 2024. Other big names include Henry Cavill (as the titular spy Argylle), Bryan Cranston and Dua Lipa.

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Here's How the Yacht in the Overboard Remake Compares to Goldie Hawn's Original

By Elizabeth Quinn Brown

Goldie Hawn in the 1987 version of Overboard on the deck of the yacht.

The film Overboard is about the haves and the have-nots—or, in this case, the haves and the have-yachts. The original 1987 film, which stars Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell , and the 2018 remake of the same name—which stars Eugenio Derbez and Anna Faris and was released just this month—feature childish yacht owners (Hawn and Derbez, respectively) who have amnesia and are, then, reestablished in less elite but comedic existences. For each of the Overboard films, ultra-luxe boats weren't only a crucial part of the setting—they were also key in demonstrating the characters’ status, and characters’ dedication to status symbols.

Image may contain Clothing Apparel Robe Evening Dress Fashion Gown Human Person Tie Accessories and Accessory

Goldie Hawn on the deck of her yacht in 1987's Overboard

In Overboard (1987), the 130-foot Yecats from Kong & Halvorsen in Glenorie, Australia (which was renamed the Attessa in 1992 and the Huntress in 1998), was featured as the S.S. Immaculata. (The same boat was also featured in 1993's Indecent Proposal, which stars Woody Harrelson and Demi Moore.) The interior decoration was characteristic of the era: The bold colors and excessive design complemented Hawn's character's profligate outfits. Brent Thomas, the production designer for Overboard (2018), describes: “There was definitely a campy vibe to it and it was incredibly ’80s, both in palette and in shapes and tones. It worked very well, but it was gauche and over the top and it assaulted your senses a little bit. We wanted to make our yacht in the remake a little more sophisticated and elegant and cleaner and crisper and more pristine and grounded, perhaps. A sort of sleek, smooth, gentleman’s fantasy but with elegance and taste as opposed to the one in the original.”

The yacht used in the 2018 remake of Overboard

The yacht, renamed Birthday Present for the film, used for the 2018 remake of Overboard.

Thomas and his team chose the 164-foot Aspen Alternative for Derbez’s Birthday Present —a 2010 custom creation from Trinity Yachts in Gulfport, Mississippi, that he sourced from Saint Maarten in the Caribbean after a lengthy international search. (In case anyone gets a case of yacht envy, the Aspen Alternative is currently on the market for $18.9 million.) Thomas credits the boat’s aesthetic—its “old-world elegance” with exotic sapele-wood details—as the reason for the decision.

Image may contain Furniture Indoors WalkIn Closet Closet Wardrobe and Room

The closet Thomas designed as a nod to Goldie Hawn's in the original film.

The Aspen Alternative’s exteriors and main salon were featured in the film, but the interiors were constructed in Vancouver, Canada. In Overboard (1987), there’s a focus on the estate room’s closets, with Hawn exclaiming at one point, “Well, the entire civilized world knows that all closets are made of cedar!” (Cedar can be more costly and is often considered more prestigious, as it repels moths and moisture.) For this reason, Thomas says he introduced one in the remake, too: “As a little shout-out to Goldie’s closet, I gave Eugenio a fabulous walk-in closet. It looked like a Hugo Boss store with shelves of shirts and shoes. It was lit and beautifully laid out. Again, as a wink and a nod, we gave him a place for a bunch of shoes as well.”

Image may contain Eugenio Derbez Furniture Human Person Desk Table Tabletop Couch Wood Coffee Table and Hardwood

A scene on the deck of 2018's Overboard.

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Overboard (1987) contrasts with the remake, but it was the similarities between Hawn and Faris that were especially memorable for Thomas: “Every now and again, I went, ‘Oh my God, Anna looks and sounds just like Goldie!’ There was one moment with her lying back on the area in the bow of the boat. She said something like, “Boy, I could really get used to this lifestyle.’ It was a sunny day where you could lay back and relax, and it felt like the world was your oyster," remembers Thomas fondly. "I smiled and said, 'I get it. I could dig this lifestyle, too.'"

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An interior set used for the yacht of 2018's Overboard.

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Yacht from TENET movie is revealed as $101m superyacht 'Planet Nine'

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By Katia Damborsky   28 August 2020

What's the yacht from the movie 'Tenet' ? The name of the superyacht with the starring role in Tenet is 'Planet Nine' , a 73m/240' explorer yacht which is on the market for $101 million and available for private yacht charter from $650,000 p/week (+ expenses). 

Christopher Nolan's 2020 action/thriller TENET has finally hit the big screens and is reeling in rave reviews, critical acclaim, and one pressing question; What's the name of yacht from the film?

The luxury yacht in question stars in a number of major scenes, including (spoilers ahead) the moment where Sator (Kenneth Branagh) travels back in time to a vacation with his wife Kat (Elizabeth Debicki), and the elusive ending where Kat realizes the woman jumping off the yacht is in fact, herself. 

YachtCharterFleet is happy to reveal that the name of the yacht is 'Planet Nine'.

The yacht's name is actually quite fitting, given that the plot of Tenet revolves around finding nine objects that, when combined, will create an “Algorithm” that will reverse entropy for the entire planet and essentially kill all life on earth. Pretty bleak stuff; luckily the yacht itself is far from bleak.

Inside 'Planet Nine': The yacht from Tenet

Helicopter on deck of Planet Nine superyacht that features in Tenet

Built in 2018, Planet Nine is a popular expedition vessel with a number of incredible features, including a full helideck and an incredible locker of water toys which includes scuba gear, inflatable trampolines, surf boards, inflatable canoes, Jet-Skis, and kite surfers.

She features exterior design from the renowned Tim Heywood, and interiors are by Mlinaric and Henry & Zervudachi. Her design teams have opted for a pared-back, minimal interior with a warm and inviting ambience that is achieved through Scandinavian style blonde woods, a neutral color palette and geometric accents.

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The yacht boasts an exceptionally large 300 square foot Owner's deck complete with a private lounging area, generous en suite and office space for taking care of any business while at sea.

There is accommodation for 11 further guests in eight other cabins.

Planet Nine is a true 'go-anywhere' yacht, meaning she is perfectly well-equipped for cruising around some of the world's most remote destinations. An impressive home cinema and a library/conference suite are the icing on the cake, so she is ideal for anyone looking to charter a seafaring exploring yacht that offers high-calibre luxury living. 

Where were the Tenet yacht scenes filmed?

View of Ravello village, where the movie Tenet was filmed, on the Amalfi Coast in Italy

All of the yacht scenes in Tenet were filmed on location on Italy's Amalfi Coast, specifically off the coast of the popular medieval village of Ravello. Famed for its dizzying mountaintop situation and immaculate gardens that offer sweeping vistas over the water, Ravello is one of the beloved destinations for a superyacht charter on the Amalfi Coast .

If you're dreaming of a Tenet-style yacht getaway, you can check out our guide to yacht charter in Ravello. It's packed with itineraries, inspiration and our hand-picked YachtCharterFleet recommendations for things to see and do. 

If you are interested in chartering this stunning yacht please contact your preferred yacht charter broker.

To take a look at some other superyachts that have been featured on the big screen, see our related stories below.

More Yacht Information

Planet Nine yacht charter

73m Admiral Yachts 2018


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The Yacht

Watch The Yacht

  • 1 hr 24 min
  • 3.3   (1,296)

A tenacious party girl fights to survive after three thieves commandeer her luxury yacht.

The Yacht is a 2022 thriller with a runtime of 1 hour and 24 minutes. It has received mostly poor reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 3.3.

The Yacht

  • Genres Thriller
  • Cast Frank Grillo Ruby Rose Patrick Schwarzenegger
  • Director Declan Whitebloom
  • Release Date 2022
  • MPAA Rating R
  • Runtime 1 hr 24 min
  • Language English
  • IMDB Rating 3.3   (1,296)


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Kevin Costner Has ‘Knocked on Every Boat in Cannes’ to Help Finance Third ‘Horizon’ Movie: ‘Come Get Your Checkbook Out. Let’s Talk Money!’

CANNES, FRANCE - MAY 19: (EDITORS NOTE: Image has been converted to black and white.) Kevin Costner attends the "Horizon: An American Saga" Photocall at the 77th annual Cannes Film Festival at Palais des Festivals on May 19, 2024 in Cannes, France. (Photo by Neilson Barnard/Getty Images)

Kevin Costner got candid about partly self-financing his new movie, “ Horizon: An American Saga ,” at a Cannes Film Festival press conference on Monday.

Costner put much of his own fortune into making the $100 million-plus film, including mortgaging his ranch. He directs and stars in the film, which he also produced and co-wrote.

When asked about his struggle to finance the film, Costner said, “I don’t know why it was so hard.”

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“I’ve knocked on every boat in Cannes to help me,” Costner said. “‘Oh come, we’ll have a picture.’ No, come get your checkbook out. Let’s talk money!”

Costner was also asked his view on racism in America. “I’m conscious of race. I live in a place called Compton, Calif. I funded a movie called ‘Black or White,'” he said. “It was my version of a level of racism that exists in our country.”

Regarding the representation of Native people in “Horizon” and why he didn’t tell the story from their perspective, Costner said, “The movie is a journey. It’s not a plot movie, and the Native Americans are represented. I don’t feel the need to try to balance the story. I just try to make it as real as I can.” 

At its premiere on Sunday night, “Horizon” earned a seven-minute standing ovation as Costner grew visibly emotional.

The film, a two-part look at the expansion of the American west, is told from the prospective of the cattle ranchers, farmers and soldiers building a future for themselves in the region, as well as the Natives who lived there first.

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Sail Universe

15 Best Sailing Movies You Can’t Miss

sailing movies

A true sailing enthusiast suffers when forced to stay at home… So here we are to help you, presenting our selection of the best sailing movies that a sailor absolutely cannot miss. We discussed, because the world of cinema and TV (just think of Netflix) give us an almost infinite catalogue. We finally succeeded and we are happy to present you our favorite sailing movies. Which is your favorite?

1. 180° SOUTH (2010)

“180° South” is a 2010 adventure documentary film directed by Chris Malloy. The film follows the journey of Jeff Johnson as he retraces the steps of his heroes Yvon Chouinard and Doug Tompkins to Patagonia, Chile. Along the way, Johnson encounters a variety of challenges, including navigating rugged terrain and dealing with extreme weather conditions. The film also explores themes of environmental conservation and the importance of protecting natural resources. It features stunning cinematography and is narrated by actor/musician/environmentalist Jack Johnson.

2. All is lost (2013)

“All Is Lost” is a 2013 survival drama film directed by J.C. Chandor. The film stars Robert Redford as an unnamed man who is stranded at sea after his sailboat is damaged by a shipping container. The man must use all of his survival skills and resourcefulness to stay alive in the face of increasingly dire circumstances. The film is notable for its minimalist approach, with no dialogue and minimal music, and Redford’s performance as the only actor on screen. It was praised for its technical achievements and the acting of Redford.

Mike Plant

3. Captain Ron (1992)

“Captain Ron” is a 1992 comedy film directed by Thom Eberhardt and starring Kurt Russell as the titular character, a slovenly, irreverent sailor who is hired to help a family sail their yacht from the Caribbean to Miami. Along the way, they encounter a variety of mishaps and adventures, including pirates and a hurricane. The film also stars Martin Short as the head of the family, Mary Kay Place as his wife, and Benjamin Salisbury and Meadow Sisto as their children. “Captain Ron” is known for its silly and irreverent humor and the strong performances of its cast. We have to be honest: Captain Ron is our favourite between the sailing movies of this list!

We discussed, because the world of cinema and TV (just think of Netflix) give us an almost infinite catalog of sailing films

4. Chasing Bubbles (2016)

“Chasing Bubbles” is a documentary about the journey and spirit of Alex Rust , a farm boy turned day trader from Indiana who, at 25, abandoned his life in Chicago, bought a modest sailboat (called Bubbles) and set out to sail around the world.

5. Dead calm (1989)

Dead Calm is a 1989 Australian psychological thriller film directed by Phillip Noyce and starring Sam Neill, Nicole Kidman and Billy Zane. The screenplay by Terry Hayes was based on the 1963 novel of the same name by Charles Williams; the film represents the first successful film adaptation of the novel after Orson Welles struggled for years to complete his own film based on it titled The Deep . Filmed around the Great Barrier Reef, the plot focuses on a married couple, who, after tragically losing their son, are spending some time isolated at sea, when they come across a stranger who has abandoned a sinking ship. A must see among sailing movies!

6. Deep Water (2006)

“Deep Water” is a 2006 documentary film directed by Jerry Rothwell and Louise Osmond about the history of the Sunday Times Golden Globe Race , a solo sailing race around the world that was held in 1968. The film follows the stories of the race’s participants, including Donald Crowhurst, a British sailor who became embroiled in a scandal when it was revealed that he had falsified his position in the race. The film also explores themes of adventure, ambition, and the human cost of pushing oneself to the limits. It was well-received by critics and audiences and won a number of awards.

7. Maidentrip (2013)

“Maidentrip” is a 2013 documentary film about the life of Laura Dekker , a Dutch sailor who, at the age of 14, became the youngest person to sail solo around the world. The film follows Dekker’s journey as she navigates the challenges and dangers of her voyage, including rough seas, equipment failures, and isolation. It also explores Dekker’s background and her motivations for embarking on such a risky and ambitious journey. “Maidentrip” was praised for its intimate and engaging portrayal of Dekker’s journey and for its powerful depiction of the human spirit and determination.

8. Master and commander (2003)

During the Napoleonic Wars, a brash British captain pushes his ship and crew to their limits in pursuit of a formidable French war vessel around South America. The naval action in the Mediterranean is  closely based on the real-life exploits of Lord Cochrane , including a battle modelled after Cochrane’s spectacular victory in the brig HMS Speedy over the vastly superior Spanish frigate El Gamo.

9. Morning light (2008)

Fifteen young sailors… six months of intense training… one chance at the brass ring. This documentary tells the story of a group of intrepid and determined young men and women, on the cusp of adulthood, as they embark on life’s first great adventure. Fifteen young men and women prepare for the adventure of their lives when they enter the TRANSPAC, one of the world’s most prestigious open-ocean sailing competitions. They begin their training in Hawaii with world-class teachers, but it is the race itself, a 2,300-mile ordeal featuring top professionals, that molds them into a cohesive whole.

10. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)

“Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl” is a 2003 adventure film directed by Gore Verbinski and based on the popular Disney theme park attraction of the same name. The film stars Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow, a wily and unpredictable pirate who teams up with a blacksmith named Will Turner (Orlando Bloom) and a Governor’s daughter named Elizabeth Swann (Keira Knightley) to rescue Elizabeth’s father and defeat the cursed pirate captain Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush). The film also features an ensemble cast of supporting characters and is known for its action, humor, and special effects. It was a commercial and critical success and spawned a successful film franchise.

11. The Mercy (2018)

The Mercy is a British biographical drama film , directed by James Marsh and written by Scott Z. Burns. It is based on the true story of the disastrous attempt by the amateur sailor Donald Crowhurst to complete the Sunday Times Golden Globe Race in 1968 and his subsequent attempts to cover up his failure.

12. The Odyssey (2016)

The Odyssey is a movie which chronicles the life of the great Jacques Cousteau. Jacques Cousteau is perhaps one of the most famous French persons in the world due to his pioneering work on scuba diving, underwater exploration and film-making which introduced a whole generation to the wonders of reef and marine life in the ocean.

13. Turning Tide – En solitaire (2013)

It tells the story of Yann Kermadec whose dreams suddenly come true when he has to replace the DCNS star skipper at the last minute before the start of the Vendée Globe (a round-the-world non-stop single-handed yacht race). After several days of racing, Yann, who is in the lead, has to stop to repair a damaged rudder. This will disrupt his round-the-world journey…

14. White squall (1996)

Teenage boys discover discipline and camaraderie on an ill-fated sailing voyage. It is a coming of age film in which a group of high school and college-aged teenagers sign up for several months of training aboard a sail ship, a brigantine, and travel around half the globe when suddenly they are challenged by a severe storm.

15. WIND (1992)

Will Parker, played by Matthew Modine, loses the Americas Cup, the worlds biggest sailing prize, to the Australians and decides to form his own syndicate to win it back. In 1983, yacht sailor Will Parker (Matthew Modine) leads an American crew financed by millionaire Morgan Weld (Cliff Robertson) to defeat during the America’s Cup race against an Australian crew. Determined to get the prize back, Will convinces Morgan to finance an experimental boat designed by his ex-girlfriend Kate’s (Jennifer Grey) new beau, Joe Heisler (Stellan Skarsgard). When the boat is completed, the Americans head to Australia to reclaim the cup.

Finally, what do you think about our 15 sailing movies to watch at least one time in your life?

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Maiden Voyage. Round the world race by first all female crew.

What about “Maiden”. Terrific women’s movie, but good for all.



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  3. The Yacht: Trailer & Kritik zum Film

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  4. The Yacht (film, 2022)

    the yacht film kritik

  5. The Yacht DVD jetzt bei Weltbild.de online bestellen

    the yacht film kritik

  6. Wer streamt The Yacht? Film online schauen

    the yacht film kritik



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  3. Tjerko Werelds aan het Strand

  4. 24 Meters Steel Motor Yacht For Sale (Sold)


  6. The Boat


  1. The Yacht

    The Yacht. Montag, 27. März 2023. „The Yacht" // Deutschland-Start: 18. November 2022 (DVD/Blu-ray) Bella ( Ruby Rose) staunt nicht schlecht, als sie eines Tages einen Anruf von einem Mann namens Meeser ( Frank Grillo) erhält. Der stellt sich als Geschäftspartner ihres Vaters vor und erzählt ihr, dass sie nach dessen Tod eine Yacht ...

  2. The Yacht

    The Yacht ist ein Film von Declan Whitebloom mit Ruby Rose, Frank Grillo. Synopsis: Bella Denton (Ruby Rose) ist eine mittellose, aber toughe junge Frau, die sich als Kleinkriminelle und Party ...

  3. Review: The Yacht (Blu-ray)

    Dennoch entspricht „The Yacht" nicht einmal geringsten Ansprüchen, die einen Action-Heimkino-Abend rechtfertigen würden. Der Film ist ab dem 18.11.2022 auf DVD, Blu-ray und digital erhältlich. 1 von 5 Punkten. Bild: Der Low-Budget-Digital-Look ist vollkommen in Ordnung. Schärfe und Detaildarstellung erfüllen immer die Erwartungen.

  4. The Yacht

    Eine Frau erbt von ihrem entfremdeten Vater nach dessen Tod eine Yacht, die sie alsbald zu Geld machen will. Am Morgen, an dem die letzten Formalien erledigt werden soll, wird das Boot allerdings von drei Dieben gestohlen. Das aber kann die wehrhafte Frau keineswegs hinnehmen. Als Thriller angelegter Film voller Logiklücken, die durch die schwach angelegten Figuren und das weitgehende Fehlen ...

  5. Stowaway (2021)

    Stowaway: Directed by Declan Whitebloom. With Patrick Schwarzenegger, Frank Grillo, Ruby Rose, Luis Da Silva Jr.. A tenacious party girl fights to survive after three thieves commandeer her luxury yacht. Unable to escape and trapped on the yacht at high seas, she turns the tables on the intruders and takes matters into her own hands.

  6. THE YACHT Trailer German Deutsch (2022)

    Offizieller "The Yacht " Trailer Deutsch German 2022 | Abonnieren https://abo.yt/kch | (OT: Stowaway) Movie Trailer | DVD/Blu-Ray: 18 Nov 2022, Digital: 18...

  7. Rolling out the red carpet: Superyacht charters attending the 2024

    Hollywood descends to the Cote d'Azur as superyacht charters line Vieux Port to welcome the 2024 Cannes Film Festival. As one of the biggest social events of the year, visiting Cannes yacht charters can find A-listers in abundance as the region prepares for an 11-day run of exclusive screenings.

  8. Stowaway

    Check out the trailer for Stowaway, a thriller movie starring Frank Grillo, Ruby Rose, and Patrick Schwarzenegger.A tenacious party girl fights to survive af...

  9. Boat Protection Films & Yacht Ceramic Coating

    The film's transparency makes them virtually invisible, not to disturb a yacht's original finish while preserving it in a high-gloss shine. When applied by a trained, skilled professional, XPEL boat paint protection films adhere seamlessly to a yacht's surface, acting as a sacrificial layer that absorbs the abuse without affecting the ...

  10. Top yachts in TV and Film that you could charter today

    The Christopher Nolan film stars the phenomenal 73m (240ft) explorer yacht PLANET NINE who was on the market for $101 million and is available to charter today. Setting a new benchmark in her category, PLANET NINE is the ultimate expression of yachting capability, allowing guests to traverse to the remotest corners of the globe in pure luxury.

  11. Yachts in TV and film: Glass Onion, Tenet and Argylle

    Triangle of Sadness Yacht: Christina O Dark comedy Triangle of Sadness follows a fashion model celebrity couple who are invited on board a superyacht cruise for the ultra-rich, but the vessel ends up sinking, leaving its guests and crew stranded on an island.The 99.15 metre classic superyacht Christina O is the star of the film, which suitably premiered at the 2022 Cannes Film Festival.

  12. Yacht Armor

    The first Marine Protection Film has finally arrived. Able to withstand the harshest of elements, Yacht Armor™ provides a trusted solution for the most common issues you encounter on the water when it comes to maintaining your vessel. Protect your investment with cutting-edge technology specifically formulated for marine applications.

  13. Here's How the Yacht in the

    The film Overboard is about the haves and the have-nots—or, in this case, the haves and the have-yachts. The original 1987 film, which stars Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell, and the 2018 remake of ...

  14. Best Boating Movies: 39 Top Sailing & Yachting Films To Watch

    14 - One Crazy Summer! (1986) One Crazy Summer is a rom-com film written and directed by Savage Steve Holland, starring John Cusack and Demi Moore. It's about a bunch of kids who have graduated from high school, ready to take on the world. An epic battle takes the form of a sailboat race to Nantucket Island.

  15. Stowaway (2022)

    Stowaway is a film directed by Declan Whitebloom with Frank Grillo, Ruby Rose, Patrick Schwarzenegger, Luis Da Silva Jr. .... Year: 2022. Original title: Stowaway. Synopsis: A tenacious party girl fights to survive after three thieves commandeer her luxury yacht (PANIC ROOM on a yacht).You can watch Stowaway through flatrate on the platforms: AMC+ Amazon Channel,AMC+ Roku Premium Channel

  16. Yacht from TENET movie is revealed as $101m superyacht 'Planet Nine'

    By Katia Damborsky 28 August 2020. What's the yacht from the movie 'Tenet'? The name of the superyacht with the starring role in Tenet is 'Planet Nine', a 73m/240' explorer yacht which is on the market for $101 million and available for private yacht charter from $650,000 p/week (+ expenses). Christopher Nolan's 2020 action/thriller TENET has ...

  17. THE YACHT Bande Annonce VF (2022) Frank Grillo, Stowaway

    THE YACHT Bande Annonce VF (2022) Frank Grillo, Stowaway© 2022 - AB Video

  18. Watch The Yacht Online

    Watch The Yacht. R. 2022. 1 hr 24 min. 3.3 (1,296) A tenacious party girl fights to survive after three thieves commandeer her luxury yacht. The Yacht is a 2022 thriller with a runtime of 1 hour and 24 minutes. It has received mostly poor reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 3.3. Where to Watch Details.

  19. The Yacht

    The Yacht est un film de Declan Whitebloom. Synopsis : Une intarissable fêtarde se bat pour survivre après la réquisition de son yacht de luxe par trois ... Nous rencontrons des problèmes techniques sur la partie musique du site. Nous faisons de notre possible pour corriger le souci au plus vite.

  20. Kevin Costner on Financing Third Horizon Film: Knocked on Every Yacht

    Kevin Costner got candid about partly self-financing his new movie, "Horizon: An American Saga," at a Cannes Film Festival press conference on Monday.. Costner put much of his own fortune into ...

  21. 15 Best Sailing Movies You Can't Miss

    1. 180° SOUTH (2010) "180° South" is a 2010 adventure documentary film directed by Chris Malloy. The film follows the journey of Jeff Johnson as he retraces the steps of his heroes Yvon Chouinard and Doug Tompkins to Patagonia, Chile. Along the way, Johnson encounters a variety of challenges, including navigating rugged terrain and ...

  22. Yacht Film

    Beyond still photography, I collaborate with leading videographers. to create yacht films that inspire, inform or entertain. The way that customers and brands communicate has changed, so we put film at the centre of your strategy. We can market your yacht, marine product or service, bringing your vision to life. Yacht film production since 1999.

  23. Yachtwrapping

    Yachtfilm was born and we started using the skills and experience that we collected after working on 1,000s of cars and 10,000s of m2 of film. We got in touch with film suppliers to source the best materials and the finest raw materials to match the luxurious and original quality feel of yacht materials.

  24. Yacht Armor

    The first Marine Protection Film has finally arrived. Able to withstand the harshest of elements, Yacht Armor™ provides a trusted solution for the most common issues you encounter on the water when it comes to maintaining your vessel. Protect your investment with cutting-edge technology specifically formulated for marine applications.