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Die Segelyacht A: Ein Wunderwerk der Technik und des Luxus

  • Die Segelyacht A: Ein Wunderwerk der Technik und des Luxus

Sind Sie bereit, die Segel zu setzen und eine Reise wie keine andere zu unternehmen? Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie wären an Bord der Sailing Yacht A, der größten und beeindruckendsten Yacht der Welt. Dieses prächtige Schiff vereint modernste Technologie, bemerkenswertes Design und ultimativen Luxus. In diesem Artikel werden wir die Großartigkeit und Opulenz der Segelyacht A erkunden, von ihrer beeindruckenden Größe bis hin zu ihren fesselnden Eigenschaften. Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam auf eine außergewöhnliche Reise gehen!

1. Einführung

Die Segelyacht A ist ein Schiff, das die Grenzen der Technik, des Designs und des Luxus sprengt. Sie besticht durch ihre schiere Größe, ihre innovativen Funktionen und ihre luxuriösen Annehmlichkeiten. Lassen Sie uns in die faszinierende Geschichte dieser bemerkenswerten Yacht eintauchen.

2. Die Geburt der Segelyacht A

Die Segelyacht A wurde von dem russischen Milliardär Andrey Melnichenko in Auftrag gegeben und von der renommierten deutschen Werft Nobiskrug gebaut. Der Bau begann im Jahr 2012 und wurde 2017 abgeschlossen. Ziel dieses ehrgeizigen Projekts war es, eine Yacht zu schaffen, die die Standards für Luxus neu definiert und die Meere mit unvergleichlicher Eleganz befährt.

3. Ingenieurswunder: Enthüllung der Spezifikationen

Die Segelyacht A ist ein technisches Wunderwerk mit einer Länge von 143 Metern (468 Fuß). Ihre drei Masten, die eine Höhe von 100 Metern (328 Fuß) erreichen, tragen eine beeindruckende Segelfläche von 3.900 Quadratmetern (42.000 Quadratfuß). Mit einer Höchstgeschwindigkeit von 21 Knoten (39 Stundenkilometern) verbindet diese Yacht Kraft und Eleganz in perfekter Harmonie.

4. Herausragendes Design: Die Vision von Philippe Starck

Der Visionär hinter dem Design der Sailing Yacht A ist Philippe Starck, ein weltbekannter französischer Designer. Sein Konzept zielte darauf ab, ein schnittiges und futuristisches Schiff zu schaffen, das sich über die traditionellen Normen des Yachtdesigns hinwegsetzt. Das Ergebnis ist ein atemberaubendes Meisterwerk, das Ehrfurcht und Staunen hervorruft.

5. Unübertroffener Luxus und Komfort

Wenn Sie an Bord der Segelyacht A gehen, betreten Sie eine Welt der Opulenz und des Komforts. Die Innenausstattung ist ein Zeugnis feinster Handwerkskunst und exquisiter Liebe zum Detail. Von den großzügigen Kabinen bis hin zu den eleganten Lounges strahlt jeder Raum Luxus und Raffinesse aus.

6. Entdecken Sie die Annehmlichkeiten an Bord

Die Segelyacht A bietet eine Vielzahl von Annehmlichkeiten, um ihren Gästen ein unvergessliches Erlebnis zu bieten. Gönnen Sie sich die Ruhe im Spa an Bord, nehmen Sie ein Bad im Swimmingpool oder genießen Sie ein Gourmet-Menü in einem der eleganten Essbereiche. Die Yacht verfügt außerdem über einen Hubschrauberlandeplatz, einen Beach Club und sogar über eine Unterwasser-Beobachtungskapsel für alle, die das Abenteuer suchen.

7. Segelyacht A: Eine nachhaltige Ikone

Die Segelyacht A zeichnet sich nicht nur durch ihre Größe aus, sondern auch durch den Einsatz nachhaltiger Technologien, um die Umweltbelastung zu minimieren. Sie verfügt über ein Hybrid-Antriebssystem und fortschrittliche Abfallmanagementsysteme. Das Design der Yacht maximiert zudem die Energieeffizienz und macht sie zu einem Symbol für nachhaltigen Luxus.

Lesen Sie unsere hochkarätigen Artikel zu Themen wie Segeln, Segeltipps und Reiseziele in unserem Magazin .

Segelyacht A

Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Nobiskrug

8. Der rätselhafte Eigner der Segelyacht A

Die Segelyacht A ist im Besitz von Andrey Melnichenko, einem russischen Milliardär mit einer Leidenschaft für den Segelsport. Bekannt für seine Vorliebe für Extravaganz, scheute Melnichenko keine Kosten, um dieses schwimmende Meisterwerk zu schaffen. Der Besitz der Sailing Yacht A hat seinen Status als prominente Persönlichkeit in der Welt der Luxusyachten gefestigt.

9. Segelyacht A: Der Preis der Extravaganz

Der Bau der Segelyacht A war mit einem horrenden Preis verbunden. Schätzungen zufolge beliefen sich die Gesamtkosten auf über 450 Millionen Dollar, was sie zu einer der teuersten Yachten macht, die je gebaut wurden. Diese immense Investition spiegelt das unermüdliche Streben nach Perfektion und den Wunsch wider, etwas wirklich Außergewöhnliches zu schaffen.

10. Die Beschlagnahmungsvorfälle

Überraschend wurde die Segelyacht A Anfang 2020 aufgrund eines Zahlungsstreits zwischen dem Eigner und einer Werft vorübergehend beschlagnahmt. Dieser Vorfall erregte die Aufmerksamkeit der Medien und brachte die Yacht erneut ins Rampenlicht. Die Angelegenheit wurde später beigelegt, und die Yacht setzte ihre Reise in vollem Glanz fort, bis sie ein zweites Mal von den italienischen Behörden beschlagnahmt wurde, weil gegen ihren Eigner Melnichenko wegen seiner Verbindungen zur russischen Regierung EU-Sanktionen verhängt wurden.

11. Das größte Segelboot der Welt

Die Segelyacht A ist stolz darauf, das größte Segelboot der Welt zu sein. Ihre imposante Erscheinung und unübertroffene Größe haben Segelsportbegeisterte auf der ganzen Welt in ihren Bann gezogen. Dieses monumentale Schiff ist ein Beweis für den menschlichen Erfindungsreichtum, der die Grenzen des Möglichen bei der Konstruktion von Yachten sprengt.

12. Segelyacht A im Vergleich zu anderen Mega-Yachten

Wenn man die Segelyacht A mit anderen Megayachten vergleicht, wird ihre Größe noch deutlicher. Ihre Größe übertrifft viele ihrer Gegenstücke und macht sie zu einer wahren Ikone der Meere. Ihr einzigartiges Design und ihre hochmoderne Technologie heben sie von anderen Yachten ab und machen sie zur Spitze des Luxussegelns.

13. Ein Blick in die Zukunft des Segelsports

Die Sailing Yacht A ist ein Blick in die Zukunft des Segelns. Ihr innovatives Design und ihre nachhaltigen Eigenschaften ebnen den Weg für eine neue Ära des Luxussegelns. Mit dem weiteren Fortschreiten der Technologie können wir erwarten, dass noch mehr bahnbrechende Yachten die Weltmeere bevölkern werden.

Abschließend lässt sich sagen, dass die Segelyacht A ein Zeugnis menschlichen Ehrgeizes und menschlicher Kreativität darstellt. Ihre bemerkenswerte Größe, ihr atemberaubendes Design und ihre luxuriöse Ausstattung machen sie zu einem unvergleichlichen Meisterwerk in der Welt des Yachtsports. Egal, ob Sie ein Enthusiast sind oder einfach nur von technischen Wunderwerken fasziniert sind, die Segelyacht A ist ein wahrer Augenschmaus.

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Andrej Melnichenko Sailing Yacht A

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SAILING YACHT A – World’s Biggest Sailing Yacht – $600 Million

SAILING YACHT A measures 143 meters making her the world’s biggest sailing yacht.

SAILING YACHT A is far more than a luxury vessel. She is a masterpiece of design and innovation combining sleek metal surfaces with futuristic naval architecture that took over two years to complete.

Launched in 2017, both the interior and exterior of this mega sailing yacht were designed by Phillippe Starck, who calls SAILING YACHT A one of his most high-profile projects.

The superyacht has taken on voyages all around the world and was most recently spotted sailing off the coasts of Gibraltar and Cyprus.

Sailing Yacht A Blohm VOSS SV


Both the interior and exterior of SAILING YACHT A were designed by Philippe Starck , a French architect known for his wide range of design projects.

He famously worked on the impressive MOTOR YACHT A, and the two iconic vessels share a lot of similarities in their layout and specifications.

Both yachts look incredibly futuristic and are sure to attract attention wherever they go.

While no exact details are known about the interior of SAILING YACHT A, it is rumored that she has an underwater observation pod with 30 cm (1 ft) thick glass located in the keel of the vessel.

This is one of the few parts where design mockups are publicly available, and the style of the interior can be examined.

The observation pod appears to have cream upholstery that stretches across the floor and ceiling of the cabin.

Two large symmetrical glass windows allow guests to view the breathtaking underwater world without even having to leave the yacht.

A third window is located at the bottom of the pod, which lets it feel like a true 360-degree experience and is almost comparable to a submarine.

A small floating side table provides guests with a space to place drinks or snacks in the pod and enjoy a one-of-a-kind dining experience in this unusual location.

Since the pod is located at the keel of the yacht, the large propellers are most likely visible from the windows suggesting it is most commonly used at anchor.

The superyacht has ten cabins that can accommodate 20 guests as well as a further 54 crew member.

Paparazzi photos and the work of yacht spotters provide a rare glimpse into the interior of SAILING YACHT A.

No official footage of cabins or salons has been released, although Starck’s past work suggests that the yacht would be furnished with opulent elements that perfectly combine luxury with style.

Silver and metal decorations play a large role and tie the interior design of the yacht together. 

However, SAILING YACHT A was launched much later than her motorized companion suggesting her interior might be more modern with minimalistic elements rather than lavish furnishings.

Occasional photographs shot through open doors, and portholes show expensive art pieces decorating the interior of the yacht and rather absurd design choices like a set of chairs shaped like large human heads.

The yacht appears to feature a large, open salon with an elevated seating area and symmetrical arches on either side.

While details aren’t known to the public, it is rumored that SAILING YACHT A features a luxurious spa area, a sizable gym as well as an owner’s suite with several rooms that is only accessible via fingerprint.

The massive private area is said to feature a 60-inch television that disappears into the floor as well as a rotating bed. 

Considering she is the largest sailing yacht in the world, it is surprising that SAILING YACHT A can only host 20 guests.

This suggests that there are spacious entertainment areas located on board, including several saloons and ample below-deck space for crew members.

Due to her large size and a small number of cabins, it is assumed that SAILING YACHT A can welcome a large number of day guests onboard for special events and celebrations.

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Biggest sailing yacht controversy

It has been the topic of debate that SAILING YACHT A is not the largest yacht in the world but instead the ‘largest sail-assisted motor yacht.

Depending on the definition used, that would make BLACK PEARL the biggest sailing yacht in the world.

Sailing Yacht A Blohm VOSS SV2

The most expensive sailing yacht

SAILING YACHT A is the most expensive sailing yacht in the world and cost an estimated price of US $600 million – a relatively “affordable” price considering her large size and tonnage.

A calculated US $48,000 per ton is considered low in the yachting industry, where European yachts are usually priced at US $60,000 per ton and over.

This average price would bring the value of SAILING YACHT A up to nearly US $800 million. However, due to the fact that the official sales price has not been released to the public, these numbers are mere estimates and cannot be validated officially.

Since the yacht is a custom project and one of a kind, it can be assumed that the total value of SAILING YACHT A lies far higher than her initial price.

In addition to any cost for the crew, supplies, and docking fees, she has annual running costs of US $50-75 million.

SAILING YACHT A is currently not available for sale or charter.

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SAILING YACHT A is incredibly large for a sailing yacht, and even compared to the longest motor yachts in the world, she would rank in the top ten.

Paired with her unusual futuristic design, this mega sailing yacht has a length of 143 meters (469 ft), a beam of 25 meters (82 ft), and a draft of 8 meters (26 ft) making her a more than an impressive vessel.

SAILING YACHT A was built by Nobiskrug , a German superyacht builder at their Kiel shipyard, and launched in 2017 after more than two years of construction.

To date, SAILING YACHT A is the largest yacht ever built by Nobiskrug and remains their flagship.

It is considered the most complicated project to ever be completed in the sailing industry and gained international media attention on its launch date. It has a total volume of 12.558 tons and is powered by hybrid diesel-electric engines. 

SAILING YACHT A is considered the longest sailing yacht in the world and is more than 36 meters (118 ft) longer than BLACK PEARL, which ranks in second place on the list.

Coincidentally her project name was WHITE PEARL which is a reference to her brilliant white exterior, although it couldn’t have referred to BLACK PEARL since she was only launched in 2018, a year after Melnichenko’s masterpiece.  

Her three-carbon masts stand at an impressive 100 meters (328 ft), making them some of the largest in the world and taller than Big Ben in London.

However, her large size is sometimes also limiting as she struggles to fit underneath most bridges and is therefore constrained to certain routes.

She once passed under the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco with only 20 feet to spare between her masts and the bottom of the famous bridge.

She is rumored to have an electric gimbal crow’s nest, which allows for remote operation and advanced wind measurements. Her sails are all white, and her masts have nearly sickle-like shapes, which add to her striking futuristic appearance.

It is noteworthy that she is commonly photographed with her sails down, which suggests she might be using her support engines more frequently than true wind power.

With a sail area of more than 3.700m^2 (40.000 square ft), she can reach top speeds of up to 21 knots which is supported by her twin 4895 Horsepower MTU engines .

Her average cruise speed lies at 16 knots, and her total range is estimated to lie at 5320 nautical miles. She features a state-of-the-art sail system that is able to raise and lower the sails and anchors at the touch of a button. 

SAILING YACHT A has a steel hull and composite steel superstructure, which is unusual in the superyacht industry as most shipyards choose aluminum to reduce weight and keep the vessel light.

She currently sails under the flag of Bermuda, which is common for prominent sailing yachts.

sailing yacht a tender 2

During construction, SAILING YACHT A was called project WHITE PEARL, a fitting name for this sizable vessel.

Like her interior, the exterior of SAILING YACHT A was designed by Philippe Starck, although the Dutch studio Dykstra Naval Architects played a role in the naval architecture of the vessel.

They specialize in sailing yachts of all sizes and have been involved in many prominent projects in the industry over the years.

She features eight teak decks with a large swimming pool located in the center and several elevators spread across the yacht.

She is even said to carry a submarine. The main pool is lowered into the deck allowing for additional privacy for the owners.

Her hull has 24 shell doors, which are used to access equipment and provide additional deck space if needed. She is accompanied by four tenders also designed by Philippe Starck and built by Lloyd Stevenson in New Zealand.

Their sleek and elegant design matches that of the main vessel, and they are used for transporting guests and taking them on excursions.

One of the tenders of SAILING YACHT A is a carbon fiber speedboat especially reserved for the owner who can operate the vessel autonomously whenever required without the aid of crew members.

This allows Melnichenko, who is a fan of driving high-speed cars to be independent when staying aboard his luxury yacht. The tender is small but powerful, reaching speeds of up to 53 knots.

The larger tenders can seat up to eight passengers and feature panoramic windows ideal for sightseeing and exploring but are much slower at only 30 knots. 

The aft features a large garage used for storing jet skis, tenders, and other equipment.

High-profile artists such as Snoop Dogg are rumored to have performed here, although detailed evidence of such concerts remains unknown.

Whenever the aft isn’t used for performances or parties, it can be transformed into a swimming platform designed in the yacht’s iconic futuristic style. 

However, despite her cutting-edge design features, SAILING YACHT A surprisingly also includes classic nautical elements. She has a wooden steering wheel that is reminiscent of a pirate ship, although it is not operational.

The captain of the vessel can instead use modern technologies to operate the massive yacht via a small joystick and touchscreen.

There are symmetric extendable balconies that protrude from the bridge of the yacht and allow the crew to have a better view to be able to gauge the dimensions of the immense vessel.

Of course, SAILING YACHT A has a modern underwater lighting system that illuminates the vessel perfectly at night.

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Entdecken Sie die Segelyacht A, eine der größten Segelyachten der Welt

Nach der Motoryacht A wird der Geschäftsmann und Milliardär Andrej Melnichenko seine Segelyacht A in Besitz nehmen. Mit einer Länge von 142,81 m ist sie eine der größten Segelyachten der Welt und verfügt über viele Innovationen.

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Die größte private Segelyacht der Welt

Nach einem Monat Seetest verließ die Segelyacht A Deutschland, um noch einige Monate Seetest zu machen, bevor sie im nächsten Frühjahr an ihren reichen Besitzer, den russischen Milliardär Andrej Melnichenko, ausgeliefert wurde. Letzteres hätte ein geschätztes Vermögen von 13,4 Milliarden Dollar (12 Milliarden Euro). Wie sein motorisiertes Gegenstück - die Motoryacht A - hat dieses Segelboot den Namen des Anfangsbuchstaben des Alphabets. Und der Grund wäre, zuerst im Schiffsregister aufzutreten.

Mit einer Länge von 142,81 m (469 Fuß) wäre sie die größte private Segelyacht der Welt und hätte 360 Millionen Pfund (417 Millionen Euro) gekostet. Sein hochmodernes Design bricht mit den Codes, die in der Welt der Superyachten, insbesondere des Segelns, gelten. Dieses "Segelboot" zeichnet sich durch seinen sehr großen und hohen Rumpf aus, was ihm einen Motoryachtcharakter verleiht. Ohne seine drei Carbonmasten wäre es schwierig, ihn als Segelboot zu identifizieren.

Deutlich zu erkennen ist der Touch des französischen Designers Philippe Stark, der die Superyacht bereits mit einem A-Motor entworfen hatte, der auch für den russischen Milliardär entworfen wurde.

segelyacht a besitzer

Mit einem Innenvolumen von 12.600 Bruttotonnen und einer Fläche von 8 Decks zeichnet sich das A vor allem durch seinen Unterwasserbeobachtungsraum, seinen hybriden diesel-elektrischen Antrieb und seine hochmodernen Navigationssysteme aus. Wir können auch das bombensichere Glas oder die 40 Sicherheitskameras bemerken.

Der Bau wurde unter größter Geheimhaltung durchgeführt, obwohl wir wissen, dass das niederländische Studio Dykstra Naval Architects das Rigging und den Kiel entworfen hat oder dass Magma Structures im Vereinigten Königreich die Carbonmasten entworfen hat, die 100 m über der Wasserlinie liegen, eine Höhe, die höher ist als die von Big Ben in London.

Zwei 4.827 PS starke MTU-Dieselmotoren werden ihm eine Höchstgeschwindigkeit von 21 Knoten verleihen. Seine Reisegeschwindigkeit wird 16 Knoten betragen und sollte es ermöglichen, 5.320 Seemeilen zurückzulegen.

segelyacht a besitzer

Nach dem Motor wird das Segel

Der russische Geschäftsmann und Milliardär Andrej Melnichenko ließ die 119 Meter lange Superyacht A, eine 2004 gebaute Motoryacht im Wert von 240 Millionen Pfund (278 Millionen Euro), entworfen von Philippe Starck und Martin Francis, bauen und liefern von Blohm & Voss Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft (HDW) in Deutschland 2008.

Im Jahr 2011 wiederholte er die Operation, diesmal jedoch mit seinem Gegenstück unter Segel , der Segelyacht A. Für den Entwurf dieser 142,81 m (469 Fuß) großen Yacht, einer der größten der Welt, hatte er in Zusammenarbeit mit Doelker & Voges erneut Philippe Starck beauftragt. Diesmal übernahm die deutsche Werft Nobiskrug den Bau. Und nach einer Markteinführung im Jahr 2015 wurde es gerade an seinen Besitzer ausgeliefert.

Segelyacht A, die größte private Segelyacht der Welt

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80 m / 262 ft

Sailing Yacht A

143 m / 468 ft

Odessa II

73 m / 239 ft


73.5 m / 241 ft


68 m / 223 ft

Jamaica Bay

60 m / 196 ft


67 m / 219 ft


92.5 m / 303 ft

Nobiskrug - SAILING YACHT A - The largest sailing yacht ever built

LOA: 142.81 m

Beam: 24.88 m

Draft: 8.00 m

Interior: Philippe Starck

Exterior: Philippe Starck

Hull: Steel

Superstructure: Steel / GRP

Max. speed: 21 knots

Cruising speed: 16 knots

Gross tonnage: 12.558

Project number

“Born from the desire of the owner to push the boundaries of engineering and challenge the status quo of the industry, ‘SAILING YACHT A’ is undoubtedly one of the most visionary projects NOBISKRUG has ever been involved in.”

SAILING YACHT A is the ultimate embodiment of German superyachts built for the 22 nd century.

She is unique.

She is the largest of her kind. She is a masterpiece in every detail. Her name: SAILING YACHT A. She will draw eyes the world over, as no other superyacht has ever done before.

segelyacht a besitzer

She is sophisticated.

Measuring almost 143 m and a gross tonnage of about 12.600, she became one of the most impressive PYC superyachts in the world in terms of design and technology.

Nobiskrug - SAILING YACHT A - The largest sailing yacht ever built

She is innovative.

She is one of the world’s largest and the most advanced superyachts with unique features such as an underwater observation pod, hybrid diesel-electric propulsion system and state-of- the-art navigation systems. The luxury sailing yacht's three masts are the tallest and most highly loaded freestanding composite structures in the world. The mainmast towers 100 m above the waterline.

segelyacht a besitzer

The smooth, lustrous, silver-metallic surfaces…

…and nearly invisible windows give this yacht a futuristic look. World-renowned Philippe Starck created this unconventional design, which challenges the expectations of conventional aesthetics. NOBISKRUG high-tech building technology made this fascinating design possible.

Steel hull and steel superstructure with high-tech composite fashion plates that can be formed into any shape or size, a technology NOBISKRUG has developed during the past 15 years in co-operation with classification societies and special subcontractors.

segelyacht a besitzer

Thanks to her striking looks and innovative technology SAILING YACHT A definitely changes the upcoming landscape of the NOBISKRUG fleet as well as the future of supersail.

Nobiskrug - Sailing Yacht A - World Superyacht Awards

Strictly confidential!

This is all we can tell you!

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„Sailing Yacht A“: Streit um weltgrößte Segeljacht beigelegt

Streit um weltgrößte segeljacht beigelegt.

segelyacht a besitzer

Der Millionen-Streit um die Bezahlung der größten Segeljacht der Welt ist beigelegt.

Gibraltar/Kiel. Der Millionen-Streit um die Bezahlung der größten Segeljacht der Welt ist beigelegt. Vor einem Gericht in Gibraltar einigten sich nach mehreren Anhörungen die Anwälte des Auftraggebers der Jacht, des russischen Milliardärs Andrej Melnitschenko, und die Anwälte der schleswig-holsteinischen Werft Nobiskrug am Dienstag. Das bestätigten die beiden Parteien der Deutschen Presse-Agentur. Zuvor hatte NDR 1 Welle Nord aus Gibraltar darüber berichtet. Es ging demnach um Restforderungen der Werft Nobiskrug als Projektträger in Höhe von 15,3 Millionen Euro.

Die Privatjacht der Superlative ist in Kiel gebaut worden und hat die Fördestadt vor gut zwei Wochen verlassen. Die „Sailing Yacht A“ soll nach Spekulationen um die 400 Millionen Euro gekostet haben. Seit einer Woche lag der keilförmige Dreimaster mit dem futuristischen Aussehen in Gibraltar an der Kette - erwirkt von Nobiskrug als Druckmittel bis zur juristischen Klärung.

„Der bedauernswerte Vorgang um „Sailing Yacht A“ ist jetzt gelöst“, teilte Melnitschenkos Sprecher in London, Alex Andreev, mit. „Die Jacht wird nun dem Projektteam des Besitzers übergeben und Gibraltar in Kürze verlassen.“ Ein Sprecher der deutschen Werft erklärte: „Nobiskrug zeigt sich mit dem Richterspruch hoch zufrieden. Das Gericht hat unserer Argumentation und Sicherungsinteresse in vollem Umfang Rechnung getragen.“

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The owner of a $3.4 million Lamborghini yacht threatened a private dock employee after being told he couldn't be there, the San Diego-based broadcaster CBS8 reported on March 11.

Joseph Holt, a 21-year-old employee at Marriot Marina in San Diego, told CBS8 that he spotted the yacht sailing into the private dock. The owner, whom CBS8 identified as Ajay Thakore, tried to pick another person up at the dock, Holt said.

"I told him respectfully that he couldn't be there, and I honestly was hoping to have a conversation with him about his cool boat," Holt told CBS8.

In a YouTube video posted by @SM-wc9eq on March 10, a dark blue Tecnomar for Lamborghini 63 is seen sailing out of a dock. A man in a gray T-shirt, a pair of jeans, and a cap was shown standing on the yacht. The man appeared to be Thakore, per CBS8.

Thakore was shown shouting at Holt. "I will kill you, you know I will kill you!" he can be heard saying multiple times in the video

Thakore was later shown pounding his fist on his palm and pointing his thumb down before telling Holt: "To your face!" Holt was shown responding by pointing his middle finger at Thakore.

"I really was trying to restrain myself from getting fired from my job or stepping out of line. The only thing I did was give him the bird," Holt told CBS8.

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Holt said Thakore then took $100 bills from his wallet and threw them at him. He added that Thakore mooned him. This exchange was not shown in the video.

"He was saying I'm nobody, I'm nothing, I work a silly job. He said that he knows people, he has connections, he can change my life and ruin it," Holt said. Holt did not immediately respond to Business Insider's request for comment.

The San Diego Harbor Police arrived at the marina 10 minutes after Thakore's yacht exited the dock, per CBS8.

The Harbor Police told Business Insider that Holt decided to press charges against Thakore and that they are investigating the incident.

According to Thakore's LinkedIn page , he's the CEO of Doctor Multimedia. The company's website shows that it's a healthcare marketing firm based in San Diego. Thakore appears to go by the name Ace Rogers on Instagram and TikTok, where he's noted as being a professional gambler.

Thakore, through his public relations team, told CBS8 in a statement that his altercation with Holt was "regrettable."

"What started as a minor misunderstanding escalated into an argument, and I apologize for my actions and to those who witnessed the unfortunate exchange," the statement said. Thakore did not immediately respond to a request for comment from BI.

Thakore isn't the only CEO who's been called out for threatening another person. In November 2021, an Activision spokesperson told BI that its ex-CEO Bobby Kotick had previously apologized for telling his assistant he would have her killed. The spokesperson added that Kotick's threat was "obviously hyperbolic and inappropriate" and that "he deeply regrets the exaggeration and tone."

In June 2020, Lisa Alexander, the CEO of LaFace Skincare, a cosmetics company, apologized in a statement to the media after she had threatened to call the police on her neighbor for writing "Black Lives Matter" on his property. Alexander said in the apology that she was "disrespectful" and "should have minded my own business."

March 21, 2024: This story has been updated with Harbor Police's comments.

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GRATEFUL is a 34.36 m Motor Yacht, built in Italy by Benetti and delivered in 2023. She is one of 18 Oasis 34M models.

Her top speed is 16.0 kn and her cruising speed is 14.5 kn and her power comes from two MTU diesel engines. She can accommodate up to 10 guests in 5 staterooms, with 7 crew members waiting on their every need. She has a gross tonnage of 275.0 GT and a 7.9 m beam.

She was designed by RWD , who has designed 45 other superyachts in the BOAT Pro database.

The naval architecture was developed by Pierluigi Ausonio PLANA (102 other superyachts architected) and Benetti (377 other superyachts architected), and the interior of the yacht was designed by Bonetti / Kozerski architecture , who has 21 other superyacht interiors designed in the BOAT Pro database - she is built with a Teak deck, a Composite hull, and Composite superstructure.

GRATEFUL is in the top 30% by LOA in the world. She is one of 2076 motor yachts in the 30-35m size range, and, compared to similarly sized motor yachts, her volume is 88.91 GT above the average.

GRATEFUL is currently sailing under the British Virgin Islands flag, the 7th most popular flag state for superyachts with a total of 229 yachts registered. She is currently located at the superyacht marina Yacht Haven Grande Miami at Island Gardens, in United States of America, where she has been located for 1 day. For more information regarding GRATEFUL's movements, find out more about BOAT Pro AIS .


  • Name: GRATEFUL
  • Yacht Type: Motor Yacht
  • Yacht Subtype: Displacement
  • Model: Oasis 34M
  • Builder: Benetti
  • Naval Architect: Pierluigi Ausonio PLANA , Benetti
  • Exterior Designer: RWD
  • Interior Designer: Bonetti / Kozerski architecture

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Al Duhail Charter Yacht


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AL DUHAIL yacht NOT for charter*

33m  /  108'3 | sovereign yachts | 2008.

Owner & Guests

Cabin Configuration

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Special Features:

  • 1,700nm range
  • Cruising speed of 21 knots
  • Sleeps 10 overnight
  • Able to access shallow bays and coves

The 33m/108'3" Sport Fisher yacht 'Al Duhail' was built by Sovereign Yachts in New Zealand at their Auckland shipyard. This luxury vessel's exterior design is the work of Warwick Yacht Design.

Guest Accommodation

Al Duhail has been designed to comfortably accommodate up to 10 guests in 5 suites. She is also capable of carrying up to 4 crew onboard to ensure a relaxed luxury yacht experience.

Range & Performance

Built with a GRP hull and GRP superstructure, with teak decks, she has impressive speed and great efficiency thanks to her planing hull. Powered by twin diesel MTU (16V 2000 M91) 1,998hp engines, she comfortably cruises at 21 knots, reaches a maximum speed of 28 knots with a range of up to 1,700 nautical miles from her 17,147 litre fuel tanks at 12 knots. Her low draft of 1.5m/4'11" makes her primed for accessing shallow areas and cruising close to the shorelines. Her water tanks store around 2,687 Litres of fresh water.

*Charter Al Duhail Motor Yacht

Motor yacht Al Duhail is currently not believed to be available for private Charter. To view similar yachts for charter , or contact your Yacht Charter Broker for information about renting a luxury charter yacht.

Al Duhail Yacht Owner, Captain or marketing company

'Yacht Charter Fleet' is a free information service, if your yacht is available for charter please contact us with details and photos and we will update our records.

Al Duhail Photos

Al Duhail Yacht

NOTE to U.S. Customs & Border Protection


M/Y Al Duhail

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  21. GRATEFUL yacht (Benetti, 34.36m, 2023)

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  23. AL DUHAIL Yacht

    1,700nm range. Cruising speed of 21 knots. Sleeps 10 overnight. Able to access shallow bays and coves. The 33m/108'3" Sport Fisher yacht 'Al Duhail' was built by Sovereign Yachts in New Zealand at their Auckland shipyard. This luxury vessel's exterior design is the work of Warwick Yacht Design.

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