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In Sicilia il favoloso gigayacht a vela di Jeff Bezos: ecco dov’era

In Sicilia il favoloso gigayacht a vela di Jeff Bezos: ecco dov'era

Incredibile avvistamento al largo di Mazara del Vallo: il favoloso gigayacht a vela del magnate Jeff Bezos, il fondatore di Amazon, ha solcato le acque siciliane regalando ancora una volta una vista mozzafiato.

Avvistato a Mazara del Vallo lo yacht di Jeff Bezos

L’immenso yacht “Koru”, con i suoi oltre 125 metri di lunghezza e 16 di larghezza, è passato intorno alle 16.30 davanti al lido “Approdo dei Saraceni”, al confine tra Mazara e Campobello.

Il gigayacht a vela Koru incanta la Sicilia

Una meraviglia della nautica, la seconda imbarcazione a vela più grande al mondo. Tre enormi alberi, livrea blu navy elegante, la tradizionale polena con pendente maori: lo yacht di Jeff Bezos non è certo passato inosservato. A immortalarlo in alcuni scatti il proprietario del lido, estasiati da tanta bellezza.

Costruito nei cantieri olandesi nel 2021

Il “Koru” è stato varato nei cantieri olandesi “Oceanco” nel 2021 e consegnato a Bezos quest’anno. Può ospitare fino a 18 ospiti nel lusso più sfrenato, oltre a 40 membri d’equipaggio. Un gioiello extralusso costato circa 500 milioni di dollari. Dopo aver solcato le acque delle Eolie, il magnifico yacht a vela ha attraversato lo stretto di Sicilia regalando una vista unica dalla costa mazarese. Un evento eccezionale che difficilmente si ripeterà.

Ha solcato le Eolie prima di arrivare a Mazara

Chissà se Bezos era a bordo, pronto a godersi il fantastico panorama della Sicilia. Di certo il passaggio del suo favoloso “Koru” rimarrà a lungo negli annali della città, uno spettacolo memorabile per diportisti e bagnanti. Mazara del Vallo entra così di diritto tra le mete extralusso del Mediterraneo, visitata dai panfili dei potenti della Terra. Un motivo d’orgoglio per gli abitanti e un’occasione unica per ammirare da vicino un capolavoro della nautica. Il sogno a occhi aperti di ogni appassionato, immortalato in foto destinate a fare il giro del web. Chissà quale altro yacht stellare solcherà presto queste acque regalando emozioni indimenticabili. Intanto Mazara si gode lo storico passaggio del favoloso panfilo di Jeff Bezos.

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Jeff Bezos’ New Yacht Is Finally Ready to Set Sail

Amazon’s founder has been spotted on Koru, a massive schooner with a design that evokes the golden age of sailing in the early 20th century.

Koru, a very large sailboat with three masts and a dark navy hull, sails on a calm blue sea.

By Kevin Koenig

Just in time for the high season of yachting in the Mediterranean, when multimillion-dollar megayachts descend on ports like Monte Carlo and St. Tropez, Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, has been photographed with his partner Lauren Sánchez on his new boat, Koru, off the coast of Spain.

Mr. Bezos’ vessel is a sailing yacht, a departure from the diesel-powered, floating palaces popular with other billionaires. But it is still massive. At 417 feet, Koru is the world’s largest sailing yacht, according to Boat International , and it cost an estimated $500 million to build, Bloomberg reported . (Parsifal III, the boat featured on Bravo’s reality series “Below Deck Sailing Yacht,” is 177 feet long — less than half the length of Koru — and cost $18 million , according to the website SuperYachtFan.)

A spokesperson for Mr. Bezos did not comment for this article; neither did Oceanco, Koru’s builder. Here is what to know about the boat.

For traditionalists, Koru is refreshing. At a time when yacht design skews outrageous — see the lizardlike, 262-foot Artefact or the otherworldly 463-foot Yas — Koru stands out as a schooner, a sailing vessel with two or more masts. Photos reveal a large sailboat with three masts, an on-deck pool and a voluptuous mermaid on the bow, that bears a resemblance to Ms. Sánchez. But otherwise, the sleek, classic lines suggest the patrician age of yachting in the early 20th century, said Robert B. MacKay, author of “The Golden Age of Newport Yachting: Between the Wars.”

“With the clipper bow and the dark hull and the masts,” Mr. MacKay said, referring to Koru’s concave, pointy forward section, “it reminds me of a boat built in 1930 for J.P. Morgan Jr., Corsair IV. It is almost like a reincarnation. It’s certainly at odds with the stuff the oligarchs are building — those look like bloated Clorox bottles.”

Compared with the world’s very largest motor yachts — built for sheer size and the accompanying bragging rights — Koru could almost be considered quaint. Azzam, one of the world’s largest motor yachts, is nearly 200 feet longer.

The Experience

Koru will be propelled primarily by the wind. “Sailboats are usually greener than most powerboats,” said Don Anderson, a former captain of M5 , the world’s largest single-masted sailboat, at 256 feet. “I’d like to think that Koru will be one of the most ecological yachts out there, with its sails and also with the technology that will be aboard.”

“When you’re on a sailboat, you’re more in touch with the wind and the waves than on a powerboat,” he continued. “You’re more susceptible to the elements, too. But you can leave California, and once you get past the Catalinas you can basically surf downwind all the way to Hawaii. All you need to do is run with the waves.”

Mr. Bezos has been a guest on similar boats, according to Bloomberg: In 2019, he was spotted on Eos , a 305-foot sailing yacht owned by Barry Diller and Diane von Furstenberg.

Bill Tripp, a Connecticut-based naval architect, said the appeal of this type of boat is clear: “When you are on a powerboat, you ask, ‘Are we there yet?’ and on a sailboat, you’re enjoying the ride and the ocean so much that you don’t ask that question.”

Koru will be trailed by Abeona, a 246-foot support vessel. Superyachts often have support vessels following along behind them. These “shadows,” as they are colloquially known, are for the “toys” — the ATVs, supercars, seaplanes, motorcycles, smaller boats, scuba gear, personal submarines and even helicopters that pleasure boaters might bring on a trip. According to its builder, this model of boat can carry these gadgets along with dozens of crew members. (Ms. Sanchez flies helicopters, and the couple was recently photographed taking a helicopter to board Abeona and then Koru.)

Abeona, a motor yacht, will have enough range to follow Koru from the Mediterranean to the Caribbean — a common course for yachts — on a single tank of gas.

The Kerfuffle

Koru set off a controversy last year — before it was even completed — in a face-off with the Dutch city of Rotterdam. The boat was built at Oceanco’s facility in Alblasserdam, the Netherlands, and needed to pass the historic Koningshaven Bridge, known as “De Hef,” in Rotterdam, to undergo testing in the North Sea.

When the city announced it would dismantle the bridge to allow the boat and its mainmast — an estimated 230 feet tall — to pass through unscathed, locals were angry. They planned a protest to throw eggs at the yacht as it cruised by. In the end, the bridge was not taken apart, and the yacht was towed to a different location to have its masts attached.

Koru is Maori for “coil” or “loop” and refers to the unfurling of a fern frond. The koru design is common in traditional Maori art, where it symbolizes new life, growth and peace. Mr. Bezos included a photo of a koru frond in an Instagram post on Jan. 1, 2022.

Brad Stone, who was the first to report on Koru, in his 2021 book “Amazon Unbound: Jeff Bezos and the Invention of a Global Empire,” said the name was “consistent with where we see him today.”

“He is no longer this single-minded tech guy,” Mr. Stone said. “He’s in media and Hollywood and has a new relationship.”

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jeff bezos yacht sicilia

Jeff Bezos, il suo yacht Flying fox in crociera al largo della Sicilia

di Redazione Economia 23 ago 2021

Jeff Bezos, il suo yacht Flying fox in crociera al largo della Sicilia

Nella lista dei super yacht che nell’estate 2021 hanno solcato (e lo stanno ancora facendo) i mari d’Italia si aggiunge, da qualche giorno, il Flying fox di proprietà di Jeff Bezos, il miliardario fondatore di Amazon. Lo yacht, 136 metri e 11 cabine, è stato avvistato (non poteva certo non dare nell’occhio) e fotografato dai turisti (con successiva pubblicazione sui social) al largo di Palermo prima e di Panarea, isola delle Eolie, poi. Più da vicino, è stato visto anche al porto di Balestrate.

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jeff bezos yacht sicilia

Uno yacht da mezzo miliardo

Lo yacht è di proprietà di Jeff Bezos, ma non è scontato che a bordo ci sia il magnate. Il Flying fox è infatti affidato a una società di charter che lo affitta per brevi periodi a super ricchi, visto che il noleggio di una settimana non costa meno di 3 milioni di euro. Costruito nel 2019 nei cantieri navali di Brema, il Flying fox ha un valore di mezzo miliardo di dollari : può ospitare a bordo 25 persone che si aggiungono alle 50 dell’equipaggio. Che devono occuparsi, oltre che della ordinaria gestione dell’imbarcazione, anche di salone di bellezza- spa, di un centro per le immersioni e dei due eliporti.


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Jeff Bezos in Sicilia, lo yacht Flying Fox a Balestrate e alle Eolie

"Hanno preso una intera banchina per tutta la giornata - dice il sindaco, Vito Rizzo - gli serve come appoggio per poi andare in aeroporto, visto che quello di Balestrate è il porto più vicino a Punta Raisi"

Avvistato nel mare siciliano il gigantesco Flying fox di proprietà di Mr. Amazon, Jeff Bezos. Secondo riporta La Repubblica, da questa mattina c'è un continuo via vai al porto di Balestrate, nel Palermitano. "Hanno preso una intera banchina per tutta la giornata - dice il sindaco, Vito Rizzo - gli serve come appoggio per poi andare in aeroporto, visto che quello di Balestrate è il porto più vicino a Punta Raisi". Sono in molti a scattare foto e selfie. Prima di arrivare in provincia di Palermo, il Flying fox è stato avvistato alle Eolie e a Ustica.

Jeff Bezos

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Il milionario Jeff Bezos è in Sicilia col suo veliero da 500 milioni di dollari

Prima a capri e a procida, ora naviga nell'arcipelago delle eolie. il patron di amazon ama scendere dal panfilo e pranzare anche nelle trattorie popolari.

Il milionario Jeff Bezos è in Sicilia col suo veliero da 500 milioni di dollari

Veleggia nell'arcipelago delle Eolie col suo Koru da 500 milioni di dollari Jeff Bezos. Dopo la tappa in Campania, tra Capri e Procida, ha fatto rotta verso la Sicilia. Costruito in Olanda, il veliero da 120 metri di lunghezza e 16 di larghezza , si dice che abbia avuto problemi tecnici per lasciare i cantieri di Alblasserdam dove è stato costruito, date le misure. Ha un tender di 75 metri, uno yacht, che ospita un eliporto. 

Per muoversi Bezos, che viaggia con la famiglia, ha un equipaggio di 40 persone. Il veliero, il più grande al mondo, ha una superficie totale di oltre 3.500 metri quadrati, poche cabine, ma molto ampie. Quella padronale occupa 250 mq. I motori sono green e permettono di raggiungere i 18 nodi, 30 quando si aprono le gigantesche vele.

Bezos oggi è a Panarea , la voce si è sparsa rapidamente sull'isola dei vip. 

Dalla fine di luglio si moltiplicano sui social i post degli avvistamenti, qui sotto un tweet di Chicco Testa che lo ha incontrato in una trattoria dove, come si legge sulla lavagna sullo sfondo, un'insalata di polpo costa “appena” 20 euro. 

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Home » Jeff Bezos in Sicilia: lo yacht extra lusso di “mr Amazon” tra Eolie e mare palermitano

Jeff Bezos in Sicilia: lo yacht extra lusso di “mr Amazon” tra Eolie e mare palermitano

23 Ago 2021


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Il patron di Amazon ha scelto il mare della Trinacria.

  • Jeff Bezos in Sicilia per le vacanze .
  • Il suo “ Flying Fox “, yacht extralusso, è stato avvistato in diverse località .
  • Secondo Forbes è l’uomo più ricco del mondo.

Prima le Isole Eolie , poi il mare della costa palermitana . Non è passata inosservata la presenza del “ Flying Fox ” nel mare siciliano : d’altronde, stiamo parlando di uno yacht extra lusso , dotato di ogni comfort. L’imbarcazione da ben 136 metri rientrerebbe nel patrimonio di Jeff Bezos, il celebre fondatore di Amazon. Secondo Forbes , con il suo patrimonio dal 177 miliardi di dollari, è l’uomo più ricco del mondo. Lo yacht, ormai da qualche mese, naviga nelle acque italiane. Prima di arrivare al largo delle nostre coste, è stata avvistata anche in Sardegna . La presenza dello yacht di Jeff Bezos in Sicilia ha suscitato un gran clamore, anche se in passato ci sono state alcune smentite riguardo ai rumors che attribuiscono la proprietà del Flying Fox proprio a “mr Amazon”. Una cosa, comunque, è certa: si tratta dello yacht più costoso di sempre. Ecco cosa c’è a bordo.

Jeff Bezos in Sicilia, la meta del jet set internazionale

Il Flying Fox è una imbarcazione da 136 metri di lusso e alta tecnologia. Vale almeno mezzo miliardo di dollari , il che lo configura come lo yacht più costoso di sempre. È stato costruito nei cantieri tedeschi Lürssen, a Brema, e batte bandiera della Isole Cayman. Come è facile immaginare, a bordo non manca proprio nulla. Può accogliere fino a 25 persone in 11 cabine (tutte con vista mare), oltre a un equipaggio di una cinquantina di membri. Include una piscina da 12 metri, oltre a una spa a due piani di circa 400 metri quadri, due eliporti e un centro per le immersioni . Per noleggiare lo yacht extra lusso la richiesta è di 3 milioni di euro a settimana, ma il prezzo è indicativo. La notizia dell’arrivo di Jeff Bezos in Sicilia arricchisce il già lungo elenco di personaggi del jet set internazionale che hanno scelto la nostra isola per le vacanze estive . Foto:  Hermann Maurer – Licenza .

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Le vacanze in Sicilia di Jeff Bezos. Alle Eolie con veliero, yacht ed elicottero

Le vacanze in Sicilia di Jeff Bezos. Alle Eolie con veliero, yacht ed elicottero

Dopo due anni, Jeff Bezos è tornato in Sicilia per trascorrere le vacanze. Il patron di Amazon, nonché proprietario del “Washington Post”, ieri mattina è stato avvistato nel Palermitano, nella zona di Terrasini a bordo del suo veliero “Koru”, il secondo più grande del mondo dopo il “Sailing Yacht A” del magnate russo Andrey Igorevich Melnichenk.

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“Flying Fox, lo yacht più costoso del mondo, a Balestrate in Sicilia. Il proprietario? Un certo Jeff Bezos, fondatore di Amazon”.

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Jeff Bezos in vacanza in Sicilia: avvistato yacht fondatore Amazon [FOTO]

Anche il patron di Amazon, Jeff Bezos, ha scelto la Sicilia per trascorrere le proprie vacanze estive. Prima le Eolie, poi Ustica e Balestrate. Uno yacht di 136 metri, gioiello della nautica dove lusso e alta tecnologia vanno di pari passo, sta solcando i mari del Palermitano. Difficile non notarlo quando si avvicina di più alla costa. A bordo c’è Bezos, ovvero l’uomo più ricco del mondo.

A condividere qualche scatto dell’imbarcazione è anche il sindaco di Balestrate Vito Rizzo sulla sua pagina Facebook: “Flying Fox, lo yacht più costoso del mondo, a Balestrate. Il proprietario? Un certo Jeff Bezos, fondatore di Amazon! Cose belle”.

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Lo yacht di Jeff Bezos in Sicilia: le vacanze da sogno di Mr. Amazon

Guardando le coste siciliane si scorge uno yacht gigantesco e da sogno: è quello di Jeff Bezos. Mr. Amazon è arrivato in Italia per le vacanza, ma forse è già ripartito?

Jeff Bezos, leader di Amazon è in Sicilia

Attenzione, attenzione! Nel mare della Sicilia è comparso un gigantesco yacht che ha attirato ovviamente l’attenzione di tutti i turisti e gli abitanti della zona. Di chi è questo yacht? Per quanto tempo si fermerà in questo straordinario specchio di mare della Sicilia? Tante domande e tanta curiosità attorno a questa gigantesca imbarcazione. Ma alla fine, dopo qualche incertezza e qualche bisbiglio tra le vie cittadine, è arrivata la rivelazione. Lo yacht è di Jeff Bezos , fondatore e presidente di Amazon !

Dove si trova lo yacht di Mr Amazon?

Mr Amazon è arrivato con il suo yacht, che si chiama Flying Fox – Volpe Volante –  da poco in Sicilia, nel porto di Palermo . Ovviamente non è passato inosservato perché per eseguire tutte le varie operazioni di rifornimento carburante per l’imbarcazione Mister Amazon ha praticamente occupato un’intera banchina ! Come mai proprio qui? Il sindaco di Balestrate , Vito Rizzo, ha spiegato che questa sistemazione è praticamente perfetta per raggiungere poi l’aeroporto da cui probabilmente Bezos prenderà un aereo per tornare a casa dopo le vacanze.

Infatti il proprietario del colosso di vendita on-line, prima di veleggiare – per così dire – davanti al porto di Palermo è stato alle Eolie e ha fatto svariati giri lungo le coste e gli arcipelaghi siciliani. Non è certo però se lui sia ancora a bordo oppure no.

Cosa rende unico lo yacht di Jeff Bezos?

Dai reportage e dalle notizie riportate da Repubblica di Palermo sappiamo che questo yacht è di proprietà di una società di charter e, il costo per noleggiarlo una settimana è di circa tre milioni e mezzo di euro . Cifra che molto probabilmente per una delle persone più ricche al mondo – almeno considerate tali – non è poi così esagerata. Del resto lo yacht è lungo ben 136 metri e all’interno c’è un po’ di tutto. Qualsiasi comodità che venga in mente, come un salone di bellezza, la zona Cinema, 1 Spa, 2 eliporti e addirittura un centro per l’immersione.

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The colossal, triple-masted Koru began its career serving the world’s third richest man this week, cruising the Mediterranean around Mallorca.

The 417-foot schooner first left Rotterdam in the Netherlands for sea trials in February. Dropping anchor in Mallorca put its jaw-dropping size on full display.

It also showed the extent of Bezos’ fleet: Not only did the Koru sail into harbor, so did its support vessel, Abeona, a mega-boat in its own right, the luxurious fast-launches used to move between the two — and aerial support in the form of his girlfriend Lauren Sanchez’s personal helicopter.

Sanchez also seemingly serves the fleet’s mascot, with the Koru’s figurehead, a part of traditional large sailing ships, modeled after her.

The Koru is the world’s tallest sailing yacht. Its three huge 229-foot masts power it to 20 knots. It’s also the biggest billionaire’s yacht which can move under sail-power alone.

The masts are so tall that Dutch officials considered dismantling the 95-year-old Koningshaven Bridge to allow the vessel past the 131-foot span on its journey from the Oceanco shipyard in Alblasserdam through Rotterdam to the North Sea.

That controversial plan was scrapped after local backlash, including residents being urged to toss eggs at Bezos’ “latest toy,”  the New York Times reported . The superyacht, previously known as Y721, was instead towed to a shipyard in Rotterdam, downstream of the bridge, without its masts.

Bezos, 59, and the bikini-clad Sanchez, 53, appeared ready for the summer as the pair soaked up the sun aboard Koru, a Māori word for loop or coil that symbolizes new beginnings — possibly a coy reference to their relationship.

Sanchez started secretly dating the Blue Origin founder in the summer of 2018. Bezos then announced in January 2019 he and his wife Mackenzie were divorcing after 25 years , while Sanchez finalized her split from husband Patrick Whitesell later that year.

Sanchez plays a critical role in the Bezos fleet: As a helicopter pilot, she was seen landing on the Abeona. She was also at Bezos’ side when he took the wheel of the Koru.

Koru was first seen under construction in 2021 at Oceano’s yard. The company is owned by a fellow billionaire, Oman’s Mohammed Al Barwani.

As many as 18 guests can enjoy the yacht’s three outdoor decks, including one with two pools. The vessel, which has a crew of up to 36, also boasts a cinema, meeting spaces and lounges,  Luxuo reported .

Every detail is designed for luxury, even down to the masts’ technology.

Bezos opted for high-tech “in-boom furlers,” which store the vast canvases at the bottom of the mast, above the deck. Each weighs nearly 2,000 pounds, but they allow his deck to be kept clear of ropes.

Clearing ropes out of the way maximizes entertaining space, and allows for a hot tub forward of the mainmast.

The yacht is also built for speed. Its three masts provide “one of the largest sail areas ever seen in yachting,”  according to SuperYacht Times .

The Koru’s original designer, and the identity of its captain, remain secret. Boat International noted : “With the elegant curve of the bow and a bowsprit, the lines are certainly classic, but we still have no idea which designer drew them.”

The Cayman Islands-flagged vessel also has engine power like most sailing yachts.

And while other billionaires measure yachts by size, Bezos’ is only the 24th largest.

However, since Koru’s masts rule out a helicopter deck, the billionaire commissioned a support vessel, Abeona, named for the Roman goddess of outward journeys.

In addition to a helipad, the 246-foot Abeona features an extra two staterooms for four guests and as many as 45 crew and support staff.

It’s the largest custom-built support vessel ever manufactured by Damen Yachting. On board in Mallorca were at least four jetskis, two fast launches, and an additional dinghy. Its heavy winch is capable of lifting a small submarine, although Bezos is not believed to have one thus far.

The “classic exterior lines” of Koru, are reminiscent of another billionaire’s boat: Eos, a 305-foot sailing yacht owned by Barry Diller, 81, who may have inspired Bezos after hosting him on the vessel.

Favored by megastars like Katy Perry and Bradley Cooper — who were Diller’s guests during 2019’s Google Camp in Sicily — the German-built Eos can accommodate up to 16 guests and 21 crew.

It was the largest private sailing yacht in the world when it was completed in 2006. Diller, chairman of IAC and Expedia, who is worth $3.9 billion, bought it three years later. Intriguingly, its figurehead is modeled on Diller’s wife Diane von Fürstenberg, the fashion designer.

But the $200 million, 305-foot schooner is now dwarfed by Bezos’ boat.

As Koru sailed in the Balearic Sea this week off the coast of Spain, Bezos’ boat symbolically surges past several other tech billionaires’ vessels – including Google co-founder Sergey Brin’s $80 million, 240-foot Dragonfly, and Oracle co-founder Larry Ellison’s, $160 million, 288-foot Musashi.

It will cost Bezos, 59, an estimated $25 million per year to operate Koru, but the world’s third-richest man isn’t likely to need a loan with his $140.6 billion fortune,  according to Forbes .

Bezos’ use of sailpower sets him apart from most billionaires, but others are seeking a hi-tech zero-carbon power source: a Japanese billionaire has reportedly commissioned the world’s first hydrogen-powered superyacht.

Germany’s Lürssen Yachts announced in March that they had a hydrogen-powered superyacht in advanced construction.

It declined to identify the future owner of the unnamed superyacht, but specialist publication FuelCellsWorks reported Japanese billionaire tech Yusaku Maezawa, worth an estimated $1.7 billion, commissioned the innovative effort.

Dubbed Project Cosmos, the 374-foot superyacht is designed by Apple’s legendary Marc Newson and was first unveiled in early March at Lürssen’s facility in Rendsburg, Germany.

Once completed as soon as next year, the vessel is expected to utilize emission-free fuel cell technology to generate power lasting up to 15 days while anchored or to travel as far as 1,000 miles at slow speeds.

Three other major shipyards, including in Italy and the Netherlands, are likely to launch their own hydrogen started outfitting newly constructed vessels with hydrogen fuel cells as of March 2022, with the first models reportedly expected in 2024.

Other megayachts expected to soon join Bezos’ Koru in the water include two Lürssen models, the 475-foot Luminance and the 400-foot Jag, and Feadship 821, a 389-foot offering from the Netherlands manufacturer.

But even those won’t best the biggest megayacht in the world, the 593-foot Azzam, which launched in 2013 after being commissioned by Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the ruler of Abu Dhabi and president of the United Arab Emirates who died last year.

Azzam, which means determination in Arabic, reportedly cost more than $600 million and is nearly 60 feet longer than the world’s second-largest yacht, the 533-foot Eclipse, owned by Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich.

Those monster vessels are expected to be surpassed next year by REV, a 600-foot yacht under construction in Norway which will have space for 36 guests and 54 crewmembers, according to Boat International .

Jeff Bezos’ $500M yacht has a 246-foot support ship, Lauren Sanchez figurehead

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Jeff Bezos’ Magnificent KORU Yacht and ABEONA Support Vessel

The KORU yacht is a 127 meter sailing yacht built in the Netherlands by Oceanco and delivered in 2023. She was designed by Dykstra Naval Architects with the the interior of the yacht designed by Mlinaric, Henry & Zervudachi.

In the world of luxury yachting, few names command as much attention as Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon and one of the richest individuals on the planet.

Bezos’ affinity for the sea and his penchant for exploration have materialized in the form of the breathtaking sailing yacht KORU and its companion, the support vessel ABEONA.

Commissioned from renowned shipbuilders Oceanco and Damen Yachting, respectively, these vessels are not only a testament to Bezos’ wealth but also a celebration of Māori culture and innovation in yacht design.

The Marvel of Modern Yacht Design: KORU Yacht

The KORU yacht, also known as Y721, is a masterpiece crafted by the acclaimed Oceanco shipyard. With a remarkable length of 127 meters (417 feet), the yacht exudes luxury and grandeur in every aspect. Launched in April 2023, KORU stands as a tribute to Māori art and culture, as evident from its name and styling.

koru yacht side

The Māori word “koru” signifies a loop or coil, symbolizing new life, growth, strength, and peace. This symbolism resonates throughout the vessel, creating an immersive experience that pays homage to the essence of Māori art.

Inside the KORU yacht, guests are treated to a world of unparalleled luxury. The yacht boasts a large swimming pool on the aft deck, inviting guests to bask in the sun while surrounded by the beauty of the open sea.

Accommodating up to 18 guests and serviced by a crew of approximately 40, KORU offers a perfect balance between privacy and service.

The yacht’s interiors are a testament to meticulous design and craftsmanship, with each detail meticulously chosen to provide the highest level of comfort.

The Symbolism of KORU’s Name

The choice of the name “KORU” for the yacht holds deep significance. In Māori culture, the koru symbolizes new beginnings, growth, and the cycle of life.

It is often represented as an unfolding fern frond, embodying the concepts of renewal and continuous movement. Jeff Bezos, in an Instagram post , highlighted the symbolism behind the name, showcasing his embrace of growth, rebirth, and mindfulness.

koru yacht back

ABEONA: The Perfect Companion

No luxury yacht is complete without a support vessel that complements its grandeur. Enter ABEONA, a 75-meter (246-foot) support vessel commissioned by Jeff Bezos.

Built by Damen Yachting, ABEONA serves as the perfect adjunct to the KORU yacht. This custom-built vessel carries all the toys, tenders, and equipment needed to enhance the yachting experience.

With a large helicopter hangar and the capacity to accommodate 45 staff, crew, and guests, ABEONA stands as an indispensable asset to the main yacht.

The Visionary Behind the Vessels: Jeff Bezos

With a staggering net worth of $160 billion, Jeff Bezos is not only a pioneer in the world of e-commerce but also a visionary with a passion for the sea.

The commissioning of the KORU yacht and the ABEONA support vessel reflects Bezos’ love for exploration and his desire to embrace the vastness of the ocean.

Bezos’ affinity for the sea is also reflected in his ownership of a Gulfstream G650ER private jet, showcasing his penchant for luxury both in the air and on the water.

koru yacht bezos

Oceanco: The Pioneers of Luxury Yacht Building

The Oceanco shipyard has carved a name for itself as a pioneer in the luxury yacht industry. Established in 1987, Oceanco has consistently pushed the boundaries of design, craftsmanship, and innovation.

KORU, with its classic schooner design, stands as a testament to Oceanco’s commitment to creating vessels that are not only luxurious but also artistically inspired.

KORU yacht summary

The KORU yacht and its companion ABEONA support vessel stand as testaments to Jeff Bezos’ love for the sea, his appreciation for Māori culture, and his affinity for luxury and exploration.

These vessels, crafted with precision by Oceanco and Damen Yachting, redefine the boundaries of yacht design and innovation.

As Jeff Bezos embarks on journeys of discovery aboard these vessels, he continues to inspire awe and admiration among yachting enthusiasts and the world at large.

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Flying Fox – The mega-yacht owned by Jeff Bezos

The Italian summer of Flying Fox, the imposing mega-yacht owned by Amazon’s number one, Jeff Bezos

Throughout the summer there were rumors that Jeff Bezos, creator of Amazon and one of the richest men in the world, was on vacation in Italy . What is certain is that the megayacht Flying Fox, owned by him, has been spotted several times in the Mediterranean Sea , more precisely off the Sardinia and Sicily Italian coasts.

Who is Jeff Bezos?

For the few who don’t know him yet, it is right to make a premise and explain who we are talking about: born in 1964, Jeff Bezos is considered a pioneer of technology, a great American entrepreneur who was able to build a real empire based on Amazon.

Driven from an early age by a passion for technology, he studied computer science and electronic engineering, then landed on Wall Street, where he worked as the vice president of an investment company. When he has already reached what seems to be a well-started career, he decides to quit his job and launch himself into the Amazon project around 1995. From that moment on, growth has been exponential, as in 1997, when Bezos and his associates decided to launch into the world of e-commerce presenting itself as an online alternative for shopping.

In 2013 he completed his affirmation in the world of economics with the purchase of the Washington Post, paid for an incredible 250 million euros.

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What kind of yacht is the Flying Fox?

Defining it as a luxury yacht, even if true, is an understatement for this boat.

According to the world’s largest yachts ranking, Flying Fox is positioned at number 20 while instead, it is the tenth-largest yacht built by the German house Lürssen , based in Bremen.

Flying Fox is a 136-meter-long motor yacht delivered in 2019. If it is true that size sometimes doesn’t matter, with a width of 22.5 meters, a draft of 5.1 meters, and a volume of over 9,000 tons, designers did not want to run the risk of going unnoticed.

About the project, the exterior design was entrusted to Espen Øino International, while the interiors were signed by Mark Berryman Design Ltd.

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Flying Fox means huge spaces for guests

Up to 25 guests can be accommodated aboard the Flying Fox superyacht, which also can accommodate up to 54 crew members. The service onboard is therefore guaranteed.

Guests are split between 11 cabins, although calling them such doesn’t do them justice. These are luxurious mini-apartments studied in every detail. The master suite incorporates its own study and benefits from his and her bathroom. The remaining 10 are all top-notch VIP suites.

Fairytale quality and equipment the Jeff Bezos’ yacht

It is useless to list the countless comforts that can be found onboard.

Interiors, made of bamboo, teak, and oak wood, have space for a spa complete with a wellness center, sauna and steam room, a diving center with underwater lights, a real cinema, and even a lounge with a fireplace to relax after a “busy” day. All bridges are naturally connected with a comfortable and large internal lift.

The most sensational features, however, are found on the outside. On the main bow deck and on the upper aft deck there are not one but two helipads, while just above the aft beach club there is a beautiful swimming pool that covers almost the entire ship width.

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Flying Fox: Excellent performance for an oversized yacht

Built with a steel hull and an aluminum superstructure, Flying Fox offers greater stability at anchor thanks to its displacement hull.

It is powered by two MTU engines and sails comfortably at 15 knots but quickly reaches a top speed of 20 knots. Flying Fox is equipped with 682,500-liter fuel tanks that give it a range of up to 6,500 nautical miles at cruising speed.

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Where was Jeff Bezos’ yacht Flying Fox in the summer of 2021?

Bezos’ megayacht was spotted several times off the Italian coast this summer, attracting great curiosity from local and international media.

It is not certain who was on board, if the owner of Amazon himself or some other wealthy guest, as the stages and the route followed by the Flying Fox are not clear.

According to the various sightings that followed, it started from Nice , in France, would have sailed southwards, first touching the Aeolian Islands , then continuing towards Sardinia and Sicily where it was sighted in Balestrate, off the Palermo coast. Finally, head towards the Gulf of Naples and the Sorrento and Amalfi Coast .

What if we want to rent Flying Fox?

We can safely say it: it is not a yacht for anyone. Flying Fox seems to have been bought by Jeff Bezos for a figure close to half a billion dollars!

Although it is a private yacht, it is nevertheless possible to rent it but at a monstrous figure: The company that manages the Flying Fox rents this sea jewel for short periods at a cost that is around three million euros per week!

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Oceanco’s jacht Y721 van Jeff Bezos laat zich zien

De transport van oceanco's y721, die naar verluidt bestemd is voor jeff bezos, is op beeld vastgelegd.

25 oktober 2021

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Begin mei kwam het naar buiten dat de Nederlandse werf Oceanco uit Alblasserdam aan een nieuw project zou werken. Geruchten gingen door het rondte dat Amazon-oprichter Jeff Bezos de opdrachtgever zou zijn. De op één na rijkste man ter wereld heeft op het moment van schrijven een vermogen van $ 193 miljard, dus een jacht van honderden miljoentjes is voor hem geen enkel probleem. Deze week ging het schip op transport en dat trok uiteraard de aandacht van fotografen.

Jeff Bezos klopt aan bij Nederlandse scheepswerf Oceanco

Het gevaarte van 127 meter lang krijgt het modelnummer Y721 en is zowel het langste jacht dat ooit in Nederland is gebouwd en als het grootste superjacht ooit gebouwd bij Oceanco. Binnenkort zal het jacht worden overgebracht worden naar een andere faciliteit voor afbouw werkzaamheden.

Jeff Bezos

Y721 mag dan wel het grootste Nederlandse zeiljacht ooit zijn, bij aflevering, gepland voor 2022, zal het schip wereldwijd gezien qua grootte genoegen moeten nemen met plek. Sailing Yacht A van de Russische miljardair Andrey Melnichenko, gebouwd door het Duitse Norbiskrug, blijft met een lengte van 142.81 meter de onbetwiste koning van de zeven zeeën. Oceanco’s 106,7 meter lange Black Pearl , waar we laatst met veel lof over spraken, concurreert goed mee met plaats drie en is het op twee na grootste zeiljacht gebouwd door Oceanco.

Nadat Y721 gedeeltelijk werd opgebouwd in Zwijnenburg, werd het schip verplaats naar de door Oceanco nieuw aangeschafte werf in Zwijndrecht. Veel details zijn nog ongewis, maar zeker is dat Y721 van drie masten, drie dekken en een boegspriet voorzien zal worden.

“Een van de mooiste zeiljachten die er bestaat”

In het boek  Amazon Unbound van Brad Stone, waarvan een uittreksel werd gepubliceerd door Bloomberg, wordt het superjacht beschreven als “een van de mooiste zeiljachten die er bestaat”, met “verschillende dekken” en “drie enorme masten”. In het boek wordt ook gemeld dat ook een begeleidende ondersteuningsboot in aanbouw is, met een helikopterplatform. Wel zo leuk voor zijn vriendin Lauren Sanchez, die naast journalist ook helikopterpiloot is.


Ondanks dat diverse bronnen claimen dat het inderdaad Jeff Bezos is geweest die de aanvraag heeft ingediend, biedt Oceanco nog altijd geen verheldering. “Oceanco waardeert de privacy en vertrouwelijkheid van al onze klanten en potentiële klanten en geeft daarom geen commentaar op onze betrokkenheid of niet-betrokkenheid bij specifieke projecten,” aldus een woordvoerder van de werf uit.

Boat International heeft diverse beelden in handen gekregen. 

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Is dit het superjacht van Facebookbaas Mark Zuckerberg? Geruchten en mysterie rond boot van 277 miljoen euro

Heeft Facebookbaas Mark Zuckerberg zichzelf voor z’n verjaardag getrakteerd met een superjacht van 277 miljoen euro? Als we de geruchten uit het wereldje van luxeboten moeten geloven, kocht de multimiljardair recent de Feadship Launchpad van 118 meter lang.

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De geruchten doen al maandenlang de ronde. Zo schreven gespecialiseerde websites in december dat Zuckerberg de scheepswerf van luxebootbouwer Feadship in Nederland had bezocht. Nu wordt er gespeculeerd dat de eigenaar van Meta 300 miljoen dollar of 277 miljoen euro heeft neergelegd voor de Launchpad. Al wordt dat nergens officieel bevestigd.

Nieuwste speeltje van Bezos bevestigt de naam van Nederland als superjachtbouwer

Portret. alexis ohanian, oprichter van reddit en ‘foute’ vriend van serena williams: “hij kocht haar een ring van 3 miljoen dollar”.

Link naar instagram post

Die boot heeft een lengte van 118 meter en een breedte van 15,5 meter. Daarmee is het superjacht nummer 45 op de ranglijst van grootste jachten. Op het dek is er ruimte voor een zwembad en een groot helikopterplatform. De boot zou een dieselmotor hebben, met een maximumsnelheid van 24 knopen of 44 kilometer per uur. Verder is er niet al te veel geweten over de Launchpad.

Aan de website ‘Business Insider’ weigerde fabrikant Feadship details te geven over de eigenaar: “Wij delen geen privé-informatie.” Bij de entourage van Zuckerberg zelf was er geen reactie te rapen. In het verleden waren er al foutieve geruchten over de aankoop van een ander superjacht.

Moest Zuckerberg inderdaad de Launchpad hebben gekocht, dan komt hij in het lijstje van techmiljardairs met superjachten. Zo hebben Amazon-oprichter Jeff Bezos , Google-oprichters Sergey Brin en Larry Page, maar ook Oracle-oprichter Larry Ellison allemaal een gigaboot gekocht.

Z’n broek scheurt Zuckerberg er in ieder geval niet aan. Hij heeft namelijk een totaalvermogen van omgerekend zo’n 166,3 miljard euro.

Nieuwste speeltje van Bezos bevestigt de naam van Nederland als superjachtbouwer  (+)

PORTRET. Alexis Ohanian, oprichter van Reddit en ‘foute’ vriend van Serena Williams: “Hij kocht haar een ring van 3 miljoen dollar”  (+)

Facebookbaas Mark Zuckerberg wil er 350.000 stuks van: wat maakt de wonderchip van Nvidia zo speciaal?  (+)

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The topsy turvy economy just found a new set of boosters—CEOs. Some 87% are confident in the U.S.’s growth prospects, KPMG survey found

Smiling executive sitting on a couch holding a cellphone

America’s CEOs are feeling good. 

After years of uncertainty facing the economy, from the pandemic to supply chain challenges to multiple wars, America’s CEOs feel confident in the country’s economy. 

“If I think about it in weather terms it’s been hazy or cloudy for the last 18 months,” KPMG U.S. CEO Paul Knopp told Fortune in an interview. “I think we’re starting to see breaks in the clouds, more growth is coming into view.” 

And chief executives are basking in the sunshine, overjoyed to be out from under the black clouds of economic uncertainty. That’s not to say the world isn’t without any turmoil at the moment. Looming in the background now, are the volatile thunder clouds of a murky geopolitical future, according to Knopp. From Kyiv to Jerusalem to back home in Washington D.C. wars and monumental elections risk throwing the carefully balanced economic climate back into chaos. 

Still though CEOs were undeterred in their sunny outlooks. 

Eighty-seven percent of CEOs surveyed in KPMG’s annual CEO Outlook Pulse Survey said they feel confident about the U.S. economy. The survey featured responses from 100 CEOs from companies with at least $500 million in revenue and 70% of which had at least $1 billion. 

Much of their confidence came from feeling that they were no longer in the midst of perpetually uncertain times. A level of newfound stability helps CEOs better plan for the future. The labor market has loosened , inflation has come down, and the interest rate environment appeared settled—or, at least, it did until this week. A third disappointing inflation report in a row to start the year threw into question the timing and likelihood of interest rate cuts. Still, certainly the pandemic and supply chain snarls appear behind the business world. 

“It really allows for a clearer view of what the future might look like, which gives us real optimism around future growth prospects for the U.S. economy and hopefully for the global economy,” Knopp said. 

Trust in the U.S. economy among CEOs was so high that it even outpaced the confidence they had in their own companies. Some 78% of CEOs said they were confident in the growth prospects for their own companies, according to the survey, which was nine percentage points lower than the share of CEOs who expressed faith in the U.S. economy. Knopp says they “both are really high levels of confidence.” 

The discrepancy is likely evidence of how companies are still waiting for the full effect of the U.S. economy’s strength to manifest in their own businesses, Knopp says. Ultimately the two go hand-in-hand, as business leaders realize that a strong macro environment lifts all boats. Over the course of the last year the U.S. economy has proven to be extraordinarily resilient. It’s defying countless economist projections and doomsaying that a recession was imminent and it is backed by an American consumer force that just kept spending. In the month of February, consumer spending rose 0.8% , the largest monthly gain in more than a year. 

Resilient consumers can thank a gangbusters labor market that kept people gainfully employed and earning the paycheck they so willfully spent to prop up the economy. Now that they feel good about the economy, most CEOs expect to go on a hiring spree over the next year. Seventy-two percent of CEOs said they expect their organization’s headcount to increase, while only 4% said they’ll lay people off, according to KPMG’s study. Knopp said there is “clearly a connection” between confidence in the economy and plans to hire more employees. In large part because companies have already had to deal with difficulties of the Great Resignation in 2021 and faced the headache of trying to hire when unemployment was at historic lows in 2022. Now they want to be ready in case they run into a similarly tight market in the future. Currently unemployment sits at 3.8%.

The promising job market finds itself intersecting with perhaps the hottest business trend: AI. To cover themselves in the case of another impossibly difficult recruiting period like the one they faced in 2021 and 2022, 69% of companies say they’re leveraging generative AI to fill gaps they see in their workforce, according to KPMG’s survey. 

A geopolitical wet blanket on CEO confidence

Disrupting the gravy train executives are on is the rising threat posed by global geopolitics, which Knopp says is “clearly” the disruption of the current economic moment. It poses the uncertainty many executives are so eager to avoid. It’s unclear how long the war in Ukraine will continue and if it will continue to affect the world’s energy supplies . The ongoing conflicts in the Middle East could spread, especially after Israel killed two Iranian generals in Damascus. Even at its current scale the issue affected global supply chains, clogging many Red Sea shipping lanes, exacerbating the supply problems much of the world had thought was behind them. 

“We have to watch geopolitical turmoil very closely,” Knopp says. “The fear is that it could expand or become more contagious across the world and, of course, we hope it does not.”

Even countries that aren’t plagued by wars have some political uncertainty in the form of elections. This year the world should see elections in countries that represent about 60% of its GDP. In the U.S., the November election between former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden is expected to be hotly contested. According to the survey, 62% of CEOs said their company is planning to wait until after the U.S. election for any major M&A deals or capital expenditures. But even that will be a blip for CEO confidence. 

“M&A and capital activity will continue; it will just probably be a little bit more muted until the election is over,” Knopp says. “But from a longer-term perspective, I don’t think we have a lot to worry about.”

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