You make the memories. We make the arrangements.

Miami to Key West Itinerary for your Luxury Charter!

Sail the Florida Keys coastline on your Miami to Key West Yacht Charter. There are many options from which to choose, and the captain will customize an itinerary just for you. The itinerary below is an example of one eight-day option.

miami to key west itinerary

Day 1 | Miami

Depart Miami for a short sail to Elliott Key for swimming and snorkeling. Then, sail to Pumpkin Key. Anchor for the night.

Day 2 | Key Largo

Arrive at the first of the Florida Keys. Spend the day snorkeling or diving at John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park ,

Day 3 | Islamorada

Also known as the Sport Fishing Capital of the world, Islamorada is a destination in itself. Dine waterfront at Islamorada Fish Company and then step inside the adjacent World Wide Sportsman. Inside there’s a wall-size aquarium as well as a replica of Ernest Hemingway’s boat, Pilar.

Day 4 | Duck Key and Little Torch Key

Stop at Hawk’s Cay Marina. Enjoy the restaurants, bars, and spas at this upscale resort. On Little Torch Key, purchase a day pass to Little Palm Island Resort .

Day 5 | Newfound Harbor Keys

Newfound Harbor Keys is a chain of islands just south of Little Palm Island. The water around these small islands is very shallow. In fact, it’s so shallow that the tiny Florida key deer can easily travel between islands. You may glimpse these endangered animals or other wildlife, such as sea turtles, dolphins, and native birds.

Florida Keys mangroves

Day 6 | Key West

The southernmost city in the United States, Key West, is home to some of the most creative and quirky people. You’ll want to rent a bike or scooter to see all of the island, including Smathers Beach, the Truman Annex, the Ernest Hemingway Home, and more.

Enjoy a relaxing dinner at Louie’s Backyard or have a tourist’s favorite “Cheeseburger In Paradise” at Jimmy Buffett’s Margaritaville Restaurant. Walk Duval Street and have a beer at Sloppy Joe’s. Then, rest up for a long sail tomorrow.

Day 7 | Dry Tortugas

Leave early for the Dry Tortugas. This remote 110-square-mile park is accessible only by boat or seaplane. Here you can swim, snorkel, and explore 19th Century Fort Jefferson.

Staghorn Coral and tropical fish

Day 8 | Key West

Spend your last day once again in Key West. Make sure to have a slice of genuine key lime pie , which is made with limes that are more tart than ordinary limes. Take a selfie at the southernmost point and watch the sunset from Mallory Square.

Note : There are many shallow areas in the Florida Keys. Anchorages will depend on the size, the draft of the yacht, and the weather.

Miami to Key West Itinerary

If you like this Miami to Key West itinerary, just imagine what you could see and do on a more extended charter! For more information about renting a private luxury charter yacht in Florida, call 321-777-1707. We will assist you in crafting the perfect itinerary.

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Contact us to start a conversation about your dream vacation, and let us show you how we can help bring your vision to life through our exceptional yacht charter services.

a large yacht on the ocean

Monet Yacht Charters

Yacht Charter Miami To Key West: Ultimate Guide

Embarking on a yacht charter from Miami to Key West is an adventure we’ve explored inside and out. With our background in the private jet business, we’ve got a knack for luxury travel that translates seamlessly to the sea. This journey is more than just a trip; it’s a curated experience that promises unparalleled views, exclusive snorkeling spots, and sunsets that you have to see to believe.

We’ve poured our expertise and thorough research into crafting an article that not only guides you through this exquisite voyage but ensures you’re getting the most out of every nautical mile. Whether you’re drawn to the allure of the open ocean or the charm of the Florida Keys, our insights will steer you towards an unforgettable journey. Keep reading to discover the best yacht charter options from Miami to Key West, tailored just for you.

Key Takeaways

Table of Contents

  • Personalized Experience: A yacht charter from Miami to Key West is synonymous with luxury, offering a customizable journey where everything from the travel route to on-board amenities can be tailored to your preferences, ensuring a unique and exclusive adventure.
  • Unparalleled Access: Opting for a yacht charter allows exclusive access to secluded spots along the Floridian coast, including hidden gems like secret snorkeling locations and private beaches that aren’t accessible to larger vessels, making for a truly unique exploration.
  • Spectacular Natural Encounters: The journey promises encounters with breathtaking scenery and wildlife, offering opportunities to connect with nature, from dolphins playfully trailing the yacht to snorkeling in pristine coral reefs rich with marine life.
  • Top-Notch Comfort and Amenities: Modern yachts are equipped with luxurious amenities ranging from spacious decks for sunbathing, advanced entertainment systems, to comfortable cabins ensuring a blend of adventure and pampering throughout the voyage.
  • Must-Visit Destinations in Key West: Once in Key West, explore must-see attractions like the historic Fort Jefferson, vibrant Duval Street, the enchanting Key West Butterfly and Nature Conservatory, and the iconic sunset celebrations at Mallory Square.
  • Planning for Perfection: For a memorable yacht charter, choosing the right yacht, planning the itinerary with key highlights, ensuring safety, and personalizing the experience according to one’s taste are crucial elements that contribute to the success and enjoyment of the trip.

Benefits of Yacht Charter from Miami to Key West

yacht charter from miami to key west

Embarking on a yacht charter from Miami to Key West isn’t just about traveling; it’s about experiencing unparalleled luxury and freedom on the seas. Let’s explore why this journey is a must-do for those seeking adventure and relaxation in equal measure.

First off, Customization is key. We’re not just talking about the route, but the entire experience. Whether it’s the culinary preferences, leisure activities, or the pace at which we travel, everything can be tailored to suit our desires. It’s like having a floating five-star hotel that goes wherever we want, whenever we want.

Exclusivity comes hand in hand with a yacht charter. We get to explore hidden gems along the Floridian coast that are inaccessible to larger vessels. From secret snorkeling spots bursting with marine life to secluded beaches where we can unwind without a care in the world, these moments make our journey truly unique.

The scenery and wildlife we encounter are nothing short of breathtaking. Picture gliding through crystal-clear waters, with dolphins playfully chasing the wake of our yacht. Or, imagine anchoring at a pristine coral reef for an impromptu snorkeling session. This voyage offers endless opportunities to connect with nature in ways we’ve never imagined.

Lastly, comfort and amenities on board are top-notch. Think spacious decks for sunbathing, state-of-the-art entertainment systems for evening movie sessions, and luxurious cabins that guarantee a good night’s sleep after a day full of adventure. It’s the ultimate blend of adventure and pampering.

Choosing the Right Yacht for Your Charter

yacht charter from miami to key west

When planning our yacht charter from Miami to Key West, one of the most critical decisions we’ll make is selecting the right yacht. It’s not just about the length or the price; it’s about matching our needs, our dream experience, and the yacht’s capabilities. Here’s how we can break it down to make sure we’re on the right path.

Yacht Sizes

First, we need to consider size and type. Are we looking for an intimate experience with a close group of friends or a larger gathering with family? Yachts come in various sizes, from sleek and sporty models perfect for couples or small groups to larger vessels that can accommodate parties of 12 or more. The type of yacht—sailing yacht, motor yacht, or catamaran—also affects our experience. Sailing yachts offer a more classic and hands-on sailing adventure, while motor yachts provide speed and luxury. Catamarans, known for their stability and space, are ideal for those who may be prone to seasickness or want the extra room.

Next, let’s talk amenities. Modern yachts come equipped with a variety of facilities to enhance our journey. From on-board Jacuzzis and state-of-the-art entertainment systems to water toys like paddleboards, kayaks, and snorkeling gear, these amenities can significantly impact our enjoyment. When choosing our yacht, we’ll want to think about which features are most important to us.

Lastly, crew and service. The expertise and hospitality of the crew can make or break our charter experience. A knowledgeable and friendly crew not only ensures our safety but also caters to our every need, from navigating the best routes to preparing gourmet meals. Reading up on reviews and seeking recommendations are great ways to ensure we select a charter company that prides itself on exceptional service.

By considering these factors—size and type, amenities, and crew and service—we’re on our way to selecting the perfect yacht for our Miami to Key West adventure.

Planning Your Itinerary Along the Way

When embarking on a yacht charter from Miami to Key West, we’ve got a few insider tips to help you plan the ultimate itinerary. This journey offers a mix of sapphire waters, vibrant coral reefs, and unforgettable stops that are sure to make your trip extraordinary.

First off, don’t miss the chance to glide through Hawks Channel where the playful dolphins and graceful turtles are a common sight. It’s moments like these that truly enrich your adventure. Another spot we highly recommend is the breathtaking Looe Key Reef. Here, the dazzling array of fish and sea creatures will leave you in awe, making it a top pick for anyone who loves snorkeling or diving.

For those seeking a dash of luxury, Little Palm Island Resort offers an exclusive escape that’s just off the beaten path. Imagine anchoring nearby and reveling in the tranquility of this private paradise. It’s the perfect way to add a touch of elegance to your journey.

As you sail towards Duck Key, take a detour to Sombrero Key for some of the best snorkeling in the area. The water clarity and marine life here are unparalleled. Lastly, rounding off your trip at Bahia Honda provides the chance to experience iconic Florida Keys scenery, from palm-lined beaches to crystal-clear waters and stunning sunsets.

Our proposed pit stops:

  • Hawks Channel
  • Looe Key Reef
  • Little Palm Island Resort
  • Sombrero Key
  • Bahia Honda

Each of these locations offers something unique, from thrilling wildlife encounters to serene beachside sunsets. We’ve crafted this journey to blend adventure, relaxation, and luxury, ensuring that every moment aboard is nothing short of magical. Remember, it’s all about creating a voyage that speaks to your spirit of exploration and relaxation. So, take our suggestions, tailor them to your desires, and set sail for an unforgettable experience on the waters from Miami to Key West.

Exploring Key West: Must-See Attractions and Activities

When embarking on a yacht charter from Miami to Key West, the allure of the open sea is undeniable. However, arriving in Key West unveils a new adventure that’s as vibrant and colorful as the reef below the waves. We’re here to guide you through the must-see attractions and activities that make Key West a quintessential stop on your seafaring journey.

First up on our list is the historic Fort Jefferson in the Dry Tortugas. Just a day’s sail from Key West, this monumental fortress offers guided tours that reveal the rich history of the area. It’s not just a lesson in the past; the surrounding waters boast some of the most pristine coral reefs in North America, making it a paradise for snorkelers and divers.

As we navigate back to the heart of Key West, we can’t skip the famous Duval Street . It’s where the spirit of Key West comes alive with its eclectic mix of restaurants, bars, art galleries, and shops. Whether you’re in the mood for a seafood feast or just want to soak up the local culture with a cold drink in hand, Duval Street caters to all tastes.

For those of us who are wildlife enthusiasts, a visit to the Key West Butterfly and Nature Conservatory is a must. It’s a magical place where hundreds of butterflies flit through an indoor tropical paradise, creating a serene experience unlike any other. Plus, the conservatory’s learning center provides fascinating insights into the lifecycle of these vibrant creatures.

And of course, no trip to Key West would be complete without watching a sunset at Mallory Square . It’s a daily ritual where tourists and locals alike gather to witness the sun dipping below the horizon, painting the sky in breathtaking hues of orange and pink. Street performers, musicians, and food vendors add to the festive atmosphere, making it a celebration of nature’s beauty and human creativity alike.

Each of these destinations offers a glimpse into the diverse tapestry that is Key West. Whether we’re delving into historical wonders, indulging in the local nightlife, connecting with nature, or simply enjoying a sunset, Key West has something special for every traveler.

Tips for a Memorable Yacht Charter Experience

yacht charter from miami to key west

Embarking on a yacht charter from Miami to Key West is an adventure we all dream of, but it’s the small details that turn a trip into an unforgettable experience. Here, we’ll share some insider tips to ensure your journey on the water is nothing short of spectacular.

First off, choosing the right yacht is crucial. It’s not just about size or luxury, but also about how well it fits your group’s needs. Consider comfort, amenities, and the kind of experience you’re aiming for. Whether it’s lounging on deck under the sun or having high-tech equipment for water sports, make sure the yacht meets your wishlist.

Next up, let’s talk about planning your itinerary . While spontaneity has its charms, a bit of planning goes a long way. Key West is brimming with sites and activities, and you’ll want to hit the highlights without feeling rushed. Allocate time for Fort Jefferson in the Dry Tortugas, an afternoon stroll down Duval Street, and yes, a sunset at Mallory Square is a must. But also leave room in your schedule for those unexpected gems you discover along the way.

Safety is non-negotiable, so brush up on maritime safety procedures before you set sail. Familiarize yourself with the yacht’s safety equipment and make sure everyone on board knows basic safety practices. It might not be the most exciting part of your trip prep, but it’s definitely one of the most important.

Personalizing your experience is what sets yacht charters apart from other types of travel. Talk to your charter company about arranging special activities or experiences, like a private tour of Key West’s hidden spots or a gourmet meal prepared on board by a chef. It’s these touches that create memories lasting a lifetime.

Remember, a yacht charter is more than just a trip—it’s an opportunity to explore, relax, and create lasting bonds. With the right preparation and a spirit of adventure, we’re sure your Miami to Key West journey will be everything you’ve dreamed of and more.

Embarking on a yacht charter from Miami to Key West offers a unique blend of luxury, adventure, and personalization that’s hard to find elsewhere. We’ve shared how selecting the right yacht and tailoring the itinerary can elevate your experience, ensuring every moment is as breathtaking as the views. By focusing on safety and customization, we’re confident your journey will be unforgettable. Remember, it’s not just about the destination but the memories you create along the way. Let’s set sail on an extraordinary adventure that’s tailored just for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can i charter a yacht from miami to key west.

Yes, you can charter a yacht from Miami to Key West. This offers a personalized and exclusive experience, allowing you to enjoy breathtaking scenery and wildlife along the way. Customization options are also available to tailor the journey to your preferences.

How much does a yacht charter from Miami to Key West cost?

The cost of a yacht charter from Miami to Key West varies based on the yacht’s size, amenities, and the duration of the charter. Prices start from a few thousand dollars for a day trip and can increase significantly for luxurious or longer charters.

What are the benefits of choosing a yacht charter over other forms of travel?

Yacht charters offer unparalleled customization, exclusivity, and direct access to breathtaking natural scenery and wildlife. They also provide top-notch comfort and amenities onboard, making the journey as enjoyable as the destination.

How do I choose the right yacht for my charter?

Consider the size, type, amenities, and budget when choosing a yacht. It’s important to select a yacht that can comfortably accommodate your group and meet your specific needs for the trip.

What should I include in my itinerary when planning a yacht charter from Miami to Key West?

Your itinerary should include stops at scenic spots, wildlife viewing opportunities, and any specific locations you wish to visit. Planning for relaxation time and activities on board is also important to enhance your experience.

How can I ensure safety during my yacht charter?

Ensure safety by choosing a reputable charter company with experienced crew members. Always follow safety instructions provided onboard, and check that the yacht is equipped with updated safety equipment.

How can I personalize my yacht charter experience?

Personalize your yacht charter experience by discussing your preferences with the charter company beforehand. This could include meal plans, entertainment options, and specific routes or destinations you wish to explore.


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Superyacht Charter Miami & Florida Keys

Miami & Florida Keys Yacht Charter

Private Yachting Cruises in Miami and the Florida Keys

This itinerary takes in some of Florida's best spots, running south from the beach party capital of Miami, to the Florida Keys, a stunning coral cay archipelago that feels worlds away from the bustle of mainland USA. Sit back and relax onboard your own private superayacht. Rent a crewed motor or sailing boat with YPI to have the best cruising possible in Miami and the Florida Keys. This is an example of an eight day yacht charter itinerary for Florida. Yacht charter itineraries are created individually for every client based around personal preferences and how you want to spend your time onboard your superyacht in Miami and the Florida Keys.

Superyacht Charter Miami

Art Deco Beaches

Join your superyacht Charter in Miami Beach, easily accessible from airports worldwide. Settle in onboard and spend time relaxing on the iconic Miami Beach, testing out the boat's paddleboards and kayaks or diving from the swim platform. Alternatively, hit the shopping districts of Miami for the best designer items. Later, enjoy dinner onboard or hit the legendary clubs of South Beach, where VIP access can be arranged.

Superyacht Charter Biscayne Bay

Biscayne Bay

Natural paradise.

Depending on your superyacht’s draft and the tides, explore the national marine park of Biscayne Bay, south of the Rickenbacker Causeway. This natural paradise offers fabulous views of the Miami skyline while being a quiet retreat from the city’s high-octane style. Discover Biscayne’s crystal-clear water, kayak around emerald islands, snorkel coral reefs teeming with vibrant colourful fish, dive shipwrecks or fish for lobster.

Superyacht Charter Key Largo

Enter the Keys

The first in the chain of the Florida Keys, Kay Largo is one of the top diving areas in the US. Don your yacht’s dive gear and explore the world’s largest artificial reef, the huge shipwreck of the USS Spiegel Grove (over 500ft in length), and the extraordinary John Pennekamp Coral Reef Underwater State Park with its Christ of the Deep statue. Return to your crewed motor or sailing boat for cocktails on deck with views over mangrove forests.

Superyacht Charter Islamorada

Village of Islands

Superyacht Charter Duck Key

Luxury Escape

Halfway down the Florida Keys, the tiny island of Duck Key is taken over by the luxury Hawks Cay resort. Spend the day here, relaxing in the award-winning spa or by the pool. Head out to the nearby waters for fishing, snorkelling, paddleboarding or an afternoon on the yacht toys. In the evening, return to your crewed motor or sailing boat for a sunset dinner prepared by your onboard chef.

Superyacht Charter Newfound Harbor Keys

Newfound Harbor Keys

Coral swimming.

Take one of your superyacht's tenders to Newfound Harbor, a chain of islands just south of Little Palm Island extending west from the east end of Big Pine Key. The keys offer some of the best boulder corals in the Keys, including star corals and giant brain corals, all in very shallow waters under 18ft. Swim with angelfish, butterflyfish, surgeon fish, damsels, wrasses, grunts, snappers, parrotfish mix and grouper. Spot Florida Key deer as they paddle between islands, or look up for a possible sighting of an American bald eagle.

Superyacht Charter Key West

Caribbean Vibes

Known for its independent off-the-grid spirit, Key West offers something for every superyacht charter guest. Enjoy high-octane fun on the yacht’s water toys, kayak to mangrove islands or relax on quiet sandbars. Start your evening with cocktails on the bridge deck or a rum punch at one of the island’s cocktail bars, such as The Other Side, serving a very rare gin in speakeasy style surroundings. Continue on to one of Key West’s luxury restaurants, topped by the legendary Louie’s Backyard, with a spectacular oceanfront setting perfect for watching the sunset.

Superyacht Charter Miami


Enjoy a leisurely sail back to Miami onboard your motor or sailing boat. We will arrange transfers to a hotel where you can continue your holiday, or to the international airport for onward travel.

yacht charter from miami to key west

Miami to Key West, Florida Yacht Charter Vacation Itinerary

Miami to Key West – Itinerary

Day 1.  Arrive in sunny Florida for your first day of your charter on your chartered yacht from  Taylor’d Yacht Charters . We will start with a short cruise around the  Biscayne Bay  and along the Intracoastal Waterway to view the luxurious houses on Fisher, Palm, Hibiscus, and Star islands.  Embrace the experience that is South Beach with its cacophony of languages, its array of ethnic restaurants, and its throbbing beat of Latin music.  Dance the night away at one of the all night clubs!

Day 2.  A bit groggy from your taste of  Miami , we slowly begin our cruise south.  On the way we pass Key Biscayne, where former President Nixon had his vacation house and the legendary houses of Stiltsville.  As the skyline of  Miami  disappears you will notice the low lying islands of the Florida Keys.  We will stop at Elliott Key or one of the reefs nearby, so you can dive overboard into the pristine water.  To end this perfect day, we dock at the exclusive Ocean Reef Club for the evening.  This is one of Sandy and Tom Taylor’s favorite locations.

Day 3.  Wake up early and enjoy the morning on the golf course, shopping, or just relaxing by the pool.  We then continue southwest on your rented boat from  Taylor’d Yacht Charters  bound towards the Middle Keys where we can stop to snorkel or take the tender to go see Indian Key, the last of the untouched keys.  For dinner we will stop at Hawks Cay Marina in Duck Key.  Here you will have the opportunity for a close encounter with the dolphins that live in their dolphin pool.

Day 4.  Off to  Key West  where you can shop all day and bar hop all night.  Just make sure you get to Mallory Square before sunset to watch for the famous “green light”!  We suggest Sloppy Joes to start your night of fun.

Day 5.  After your encounter with Key West, head down to Sand Key or the Marqueses Keys for some fun water activities.  Here we will an anchor out, so you can experience one of the world’s most beautiful sunsets (yes, even better than Key West).

Day 6.  As we start heading North again, we can stop at Little Torch Key where you can dine at Little Palm Island, the Keys only resort and spa.  Very exclusive!

Miami to Key West – Itinerary – Day 7.  On our last day we cruise back to Miami  on your boat from  Taylor’d Yacht Charters  and kiss the Florida Keys goodbye.  You will leave with many great memories and photos to show your friends back home

yacht charter from miami to key west

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yacht charter from miami to key west

Charter Destinations


yacht charter from miami to key west

Charter itineraries


Miami Beach to Key West

Quite rightly nicknamed the ‘Sunshine State’ Florida is a superb location to charter a yacht.

This seven day itinerary includes the delights of the ever bustling and colourful Miami Beach right through to the calm and tranquillity of Duck Key and Newfound Harbour. The beaches here are quite justifiably world renowned and the diving within the Florida Keys is world class.

yacht charter from miami to key west

Our Suggestion

  • Day 1. Miami Beach to Elliot Key 20 miles
  • Day 3. Elliot Key to Key Largo 27 miles
  • Day 6. Key Largo to Islamorada 15 miles
  • Day 10. Islamorada to Duck Key 23 miles
  • Day 15. Duck Key to Newfound Harbour 28 miles
  • Day 21. Newfound Harbour to Key West 25 miles
  • Day 28. Key West

Book your itinerary

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Seafari Yacht Charters

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How To Charter A Boat From Miami To Key West

Most Popular , Yachting

Set sail on an extraordinary journey from Miami's vibrant energy to the allure of Key West, the southernmost gem of the United States.

Published February 2, 2024

Set sail on an extraordinary journey from Miami’s vibrant energy to the allure of Key West, the southernmost gem of the United States. Direct ferries may not be available. However, the appeal of embarking on a private boat charter beckons. It offers exhilarating experiences and breathtaking views throughout the 165-mile journey. 

If the open seas aren’t your cup of tea, choose from the comforts of bus rides or take a scenic drive through the Florida Keys. Each route has its distinct charm, providing adventurous experiences or iconic sights. 

You can choose your mode of transportation—whether it’s a leisurely boat from Miami to Key West, a scenic bus journey, a comfortable car drive, or a swift flight—to reach Key West. You’ll have an exciting and scenic experience no matter how you travel. It’s an unforgettable escape worth cherishing. 

Traveling on Key West yacht rentals or boat charters offers an exhilarating and picturesque voyage.

Traveling From Miami To Key West By Boat

Unfortunately, there are no direct Miami to Key West ferry services available. However, if you prefer traveling by boat or ferry from Miami to Key West, you have two options. You can arrange a private charter, or you can take advantage of the Key West Express. The Key West Express is a ferry service. It departs from Fort Myers Beach or Marco Island and takes you directly to the southernmost city in the United States.

Traveling on Key West yacht rentals or boat charters offers an exhilarating and picturesque voyage. Covering a distance of roughly 165 miles, the duration of your trip is influenced by the route you select and the speed of your boat.

Miami is a bustling metropolis, home to many boat chartering companies. The advantage lies in the array of options. There are opulent luxury yachts and quaint fishing vessels. There’s a charter tailored to your preferences, whether you desire grandeur or simplicity.

Alternative Routes To Get To Key West

Luckily, there are other ways on how to get to Key West from Miami. Here are alternative modes of travel to reach the must-see destination.

You can trek by bus from Miami to Key West if you don’t have a car. The regular bus service provides convenient transportation. 

Furthermore, other bus services like Greyhound Lines provide online booking for trips from Miami to Key West. Plus, they provide free Wi-Fi, power outlets, and much more legroom.

Keys Shuttle is perfect if you prefer a smaller bus for more privacy. Keys Shuttle offers daily personalized door-to-door service from Miami and Key West’s airports.

If you enjoy lengthy road trips, perhaps you’ve contemplated driving to the captivating Florida Keys. The duration of the journey is approximately three-and-a-half hours without any stops. It may vary due to traffic conditions.

However, the scenery you’ll view along the Overseas Highway (US1) makes it all worth it. 

Your Instagram feed will look stunning after you take photos here. You can stop by many tourist attractions along the way to make the most out of your trip.

Unfortunately, parking is challenging in Key West due to the limited space. The best way to fix this is to use Key West Park N’ Ride’s service for a convenient trip. This service allows you to leave your vehicle parked in its place and enjoy all-day shuttle rides around town.

Taking day trips from Miami to Key West usually takes 13 hours. Companies will schedule a pick-up from your hotel or resort at approximately 7:00 AM. This tour allows you to explore Key West’s famous beach and visit attractions with the help of a knowledgeable guide. 

The landmarks along the overseas highway, like the Seven Mile Bridge , are some of the tour’s highlights. You can include extra activities, such as jet skiing and cruising, in your itinerary. Upon arrival at Key West, you can freely explore the city for around six hours. 

If you plan to cruise from Miami to Key West, it’s also an option worth considering. Today, several reputable companies are operating in the Port of Miami. Some popular cruise operations include Carnival, Royal Caribbean, and Disney Cruise Lines.

Cruise durations range from short 3- or 4-night trips to longer 5- or 7-night journeys, offering various options for travelers.

Keep in mind that each cruise line provides unique amenities and experiences. Therefore, contacting them directly for accurate and current information is advisable. 

If cost isn’t a concern, flying is always an excellent option for traveling. When reaching Key West from Miami, traveling by air is the fastest and most efficient way. 

A typical flight from Miami International Airport to Key West International Airport usually takes less than an hour. However, it’s essential to factor in the time spent at the airport, particularly during peak travel seasons. Additionally, the average cost of airfares is approximately $200.

People who don’t have financial constraints can also book private charters along this route. They can also share the cost with friends or family. The evoJets and Air Key West are two reputable charter companies to consider as they provide excellent service.

Boca Raton, located less than an hour away from Miami, offers a convenient starting point for your boat trip.

Private Yacht Charter From Miami To Key West

Boca Raton is less than an hour away from Miami. It’s a convenient starting point for your boat trip. Embarking from there on a private yacht cruise presents a viable option. When it comes to chartering a vessel in Boca Raton, Seafari stands out as the premier choice. They specialize in luxurious ultrawide catamaran yacht charters, particularly trips to Key West.

The Seafari Ultrawide Catamaran offers an array of amenities to enhance your experience. Every convenience is at your fingertips. You have Wi-Fi, a freezer, a fridge, and a wireless sound system. Additionally, fishing enthusiasts can enjoy the vessel’s in-house fishing gear for free. This ensures a seamless and enjoyable fishing experience without any extra charges.

Our Rates To Key West

The journey from Boca Raton to Key West typically takes 4 to 5 hours with Seafari. This means that chartering a day trip to the city is undoubtedly feasible. Yet, it’s important to note that a one-day excursion may not be enough. It may not allow you to immerse yourself in what Key West offers.

For those seeking to truly immerse themselves in Key West’s wonders, book a trip that spans 3 to 7 days. With that in mind, allow us to provide you with a detailed overview of our current rates: 

For those seeking to immerse themselves in Key West's wonders truly, book a trip that spans 3 to 7 days.

Frequently Asked Questions About Miami To Key West Boat Travel

How far is miami from key west by boat.

It’s approximately 165 miles from Miami to Key West. The length of a boat trip depends on your speed and route. 

What is the easiest way to get to Key West?

An international airport of the same name serves Key West Island. Flying in is the easiest way to get there. 

Where do ferries heading to Key West leave from?

The Key West Express offers departures from two convenient Southwest Florida locations. If you’re going on a boat trip, you can catch the boat there. Choose from Fort Myers Beach (year-round) and Marco Island (seasonally) to Key West. 

What is the best time of year to plan a trip to Key West?

The ideal time to sail from Miami to Key West is during the dry season, between November and April. It’s the time of the year when the weather is warm and less humid.

When traveling from Miami to Key West, the perfect route ultimately depends on your preferences. If you love the ocean and enjoy breathtaking sunset views, there's nothing like embarking on a yacht or boat from Miami to Key West.

Jumpstart Your Miami To Key West Boating Adventure

When traveling from Miami to Key West, the perfect route ultimately depends on your preferences. If you love the ocean and enjoy breathtaking sunset views, there’s nothing like embarking on a yacht or boat from Miami to Key West. It offers a complete vacation experience on the water. You can immerse yourself in the enchantment of this unforgettable voyage. So why wait any longer? Set sail today and indulge in the magic of this remarkable adventure. 

Experience Yacht Charters With Seafari In Boca Raton Florida

Looking for a great time on the water in Boca Raton Florida? Seafari Yacht Charters is number choice for yacht rentals in Boca Raton . Book our yachts for parties , exciting day trips to the Bahamas, romantic yacht dinner cruises , and much more. Come experience all South Florida has to offer with us.

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With expertise in multiple fields, Rei Bayucca offers readers captivating and insightful articles. Through her writing, she aims to engage and enlighten readers with thought-provoking content. Experience and dedication ensure that her work is well-crafted and impactful.

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At the end of a 110-mile-long chain of islands, stretched like a string of pearls across a Caribbean blue sea lies charmed Key West, it is here you will find Florida Yachts Charters. We are a boutique yacht charter company that specializes in Bareboat and Crewed Charter, ASA Sailing Instruction and Yacht Management. Experience the best of sailing the Florida Keys with a well maintained fleet of yachts, local knowledge and expertise, a warm island welcome and the personal touches of a luxury yacht charter.

Bareboat Charter

Raise the sails or take the throttle. With a bareboat charter i f you have the experience, then enjoy the freedom of captaining your own yacht on your own Florida Keys adventure. Explore our fleet of sailing monohulls, catamarans and power yachts.

Captained Charter

Sit back, relax, and let the professionals do all the work. Charter the yacht of your choice and connect with one of our experienced crew for your carefree sailing vacation in the Florida Keys. Want a full-service chef, we can help with that too!

Learn to Sail

Let us show you the ropes. Do you dream of owning or bareboat chartering your own sailing yacht one day? We are an accredited ASA Sailing School offering fully private courses for high quality one on one time with your instructor. Customize your itinerary and turn your Florida Keys sailing vacation into a great educational opportunity for you and your family.

Yacht Management

If you are dreaming of enjoying the luxury of keeping your yacht in paradise then join our curated fleet of well maintained charter yachts. We will be happy to consult with you about our yacht management options in the Florida Keys.

6651 Maloney Ave, Unit 1 Key West, FL 33040

[email protected] 800-650-6940


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Florida Keys

Florida Keys Yacht Charters

A classic florida experience: the florida keys.

Florida Keys yacht charters are one of the most popular yachting vacations in the continental US. Florida Keys are composed of more than 40 islands south of Miami and offer the best diving and snorkeling in the US. The 110 miles of Florida Keys chain are also the home to North America’s only living coral barrier reef.

Just off the southern tip of mainland Florida are the Florida Keys, a chain of tropical islands that stretch 120 miles from the Atlantic Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico. The islands — each with its own distinct personality — are a playground for all ages, whether snorkeling with schools of colorful fish, diving to explore a famous shipwreck, fishing for the perfect marlin, or simply enjoying an umbrella drink while watching a gorgeous sunset.

From laid back escapes to daily adventures, the best way to experience all that the Florida Keys have to offer with a custom yacht charter vacation.

Florida Keys Yacht Charter Highlights

  • Over 1700 islands to explore
  • World-class sportfishing
  • Home to the only living coral barrier reef in the continental United States
  • Warm temperatures and waters year-round
  • Some of the world’s best sunsets

Showing 1–4 of 22 results

remember when main

Remember When

162ft / 48m

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Miss Christine

157ft / 47m

Yacht Relentless profile

145ft / 43m

Aquasition Yacht

142ft / 42m

Best Time to Charter a Yacht in the Florida Keys

The Florida Keys are the ideal year-round yacht charter destination. Average highs range from 75F/24C in January to 89F/32C in August. Winter months are the driest, and the Keys don’t experience the cold fronts that can bring frost to the mainland. When temperatures are at their peak, the ocean breezes will cool you down. From late May through October, thundershowers and rain can pop up, but wet weather rarely lasts the entire day. Best of all, the waters are warm and calm throughout most of the year.

Florida Keys Yacht Charters – Top 3 Places to Visit

Key Largo diving

The first and northernmost of the Florida Keys is Key Largo, a natural paradise both on land and under the sea. Referred to as the Diving Capital of the World, it is home to the John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park and the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary which includes the world’s largest artificial reef, the 510-foot USS Spiegel Grove shipwreck.

Key Largo is also a sportfishing destination, with over 600 species of fish in the surrounding waters, including the popular yellowtail snapper. For a truly memorable experience, check out one of the island’s dolphin encounter programs where you can learn more about the mammals or even swim alongside them.

Islamorada Florida

Located just 90 minutes south of Miami, between Everglades National Park and the Florida Strait, Islamorada is a village made up of six islands. Islamorada is known as the Sportfishing Capital of the World. For anglers, you can fly fish in the shallow backcountry waters for bonefish, redfish and tarpon in the morning, then head offshore and try to snag a sailfish that same day.

Divers will love exploring the area reefs and visiting the History of Diving Museum that includes intriguing finds, like a 16th-century treasure chest. Take a step back in time to Florida in the early 1800s at Indian Key Historic State Park and Lignumvitae Key Botanical State Park, or hike the tropical nature trails at Long Key State Park.

Sunset in Key West

The southernmost key in the chain and the southernmost point in the United States, Key West is actually closer to Cuba than it is to Miami. Spanning just two by four miles and with a population of around 27,000 full-time residents, you’ll find its Bahamian and Cuban heritage all over the island.

Famed for its natural beauty, history, climate, art, architecture and abundance of activities for all ages, it’s a great option for family charters or couples charters. Visit the Ernest Hemingway Museum and discover why Key West captivated the acclaimed author. Snorkel or dive the area reefs and shipwrecks.

Florida Keys Week-Long Yacht Charter Itinerary

Day 1: Biscayne Bay & South Beach

When you arrive in the Sunshine State, you’ll be greeted by the crew of your South Florida yacht charter, who will assist you with your luggage and help you board your luxury yacht. You’ll get your sea legs with a cruise in Biscayne Bay and along the Intracoastal Waterway where the beautiful homes of the rich and famous can be seen on Fisher Island , Palm Island , Star Island , and Hibiscus Island . We’ll return to dock at South Beach , where you’ll experience the best of Miami nightlife. Enjoy a drink and the ocean breeze at a beach party or head indoors to one of the finest nightclubs in the country for a wild night of dancing.

Day 2: Head to the Florida Keys

While you recover from your night of partying in Miami, you can sip on fresh-brewed coffee as we head south towards the Florida Keys. You can enjoy a variety of water sports along the way – from diving to wakeboarding, waterskiing etc.

Day 3: Key Largo

Today you’ll certainly want to go snorkeling or diving, in this self-proclaimed Dive Capital of the World. On land, there is much to explore and plenty of activities to take part in, including dining, shopping, golfing, and much more! Key Largo is a wildlife haven with two state parks, a national park, and a national marine sanctuary. The John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park is America’s first underwater park and offers an amazing array of fishes and colorful coral. As the sun sets, you can tender out to Indian Key , where you can watch the colors fade from the sky on this natural key.

Day 4: Key West

In the early morning, we’ll cruise to Key West , where you’ll have to opportunity to view the unique island culture that is world-famous. As the southernmost point in the continental U.S., Key West touts clear blue skies and beautiful weather. During the day, enjoy watersports, fishing, diving, golfing or shopping, because once the sun sets, you’ll be ready to truly begin your Key West experience. Head to Mallory Dock for the Sunset Celebrations, which is an impromptu occurrence every day of the week. You’ll see musicians, jugglers, and mimes as you walk to one of the sidewalk cafes, open-air bars, or elegant restaurants. This is what Key West is all about.

Yacht charters to Key West are like nothing else. This island breaks all stereotypes and all the rules to become a destination that is uniquely Key West.

Many people recognize Key West as a party town. This may be due to the fact that there are more bars per capita here than anywhere else in the country. The local bars know how to treat their patrons. The Schooner Warf Bar, for instance, meets the needs of its clients’ wild side by starting happy hour at 9:00 in the morning. However, one thing that people don’t realize about the island is that it also has more churches than anywhere else in the United States.

Key West yacht charters are popular because of the Caribbean-style atmosphere, the beautiful sandy beaches, and the stunning coral reef. The 160-mile-long reef is the third-largest in the world and the only one in the United States. Key West beaches are unlike any others in the Florida Keys because the sand was shipped from the Caribbean on barges.

Day 5: Marqueses Keys

We’ll head even further west to the Marqueses Keys , a group of uninhabited islands that are surrounded in mangroves. You may want to take out the kayak and explore the environment up close. Enjoy an afternoon of water sports and sunbathing before relaxing on the deck of your yacht with a cocktail in hand to watch one of the most beautiful sunsets in the world.

Day 6: Little Torch Key

As we make our return trip, you’ll enjoy a fabulous gourmet breakfast al fresco style so you don’t miss a second of the stunning scenery. We’ll take time to stop at any of the smaller Keys we may have missed along the way, such as Little Torch Key for dinner at the exclusive Little Palm Island Resort and Spa.

Day 7: Miami

Today will be your last day on your Florida yacht charter . You’ll enjoy a delicious brunch served by your personal chef before packing your things in preparation for reaching Miami. We look forward to seeing you again as you make a return trip to the beautiful Florida Keys!

Florida Keys Yacht Charters – What to See & Do

Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary – Extending from south of Miami westward to the Dry Tortugas, The Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary is the world’s third-largest barrier reef in the world and the only one in North America. Home to over 6000 species of marine life, it’s a popular destination for swimming, fishing, boating, ecotourism and more. It is also one of the most popular spots for diving, especially the Shipwreck Trail and the world’s largest artificial reef, the USS Spiegel Grove, a 510-foot retired Navy ship that was intentionally scuttled in 2002.

John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park – Located in Key Largo, this is the first undersea park in the United States. Explore the reef on a snorkeling, scuba diving or glass-bottom boat tour. Rent a kayak, paddleboard or canoe and make your way through the mangrove trails. Or spend a day at Cannon Beach where you can swim to the remnants of an early Spanish shipwreck just 100 feet from shore.

History of Diving Museum – This museum on Islamorada is known for its dedication to preserving, collecting and displaying artifacts related to the history of diving around the world, and the role that the Florida Keys has played in this history. Exhibits include the Treasure Room with its 16th-century iron treasure chest and 70-pound silver bar, a display breaking down the evolution of underwater photography, and the collection of atmospheric diving suits.

The Ernest Hemingway Home and Museum – Located in the heart of Old Town Key West, Nobel Prize-winning author Ernest Hemingway lived and wrote here for over 10 years. Step back in time by taking a guided tour of the house and gardens, and be sure to look out for the world-famous six-toed cats that live on the property.

Key West Aquarium – Situated in Key West’s Mallory Square, the aquarium is a popular attraction for the entire family. Stroll through the shark, jellyfish, and alligator exhibits, learn about sea turtle conservation or watch one of the animal feedings throughout the day.

How much does it cost to charter a yacht in the Florida Keys?

Yacht charter rates in the Florida Keys start from approximately $20,000 US up to $170,000 US, depending on the size of the boat, the year it was built, the number of cabins, amenities, selection of water toys, and season. Contact Worldwide Boat and one of our yacht charter specialists will help you select the yacht that best fits your needs and budget.

Book Your Florida Keys Yacht Charter with Worldwide Boat

Take advantage of the convenience of chartering close to home with a Florida Keys yacht charter. The Keys are just a short flight away yet they feel like a different world completely. Enjoy the natural beauty and serenity on one of our Florida Keys yacht charters with endless exciting things to do and see !


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The beauty of the skyline, protected anchorages, historic sights & local culture


Florida Keys

Pristine waters, breathtaking sunsets, vibrant reefs & local culture.

SV The Space Between small.png

Crystal clear waters, powder white sand beaches, exquisite marine life & local culture.

South Florida:

Miami - From Ft. Lauderdale it's an invigorating 3+ hour sail down Florida's coast to the Port of Miami. Here you can enjoy the iconic Miami Skyline as we anchor in front of the historic Miami Marine Stadium and watch the sky illuminate in city lights.  The anchorage is an ideal spot for paddle boarding, people watching, sundowners and dance parties on the bow.

Coconut Grove - From Ft. Lauderdale it's a 4+ hour adventure to Coconut Grove.  Depending on the sea state we can either tuck into the Port of Miami with views of the skyline as we narrowly duck under the Rickenbacker Causeway Bridge. Or we can continue down the Atlantic Ocean and round the cape of Key Biscayne, spotting the Cape Florida Lighthouse and historic Stiltsville.  We can hang out at Nixon's Sandbar for some fun local flare or anchor next to some weekend party goers on their megayachts and enjoy some entertaining people watching.  If you prefer a more relaxing setting, Hobie Island Beach Park or Dinner Key offer just that. 

Florida Keys:

Upper Keys - Departing from Ft. Lauderdale it is a 2 day journey, stopping at either Miami or Coconut Grove along the way.  We then journey inside the 70n square mile, John Pennycamp Coral Reef State Park. It is the first underwater state park and boasts beautiful coral formations, sunken statues and abundant marine life. Time and weather permitting Tavernier Key offers still more reefs, a Wild Bird Sanctuary and a drawbridge to the Gulf side. From there we can access a calm anchorage ideal for paddle boarding and a quick dinghy ride to The Oceanview Inn & Sports Pub in Islamorada for entertainment and local fare.

Middle Keys - Picking up from either Tavernier or Marathon (not available on a round trip FTL trip).  We can either dock at one of our favorite secluded marinas for quick access to restaurants, bars, grocery and liquor store and the famous Sea Turtle Hospital or moor in mooring field for a dinghy ride to the same.  There are many beautiful reefs and snorkel spots to hit as we travel south. We make a stop in Bahia Honda State Park to snorkel the ledge, visit the beach or do some paddle boarding.  If seas permit, there is an amazing reef with Goliath Groupers off of Big Pine.  From there it's off to Key West.  From Key West we will visit Snipe Point, undeniably the most beautiful beach in the Keys accessible only by boat. Disembarking in Key West.

Key West - Oh Key West! One of our favorite places. We highly recommend upgrading to a couple nights at a marina to get a taste of all the land based activities.  It is a one-of-a-kind adventure.  From the water there are calm anchorages with legendary sunsets, Snipe Pointe - a sandbar/beach on the Gulf side, out-island beaches and swim and snorkel spots.

Freeport to Abacos - From West End towards Yankee Cay or Big Fish / Barefoot area, then southbound through Spanish, Nunjack, Green Turtle to Treasure Cay.  Disembarking in Treasure Cay. 

Abacos South -  Departing Treasure Cay towards Great Guana, passing through Man of War, Hope Town, Lubbers to the Pelicans.

Blue Water Sailing - From Pelican long blue water sail around the southern point of Great Abaco Island and up to Sandy Point.  This is more of an advanced sail in open seas, for the adventurer looking to get some blue water time, not focusing on the excursions.  With a winddown at Gorda Cay or "Castaway Cay" as Disney calls it.  Disembarking at Sandy Point. 


Miami Sailing - Private Sailboat Charters in MIAMI

CALL  us   786-423-3131                          E-Mail (preferred)    [email protected]

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Private Sailing Charter to Key West 

 Like us on  Facebook ,   Follow us on  Twitter   and  You TUBE

min. 5 days - recommended 1 week (7 days and 6 nights) ONE WAY ITINERARY

min 10 days - Miami- Key West - Miami

Luxury 46 ft catamaran Leopard  (2010)- sleeps up to 6 from 

from Miami,   on special request we can also depart from Florida Keys, including Key West 

approx rate per day with crew $3000 plus expenses 

weeklong sail up to 25,000 depending on request, number of guest, menus, 3rd crew - diver reqyest, running expenses eg Bahamas etc

(any relocation of the boat requires vessel relocation fee min $1500)

Join in weekly sailing charter to the Florida Keys.  We offer fully crewed sailing charters to Key West for a bargain price of renting a bareboat with meals and crew included ! 

Captain Only option also available. We do not offer purely bareboat rentals - our charters come with skipper but you are more than welcome to assist in sailing and take the helm.

Our weekly adventure starts in Miami and we follow the chain of Florida Keys to reach our final destination - Key West . The chain of romantic islands begin south of Miami, and extends for over 135 miles in straight line. The route offers spectacular views and amazing living coral reefs great for snorkeling or diving that takes approximately a week to enjoy it fully.   It is up to you if you want to enjoy peaceful anchorages or stay inquality marina facilities on the way.   We say - you are the boss. And we make sure that the whole adventure is safe and relaxing. 

Our weeklong charter to Key West

min 6-7 day charter to Key West from Miami (or vice versa) - apply for rates

on sailboat (10 days from Miami) (min 3 day charter from Key West

We offer charters : 

- crewed (meals included) or 

- captain only (you buy food, you cook, you clean, you feed the captain, you save)     

Weekly rates based on 7 days & 6 nights

Expenses that may not be included in basic price, e.g.:

- Florida Tax: 7% 

- Fuel (approximately $100-200)  for charters ending in Key West

- Marina docking fees (min $60 per night) per your request

- Alcoholic beverages (soda, wine, beer, etc) , 

   (water, soft drinks and ice included)

- relocation fee (if charter starts or finishes outside Miami)

Contact us with any questions !

yacht charter from miami to key west

Florida Keys Best Yacht Sales and Charters

Charter a  catamaran plan your own private key west sailing adventure, day charters, 4-8 hours ​, multi-day charters, bare boat charters, crew available ​.

Buy or Sell A Catamaran

Brand New Build

Power or Sail

Vessels in any category

Sailing School

Take a learning vacation! 

We offer 101, 103, 104, 114, 106

yacht charter from miami to key west

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  • Luxury Private Yacht Charter Miami – The Islands of the Rich and Famous
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  • Miami Day Charters- Miami Beach Boating
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yacht charter from miami to key west

Yacht Term Charter Hawks Cay | Luxury Yacht Key West

There is no better way to experience key west and hawks cay then by luxury yacht.

Yacht Term Charter Hawks Cay | Luxury Yacht Key West

Big Game Fishing Scuba Diving & Snorkeling Bars & Night Clubs Amazing Restaurants Hemingway House

Hawks Cay Resort is four hours travel by luxury yacht charter from Miami Beach. Nestled halfway between Miami and Key West and located near Duck Key, this small island is a beautiful destination for both relaxing and adventure seeking. Just minutes from the conveniences of Marathon, and less than an hour from enchanting Key West, Hawk’s Cay is a self-contained paradise for boaters, divers and fishermen. Located near a coral reef, Hawks Cay is home to many different fish species. An ideal stop for couples or families, this term charter destination provides plenty of entertaining activities that can be enjoyed by both the young and the young at heart. What’s more, if fishing is your passion, Hawks Cay Resort offers an ideal environment for catching big game fish. There are also various water sports available, including jet skiing, sailboarding, kayaking, kiteboarding and waterskiing.

Hawks Cay Resort is home to an enclosed lagoon featuring a sandbar where children can play safely while parents look on and observe. Additionally your find Six beautiful swimming pools and an on-site dolphin show, making this full service resort, the perfect getaway or vacation for anyone.  Vibrant nightlife, and delicious seafood restaurants complete this 60 acre marina, that can accommodate boats up to 110’. A family friendly resort hotel located within minutes from the natural beauty of natural coral reefs, great scuba diving, snorkeling, and fishing. Water sports, groceries, ship’s stores, clothing, and fishing tackle are all available. This little island is very worthwhile stay-over on your way to Key West.

Key West is Florida’s southernmost point and only 90 miles away from Cuba. This island city, is famed for its laid-back attitude and pastel-hued, conch-style houses. It’s known more for its coral reefs – destinations for diving and snorkeling – than for its beaches. Key West is rich in history. You’ll fall in love with the lovely town, it’s shops and deliciously delectable food choices. Key West was Earnest Hemmingway’s favorite retreat and the location of what’s known as the Hemmingway House where he wrote the world renowned best seller The Old Man and the Sea.

We recommended for at least three to five days for this luxury yacht charter voyage that leaves from Miami.

• 150 Nautical Miles • 9 Hour Travel Each Way • 3 Day Minimum Charter

CLICK HERE To view our selection of Yacht Charters suitable for this excursion.

Swim with Dolphins in Hawks Cay

Contact Me About This Charter

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Boat You Are Interested In (required) 43 Baia 43 Cranchi 43 Marquis 43 Rendezvous 46 Cruiser 46 Regal 48 Formula 50 Azimut 50 Sea Ray 50 Sunseeker 52 Sunseeker Manhattan 54 Sea Ray 55 Prestige 55 Azimut 58 Azimut 59 Ferretti 60 Marquis 62 Azimut 65 Sunseeker 65 Luxury Catamaran 68 Azimut 68 Sunseeker Predator 70 Azimut 70 Sunseeker Predator 72 Riva 76 Lazzara 76 Horizon 80 Azimut 80' Lazzara 82 Sunseeker Predator 84 Lazzara 87 Warren 94 Ferretti 95 Elegance 106 Leopard 122 Ocean Superfast 124 Impulsive 147 Fedship 154 Delta 220 Alure 111 Sun SL VL BL Miami River & Brickell Islands of the Rich and Famous Key Biscayne Key Largo Little Palm Island Hawks Cay - Key West Nassau - Bahamas Bimini - Bahamas

Hawks Cay Resort

Hawks Cay Resort

Hemingway House Key West

Hemingway House

Sloppy Joes Key West

Sloppy Joes Key West

Contact a Miami Yacht Charter specialist to plan your trip today!

Tripadvisor reviews for miami boat charters.


Private Boats from Miami to Key West.

Private Boats from Miami to Key West

yacht charter from miami to key west

Table of Contents

Last Updated on October 19, 2022 by Boatsetter Team

It is about 165 miles from Miami to Key West. The duration of your boat ride largely depends on your route and speed. While there are half-day trips, booking a full-day boat trip might be your best choice especially because we know you’re reading to know all the best places to stop along the way.

Check out this post for top spots between Miami and Key West and a section on top marinas in the Florida Keys . Read the entire blog post for any potential Pro Boatsetter Tips.

Book a full-day or multi-day private boat rental from Miami to Key West

Top Spots to Stop from Miami to Key West

John pennekamp coral reef state park.

John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park.

John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park is a hotspot for divers and snorkelers. Much like the entire Keys, the water is crystal clear. We love seeing our feet touching the ocean floor.

What’s so special about this state park in particular? It is home to the only coral barrier reef in North America, a rare sight to see. Also here is some of the most exotic marine life in the US. Underwater you’ll catch sights of statues, shipwrecks, coral reefs, colorful fish, and so much more.

Everglades & Dry Tortugas National Park

Dry Tortugas National Park.

Everglades & Dry Tortugas National Park is roughly 100 square miles of open water. Seven small, scattered islands are in this area, only accessible by seaplane or boat.

You’ll see Fort Jefferson still standing here. Construction of the fort began in 1846 and was completed in 1875. It served in the Civil War, World War I, and World War II. Today, it is a place to look back on history.

Dry Tortugas Park is also known for historical artifacts, sunken treasures, shipwrecks, migrant bird breeding grounds, and thriving marine life.

Big Pine Key

Big Pine Key Deer.

Big Pine Key has several stop-worthy places you should consider visiting, including Key Deer National Wildlife Refuge, Blue Water Hole, and Bahia State Park and Beach.

Key Deer National Wildlife Refuge is the home of a unique white-tailed deer. Fewer than a thousand deer are alive today. They walk, wade, and swim between islands, eating the native tropical plant species. These deer do not exist anywhere else in the world and are a sight to see.

Blue Water Hole should be on your bucket list simply for its sheer beauty. Unique fish species, turtles, Key Deer, iguanas, snakes, and alligators call this previous limestone quarry home. Also, it is the only freshwater lake in the entire Florida Keys.

At Bahia Honda State Park & Beach, the waters are pristine, the airs are refreshing, and the beaches are sandy and secluded. You’ll have the shade of tropical palm trees to hang out under and enjoy this piece of paradise.

Dolphin Research Center at Grassy Key

Dolphin Research Center at Grassy Key.

This not-for-profit marine mammal education and research facility allows you to get close to its playful dolphins.

Come here to swim with dolphins and catch them in action training or performing acrobatic stunts! This place is particularly great for families with small kids. In fact, onsite is a Family Sprayground, a marine-themed splash pad just for the fun of your young ones.

Pro Destination Tip: Have you ever seen sea lions? Whether you have or haven’t, we have great news for you — you can get close to sea lions at the Dolphin Research Center, too!

Marathon: 13 Islands in a City

Marathon Key.

Marathon is a city in the Keys set on 13 islands. It is considered the most boat-friendly city in the US. Here you’ll have several great restaurants, shops and boutiques, beaches, parks, and much to see.

The Turtle Hospital is one place to go. It specializes in rehabilitating sea turtles to return safely to their natural habitats. The hospital is on the grounds of what used to be “Hidden Harbor Motel.” Today, the motel rooms are now the living quarters for rehab staff.

Tour this place to see precious sea turtles thriving here. Also, not all turtles can be released into the wild, so at the end of your tour, you can feed turtles who call this hospital their home.

Top Marinas in Key West

Key West Marina.

Oceanside Marina

Located on Stock Island, Oceanside Marina is connected to Oceans Edge Resort and is super convenient with a clean bathhouse, pump-out facility, and super friendly staff.

  • Dockage: 111 wet slips
  • Features: Fuel, ice, laundry, 24/7 security, cable TV, docking assistance.
  • Address:  5950 Peninsular Ave, Key West, FL 33040

Pro Destination Tip: Looking to go fishing in the Keys? Well, you may want to stop at Oceans Edge. This marina’s history spans 35 years and includes more than 400 International Game Fish Association (IGFA) world records!

Conch Harbor Marina

Located on the west side of Key West, Conch Harbor Marina has everything your boat could need. This marina offers boaters fuel, water, pump-out services, and dockhands.

  • Dockage: 50 slips
  • Features: Boat shop, security, hotel rooms, filet counters, onsite laundry rooms, restrooms, showers.
  • Address:  951 Caroline St, Naval Air Station Key West, FL 33040

Garrison Bight Marina

People love Garrison Bight Marina because it has such fair and affordable rates while maintaining a high level of quality and care for boaters. This marina offers a massive mooring field with a great dingy dock and a bathhouse.

  • Dockage: 213 dry slips; 30 wet slips
  • Features: Laundry room, onsite parking, a boat shop.
  • Address: 711 Eisenhower Dr, Key West, FL 33040

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Blue Ocean Yacht Charters


Our company specializes in making your private yacht charter a forever memory.  We offer half day private excursions, full day excursions, 24 hour excursions, and private multi-day yacht charters catered to your desires to various destinations.  There is so much to see and do on a yacht charter.  Our most popular  bareboat charter is to the Dry Tortugas, however there are so many places to go in Key West; the possibilities are endless. The barrier reefs of Key West have been compared to the quality of that of the Bahamas. You will find crystal clear water and breathtaking coral reefs. Kick back, relax, unwind, and enjoy the beauty on your next private yacht charter. 

Key West Destination By The Day

& 24 hour charter, half day bareboat charter (4 hours).

This day typically lasts about four hours from the time you leave the marina to the time you get back and may include fueling time.  There is no chance to forget anything as you will go out on the same yacht for the ocean excursion as you stay on at the marina.

The most popular activity on this charter is to sail or motor to the coral reef system (45-60 mins one way), grab a mooring ball, and snorkel.  You can learn how to sail or drive the yacht.  Fishing is also a popular activity on charters.  Please consult the captain you hire and follow all local and federal laws. 

 It is common to have dolphin encounters as well as sea turtle sightings.  Most charter customers take in a sunset sail or motor cruise back to the marina to close out their day.  Charter customers find that it is nearly impossible to take in all these activities in a half day yacht charter.

Full Day  Bareboat Charter (8 Hours)

Experience everything that you can in a half day with double the time to take in more activities.  Popular activities that may be possible on an eight hour bareboat charter include: snorkeling, fishing, catching lobster (seasonal), sunset sail, dolphin encounters, and touring Key West, ocean side.  Take in the beautiful landscapes of Key West.  

For those who prefer to stay on board and not get wet in the ocean, touring Key West oceanside is a must.  End with a sunset sail to close out your day!

24 hour  Bareboat Charter

Take in everything of a full day excursion but stay out on the ocean even longer.  Sail or motor cruise to many different private locations.  Many overnight anchorages are surrounded by crystal clear bright blue water and beautiful wildlife.  You most likely will have your anchorage all to yourselves.  Turtle sightings are common in the spring time by many anchorages.

The dinghy makes a great vessel for exploring remote areas and encountering dolphins if you see them on your anchorage.  Hang out on the yacht’s spacious deck watching the stars light up the sky light and sea life light up the ocean beneath you. The 24 hour charter is pure tranquility and peace.

yacht charter from miami to key west

Spend a day soaking up Fort Lauderdale’s vibrant atmosphere ashore before embarking on your luxury yacht charter through the easy paced Florida Keys. The city’s 23 miles of coastline plays host to some of the best beaches in Florida, while the city itself boasts a wealth of galleries and museums to discover by day, and chic bars and restaurants for an early evening aperitif or dinner ashore.

yacht charter from miami to key west

Cruise on to the cosmopolitan city of Miami and step ashore to discover the fast-paced, high-energy, high-fashion city that parties hard and lives life to the fullest. More than half the locals boast a Latin American heritage, ensuring that here you will find the best Cuban coffee and Latin food in the US.

yacht charter from miami to key west

Early morning head to South Beach, famous for its pastel-painted Art Deco hotels, neon signs and pavement cafes on Ocean Drive then on to the ritzy Bal Harbour Shops, just north of Miami Beach, for a little upscale retail therapy. Cruise past the Art-Deco beachfront properties to Biscayne Bay and the quiet anchorage of Elliott Key. Slowly acclimatize to Keys time, keeping your eyes peeled for dolphins along the way.

yacht charter from miami to key west

Surrounded by perfect waters for diving and fishing, Key Largo is bustling with bars and restaurants. Step ashore to The Fish House, recommended as one of the best seafood restaurants in the Keys. Relive the memory of Bogart and Bacall 1948 film noir “Key Largo.”

yacht charter from miami to key west

Drop anchor in the waters surrounding the Islamorada archipelago. The self-proclaimed Sportfishing Capital of the World, troll for sailfish offshore or cast a line for bonefish along the Atlantic shallows. Even if you are not an avid angler, it’s worth stepping ashore to check out the replica of Ernest Hemingway’s sportfishing boat and the huge selection of fishing gear and apparel on Islamorada.

yacht charter from miami to key west

As you cruise south through the Keys the water gets bluer and the views across coral reefs and white sand ever more spectacular. Step ashore at Duck Key to stroll through the canals and over pretty Venetian-style bridges before heading to anchor off Hawk’s Cay for lunch. Early afternoon cruise through Newfound Harbor and anchor off Grass Key. Spend the afternoon snorkeling, fishing or tendering to one of the sandbars.

yacht charter from miami to key west

Snorkel through the Looe Key Marine Sanctuary before heading to the end of the peninsula and Key West. Here you are closer to Cuba than the mainland USA. Get the full flavor of what the locals call the Conch Republic. Spend a few hours wandering around Ernest Hemingway’s home, sipping a cold beer at his old hangout, Sloppy Joe’s (now called Captain Tony’s Saloon), and watching the sun set from Mallory Square.

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Nixon Beach Sandbar

Photo of Nixon Beach Sandbar - Key Biscayne, FL, US. Key Biscayne from Nixon Beach Sandbar

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Key Biscayne, FL 33149

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Photo of Chris H.

Nixon Beach (Sandbar) is a popular boating destination spot which is situated approximately a quarter mile south west of Key Biscayne. It's a great place to anchor up for the afternoon and enjoy the weather, scenery and the people you happen to be with. At low tide the water is about waist deep and it's clear blue. It can be a little breezy at times which can cause the boat to rock a bit, but if your use to that then you won't have any problems. You can snorkel and paddle board here and the waters are usually very calm. On the weekends if the weather is nice, it will be packed with day trip boaters, so get here early to secure a nice spot. Now the historical footnote. The sandbar is named after Richard Nixon, the thirty seventh President of The United States. I do vaguely remember him as the President, so I'm aging myself here He vacationed frequently in Key Biscayne during the 1960s and had many political benefactors in the Miami area. Back then, Key Biscayne was more or less a sleepy area with one luxury hotel and a lot of small old Florida style single homes. In 1969, shortly after Nixon became President, he purchased three of these homes on Bay Lane, at well below market prices from Florida Senator George Smathers. The houses were in a compound that had a private beach. The Secret Service & US military had to construct a helipad to accommodate Marine One. The cost of the helipad and security upgrades to the residences was estimated at about 400k. Nixon made fifty trips there during the course of his Presidency (no, there wasn't an audio taping system in the place). Now here is the kicker, after resigning in 1974 he sold the properties, which included the helipad, at a huge profit (no, not a crook ) and was accused of benefiting from taxpayers expense. For you movie buffs Scarface was also filmed on Key Biscayne. The residences were torn down in '04 when a local real estate bought them and built a modern mansion. In addition to taking in the beautiful natural views, you can also admire the multi multi million dollar mansions that are now on Key Biscayne. Mr. Nixon probably should have held on to those properties a little bit longer.

yacht charter from miami to key west

See all photos from Chris H. for Nixon Beach Sandbar

Photo of Alexa C.

If you haven't pulled up in your boat here during the peak summer months blasting your music then who are you? This is a major spot for boaters searching for a nearby spot to enjoy shallow waters amongst one of the most populated and lively water spots in miami. You can't swim over here so obviously a boat is required but be prepared for a plentiful bunch of party people. With a loaded cooler and plenty of music, you'll fit in just too. It's not for the faint of heart and unless it's on a weekday, I wouldn't label it kid-friendly on most summer weekends. It's not a far drive so arriving here doesn't take much fuel if you're coming from a nearby marina. Don't forget your sunscreen because it's crucial for those days where there's not a cloud in sight.

Photo of luis s.

Ahhhh Nixon! A nice little sandbar just south of bear cut! Don't want to take your boar all the way to Elliot key well Nixon beach is a quarter of a mile south of Key Biscayne. The depth varies from as much as 5 feet to as little as 6 inches (depends on tide and how close you get to sandbar). This is a great place to tie up to a few boats have a BBQ and hang out in the water. He is a cool fact: Nixon beach is named after president Richard Nixon. Why you ask? Well the sandbar runs parallel to his old house on Key Biscayne (just south) so its pretty cool when you anchor up you see this beautiful house on its own little peninsula where a president used to live. FYI! we can rent a party boat its 2500 but its all day! Includes beer and chips! Plus kayaks and a water trampoline! If we get 40 people or so its roughly 70 per person anyone interested?

yacht charter from miami to key west

This was truly a beautiful beach, that had everything that you could ask for. There is the parking lot, Walking deeper in, then the park area where you can barbecue. Further walking you can see the restrooms and showers and then there is your view of the gorgeous beach -Nixon. I had a really great time here since usually I come to Florida for work, this was the only time I came and actually enjoyed the beach. Although it was packed with people, canopy's and full families having reunions full of fun, I found a nice spot for me and my loved ones near the palm trees. * "Sometimes coconuts fall" which is what we were told when we had just sat down , and the beach security asked us to move because we had children in our group, so we did. No biggie. The water was surprisingly clean, I guess since I am used to the muddy-green like waters we have in most spots of New York. I was impressed, the water though was freezing cold!it was a hot day (nearly 90) so it was such a treat to come here. I also noticed that you could drink beer and other alcoholic beverages here as long as they are not in glass bottles. I did not drink on my trip, but that is what I noticed. We stayed until sundown, and then it started to get cold, so we left, but I love that people didn't bother us and there is such a great community over there. I would definitely recommend to go and visit.

Photo of Nancy O.

Always, nice to get away to the ocean, Nixon Beach is definitely a great spot to relax and enjoy the South Florida sun! Beautiful scenery and clean water with a near by sandbar. I recommend if commuting by boat, to bring some floating devices to attach to your vessel and lay out on the water.


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The Hemingway Guide to Miami and Key West

S parse of prose and generous with Martinis, Ernest Hemingway was nothing if not a literary and lifestyle legend. The iconic writer’s alpha male appeal has paved the way for no shortage of stories about his exploits — some canonical, like the three-month safari that resulted in a lion as a trophy, and others anecdotal, like his claim that he liberated the Ritz bar in Paris from the Nazis , or that he contributed to the invention of the Bloody Mary.

Hemingway lived just shy of 62 years, and he crammed more than most into those six decades. After his military service, he embarked on four marriages and countless adventures, from Paris to Madrid, Havana to Key West. And there’s nowhere quite like Miami to live large in his image.

Hemingway adored the water — a fact evident in his novella, The Old Man and the Sea, which would prove to be his last major work of fiction. He dubbed his 38-foot fishing vessel the Pilar , evoking the nickname of his second wife, Pauline Pfeiffer, a name he would also bestow upon the leader of the partisan band in For Whom the Bell Tolls . He regularly fished off the coast of Key West when he lived there in the ’30s, and he also made three trips to the Bimini islands aboard the Pilar, catching numerous record-breaking fish, including a giant tuna.

His love of the sea has inspired Salty at Sea’s luxury yacht charters, but Double Threat has perhaps an even more Hemingway-an vibe about it. This company’s fishing exploits run at a “tournament-style pace” that seems right up his his alley, and setting out on such an adventure yourself may lead you to similar philosophical musings as those that dot his Old Man and the Sea : “You did not kill the fish only to keep alive and to sell for food, he thought. You killed for pride and because you are a fisherman. You loved him when he was alive and you loved him after. If you love him, it is not a sin to kill him. Or is it more?”

If there’s anything Hemingway loved more than writing and fishing, it’s drinking, evident in a 1935 letter to his friend Ivan Kashkin.

“I have drunk since I was fifteen and few things have given me more pleasure,” he wrote. “When you work hard all day with your head and know you must work again the next day, what else can change your ideas and make them run on a different plane than whisky?”

For this world traveler, drinking establishments were some of the best ways to get to know a new place.

“Don’t bother with churches, government buildings or city squares,” he wrote. “If you want to know about a culture, spend a night in its bars.”

Little Havana’s Café La Trova is an excellent place to start, evoking the Cuban culture that drew Hemingway to Havana in 1940; he would live there for two decades. The bar earned ninth place on the 2023 list of North America’s 50 Best Bars as much for the quality of its cocktails as for its ambiance. Here, drinks are thrown through the air, cantinero-style, with bravado and theatrical flair. 

If you want to drink like Papa, owner and Maestro Cantinero Julio Cabrera has the perfect order in mind.

“I would serve him a Hemingway Special, aka Papa Doble, frozen,” he says. This play on a daiquiri features a double dose of light rum, maraschino, grapefruit juice, lime juice and, perhaps most essentially, no sugar for the sweet drink-averse Hemingway. It was originally crafted in Havana’s La Floridita, where he ostensibly once drank 17 in one sitting.

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While you’re in the neighborhood, stop by Sala’o , a new Cuban bar and pescadería designed to transport guests to ‘40s-era Cuba, with a menu inspired by the village of Cojímar, where Pilar was docked. Don’t miss the oysters, which inspired some of Papa’s purplest prose (especially as compared to his more typically restrained descriptions of canned pork and beans and spaghetti, in “Big Two-Hearted River,” or “meat and goaty cheese” sandwiches in For Whom the Bell Tolls ). Of oysters, on the contrary, he waxed poetic, writing in A Moveable Feast of their “faint metallic taste that the cold white wine washed away, leaving only the sea taste and the succulent texture.”

“As I drank their cold liquid from each shell and washed it down with the crisp taste of the wine,” he continued, “I lost the empty feeling and began to be happy and to make plans.”

Collins Park’s Sweet Liberty also earned a spot on this year’s 50 Best Bars list thanks to its vibrancy and particular embrace of the local creative community. It’s a creativity that extends to its drinks: The PB&J Old Fashioned, with Sqrrl peanut butter whiskey and strawberry jam cordial, would have been right up Hem’s alley, especially paired with onion dip and chips to evoke what was ostensibly his favorite sandwich — peanut butter and onion. The odd combo appears in his posthumously-published Islands in the Stream, where it’s referenced as the “Mount Everest Special…for commanders only.” Or go for The Spaniard, which, with its combo of gin, vermouth, mezcal and a “filthy blue cheese olive,” would certainly have appealed to the avid bullfighter and author of For Whom the Bell Tolls.

Jean-Georges Vongerichten’s Matador Room , located in the Miami Beach Edition, certainly evokes this period of Hem’s life in name, and thanks to its Old World glitz reminiscent of the supper clubs of the ‘40s and ‘50s, he undoubtedly would have felt right at home here — especially given the Old World wine list.

“Drinking wine was not a snobbism nor a sign of sophistication nor a cult,” he wrote in A Moveable Feast . “It was as natural as eating and to me as necessary.”

Snobbery aside, we’re not sure he’d be able to shy away from the sophistication of the rarities on this list, which has featured such gems as a 1995 Château Margaux. 

But should Hemingway belly up to the bar, Matador bartender Michael Berland has another perfect drink in mind.

“Hemingway loved handcrafted spirits made with fresh ingredients and a very dry, bone-chilling cold martini,” he says. (A love evoked, by the way, in A Farewell to Arms, where Frederic Henry cites the tipple as his drink of choice, claiming they make him feel “civilized.”)

“If I had the pleasure of mixing up a cocktail for the late Hemingway,” says Berland, “I would create a familiar and comforting cocktail for him such as the dry martini, making sure it is exactly how he likes it: ‘So cold you can’t hold it in your hand. It sticks to your fingers.’” 

From Miami, it’s just a three-hour road trip to Key West, where Hemingway lived with his wife Pauline from 1931 to 1939. The house where he penned Green Hills of Africa and To Have and Have Not, among others, has been converted into a museum in his honor. Explore the grounds on your own or with a tour, and keep an eye out for one of the approximately 60 six-toed cats, some of which are descendants of Hemingway’s own Snow White.

While in Key West, be sure to stop by Sloppy Joe’s , Hemingway’s favorite local watering hole and notably where he met his third wife, Martha Gellhorn, whom he married after divorcing Pauline in 1940. Be sure, too, to take the time to visit Papa’s Pilar , a rum distillery created alongside the Hemingway family that puts Papa Hemingway’s adventurous spirit center stage. Distillery tours offer an inroad into both Hemingway’s exploits and the distillation process at the heart of these award-winning premium rums. Finish things off with a tasting here, and grab a nightcap at the lounge at Hot Tin Roof in the Ocean Key Resort, a spot that mixologist Kyle Cooper, Papa Pilar’s national brand ambassador, says he “can easily see him frequenting.”

“It has its very own blend of Papa’s Pilar Blonde Rum and one of the best views of the sunset over the harbor,” he says.

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American writer Ernest Hemingway leaning on the desk of his office

FWC identifies boater in Key Biscayne hit-and-run that killed Florida teen ballerina

yacht charter from miami to key west

The Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission has identified the person behind the wheel in the South Florida hit-and-run boating death of 15-year-old Ella Adler on Saturday.

Carlos Guillermo Alonso, 78, of Coral Gables was piloting a 42-foot Boston Whaler in Key Biscayne when officials say his boat struck Ella Riley Adler, 15, a ballerina with the Miami Ballet and granddaughter of U.S. Ambassador to Belgium Michael M. Adler. The teen had been wakeboarding behind another boat and was floating in the water, according to an FWC incident report released Wednesday.

The man piloting the boat that hit the girl sped off to the west without stopping, witnesses said. Adler was retrieved by the other boat but died of her injuries.

The vessel is in custody and Alonso is cooperating with the investigation, the FWC said in a release Tuesday .

Investigators said Tuesday it was unclear if Alonso knew Adler was there or was hit. It is unknown if alcohol was a factor. In a statement from Alonso's attorney Lauren Krasnoff, shared by , Krasnoff said Alonso was unaware he hit anybody and does not drink.

"I will tell you that Bill, who has been boating for 50 years and is a very experienced boater who knows these waters, was out boating by himself on Saturday," Krasnoff said in the statement. "He has no knowledge whatsoever of having been involved in this accident. If he hit Ella that day, he certainly did not know it. Had Bill thought he hit anything, he absolutely would have stopped. But he did not at any point think that he had hit anything, let alone a person.

"He docked his boat in plain sight right behind his house," she said, "and did not even know there was an accident on the water that day until officers showed up at his door."

Witnesses or anyone with video footage or information should contact the FWC at 888-404-FWCC or 888-404-3922 or Miami-Dade Crime Stoppers at 305-471-TIPS or 305-471-8477.

A total reward of up to $20,000 — $10,000 from Adler's family and a combined $10,000 from FWC and Miami-Dade Crime Stoppers — is being offered for information that leads to an arrest and successful prosecution of the driver of the hit-and-run boat incident.

What happened in the boating death of Ella Adler?

At about 4:30 p.m. Saturday, May 11 (the day before Mother's Day), Adler and several others had been enjoying some recreational boating near the Nixon Beach Sandbar in Biscayne Bay, according to the incident report. Adler was wakeboarding behind a 42-foot 2017 Hanse Fjord yacht at the same time as an unidentified female on a wake surfboard.

The two people being towed fell into the water at different times and locations, the incident report said. Adler was wearing a life jacket and had the wakeboard still attached to her feet, an FWC official told NBC6 in Miami , when she was struck by a 42-foot 2020 Boston Whaler.

A witness said the boat did not appear to swerve or slow down when it hit the girl. The yacht towing her immediately spun around back to where she was and began broadcasting distress calls, the witness told NBC6.

Where was Ella Adler killed? Where is Nixon Beach Sandbar in Florida?

The Nixon Beach Sandbar is located in Biscayne Bay, Florida, west of Hurricane Harbor near Miami.

It's a popular destination for recreational boaters and fishing for its white sands and clear shallow waters, and it "turns into a wild party spot every weekend" full of yachts and catamarans, according to the boating site .

The area was named for former president Richard M. Nixon, who owned a home overlooking the water nearby.

Who is Ella Riley Adler of Florida?

Ella Adler was a freshman at Ransom Everglades School in Coconut Grove and a ballerina with the Miami City Ballet. She is the granddaughter of Michael M. Adler, the current U.S. Ambassador to Belgium , according to the Miami Herald .

"We are heartbroken," the school said in a Facebook post Monday morning. "Ella Adler '27 shined in our classrooms and on our stages, and she embodied the mission of Ransom Everglades School. We wish peace and comfort to her family."

Adler appeared in more than 100 performances with the Miami Ballet, including "The Nutcracker," according to her obituary . In school, she performed on the dance team, acted in the school play "Chicago" and was a member of the Ransom Everglades Jewish Students Association.

"You were taken from us way too soon, and the world has been robbed of all the things you could have achieved," her father, Matthew, wrote in a letter read during a funeral service at Temple Beth Sholom in Miami Beach on Monday, the Miami Herald reported . "But you will always be here with us and your friends and family will carry your energy and spirit forever.”

First Lady Jill Biden paid her condolences in person Tuesday, according to a statement from the family.

"We are honored that the First Lady paid a shiva call to our family during this time of immense pain. We are touched by their support and love and we are proud to call the President and First Lady our friends for over 40 years," they said.

The girl's great-aunt Karen Adler started working in President Joe Biden's D.C. office in 1973 when he was still a junior senator from Delaware, according to Jewish Insider , and served as his national finance chair in 2008. Her brother Michael was confirmed as Ambassador to Belgium in 2021 .

Adler is survived by her parents Amanda and Matthew, her brother Jaden, and her sister Adalynn, grandparents Judy and Michael, and Susan and Michael Klaiman, along with several aunts, uncles and cousins.

Natalie Neysa Alund, USA TODAY, contributed to this story.


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  1. Miami To Key West Boat

    Book a Trip From Miami to Key West Directly on Tripadvisor

  2. Miami to Key West Itinerary

    Anchorages will depend on the size, the draft of the yacht, and the weather. Miami to Key West Itinerary. If you like this Miami to Key West itinerary, just imagine what you could see and do on a more extended charter! For more information about renting a private luxury charter yacht in Florida, call 321-777-1707. We will assist you in crafting ...

  3. Yacht Charter Miami To Key West: Ultimate Guide

    Embarking on a yacht charter from Miami to Key West is an adventure we've explored inside and out. With our background in the private jet business, we've got a knack for luxury travel that translates seamlessly to the sea. This journey is more than just a trip; it's a curated experience that promises unparalleled views, exclusive ...

  4. Blue Ocean Yacht Charters

    Enjoy private luxury yacht and sailing charters at affordable prices. Choose from motor or sailing yachts, day or multi-day charters, and explore the Florida Keys and the Dry Tortugas.

  5. Florida Keys Yacht Charters & Sailing Vacations

    Explore the beautiful ocean with our Key West yacht charters and choose from a variety of different monohulls and catamarans. Find out more. Update Summer Departures Special ... Key West is an enchanting blend of natural beauty, rich history, and dynamic nightlife, all closer to Cuba than to Miami, enveloping visitors in its tropical allure.

  6. Itinerary

    Embark on a 7-day luxury yacht charter with Bluebnc, exploring the stunning waters from Miami to Key West and back. Experience the beauty of the Florida Keys, with their breathtaking beaches, unique ecosystems, and vibrant nightlife. Your Bluebnc luxury yacht charter will provide the ultimate adventure, filled with relaxation, fun, and memories ...

  7. Miami & Florida Keys Luxury Yacht Charter

    Yacht charter itineraries are created individually for every client based around personal preferences and how you want to spend your time onboard your superyacht in Miami and the Florida Keys. Day 1 Miami Day 2 Biscayne Bay Day 3 Key Largo Day 4 Islamorada Day 5 Duck Key Day 6 Newfound Harbor Keys Day 7 Key West Day 8 Miami. Local Time.

  8. Florida Yacht Charter: Miami to Key West

    Explore the diverse attractions of Miami and the Florida Keys on a luxury yacht charter. Enjoy urban chic, natural wonders, fishing, diving, snorkeling, and more on this itinerary of extremes.

  9. Miami to Key West, Florida Yacht Charter Vacation Itinerary

    Miami to Key West - Itinerary. Day 1. Arrive in sunny Florida for your first day of your charter on your chartered yacht from Taylor'd Yacht Charters. We will start with a short cruise around the Biscayne Bay and along the Intracoastal Waterway to view the luxurious houses on Fisher, Palm, Hibiscus, and Star islands. Embrace the experience that is South Beach with its cacophony of ...

  10. Miami to Key West Itinerary

    Visit the Sunshine State by sea in a luxury crewed yacht with Princess Charter. The highest level of services from private air travel to crewed yachts ... Miami Beach to Elliot Key 20 miles; Day 3. Elliot Key to Key Largo ... Day 15. Duck Key to Newfound Harbour 28 miles; Day 21. Newfound Harbour to Key West 25 miles; Day 28. Key West Book your ...

  11. How To Charter A Boat From Miami To Key West

    Unfortunately, there are no direct Miami to Key West ferry services available. However, if you prefer traveling by boat or ferry from Miami to Key West, you have two options. You can arrange a private charter, or you can take advantage of the Key West Express. The Key West Express is a ferry service. It departs from Fort Myers Beach or Marco ...

  12. Florida Bareboat & Captain Yacht Charters

    Florida Yachts Charters is boutique bareboat yacht charter company based in Key West. Come Sail the Florida Keys with us! READY. SET. SAIL THE FLORIDA KEYS At the end of a 110-mile-long chain of islands, stretched like a string of pearls across a Caribbean blue sea lies charmed Key West, it is here you will find Florida Yachts Charters ...

  13. Sail Away Key West

    Stunning luxury yacht for charter in Key West - perfect for weddings and special events . top of page. Home. Plan Your Charter. Our Charter Fleet. Southern Cross; Indoses; Dream Reach; Sugar Magnolia ... please call Sail Away Key West reservations at 305-720-0896. CONTACT US ABOUT CHARTERING OR BUYING A CATAMARAN! Sail Away Key West. 7005 ...

  14. Florida Keys Yacht Charters

    Key West yacht charters are popular because of the Caribbean-style atmosphere, the beautiful sandy beaches, and the stunning coral reef. The 160-mile-long reef is the third-largest in the world and the only one in the United States. Key West beaches are unlike any others in the Florida Keys because the sand was shipped from the Caribbean on barges.

  15. Catamaran Charter Florida

    Florida Keys: Upper Keys - Departing from Ft. Lauderdale it is a 2 day journey, stopping at either Miami or Coconut Grove along the way. We then journey inside the 70n square mile, John Pennycamp Coral Reef State Park. It is the first underwater state park and boasts beautiful coral formations, sunken statues and abundant marine life.

  16. Key West Sailing Itinerary

    Water, Fuel, Grocery, Ice. Day 3. Sombrero Reef. The sail to Marathon is a beautiful journey, on the way you will pass the seven-mile-bridge while being surrounded by crystal clear waters. If you get an early start make a stop at Sombrero Key and grab a mooring ball for some snorkeling at the historic lighthouse.

  17. Private Sailing Charter to Key West

    on sailboat (10 days from Miami) (min 3 day charter from Key West. We offer charters : - crewed (meals included) or - captain only (you buy food, you cook, you clean, you feed the captain, you save) Weekly rates based on 7 days & 6 nights. Expenses that may not be included in basic price, e.g.: - Florida Tax: 7% - Fuel (approximately $100-200 ...

  18. Key West Sunset Sail Charters

    Sail Away Key West is your source for the most luxurious private catamaran charters in Key West. We look forward to planning your customized itinerary so that we can share with you our passion for sailing as well as the stunning waters, reefs, and wildlife of the Florida Keys.

  19. Yacht Term Charter Hawks Cay

    Hemingway House. Hawks Cay Resort is four hours travel by luxury yacht charter from Miami Beach. Nestled halfway between Miami and Key West and located near Duck Key, this small island is a beautiful destination for both relaxing and adventure seeking. Just minutes from the conveniences of Marathon, and less than an hour from enchanting Key ...

  20. Private Boats from Miami to Key West

    This marina offers a massive mooring field with a great dingy dock and a bathhouse. Dockage: 213 dry slips; 30 wet slips. Features: Laundry room, onsite parking, a boat shop. Address: 711 Eisenhower Dr, Key West, FL 33040. Discover more destinations like Seattle, San Diego, and Phoenix at Boating Resources.

  21. Destinations

    Blue Ocean Yacht Charters in Key West will set you off in a sail boat or power boat tailored to your expectations. ... Miami. One week (one way) (6 night sailing minimum) Two weeks (round trip sailing minimum) Request A Quote. We're in Florida. Address: 7005 Shrimp Rd Key West, FL 33040.

  22. Florida Favorites

    Fort Lauderdale to Miami (25 nautical miles) Cruise on to the cosmopolitan city of Miami and step ashore to discover the fast-paced, high-energy, high-fashion city that parties hard and lives life to the fullest. More than half the locals boast a Latin American heritage, ensuring that here you will find the best Cuban coffee and Latin food in ...


    Discover the Jeanneau NC 895, a 30-foot power cabin cruiser, for the ultimate Key West charter boat adventure. Immerse yourself in luxury on the water aboard this meticulously appointed vessel, offering ample power and remarkable spaciousness for up to six guests. Experience the epitome of a private boat charter experience. Located within the ...


    in Fishing, Travel Services, Boat Charters. Sea Miami Rentals. 4.0 (1 reviews) 7.0 miles away from ... is a popular boating destination spot which is situated approximately a quarter mile south west of Key Biscayne. ... Deep Sea Sport Fishing Charters serving all of South Florida, (Miami, Miami Beach, South Beach, Aventura, Bal Harbor, Surfside ...

  25. Hit-and-run boat that killed Florida teen ballerina may have been ...

    At about 4:30 p.m. Saturday, May 11, (the day before Mother's Day) by the Nixon Beach Sandbar in Biscayne Bay near Miami, the 15-year-old dancer had been waterskiing behind a gray yacht and was ...

  26. The Hemingway Guide to Miami and Key West

    The Hemingway Guide to Miami and Key West. Story by Emily Monaco • 8mo. S parse of prose and generous with Martinis, ... His love of the sea has inspired Salty at Sea's luxury yacht charters, ...

  27. Boat found in search for vessel that fatally struck Florida teen

    Ella, the granddaughter of US Ambassador to Belgium Michael M. Adler, fell into the water near Nixon Beach in Miami-Dade County while waterskiing and was struck by a boat at around 4:30 p.m ...

  28. Guilty verdict in murders of Florida Keys couple

    The Reel G charter charter boat belonged to Adrian Demblans, who pleaded guilty to accessory after the fact in the Oct. 15, 2015 murders of Carlos Ortiz and Tara Rosado in the Florida Keys.

  29. Ella Adler Miami boating death: Boater IDed in Florida hit-and-run

    Carlos Guillermo Alonso, 78, of Coral Gables was piloting a 42-foot Boston Whaler in Key Biscayne when officials say his boat struck Ella Riley Adler, 15, a ballerina with the Miami Ballet and ...