Akademia żeglarstwa – szkolenia Navigare
- Rejsy morskie i wyprawy w Arktykę
- Szkółka dla dzieci – półkolonie żeglarskie i windsurfingowe
Dążymy do tego, aby szkolenia żeglarskie dla Was prowadzić tak, jak sami chcielibyśmy aby były prowadzone dla nas.
Dlatego postawiliśmy na ścieżkę systematycznego żeglarskiego rozwoju .
Nie uczymy „pod testy”, uczymy jak być dobrym żeglarzem.
Rejsy morskie i Wyprawy w Arktykę
Rejsy morskie to budowanie odpowiedzialności i poznawanie samego siebie.
Rejsy morskie , które prowadzimy, mają charakter stażowo-szkoleniowy, a wyprawy w Arktykę hartują charakter i zmuszają do podjęcie refleksji przez każdego z nas nad miejscem człowieka na Ziemi.
Szkółka dla dzieci – półkolonie żeglarskie i windsurfingowe
Aktywny, rozwijający i przyjemny sposób spędzania wolnego czasu zapewniamy także najmłodszym. Pod okiem doświadczonych instruktorów i dydaktyków, Twoje dziecko zdobędzie pierwsze żeglarskie szlify, a zaszczepiona w nim pasja będzie owocować przez długie lata.
Daleka Północ ’2024
Ocean Arktyczny kusi swoją niedostępnością. Rejsy wokół bieguna północnego, Spitsbergenu to wyprawy, które hartują charakter, to podróże, w których potwierdzamy swoją egzystencję…
Od 2021 roku jesteśmy licencjonowaną szkołą żeglarstwa pzż.
Navigare – Akademia żeglarstwa, rejsy morskie i wyprawy arktyczne – powstała z pasji do żeglowania. Prowadzimy rejsy morskie i szkolenia żeglarskie w Krakowie tak, aby dzielić się z Wami wiedzą i doświadczeniami, zarażać Was energetyczną i zaskakująco wszechstronną pasją jaką jest żeglarstwo. Działamy w myśl zasady: „dobry instruktor to instruktor praktykujący, a dobry żeglarz to taki, który sam dla siebie jest w 80% instruktorem i umie odpowiedzieć na pytanie dlaczego?”
Prowadzimy szkolenia żeglarskie w Krakowie oraz rejsy morskie i wyprawy w Arktykę
Żegluj z nami, kursy na stopnie żeglarskie.
Żeglarz Jachtowy w Krakowie – kurs intensywny i weekendowy, Jachtowy Sternik Morski, Kapitan Śródlądowy, Obóz żeglarski – Zalew Soliński, Polańczyk. Inland Skipper Course – sailing courses in English
Kursy na stopnie instruktorskie
Nauczyciel Żeglowania PZŻ, Instruktor Żeglarstwa PZŻ
Daleka Północ '2024
Rejs na Spitsbergen, West Svalbard Safari, Wyprawa ku Dalekiej Północy, Dookoła Archipelagu Svalbard , Całodobowe lub tygodniowe safari z wielorybami, zorzą polarną i trekkingiem po wyspach Północnej Norwegii.
- Szkółka dla dzieci
Letnie półkolonie żeglarskie dla dzieci, Letnie półkolonie windsurfingowe, Jesienna szkółka żeglarska.
Kursy Motorowodne
Sternik motorowodny, Morski Sternik Motorowodny, Licencja na holowanie narciarza wodnego lub innych obiektów pływających
Kursy uzupełniające
Warsztaty nawigacyjne cz.1, Warsztaty nawigacyjne cz.2, Kurs teoretyczny dla kapitanów/skipperów, ratownictwo jachtowe, Nauka manewrowania dużym jachtem na silniku w porcie
Co nas wyróżnia
Oferujemy szereg wyjątkowych kursów, szkoleń i rejsów, które realizują Twoją wizję i tworzą wyróżniające się doświadczenia.
Zespół profesjonalistów
Instruktorzy, którzy tworzą kadrę Navigare YC, to osoby dla których szkolenie żeglarskie nie jest tylko pracą, ale częścią życia. Nie ma tu osób z przypadku. Nie pytaj nas o patent żeglarski – przyjdź na zajęcia, zdobądź rzetelną wiedzę i rozpocznij samodzielne prowadzenie rejsów.
Hartujemy charaktery
Specjalizujemy się w organizacji rejsów w zimne rejony świata. Ocean Arktyczny kusi swoją niedostępnością. Rejsy do bieguna północnego, NW Passage, NE Passage, Grenlandii i Spitsbergenu to wyprawy w Akrtykę , które hartują charakter, podróże, w których potwierdzamy swoją egzystencję.
Żeglarstwo klasyczne
Nie prowadzimy szkoleń masowych i rejsów czysto turystycznych, nie gwarantujemy patentu każdemu, kto zapisze się na kurs. Na rejsach i szkoleniach żęglarskich uczymy żeglarstwa klasycznego – zgodnego z etykietą jachtową, z zachowaniem pokory dla żywiołów wiatru i wody.
Kształtujemy świadomość
Dobry żeglarz to nie tylko żeglarz doskonale wyszkolony technicznie, ale także żeglarz świadomy wartości kultury żeglarskiej, żeglarz pokorny, bo świadomy potęgi wzburzonego morza, w końcu żeglarz otwarty na nowych ludzi, doświadczenia, wyzwania, bo żeglarstwo to także praca nad własnymi słabościami oraz hartowanie charakteru.
Galeria zdjęć z archiwum Navigare
Kursy i szkolenia żeglarskie – Kraków
Marzycie o wietrze we włosach, szumie fal i nieustannym poznawaniu nowych horyzontów? Pragniecie opanować sztukę żeglowania tak, jak prawdziwi mistrzowie swojego fachu? Jeśli tak, to właśnie tutaj, w Navigare, wasze marzenia stają się rzeczywistością.
Szkolenia i patenty żeglarskie
Żeglarz jachtowy w kryspinowie – kurs intensywny ( 11 dni) i weekendowy (12 dni), jachtowy sternik morski – kurs intensywny (wykłady 6 dni, manewrówka 9 dni).
W Navigare zapewniamy kompleksowe szkolenia żeglarskie , które pozwalają zarówno początkującym, jak i doświadczonym żeglarzom doskonalić swoje umiejętności i poszerzyć horyzonty. Oto dlaczego warto wybrać nasze szkolenia:
- Indywidualne Podejście: Niezależnie od tego, czy dopiero rozpoczynasz swoją przygodę z żeglarstwem, czy też pragniesz doskonalić swoje umiejętności, nasze szkolenia są dostosowane do Twoich potrzeb i umiejętności. Nasi doświadczeni instruktorzy zapewniają pełne wsparcie i osobiste podejście do każdego uczestnika kursu.
- Nauka w Praktyce: Nasze szkolenia opierają się na praktycznej nauce, co pozwala Ci szybko i skutecznie opanować techniki żeglowania. Dzięki zajęciom na wodzie oraz symulacjom różnych sytuacji na morzu, zdobędziesz niezbędną wiedzę i pewność siebie w prowadzeniu jachtu.
- Doskonała Flota Jachtów: Dysponujemy nowoczesną flotą jachtów, która zapewnia nie tylko komfort i bezpieczeństwo, ale także możliwość nauki na różnorodnych typach jednostek. Dzięki temu możesz zdobywać doświadczenie na różnych rodzajach jachtów i doskonalić swoje umiejętności w różnych warunkach.
- Kursy Dopasowane do Poziomu Zaawansowania: Nasza oferta obejmuje kursy dla wszystkich poziomów zaawansowania – od podstawowych kursów dla początkujących, po zaawansowane szkolenia dla doświadczonych żeglarzy. Niezależnie od tego, jakie masz doświadczenie, u nas znajdziesz kurs odpowiedni dla siebie.
- Elastyczny Grafik i Lokalizacja: Dbamy o to, aby nasze szkolenia były dostępne dla każdego. Dlatego oferujemy elastyczne terminy kursów oraz dogodne lokalizacje. Dzięki temu możesz łatwo dopasować naukę żeglowania do swojego harmonogramu i preferencji.
Kursy Instruktorskie PZŻ
Nauczyciel żeglowania pzż – kurs intensywny ( 11 dni), instruktor żeglarstwa pzż – kurs intensywny ( 10 dni).
Profesjonalna droga do mistrzostwa w nauczaniu przyszłych żeglarzy :
- Wprowadzenie do Szkoleń Instruktorskich PZŻ: Polski Związek Żeglarski jest jednym z wiodących instytutów szkoleniowych w Polsce, oferującym kompleksowe programy szkoleniowe dla aspirujących instruktorów żeglarstwa. Nasze szkolenia instruktorskie są znane z najwyższej jakości i zaangażowania w rozwój umiejętności.
- Misja i Wartości: Nasze szkolenia instruktorskie opierają się na misji promowania bezpiecznego i odpowiedzialnego żeglowania oraz rozwijania umiejętności instruktorskich u naszych uczestników. Stawiamy na wartości takie jak profesjonalizm, pasja, zaangażowanie i szacunek dla morza.
- Program Szkoleń: Program szkoleń instruktorskich PZŻ obejmuje szeroki zakres tematyczny, który przygotowuje uczestników do efektywnego nauczania i prowadzenia zajęć żeglarskich. Od technik żeglowania i manewrowania jachtem po metody nauczania, komunikację z kursantami i zarządzanie grupą.
- Elastyczność i Dostosowanie: Nasze szkolenia są elastyczne i dostosowane do potrzeb i umiejętności każdego uczestnika. Niezależnie od tego, czy dopiero zaczynasz swoją przygodę jako instruktor, czy też chcesz doskonalić swoje umiejętności, znajdziesz u nas kurs odpowiedni dla siebie.
- Doświadczony Personel i Zasoby: Nasze szkolenia prowadzone są przez doświadczonych instruktorów, którzy posiadają nie tylko bogate doświadczenie w żeglowaniu, ale także umiejętności pedagogiczne i instruktorskie. Dodatkowo, korzystamy z nowoczesnych metod nauczania oraz zapewniamy dostęp do najlepszych zasobów i materiałów szkoleniowych.
- Certyfikacja PZŻ: Po ukończeniu szkolenia instruktorskiego PZŻ, uczestnicy otrzymują certyfikat potwierdzający ich kwalifikacje jako instruktorów żeglarstwa, co otwiera przed nimi możliwość pracy w szkołach żeglarskich oraz klubach żeglarskich na całym terenie Polski.
Szkolenia Żeglarskie dla Dzieci i Młodzieży
Letnie półkolonie żeglarskie – zalew kryspinowski, letnie półkolonie windsurfingowe – zalew kryspinowski, letni obóz żeglarski – solina '2024, optymistyczna szkółka jesienna – zalew kryspinowski.
W Navigare kładziemy duży nacisk na rozwój pasji żeglarskiej już od najmłodszych lat. Nasza szkółka żeglarska dla dzieci i młodzieży to nie tylko miejsce nauki, ale również przygody, zabawy i rozwijania umiejętności społecznych. Oto dlaczego warto wybrać nasze szkolenia dla najmłodszych:
- Nauka poprzez Zabawę: Wiemy, że najlepszy sposób nauki to ten, który angażuje dzieci i sprawia im przyjemność. Dlatego nasze szkolenia opierają się na interaktywnych zajęciach praktycznych i teoretycznych, które pozwalają dzieciom zdobywać wiedzę i umiejętności w sposób naturalny i przyjemny.
- Rozwój Umiejętności Społecznych: Żeglowanie to nie tylko nauka techniki, ale również doskonała okazja do rozwijania umiejętności społecznych, takich jak współpraca, komunikacja i zarządzanie emocjami. Podczas naszych szkoleń dzieci uczą się pracy w zespole, dzielenia się zadaniami oraz radzenia sobie w różnych sytuacjach na morzu.
- Dostosowane do Poziomu Umiejętności: Nasze szkolenia są dostosowane do wieku i poziomu umiejętności każdego dziecka. Począwszy od podstawowych technik żeglowania, aż po zaawansowane manewry i taktykę regatową – każdy uczestnik ma szansę rozwijać się we własnym tempie i zgodnie z własnymi zdolnościami.
- Bezpieczeństwo na Pierwszym Miejscu: Dbamy o to, aby każde dziecko uczestniczące w naszych szkoleniach było w pełni bezpieczne. Nasi doświadczeni instruktorzy posiadają nie tylko odpowiednie kwalifikacje, ale również umiejętności komunikacji i pracy z dziećmi, co zapewnia im pełną ochronę podczas nauki żeglowania.
Od Morza Śródziemnego poprzez Bałtyk, aż po zimne morza Arktyki – razem z nami odkryjecie nowe lądy i poznacie magię życia na morzu.
- Wyprawy arktyczne: Navigare specjalizuje się w organizacji niezwykłych wypraw do Arktyki, zapewniających uczestnikom niezapomniane przeżycia i niezwykłe widoki. Arktyka kusi swoją dzikością i nieprzewidywalnością, oferując jednocześnie fascynujące możliwości eksploracji.
- Archipelag Svalbard: Jednym z najbardziej pożądanych celów naszych wypraw jest Archipelag Svalbard, położony na północ od Norwegii. Te odległe i niedostępne obszary są prawdziwym rajem dla miłośników przygód morskich. Oferujemy rejsy do tej magicznej krainy, gdzie można podziwiać majestatyczne lodowce, obserwować dzikie zwierzęta arktyczne i odkrywać tajemnice tego niezwykłego regionu.
- Bezpieczeństwo i Doświadczenie: Nasze wyprawy morskie są prowadzone przez doświadczonych kapitanów i załogi, którzy posiadają niezbędną wiedzę i umiejętności, aby zapewnić pełne bezpieczeństwo uczestnikom podczas podróży. Dzięki naszemu bogatemu doświadczeniu w żegludze arktycznej, możesz być pewien, że jesteś w dobrych rękach.
- Edukacja i Eksploracja: Nasze wyprawy do Arktyki nie są tylko podróżą, ale również doskonałą okazją do nauki i eksploracji. Podczas rejsów uczestnicy mają możliwość zgłębiania wiedzy na temat ekosystemu arktycznego, historii regionu oraz obserwowania unikalnej fauny i flory.
Dołącz do naszej społeczności pasjonatów żeglarstwa i odkryj piękno Arktyki i Archipelagu Svalbard na pokładach naszych jachtów. Zarezerwuj swoje miejsce na wyprawie już dziś i przygotuj się na niezapomnianą przygodę morską!
Dlaczego My?
Bo kochamy to, co robimy. Bo dla nas żeglarstwo to nie tylko sport, to filozofia życia. Każdy kurs, każdy rejs, każde szkolenie prowadzone jest z pasją i zaangażowaniem, które możecie poczuć już od pierwszych chwil spędzonych z nami.
- Pasja i Doświadczenie: W Navigare nie tylko uczymy żeglowania, ale również dzielimy się naszą niezwykłą pasją do morza i żeglarstwa. Nasz zespół składa się z doświadczonych instruktorów, którzy nie tylko posiadają bogate kwalifikacje, ale przede wszystkim kochają to, co robią.
- Indywidualne podejście: Każdy kursant jest dla nas ważny. Dlatego zapewniamy indywidualne podejście do każdego uczestnika naszych szkoleń. Niezależnie od Waszego poziomu zaawansowania, dbamy o to, abyście otrzymali pełne wsparcie i odpowiednie narzędzia do rozwoju waszych umiejętności.
- Bezpieczeństwo na Pierwszym Miejscu: Bezpieczeństwo naszych kursantów jest dla nas najwyższym priorytetem. Wszystkie nasze szkolenia odbywają się z zachowaniem najwyższych standardów bezpieczeństwa, a nasze jachty są regularnie serwisowane i sprawdzane przed każdym rejs.
- Zróżnicowana Oferta: Niezależnie od tego, czy pragniesz opanować sztukę żeglowania, czy też marzysz o niezapomnianych przygodach na morzu, w Navigare YC znajdziesz coś dla siebie. Nasza oferta obejmuje szkolenia dla dzieci i dorosłych, rejsy morskie, wyprawy do Arktyki oraz kursy instruktorskie.
- Bogate Wyposażenie: Dysponujemy nowoczesną flotą jachtów oraz kompleksową bazą szkoleniową, która umożliwia nam prowadzenie kursów na najwyższym poziomie. Dzięki naszym zaawansowanym urządzeniom i wyszkolonemu personelowi, możemy zapewnić Wam najlepsze warunki do nauki i rozwoju.
Dołącz do nas już dziś i odkryj magię żeglowania z Navigare.
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Navigare Yachting
The world´ s premium yacht charter operator.
Over the past 20 years, close to 250 000 sailors have sailed one of our Navigare yachts! With bases in 12 countries and a fleet of nearly 350 yachts worldwide, we hope to accommodate all your sailing wishes.
You, as our guest, will always be at the center of our attention. Our exceptionally skilled staff will make sure you feel right at home on your chartered yacht. We expect our guests will want to sail new destinations and access the latest models from the leading yacht builders, both monohulls and catamarans.
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Since 1979 we have been devoting our life to yachting, from charter to sale and maintenance to mechanical repair and nautical bureaucracy services, navigare’s work is immensely detailed, uncompromisingly correct, and certainly world-class., the navigare experience is like none other., about navigare, charter management, maintenance & refit, everything about yachting lifestyle, want to sell your yacht, want to buy a new yacht, navigare worldwide is the answer.
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Step aboard and immerse yourself in the epitome of luxury seafaring. Navigare Yachting proudly boasts the best-maintained fleet in the business, ensuring a flawless voyage that surpasses all expectations. With meticulous attention to detail, our yachts stand as paragons of excellence, promising an extraordinary sailing adventure like no other.
Navigare Yachting – 22 Years in Business
Join the ranks of over 350,000 delighted guests who have chosen Navigare Yachting since 2001. Our legacy of creating unforgettable memories spans over two decades, with each charter unveiling a world of excitement and discovery. Be part of our remarkable community and embark on a journey that will stay etched in your heart forever.
Indulge your wanderlust with over 11 exotic destinations scattered across the globe. From the turquoise waters of the Caribbean to the breath-taking beauty of the Mediterranean, we open doors to the world’s most sought-after sailing havens. Immerse yourself in the vibrant cultures, awe-inspiring landscapes, and hidden treasures that each unique destination offers.
At Navigare Yachting, our staff and crew are more than just experts – they are passionate locals eager to share the very best of their extraordinary locations. From secluded coves to buzzing hotspots, they’ll guide you to the most captivating sights, hidden gems, and authentic experiences that only insiders can reveal. Prepare to create cherished memories in the company of genuine local specialists.
Experience sailing without the hassle, thanks to our exclusive Navigare Carefree Pack . Leave the worries behind and focus on the pure joy of exploration. With our comprehensive package, your journey becomes seamless and stress-free. From pre-arrival preparations to post-departure support, we handle every detail, so you can relish the freedom of the seas with absolute peace of mind.
Don’t settle for the ordinary. Choose Navigare Yachting and elevate your sailing experience to extraordinary heights. Unleash your sense of adventure and let us redefine your perception of luxury cruising. The open sea awaits, and your exotic journey starts here. Experience Together with Navigare Yachting!
Navigare Yachting offers the most exclusive charter experiences in 10 countries throughout Europe and the Mediterranean, Southeast Asia, the Caribbean and the US. And many more destinations to come!
Boats & Rates
Navigare Yachting offers the greatest variety of luxurious sailing yachts in the industry, with more than 350 yacht from Jeanneau, Beneteau, Dufour, Bavaria, Bali, Excess, Fountaine Pajot, and Lagoon.
All of Navigare’s sailing monohulls and catamarans are well-appointed and provide all the necessary equipment and options you’ll need for a comfortable and enjoyable experience.
Charter rates vary by yacht model and by season. Visit the Navigare website to browse destinations and more: navigare-yachting.com
Sailing Is For Everyone
Charter Destinations
Navigare Yachting offers the most exclusive charter experiences in 11 destinations across Europe, the Mediterranean, Southeast Asia, the Caribbean, and the US. Stay tuned for news about new destinations launching in 2024 and beyond.
Navigare Yachting offers the most exclusive charter experiences in 12 countries throughout Europe and the Mediterranean, Southeast Asia, the Caribbean and the US. And many more destinations to come!
Caribbean & Bahamas
BVI: Tortola
USVI: St Thomas
Europe & Mediterranean
CROATIA: Split (Seget Donji) & Dubrovnik
GREECE: Athens
SPAIN: Palma de Mallorca
SWEDEN: Stockholm
East Africa
Southeast Asia
3446 1st Avenue N., Saint Petersburg, FL 33713
Phone: 1-800-807-1562
Email: [email protected]
Website: navigare-yachting.com
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Navigare Yachting
Virgin Island Sailing® is Navigare Yachting’s top charter broker and there is no fee for our service . We use our 30+ years of experience to find you the best bareboat yacht charter, on a Navigare yacht or with another reputable charter company, and we use our partnerships to ensure the best rates and discounts. There are many advantages to booking a Navigare yacht charter with Virgin Island Sailing® – complimentary cruising guide book , Vacation Planner with insights and recommendations, assistance resolving issues , and our 20% Guarantee for Yacht Changes . Plus you will enjoy working with our highly rated Charter Experts and Concierge Team.
Caribbean Bareboat Charter Rates
Virgin islands:, search charters by yacht type | charter type:.
Navigare Yachting Sailing Catamarans
Most popular yachts.
Stable and Comfortable Catamarans
Navigare Yachting Sailing Monohulls
Traditional sailing.
Modern Performance Sailboats
Navigare Yachting Power Catamarans
Speed up to slow down.
Fast and Modern Catamarans
Navigare Yachting Crewed Charters
Let’s go.
All-Inclusive Yacht Vacations
Navigare Yachting Bareboat Charters
That’s me.
Motor or Sail, You’re the Captain!
Navigare Yacht Charters
The Navigare fleet of over 300 yachts worldwide and with bases in 11 different countries is top-notch and includes popular catamarans and monohulls from brands like Lagoon, Bali, Fountaine Pajot, Jeanneau, Beneteau, Bavaria, Dufour.
Quality ships, excellent maintenance , and knowledgeable employees have all contributed to their BVI fleet’s recent success.
For example, in their Caribbean fleet, every single one of our catamarans is equipped with air conditioning and a generator; all of our yachts have teak in the cockpit for that enhanced luxurious feeling .
Navigare Yachting is also one of the larger Mediterranean charter firms, with a big fleet available for Croatia and Greece charters.
Over 250,000 sailors have trusted Navigare Yachting to deliver the best sailing experience with well-equipped yachts, superior maintenance, and top-notch customer care.
As the top charter broker for Navigare Yachting, we assist in choosing the best yacht for your vacation.
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Navigare Yachting Charter Destinations:
British virgin islands, mediterranean, greece croatia spain, indian ocean & asia, seychelles thailand.
Search Popular Yacht Charter Destinations with Navigare Yachting:
Navigare Yachting - BVI Fleet
No two trips are the same.
Crystal blue waters and line-of-sight sailing.
Navigare Yachting Abacos, Bahamas Fleet
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PLEASE READ THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS (“ Terms ”) CAREFULLY AS THEY CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS, REMEDIES AND OBLIGATIONS AS WELL AS A SECTION GOVERNING THE JURISDICTION AND VENUE OF DISPUTES. THESE TERMS ALSO CONTAIN A LEGALLY BINDING RELEASE, WAIVER OF LIABILITY, AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK. By creating a username, a login, clicking submit, using the services of Charter Experts, LLC d/b/a Virgin Island Sailing® (“ Broker ) or by accessing Broker’s website, you agree that you have read, and acknowledge your acceptance of these Terms. The Terms are subject to change at any time without notice at Broker’s sole discretion. Additionally, any transaction for which you have made payment shall be governed by the form of Terms in effect at the time of such payment notwithstanding any subsequent changes hereto.
If you are obtaining a quote, information, booking travel for and/or securing or procuring a Charter (as that term is defined in Section 1 below) for more than just yourself, all references below to “Charterer” or “you” (and derivations thereof) shall be read to mean you on behalf of yourself and each individual within your group for whom you are obtaining a quote, information, booking travel for and/or securing or procuring Charter.
These Terms shall be read together and construed, to the fullest extent possible, to be in concert with any other agreement by or among Broker and Charterer. To the extent they cannot be so construed, then in the event of any direct conflict between these Terms and any other agreement by or among Broker and Charterer (including but not limited to the agreement executed by Charterer for a Charter Reservation (as that term is defined in Section 1 below), these Terms shall prevail.
- Prepaid Charter Reservations . Typically, Broker negotiates charter rates in advance with the yacht owner or charter company (“ Charter Provider ”) to obtain cost-effective rates, and facilitate reservations and availability for yacht charters, excursions and travel (the “ Charter ”). Broker also provides services to you by facilitating the booking of reservations for consideration and receives a commission from the Charter Provider (the “ Broker Fee ”). The Broker Fee is included in the pre-negotiated Charter rate provided to you, plus taxes and other fees where applicable. You agree that your payment is for the total amount set forth in the applicable Charter agreement (which Charter Provider may refer to as a Charter Contract, Charter Agreement, Booking Terms & Conditions, Instructions and Terms for Accommodations, as well as other derivations) provided to you by Broker (“ Charter Agreement ”). Upon execution of the Charter Agreement and receipt of the applicable deposit, you will have made a reservation for the Charter that authorizes Broker to facilitate the Charter on your behalf (“Charter Reservation”), including making payment arrangements with the Charter Provider. You further agree that Broker is a third-party beneficiary to the Charter Agreement and shall have the right to enforce such agreement to the extent it deems such enforcement necessary or advisable to protect its rights hereunder or under the Charter Agreement.
Broker retains the Broker Fee as compensation in arranging your Charter Reservation. The Broker Fee varies based on the amount and type of Charter and/or services provided by Broker. By making a Charter Reservation, you accept and agree to the relevant cancellation and no-show policy of the Charter Provider set forth in the Charter Agreement. Cancellation and no-show policies vary for each Charter. Carefully read the Charter Agreement and additional information provided to you by Broker. It is expressly agreed by Charterer that the Broker Fee is earned at the time the Charter Reservation is made. Late payment, wrong credit card or debit card details, invalid credit or debit cards, or insufficient funds are for your own risk and account, and you will not be entitled to any refund of any prepaid amount unless the Charter Provider expressly agrees otherwise under the Charter Agreement or in some other signed writing.
- Charter Rules and Restrictions . Additional terms and agreements will apply to your Charter Reservation and any purchase or rental of equipment or other items, supplies, provisions and travel you may select. Please read those additional terms carefully. In particular, if you have purchased airfare, please ensure that you read the full terms and conditions of carriage issued by the supplier. You agree to abide by the terms of purchase imposed by any supplier with whom you elect to deal, including but not limited to payment of all amounts when due and compliance with the supplier’s rules and restrictions regarding availability, charges, fares, and use of products and services.
- Payment . All payments must be made by personal check, bank/wire transfer, ACH payment and/or with a major credit card unless otherwise expressly stated. The total price for the Charter Reservation will be billed in U.S. Dollars unless otherwise stated. Some banks and credit card companies impose fees for international transactions. If you are making a reservation from outside of the United States on a US credit card, your bank may convert the payment amount to your local currency and charge you a conversion fee. This means the amount listed on your credit or bank card statement may be in your local currency and therefore a different figure than the amount provided by Broker for the Charter Reservation. In addition, a foreign transaction fee may be assessed if the financial institution that issued your credit card is located outside of the United States. Booking international travel may be considered to be an international transaction by the financial institution or card company. The currency exchange rate and foreign transaction fee is determined solely by your financial institution on the day that it processes the transaction. If you have any questions about these fees or the exchange rate applied to your booking, please contact your financial institution. Broker shall not be liable to you for any such service, conversion, or exchange fee.
Broker expressly reserves the right to cancel your Charter Reservation if full payment is not timely received as set forth in the Charter Agreement.
- Cancellation and Rescheduling . You may cancel or change your Charter Reservation as set forth in the Charter Agreement by and among you, the Charter Provider and/or Broker. Please note that some Charter Providers do not permit changes to or cancellation of reservations after they are made, or after a certain date, as indicated in the Charter Agreement. You agree to abide by the terms of the Charter Agreement with respect to your Charter Reservation. Broker will not be responsible for reimbursing Charterer for any previously tendered deposits or payments by Charterer and disclaims all liability for the failure of a Charter Provider to refund or return any such funds.
- Credit Card Transactions and Chargebacks . If for any reason, any Charter Provider is unable to provide the Charter, or any part thereof, for which you have contracted, your remedy lies against the Charter Provider, and not against Broker. However, Broker will use reasonable efforts to assist you and Charter Provider in reaching a resolution to a dispute between you and the Charter Provider. In the event that your payment has already been transferred from Broker to Charter Provider or to an escrow account, you agree that you will not seek a chargeback against Broker for such amounts transferred. You further agree to indemnify and hold Broker harmless from and against any liability, loss, damage or expense (including without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees) that Broker may incur in connection with chargebacks against Broker or under the Charter Agreement and your performance thereunder. If Broker incurs any costs, including but not limited to attorneys’ fees, to recover any payments charged back by your credit card company or other financial institution, you agree that you will be liable for these costs. If your payment is declined for any reason, you agree to settle any amounts owed to Broker via money order, cashier’s check, personal check or bank/ACH transfer immediately.
- Broker Responsibility . Broker makes arrangements with the Charter Provider. Broker additionally makes additional arrangements with other suppliers for the various components and other services that comprise your Charter (“Charter Suppliers”). Broker is not an agent of these Charter Providers or the Charter Suppliers (and the Charter Providers and Charter Suppliers are not agents of Broker). Broker expressly disclaims any liability for the actions or omissions of the Charter Provider and the Charter Suppliers. The Charter Providers and the Charter Suppliers reserve the right to refuse service to you at their sole discretion. Broker assumes no liability for the acts of the Charter Provider or the Charter Suppliers in refusing service. Broker is not responsible for schedule changes and does not offer compensation for those changes. Broker is not responsible under any circumstances for any injury or damages you may suffer, in connection with sea, air or ground transportation, hotel accommodations, or other travel or excursion services arranged by Broker.
You understand Broker is not the source or supplier of the Charter or other travel services you requested and acts solely as a broker for the Charter Provider and the Charter Suppliers. You agree that the Charter Provider and Charter Suppliers whose names appear in the information supplied to you are those who are solely responsible for providing the Charter you purchase. You consent to and request the use of the Charter Provider and the Charter Suppliers and agree to not hold Broker responsible should any of them: (i) fail to provide the Charter or travel services you purchased, whether or not such services are listed in the Charter Agreement or otherwise, (ii) fail to comply with any applicable law, or (iii) engage in any negligent act or omission that causes you any sort of injury, damage, delay or inconvenience.
By using Broker’s services, you waive and release any claim against Broker, its affiliated and subsidiary companies, and their respective officers, directors, employees, contractors, and agents, arising out of or in connection with any loss of or damage to property or injury to any person caused by reason of (i) any defect, negligence, or other wrongful act or omission, or any failure of performance of any kind, by any Charter Provider, Charter Suppliers, or any other provider of sea, airline, hotel, ground transportation or any other travel provider connected to or otherwise associated with the Charter, (ii) any claim for inconvenience, loss of enjoyment, mental distress or other similar claim, (iii) any delayed departure, missed connection, substitute accommodation, termination of service or change in fares or rates, and (iv) overbooking, flight or other travel cancellation, lost or misconnected personal property, or any claim arising out of the air transportation portion of your travel, and (v) or any other claim arising out of or otherwise related to the Charter Agreement or services provided by the Charter Provider and the Charter Suppliers.
Excepting only liability that directly arises from the gross negligence or willful misconduct of Broker, you will not hold Broker responsible for any injury, damage or loss you may suffer while on a Charter, whether incurred on the Charter or in connection with any other rental, purchase, excursion or activity, regardless of the relationship of any of the foregoing with the Charter Provider or the Charter Suppliers.
- Your Responsibility . By booking a Charter with Broker, you agree to defend and indemnify and hold harmless Broker, Charter Provider, Charter Suppliers, and each of their respective officers, directors, employees and agents, from and against any and all claims, causes of action, demands, recoveries, losses, damages, fines, penalties or other costs or expenses of any kind or nature, including but not limited to reasonable legal fees, arising out of or in connection with: (i) your breach of these Terms or the documents referenced herein; (ii) your violation of any law or rights of a third party; or (iii) your use of the Broker website.
You will review your Charter Agreement and travel documents for accuracy upon receipt. You understand that it is your responsibility to review the accuracy of all details in the Charter Reservation provided to you, and that you may contact Broker if you have any questions.
You assume full and complete responsibility for checking and verifying any and all passport, visa, vaccination, or other entry requirements of your destination(s), and all conditions regarding health, safety, security, political stability, and labor or civil unrest at such destination(s).
You understand that Broker recommends purchasing travel insurance to cover certain risks inherent in travel such as supplier bankruptcy and the inability to travel due to a medical or personal emergency.
- No Warranties . All Charters, products, services, advice and information is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis without warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied to the fullest extent permitted under the law, including but not limited to, warranties of title or implied warranties of merchantability, satisfactory quality or fitness for a particular purpose. Without limiting the above, no warranty or guarantee is made (i) regarding the acceptance of any reservation request or Charter Reservation; (ii) regarding the availability of Charters, or any other product and/or services through Broker; (iii) that the use of Broker’s website will be error-free; or (iv) regarding the completeness, accuracy, reliability or quality of any information, content, data, service, advice or merchandise provided by Broker or through Broker’s website.
Broker has no special knowledge regarding the Charter Provider’s or Charter Supplier’s financial condition, unsafe conditions, health hazards, weather hazards, or climate extremes at locations to which you may travel during or otherwise in connection with your Charter.
- Limitation on Liability . In no event shall Broker, Charter Provider, Charter Suppliers, and/or their respective affiliates, or any employees, agents, officers, directors, members or managers of any of the foregoing (“Broker and Charter Releasees”), be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special or consequential damages arising out of, or in any way connected with, your access to, display of or use the Broker’s website, the Charter or services provided to you in connection with the Charter (including, but not limited to, your reliance upon opinions of the Broker), whether based on a theory of negligence, contract, tort, strict liability, consumer protection statutes, or otherwise, and even if Broker and/or any other of the Broker and Charter Releasees have been advised of the possibility of such damages.
If, despite the limitation above, Broker or the Broker and Charter Releasees are found liable for any loss or damage which arises out of or in any way connected with any of the occurrences described above, then Broker, Charter Provider, Charter Supplier and the Broker and Charter Releasees will in no event exceed, in the aggregate, the greater of (a) the Broker Fee, and (b) One-Hundred Dollars (US $100.00).
The foregoing limitation of liability reflects the allocation of risk between the parties. The limitations specified in this section will survive and apply even if any limited remedy specified in these Terms is found to have failed of its essential purpose. The limitations of liability provided in these Terms inure to the benefit of Broker and/or its providers.
The foregoing does not affect any liability which cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law.
- Waiver . No waiver by Broker of any term or condition set forth in these Terms shall be deemed a further or continuing waiver of such term or condition or a waiver of any other term or condition, and any failure of the Broker to assert a right or provision under these Terms shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision.
- Severability . If any provision of these Terms is held by a court or other tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable for any reason, such provision shall be eliminated or limited to the minimum extent such that the remaining provisions of the Terms will continue in full force and effect.
- Governing Law and Mandatory Venue . The laws of the State of Florida govern the rights and obligations of the parties to this Agreement and the interpretation, construction and enforceability thereof. You agree that any action or proceeding initiated by Charterer against Broker shall be brought solely in the federal and state courts of Hillsborough County, Florida, and you submit to the jurisdiction of those courts and waive any objections to the exercise of personal jurisdiction over you by those courts. In the event any action or proceeding is initiated by Charterer in a court outside of Hillsborough County, Florida, Charterer agrees to pay Broker’s costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees associated with defending such action or proceeding and waives any and all defenses to the transfer of said action or proceeding, whether jurisdictional or otherwise, to a federal or state court in Hillsborough County, Florida.
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Navigare Yachting is the third largest yacht charter company in the world, with bases in 11 destinations. With over 20 years of experience in the charter industry, Navigare has served well over 250 000 customers through the years. That being said, we focus on providing the same local experience and personalized customer service you would normally get from a small company, with the competitive pricing and expertise of a global one.
We care about our customers. As proof of this, we have developed the carefree pack with “peace of mind guarantee” which allows customers to avoid a deductible or security deposit and relieves you from being liable for accidental damage during your charter. When you book directly with your Navigare agent, you’re guaranteed to obtain all the information without delay. We provide unmatched assistance and support before and during your charter through our Navigare booking agents and our base staff.
Navigare’s base is in Tortola, centrally located at Nanny Cay Marina, the premier location for bareboat charters in the BVI and one of the most popular harbors in the Caribbean. Nanny Cay is a modern marina known for its clean and well-kept facilities. Our base here includes over 50 sailing yachts in exceptional condition, predominantly catamarans, which range in size from 40 to 55 ft. The monohulls we offer are between 46 and 54 ft. Navigare offers both bareboat charters and all-inclusive charters. No matter what you choose, the adventure is yours!
Marina Amenities:
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- Laundry Service (Freeman's Laundromat is open for self-service and full service laundry (Monday to Friday 8.30 am to 5 pm; Saturday 8.30 am to 12 noon; closed Sunday)
- Complimentary Wi-Fi
- 24 Hour Security Cameras & Patrol
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Home ~ Bareboats ~ Navigare Yachting Lagoon 46 – 4 + 2 cab. SV SailMates
Lagoon 46 - 4 + 2 cab. 'SV SailMates'
Navigare yachting catamaran bareboat charter, nanny cay marina, tortola, british virgin islands.
The Lagoon 46 - 4 + 2 cab. 'SV SailMates' is a 46 ft Catamaran operated by Navigare Yachting with room for 12 guests. Based out of Nanny Cay Marina, Tortola, British Virgin Islands , the Lagoon 46 - 4 + 2 cab. is available for bareboat charters with rates from $8,723 / week. View specifications below, then let us bring your bareboat yachting adventure to life by filling out our request form .
- Rates Per Week
- Specifications
Location Information
Rate Periods | Rates | |
Jan 1 - Jan 5 2024 | $11,924 | |
Jan 6 - Feb 2 2024 | $10,252 | |
Feb 3 - Mar 22 2024 | $11,308 | |
Mar 23 - Mar 29 2024 | $11,924 | |
Mar 30 - Apr 5 2024 | $13,244 | |
Apr 6 - May 3 2024 | $11,385 | |
May 4 - May 31 2024 | $10,065 | |
Jun 1 - Jun 7 2024 | $11,836 | |
Jun 8 - Nov 15 2024 | $8,723 | |
Nov 16 - Dec 13 2024 | $11,836 | |
Dec 14 - Jan 10 2025 | $15,587 | |
Jan 11 - Feb 7 2025 | $13,398 | |
Feb 8 - Mar 28 2025 | $14,795 | |
Mar 29 - Apr 11 2025 | $15,587 | |
Apr 12 - May 9 2025 | $13,398 | |
May 10 - Jun 13 2025 | $11,836 | |
Jun 14 - Nov 21 2025 | $8,723 | |
Nov 22 - Dec 19 2025 | $11,836 | |
Dec 20 - Dec 31 2025 | $15,587 |
Damage Insurance is included in NAVIGARE CAREFREE - zero deductible. NAVIGARE CAREFREE: $855 to $966 (dependent on yacht type and size) Includes security deposit/full coverage* - welcome package, final cleaning, bed sheets & towels, dinghy, outboard engine & fuel, propane gas, full water tanks, 2 x snorkeling equipment, prepaid BVI mobile phone, and weather forecast SMS on daily basis, National parks permits and VISAR, unlimited WiFi.
*Welcome Package includes:
Matches (2) One Roll of Paper Towels Rolls of Toilet Paper (4) One Garbage Bag One Dish Mop One dish sponge One washing liquid for dishes
Fuel for the yacht is additional. BVI Cruising Tax: $4 per person per day - pay on arrival.
Payable to Customs:
Environmental and Tourism levy $10 pp - collected on arrival at the port of entry. Departure tax is $50 per person from the airport and $20 per person from the ferry.
Sleep Aboard : 65% of the daily charter rate Skipper: $234.00/day plus meals & gratuity
Payment Terms: 50% of invoice total to confirm Final payment due 60 days prior to charter start date
Cancellation Fees: Cancel more than 120 days prior to start date: $750 fee Cancel between 119 to 60 days prior to start date: 50% of charter fee Cancel 59 days or less prior to start date: 100% of charter fee paid to date
Yacht electrics, other specs, additional rate information.
Charters start 12:00 p.m. and end at 12:00 p.m.
Located at Nanny Cay Marina, Tortola
Transfers can be arranged ahead of time. From Tortola airport to base - $12/pp min. $36 (1-3 pers). From Road Town ferry dock, $12/pp. Driver will be holding a sign with guest's name or Navigare.
- Location Details
Rate Periods | Rates |
Jan 1 - Jan 5 2024 | $11,924 | $10,252 | $11,308 | $11,924 | $13,244 | $11,385 | $10,065 | $11,836 | $8,723 | $11,836 | $15,587 | $13,398 | $14,795 | $15,587 | $13,398 | $11,836 | $8,723 | $11,836 | $15,587 |
Having trouble choosing the best boat for you? Create an account to favorite multiple boats and let us help you decide. Our expert staff has over 50 years of combined experience in the yacht charter industry.
Ed Hamilton & Co. endeavors to provide the most up-to-date yacht information, availability and rate details, however, all information published on this site is subject to change without notice. Please contact us for the most current yacht information, availability and rate details.
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navigare yacht club e.v. am rursee
Hier erfahrt ihr Alles über den Navigare Yacht Club am Rursee/Rurtalsperre. Wir bieten Liegeplätze für Yachten und Trockenliegeplätze für Katamarane (z. B. Hobie Cat, Topcat, Tornado etc.). Navigare Yacht-Club e.V. am Rursee (Eschauel) - Katamaransegeln und Yachtsegeln - Navigare Yacht-Club e. V. am Rursee (Eschauel) - Katamaransegeln und ...
Navigare Yacht-Club e.V. 1. Vorsitzender: Ralph Wittenmeier [email protected] Mitglied im Deutschen Segler Verband DSV-Registernummer: NW068 Impressum - Navigare Yacht-Club e. V. am Rursee (Eschauel) - Katamaransegeln und Yachtsegeln
At Navigare Yachting you can choose from a variety of established brands and yacht models to determine the return on your investment and to suit your sailing adventure. In the new boat segment, our small luxury yachts for sale are between 40-42 feet and our largest luxury yachts for sale are between 55-65 feet.
Mitglied werden; Katamaransegeln im NYCR. Auf unserer Steganlage stehen Euch mehrere Trockenliegeplätze zur Verfügung, auf denen sogar sehr breite Katamarane Platz finden. Katam
The provided publication information apply to all content published on manage2sail.com by Yacht Club Rursee e.V.. ... Yacht Club Rursee e.V. Associated Club: Deutscher Segler-Verband e.V. Authorized Representatives: Wolfram Ohn, 1. Vorsitzender Uli Breuer, 2. Vorsitzender Alexander Horsch, Kassenwart: Registration Court:
Discover archipelago with more than 24,000 islands. We make it easy for you to enjoy relaxed and scenic sailing, in a beautiful and accessible world-famous setting. Navigare Yachting will make your Sweden holiday truly unique: we have earned a reputation for high-quality vessels, outstanding service, and unsurpassed excellence.
Sailboat charter, catamaran charter or luxury crewed charter: browse our fleet to find the perfect yacht for your sailing vacation. 1. Power Catamaran. 111. Sailboat Charter. 249. Catamaran Charter. 5. Luxury crewed charter.
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Navigare Yachting. The World´ s Premium Yacht Charter Operator. Over the past 20 years, close to 250 000 sailors have sailed one of our Navigare yachts! With bases in 12 countries and a fleet of nearly 350 yachts worldwide, we hope to accommodate all your sailing wishes. You, as our guest, will always be at the center of our attention.
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[email protected] : Phone : Fax : +49 2473 2735: Events 2023: 02.09 - 03.09: Opti Reviermeisterschaft 2023: 2023: ... The provided publication information apply to all content published on manage2sail.com by Yacht Club Rursee e.V.. Publication information pursuant to section 5 TMG and section 55 Rundfunkstaatsvertrag Kluba nosaukums:
Croatia Yacht Charter. Book Directly With a Navigare Yachting Agent: 800-807-1562. from $ 869. Overview.
Boats & Rates. Navigare Yachting offers the greatest variety of luxurious sailing yachts in the industry, with more than 350 yacht from Jeanneau, Beneteau, Dufour, Bavaria, Bali, Excess, Fountaine Pajot, and Lagoon. All of Navigare's sailing monohulls and catamarans are well-appointed and provide all the necessary equipment and options you ...
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Navigare Yachting is the premiere luxury yacht charter operator in the world thanks to our extensive industry experience, cutting-edge technology, and highest standards of customer care for 22+ years.. Navigare Yachting. Navigare Yachting. @navigareyachting. New March Booking Deals ...
The Moscow Imperial River Yacht-Club was a Russian sports organisation founded in 1867. [1] In 1889, the Club published the Manual of Rowing and Sailing with Application to Swimming, the second rowing manual published in Russia. [2] The building that once housed the club was restored and reopened in 2014. [1]
Big ammo dump bavovna Smoke on the water, the fire in the sky. Yachts go up in smoke. Could be sabotage or could be insurance fraud or could be another careless smoker. Sucks when you can't even ...
Greece Yacht Charter. Book Directly With a Navigare Yachting Agent: 800-807-1562. from $ 1,794.
Navigare Yachting is one of the world's leading premium charter operators with over 300 sailing yachts available in 10 countries worldwide. Our YACHT SALES business segment manages dealerships for Jeanneau, Lagoon, Beneteau, Fountaine Pajot, Nautitech, and Prestige yacht brands. The company was founded in 2001 by the swedes Jesper Ronngard and ...
The Yacht Club, Moscow, Idaho. 47 likes · 15 were here. Best apartments in Moscow!
Croatia Yacht Charter. Book Directly With a Navigare Yachting Agent: 800-807-1562. from $ 869. Our Base.
Gem of the city: The original Cape Coral Yacht Club soon gone, but what of its legacy?
The original Cape Coral Yacht Club ballroom will soon join the ranks of former icons of the city's history – the Cape Coral Gardens, the original Gulf American Corporation, and the Waltzing Waters – as the area forges a new future.
"You ain't seen nothing yet," said Leonard Rosen, Cape Coral founder and then president of the Gulf American Land Corporation during the opening ceremony of the Yacht Club in 1962.
The Yacht Club and its developments signaled the true start of the city as we know it today, with its demise creating a hard-fought chasm within the community.
Janel Trull, the current executive director of Cape Coral Museum of History, said it's unfortunate the city has seen fit to tear down the historic building and believes it could have been saved.
"It is discouraging to know that the City Council thought it best to remove one of the last locations in town that was built by the Rosen Brothers, that was built specifically for the community, and are replacing it with something that's less of what the city is and more of a resort-style facility," Trull said.
Trull said she'll miss taking her kids to swim at the pool.
Why a massive change 60 years later?
Hurricane Ian disrupted the city's initial plans to renovate The Yacht Club Community Park , sparking a tug-of-war between traditionalists and the those advocating for progress on the fate of the facilities.
Workers started razing the building in April, after months of waiting for permits. The new Yacht Club will feature a two-story community center, a parking garage, new restaurant, pool, and other amenities.
The estimated cost of the project could be upward of $100 million with no clear date on when construction will start or be completed.
Yacht Club's new designs and plan Take a look at what architects pitch for a redesigned Cape Coral Yacht Club
The Yacht Club demolition begins Cape Coral's premier historic gemstone, The Yacht Club, will be gone by the end of May
Bustling beginning prompted by the Rosen brothers
Starting in the late 1950s, brothers Jack and Leonard Rosen, founders of Gulf Guarantee Land and Title Co., later renamed Gulf American Land Corp., embarked on a journey to turn a then 107-square-mile swamp peninsula into a company town that would eventually evolve into a still-growing city with more than 216,000 residents , according to the U.S. Census.
The first resident moved to the city in 1958, according to documents from The Cape Coral History Museum.
From there, the original Yacht Club opened its doors on June 10, 1962.
The $1 million complex included the iconic ballroom building, a yacht basis, tennis courts, a junior Olympic-sized pool, a fishing pier, and a beach. Architect William Kreidt designed the building with Fort Myers's Edelbut Construction Co., supervising construction.
The Gulf American Land Corporation owned the facility and would sell three-year memberships to the club.
"The very best way to enjoy the yacht club is not to wait for special programs, but to come by yourself, any day or night, perhaps for sunbathing on the beach …. or with a few friends, maybe for bridge – tables will be set up anytime," wrote William Thew, the first director and manager of the club, in the Cape Coral Sun in 1962.
A throwback to an Old Florida gathering place
Trull described the architecture of the original building as midcentury modern with a lot of personality.
She said it was a building akin to those built in the '50s throughout Florida.
"If you look back at some of the really early stuff that the Rosen Brothers put in the city, it follows along those same lines," Trull said. "It is a sought-after type of architecture today because things are not built in that format anymore, and it is very popular in South Florida."
Early residents could enjoy weekly square dances, and background music playing most of the day from outdoor speakers, soaking in the sun by the beach, or sitting by the blue water of the pool, according to the Cape Coral Sun.
Barbecues were frequent and plentiful as residents brought their families alongside an assortment of meats with the club supplying charcoal and pits, coffee, and cold drinks.
The Yacht Club was just a quarter mile from the first eight homes built in the city.
Eventually, a teen center that only allowed youths with a key was constructed.
Cape Coral Yacht Club gave birth to community service
Councilmember Tom Hayden called the Yacht Club the first true destination for the city.
He said because of the burgeoning nature in the early '60s, the facility was the only place that was big enough for events and groups to meet.
"Every single club got its original started at the Yacht Club," Hayden said. "From the oldest clubs: the garden club, the social club; the first churches in the Cape had their first services out there, all the city organizations started out there."
"It truly was the birthplace for how Cape Coral got its start," he added.
The city purchased the Yacht Club from The Gulf American Land Corporation in the mid-1970s for less than $1 million, and the teen club became the first senior center, The Tony Rotino Center, named after a former councilmember, according to documents from The Cape Coral History Museum.
Trull said the Yacht Club experienced so many changes and updates throughout its lifespan to reflect the community's needs.
"I think it did reflect the growth and the need for more facilities like that in the city because it was used on a regular basis by so many people," Trull said.
Former Cape Coral Mayor Joe Mazurkiewicz previously said his campaign launched at the Yacht Club, the meetings on whether the city should incorporate took place in the ballroom building, and it served as the site of many more substantial events.
Plans for the park
In 2018, voters approved a $60 million expansion of the city's parks and amenities through the Parks and Recreation General Obligation (GO) Bond. Part of that was intended for the Yacht Club Community Park.
The Cape Coral City Council had originally planned to close and begin work on renovations for the park in 2021 .
But then Hurricane Ian struck the city on Sept. 28, 2022, delaying the project with the council eventually opting to revamp the whole area, with the city pointing toward the high cost of repairs and being over FEMA's 50% rule as justification for moving forward with new buildings and amenities.
Longtime residents and former city officials opposed the plans – however, they could not sway the council to change its mind.
The current plans include a new two-story community center to replace the ballroom, removing the tennis courts, rearranging the area to accommodate a four-story parking garage, a new restaurant, and a new 14,500-square-foot resort-style pool.
The proposed changes would bring a four-story garage with approximately 685 parking spaces, 15 surface spaces at the main building, 46 boat trailers, and 158 boat slip spaces – totaling 904 parking spaces.
Current parking at the park; including for boats, vehicles, and boat trailers, amounts to 551 total spaces.
The new two-story community center would have 47,000 square feet and include a new ballroom, concession, history room, exterior balcony, storage and meeting space, and a multi-purpose hall.
Cape Coral has already begun the work toward these changes as demolition started in April with the cherished ballroom building coming down last week.
Johnson-Laux Construction, a full-service construction management firm that operates out of Winter Garden, has been contracted to demolish and deconstruct the Yacht Club for $987,716.04.
The firm is also tasked with preserving a portion of the old ballroom building, which includes interior ceiling beams, stonework, a fountain, and interior doors.
Hayden said he fought to have a history room dedicated to the old Yacht Club building in the new two-story community center design.
"Things evolve, but I think for early residents of the city, the significance of the yacht club was their life," Hayden said. "We can't necessarily control what
Bitter and sweet for residents and officials alike
Gloria Tate, a former District One councilmember and longtime Cape Coral resident said the loss of the original building deeply saddens her.
"Every fond memory I have is related to that Yacht Club. All of it is part of my life here in Cape Coral."Gloria Tate, longtime Cape Coral resident and businesswoman
Tate was against the city's plans to demolish the main Yacht club building and fought to preserve it as a historic building.
"Every fond memory I have is related to that Yacht Club," Tate said. "All of it is part of my life here in Cape Coral."
One such memory that she will always remember is petitioning to get into a Christmas dance at the teen center.
The year was around 1964, she was not 13 yet but wanted to be involved with the handful of teens in the then-small city.
"I was very happy to be allowed to access the property before I turned 13," Tate said. "It's nothing like it is today."
She said the new Yacht Club will never be what it was for the original pioneers in Cape Coral, but she's hopeful it will become a place for weddings, ceremonies, and "all kinds of life blessings" for the new generation of residents.
"I look forward to that," Tate said.
Though regrettable, Tate said she appreciates the council's effort to transform the area.
"I understand about progress, and I think it's going to be good to just get it started," Tate said. "After all this, let's just get on with it."
Not all residents share the sentiment.
Janis Keim, a Cape Coral resident since 1976 who worked as the Yacht Club manager for many years, said it hurt her heart to hear that the demolition began.
She spoke at council meetings to try to save the Yacht Club and mourns the loss of the community pool.
" Drowning is the leading cause of death of children under the age of 5 in the state of Florida , and we have no community pool in Cape Coral," Keim said.
Bob Lauson, who participated in the effort to save the Yacht club, called the city's plans horrible.
"I lost sleep over this," Lauson said. "I just didn't want that image in my head of that wrecking ball and whatever they are doing over there."
When he was made aware of the city's history five years ago, Lauson bought a '60s-style home in South Cape Coral. He would drive visitors to the Yacht club to witness where the city's history had started.
"I went to a lot of public meetings and events at the Yacht Club Ballroom, and I always thought it was a delight to go there, and my kids swam in the pool," Lauson said.
He hated the way the city switched its reasoning for not moving forward with the initial renovations of the club, from the city touting extensive damage to the facility as the main reason to later saying the deferred maintenance was the issue.
"It just seems to me that we have a council dominated by developers, real estate people," Lauson said. "There's some kind of race to 400,000 people, and I'm just concerned that the quality of life around here is going to go down."
He will miss the beauty of the building and what it represented.
"It just all goes with the narrative of the history of Cape Coral, and how they built that building to attract people to move here, and I think it was to show future property owners that they were really serious and that Cape Coral was going to be a special place," Lauson said.
The future of the park
Lauson said he's concerned that the Yacht Club area will remain empty for years before the city figures out how to pay and begin the construction of the facilities.
"You got to feel really sorry (for the neighborhood) because that's probably going to be an empty lot and an eyesore for years, and then there's going to be some big huge construction project," Lauson said.
Keim worries that the Yacht Club Community Park will eventually be commercialized.
"It just upsets me because I feel like Police and Fire (are) not under the gun to generate revenue like Parks and Rec," Keim said.
District One Councilmember Bill Steinke said the city's plans would enhance the area and provide a better place for more memories for future residents to enjoy.
"The great thing is that it will continue to be the gem (of the city), and it will be better than ever and will accommodate more of our population than ever.Bill Steinke, Cape Coral Councilman, District 1
"The great thing is that it will continue to be the gem (of the city), and it will be better than ever and will accommodate more of our population than ever, and it will provide services to our community members and our organizations – more than the previous facility could," Steinke said.
When the council member was an infant, his family would take him to go swimming in the original pool, with his kids using the facility for swimming throughout the '80s and '90s.
Additionally, he used to play racquetball and tennis there.
As a council member, he will work toward finding a suitable location for pickleball and tennis near the Yacht Club Park.
Steinke said he made many memories, but he's excited for the future of the park.
"You only miss your memories if you give up your memories," Steinke said.
Luis Zambrano is a Watchdog/Cape Coral reporter for The News-Press and the Naples Daily News. You can reach Luis at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @Lz2official .
- 125212, Moscow, Leningradskoye Highway, 39 p. 6 Royal Yacht Club
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British Virgin Islands
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BVI Yacht Charter
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British virgin islands climate, sailing grounds and conditions.
The BVI generally offers forgiving cruising grounds. Expect steady trade winds, a relatively calm sea state and up to 3-4 feet waves, and a very small tidal range.
Please note that due to the sailing distance to Anegada, Navigare cannot answer chase calls to charterers in Anegada.
Sailing to the BVI requires customs clearance. Refer to travel protocols due to COVID.
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Sailing in British Virgin Islands - Itineraries
Sail away to beautiful British Virgin Islands in one of our amazing iteneraries.
Tortola Base - Navigare
Navigare yachting, british virgin islands.
Base Tortola
Nanny Cay Resort & Marina Waterfront Drive Sea Cow Bay, Tortola, BVI
Thierry Ote– Country Manager BVI Mobile: 1 (284) 340 3297 E-mail: [email protected]
Avril Hypolite – Client Coordinator Mobile: +1 (284) 346 5632 E-mail: [email protected]
7 DAYS - Itinerary 1
Suggested sailing itinerary: the caribbean.
7 DAYS The Caribbean sailing route
The 7-day sailing route that includes Norman Island, Cooper Island, Trellis Bay, Virgin Gorda, Peter Island and much more.
Your Caribbean journey starts at a place called The Bight (Norman Island). To get to there, you will have to pass the Sir Francis Drake Channel and two islands, The Indians and the Pelican Island. The Bight offers you everything you could need to start the journey: a well protected area with good anchorage spots, a couple of restaurants (most popular being Pirates and Willy-T) and sport activities. From there, we suggest you visit The Caves, a national park nearby rich with sea life that you can explore by snorkeling. Head back to The Bight for an overnight stay.
The next stop is The Indians, a nearby island that you passed by the day before. You will be amazed by the beautiful natural rock formations and rich sea life (time to go snorkeling again!). On your way to the Cooper Island, visit The Wreck of The Rhone close to the Salt Island for more sea life exploration. Your anchorage spot for the night is in Manchioneel Bay close-by. There you can enjoy more water sport activities or just relax by the beach in a restaurant.
Going once again through the Sir Francis Drake Channel, you will approach Virgin Gorda, an island which you will explore in several locations. You will moor in The Baths, from where you can explore the “eighth wonder of the world” as some people like to call it: it is the sea area around the island, with many tunnels, caves and rock formations. After The Baths, continue sailing towards Trellis Bay, where your anchorage spot for the night will be. Once there, you can enjoy in gastronomic offer and the local nightlife. If you want to spend some quiet time, we suggest anchoring in the Marina Cay.
Moving to your next stop on Virgin Gorda, North Sound. On your way there, we suggest you stop by the Dogs islets, a national park with rich sea life and abundant nature. At North Sound you will find numerous gastronomic and nautical offers as there are many restaurants and marinas. Some of the iconic places are Bitter End Yacht Club, Leverick Bay, Saba Rock and Birds Creek. Besides that, you can spend some time enjoying the surroundings: you could go turtle spotting or just lay back and relax.
The next destination, Jost Van Dyke, is the farthest one to sail to, so we suggest you first stop at the national park Monkey Point (Guana Island) to enjoy the crystal sea, hot sun and local wildlife. Continue your journey towards Jost Van Dyke, where you will anchor for the night. It is a great family-friendly place where you can enjoy a nice dinner while watching the sunset. The most iconic places are Foxy and Soggy Dollar Bar.
On your last day of sailing, it is time to get some gifts and souvenirs! That you can do at Soper’s Hole. After that, continue to Deadman’s Bay (Peter Island) to enjoy the last glimpse of Caribbean wonders. Feel free to climb to the top in order to view the islands from above, but make sure you don’t stay there for the night as it can be unsafe. Great Harbor is a better anchorage spot and it will give you a quieter ambiance in a local atmosphere.
On the last day you can explore the rich sea life, as there are a lot of reefs and tropical fish. After that, disembark across the channel at Joma Marina in Road Town.
7 DAYS - Itinerary 2
Suggested sailing itinerary: bvi.
7-day Itinerary
People all over the world dream of sailing the British Virgin Islands, one of the world's most exclusive and famous yacht charter destinations. Navigare Yachting brings the islands to you, with our amazing BVI charter yacht vacations. Gorgeous warm weather, cobalt blue tropical waters, brilliant white sand beaches, secluded coves and romantic cays – experience them all on a BVI sailing holiday.
Check out this sample BVI sailing holiday itinerary and see what you could be experiencing:
From our base in Nanny Cay, you'll sail east and enjoy a stop at The Baths, a world famous sailing landmark. Natural granite boulders descend dramatically into the sea, creating an epic destination to explore. There's a restaurant and bar at the top of The Baths and a scenic trail that winds down to Devil's Bay. A brief sail northward ends at Spanish Town, which hosts lovely shopping and waterfront dining options.
The journey to Virgin Gorda is a lazy and fun sail towards the Gorda Sound, down the length of the gorgeous island. You'll pass through Savannah Bay and enter a beautiful, sheltered sound surrounded by wonderful places to play, including scenic reefs and tiny islands. This is an ideal area for swimming, snorkeling, paddle boarding, and exploring. When night falls, go ashore to sample the island's dining and entertainment delights, or anchor for a romantic evening beneath the stars.
The island of Anegada is only 15 short miles away, along a glorious route of blue water sailing that lets you thrill amid the endless sun & sea. Anegada is a flat coral atoll, the only feature of its kind in the BVI. The location is almost totally pristine, with an amazing variety of island and undersea wildlife. Nature lovers can't miss Anegada and its amazing flamingos and ground iguanas.
Curving around to the east end of Tortola, rustic Trellis Bay is an appealing small village destination. Scrub Island and Guana Island offer sightseeing and recreation along the beaches. This is a day for exploring, playing in the water, and relaxing beneath the warm sun.
Jost Van Dyke is the smallest of the four main British Virgin Islands but it's the most densely packed with sights and adventures. At Great Harbour and White Bay, you'll enjoy some of the most fun bars, restaurants, and nightlife in the islands, sipping tropical cocktails and swimming by day, listening to live music in a festive atmosphere by night. Nature lovers will enjoy the scenic hike into the rain forested hills above Great Harbour.
The Narrows is the beautiful area of sea that separates Tortola from St. John. You'll thread the needle between Great Thatch and Little Thatch Islands, then curve southeast toward Norman Island – this quaint destination is said to be the inspiration for Treasure Island. There are dozens of secluded coves and sunny bays to explore, and the warm waters are teeming with marine wildlife. This is a diving and snorkeling can't-miss destination.
It's your last day of sailing the unforgettable British Virgin Islands and there's still an adventure or two to be had. A stop at Peter Island is one last opportunity to explore sun-splashed bays, coves, and reefs. It's a short route and you can take your time returning to base, or arrive and explore Tortola to your heart's content.
7 DAYS - Itinerary 3
People all over the world dream of sailing the British Virgin Islands, one of the world's most exclusive and famous yacht charter destinations. Navigare Yachting brings the islands to you, with our amazing BVI bareboat charter vacations. Gorgeous warm weather, cobalt blue tropical waters, brilliant white sand beaches, secluded coves and romantic cays – experience them all on a BVI sailing holiday.
Departing from the Navigare Yachting base in Nanny Cay, Pelican Island is just a short sail away, across the Sir Francis Drake Channel. Both Pelican Island and Peter Island next door are famous for excellent snorkeling, diving, and water recreation. Marine life is abundant and the numerous small coves and cays provide wonderful opportunities for relaxation.
These neighboring islands offer another day of fun in the sun & sea. Salt Island is a noted sea turtle location and favorite among experienced sailors for its scenic bays. Cooper Island is a relaxing and fun excursion, home to the famous Cooper Island Beach Club and one of the most romantic spots at the end of the day to watch the sun disappear behind the islands.
Anegada is a flat coral atoll and one of the most unique natural locations in the BVI. It's a can't-miss destination for snorkeling and diving, with an impressive variety of undersea sights and marine life. A short jaunt southwest are “The Dogs,” a collection of several islands that are named for the barking seals that frequent them. End the day at Scrub Island, where you can go ashore to enjoy the Scrub Island Resort and Spa, or simply dine at anchor beneath the stars.
A brilliant day of sailing begins with stops at Monkey Point and White Bay, named one of the best snorkeling spots in all the BVI. An invigorating blue water sail to Jost Van Dyke is just what you need to recharge your batteries. Jost Van Dyke is home to an almost endless variety of bars, restaurants, and nightlife, some of the most fun places in the BVI. Hike the island's lush rainforest hills to appreciate thrilling sights on land.
Sail through the dramatic Narrows, a gorgeous area of sea that separates Tortola from St. John, then turn southeast to thread the needle between Great Thatch and Little Thatch Islands. You'll enjoy lovely sights of the open ocean and great opportunities for play in the water. Curve back up Tortola to Cane Garden Bay, one of the area's favorite anchorages. Here is one of the BVI's best beaches, along with a local rum distillery where you can pay a dollar to sample four shots of their finest!
Norman Island is a last chance to explore in the water, at some truly epic underwater locations. The Indians is a series of rocks that jut dramatically out of the ocean, and the legendary Caves (inspiration for Treasure Island) are on everyone's must-see BVI list. Anchor in The Bight and watch the sunset, or venture ashore to enjoy the bars and restaurants that make this island famous.
It's time to head back to base, but there's still plenty of fun to be had along the way. You'll skirt around Peter Island to see some amazing little coves and beaches, then the decision is yours: take some more time enjoying the fun & sun at sea, or head back and explore the adventures that Tortola has to offer.
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Experience the Caribbean. Sail the gorgeous & warm waters of the Caribbean aboard a charter yacht from Navigare in the British Virgin Islands. Enjoy crystal clear turquoise waters, unspoiled white sandy beaches, superb snorkeling, and a world-famous vacation destination with excellent restaurants and a relaxed, fun-loving atmosphere. READ MORE.
Boats & Rates. Navigare Yachting offers the greatest variety of luxurious sailing yachts in the industry, with more than 350 yacht from Jeanneau, Beneteau, Dufour, Bavaria, Bali, Excess, Fountaine Pajot, and Lagoon. All of Navigare's sailing monohulls and catamarans are well-appointed and provide all the necessary equipment and options you ...
Navigare Yacht Charters. The Navigare fleet of over 300 yachts worldwide and with bases in 11 different countries is top-notch and includes popular catamarans and monohulls from brands like Lagoon, Bali, Fountaine Pajot, Jeanneau, Beneteau, Bavaria, Dufour.. Quality ships, excellent maintenance, and knowledgeable employees have all contributed to their BVI fleet's recent success.
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The Lagoon 46 - 4 + 2 cab. 'SV SailMates' is a 46 ft Catamaran operated by Navigare Yachting with room for 12 guests. Based out of Nanny Cay Marina, Tortola, British Virgin Islands, the Lagoon 46 - 4 + 2 cab. is available for bareboat charters with rates from $8,723 / week. View specifications below, then let us bring your bareboat yachting ...
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Sail the gorgeous & warm waters of the Caribbean aboard a charter yacht from Navigare in the British Virgin Islands. Enjoy crystal clear turquoise waters, unspoiled white sandy beaches, superb snorkeling, and a world-famous vacation destination with excellent restaurants and a relaxed, fun-loving atmosphere. Nanny Cay Marina.
The first resident moved to the city in 1958, according to documents from The Cape Coral History Museum. From there, the original Yacht Club opened its doors on June 10, 1962.
Coordinates: 43.3969° N, 72.0634° W. Phone : 603-763-5961. General Email : [email protected]. MEMBERSHIP INQUIRIES: [email protected]. Commodore: David Goddard. Email: [email protected]. Please note that LSYC is a seasonal club so the phone is not manned during the winter months. Use an email address above during the off season and we ...
Royal Yacht Club ; Miami +1 786 233 7721. London +44 203 807 94 54. Moscow +7 495 215 19 11. [email protected]; Miami +1 786 233 7721. London +44 203 807 94 54. Moscow +7 495 215 19 11. [email protected]. Main menu. Services; Sale; New yachts; Charter; News; Contacts; Service. Buy boat; Sell boat; Evaluation boat; Registration boat;
The BVI generally offers forgiving cruising grounds. Expect steady trade winds, a relatively calm sea state and up to 3-4 feet waves, and a very small tidal range. Please note that due to the sailing distance to Anegada, Navigare cannot answer chase calls to charterers in Anegada. Sailing to the BVI requires customs clearance.
Royal Yacht Club is the center of yachting life in Moscow, imbued with European spirit and combines a modern yacht port, a unique coastal restaurant, spacious spectator stands, a cozy business center and the DoubleTree by Hilton Moscow - Marina. Luxury recreation on the water within the city limits, berth for vessels from 6 to 40 meters, one of the best restaurants of Arkady Novikov ...