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Step-by-Step Guide: How to Install Hiking Straps on Your Sunfish Sailboat 

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Are you looking to take your Sunfish sailboat to the next level of adventure? Hiking straps can help you achieve that goal by increasing your stability and control on the water. In this guide, we’ll go over the step-by-step process of installing hiking straps in your Sunfish, from choosing the right straps to attaching them securely to your boat.

Choosing the Right Hiking Straps

Before you start, you’ll need to choose the right pair of hiking straps for your Sunfish. There are a few factors to consider when making your choice:

– Material: Hiking straps are typically made from webbing or rope. Webbing straps are more durable and resistant to wear and tear, while rope straps are more flexible and easier to adjust.

– Length: Hiking straps come in different lengths, and you’ll need to choose a length that fits your body size and sailing style. The straps should be long enough to allow you to lean out from the boat comfortably but not so long that they get in the way of your sailing.

– Attachment method: Hiking straps can be attached to your Sunfish in different ways, depending on your personal preference and the condition of your boat. The most common attachment methods are through a grommet, a hook, or a cleat.

Once you’ve chosen the right hiking straps, you’re ready to move on to the installation process.

Step-by-Step Installation Guide

1. Prepare your Sunfish: Before you start installing the hiking straps, make sure your Sunfish is clean and dry. Remove any dirt or debris from the area where you’ll be attaching the straps.

2. Position the straps : Sit in your Sunfish in your usual sailing position and determine where you want to place the hiking straps. The straps should be positioned so that you can lean out from the boat, but not so far that you lose control.

3. Attach the straps: Depending on your chosen attachment method, attach the hiking straps to your Sunfish. The most common attachment method is through a grommet, which is a small metal ring sewn into the sail. Simply thread the strap through the grommet and tie a knot to secure it in place. Alternatively, you can attach the straps to a hook or a cleat on the boat.

4. Adjust the straps: Once the straps are attached, it’s time to adjust them to the right length. Put on your sailing gear and lean out from the boat to test the straps. They should be tight enough to support your weight but not so tight that they restrict your movement. Adjust the straps as needed until you achieve the perfect fit .

5. Test your new hiking straps: With your new hiking straps installed, it’s time to take your Sunfish out for a test sail. Practice leaning out from the boat and adjusting the straps as needed to find the perfect balance of stability and control.

Installing hiking straps in your Sunfish sailboat is an excellent way to increase your stability and control on the water . By following the step-by-step guide above, you can easily install hiking straps on your Sunfish and take your sailing adventures to the next level. Remember to choose the right straps for your needs, position them correctly, and adjust them to the right length for your sailing style. With your new hiking straps installed, you’ll be ready for any sailing adventure that comes your way!

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Why Hiking Straps Are Essential For Sunfish Sailing

  • Last updated Dec 09, 2023
  • Difficulty Intemediate

Mark Terry

  • Category Sunfish

why do I need hiking straps for my sunfish

If you're an avid sunfish sailor, you know that staying balanced and in control on the water is essential. Whether you're sailing in choppy conditions or gusty winds, having the right equipment can make all the difference. One piece of gear that should not be overlooked is hiking straps for your sunfish. These straps allow you to securely anchor your feet to the boat, providing stability and allowing you to hike out more effectively. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of hiking straps and why they are a must-have for any sunfish sailor.

What You'll Learn

What purpose do hiking straps serve on a sunfish sailboat, how do hiking straps improve performance while sailing a sunfish, can hiking straps help prevent capsizing or losing control of the sunfish in high winds, are there any specific techniques or skills that are necessary to use hiking straps effectively on a sunfish, are there different types of hiking straps available for sunfish sailboats, and if so, which type would be best for different skill levels or sailing conditions.


Hiking straps are an essential component of a Sunfish sailboat, serving multiple purposes that enhance both the performance and safety of the boat and its crew. Hiking straps are adjustable straps attached to the hiking straps on the rails of the cockpit, intended to provide additional support and stability for the sailor while hiking out.

Hiking out is a technique used in sailing to counterbalance the heeling force of the wind on the sail. By shifting their weight outboard, or "hiking," sailors on small boats such as the Sunfish can maintain the boat in a more upright position, reducing the chances of capsizing and increasing the boat's speed.

The hiking straps on a Sunfish sailboat help sailors hike out more effectively by providing a secure and comfortable foothold. They are typically made from durable materials such as nylon or webbing, and they are designed to be easily adjustable to accommodate sailors of different sizes and preferences. Some hiking straps may even have padding to provide additional comfort during long races or extended periods of sailing.

The primary function of hiking straps is to help sailors maintain their balance and stability while hiking out. By hooking their feet under the straps and leaning outboard, sailors can counteract the heeling force of the wind and keep the boat upright. Without hiking straps, sailors would struggle to maintain a secure foothold in the cockpit, making hiking out much more difficult and potentially dangerous.

In addition to their stability-enhancing capabilities, hiking straps also improve the sailboat's overall performance. By hiking out effectively, sailors can optimize the boat's rigging and sail trim, allowing for better control and increased speed. Hiking straps enable sailors to shift their weight more efficiently, redistributing the weight distribution in the boat and potentially reducing drag in the water. This not only makes the boat faster but also enhances the overall sailing experience for the crew.

Hiking straps are particularly crucial during windy conditions or when racing. In high winds, the force exerted on the sail increases, requiring sailors to hike out more aggressively to maintain balance and control. The hiking straps provide the necessary support to keep sailors secure while they hike out under these challenging conditions. In racing scenarios, where a fraction of a second can make all the difference, using hiking straps effectively can mean the distinction between winning or losing.

To use hiking straps effectively, sailors should follow a few simple steps. First, ensure that the hiking straps are securely attached to the boat and properly adjusted to the desired length and tension. Next, hook your feet under the hiking straps, placing the balls of your feet against the straps to maintain a secure grip. Lean outboard and extend your legs to maximize leverage and counterbalance the boat's heeling. Finally, adjust your body position and weight distribution as necessary to achieve the desired trim and control.

In conclusion, hiking straps serve a crucial purpose on a Sunfish sailboat. They provide stability, safety, and performance benefits by helping sailors maintain balance while hiking out and optimizing the boat's rigging and sail trim. Whether you are a recreational sailor or a competitive racer, mastering the use of hiking straps can greatly enhance your sailing experience. So, next time you set sail on a Sunfish, make sure to utilize the hiking straps to their full potential.

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Hiking straps are an essential piece of equipment for sailors, especially when sailing a Sunfish. These straps are designed to help improve performance and stability while out on the water. In this article, we will explore how hiking straps work and the benefits they provide.

Sailing a Sunfish requires a great deal of balance and control. With its small size and lightweight design, the boat can easily tip over in strong winds or rough waters. Hiking straps offer a solution to this problem by allowing sailors to lean out over the side of the boat, counterbalancing the force of the wind with their body weight.

Hiking straps are typically installed on the cockpit of the Sunfish, near the edge of the boat. They consist of adjustable straps that sailors can secure around their ankles or feet. By attaching themselves to these straps, sailors are able to hook their feet underneath the straps and lean out to the side of the boat.

When the wind catches the sails and starts to push the boat, it generates a heeling force that wants to tip the boat over. By leaning out over the side and extending their legs, sailors effectively increase their leverage against this heeling force. This allows them to maintain a more upright position and keep the boat balanced.

Hiking straps also help sailors maintain control of the boat in rough waters. By leaning out over the side, sailors can help stabilize the boat and prevent it from capsizing. Additionally, by extending their legs and using their body weight to counterbalance the force of the wind, sailors can keep the sails trimmed properly and ensure maximum efficiency.

In addition to improving stability and control, hiking straps also improve the overall performance of the boat. By enabling sailors to hike out over the side, hiking straps effectively increase the sail area exposed to the wind. This results in increased speed and acceleration, allowing sailors to harness the full power of the wind and propel the boat forward with greater efficiency.

Hiking straps are especially beneficial when sailing upwind. When sailing against the wind, the boat tends to heel significantly, making it difficult to maintain balance and control. By using hiking straps, sailors can counteract this heeling force and maintain a more stable and controlled position.

In summary, hiking straps are a valuable piece of equipment that significantly improves performance while sailing a Sunfish. These straps allow sailors to lean out over the side of the boat, counterbalancing the force of the wind and increasing stability. They also help maintain control in rough waters and improve the overall efficiency of the boat. Whether sailing for recreational or competitive purposes, hiking straps are an essential tool for any Sunfish sailor.

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Sailing a Sunfish can be an exhilarating experience, especially when the winds are strong. However, high winds can also increase the risk of capsizing or losing control of the boat. Hiking straps are often used by sailors to provide stability and prevent these issues.

Hiking straps are adjustable straps that attach to the sides of the Sunfish. By securing your feet in the straps, you can exert more downward force on the boat's leeward side, providing counterbalance to the wind's force. This helps to prevent capsizing by keeping the boat more stable.

Additionally, hiking straps allow sailors to lean out over the side of the boat, a technique known as hiking. This helps to redistribute weight and keep the boat level. By extending your body out and keeping your weight low, you counteract the force of the wind and maintain control of the boat.

Using hiking straps effectively requires proper technique and practice. Here are some step-by-step instructions to help you get started:

  • Attach the hiking straps to the sides of the Sunfish, making sure they are secure and comfortable.
  • Sit in the boat and position your feet in the straps. Adjust the straps to ensure a snug and secure fit.
  • As the wind picks up, lean out over the side of the boat, extending your body away from the center. This will help to counteract the wind's force.
  • Keep your weight low by bending your knees and leaning back slightly. This will help to maintain balance and stability.
  • Use your arms to control the sail. By adjusting the angle and tension, you can further optimize the boat's performance in high winds.
  • Practice hiking in various wind conditions to build up your strength and improve your technique. The more you practice, the better you will become at maintaining control in high winds.

While hiking straps can be a helpful tool, it's important to note that they are not a guarantee against capsizing or losing control. In extremely high winds, there is still a risk of being overpowered by the elements. It's crucial to always assess the weather conditions and your own skill level before heading out on the water.

To illustrate the effectiveness of hiking straps, let's consider an example. Imagine you are sailing your Sunfish on a windy day. Without hiking straps, you struggle to maintain control as the boat heels over in the gusts. However, once you attach the hiking straps and practice proper technique, you feel more stable and in control. The hiking straps allow you to lean out and counterbalance the wind's force, preventing capsizing and maintaining control of the boat.

In conclusion, hiking straps can indeed help prevent capsizing or losing control of the Sunfish in high winds. By securing your feet and employing proper technique, you can maintain stability, redistribute weight, and counteract the force of the wind. However, it's important to remember that hiking straps are not foolproof and should be used in conjunction with caution, experience, and an understanding of the prevailing weather conditions.

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Hiking straps are an essential piece of equipment for Sunfish sailors looking to maximize their performance on the water. These straps allow sailors to use their body weight to balance the boat, providing more stability and control in challenging conditions. However, using hiking straps effectively requires some specific techniques and skills. In this article, we will explore the necessary techniques and skills needed to use hiking straps effectively on a Sunfish.

  • Body Positioning: The first step to using hiking straps effectively is to understand proper body positioning. When hiking, the sailor should sit on the windward side of the boat with their legs extended straight out towards the hiking straps. The sailor's upper body should lean back, using the hiking straps for support. This positioning helps to counteract the force of the wind and keeps the boat balanced.
  • Foot Placement: The next skill to master is proper foot placement. The sailor's feet should be positioned under the hiking straps, with the toes pointing towards the bow of the boat. This allows the sailor to push against the straps with their feet, providing additional leverage and stability. It's important to note that the straps should be adjusted so that they are snug and secure, but not overly tight.
  • Core Strength: Effective hiking also requires a strong core. The sailor should engage their core muscles by keeping their abs and back muscles activated. This helps to maintain stability and prevents the sailor from collapsing or sliding out of the hiking straps. Regular core-strengthening exercises, such as planks or sit-ups, can help improve hiking performance.
  • Balance and Coordination: Maintaining balance is crucial when using hiking straps. The sailor must distribute their weight evenly between their feet and the hiking straps. This requires good balance and coordination. Practicing yoga or other balance exercises can help improve these skills and make hiking more comfortable and effective.
  • Adjusting Sail Trim: Lastly, using hiking straps effectively also involves making adjustments to sail trim. As the sailor hikes out, the boat may need to be adjusted to maintain optimal performance. This often means trimming the sail to match the increased weight distribution. By adjusting the sail properly, the sailor can maintain speed and control while hiking.

To further illustrate the importance of proper hiking strap usage, let's consider a real-life example. Imagine a Sunfish sailor facing strong winds and choppy water. Without using hiking straps effectively, the sailor would struggle to keep the boat balanced, resulting in frequent capsizing or loss of control. However, by applying the techniques and skills mentioned above, the sailor can use hiking straps to leverage their body weight and maintain stability, allowing them to navigate the challenging conditions with ease and confidence.

In conclusion, using hiking straps effectively on a Sunfish requires a combination of body positioning, foot placement, core strength, balance, coordination, and sail trim adjustments. By practicing these skills and techniques, Sunfish sailors can harness the full potential of their hiking straps, enhancing their performance and enjoyment on the water. So, if you're looking to improve your Sunfish sailing skills, don't overlook the importance of mastering the art of hiking strap usage!

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Yes, there are different types of hiking straps available for Sunfish sailboats. Hiking straps are essential for providing support and stability to the sailor while hiking out, which is the act of leaning out over the edge of the boat to counterbalance the force of the wind on the sails. The type of hiking strap you choose can greatly affect your comfort and performance on the water.

There are primarily two types of hiking straps: adjustable and fixed. Adjustable hiking straps allow the sailor to customize the tightness to their liking. This can be particularly useful for sailors who prefer a snug fit or want to make quick adjustments while on the water. Adjustable straps are usually made of durable materials such as webbing or nylon and are fastened with buckles or Velcro.

On the other hand, fixed hiking straps are preset at a certain length and cannot be adjusted. They are typically made of elastic material or neoprene and provide a comfortable and secure fit. Fixed hiking straps are popular among beginners or sailors who prefer a more relaxed fit. They do not require constant adjustments and can be easily slipped into for a quick sail.

When considering the best hiking strap for different skill levels or sailing conditions, it's important to consider the sailor's comfort, skill level, and the prevailing weather conditions.

For beginners or sailors who are less experienced, fixed hiking straps are often recommended. These straps provide a comfortable and secure fit without the need for constant adjustments. Beginners can focus on mastering other sailing techniques without worrying about their hiking strap coming loose or being uncomfortable.

For more experienced sailors or those looking to enhance their performance, adjustable hiking straps are a better option. These straps allow the sailor to fine-tune the tightness for maximum leverage and control while hiking out. Adjustable straps can be tightened for more aggressive hiking or loosened for a more relaxed position. This flexibility can be especially beneficial in different wind and wave conditions.

When choosing a hiking strap for specific sailing conditions, it's important to consider the prevailing weather conditions. In light winds or calm conditions, a more relaxed fit may be suitable. This allows the sailor to hike out comfortably without straining their body. In higher winds or rougher waters, tighter hiking straps can provide additional support and control, preventing the sailor from getting tossed around or losing their footing.

Ultimately, the choice of hiking strap comes down to personal preference and comfort. It's important to try different types of hiking straps and adjust them to find the optimal fit for your sailing style and conditions. Additionally, consulting with experienced sailors or professionals in a sailing store can provide valuable insights and recommendations based on their expertise and experience.

In conclusion, there are different types of hiking straps available for Sunfish sailboats, including adjustable and fixed straps. The choice depends on the sailor's comfort, skill level, and prevailing weather conditions. Beginners may prefer fixed hiking straps for their comfort and ease of use, while more experienced sailors may opt for adjustable straps to fine-tune their hiking position. It's important to try different straps and adjust them accordingly to find the optimal fit for your sailing style and conditions.

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Frequently asked questions.

Hiking straps are an essential part of a sunfish sailboat because they provide stability and control while sailing. By using hiking straps, sailors are able to lean out over the side of the boat, counterbalancing the force of the wind in the sails and keeping the boat upright. This allows for better maneuverability and speeds during sailing.

Yes, hiking straps are important for beginners as well as experienced sailors. Even if you're just starting out with sunfish sailing, having hiking straps will help you stay balanced and in control of the boat. They provide additional support and stability, making it easier to learn how to hike out and control the sailboat in different wind conditions.

Hiking straps allow sailors to hike out over the side of the boat, extending their body weight further away from the boat's centerline. This creates a counterbalancing force, which helps to keep the boat from tipping over in strong winds. By hiking out, sailors can harness the power of the wind more effectively, allowing for better control and faster speeds.

Hiking straps are not specific to sunfish sailboats and can be used on other types of sailboats as well. Many small dinghies and racing boats have hiking straps installed to provide sailors with better stability and control during sailing. If you already have hiking straps for your sunfish, they may be adaptable or compatible with other sailboats too.

There are several types of hiking straps available for sunfish sailboats, including adjustable straps, quick-release straps, and padded straps. Adjustable straps allow for customization and fine-tuning of the hiking position, while quick-release straps make it easier to get in and out of the straps quickly. Padded straps provide additional comfort and support during long hours of sailing. It's important to choose hiking straps that are suitable for your personal preferences and sailing style.

Mark Terry

  • Mark Terry Author Editor Reviewer

Hadwin Blanton

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Install an Inspection Port in a Sunfish Sailboat


Introduction: Install an Inspection Port in a Sunfish Sailboat

Install an Inspection Port in a Sunfish Sailboat

So, you want to install an inspection port (also called a deck plate) in your Sunfish deck? They can help you dry out the hull and also make interior repairs such as fixing loose backing blocks for your halyard cleat or other hardware. Sometimes there aren't backing blocks if they fell off or the previous owner added hardware without doing a proper backing. Without backing, the screws could pull out of the fiberglass and damage your hull (and lead to disaster on the water!). It also gives you access to properly install a hiking strap if your sunfish is too old to have one already. These instructions show installation of the port fore of the footwell, but if you are upgrading your very old sunfish from the old rudder style to the new one, you can add a port near the transom to help with that upgrade. On one of these boats, we added a total of 3 ports because it needed repairs in several places!

I have helped a few friends put ports in their sunfish/minifish and we took pictures along the way to help show you what to do. This instructable has photos from 3 different boats to show you how it might vary, but don't worry that the boat color or port locations change a little between steps, we did all of them the same way.

  • Sunfish or Minifish sailboat
  • drill and bit that is as wide as your jigsaw blade
  • 100% silicone sealer (clear)
  • inspection port (I used Sea Dog 337150-1 Screw Out Deck Plate, 5-7/16" / White")
  • 6 small stainless steel screws

Step 1: Prepare the Sunfish and Choose Location for Hole

Prepare the Sunfish and Choose Location for Hole

On a sunfish, most people seem to prefer putting the port centered in front of the daggerboard slot and behind the coaming. The advantage is that you can access the front of the footwell if you need to add backing to screws holding in a hiking strap, and you can also reach the hardware for the halyard near the mast step tube. This also lets you inspect the daggerboard slot and mast tube for any damage, and repair it from the inside if needed.

Step 2: Tape the Hole Location and Trace the Outline

Tape the Hole Location and Trace the Outline

Once you choose the location, put down tape to protect your deck from the jigsaw. It also helps minimize chipping of the gelcoat.

Once you have it taped, use the deck plate itself to trace out the hole. Turn it over and lay it on the tape so that you have the threads facing up. Use a thick marker to trace the outline so you can easily see it while using the jigsaw.

Step 3: Drill a Pilot Hole for the Jigsaw Blade

Drill a Pilot Hole for the Jigsaw Blade

Next, you need to drill a pilot hole so you can insert the jigsaw blade. Choose a drill bit that is the same size as your jigsaw blade, and then drill a hole on the INSIDE of the circle that you drew in the previous step.

Step 4: Use the Jigsaw to Cut Out the Opening

Use the Jigsaw to Cut Out the Opening

Next, insert your jigsaw blade into the hole before you turn it on. Go slowly and cut carefully on the circle. It doesn't have to be perfect, you will have the flange on the outer ring of the deck place that will cover any small errors in your cutting. If you go too small, though, the ring won't fit in the opening without some extra trimming later. Once the hole is cut all the way around, remove the fiberglass circle. You can save this in case you need to make any hull patches in the future.

It can be a good idea to wear a face mask during this step to avoid breathing in any fiberglass dust!

Step 5: Remove the Tape and Clean Up the Edges

Remove the Tape and Clean Up the Edges

Now you can remove the rest of the tape and lightly sand the edge if needed. Clean up any pieces of interior foam block that might overlap your hole.

Step 6: Test Fit the Port Ring to Make Sure It Fits

Test Fit the Port Ring to Make Sure It Fits

Put the ring in the hole to see if any trimming is needed. Don't use sealer yet!

Step 7: Look Inside the Hole and Check for Damage or Loose Blocks

Look Inside the Hole and Check for Damage or Loose Blocks

Now that you have an opening in your sunfish, use a flashlight or your phone camera to take some pictures inside the hull. Look carefully at the mast tube and daggerboard slot to check for damage. You can also do this when it's in shallow water to see if these locations have any leaks.

Next, look up at the underside of the deck and check the backing blocks near your halyard hardware. Depending on the year you'll have a turning block and cleat, or maybe a fairlead and cleat. Both of these should have backing blocks! Note in one of these photos that there are screws coming through the fiberglass without a backing block. These screw held in the turning blocks for the fairlead, and if the halyard was pulled too hard these might have come out. We added a backing by removing the screws and then epoxying a small wood block there before reinstalling the screws.

Next, notice in the picture that the backing block for the cleat was loose and fell off after we removed the screws for the cleat. This needed to be epoxied back to the hull after the wood block was removed and allowed to dry out. These steps are very important to protect your hull, and also to avoid disaster if they pull out during stress while out on the water.

Step 8: Add Silicone Sealer to the Ring and Put It in the Hole

Add Silicone Sealer to the Ring and Put It in the Hole

Now that you've done your repairs, it's time to add a continuous strip of pure silicone sealer around the outer ring and then insert it gently into the hole. Be careful with the silicone and don't get it on your clothes. Wearing disposable gloves can help too- it doesn't wash up very easily. Press it down lightly so that the silicone oozes out a little, but you want some to stay in and form a gasket all the way around so don't press down so hard that it all comes out! If you look closely at the photo you'll see a little bit oozing up in each screw hole. This is fine, it will form a seal for the screws. Make sure to press evenly all around so that you see a seal formed around the entire circumference of the ring. Let this cure overnight.

Step 9: The Next Day, Drill Pilot Holes and Add Stainless Screws to the Ring

The Next Day, Drill Pilot Holes and Add Stainless Screws to the Ring

Once your silicone has cured, you want to take a small drill bit and drill pilot holes in the fiberglass through the holes in the deck plate outer ring. Don't make them too large! Use a drill bit that is much smaller than your screws. Screw in the screws by hand, being careful not to tighten too much. The silicone will do a good job as an adhesive holding in the plate, these are just to give it extra strength but do not need to be so tight that you risk stripping the fiberglass.

Make sure you use stainless steel screws! You don't want them to rust.

Once the screws are in, screw in the deck plate by hand.

You're done! Now you have an easy way to do repairs inside your sunfish, and also check for leaks or easily dry it out. I usually leave the cover open in warm weather to let the hull air out.

Step 10: Repair Any Hull Cracks With Fiberglass

Repair Any Hull Cracks With Fiberglass

Once last step - check the bottom of your hull for any stress cracks that can leak. In this photo we show 2 spots where there were cracks in the hull where water leaked in while sailing.

First we sanded down the area around the cracks to get rid of dirt and loose fiberglass. Then we used a Bondo "stage 2" fiberglass repair kit (fiberglass cloth along with a 2-part resin that you mix and brush on the cloth). It can be found online and in walmart or auto stores for around $10-15. Cut the cloth a little larger than the area needing repair. Brush resin on the cracked area, then add cloth and use the brush to pat down the cloth and remove any air bubbles. Brush on more resin, overlapping the cloth by about 1/2". Add another layer of cloth and repeat. We used 3 layers of cloth for these cracks, and when it cured we lightly sanded the area and then used Rustoleum Topside white paint. It's hard to see the repair!

We didn't get more pictures of this step - sorry!


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**Product Availability - Please Read**

Due to changes in the supply chain for new Sunfish and related parts, many one design Sunfish components are currently unavailable. Products we have in stock or are able to source will be listed on this page. Other products that are unavailable may be listed elsewhere on our website for reference. Our team is working hard to find new sources for Sunfish parts and will add those to our catalog as they become available. While our selection may be limited compared to previous seasons, we remain committed to serving Sunfish sailors and will continue to offer as many of the parts, rigging, sails, and accessories you need to keep your Sunfish at its best.

Sunfish Sails & Sail Rings Sunfish sails are recognized all over the world for their bright, fun colors. We stock an extensive selection of popular recreational sails in a variety of colorways plus the classic white racing sail for the hardcore Sunfish racing sailor. Don't forget to replace your sail rings when upgrading to a new sail, and add a set of tell tails for maximizing performance. 

Sunfish Hull & Deck Parts West Coast Sailing is your source for hull and deck fittings for your Sunfish sailboat. Check out our selection of bailers, drain plugs, hiking straps, inspection ports, bridles, gudgeons, bow handles, and more.

Sunfish Covers Protect your Sunfish with a proper Sunfish cover, blade bag, or spar bag. Our covers are waterproof and resist both mildew and UV. They fit snuggly on your boat to provide max protection. Use a blade bag to protect your rudder, tiller, and centerboard, or pick up a spar bag to safely store and transport your mast and booms.

Sunfish Sailboat Lines & Line Kits Sunfish sail boat ropes and lines including mainsheets, sunfish halyards, outhaul lines, sunfish bridles and more.

Sunfish Rudder & Tiller Parts Keep your Sunfish heading the right direction with our selection of Sunfish rudder, tiller, and centerboard replacements and spare parts. We stock sunfish rudder parts, sunfish tillers and tiller extensions, centerboards, sunfish rudder pins and spring posts, pivot bolts, and more.

Sunfish Dollies & Trailers Keep things easy on shore with a Sunfish beach dolly or trailer. We stock dollies and trailers from Dynamic Dollies and Racks, Right-On, and Trailex, all designed specifically for your Sunfish! Sunfish dollies ship via our standard free ground shipping and are easy to assemble. Trailers can be shipping anywhere in the US or picked up fully assembled from our warehouse here in Portland, Oregon.

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Sunfish Sailboat Hiking Strap - Padded

Sunfish Hiking Strap by SLO Sail and Canvas

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Product Description

Kick your dinghy sailing up a notch with SLO Sail and Canvas' Padded Sunfish hiking strap!

Our Sunfish sailboat hiking strap is 29.5 inches long over all. The padded midsection is 24 inches long. The webbing on this hiking strap is black polypropylene webbing that is UV inhibited.

The hiking strap's forward end is a tab ready to be fastened to the inside of the cockpit with a Footman Loop - with a bungee to hold it up off the deck of the cockpit. The hiking strap's aft end will be tied to an eyestap or two in the rear of the cockpit to allow for tension adjustment.

Some photos depict a Laser with hiking strap. 

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Nautos Sunfish Hiking Strap for Sunfish Sailboat

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Nautos Sunfish Hiking Strap for Sunfish Sailboat

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  • sunrella fabric
  • UV protection thread
  • length 29"
  • width 2"
  • thickness 1"

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Sail Away Blog

Quick and Easy Guide: How to Transport a Sunfish Sailboat Safely

Alex Morgan

sunfish sailboat hiking

Transporting a Sunfish sailboat requires careful planning and preparation to ensure a safe and successful journey. Before you embark on transporting your Sunfish sailboat, it is essential to have a good understanding of the boat itself and the necessary steps involved in its transportation.

The Sunfish sailboat is a popular single-handed sailing dinghy known for its simplicity, versatility, and ease of use. Designed for recreational sailing and racing, it features a small, lightweight hull with a lateen sail rig. Understanding the dimensions and weight of a Sunfish sailboat is crucial for selecting the appropriate transportation method and ensuring it can be safely transported from one location to another.

To prepare for transportation, gathering the necessary equipment is essential. This includes items such as a trailer or roof rack, straps, tie-downs, and protective materials. Before loading the sailboat onto a trailer or roof rack, it is important to thoroughly inspect and clean the boat. This ensures that any damage or issues are addressed before transport and helps to maintain the sailboat’s condition.

Choosing the right transportation method is another important consideration. Trailering the Sunfish sailboat is a common method, requiring a suitable trailer and vehicle with towing capabilities. Alternatively, using a roof rack on a vehicle can be an option for shorter distances.

Once the sailboat is loaded and secured, properly securing it is crucial to prevent any shifting or damage during transportation. Using sturdy straps and tie-downs, the sailboat should be securely fastened, paying careful attention to protect the hull and rigging from scratches or other damage.

During the journey, it is important to observe traffic and road rules to ensure a safe passage. Regularly checking the sailboat and its securement during travel is also recommended to address any potential issues promptly.

Upon reaching your destination, it is time to unload and assemble the Sunfish sailboat. This involves removing the straps and tie-downs carefully and setting up the sailboat to be ready for sailing or storage.

By understanding the Sunfish sailboat, adequately preparing for transportation, choosing the right method, securing the boat properly, driving safely, and efficiently unloading and assembling the sailboat, you can transport your Sunfish safely and enjoy your sailing adventures wherever you go.

Key takeaway:

  • Understanding the Sunfish Sailboat: Learn about the dimensions, weight, and characteristics of a Sunfish Sailboat before transporting it to ensure proper handling.
  • Preparing for Transportation: Gather the necessary equipment and thoroughly inspect and clean the sailboat to ensure a safe and smooth journey.
  • Choosing the Transportation Method: Select the right method for transporting the Sunfish Sailboat, such as trailering or using a roof rack, based on your specific needs and resources.
  • Securing the Sunfish Sailboat: Use straps and tie-downs to secure the sailboat firmly and protect the hull and rigging from damage during transportation.
  • Driving and Arriving Safely: Observe traffic and road rules while driving and regularly check the sailboat’s condition to ensure a safe journey. Safely unload and assemble the sailboat at the destination.

Understanding the Sunfish Sailboat

The Sunfish sailboat is a popular small sailing boat known for its simplicity and versatility . Understanding the Sunfish sailboat allows sailors to appreciate its simplicity, versatility, and ease of use . It is used for recreational sailing and racing . Here are some key details about the Sunfish sailboat:

1. Design: The Sunfish sailboat is designed for easy handling. It has a single sail with a lateen rig, which allows for simple adjustments based on wind conditions. The hull is made of fiberglass , making it durable and lightweight.

2. Size and Weight: The Sunfish is around 13.9 feet (4.24 meters) long and weighs approximately 130 pounds (59 kilograms). Its compact size and lightweight construction make it easy to transport and launch.

3. Stability: The Sunfish is known for its stability. It has a wide beam and flat bottom hull design, making it suitable for sailors of all skill levels, including beginners.

4. Maneuverability: The Sunfish is highly maneuverable. It has a simple rigging system and a lightweight hull, allowing it to respond quickly to steering inputs. Sailors can navigate with ease.

5. Accessibility: The Sunfish sailboat is a cost-effective option for sailors. It is widely available and finding spare parts and accessories is easy.

Whether for leisurely sailing or competitive racing, the Sunfish offers a rewarding and enjoyable experience.

What is a Sunfish Sailboat?

A Sunfish sailboat is a small, recreational sailboat popular for beginners and experienced sailors. It is known for its simplicity, ease of use, and versatility. What is a Sunfish Sailboat? Key features and characteristics include:

What are the Dimensions and Weight of a Sunfish Sailboat?

The dimensions and weight of a Sunfish sailboat are crucial for transportation. What are the specific details? The length of the boat is 13.9 feet , the width (or beam) is 4.1 feet , the mast height measures 20 feet , the sail area is 75 square feet , and the weight of the hull is 130 pounds , while the weight with the rig is 165 pounds .

These measurements play a significant role in determining the size and weight of the Sunfish sailboat, which is essential for selecting the appropriate method of transportation. If you plan to use a roof rack, make sure it can securely accommodate the length and width of the boat. For those considering trailering the boat, it is important to take into account its weight and ensure that the trailer can handle the load.

Here’s a pro-tip: to maintain balance and stability during transport, distribute the weight evenly when loading the Sunfish sailboat. Safely secure the boat with straps and regularly inspect for any signs of loosening. Having a thorough understanding of the dimensions and weight of the Sunfish sailboat will ensure a safe and damage-free transportation experience.

Preparing for Transportation

Get ready to hit the open waters with your Sunfish sailboat ! In the “ Preparing for Transportation ” section, we’ll cover everything you need to know to ensure a smooth and safe journey. From gathering the necessary equipment to inspecting and cleaning your sailboat, we’ve got you covered. So, buckle up and get ready to learn the essential steps for transporting your Sunfish sailboat to your next adventure.

Gathering the Necessary Equipment

To efficiently transport a Sunfish sailboat, it is essential to gather all the necessary equipment. It is recommended to follow these step-by-step instructions:

  • Start by securely moving the Sunfish sailboat using either a trailer or dolly .
  • Make sure to tightly secure the sailboat to the trailer or dolly by utilizing reliable ratchet straps .
  • During transportation, it is crucial to prevent any movement by securing loose items with bungee cords .
  • To safeguard the Sunfish sailboat from dirt , debris , and unfavorable weather conditions, it is advisable to use a boat cover .
  • To protect the delicate hull and other vulnerable parts, it is recommended to place padding or foam between the boat and trailer or dolly.
  • For any necessary adjustments or repairs during transportation, it is important to carry essential tools like wrenches and pliers in a toolbox .
  • In terms of safety, it is always imperative to have life jackets , a first aid kit , and any other necessary safety equipment on board.
  • To enhance the overall transportation process, you may also consider bringing extra ropes , a boat ladder , or any other gear that may be beneficial.

Inspecting and Cleaning the Sailboat

To prepare a Sunfish sailboat for transportation, it is important to incorporate the following steps:

1. Inspect the hull for damage or cracks. Look for visible wear and tear that may need addressing before transporting the sailboat.

2. Check the rigging to ensure it is in good condition. Look for frayed or damaged ropes, and replace as necessary.

3. Inspect the sails for tears or holes. Repair or replace any damaged sails to ensure they are in proper working condition.

4. Thoroughly clean the sailboat, both inside and out. Remove dirt, debris, and marine growth from the hull, deck, and cockpit. Use mild soap and water, and rinse thoroughly.

5. Remove personal belongings and secure essential equipment or accessories.

6. Check the trailer or roof rack to ensure it is clean and in good condition. Confirm that all straps and tie-downs are working properly.

7. Ensure all necessary equipment, such as safety gear, navigation lights, and a first aid kit, is on board and in good condition.

8. Double-check that all compartments, hatches, and drains are closed and sealed properly to prevent water from entering during transportation.

9. Conduct a final inspection of the sailboat to ensure everything is in order before transporting it to your desired location.

Choosing the Transportation Method

Transporting a Sunfish sailboat can be quite the endeavor, but choosing the right method can make all the difference. In this section, we’ll dive into the various options available for transporting your Sunfish . From trailering the sailboat for long-distance journeys to utilizing a roof rack for shorter trips, we’ll explore the pros and cons of each method. Get ready to make an informed decision and ensure a smooth sailing experience during transport.

Trailering the Sunfish Sailboat

When trailering the Sunfish sailboat, it is important to follow several steps to ensure safe and successful transport. First and foremost, prepare the trailer by ensuring that it is in good condition and properly hitched to the towing vehicle. Next, securely position the Sunfish sailboat on the trailer, aligning it with the centerline. Then, use straps or tie-downs to tightly fasten the sailboat to the trailer to ensure its security. It is crucial to check the trailer lights to verify that they are working properly for road visibility. Inspect the trailer tires and brakes to ensure that they are in good condition and functioning well. It is recommended to perform a test drive to test the hitch and ensure that the trailer is properly attached. It is important to observe weight limits and confirm that the combined weight of the sailboat and trailer does not exceed the recommended limit for the towing vehicle.

A true story serves as a valuable lesson in the importance of following these steps. Once, while trailering my Sunfish sailboat to a regatta, I carefully secured the boat, but overlooked one crucial detail – checking the tire pressure. About halfway to my destination, I noticed that the trailer was swaying slightly. Concerned, I pulled over and discovered that one tire was significantly underinflated . Without wasting any time, I promptly filled it with air to the recommended pressure and continued my journey without any further issues. This experience truly emphasized the significance of checking tire pressure before trailering.

Using a Roof Rack

When transporting a Sunfish sailboat, using a roof rack can be a convenient and secure method. Follow these steps:

1. Select a sturdy roof rack system compatible with your vehicle and capable of supporting the weight of the Sunfish sailboat.

2. Properly install and securely attach the roof rack to your vehicle.

3. Use foam or padding on the roof rack bars to protect the sailboat hull from scratches or damage.

4. Position the sailboat centrally and balance it on the roof rack.

5. Secure the sailboat to the roof rack using tie-down straps or ropes. Attach one end of the strap to a strong point on the roof rack and the other end to a secure point on the sailboat, such as the mast or hull handles.

6. Tighten the straps or ropes securely to prevent any movement or shifting of the sailboat during transportation.

7. Double-check that all the straps are properly fastened and tightened before setting off.

8. While driving, be mindful of the sailboat’s height clearance and avoid low obstacles like overpasses or tree branches that could damage the sailboat.

9. Periodically check the sailboat and straps during travel to ensure everything remains secure.

By following these steps, you can safely transport a Sunfish sailboat using a roof rack.

Securing the Sunfish Sailboat

When it comes to securing a Sunfish sailboat for transportation, there are essential steps you need to take. In this section, we’ll explore two crucial aspects: using straps and tie-downs , and protecting the hull and rigging . Discover the expert techniques and tips that will ensure your Sunfish sailboat reaches its destination safely and securely. So, let’s dive in and learn the best practices for securing your beloved Sunfish!

Using Straps and Tie-Downs

To transport a Sunfish Sailboat safely, it is important to use straps and tie-downs correctly. Follow these steps:

  • When securing the boat, make sure to use high-quality, sturdy straps and tie-downs specifically designed for sailboats.
  • For proper weight distribution , position the bow of the sailboat in the center of the trailer or roof rack.
  • Attach the straps to the bow eyelets or a secure point on the hull, ensuring they are tightened snugly without causing any damage.
  • To prevent any loosening during transportation, securely fasten the straps to the trailer or roof rack.
  • Use extra straps to secure the stern and midsection , attaching them to secure points and tightening appropriately.

Remember to properly tension the straps to minimize any movement. Before hitting the road, double-check all connections to ensure everything is secure.

By utilizing straps and tie-downs correctly, you can transport your Sunfish Sailboat safely, giving you peace of mind and reducing the risk of damage or accidents.

Protecting the Hull and Rigging

When transporting a Sunfish sailboat, protect the hull and rigging to ensure it arrives in good condition. Follow these steps:

  • Inspect the hull for cracks, dents, or damage. Repair any issues beforehand to prevent further damage.
  • Cover the hull with a protective cover to shield it from debris, UV rays, and other hazards during transportation.
  • Secure the rigging to prevent shifting or coming loose during transit. Use straps or rope to fasten the mast and boom securely.
  • Use padding or foam inserts to protect delicate parts of the rigging, like the spreaders and shrouds, from scratches or damage.
  • Avoid placing heavy objects on top of the sailboat that could damage the hull or rigging.

Taking these precautions will protect the hull and rigging of your Sunfish sailboat during transportation, ensuring a safe arrival.

Consider investing in a high-quality sailboat cover designed for Sunfish sailboats. This provides extra protection during transportation and storage, keeping your sailboat in excellent condition for years.

Driving and Arriving Safely

Arriving safely with your Sunfish sailboat is crucial for a stress-free journey. In this section, we’ll cover the dos and don’ts of driving with your sailboat, ensuring you navigate traffic and road rules effortlessly. We’ll explore the importance of checking your sailboat during travel, providing peace of mind as you transport your beloved vessel. So, let’s dive in and discover how to smoothly drive and arrive with your Sunfish sailboat !

Observing Traffic and Road Rules

When transporting a Sunfish sailboat, it is crucial to observe traffic and road rules for a safe journey. Here are some guidelines to follow:

1. Obey speed limits and traffic signals to ensure road safety.

2. Use turn signals when changing lanes or making turns to indicate your intentions to other drivers.

3. Stay in designated lanes and avoid sudden lane changes or weaving through traffic.

4. Maintain a safe distance from the vehicle in front to allow for proper braking and reaction time.

5. Frequently check your mirrors to stay aware of surrounding traffic and potential hazards.

6. Adjust your driving according to weather conditions such as rain, snow, or fog, and adapt your speed accordingly.

7. Avoid using mobile phones or any distractions while driving, as they can disrupt your focus and reaction time.

8. Show courtesy to other drivers, yield when necessary, and respect the right of way.

9. Make sure the Sunfish sailboat is securely fastened and does not obstruct your view or movement while driving.

By observing traffic and road rules, you can safely transport your Sunfish sailboat to your desired destination.

Checking the Sailboat During Travel

  • Inspect the hull for damage or cracks. Look for areas that need to be repaired or reinforced.
  • Check the rigging, including the mast, boom, and sails, to ensure they are secure and in good condition. Look for tears, fraying, or loose connections.
  • Examine the rudder and tiller to ensure they are functioning properly. Check for wear or damage that may affect steering.
  • Monitor the hardware, such as cleats and shackles, to ensure they are securely fastened.
  • Observe the sailboat for water leakage. Check the bilge and drainage system for effectiveness.

Pro-tip: Check the sailboat during stops on long journeys to address issues before they become bigger problems.

Unloading and Assembling the Sunfish Sailboat

Unloading and assembling a Sunfish sailboat can be an exciting adventure! So, let’s dive into this section and discover how to get your Sunfish sailboat ready for the water. First, we’ll tackle the task of removing the straps and tie-downs, making sure everything is secure and ready for the next steps. Then, we’ll move on to setting up the sailboat at your desired destination, getting it all set and primed for a memorable sailing experience. Get ready to hit the water in style!

Removing Straps and Tie-Downs

– Clear the area around the Sunfish sailboat of obstacles or hazards.

– Locate and remove the straps and tie-downs securing the sailboat.

– Carefully cut the straps or untie the tie-downs, one by one, using scissors or a utility knife.

– Be cautious of any tension released as each strap or tie-down is removed.

– Set aside or dispose of the removed straps and tie-downs in a safe manner.

– Inspect the sailboat to ensure no straps or tie-downs remain attached or tangled.

– If any straps or tie-downs are still attached, repeat the previous steps to remove them completely.

– Once all the straps and tie-downs have been removed, the sailboat is ready for assembly or storage.

Setting Up the Sailboat at Destination

Setting up the sailboat at your destination involves a few key steps for a smooth and successful sailing experience.

1. Remove all straps and tie-downs securing the sailboat during transportation.

2. Inspect the sailboat for any potential damage or loose parts from transit.

3. Place the sailboat on dry land near the water.

4. Attach the rudder and tiller securely.

5. Rig the mast and boom, connecting all lines and sails correctly.

6. Check the centerboard or daggerboard, ensuring proper insertion and security.

7. Connect necessary rigging hardware, like shrouds and halyards, following the manufacturer’s instructions.

8. Test all controls, including the rudder, sails, and lines.

9. Double-check safety equipment, such as life jackets, flares, and a first aid kit.

10. Launch the sailboat into the water and set sail on your adventure!

Pro-tip: Familiarize yourself with the manufacturer’s instructions and practice assembling the boat in a controlled environment before setting up at your destination. This will make the process quicker and easier when you’re ready to hit the water.

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Some Facts About How To Transport A Sunfish Sailboat:

  • ✅ A new member is seeking advice on how to transport a Sunfish sailboat using an ebike. (Source: forums.sailinganarchy.com)
  • ✅ The user is considering rooftop transportation on their Tacoma truck and is looking for advice on how to safely load and unload the boat. (Source: reddit.com/r/sailing)
  • ✅ Suggestions are given to measure the space, secure the boat with ropes and padding, and drive in daylight when transporting a Sunfish in a sedan or Chrysler Town and Country. (Source: sailingforums.com)
  • ✅ Various trailers, including light duty trailers, jetski trailers, and motorcycle trailers, can be used to transport a Sunfish sailboat. (Source: smallboatrestoration.blogspot.com)
  • ✅ Trailer guides, crossbeams, and pool noodles can be added for protection when transporting a Sunfish sailboat by trailer. (Source: smallboatrestoration.blogspot.com)

Frequently Asked Questions

Faq 1: what are some options for transporting a sunfish sailboat.

There are several options available for transporting a Sunfish sailboat. Some popular choices include using a light duty trailer, converting a motorcycle or john boat trailer, or using a jetski trailer. Local trailer suppliers such as Trailex, Harbor Freight, and Academy Sports offer suitable trailers for transporting Sunfish boats.

FAQ 2: How can I transport a Sunfish sailboat on my bike?

If you are looking to transport a Sunfish sailboat using a bike, there are a few options. While the Dynamic Dolly company offers a bike adapter, it is only suitable for SUP weight. DIY designs using iron pipes have been seen, but they may not be suitable for everyone. It is recommended to explore other options such as using a lightweight trailer or dolly specifically designed for bike transportation.

FAQ 3: I have limited storage space for a trailer. Can I transport my Sunfish sailboat on the rooftop of my vehicle?

Yes, transporting a Sunfish sailboat on the rooftop of a vehicle, such as a Tacoma truck, is a viable option if you have limited storage space for a trailer. It is important to ensure safe loading and unloading of the boat, especially if you may not always have friends available to help. Consider investing in products or methods that can assist with loading and unloading the boat safely, both at home and at the water.

FAQ 4: How can I safely load and unload my Sunfish sailboat from the rooftop of my vehicle?

Loading and unloading a Sunfish sailboat from the rooftop of a vehicle can be done safely with the right equipment and techniques. Consider using products such as rooftop boat racks or foam blocks/bungees to secure the boat during transportation. Practicing proper lifting techniques and seeking assistance from others whenever possible can help ensure a safe loading and unloading process.

FAQ 5: Is it possible to transport a Sunfish sailboat in a sedan or Chrysler Town and Country?

Transporting a Sunfish sailboat in a sedan or Chrysler Town and Country can be challenging but feasible. Measure the available space in your vehicle and ensure that the boat can fit before attempting transport. It is recommended to secure the boat with ropes and padding, especially in the trunk or back seat area. If the vehicle is not large enough, consider renting a UHaul or exploring alternative transportation options.

FAQ 6: How can I detect and fix leaks in my Sunfish sailboat?

If you suspect your Sunfish sailboat has leaks, there are a few steps you can take to detect and fix them. Start by performing a leak test using soapy water to identify the areas where air bubbles or escaping air indicate leaks. To fix the leaks, you may need to drill inspection ports to access the affected areas. Consult a professional or seek guidance from experienced sailors for advice on proper drilling and repair techniques.

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ASA Sailing Schools in California

Directory of American Sailing Association sailing schools located in the state of California where you can take beginning to advanced sailing lessons.

California has been divided into the following regions

Northern California

Southern california, afterguard sailing academy oakland, northern california, (510) 535-1954 afterguard.net.

sunfish sailboat hiking

San Francisco Bay is the best place in the world to learn to sail. We do not have make up – it is all here. So the place is fantastic as a general learning location. Our school has two locations to sail from. Oakland Estuary has wind from each of two shores year round plus is protected from the higher winds of weather and seasons. Smooth flat waters of a Riviera zone to start for all intro courses up through ASA-101. Then our classes venture out to the Central SF Bay. By mid ASA level we leave from Treasure Island …

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Delta Sailing School Isleton, Northern California

(916) 966-1855 deltasailingschool.com.

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Delta Sailing School offers classes and club membership in the beautiful, laid back, natural environment of the spectacular California Delta. With over 1,000 miles of waterway, we have lots of space for sailing and enjoying this peaceful gem that not too many people have discovered yet. We are convenient to Sacramento, the Foothills, the Valley and the San Francisco Bay Area. Learn to sail in steady winds and warm temperatures. Our instructors are enthusiastic and supportive, professional, experienced and fun. They love to teach sailing, and it shows! Our Basic Keelboat Class is limited to four students giving each person …

Modern Sailing School & Club Sausalito, Northern California

(415) 331-8250 modernsailing.com.

Modern Sailing - ASA Certified Sailing School

Since 1983, Modern Sailing School & Club has been introducing people to sailing from our headquarters in Sausalito, California. Even if you have never set foot on a boat, we can teach you everything you need to know to build a strong foundation in this rewarding and life long sport.

Modern Sailing School & Club Berkeley, Northern California

Our East Bay location at the Berkeley Marina is situated at the end of “The Slot,” the center of action in San Francisco Bay’s famous wind patterns. Unique to our Berkeley location, our fleet of nimble and sporty J/24s and J/80s provide you with the option of taking your first courses on either the Sportboat or the Cruising Boat learning path.

Monterey Peninsula Yacht Club Monterey, Northern California

(831) 372-9686 www.mpyc.org.

sunfish sailboat hiking

Pacific Sail Santa Cruz, Northern California

(831) 423-7245 www.pacificsail.com.

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Pacific Yachting & Sailing is a premiere Sailing School located in Santa Cruz, California. We are one of the only schools in Northern California located on the Monterey Bay and Pacific Ocean. We also offer a fleet of 14 sailing yachts from 28-46 feet for Bareboat Charter, Instruction, Skippered Charters and Team Building Regattas. Our knowledgeable and supportive Captains will provide you with the education needed to experience the ultimate pleasure and respect for sailing on the Pacific Ocean and other locations, worldwide. All of our instructors are US Coast Guard licensed American Sailing Association (ASA) certification. They all have …

Sail Monterey Monterey, Northern California

(831) 372-7245 montereysailing.com.

Sail Monterey, California ~ An ASA Certified Sailing School

Sail Monterey is the only full service sailing charter, sailing school, and rental business in Monterey. Learn to sail in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary! Our 8-12 knot prevailing winds from the Northwest make the Monterey Bay an ideal place to start your sailing adventure!

SailTime – San Francisco Emeryville, Northern California

(415) 869-2861 www.sailtime.com.

Hi! I am Captain Lisa of SailTime San Francisco Bay. Sailing has been my passion ever since I can remember back to when I was 7 years old on a Sunfish with my father and the family dog! I spent many years sailing catamarans before I got serious and started sailing bigger boats. Along the way I took classes, read, studied and did a lot of sailing. The excellent training I have received both with an instructor and with on water experience has made me the confident sailor that I am today. Never stop learning or sailing! I was a …

Spinnaker Sailing Redwood City, Northern California

650-363-1390 spinnakersailing.com.

Spinnaker Sailing, Redwood City - An ASA Certified Sailing School

Spinnaker Sailing in Redwood City is the perfect sailing club providing, sailing instruction and sailing activities for those living on the San Francisco Peninsula, South Bay and East Bay locations. Students who graduate from Spinnaker Sailing School not only received the internationally recognized certification from ASA but the confidence to sail anywhere in the world.

Spinnaker Sailing – San Francisco San Francisco, Northern California

(415) 543-7333 www.spinnaker-sailing.com.

sunfish sailboat hiking

Spinnaker Sailing has been in business for 35 years. and is located in one of the Best Marinas on the West Coast, South Beach Harbor. This location is perfect as the breeze is fresh, the water is flat and it’s only 3 minutes from the boats berth to our teaching grounds…no long channels.

Stillwater Yacht Club Pebble Beach, Northern California

(559) 917-0559 www.sycpb.org.

sunfish sailboat hiking

Stillwater Yacht Club currently owns two Santana 22s, three FJs, Laser Picos, stand-up paddle boards and five Kayaks for our adult members to enjoy free of cost. Lessons are available by appointment at a nominal fee. Members may take the boats out on Carmel Bay upon demonstrating competent sailing skills. One Santana 22 is berthed in Monterey Harbor and use involves additional fees to offset slip expenses. Stillwater Yacht Club is a certified American Sailing Association school, qualifying sailors for a certificate in basic keelboat operation.

Tradewinds Sailing School & Club Richmond, Northern California

(510) 232-7999 www.tradewindssailing.com.

sunfish sailboat hiking

Tradewinds Sailing School has a program for sailors at any level who are serious about gaining the foundation knowledge of sailing and continuing on to become a competent sailor.

Aventura Sailing Academy Dana Point, Southern California

(949) 493-9493 aventurasailing.com.

sunfish sailboat hiking

Aventura Sailing Academy is Dana Point Harbor’s Premier Sailing Club and Academy. For over 44 years we have been successfully teaching students, from the beginner to the advanced. We are a West Coast leader in producing well trained Sailors.

USCG Master Class 100T Captain Ric Dahlin (Director of  Academy) is also a Collegiate level sailing instructor, and as a professional educator, Aventura’s classroom and lectures have been providing “best in class” sailing instruction with top results. All of our Certified ASA instructors are friendly and dedicated to your sailing instruction. Aventura Academy’s classes are challenging, fun and engaging but most importantly highly effective.

Blue Pacific Yachting Marina del Rey, Southern California

(310) 305-7245 bluepacificyachting.com.

sunfish sailboat hiking

Let Blue Pacific Yachting help you realize the joys of sailing. Learn to sail in a safe and supportive environment under the expert guidance of our certified instructors. Students gain hands-on experience and acquire the knowledge and confidence to sail aboard a modern, mid-sized, fully-equipped yacht.

Bluewater Sailing Marina del Rey, Southern California

(310) 823-5545 bluewatersailing.com.

sunfish sailboat hiking

Sailing lessons in Marina del Rey, the Pacific Ocean and beyond. In addition to our ASA courses, we offer year-round innovative sailing possibilities that are tons of fun with many opportunities to get out on the water and meet others in our vast community of sailors with all levels of experience. 

California Sailing Cooperative Marina del Rey, Southern California

(909) 861-5673 www.californiasailingcoop.org.

sunfish sailboat hiking

California Sailing Cooperative (CSC), founded in 1994, is a non-profit club and school offering comprehensive sailing instruction, including ASA certifications, at an affordable cost on a well maintained Catalina 36. The teaching team, headed by Training Director Capt. Charlie Hentges, consisting of CSC’s ASA certified instructor/skippers and club mates, all of whom have completed at least 3 ASA courses. CSC earned the 2012 ASA “School of the Year” award.. CSC’s training philosophy permits members to work on their ASA certifications at their own comfort level, setting their own time table, thus combining expert instruction with at-sea experience. Every sail is …

Freeman Marine Institute Newport Beach, California

(916) 792-8478.

Freeman Marine Institute is devoted to excellence in teaching, learning, and helping students gain access to the amazing world of Sailing.

Harbor Sailboats San Diego, Southern California

(619) 291-9568 www.harborsailboats.com.

Harbor Sailboats, San Diego, CA ~ ASA Certified Sailing School

Harbor Sailboats is San Diego’s Premier Sailing Club, offering award winning instruction aboard Southern California’s most modern fleet of sailboats. Founded in 1969, Harbor Sailboats offers ASA sailing courses from Basic Keelboat to Advanced Coastal Cruising. In addition to offering the International Proficiency Certificate for European/Mediterranean chartering, Harbor Sailboats also offers learn to sail vacations. Spend the week aboard a luxurious sailing yacht while a certified instructor prepares you for a lifetime of confident sailing.

Learn to Sail San Diego San Diego, Southern California

(619) 316-6430 www.learntosailsandiego.com.

sunfish sailboat hiking

We offer live aboard and learn to sail courses in beautiful San Diego. All of our classes are private, so only you and your friends or family will be on board our Beneteau 36s7.

Leo Robbins Community Sailing Center Ventura, Southern California

(805) 658-4746 www.cityofventura.net.

sunfish sailboat hiking

Quality instruction, award winning instructors, affordable pricing and scheduling.

Los Angeles Yacht Club San Pedro, Southern California

(310) 831-1203 www.layc.org.

Los Angeles Yacht Club (LAYC) - Certified ASA Sailing School

Offering beginning and advanced ASA certification courses, Los Angeles Yacht Club’s mission is to bring its sailing heritage and tradition to everyone. Our ASA certified instructors will teach you to sail our 22’ Capris safely and confidently over five, 4-hour lessons. Classes are offered Tuesday through Sunday in a group setting, with no more than three students per boat. Private and family lessons are also available.

Marina Sailing – Channel Islands Oxnard, Southern California

(805) 985-5219 www.marinasailing.com.

sunfish sailboat hiking

Marina Sailing is Southern California’s oldest and largest sailing charter and instruction company. Started in 1962, our six locations along the coast offer a wide range of boats from 22 to 50 feet, including monohulls, catamarans, and powerboats.

Marina Sailing – Long Beach Long Beach, Southern California

(562) 432-4672 www.marinasailing.com, marina sailing – marina del rey marina del rey, southern california, (310) 822-6617 www.marinasailing.com, marina sailing – newport beach newport beach, southern california, (949) 548-8900 www.marinasailing.com.

sunfish sailboat hiking

Marina Sailing – Redondo Beach Redondo Beach, Southern California

(310) 318-2772 www.marinasailing.com, marina sailing – san diego san diego, southern california, (619) 221-8286 www.marinasailing.com, naos yachts marina del rey, southern california, (310) 821-8446 naosyachts.com.

Naos Yachts, CA

The Naos Yachts team consists of offshore, coastal and dinghy racers, as well as long distance cruisers. Our instructors are all ASA certified and we provide instruction on brand new Beneteau yachts and Lagoon catamarans.

Newport Beach Sailing School Newport Beach, Southern California

(949) 209-9931 www.newportbeachsail.com.

sunfish sailboat hiking

The Newport Beach Sailing School is unique in that we specialize in private and semi-private sailing instruction off the coast of Southern California. Our motto is ‘The best value in private sailing lessons.’ We are dedicated to providing highly personalized instruction, and the classes are scheduled according to your availability.

Redondo Beach Recreation Redondo Beach, Southern California

(310) 318-0610 ext. 3399 www.redondo.org, sail channel islands oxnard, southern california, (805) 750-7828 www.sailchannelislands.com.

Sail Channel Islands

COASTAL CRUISING AND BAREBOAT TRAINING in Channel Islands NationalPark. That’s what I do. That and cruises for up to four people just for the fun of it. In terms of ASA qualifications, I only do private lessons – just you and your crew. And if your crew is a spouse who just needs a vacation, that’s fine, too.

San Luis Yacht Club Avila Beach, California

(805) 546-3132.

Learn to sail in the San Luis Yacht Club flagship, the 30 ft. Bermuda sloop “Second Wind”, on beautiful Avila Bay, California. These classes bring participants, ages 16 and up, to ASA 101 (beginner level) standard. Classes cover basic sailing theory, parts of the boat, crew communications, tacking, jibing, sail trim, crew overboard recovery, safety and more. Fee includes a textbook and tests. Upon successful completion of class and passing the ASA 101 Exam, an additional $39 will be collected by the instructor for students wishing to get certified. The certificate is internationally recognized and can be used to help …

Santa Barbara Sailing Center Santa Barbara, Southern California

(805) 962-2826 www.sbsail.com.

The Santa Barbara Sailing Center offers award winning instruction in one of the finest training locations in the world. We average 10-15 knots of wind right outside The Santa Barbara Harbor for our ASA 101 & 103 courses. During our 104 & 106 courses, we average 20-25 knots of wind at The Channel Islands National Park and Marine Sanctuary. Training Vessels include Catalina 22’s, 28’s, 32’s, 36’s, 42’s & 50’s. All instructors all USCG licensed & ASA certified. We offer world renowned Corporate Regattas which emphasizes Team Building.

Seaforth Boat Rentals San Diego, Southern California

(888) 834-2628 www.seaforthboatrental.com.

At Seaforth Boater Education we offer sailing classes and lessons for every level of sailor, from beginner to advanced. If you are just starting out, we offer the Amercian Sailing Association’s Basic Keelboat Sailing course designed to teach the beginner the fundamentals of sailing. If you have been sailing for a while in the bays and are interested in getting more out of your sailing, take a look at our 3-Day or 4-Day ASA 103/104 Combo Class where you can learn more advanced coastal sailing techniques. All of our classes are designed to allow you to get the most out …

South Bay Sailing Redondo Beach, Southern California

(310) 937-3180 www.southbaysailing.com.

sunfish sailboat hiking

South Bay Sailing has been offering a wide range American Sailing Association Certification Courses, Charters, Rentals, Youth Lessons/Camps, Social Events and much more since 2005. Learn basic through advanced sailing skills or just enjoy the day on the water with a twist of performance aboard one of our J/80s or our Farr 40. And why not hold your next team building regatta on actual race boats! No matter what sailing option you choose, our ASA certified sailing instructors will have you on the open ocean minutes after your departure. South Bay Sailing has always prided itself in making sailing accessible …

West Coast Multihulls San Diego, Southern California

(619) 365-4326 charter-catamaran.com.

sunfish sailboat hiking

Catamarans and trimarans are not just another income stream for West Coast Multihulls, they are our passion. If your sailing goal is to become a proficient confident multihull sailor, we are the school for you. Our staff and Instructors have decades of multihull, training, sailing and live-aboard experience to draw from and share with you. We sail out of beautiful San Diego, CA with sailing classes offered year-round from the Sunroad Resort Marina. San Diego enjoys a comfortable, moderate climate with light to moderate winds throughout the year. We are the only catamaran and trimaran specialists in California. West Coast …


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Vela Sailing Supply

  • Sunfish Sailboat Parts

Sunfish Hiking Straps

Sunfish, Hiking Strap (Blue)

Sunfish, Hiking Strap (Blue)

Sunfish hiking strap installation kit.



Sailboat Rentals

  • Stand Up Paddleboard Rentals
  • Kayak Rentals
  • Windsurfer Rentals
  • Wakeboarding Boat Rentals
  • Surfboard and Bodyboard Rentals
  • Miscellaneous Equipment Rentals
  • Party Packages
  • Group Lessons
  • Company Picnics
  • The Watersports Camp
  • Birthday Party Packages
  • Gift Certificates
  • Hours & Directions
  • Parking Information
  • General Information
  • Boats for Sale
  • Forms & Waivers

In order to rent our sailboats you must pass a skills evaluation on that specific sailboat by either completing the prerequisite class at MBAC or completing a 2-hour private lesson if you have previous sailing experience.  We are a self-service rental facility and when you rent a sailboat you are required to launch, rig, de-rig, and clean up your equipment.  

Regardless of sailing experience and ability, you MUST complete at least a 2-hour private lesson with one of our instructors. During your lesson you will be shown where the equipment is stored, how to rig and launch, demonstrate your sailing ability, complete a capsize and recovery, and be shown how to de-rig and store the equipment properly.  You can book a small boat sailing private lesson here . Your skills evaluation will stay valid for 5 years from your evaluation date, or the last date that you rented that specific piece of equipment.

Sailboat Rental Policies:

  • You must be at least 18 years of age to rent equipment and willing to take financial and legal responsibility for the equipment you are renting.
  • Minors between the ages of 14-17 may participate on their own sailboat with someone over the age of 18 supervising them and a waiver  must be signed by their parent. Children under the age of 14 must participate in the rental on the same piece of equipment as the adult and the adult must still go through the checkoff process.
  • All equipment must be returned within 2.5 hours or ½ hour before closing—whichever comes first.
  • You must wear a personal flotation device (PFD) at ALL TIMES.
  • Rentals are self service, meaning that customers are expected to setup, rinse, and put away their own equipment.
  • You are not allowed to go under any bridges.
  • No animals or alcohol allowed on equipment. Those suspected to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol will not be permitted to use equipment.
  • Commercial activity is prohibited on rental equipment.
  • Hobie Getaways require at least 2 passengers over the age of 14.
  • The maximum capacity for Quests is 4 people and Hobie Getaways is 5 people. 

Related Articles

New mbac sailing membership offers opportunity to sail more, brand new hobie getaways have arrived.

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MBAC boasts some of the lowest rental rates in town

Related videos.

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Sailing Membership

We are happy to announce that Mission Bay Aquatic Center is now offering Sailing Memberships!  Affordably priced at just $48/month the MBAC Sailing Membership is a low-cost way to continue sailing without the headache or expense of owning a boat. Perfect for those who have completed small boat sailing classes at MBAC, the Sailing Membership will also allow you to continue learning through ongoing instructional clinics that are free for members. To begin a membership, you must have a valid and current MBAC sailboat qualification through having completed a class or lesson with us. 

For just a few dollars more than a single sailboat rental you could sail on Mission Bay as much as you like! As a member, you will also receive some pretty amazing benefits including:

  • Unlimited Sailing Rentals*
  • Free instructional clinics to continue your sailing education
  • 10% off classes
  • 20% off paddleboard and kayak rentals
  • Add paddling membership for only $11 more per month.
  • Skip the line! Take your membership card straight to the dockmaster to check out equipment!
  • Member-only used equipment sales
  • Member-only coupons and special offers
  • Membership dues support camperships and programs for persons with disabilities

Cancel Your Membership >>


  • Minimum 4 month membership commitment. After 4th month's payment you can submit cancellation, otherwise your membership will continue to be charged monthly and you will continue membership benefits. Cancellations must be submitted 7 days prior to charge date.
  • Member must know how to sail and pass a skills evaluation on each piece of equipment before being allowed to rent that specific equipment.
  • New members who have not yet completed a qualification on MBAC equipment must attend a 2-hour membership orientation before renting. Through the orientation you will be able to qualify to rent one type of sailboat.
  • Membership fee will be auto-charged monthly January-November (no charge in December).
  • Sailing membership includes use of Sabots, RS Quest, Hobie Getaway, Laser, and Windsurfing Equipment. A qualification is required for each type of boat.
  • One 2.5 hour rental per day.
  • No pets or alcohol allowed on MBAC equipment.
  • MBAC rentals must remain in Sail Bay.
  • Membership does not guarantee availability of equipment during peak times.
  • Commercial activity prohibited on rental equipment
  • Member must remain on the equipment while it is sailing.
  • Class discount cannot be combined with other discounts including class packages.
  • Please review the Rental Agreement Contract during membership registration for a full list of terms and conditions.

sunfish sailboat hiking

This 8-foot single sail boat is perfect for learning to sail on Mission Bay. This boat is ideal for 1 adult.

This equipment requires qualification .

sunfish sailboat hiking

This 14-foot sailboat has two sails with bench seating that can comfortably accommodate up to 4 people.

Introducing the RS Quest

sunfish sailboat hiking

Hobie Getaway

This 16-foot catamaran is a sailboat designed for high-performance sailing and can accommodate 2-5 people.

sunfish sailboat hiking

This 14-foot sailboat is an Olympic-class sailboat that is highly-responsive and challenges sailors to develop their technical skills.  This boat is ideal for 1 adult.


  1. Step-by-Step Guide: How to Install Hiking Straps on Your Sunfish Sailboat

    sunfish sailboat hiking

  2. sailing-lake-sunfish-sailboat

    sunfish sailboat hiking

  3. How to build a sunfish sailboat catalogue ~ Custom boat diy

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  4. Building a sunfish sailboat course ~ Custom boat diy

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  5. How to set up a sunfish sailboat

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  6. How to rig a sunfish sailboat video ~ Sailboat optimist plans

    sunfish sailboat hiking


  1. 40 YEAR OLD SUNFISH SAILBOAT WINS, Skipper is HALF its age!!

  2. Get ready to Sunfish Sailboat Sail!

  3. Sunfish Sailing

  4. Looking at the Beautiful Sunfish Pond finally

  5. Walking to Sunfish Pond (The actual pond this time)

  6. How to rig a Sunfish Sailboat


  1. Learn How To Sail A Sunfish Like a Pro: Essential Tips & Techniques

    The Sunfish sailboat, known for its simplicity, affordability, ... Lowering the sail on the mast can help reduce heeling and allow for better control through hiking. Adjusting the gooseneck on the boom can reduce weather helm and improve control. Other controls like the vang, outhaul, and cunningham can further tweak the sail's center of ...

  2. Learn How to Sail a Sunfish Sailboat Effortlessly

    Hiking. Hiking on a Sunfish sailboat. is a technique that allows the sailor to balance the boat and increase speed. It involves leaning out over the side of the boat to counterbalance the force of the wind in the sail. Hiking is important in strong winds and prevents the boat from tipping over.

  3. Installing Hiking Strap on Old Sunfish

    The kit includes a black webbing hiking strap, mounting plate, eyestrap, screws and tie down line -- everything that you're going to need. Most importantly -- instructions are included as well. V79512 Hiking Strap Retrofit Kit $27.95. PS: You would still need to buy a port.

  4. Step-by-Step Guide: How to Install Hiking Straps on Your Sunfish Sailboat

    Installing hiking straps in your Sunfish sailboat is an excellent way to increase your stability and control on the water. By following the step-by-step guide above, you can easily install hiking straps on your Sunfish and take your sailing adventures to the next level. Remember to choose the right straps for your needs, position them correctly ...

  5. PDF Sunfish Sailboat

    2. Fit the bailer cap into the hole of the plug so that the plug stopper faces upward (Figure 8). Fold the rubber plug over the cap to close (Figure 9). 3. Locate the bailer housing and o-ring (Figure 10). Place the o-ring over the neck of the bailer and push it down completely (Figure 11).

  6. Learn How to Sail a Sunfish Sailboat with Expert Tips & Techniques

    The Sunfish sailboat was designed in 1952 by Alcort, Inc. It gained popularity for its simplicity and ease of use. Originally intended for recreational sailing, it has become a popular choice for racing as well. ... Boarding the Sailboat: Hold onto the hiking straps or grab rail for stability as you prepare to set sail. Boarding a sailboat can ...

  7. Installing A Hiking Strap

    You need 4 sets of nuts, bolts and washers, 2 padeyes, 1 hiking strap, some short pieces of line, and one inspection port and associated screws or rivets to hold it in place, plus a tube of silicone. You can order thsi stuff from our sponsor APS and have it in a couple days. BB. Apr 23, 2012. #3.

  8. Why Hiking Straps Are Essential For Sunfish Sailing

    The hiking straps on a Sunfish sailboat help sailors hike out more effectively by providing a secure and comfortable foothold. They are typically made from durable materials such as nylon or webbing, and they are designed to be easily adjustable to accommodate sailors of different sizes and preferences. Some hiking straps may even have padding ...

  9. How to Rig the Sunfish Sailboat Jens Rig

    Sunfish Sailor, Lee Montes, shows you how to rig a Sunfish Sailboat with a Jens Rig. With detailed descriptions of the GUST ADJUST, The Long Island Jens, The...

  10. Sunfish (sailboat)

    The Sunfish is a personal-size, beach-launched sailing dinghy.It features a very flat, boardlike hull carrying an Oceanic lateen sail mounted to an un-stayed mast.. Sunfish was developed by Alcort, Inc. and first appeared around 1952 as the "next generation" improvement on their original boat, the Sailfish.In contrast, the Sunfish has a wider beam for more stability, increased freeboard and ...

  11. PDF SUNFISH Rigging Manual

    Congratulations on the purchase of your new Sunfish! We suggest that you read through this guide to better familiarize yourself with the parts and rigging of your Sunfish. If you have any questions please contact your dealer or call LaserPerformance customer service at 1-800-966-SAIL. 1. Parts of the Hull Gudgeon STERN Traveler Hiking Strap COCKPIT

  12. Install an Inspection Port in a Sunfish Sailboat

    On a sunfish, most people seem to prefer putting the port centered in front of the daggerboard slot and behind the coaming. The advantage is that you can access the front of the footwell if you need to add backing to screws holding in a hiking strap, and you can also reach the hardware for the halyard near the mast step tube.

  13. Sunfish Hiking Strap installation Kit

    Sunfish Sailboat Parts. Sunfish Accessories. Sunfish Hiking Strap installation Kit. Sunfish Hiking Strap installation Kit Sunfish. $18.36) (No reviews yet) Write a Review Write a Review ×. Sunfish Sunfish Hiking Strap installation Kit. Rating Required. Name ...

  14. Sunfish Sailboat Parts & Accessories

    Sunfish Hull & Deck Parts West Coast Sailing is your source for hull and deck fittings for your Sunfish sailboat. Check out our selection of bailers, drain plugs, hiking straps, inspection ports, bridles, gudgeons, bow handles, and more. Sunfish Covers Protect your Sunfish with a proper Sunfish cover, blade bag, or spar bag.

  15. Sunfish Sailboat Hiking Strap

    Kick your dinghy sailing up a notch with SLO Sail and Canvas' Padded Sunfish hiking strap! Our Sunfish sailboat hiking strap is 29.5 inches long over all. The padded midsection is 24 inches long. The webbing on this hiking strap is black polypropylene webbing that is UV inhibited. More Info:

  16. Worldwide supplier of Sunfish boats, parts, & accessories

    The Sunfish is the most popular boat ever produced! Great for both casual sailing and racing. Explore lakes, bays, even oceans. Compact, lightweight, easy to transport. Ideal for one or two sailors. We offer customization options you won't find anywhere else! We have a large selection of boats, sails and parts in stock and ready to ship.

  17. Nautos Sunfish Hiking Strap for Sunfish Sailboat

    This item: Nautos Sunfish Hiking Strap for Sunfish Sailboat . $22.00 $ 22. 00. Get it Mar 25 - 27. In Stock. Ships from and sold by NAUTOS-USA. + Nautos Hiking Strap Plate - Sunfish - 12131. $12.65 $ 12. 65. Get it Mar 25 - 28. In Stock. Ships from and sold by NAUTOS-USA. Total price: To see our price, add these items to your cart.

  18. Quick and Easy Guide: How to Transport a Sunfish Sailboat Safely

    Position the sailboat centrally and balance it on the roof rack. 5. Secure the sailboat to the roof rack using tie-down straps or ropes. Attach one end of the strap to a strong point on the roof rack and the other end to a secure point on the sailboat, such as the mast or hull handles. 6.

  19. ASA Sailing Schools in California

    By mid ASA level we leave from Treasure Island …. More Information. Delta Sailing School Isleton, Northern California. (916) 966-1855 deltasailingschool.com. Delta Sailing School offers classes and club membership in the beautiful, laid back, natural environment of the spectacular California Delta. With over 1,000 miles of waterway, we have ...

  20. San Diego Sailing Lessons & Classes

    SMALL BOAT SAILING PACKAGE. Package price includes Basic Sailing, Advanced Sailing, and Hobie Cat Sailing. $525.00 Package Fee. $365.00 SDSU/UCSD Student Fee. Learn to sail in one of our sailing lessons or group sailing classes in San Diego on Mission Bay.

  21. Sunfish Hiking Straps

    Buy One Design Sunfish Sailboat Hiking Straps at Vela Sailing Supply. The best prices and unmatched technical support from sailors to sailors. ... Sunfish Sailboat Parts. Sunfish Hiking Straps. Sunfish Hiking Straps. Categories. Club 420 Sailboat Parts . All Club 420 Sailboat Parts; Club 420 Blades; Club 420 Block . Deck Hardware; Club 420 ...

  22. Sailboat Rentals

    Rates. Fee. SDSU/UCSD Current Student. 2.5 hour rental. $45. $32. Mission Bay Aquatic Center offers some of the lowest prices on Sailboat Rentals in San Diego.

  23. 16 Best Fishing Spots Near San Jose and Santa Clara County

    Sandy Wool Lake. This 13-acre lake in the foothills near Milpitas is usually the most consistently stocked trout spot in Santa Clara County. The lake is typically stocked with catchable rainbows several times in the mid-to-late winter months, and trout fishing will be best soon after those plantings.

  24. 2024-2025 California Freshwater Sport Fishing Regulations

    Sunfish and Crappie (T14 CCR §5.82) (a) Open season: All year, except for closures listed under district or special regulations. (b) Limit: Combined bag limit of twenty-five sunfish and crappie of all species, except in: (1) Barrett and Upper Otay Lakes (San Diego County): zero bag limit for all species. (c) Size Limit: