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Yacht design, programme overview.

The Yacht Design degree program, offered in English, aims to prepare students to become professionals in the field capable of confronting industrial problems at a high degree of complexity and innovation.  Graduates need to be able to understand, analyze and verify pleasure crafts, design large yachts based on innovative technologies, and oversee and direct construction, testing, maintenance and repair of yachts and mega yachts.

Learning by doing

The classroom lectures in which the theoretical foundation of each course is presented to students are supported by:

-didactic laboratories on design and nautical experimentation;

-internships at shipyards, professional consultancy studios, and  maritime classification registers and surveying boards;

-conferences and workshops in the nautical field;

-university regattas;

-research theses on fundamental topics or on themes proposed by companies in the nautical field.

Career perspectives

Employment at construction shipyards, repair and refitting yards for yachts and pleasure craft, classification registers and surveying boards, design and professional consultancy studios and research institutes which operate in the yachting and mega yacht sectors.

What you will learn

Yacht stability, yacht dynamics, ship structures, numerical marine hydrodynamics, motor yacht design, yacht rigging, yacht design studio workshop, sailing yacht aero hydro dynamics, did you know that....

Yacht Design is a unique degree program in Italy and, as it is configured, it is also unique in Europe!
More than 90% of our graduates find employment at major shipyards and professional consultancy studios in the field.
At Polo ?G. Marconi' students, teachers and staff are united by their passion for yachting. During the academic year it is possible to participate in workshops, conferences, and the construction and refitting of boats designed by our students.
In the past, our students have formed a crew and participated in the ?Mille e una Vela' university regatta, winning in 2012!

Design of pleasure craft (without limits) both from a scientific and technological point of view and from an aesthetic point of view.

The nautical designer must possess the professional competence and skills in the disciplinary fields typical of naval engineering as well as an equally solid preparation in the field of architectural composition and design applied to the nautical field.

What does it mean to be a Yacht Designer?

It means being able to deal in an effective manner with technical problems at a high level of complexity and innovation, and work in an optimal manner using the most modern design and production techniques.  In short, the principal characteristics of a professional of the Master’s program in Yacht Design will be a student who has the ability to understand, analyze and verify pleasure craft, even at a large dimension and complexity, design yachts of large dimension using innovative technologies, and oversee and direct the construction, testing, maintenance, operation and repair of leisure craft.

Head of programme

yacht design la spezia

Coordinator Prof. Dario Boote

Dario Boote

Where to find us.

Campus Universitario La Spezia Viale Nicolò Fieschi 16/18 19123 La Spezia +39 0187 751265 https://campus-laspezia.unige.it/

Didactic support contact Paola Bergantin [email protected]

Course Chair Dario Boote +39 010 353 2419 [email protected]     Course Didactic Office   Luca Panìco +39 0187 751265 [email protected]  


Design above the sea.

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yacht design la spezia


yacht design la spezia

L'architetto Angel, premio al design nautico MYDA 2007, oggi si occupa di Interior/Exterior Design e di Refit di Yacht di lusso nel suo studio di progettazione a Lerici (La Spezia, Liguria).

yacht design la spezia

Torna indietro

Via Tra il Campanile, 6

19032 Lerici (SP) - Italy

Mob: +39. 3358483287 

Studio: +39. 0187 761300

[email protected]  

yacht design la spezia

"Un progetto inizia dall'idea, il render lo sviluppa e lo esalta"

yacht design la spezia


Oggi sappiamo tutti che un render serve per poter visualizzare un nuovo progetto e poterlo sviluppare passo passo per poter offrire una simulazione 3D. Ma i livelli a cui siamo arrivati oggi sono molto più realistici di qualche anno fa. Si utilizza questa tecnologia avanzata per dare una nuova realtà di visione, molto più realistica e veloce. La possibilità di avere i materiali molto vicini a quelli proposti, viste fotografiche e filtri personalizzati. Grazie a questi software dedicati si producono render altamente qualitativi e chiamati appunto fotografici, dall'idea per l'analisi al render fotorealistico per la comunicazione. Generalmente sviluppati per l’architettura, interior design ma con specializzazione anche nello yacht design.

yacht design la spezia

Modellazione 3D

Impiegando software professionali di modellazione 3D si sviluppa il modello nella scena. Ogni dettaglio è replicato e non esistono limiti progettuali. Le applicazioni possibili sono infinite e vanno dalla produzione di render fotorealistici alla creazione di librerie tridimensionali per il web.

Interior Design

La figura dell’interior designer occupa un ruolo primario nello sviluppo del progetto di interni. Lo studio dei materiali, illuminazione e complementi di arredo sono studiati e ricercati nei minimi particolari per esaltare le forme e i caratteristiche del soggetto. In collaborazione con la direzione marketing, si sviluppa e si gestisce l'aspetto artistico e creativo del progetto.

Render fotorealistico

Il rendering fotorealistico è perfetto per liberare la creatività e superare qualsiasi vincolo fisico. L'esperienza fotografica permette di raggiungere alti livelli di foto-realismo ed inquadrature "fuori dagli schemi". A rendering finito si aprono poi infinite possibilità di editing e Marketing.   

VR 360°

Non avrete più limiti nel presentare il progetto. La tecnologia VR vi permette di poter visionare il render a tutto tondo con appositi visori o semplicemente con il vostro cellulare. Dovrete solo caricare l'immagine e godervi lo spettacolo


Non le solite animazioni piatte e finte, oggi potrete avere dei veri e propri film come colori, atmosfera e fotografia, una ricerca dove lo scenario viene studiato per avere anche nelle immagini in movimento dove il solo obiettivo è quello di fare provare "emozioni"

yacht design la spezia

Una esperienza maturata in oltre 25 anni di attività svolta per architetti, designer e cantieri nautici ed è in grado di fornire un servizio completo di alto livello qualitativo. Sempre in grado di affrontare tutte le diverse fasi del progetto fornendo soluzioni professionali ed innovative.

Paolo Fossati Freelance

Dopo aver conseguito la maturità presso l'Istituto d'arte di Monza in grafica pubblicitaria e due master in computer graphics  esercita sin da subito la libera professione formandosi e acquisendo conoscenza con studi di architettura di Milano e interland. Negli ultimi dodici anni, le numerose collaborazioni con cantieri nautici ed un’innata passione per questo settore e per il "mare" hanno permesso di maturare una notevole esperienza e background nello sviluppo della progettazione di interni ed esterni in questo settore anche grazie ad una collaborazione durata sette anni con un cantiere nautico conosciuto a livello internazionale, sopratutto nello studio dei materiali, luci, telecamere e degli abbinamenti materici nonchè tessuti o pelle. Grazie alla formazione accademica e alla specializzazione in Interior Design è in grado di affiancare vari professionisti e aziende nella progettazione e nella comunicazione visiva e marketing.

yacht design la spezia


Negli ultimi anni l’Hardware ed il Software dedicati alla modellazione tridimensionale e render hanno avuto un'enorme evoluzione e ci permettono, uniti ad esperienza, capacità ma sopratutto "passione" di sviluppare immagini che si avvicinano molto alla realtà rispetto a quello proposto fino ad oggi. Tranquillamente si può affermare di poter sostituire il classico set reale con un set virtuale e di produrre render reali in grado di sostituire la fotografia tradizionale. Solo con tanta dedizione ed un background maturato negli anni si può gestire al meglio ogni progetto e risolvere qualsiasi problematica strada facendo.

Vantaggi del fotorealismo

I vantaggi delle immagini proposte qui sono numerosi ed interessanti.

Non esistono barriere dimensionali e creative.

La qualità della immagini è davvero impressionante.

Immagini in grande formato dal formato HD fino ad arrivare al 4K.

Interventi sul modello 3D per avere una sicurezza di realizzazione al vero.

E’ possibile realizzare qualsiasi ambientazione in tempi brevi e verificarli.

Gestire progetti anche a chilometri di distanza in "real time". Risparmio in termini economici e di tempo

Creare qualsiasi prodotto sia in fase di progettazione o schizzo su carta.

Costi ridotti rispetto agli studi standard ma con qualità superiore.

Poter avere un filo diretto con chi gestisce il progetto.

Tutto in un unico costo senza avere sorprese.

Tempistiche ridotte in quanto vengono gestiti pochi progetti alla volta.

La conoscenza del progetto equivale a conoscere il "Brand"

I materiali vengono ricreati appositamente ad alta definizione Materiali, acciai, luci tutto in tempo reale.

Maquette o plastici.

Realizzare delle prove materiale o colore o telecamere.

yacht design la spezia


La possibilità di poter navigare il tuo progetto a 360 gradi, un modello appositamente studiato per avere un'immersione totale visiva ed emozionale dove sei tu a decidere cosa vedere. La qualità molto elevata con aspetto cinematografico ti darà un'emozione unica dove potrai fare vedere nel più piccolo dettaglio il nuovo progetto, vivi questa esperienza, vivi la TUA nuova esperienza.


Guardate come viene visualizzato il vostro progetto in movimento, la ricerca della luce giusta, lo storyboard e la fotografia. Proprio come in un film l'atmosfera deve dare un'emozione e un percorso dove vengono evidenziati quei particolari che rendono unico il movimento, il materiale e la scena in generale anche per lo studio della luce, ciak si gira.


Tutte le immagini vengono prodotte sia per studio materiali, viste e telecamere per dare un impronta personale del cliente ma anche con uno stile personale che differenzia queste immagini da tutte le altre.

yacht design la spezia


© 2018 by P | F | D  | [email protected] | [email protected] | La Spezia | P.IVA 09625750964 - Tel. 0187.14.74.186 - 328.09.50.870

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La Spezia Yacht Design.

Superyacht Directory Italy

Welcome to the "La Spezia Yacht Design" segment of the NAVIS Superyacht Directory, a platform that highlights the extraordinary work of La Spezia yacht designers who have been transforming the world of luxury yacht interior design with their unique style and artistic flair.

La Spezia, known for its vibrant blend of cultures and splendid historical heritage, is home to some of the world's most innovative and renowned yacht designers. These designers have harnessed the city's eclectic spirit to create La Spezia yachts that are not just vessels but a testament to the city’s rich tapestry of culture and innovation.

In this section, you'll discover an expertly curated list of La Spezia yacht designers alongside an impressive high-resolution gallery of their work. These images bear witness to the elegance and sophistication of La Spezia yachts, with each design marrying luxury, comfort, and the inimitable aesthetic charm that is intrinsically La Spezia.

The La Spezia yachts you will see here are characterized by their luxurious interiors and stunning exteriors. They embody a unique design language that is influenced by the city's historical roots, interlaced with modern elements. This harmony of past and present in yacht design is a testament to the genius of La Spezia yacht designers.

NAVIS invites you to explore and appreciate the brilliance of these designs. If you wish to recommend a new designer, a pioneering design studio, or an artist who is shaping the La Spezia yacht design landscape, please contact NAVIS.

The "La Spezia Yacht Design" section is an homage to the richness of La Spezia design culture, a narrative elegantly told through the lens of its exceptional yachts. We hope you enjoy and derive inspiration from the luxury and splendor of these remarkable vessels.

Yacht Designer

Interior Yacht Designer

Perini Navi design team


NAVIS Ten-Year Anniversary Edition

384 pages featuring the best of the best from the last ten years in the luxury yachting world.

Order printed or digital copies from the following stores.

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We design boats, any kind of craft: from luxury yachts to professional vessels, whichever construction material, of any hull type, whatever propulsion system.

Interior Design

We design interiors and spaces, both marine and residential, from luxury to commercial architecture, whether private or public.

Product Design

We design and choose products and artifacts, working on the smallest detail and with particular care to colours, materials and finishings.

yacht design la spezia

PC DESIGN is an italian design studio founded in 2014 by the designers Matteo Cappellazzo and Mattia Piro. With years of experience and a relevant academic background, PC DESIGN’s activities specialize in luxury yacht and interior design but not only. The studio also deals with commercial and professional vessels and ships, residential and architectural interior design, product design for custom and unique creations. PC DESIGN’s skills range from exterior and interior conceptual styling to general arrangements, technical and working drawings editing, passing through advanced 3D modeling, photorealistic rendering, furniture, colours, materials and finishings choice, graphics and works presentation, project management and planning.


25 m hyper yacht



Special mention.

Millennium Yacht Design Award 2014 Special Mention

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Pininfarina and De Simoni Yacht Design create the first boutique of the sea

The synergy between two big names in design generates a new hotbed of creativity. Futuristic projects and new scenarios for the world of nautical design

Design Boutique by Pininfarina & De Simoni Yacht Design, La Spezia, Italy

At Porto Lotti , in the famous Miglio Blu (the production district of La Spezia, between Molo Pagliari and Muggiano, entirely focused on yachting), a new initiative is destined to become a creative hotbed and a reference point for yachtsmen, potential clients and new partners. It is the Design Boutique created by Pininfarina and De Simoni Yacht Design , a strategic partnership that brings together two companies that are very strong in their respective fields of expertise.

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Design Boutique by Pininfarina & De Simoni Yacht Design, La Spezia, Italy

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X2-Explorer X Experience by Pininfarina & De Simoni Yacht Design

On the one hand, the studio founded by Fulvio De Simoni in 2015, although it name is emblazoned on over 3000 boats built since the 1970s, contributing to define the lines of some of the most interesting model on the nautical scene. On the other, Pininfarina brings freshness and innovation thanks to experience in various sectors, from product design to automotive design and architecture, utilizing the most advanced technologies, including widespread operation with Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality.

“We are proud to have begun this new initiative with the studio De Simoni Yacht Design, renowned for its excellence in the nautical sector,” says Silvio Pietro Angori , CEO of Pininfarina. “For the first time Pininfarina opens a design boutique entirely focused on boats; we firmly believe in the growth of this sector, in which Pininfarina can fully express its values of beauty, Italian style and innovation,” Angori continues.

yacht design la spezia

The field of yacht design is not a new one for Pininfarina, since the firm has already developed a number of important collaborations with leading shipyards, for both sailing and motor yachts, including Beneteau , Primatist , Oceanco , Fincantieri , Rossinavi , Wally , Princess and Persico Marine .

Pininfarina has also created the lines of the Destriero , the legendary yacht owned by Karim Aga Khan , which in 1992 won the Blue Riband, the Trans-Atlantic speed record; for the 30 th anniversary of that feat, Pininfarina has gained special honors precisely for the particular style of the Destriero.

yacht design la spezia

With the opening of the Design Boutique at Porto Lotti, Pininfarina and De Simoni consolidate a partnership that has already led to great results: an initial research project is that of the X2-Explorer X Experience , presented in a world premiere in September 2022, during the Monaco Yacht Show .

A catamaran is also on the way, slated to debut at the next Cannes Yachting Festival for 2023. “It is a pleasure to work with Pininfarina,” says Fulvio De Simoni. “Combining our styles and our experiences, we will be able to imagine new yacht design scenarios.” 

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Catamaran by Pininfarina & De Simoni Yacht Design


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Profile: Tommaso Spadolini

Tommaso Spadolini is celebrating the 41 year of his long and illustrious career but don’t ask him if he has any unfulfilled design dreams up his sleeve….he’ll fling open the doors of closets bursting with designs for yachts of all shapes, sizes and kinds. Sketching and designing boats is virtually an automatic reflex for him at this point. He does it everywhere: in his studio, on. It’s more a mind-set than work. 

yacht design la spezia

Tommaso Spadolini was born into the sector. His father, Tommaso Senior, is widely considered one of the founding fathers of modern yacht design together with Paolo Caliari, Alberto Mercati and Aldo Cichero. He was also the first architect in Italy to be given a professorship in industrial design. 

yacht design la spezia

“I was the youngest of five children,” explains Spadolini, “so to get to spend a little time with my parents, I used to go to the yard with them on Saturdays and Sundays. My mom and dad also always took myself and my siblings out on the boat too. So that’s how I got my nautical culture: through familial osmosis!”

yacht design la spezia

After initially working with his father’s studio and the Cantieri di Pisa, Tommaso Spadolini struck out on his own, starting with what he loved best: Barberis sailing boats. Then he turned the Canados yachts into a success. 

yacht design la spezia

A commission for the King of Spain later established him as one of the big boys in the yacht design world. It would be virtually impossible to list all the literally hundreds of boats he’s worked on over the last four decades. 

yacht design la spezia

Standouts include Numptia for Rossinavi and the wildly famous RC for Roberto Cavalli.   All craft, however, that made a mark and share Spadolini’s inimitable design stamp of clean, sober, spare lines. “To me, design is all about having a vision of an object that has to serve a purpose.

yacht design la spezia

It can’t just be designed for its own sake. It has to have a story, logic, functionality and, above all, soul. Nautical design in particular also has to follow the iron-cast rules of form and function,” he explains. All Spadolini-style, of course. And that means starting out with a hand-drawn sketch before the project is developed. 

yacht design la spezia

“Drawing underpins everything. I personally always draw by hand because I believe it’s the only way to communicate emotional content and the soul of an idea. Plus I am completely obsessed with pens, paper, kneaded erasers, and all the tools most people now think of as obsolete,” he explains. 

yacht design la spezia

“A while back I took part, as a lecturer, in a workshop on yacht design at La Spezia. There were 10 Italian architects and 10 American architects  doing the course and on the first day I handed them a sheet of tracing paper and a pencil. Most of them didn’t have the faintest idea of what to do with either the pencil or the tracing paper. So I made them draw for the whole day. 

yacht design la spezia

The following morning we scanned their drawings and in the afternoon, we started working on them on computer. Even though I use an iPad and computer, it is still inconceivable to me to give form to an idea directly on a computer.” Despite being one of Italy’s most renowned motoryacht designers, Tommaso Spadolini is actually a real sailing yacht fan.  

yacht design la spezia

He is currently the happy owner of a 1985 Baltic which is one of only a few with a furling mainsail. He does have a secret dream though. His cupboards are bursting with designs. But there is one vital project missing from that long list: that of a 15-metre sailing yacht with a central cockpit that he dreams of building himself sooner or later to sail with his pals.  

yacht design la spezia

Currently, Spadolini is hard at work in his studio in an old deconsecrated church in Florence on a range for the newly-minted Rosetti Yachts, a new boat for Roberto Cavalli and another series of projects about which he remains resolutely tight-lipped. That is not counting, of course, the designs he scribbles here and there and which sometimes make the leap from paper to waves…. 

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Department : DITEN/DAD – Università degli Studi di Genova Coordinator : Prof. Marco Gaiotti


Attachments and links, programs and teachers, notifications, course information: nautical engineering.

The professional figure of the Nautical engineer, a program unique in Italy, is able to design boats, from the generation of the hulls to the structures, systems, hydrostatic and hydrodynamic calculations, and the preparation of the exteriors and interiors. The educational degree program concerns both the disciplinary aspects of the Naval engineer and those of the Nautical Designer, allowing an easy entry into the world of work.


The Degree Course in Nautical Engineering ensures a mastery of methods and general scientific content common to other programs of Industrial Engineering, as well as the acquisition of specific professional knowledge in the disciplines of Naval Engineering and Architecture. After the first year in which the basic scientific skills are given priority, in the following two years the particular disciplines of Nautical Engineering are developed, studying issues related to hydrodynamics, hydrostatics, shipbuilding and propulsion as well as composition and nautical design. In the third year the student can apply the skills acquired in the degree program by having an internship at a major company in the field. Lastly, the final exam consists in the design of a boat up to 24 meters, under the direction of the professors and supervisor.


The main job opportunities for the Nautical Engineer are: shipbuilding and repair yards for ships and boats; classification institutes / monitoring bodies; professional design and survey offices; and research institutions. A key factor in terms of employment is the completion of the Master’s degree; in fact, over 80% of Master’s graduates in Yacht Design have found work within 12 months of obtaining their Master’s degree in the above-mentioned fields. Particularly the occupational openings of the Ingegneria Nautica Bachelor’s Degree graduated are: – Vessel and Yacht building and refitting yards (Building and Refitting Shipyards); – Nautical sector operators; – Classification Register and Surveying Boards; – Design and consultancy professional studios.


Dalla Scuola al Lavoro (sintesi degli incontri svolti) Condizione occupazionale (anno 2018) Ingegneria Nautica Calendario A.A. 2019-20 Orario I Semestre Ingegneria Nautica 2019-20 Calendario degli esami di profitto A.A. 2019-20 Calendario sessioni prova finale Ingegneria Nautica a.a. 2018-19 Manifesto degli Studi A.A. 2019-20 Regolamento Didattico Ingegneria Nautica Coorte 2019-2022 Elenco propedeuticità CdS Ingegneria Nautica Decreto indizione elezioni Coordinatore Ingegneria Nautica 02-05-2019 Rappresentanti eletti nel CCS

Università degli Studi di Genova Università degli Studi di Genova – Scuola Politecnica Immatricolazioni e iscrizioni Scadenze ALISEO – Agenzia della Regione Liguria per gli studenti e l’orientamento

Analisi Matematica 1 R. Van Der Putten [email protected] V. Bertella [email protected]

Chimica 1 G. Ramis [email protected]

Disegno Tecnico Industriale D. Torrazza [email protected]

Teoria e disegno industriale applicato alla nautica 1 G. Gori [email protected]

Fondamenti Chimici delle Tecnologie 1 M. P. Carpanese [email protected]

Fisica Generale G. Bracco [email protected] G. Lamura [email protected]

Rappresentazione per il Disegno Industriale M. E. Ruggiero [email protected]

Geometria M.V. Catalisano [email protected]

Geometria dei Galleggianti A S. Gaggero [email protected] G. Vernengo [email protected]

Lingua inglese B2   L. Santini [email protected]

Analisi Matematica 2 R. Van Der Putten [email protected] V. Bertella [email protected]

Architettura Navale 1 M. Ferrando [email protected]

Costruzioni Navali A   D. Boote [email protected] G. Vergassola [email protected]

Fisica Tecnica 1 F. Devia [email protected]

Meccanica Razionale S. Vignolo [email protected]

Fondamenti di Informatica E. Giunchiglia [email protected]

Idrodinamica A M. Mazzuoli [email protected]

Macchine 1 S. Marelli [email protected] V. Usai [email protected]

Scienza delle Costruzioni A I. Monetto [email protected]

Statica della Nave 1 N. Petacco [email protected] G. Tani [email protected]

Costruzioni Navali B T. Gaggero [email protected]

Costruzioni Navali C M. Gaiotti [email protected]

Disegno Industriale Applicato B M. I. Zignego [email protected]

Elettrotecnica A G. Barabino [email protected] D. Mestriner [email protected]

Impianti Navali A M. Martelli [email protected] B. Spanghero [email protected]

Impianti Navali B S. Donnarumma [email protected]

Storia dello yachting F. Foppiano [email protected]

Storia della nautica M. Corradi [email protected]

Tecniche ed Organizzazione dei Cantieri A G. Penco [email protected]

For all information: Aula Web

Information for first year students.

Si informano le aspiranti matricole che il bando relativo al test di ammissione a..a 2019/20 sarà disponibile alla pagina: https://architettura.unige.it/


Si informano gli studenti che i piani di studio per il corrente anno accademico dovranno essere confermati online dal 23/09/19 al 18/10/19


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    yacht design la spezia

  2. Yacht for Sale

    yacht design la spezia

  3. Yacht Design

    yacht design la spezia

  4. Sanlorenzo Launches First 57Steel Motor Yacht

    yacht design la spezia

  5. First Riva 88 Folgore yacht launched in La Spezia

    yacht design la spezia

  6. Luxury Yacht In La Spezia At Night With Reflection In Water

    yacht design la spezia



    Particularly, the occupational opportunities for the Yacht Design MSC degree graduates are: vessel and yacht building and refitting yards (building and refitting shipyards), pleasure craft sector operators, classification registers and surveying boards, design and consultancy professional studios and research institutes. ... 19123 La Spezia Tel ...

  2. Yacht Design

    Scopri il Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Yacht Design al Campus Universitario La Spezia: Costruisci il Tuo Futuro con Noi. Vai al contenuto. Menu principale. CAMPUS Attiva/disattiva menu. Il campus; Biblioteca; Contatti; ... 19123 La Spezia Tel: 0187 751265. Orario di apertura 8.30 - 18.30 (dal lunedì al venerdì) Orario Uffici Didattica


    The Yacht Design degree program, offered in English, aims to prepare students to become professionals in the field capable of confronting industrial problems at a high degree of complexity and innovation. ... Campus Universitario La Spezia Viale Nicolò Fieschi 16/18 19123 La Spezia +39 0187 751265 https://campus-laspezia.unige.it/ Learn more ...

  4. Bassan&Benedetti

    Bassan&Benedetti - Yacht Architecture & Design. Design above the sea. [email protected]. Via Pietro Alfonso Conti 13, 19124, La Spezia, Italy.

  5. Studio Faggioni

    Studio Faggioni - Yacht Design - Via della Marina 90, 19131 La Spezia (IT) - C/Valderribas, 3 - 4D - 28007 Madrid (ES) - Tel.: +34 91 166 4535 Designed by Michael Anthony Raj | Webmaster by rajgã Italia | Contact Webmaster | Best View 1280 x 1024

  6. Arch. Roberto Angel

    Via Tra il Campanile, 6. 19032 Lerici (SP) - Italy. Mob: +39. 3358483287. Studio: +39. 0187 761300. [email protected]. L'architetto Roberto Angel, vincitore del premio al Design Nautico MYDA 2007, oggi si occupa di Interior/Exterior Design e di Refit di Yacht di lusso nel suo studio di progettazione nautica a Lerici (La Spezia, Liguria).

  7. Studio Faggioni

    Da Giugno 2015 a Marzo 2016, Studio Faggioni Yacht Design è impegnato sull'albe... »» Leggi Tavola Rotonda a Palma de Mallorca ... Studio Faggioni Yacht Design - Via della Marina 90, 19131 La Spezia (IT) - Calle de Valderribas, 3 - 28007 Madrid (ES) Tel. IT +39 0187 77 84 94 - Tel. ES +34 91 051 3539

  8. Render

    Studio professionale specializzato in render, interior design e yacht design con sede a La Spezia

  9. Yacht Design Directory

    The "La Spezia Yacht Design" section is an homage to the richness of La Spezia design culture, a narrative elegantly told through the lens of its exceptional yachts. We hope you enjoy and derive inspiration from the luxury and splendor of these remarkable vessels. Yacht Designer.


    ABOUT. PC DESIGN is an italian design studio founded in 2014 by the designers Matteo Cappellazzo and Mattia Piro. With years of experience and a relevant academic background, PC DESIGN's activities specialize in luxury yacht and interior design but not only. The studio also deals with commercial and professional vessels and ships, residential ...

  11. PDF MSc Course in YACHT DESIGN

    YACHT DESIGN The Course is held at Campus Universitario La Spezia Yacht Design Board of Study Secretary Dr. Luca Panìco Tel. 0039 0187 751265 [email protected] Campus Universitario La Spezia VialeNicolò Fieschi, 16/18 -19123 La Spezia www.campus-laspezia.unige.it

  12. Contact Details Studio Faggioni, STUDIO FAGGIONI

    Studio Faggioni - Yacht Design - Via della Marina 90, 19131 La Spezia (IT) - C/Valderribas, 3 - 4D - 28007 Madrid (ES) - Tel.: +34 91 166 4535 Designed by Michael Anthony Raj | Webmaster by rajgã Italia | Contact Webmaster | Best View 1280 x 1024

  13. Pininfarina and De Simoni Yacht Design create the first boutique ...

    At Porto Lotti, in the famous Miglio Blu (the production district of La Spezia, between Molo Pagliari and Muggiano, entirely focused on yachting), a new initiative is destined to become a creative hotbed and a reference point for yachtsmen, potential clients and new partners.It is the Design Boutique created by Pininfarina and De Simoni Yacht Design, a strategic partnership that brings ...

  14. Blue Design Summit, La Spezia capital of the superyacht

    From 15 to 18 May La Spezia will host the first event dedicated to the design, construction, and refitting of superyachts: the Blue Design Summit

  15. Profile: Tommaso Spadolini

    Rossi Navi Numptia 70 mt Photo: Luca Buttò "A while back I took part, as a lecturer, in a workshop on yacht design at La Spezia. There were 10 Italian architects and 10 American architects doing the course and on the first day I handed them a sheet of tracing paper and a pencil.

  16. PDF MSc Course in YACHT DESIGN

    YACHT DESIGN The Course is held in La Spezia at Polo Universitario "G. Marconi" Yacht Design Board of Study Secretary Dr. Luca Panìco Tel. 0039 0187 751265 [email protected] Polo Universitario"G. Marconi" Via deiColli, 90 -19121 La Spezia www.unispezia.it Chairman of the Board of Studies in Yacht Design Prof. Ing.Dario Boote dario ...

  17. Hendrik Sprik

    À propos. Dutch technical sales assistant and student yacht & product design and yacht brokerage. Providing sales support in deck & engineering supplies. Design specializations: Superyacht exterior design 50m+ | High end watch design & Consumer Products, where I 100% focus on licensing my design concepts. Brokerage specialization: Superyachts ...

  18. Palma Sorrento at Palm Valley

    250 Palm Valley Blvd, San Jose , CA 95123 Blossom Valley/S San Jose. 5.0 (1 review) Verified Listing. Today. 562-386-0162. Monthly Rent. $2,584 - $4,034. Bedrooms.


    25 reviews and 726 photos of Au La La Design "I was grabbing lunch with a few coworkers at San Pedro and walked by this nice boutique selling women's clothes. Was very surprised to see that a retail store was located along the street. Owner was a delight and she advised she designed all the clothing which was a plus considering I like to support small local businesses."


    of Italian peculiarities and competitive factors of the national economy. In fact, the field shows significant trends of expansion in all the major sectors, boating, mega-yacht (in which Italy is the world leader), cruise ships and ferries, racing boats, accessories and fittings for boating.[/cherry_col_inner] Promostudi La Spezia

  21. Affittacamere Cá Leon La Spezia, IT

    With a stay at Affittacamere Cá Leon in La Spezia, you'll be 2.2 mi (3.5 km) from Ferry Terminal and 7.5 mi (12 km) from Lerici Beach. This guesthouse is 7.8 mi (12.6 km) from Church of San Lorenzo and 7.9 mi (12.7 km) from Doria Castle. Popular Hotel Amenities and Features.


    NAUTICAL ENGINEERING. The professional figure of the Nautical engineer, a program unique in Italy, is able to design boats, from the generation of the hulls to the structures, systems, hydrostatic and hydrodynamic calculations, and the preparation of the exteriors and interiors. The educational degree program concerns both the disciplinary ...