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Sanlorenzo Almax superyacht interior

Sanlorenzo acquires majority stake in furniture supplier

Sanlorenzo has acquired a majority stake (66 per cent) in Duerre S.r.l., a company specialising in the artisanal production of high-end furniture for superyachts, as well as for residential offices, hospitality and commercial buildings. 

The Italian shipyard first acquired 33 per cent of Duerre in April 2022, before news of an additional 33 per cent purchase broke this past week. The deal is expected to be finalised in the coming days, having been assisted by the law firm Musumeci, Altara, Desana and Associates. 

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From our partners


Yachtline 1618

Yachtline 1618 is the leading company worldwide in the production of fittings for mega and giga yachts and of internal construction for prestige dwellings and exclusive villas.

Our work distils into one word: Interiors.

Core business

duerre yachtline

Yachtline 1618 SpA  founded and controls six companies in strategic fields, which develop in constant and tight collaboration with the mother company the activities they are dedicated to:

Is the result of the high value assigned to the “research & development” department. It develops advanced solutions and exclusive systems such as Fitlock®. View website SKINVENTO S.R.L.

Provides and produces innovative solutions regarding partitioning, and   composite paneling. DIAMANTELL S.R.L.

Represents the excellence in the painting and finishing, in house and on board, to reach absolute quality, keeping his focus on environment and health respect. LAMBDA DESIGN


Upholstery company specialized in application of every sourt of leathers, fabrics and wall papers.

Quality & safety

Yachtline 1618 is certified with the Integrated Quality Management and Health System in the work place, according to Standards UNI EN ISO 9001/2015 and ISO UNI 45001-2018. The continuous evolution of our Company is based on a practical organization which optimizes services, follows the dynamic of excellence and guarantees the workforce safety.

Quality and safety 2020.pdf

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  • Zodiac Nautic

The RIB dinghy for your yacht

The YACHTLINE RIB tender range enhances style, equipment and comfort. Their compactsize allows for easy platform or fly bridge storage without compromising on seating. The design of the boarding steps also ensures maximum stability when getting on-board. The YACHTLINE hull with integrated wings has been designed to perform with the most powerful four-stroke engines. It has the characteristics to allow for a multitude of activities on the water to create the perfect partner for your yacht.


The smallest Yachtline

An ideal size to accommodate 4 people on board, with a maximum power of 40 HP, it can carry its passengers at high speed.


Well equipped

The Yachtline 400 can carry 5 passengers with its 3 seats and 50 HP.


The right compromise

The ideal complement to transport 6 people, with its numerous storage lockers and its 60 HP.


The biggest

At 4.90m and 90 HP, it can be used as a main boat for up to 9 people. It can also tow water-skiers or wakeboarders.


  • Tenders from 2 to 3 meters
  • Boats from 4 to 6 meters
  • Boats from 6 to 8 meters
  • Boats from 8 meters boats and above


  • Boats for 4 people and above
  • Boats for 6 people and above
  • Boats for 10 people and above
  • Boats for 14 people and above
  • Boats for 20 people and above
  • Ukraine-Krieg

Frankfurt: Nasse Böden sind nur eine Momentaufnahme

Stand: 21.03.2024, 13:53 Uhr

Von: Thomas Stillbauer

Frankfurter Politik und Forschung mahnen zum Weltwassertag: Keine Entwarnung – die Dürre ist nicht endgültig besiegt.

Dass sich Grundwasserstände auch in Hessen nach den zurückliegenden Trockenjahren langsam erholen, ist „eine wirklich gute Nachricht“, sagt Klima- und Umweltdezernentin Rosemarie Heilig (Grüne). Zum Weltwassertag an diesem Freitag könnten Grünflächen, Stadtbäume und Stadtwald endlich aufatmen, auch für das Trinkwasser bestehe aktuell kein Grund zur Sorge.

Heilig mahnt aber: „Wir sind mitten im Klimawandel. Wir müssen aus den vergangenen regenarmen Sommern lernen und unsere Schlüsse für die Zukunft ziehen.“ Wasser sei eine lebenswichtige Ressource, der Weltwassertag erinnere jedes Jahr daran, dass der Zugang zu sauberem Trinkwasser ein Menschenrecht ist. „Lassen Sie uns daher gemeinsam sorgsam und bewusst mit der Ressource Wasser umgehen, um für zukünftige Hitzejahre gerüstet zu sein“, appelliert die Stadträtin.

So sieht es auch Robert Lütkemeier. Er leitet am Frankfurter Institut für sozial-ökologische Forschung (Isoe) das Forschungsfeld Wasser und Landnutzung, und er sagt, das Ende der Dürre sei nur eine Momentaufnahme. Sie dürfe nicht darüber hinwegtäuschen, dass wir es weiterhin mit extremen Hitzeperioden im Sommer zu tun haben werden.

„Der Klimawandel stellt eine signifikante Unsicherheit dar, die es erschwert, langfristige Prognosen über den Zustand unserer Wasserressourcen zu machen“, warnt Lütkemeier.

Die Wahrscheinlichkeit von Extremwetterereignissen wie Hitzeperioden, Dürren, Starkniederschlägen und Hochwasser werde grundsätzlich zunehmen. „Deshalb müssen wir uns als Gesellschaft so aufstellen, dass wir von Extremereignissen nicht überrascht werden, sondern im Idealfall sogar aus ihnen lernen und daraus einen Nutzen ziehen können.“

Konkret: „Die Wasserversorger müssen so rasch wie möglich ihre Infrastrukturen und Managementstrategien anpassen, um Dürreperioden und damit einhergehend neue Spitzenwasserbedarfe in trockenen heißen Sommern zu bewältigen“, sagt der Frankfurter Forscher. Versorger könnten sich nicht darauf verlassen, „dass ihre vorhandenen Quellen – bildlich gesprochen – einfach immer so weitersprudeln“.

Das Ende einer Dürre lasse sich nicht anhand eines einzigen Merkmals feststellen, sagt Lütkemeier. Wichtig seien die meteorologische Ebene (wie viel Regen?), die landwirtschaftliche beziehungsweise hydrologische (fehlt Wasser für Böden und Flüsse?) und die sozioökonomische (leiden Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft unter Wasserknappheit?). „Eine Dürre ist letztlich dann vorbei, wenn die aktuelle Wassersituation im Hinblick auf diese Dürreformen wieder im langjährigen Mittel liegt.“ Insofern sei die Erholung der Grundwasserstände ein positives Zeichen, „aber doch leider nur eine Momentaufnahme“.

Zur Bewältigung der Krise müsse sich die Forschung viel mehr als bisher mit den komplexen Prozessen beschäftigen, die die Veränderungen hervorrufen: „Das sind nicht nur naturwissenschaftliche Vorgänge, sondern auch gesellschaftliche Prozesse“, sagt Lütkemeier. „Alles deutet darauf hin, dass für einen nachhaltigeren Umgang mit Wasser- und Landressourcen sozial-ökologische Innovationen notwendig sind.“ Dafür müsse die Forschung Strategien liefern und Konzepte entwickeln: etwa für Vorsorge, Frühwarnsysteme und Notfallpläne.

Interessant in dem Zusammenhang: Das Isoe hat sich den Wasserverbrauch im Urlaub näher angeschaut und festgestellt: Touristinnen und Touristen im Sommerurlaub verbrauchen statistisch ein Vielfaches der Wassermenge, die sie zu Hause nutzen. Pool, langes Duschen, eine Hotelanlage, die ihren Garten bewässert. Lütkemeier: „Wichtig ist, dass wir als Verbraucherinnen und Verbraucher verstehen, dass dieser Umgang mit Trinkwasser ausgerechnet für solche Regionen Konsequenzen hat, die ohnehin von saisonaler Wasserknappheit betroffen sind.“ Etwa der Mittelmeerraum – dort sei ein Ende der Dürre nicht in Sicht.

Auch interessant

duerre yachtline

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Die Schauspiel-Schwestern Annette (l.) und Caroline Frier (r.) mit Carolines Ex-Mann Dirk Borchardt bei der Berlinale 2017. ©picture alliance / Jörg Carstensen/dpa | Jörg Carstensen

Boat Specialists' showrooms, service and parts department, are open Monday-Friday, 9:00-5:00

Boat Specialists will be closed 5/27-5/29 in observance of Memorial Day. All online orders will begin processing on Tuesday, 5/30

Zodiac Yachtline 400 | Yamaha 50hp Outboard | YL400

Zodiac Yachtline 400 RIB Hypalon rigid inflatable boat with Yamaha outboard.

or $296/month

Estimated monthly payment based on 120-month loan at 9% APR and 10% down. Additional options and salestax not included. Actual rates and terms are based on indv credit.

  • Create New Wish List

Standard Features/Equipment

  • V-shaped fiberglass hull with built-in planing flaps
  • Anchor locker with upholstered seat and backrest
  • Rear locker with gas strut
  • 1 bow D-ring
  • 2 stern ring
  • Forward & rear boarding steps with synthetic teak
  • Steering wheel + steering system + cable + glove box
  • Built-in fuel tank + gauge + fuel/water separator
  • Recess for extinguisher
  • Double pilot/co-pilot seat with removable upholstered seat and cushioned backrest
  • Passenger seats with removable upholstered cushion
  • 4 stainless steel mooring cleats
  • 3 lifting points
  • Courtesy lights
  • Navigation lights
  • Battery switch + box, Automatic bilge pump
  • Pressure gauge
  • Owner's manual

Required Fees

Boat specifications.

  • Beam: 5'10"
  • Weight: 481 lbs (Boat Only)
  • Capacity: 5 persons or 1,620 lbs
  • Max Motor: 50hp Long
  • Rec Motor: 40-50 hp Long
  • Tube Diameter: 18"
  • Air Chambers: 3
  • Fuel Tank: 9 gals
  • Fabric Type: Achilles T10 CSM, 1100 dtx - "Hypalon"
  • Warranty: Zodiac 5-Year on Structure and 1-Year on Accessories Warranty

Motor Specifications

Yamaha F50LB Four Stroke

  • Horsepower: 50hp
  • Cylinders: 4 cyl
  • Shaft Length: 20" Long
  • Steering: Remote Mechanical
  • Starter: Electric
  • Weight: 247 lbs
  • Alternator Output: 16 amp
  • Degree of Tilt: 69°
  • Degree of Trim: -4° through +16°
  • Full Throttle Range: 5000 - 6000 rpm
  • Displacement: 1.0L
  • Fuel Induction System: Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI)
  • Warranty: Yamaha 3-Year Warranty

Standard Equipment

Power Trim & Tilt, Steering Link Arm, Fuel Line, and Owner's Manual.

Standard Rigging

Flush Mounted Remote Control with Harness and Separate Keyswitch, Command Link Round Tach and Speedo, Water/Fuel Separator, and Mechanical Control Cables.

Additional Prep/DMV Info

Dealer Engine Prep is required to validate the warranty and ensure a working engine. Prep includes completing a full Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) checklist, test-run performed in a tank for quality assurance, and re-crating for shipment. Outboards picked up in-store may be stand-alone and no longer in the box or crate.

Pre-Delivery Inspection

Pre-delivery Inspection is required to validate the warranty and includes the necessary services & products used on each new vessel to ensure quality performance prior to delivery.

For rigged vessels: Boat Specialists will install a deep cycle marine battery, rig all steering components, and complete an electrical and systems check. A full system check includes filling the motor with oil, fluids, and fuel, then a test run performed in a tank for quality assurance.

Once everything is tuned and prepared, a sea trial is performed to achieve the ideal RPM-to-top-speed ratio, ensuring the boat gets on plane properly and all systems operate on water. Afterward, full detail is performed on the exterior, deck, and hull to be turn-key ready for the customer.

DMV Registration On Boats and Trailers - For California Residents Only

Boat Specialists will take care of your CA DMV registration including signing a Power of Attorney for each registration. We will mail temporary paperwork with the documents that require the customer's signature. The customer is to sign and return the documents in the envelope provided. Once we have received the paperwork, we will submit all required documents to the DMV to complete registration.

duerre yachtline

By moving forward with this purchase, you expressly agree to the terms and conditions as explained on the TERMS OF SALE page.

ALL OUTBOARDS AND RIGID INFLATABLE BOATS (RIBS) ARE SHIPPED WITH A DELIVERY SIGNATURE REQUIREMENT AND MUST BE SHIPPED TO A PHYSICAL STREET ADDRESS. The customer must inspect the packaging before accepting the delivery. If there appears to be any damage to the unit, the customer must refuse the delivery and take pictures of the damaged packaging and damaged units, including any broken pieces. If the packaging is damaged, but the product appears unharmed, the customer must have the delivery driver note the type and location of the damage on the Delivery Receipt and take pictures of the damaged packaging. If the parcel is left without a signature and damage is found, please contact Customer Service immediately at (805) 644-6290. Do not discard the box or any packaging materials.

INFLATABLE BOATS, OUTBOARDS*, TRAILERS, AND ELECTRONICS CAN NOT BE RETURNED For all other products, returns for refunds must be made within 10 days, minus shipping and handling fees. Returns for store credit or exchange must be made within 30 days. Special orders are ineligible for returns. We only replace items if they are defective or damaged and notified within 10 days. A refund will be processed once the product is received from the customer. Customers must notify return within 10 days and provide a tracking number to be eligible for a refund. *Please note, all motors require oil and fuel prior to starting. Please follow the instructions in the manual.


Zodiac Yachtline 490 RIB hypalon with engine.

Zodiac Yachtline 490 | Yamaha 90hp Outboard | YL490

or $351/month

Estimated monthly payment based on 180-month loan at 9% APR and 10% down. Additional options and salestax not included. Actual rates and terms are based on indv credit.

Zodiac Yachtline 490 RIB hypalon with outboard engine.

Zodiac Yachtline 490 | Yamaha 70hp Outboard | YL490

or $342/month

Zodiac Yachtline 360 NEO with Yamaha Outboard.

Zodiac Yachtline 360 | Yamaha 40hp Outboard | YL360

or $266/month


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    duerre yachtline

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    duerre yachtline

  4. 2023 Zodiac Yachtline 490 Deluxe NEO GL Edition 90hp In Stock Bateau

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  5. Location Semi-rigide Zodiac Yachtline 480 Deluxe Rib Zodiac Yachtline

    duerre yachtline

  6. SRX30 -Yachtline- Größtes trailerbares Kajütboot

    duerre yachtline


  1. Yachtline 1618

  2. Sailing Yacht "A" outbound Antibes

  3. Sailing Selene, a Dufour 4800: Mt Eden Dubstep

  4. Lürssen

  5. Segeltörn mit der Leisure 17 von Lavagna nach Elba im August 2018

  6. BMW 760Li Yachtline Concept []


  1. Homepage

    Homepage - Yachtline 1618. YACHTS & RESIDENTIAL. La nostra attività si concentra in una parola unica: Interiors. Yachtline 1618 è azienda leader a livello mondiale nella produzione di arredi per mega e giga yachts e nella costruzione d'interni per dimore di prestigio e ville esclusive. READ MORE.

  2. Homepage

    Homepage - Yachtline 1618. YACHTS & RESIDENTIAL. Our work distils into one word: Interiors. Yachtline 1618 is the leading company worldwide in the production of interior for mega and giga yachts and in the construction of bespoke furniture for prestige dwellings and exclusive villas. READ MORE.

  3. PDF Sanlorenzo closed the acquisition of the further 33% stake in Duerre

    Ameglia (La Spezia), 3 May 2023 - Sanlorenzo S.p.A. ("Sanlorenzo" or the "Company") announces today the. closing of the acquisition of the further 33% stake in Duerre S.r.l. ("Duerre"), a company with a strong heritage since 1940s in the field of artisanal production of high-end furniture mainly for superyachts, as well as for ...

  4. YACHTLINE 1618 S.p.A.

    Yachtline 1618 is the leading company worldwide in the production of fittings for mega and giga yachts and of internal construction for prestige dwellings and exclusive villas. Our work distils ...

  5. Sanlorenzo signs offer to acquire a further 33% stake in Duerre

    2 May 2023 | 09:15. Loading... Sanlorenzo has signed an offer to acquire another 33 percent stake in artisanal furniture company Duerre.

  6. Duerre S.R.L

    YACHTLINE 1618 S.p.A. Furniture BIENTINA, Pi Mobilart SRL Furniture CASCINA, Pi ... Duerre S.R.L - Arredi Nautici e Civili | 453 followers on LinkedIn. Le radici della nostra Impresa hanno origine ...

  7. Sanlorenzo acquires majority stake in furniture supplier

    Sanlorenzo has acquired a majority stake (66 per cent) in Duerre S.r.l., a company specialising in the artisanal production of high-end furniture for superyachts, as well as for residential offices, hospitality and commercial buildings.. The Italian shipyard first acquired 33 per cent of Duerre in April 2022, before news of an additional 33 per cent purchase broke this past week.

  8. Duerre

    DUERRE. LE ORIGINI DELLA NOSTRA IMPRESA. Le radici della nostra Impresa hanno origine negli anni '40: una tradizione di falegnameria per eccellenza nel dominio degli arredi nautici e civili che si tramanda di padre in figlio. Nel corso dei decenni abbiamo sviluppato un know-how tecnologicamente all'avanguardia ma pur sempre fondato su ...


    Duerre S.R.L - Arredi Nautici e Civili Furniture and Home Furnishings Manufacturing Vicopisano, Tuscany

  10. Zodiac Inflatable Boats

    Zodiac Yachtline 490 | Yamaha 90hp Outboard | YL490 2024 | B81G. $48,798.00. Sale Price: $40,249.00. or $367/month. Zodiac Yachtline series of inflatable boats is designed for complementing yachts. These tenders offer convenience, comfort, and power.

  11. Corporate

    Yachtline 1618 is certified with the Integrated Quality Management and Health System in the work place, according to Standards UNI EN ISO 9001/2015 and ISO UNI 45001-2018. The continuous evolution of our Company is based on a practical organization which optimizes services, follows the dynamic of excellence and guarantees the workforce safety. ...

  12. Zodiac Yachtline range

    The Yachtline range of RIB dinghies is the ideal solution to complement your yacht, catamaran or sailboat in style, thanks to its comprehensive range of equipment and luxurious appearance. ALL SIZES. Tenders from 2 to 3 meters. Boats from 4 to 6 meters. Boats from 6 to 8 meters.

  13. Si të gjeni shtëpi në shitje në zonën tuaj

    Dubal Mall. Dubai Creek. Belgrade Waterfront. Marassi Al Bahrain. Emirates Hills. Boulder Hills India. Gjeni shtëpi në shitje në faqen tonë të internetit për të gjetur shtëpinë e ëndrrave tuaja.

  14. PDF Sanlorenzo signed a binding offer to acquire Duerre's majority stake

    SIGNING OF A BINDING OFFER TO ACQUIRE A 33% STAKE IN DUERRE, REACHING MAJORITY AND CONTROL. Ameglia (La Spezia), 28 April 202 3 - Sanlorenzo S.p.A. ("Sanlorenzo " or the "Company ") announces today's signing of a binding offer to acquire a further 33% stake in Duerre S.r.l. ("Duerre "), a company with a strong heritage

  15. Frankfurt: Nasse Böden sind nur eine Momentaufnahme

    Frankfurter Politik und Forschung mahnen zum Weltwassertag: Keine Entwarnung - die Dürre ist nicht endgültig besiegt. Dass sich Grundwasserstände auch in Hessen nach den zurückliegenden ...

  16. Genesis Yachtline

    Duerre S.R.L - Arredi Nautici e Civili Furniture and Home Furnishings Manufacturing ... Genesis Yachtline is a world leader in its class. Genesis Yachtline | 288 followers on LinkedIn. With ...

  17. 35' Yachtline Main

    The Yachtline redefines how to apply the time proven principles of foam stabilized watercraft in every manner. It changes the panographic architecture of what safety and performance can look like. Users will revel in the safety aspect of the vessels collar system. Not only does it provide a soft sided nature, but it also gives an unsinkable ...

  18. News des Tages heute: Caroline Frier ganz privat: Frisch verliebt ...

    Caroline Frier ganz privat: Frisch verliebt! So lebt und liebt die Schwester von Annette Frier heute Caroline Frier ist auf der Theaterbühne zu Hause, spielt in Filmen und Serien. 2020 war ein ...

  19. Zodiac Yachtline 400

    For shipping outside the US or a personalized quote, please call 805-644-6290. Shipping Terms. Probably the most popular size, the Zodiac 400 Deluxe Yachtline takes no prisoners with their design choices. The boat is built for speed, performance, comfort, and convenience. The extra hull length and horsepower over the smaller 360 makes this boat ...


    YACHTLINE 1618 S.p.A. Furniture BIENTINA, Pi DUERRE - S.R.L. PONTEDERA, Pi DUERRE GROUP Architecture and Planning ... DUERRE SRL | 23 followers on LinkedIn. DUERRE SRL | 23 followers on LinkedIn. ...

  21. Yachtline 33

    The Yachtline redefines how to apply the time proven principles of foam stabilized watercraft in every manner. It changes the panographic architecture of what safety, and performance can look like. Users will reveal in the safety aspect of the vessels collar system. Not only do they provide a soft sided nature, but they also give an unsinkable ...

  22. Explore Zodiac Yachtline Boats For Sale

    Zodiac Yachtline. A small boat built by Zodiac, the Yachtline is a rigid inflatable vessel. Zodiac Yachtline boats are typically used for day-cruising, watersports and freshwater-fishing. These boats were built with a fiberglass rib; usually with an outboard-4s and available in Gas.

  23. Zodiac Yachtline 360 Yacht Tender Tour

    Follow along with Kevin from Boat Specialists in Ventura California as he details the many highlights of the Zodiac Yachtline 360 Yacht Tender.The YACHTLINE ...

  24. Sealine Yachts

    YACHTLINE 1618 S.p.A. Furniture and Home Furnishings Manufacturing BIENTINA, Pi Azimut Yachts Shipbuilding Avigliana, Turin ... Duerre S.R.L - Arredi Nautici e Civili