Xerendipity Selezione Personale Domestico Referenziato

Come Diventare una Hostess e Steward per Mega-Yacht di Lusso

Come Diventare una Hostess e Steward per Mega-Yacht di Lusso - Xerendipity Selezione Personale Domestico Crew con Referenze Verificate

Come Diventare una Hostess e Steward per Mega-Yacht di Lusso e Vivere una Carriera Professionale Divertente nel Mondo del Lusso

Indice dei Contenuti

Nel corso degli anni Xerendipity Selezione Crew ha selezionato centinaia di Steward e Stewardess (Hostess) per Super-Yacht e Mega-Yacht, abbiamo selezionato e valutato decine di Capitani di Mega-Yacht …  

Xerendipity Seleziona i migliori e più giusti membri dell’equipaggio per ogni tipo e livello di Yacht di Lusso e, rivedendo le motivazioni per la scelta del tipo di professione da Steward o Hostess , tutti i candidati avevano in comune lo stesso desiderio : la libertà di vivere in mare e viaggiare in giro per il mondo.

Ogni Steward e Hostess ha un background professionale che inizia “a terra”; per ognuno di loro ogni esperienza è stata indimenticabile, ma tutti esprimono sempre il medesimo giudizio: “di gran lunga il miglior lavoro che ho fatto è stato lavorare come Steward o Hostess su uno Yacht di Lusso” .  

Questa professione ha numerosi vantaggi , ma, fatto a questi livelli, è anche un lavoro duro .  

Con questo post daremo dei consigli per aiutare chi intende avvicinarsi a questa professione e non sa cosa sia lo Yachting; ti spiegheremo cosa vuol dire fare lo Steward o Hostess di Bordo per Super Yacht e Mega-Yacht e ti daremo 10 semplici step da seguire per iniziare nel migliore dei modi ed arrivare ad avere il tuo primo contratto di lavoro marittimo .

Questo lavoro ti cambierà inevitabilmente la vita e, noi di Xerendipity Selezione Crew , siamo entusiasti di aiutarti ad iniziare il tuo percorso verso il tuo primo imbarco.

Cosa fa una Hostess ed uno Steward di Super-Yacht e Mega-Yacht - Xerendipity Selezione Crew Hostess, Steward, Primo Ufficiale, Skipper, Chef di Bordo

Cosa fa una Hostess ed uno Steward di Super-Yacht e Mega-Yacht

Prima di tutto, vediamo cosa vuol dire lavorare come una Hostess o Steward su uno Yacht di Lusso .

Sentiamo spesso, sopratutto dai candidati senza alcuna esperienza , che fare la Hostess o lo Steward su un Super-Yacht o Mega-Yacht Privato è come lavorare su una nave da crociera.

Niente di più lontano e sbagliato!  

Una nave da crociera ha più di 1000 membri dell’equipaggio e più di 2000 ospiti.  

Un Super-Yacht o Mega-Yacht , per quanto grande sia e a volte grande quasi come una nave da crociera, ha solo “una manciata” di ospiti ed un equipaggio che più variare tra i 5 e 25 membri.  

Diventa facile capire che Il lavoro delle Hostess e Steward dello Yacht di Lusso privato è quello di offrire un Servizio Impeccabile e Personalizzato all’armatore , alla sua famiglia ed ai suoi ospiti .

È essenzialmente un Boutique Hotel a 5 stelle galleggiante per famiglie ed individui di alto profilo , VIP , HNW e UHNW e i loro ospiti.  

La Hostess e lo Steward di Mega-Yacht deve prevedere tutto ciò di cui gli ospiti avranno bisogno prima di salpare in mare, superare le aspettative e assicurarsi che abbiano la più esaltante ed incredibile esperienza di crociera di lusso che dovranno ricordare per sempre .

Visto la natura dei clienti che scelgono Xerendipity Selezione Crew , la scelta di possedere un Mega-Yacht e l’ estrema rigidità nella selezione dei profili di Hostess e Steward che l’armatore richiede, Hostess e Steward ricopriranno più ruoli.  

Quando ci sono ospiti a bordo dello Yacht , in base al numero di staff dell’equipaggio presente, si potrebbe dover lavorare 14 ore al giorno o più.  

Ogni Hostess e Steward sarà responsabile di tre aree principali: pulizie , servizio e lavanderia .  

Inoltre, è compito dell’ Hostess e dello Steward di bordo di occuparsi dell’equipaggio , le loro cabine , i pasti, etc.

Una cosa che diciamo sempre ai candidati che desiderano intraprendere la professione di “yachting” è che non esiste una Job Description univoca ed assoluta.  

Hostess e Steward devono essere disponibili 24 ore al giorno e pronti per qualsiasi richiesta degli ospiti .  

Si può sembrare assolutamente folle, ma i vantaggi di cui si gode ne valgono la pena.  

Si parla di servizi attivi poche settimane o mesi all’anno e, quando non ci sono ospiti, il normale orario di lavoro è dal 9am al 5pm dal lunedì al venerdì con fine settimana liberi.

Principali responsabilità di una Hostess e Steward a bordo di Super-Yacht e Mega-Yacht - Xerendipity Selezione Crew Hostess, Steward, Primo Ufficiale, Skipper, Chef di Bordo

Principali responsabilità di una Hostess e Steward a bordo di Super-Yacht e Mega-Yacht

Vediamo quali sono le principali responsabilità , anche se non si limitano a questa lista, di una Hostess o Steward a bordo di un Super-Yacht e Mega-Yacht di Lusso .

  • Fornire un servizio Royal Class garantendo la completa soddisfazione degli ospiti
  • Prevedere qualsiasi oggetto, cibo e bevande che gli ospiti possano desiderare mentre sono in mare
  • Conoscere alla perfezione il Servizio Bar di Lusso e ogni tipo di cocktail e vino
  • Conoscere il Servizio Silver Service , servizio a buffet, servizio cocktail, etc. a seconda delle esigenze degli ospiti
  • Capacità di creare centrotavola giornalieri per ogni tipo e livello di mise-en-place
  • Capacità di creare composizioni floreali per tutte le aree dello Yacht e le cabine
  • Organizza e ospita cocktail party e altri eventi a bordo dello Yacht
  • Si occupa dell’housekeeping e del servizio lavanderia per gli ospiti e l’equipaggio
  • E’ sempre disponibile a qualsiasi ora del giorno e della notte
  • Si occupa, a turno con gli altri membri dell’equipaggio , per la sorveglianza a bordo
  • E’ responsabile dell’inventario di bordo come vini, argenterie, cristalli, etc.
  • E’ responsabile degli approvvigionamento di provviste come alimenti, articoli da toilette, sia per gli ospiti che per l’equipaggio

I vantaggi di essere una Hostess e Steward per Super-Yacht e Mega-Yacht di Lusso - Xerendipity Selezione Crew Hostess, Steward, Primo Ufficiale, Skipper, Chef di Bordo

I vantaggi di essere una Hostess e Steward per Super-Yacht e Mega-Yacht di Lusso

Difficile dare un ordine ai vantaggi che si acquisiscono nel lavorare su un Mega-Yacht di Lusso con Principal di alto profilo .

Iniziamo con il dire che l’ ambiente di lavoro ha una grande importanza , una Hostess e uno Steward lavorano sempre a contatto con i più importanti player internazionali del mondo della finanza , dell’industria , del cinema … un ambiente che apre sbocchi anche per un futuro “a terra” .

Poi possiamo anche parlare dei viaggi nei posti più spettacolari della terra, durante i tuoi day-off potrai visitare spiagge da film, rovine storiche, città dalla storia affascinante;   se pensi che per tutto questo sei anche pagato… Beh, direi che è abbastanza fantastico!

Poi, un’altro dei vantaggi di lavorare su uno Yacht di Lusso per Principal di alto profilo , VIP , famiglie HNW e UHNW, riguarda il tuo CV professionale e personale.

Questa professione ti consente di apprendere inestimabili nuove abilità professionali , acquisire esperienza di vita , diventare un professionista dell’Hospitality del Lusso; il tuo Curriculum sarà molto apprezzato e non avrai mai difficoltà nel trovare un lavoro nel mercato del lusso .

E poi… i tuoi guadagni sono elevati, al dira della media .  

Non solo ti puoi godere questi incredibili benefici , ma vieni anche pagato bene per farlo.  

Uno stipendio medio iniziale parte da 2,500£ al mese , più bonus , benefit e, in molti casi, le “ allowance ”, indennità che vengono riconosciute settimanalmente o mensilmente per le spese quotidiane; oltre poi alle “mance” che gli ospiti sempre danno all’equipaggio .

Una vita eccitante nel lusso che ti permetterà di crescere professionalmente e umanamente mentre visiti i luoghi più fantastici del pianeta… PAGATO !

Quanto guadagna una Hostess o uno Steward di Super-Yacht e Mega-Yacht - Xerendipity Selezione Crew Hostess, Steward, Primo Ufficiale, Skipper, Chef di Bordo

Quanto guadagna una Hostess o uno Steward di Super-Yacht e Mega-Yacht

Dai un’occhiata a questa tabella per vedere l’attuale stipendio netto mensile di Hostess e Steward per Yacht di Lusso .  

Gli stipendi sono in GBP (Sterline Britanniche) e sono le medie prese dall’annuale Dockwalk Survey del 2019 .



2,000 – 2,500 £

2,200 – 3,500 £

2,800 – 4,000 £

Experienced Hostess/Steward

3,000 – 4,000 £

3,500 – 5,000 £

4,000 – 7,000 £



4,000 – 5,000 £

5,000 – 8,000 £

7,000 – 10,000 £

La scuola di formazione per Hostess e Steward di Super-Yacht e Mega-Yacht di Lusso - Xerendipity Selezione Crew Hostess, Steward, Primo Ufficiale, Skipper, Chef di Bordo

La scuola di formazione per Hostess e Steward di Super-Yacht e Mega-Yacht di Lusso

Fino ad ora abbiamo parlato del lavoro di Hostess e Steward di Yacht di Lusso , delle loro responsabilità e doveri e di quanto guadagnano .

In altri post abbiamo visto come diventare il Capitano di Yacht di Lusso e come selezionare il miglior Comandante per Mega-Yacht .

Ora però, dobbiamo parlare di come si diventa Hostess e Steward per far parte dell’equipaggio di un Super-Yacht e Mega-Yacht di Lusso .

Non puoi semplicemente presentarti al porto saltare su uno Yacht .  

Oltre ai corsi di formazione di base sulla sicurezza a bordo necessari prima che ti sia legalmente permesso di lavorare come Hostess e Steward per Yacht in mare, devi frequentare dei corsi per diventare Hostess e Steward per Yacht di Lusso ; corsi di Hospitality del Lusso .  

Iniziamo con il parlare del primo corso indispensabile per ottenere la Certificazione   STCW 95 o STCW .

Il Corso Base di Certificazione STCW è formato da 4 moduli per 5 giorni di corso accreditati MCA e prevede:

  • Tecniche di sopravvivenza personale (PST)
  • Prevenzione incendi e standard antincendio  
  • Pronto soccorso base e sicurezza personale
  • Sicurezza Personale e responsabilità sociale (PSSR)

Questi 4 moduli formano il programma essenziale di addestramento “pre-mare” che permette di acquisire conoscenze fondamentali importanti per la s icurezza dell’equipaggio e degli ospiti in mare .

Alcune posizioni richiedono anche il modulo avanzato STCW Proficiency in Security Awareness (Standard STCW per la Conoscenza e Consapevolezza della Sicurezza a Bordo)

Questo certificato è obbligatorio per i Capitani di Super-Yacht e Mega-Yacht , ma alcuni armatori lo richiedono anche per Hostess e Steward .

La seconda certificazione indispensabile per poter iniziare a lavorare a bordo degli Yacht di Lusso è il PDSD cioè Proficiency in Designated Security Duties (Competenze nei Doveri di Sicurezza Designati).

Xerendipity Academy ha diversi partner internazionali , tra cui Bluewater Yachting , in Gran Bretagna , Europa e USA con i quali programmiamo annualmente corsi di certificazione per nuove Hostess e Steward .

Mentre puoi fare questi corsi in tutto il mondo, ti consiglio di farli dove puoi anche essere sicuro di trovare lavoro.  

Lo Yachting si basa sul networking e sull’essere in contatto con chi, come Xerendipity Selezione Crew , ha rapporti continui con armatori ed aziende per la selezione di Capitani e Hostess o Steward per Mega-Yacht di Lusso .  

Le Certificazioni STCW e PDSD per Lavorare in Mare su Super-Yacht e Mega-Yacht di Lusso

La Certificazione STCW è l’ addestramento di base sulla sicurezza ed è necessaria per poter lavorare su un Super-Yacht e Mega-Yacht .  

Questo è un corso entry-level aperto a chiunque ed ha un costo tra le 1,200 £ e le 1,500 £.

Un investimento su se stessi che si ripaga con il primo mese di stipendio.  

È un corso che prepara in modo accurato alle emergenze che potrebbero verificarsi su uno Yacht ; tanta pratica oltre che teoria in aula.

La Certificazione PDSD Proficiency in Designated Security Duties (Competenze nei Doveri di Sicurezza Designati) è richiesta a tutto il personale marittimo che ha incarichi previsti dal piano di sicurezza della nave .  

Nel s ettore privato dei Super-Yacht e Mega-Yacht , quasi tutti i membri dell’equipaggio hanno incarichi designati per la sicurezza , il che significa che è necessaria anche la certificazione PDSD .

Questo corso ha la durata di un giorno con un costo variabile tra costa 300 £ e 400 £.  

Frequentando questo il corso di Certificazione PDSD Imparerai a riconoscere le diverse minacce alla sicurezza su uno Yacht , sia in banchina che in mare , acquisirai competenze per l’ uso di adeguate attrezzature di sicurezza per ogni tipo di emergenza e come applicare il piano di sicurezza dello Yacht .

Certificato Medico ENG1 per Lavorare su Super-Yacht e Mega-Yacht - Xerendipity Selezione Crew Hostess, Steward, Primo Ufficiale, Skipper, Chef di Bordo

Certificato Medico ENG1 per Lavorare su Super-Yacht e Mega-Yacht

In accordo alla Maritime Labout Convention ( MLC ), tutti coloro che lavorano in mare devono avere un certificato medico valido .  

Il Certificato ENG1 viene rilasciato a seguito di una visita medica di base , eseguita da un medico certificato , a conferma della sua idoneità a lavorare a bordo di Yacht e Navi .

Il Certificato ENG1 è insostituibile con altri certificati medici, non importa quanto siano approfonditi, perché deve essere rilasciato da un medico approvato dall’ MCA – Maritime and Coastguard Agency ( Agenzia Marittima e della Guardia Costiera ) a seguito di una visita medica completa.

Corso di Certificazione in Hospitality per Yacht di Lusso - Xerendipity Selezione Crew Hostess, Steward, Primo Ufficiale, Skipper, Chef di Bordo

Corso di Certificazione in Hospitality per Yacht di Lusso

Il Corso di formazione in Hospitality per Super-Yacht e Mega-Yacht è composto da una parte teorica in aula e include uno stage su uno Yacht per familiarizzare con le diverse dinamiche del servizio Silver Service a bordo .  

Durante il corso verrà effettuata un’uscita in mare a bordo di uno Yacht per imparare le manovre di ormeggio , l’ ancoraggio e tutte le mansioni in genere richieste al personale di coperta .  

Il programma è full-immersion, intensivo con molta pratica, introduce alla vita di bordo e insegna un il metodo di lavoro per lo svolgimento delle attività quotidiane.

Docenti esterni terranno corsi aggiuntivi di perfezionamento inerenti le decorazioni floreali, le mise-en-place, il servizio bar, vini e distillati, etc.

La Certificazione verrà rilasciato alla fine del corso, dopo aver sostenuto l’esame di pratica e teoria.

Programma del Corso Base per Hostess e Steward di Super-Yacht e Mega-Yacht

  • Presentazione del Corso
  • Cura della persona e dell’abbigliamento professionale
  • Etichetta: come rivolgersi agli Armatori o agli ospiti
  • Vita di bordo
  • Tipica giornata lavorativa con e senza Armatori
  • Mise-en-place della tavola e del buffet
  • Servizio: apparecchiare, servire e sparecchiare giornalmente
  • Pulizia quotidiana degli ambienti: quali prodotti utilizzare, come e quando
  • Lavanderia: lavaggio, asciugatura e stiro
  • Funzionamento e mantenimento degli elettrodomestici
  • Organizzazione della cambusa
  • Pulizia interna ed esterna di Yacht a Motore e Yacht a Vela
  • Uscita in barca: nozioni base di manovre, ancoraggio, ormeggio
  • Test pratico e teorico di valutazione generale di autonomia della persona.

Programma Corso Avanzato per Hostess e Steward di Super-Yacht e Mega-Yacht

Il corso avanzato richiede almeno 2 anni di esperienza su Yacht di Lusso e, oltre al programma del corso base i nuovi moduli prevedono:

  • Ruolo di Chief Hostess e Chief Steward
  • Gestione Equipaggio e Responsabilità

Preparare il CV per una Hostess o uno Steward di Yacht di Lusso - Xerendipity Selezione Crew Hostess, Steward, Primo Ufficiale, Skipper, Chef di Bordo

Preparare il CV per una Hostess o uno Steward di Yacht di Lusso

Scrivere un CV per una Hostess e Steward per Super-Yacht e Mega-Yacht è molto diverso da un CV per un lavoro normale in azienda a terra.  

Xerendipity Selezione Crew riceve centinaia di CV in periodi di bassa stagione e circa 200 CV a settimana in periodi di alta stagione; sopratutto se hai appena conseguito le certificazioni ed ora sei alla ricerca del tuo primo imbarco a bordo di uno Yacht di Lusso , devi sapere come far risaltare le tue capacità e soft-skill anche senza esperienza diretta a bordo .

Ovviamente, per coloro che escono dai corsi di certificazione con Xerendipity Academy , è tutto più semplice in quanto abbiamo già in mano le selezioni degli armatori nostri clienti , quindi i nostri corsisti sono i primi ad essere presentati e raccomandati.

La Tua Intervista per la Posizione di Hostess o Steward di Super-Yacht e Mega-Yacht - Xerendipity Selezione Crew Hostess, Steward, Primo Ufficiale, Skipper, Chef di Bordo

La Tua Intervista per la Posizione di Hostess o Steward di Super-Yacht e Mega-Yacht

Se sei arrivato fin qui nella lettura di questo post, possiamo presumere che sei veramente interessato a lavorare come Steward o Hostess su Super-Yacht o Mega-Yacht di Lusso .

Ma attenzione.

Se il tuo interesse è esclusivamente per la paga… allora ti sconsiglio caldamente di intraprendere questa professione.

Come in tutte le professioni, ma sopratutto per una professione che ti porta in mare , il primo requisito che devi assolutamente avere è la passione .

Avrai a che fare con i Recruiters di Xerendipity Selezione Crew che da anni intervistano candidati Capitani , Primi Ufficiali , Ufficiali Tecnici , Skipper , Hostess e Steward e sanno capire se alla base c’è la passione o solo una motivazione economica .

Se continui nella lettura diamo per scontato che alla base c’è la tua passione per il mare … Quindi eccoti qualche consiglio per affrontare il tuo colloquio per strappare il tuo primo contratto e imbarco su uno Yacht di Lusso .

Iniziamo col dire che “ lo Standing ” è fondamentale .

Assicurati di avere un aspetto curato, capelli ordinati e, per le donne, un trucco minimo e leggero.

Niente orecchini, piercing, tatuaggi vistosi, bracciali, catene e collane pacchiane.

Ricorda che vuoi entrare nella “casa” di persone di alto profilo , le tue libertà si fermano a terra e all’ingresso del porto, da quel momento in poi ci sono solo le regole dell’armatore .

Indossa una polo con gonna o pantaloni lunghi, possibilmente da barca, se usi la gonna deve essere di lunghezza “rispettabile” ; i colori più adatti sono il blu , il nero o il beige .  

Se supererai il colloquio a terra , allora potrai affrontare il colloquio a bordo dello Yacht e qui dovrai dimostrare di conoscere “ l’etichetta” della barca , quindi dovrai toglierti le scarpe e indossare “scarpe da barca” o, chiedendo sempre il permesso, potrai indossare le infradito .

Se userai sandali o infradito che lasciano il piede scoperto, ti suggerisco di assicurati che le unghie siano ben curate; ricorda che Capitani , Chief Hostess e Chief Steward , ma sopratutto l’armatore , guardano tutto e considerano lo “ standing ” fondamentale .

Generalmente, il colloquio a bordo inizia con il tour dello Yacht .  

Chi ti intervisterà inizierà con il chiederti delle tue motivazioni , vorrà capire cosa ti ha spinto a scegliere questa professione, se sei consapevole del tuo ruolo e ti potrà fare domande sulle tue certificazioni .

Sebbene non tutti i colloqui passeranno in relax, come nuovo membro dell’equipaggio , sanno che non hai esperienza sulle barche, quindi capiranno se sarai nervoso.

Quello che a loro interessa capire è se sarai in grado di legare con l’equipaggio esistente, se sarai in grado di condividere spazi ristretti, se sei in grado di crescere professionalmente ed acquisire nuove abilità e un nuovo stile di vita.  

Quindi… Sii te stesso , sii felice e divertiti .

Come Imparare a Condividere Spazi Ristretti a Bordo di Yacht di Lusso - Xerendipity Selezione Crew Hostess, Steward, Primo Ufficiale, Skipper, Chef di Bordo

Come Imparare a Condividere Spazi Ristretti a Bordo di Yacht di Lusso

Siamo arrivati alla fine… ora sai quali certificazioni ti servono per iniziare la tua avventura professionale a bordo di Mega-Yacht di Lusso .

Ora però dovrai fare i conti con te stesso , con le tue abitudini , le comodità che avevi e che saranno solo un lontano ricordo .

Se vuoi lavorare come Hostess e Steward a bordo di Super-Yacht e Mega-Yacht di Lusso , dovrai imparare a condividere una cabina con un altro membro dello staff.  

Molto probabilmente la tua cabina sarà un quarto delle dimensioni della tua vecchia camera da letto, se non meno, aggiungiamo anche che dovrai condividerla.  

Benvenuto nella vita dell’equipaggio dello Yacht!

Sarà necessario che rinunci a molti dei tuoi effetti personali, il tuo bagaglio dovrà essere molto minimale , solo l’indispensabile , niente guardaroba composto da decine di capi.

Rispettare gli spazi altrui e mantenere l’ordine e la pulizia saranno un dovere di tutto l’equipaggio, quindi comportati in modo da costruire un rapporto forte e sincero.

L’equipaggio sarà la tua famiglia per tutto il tempo che lavorerai a bordo e anche se mari e oceani sono immensi… è un piccolo mondo e le voci girano in fretta.

Buon vento e mare calmo!

Milena Scardacchi - HR Director & C.O.O. Xerendipity Corporation London

Milena Scardacchi


Contattami per Selezionare il Tuo

Personale  Domestico

Milena Scardacchi – Direttore HR

Uff. (+39) 02 80888425

Mob. (+39) 329 4554143‬

Email: [email protected]

E-Mail: [email protected]

Articoli Correlati:

Hostess Stewardess e Steward di Yacht di Lusso- Hai quel che serve per unirti all’equipaggio - Xerendipity Selezione Personale Domestico con Referenze Verificate


What Does a Yacht Stewardess Do?

Depending on the size of the yacht, there are between 1 and 5+ yacht stewardess. The duties and responsibilities as a yacht stewardess will vary with the size of the yacht and number of crew on the yacht. Your first job as a stewardess on a larger size yacht will consist of learning the basic duties of a stewardess. Crew Mess duties, detailing, cleaning windows, polishing is high on the agenda to keep the yacht in immaculate condition at all times.

Onboard a smaller yacht with a lower number of stewardess, responsibilities will increase to more hands-on duties such as; tender driving, anchoring, mooring procedures, assist within the galley or deck operations.

The workload varies depending on the yacht, season, itinerary, and whether you have guests onboard. The busiest times are usually pre-season, boat shows or guest arrivals and while guests are onboard. A yacht stewardess position on a superyacht requires energetic professionals and as you’ll constantly be on your feet. While guests are not on board its common to have a typical 8-5 schedule with weekends off if working fulltime, if there is a trip or event with guests, hours will be much longer, and work will be much more demanding.

What are the responsibilities of a Yacht Stewardess?

  • Providing 5-star service to guests and ensuring guest satisfaction
  • Providing excellent guest service, silver service and bartending skills when needed
  • Maintaining laundry, housekeeping and wardrobe tasks for both guests and yacht crew
  • Floral arrangements and decorations
  • Excellent knowledge of fine dining, wines and cocktails
  • Maintenance of guest-cabin care and detailed cleaning
  • Assisting with inventory and restocking provisions
  • Watchkeeping within the crew mess
  • Stowage for sea
  • Attention to detail
  • To maintain a safe and secure environment

Yacht Stewardess Table Setting

Yacht Stewardess Job Descriptions

In bigger superyachts, the purser serves in her own capacity as an administrative presence, employed to take care of recruitment and keep financial records. The cases where the purser is employed to act is mostly when the population of the members of the yacht crew is considerable. Otherwise, the office and its responsibilities are merged with that of the chief stewardess. The Purser is charged with keeping an eye on the book-keeping, workforce management, crew member accreditations and yacht crew member documentations, crew training, monitoring the inventory and making orders for necessities and requirements like foodstuff and wine stock, crew uniforms, required utensils and cleaning materials. They also manage the protocol duties and logistics of transporting guests between the yachts and scheduled locations as well as concluding contracts for deliveries.

Your adventure is waiting...

For course schedules and availability.

Skills required:  To be a purser, you must have garnered sufficient experience at least as a Chief Stewardess on smaller yachts. The administrative workload on this position demands a very meticulous level of management as well as a versatility in the skill of organization of paperwork for each division on the superyacht’s crew. Also, as the purser will be involved with the yacht owners and their guests a lot when planning for guest excursions and occasions. It is essential that the purser has strong communication skills and has efficient strategies and expertise for drafting in new yacht crew members as the requirement surfaces. 

Salary expectations:  There is considerable crossover between the duties of a Purser and a Chief Stewardess, but on larger yachts where both roles are filled, a Purser can expect to earn between  $6,000 to $12,000+ per month .

Chief Stewardess

This role is predominantly taken up by females, hence the feminization of the position. That is not to say that there are not many famous chief stewards in charge of management in the yachting industry. The interior department headed by the chief stewardess is established to provide hospitable service for the guests of the yacht owner and the owner himself. Also, the department takes up the duties related to creating and maintaining a snug interior on the yacht. These responsibilities are not limited to Crew and guest refectory handling, detailing, cleaning, preparing the cabin, floral decoration and arrangement, burnishing, laundry and more. The Chief stewardess in charge of the management of the interior department by planning and assigning tasks to be performed by all stewardesses. In smaller yachts, the chief stewardess reports directly to the captain and is also responsible for extra duties like the logistics and planning of guest-transporting between the yachts, crew training and scheduled locations or events. They are also in charge of currency conversion for new locations.

Skills required:  Attention to detail and exquisite taste is extremely desirable in chief stewardesses. The necessary skills will naturally develop after some time spent in service as a stewardess, and the ability to execute the role of a stewardess is measured by comparisons to first-class ratings; anything below a five-star rating for any service is deemed unsatisfactory. Experienced chief stewardesses are remarkably prudent, and they can divine in addition to excellently satisfying the wants and needs of the yacht owners and their guests aboard the yacht at all times.

Salary expectations:  Depending on experience and the size of the vessel, the current salary range for a Chief Stewardess is between  $4,500 to $9,000+ per month .

A Yacht Stewardess functions under the supervision of the chief stewardess and are tasked with making sure that the yacht interior is maintained at pristine condition while offering the best grade of hospitable service. Their responsibilities range from services like dishing food and serving drinks, filling out as baristas to domestic duties like setting the tables, preparing the cabin or doing the laundry. They are also charged with housekeeping duties which might be relegated to an entire department, which is overseen by a housekeeping head in much larger yachts. There could also be some different departments for each of the other duties like cleaning. Position Requirements: In short, while being animated and enthusiastic will earn you praises, it is more important to the perfection of the service that you able to work extremely hard with a smile on your face and pride in your ability. Also, having prior experience in delivering silver service, being a decent cocktail maker or barista will make your application a smoother process. More importantly, to be hired as a stewardess to work in a superyacht, you must have received some specific education and accreditation that qualifies you for the job. Some of the required certifications include:

Skills required:  As with an entry-level deckhand position, success in this role comes down to being prepared to work hard and keep a smile on your face. Previous experience of providing silver service or having skills as a barista or cocktail maker can boost your potential to secure a job, but the most important quality to possess remains a positive attitude and a sense of pride in achieving the highest standards in your work.

Salary expectations:  An entry-level stewardess can expect to earn between  $2,700 to $3,200 per month . On larger yachts, the stepping-stone position of the second stewardess can provide greater responsibility by sharing some of the chief stewardess’ duties and earnings increase to an average of between  $3,300 to $5,500 per month .

Yacht Stewardess

Yacht Stewardess Training and Qualifications:

Essential Certificates You Must Hold Before You Can Get a Stewardess Job on a Yacht are:

1. STCW Basic Training

2. ENG 1 (Seafarers Medical Certificate)

3. Passport and visas, if applicable

What does the STCW (95 + 10) Basic Safety Training course include?

  • Personal Survival Techniques (STCW A-VI/1-1)
  • Fire Fighting and Fire Prevention (STCW A-VI/1-2)
  • Elementary First Aid (STCW A-VI/1-3)
  • Personal Safety and Social Responsibility (STCW A-VI/1-4)
  • Proficiency in Security Awareness (STCW A-VI/6-1)

How To Become a Yacht Stewardess With No Experience?

There is no need to question if it can be done, people get entry-level jobs as stewardesses on superyacht more often than you think. The thing they will agree on is that getting the job as a stewardess is as much about having the right certifications and skills to pull off your duties efficiently, as being able to maintain an enthusiastic outlook as you carry out your tasks.

You can start with a day job as a member of a small crew on a yacht or superyacht, depending on which you can get first. Although the work you will be assigned to might look mundane, the attitude you bring forward when working is what will set you apart for a more permanent role in the nearest future. That is not to say the right attitude is all you need if you really want to get this job; you have to consider mastering some skills like your bartending skills or your proficiency in providing silver service before considering an application.

Stewardesses are mostly tasked with either Crew and guest refectory handling, detailing, clean up, preparing the cabin, floral decoration and arrangement, burnishing, or laundry. Getting experience enough to bring your service level towards perfection is essential. A few courses or practices you can indulge in to gain experience or certification include:

Some courses/past experiences which will help you stand out from the other yacht stewardess and crucial to landing a yacht stewardess job are, but not limited to:

  • Basically, anything hospitality/service related: hotel, cruise ships, cleaning, bars and restaurants
  • Any spa/beauty experience: masseuse, personal training, yoga, manicure, pedicure, hair and make-up.
  • Table service (e.g. silver service, napkin folding, etc)
  • Childcare/Teaching: Nanny, Baby-sitting experience or teaching kids.
  • Food Safety and Hygiene or cooking experience
  • Floral Arrangements
  • Bartending: sommelier, cocktail, mixologist, service experience
  • Anything boat related: sailing, boat driving, diving, fishing, wakeboarding, kite surfing etc.

Yacht Crew Stewardess Job

Starting a Career as a Yacht Stewardess

One thing many experienced crew members agree on that has surprised them about their yachting careers, is the sheer number of questions. You first ask yourself some questions before you begin your yachting career. You go ahead to find answers to more questions when you gain enough interest, and then you spend the rest of your life answering questions from your family members and friends every time you open your mouth to explain that you work on a vessel of luxury like a yacht. Or you reveal the experiences you’ve enjoyed and endured on your travels. Of course, you can expect the questions to be even more suffocating when a certain set of people get to know that you work aboard a ‘super-’ yacht. Ultimately, you should always be prepared for when they all ask, googly-eyed, for how to get in on the action. Can you blame them?

Stewardess First Yacht Job

It is no hidden secret that yachts are synonymous with luxury nowadays. Coupled with its nature as a luxurious means of travel, the experience for the yacht crew is matched perfectly by the financial rewards sponsored by ultra-wealthy owners, the yachting industry gives people that lift into the world of the rich and powerful while offering work conditions that are a few inches short of heavenly. With the open and beautiful seas as your office, you start getting the gist of why getting to start a career in this glitzy occupation is extremely intimidating for most people.

Indeed, as a long-term career, breaking into the ranks can admittedly be a tough nut to crack. There are predictably many requirements, most of which are not on the work advert. Fortunately, a career as a yacht crew member always fulfils its promise to be worthwhile, with a lucrative, secure and perfect opportunity waiting for those who can successfully claim this profession choice. While getting a job aboard a superyacht is the lure, achieving your dreams depends on the amount of knowledge you have acquired on how to begin your journey, what type of jobs are available as a stewardess on the yacht and which of these job types fits your individual, in terms of your disposition, talent or aptitudes and capacity.

That is the sole purpose behind this little knowledge reservoir on starting a career as a stewardess on a superyacht. This way, you get a definitive idea on what will be required of you to stand a chance, as well as what you can do to improve your chances of getting a job as an attendant aboard a superyacht. All you should do now is to inject as much eagerness and resolve into your quest as you can muster, and the job will not be far from your grasp.

What differentiates a yacht and a cruise ship from a superyacht?

Stewardess Yacht Career

Simply put, a superyacht is a massive yacht, usually over 75 feet in length, driven either by motor or sail. Superyachts are predominantly owned by private investors, and they usually require that the superyachts are staffed by specialized crews. The yachts are mostly put to work for their owners, but often available to others via crewed charters. This means that while cruise ships are built to treat a large population of people, that could number in thousands or hundreds, superyachts are designed to offer a more intense experience to a remarkably less number of people, typically at most 12 people.

Over the years, yachts of different sizes have tread the seas in the yachting industry, from the average superyachts to magnificent giga-yachts that have lengths up to 320 feet. The building cost for each of these yachts exceeds hundreds of millions of dollars. Perhaps more astonishingly, the running costs for the maintenance and other necessities can be estimated to approach a tenth of the original building cost! Every year! It goes without saying that owning a superyacht is exclusive to the extremely wealthy and even to charter the vessel is a glory that those of the same status can enjoy.

With this much money spent on them by their owners, superyachts are always beautiful creatures. They are built with the most impressive methods, best materials and very grand designs. Superyachts are also stocked with enough variety, luxury and extravagance that sincerely borders on indulgence. However, the true value of these superyachts to these elites of society is not just in their beauty. Instead, they serve as a representation of their standing in society, and that is why they spend a heartbreaking sum regularly to keep the yachts up-to-date with recent technological advancements and inventions. It is for this reason that many documentaries have been made to give others an insight into the glamorous life of these top-of-the-food-chain individuals, through their yachts. More important for you to note is that there are more than 9,000 superyachts currently travelling the seas per recorded sales data, with a continually observed increase. This means more job opportunities for crew member positions.

What else do I need to do?

  • Always present yourself in a professional manner
  • Prepare a  Superyacht CV
  • Dress well and yacht appropriate
  • Maintaining a respectful, friendly attitude during courses and interviews can make a big impression on potential employers and valuable network contacts

Do you have an immaculate room or are you a little OCD when it comes to cleaning, organizing and cleanliness? Well if not it won’t be long before you are a neat freak. Yacht Stews and Interior crew are masters of all. Imagine labeling every single item in your cupboards or detailing a toaster (that’s right you probably never even heard of the term “detailing” before. It basically means clean something that an average person will think is already clean. It’s not a bad thing, in fact, it’s a skill that will pay off in both your personal and professional life.   If you have what it takes to be a yacht stewardess, stay open-minded, show your eagerness to learn and let your personality shine!

How Much Does a Yacht Stewardess Earn?

At entry-level, a Junior Yacht Stewardess could expect to earn between  $2,700 and $3,200 per month.  An experienced yacht stewardess could earn upwards of $4,000 per month depending on the size of the vessel and previous deckhand experience, training and certification. These numbers are based on an average, all yachts are different and sometimes pay more or less depending.

8 Steps to Getting a Stewardess Job:

Step 1:  Research – Understanding the position and requirements Step 2:   STCW Basic Training Step 3:   ENG1 Step 4:   Training and Qualifications Step 5:  Register with a SuperYacht Crew Agency Step 6:  Upload a quality CV Step 7:  Network Step 8:   Dock Walking  – Day Work

In a quick summary, getting a job as a stewardess on a yacht can be a challenge, however, if you have read this far, the first step of the search for a stewardess job is already complete.

The next step will be to book a Stewardess Course, and you are in the right place! We offer elite preparation and training to students who want to excel within the Superyacht industry and become fully certified. If you have any questions or are interested in our Superyacht Stewardess Career Course, get in touch with us by clicking here .

Article was written by Superyacht Crew Agency

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  • Steward/ess

About the Steward/ess

The stewardess onboard a superyacht is a hard worker with a positive, can-do attitude that takes instruction well and has an impeccable attention to detail. No detail is overlooked by a successful yacht stewardess (i.e. towel folds, perfectly ironed pillow cases). A friendly, professional character with guests is essential as is discretion and maintenance of guest privacy. This candidate will have one year of experience on a yacht or very strong experience on shore.


Job Responsibilities

  • Setting stewardess schedules for guest service and cleaning
  • Interior cleaning and maintenance
  • Interior inventory
  • Interior accounting
  • Liaison with guests and service - meals and bartending
  • Liaison with galley for meal services
  • Orchestrating guest activities
  • Boat stowage for sea
  • Assisting with lines and fenders on deck
  • Assisting captain with ships paperwork

Required Skills

  • Ability to delegate
  • Good communications, organization and diplomacy
  • Vast knowledge of wines, service and housekeeping
  • Knowledge of restaurants and activities in cruising areas
  • Familiar with ISM and ISPS protocols
  • Knowledge of flower and table decorations
  • Attention to detail
  • Financial management

Salary Modifiers

  • Experience in five-star establishments (i.e. Michelin star restaurant, fine hotel)
  • Wine certification
  • Tender driving certification
  • Limited computer skills

Position Statistics

Career path, chief stewardess, head of housekeeping, second stewardess, laundry stewardess, junior stewardess.

Yacht Stew Guide

What Type of Yacht Stew Are You?


In our ultimate guide below, we’ll help you navigate the various yacht steward/ess roles and duties on luxury yachts. We’ll also explore whether yachting is the right fit for you , and the option of choosing it as a career versus a gap year . Whether you’re daydreaming about your first gig on a yacht or already out there walking the docks , understanding the ins and outs of different yacht stew roles is essential.

In This Guide:

Every boat, big or small, brings its own kind of excitement and learning experiences.

stewardess yacht cosa fa

From ruling the roost as a Chief Stewardess to being the go-to person as a Sole Stew , every role is unique and packed with opportunities to grow and shine.

Ever thought about being a Hybrid Stew (Chef/Deck/Stew) ? Or how about combining your love for fitness or healthcare with yachting as a Fitness Instructor/Stew or Nurse/Stew ? Yachting is full of opportunities, with something for every ambition and skill set.

So, “What Type of Yacht Stew Are You?” . Remember, the best fit for you might just be where you least expect it!

1. Single Roles

In yachting, each single role position has its own set of clear responsibilities and areas of expertise. Every one of these roles is crucial, playing a big part in making sure everything runs smoothly and guests enjoy a luxurious experience on board.

Top of the Line:

⭐️ chief stew.

The Chief Stew leads the interior crew, similar to a Director of Guest Services in in a top-tier resort, but with added responsibilities of running the housekeeping and service departments as well.

  • Management and Supervision : Overseeing the interior team, ensuring every task is performed to the highest standard.
  • Guest Services : Ensuring all guest needs are met impeccably, from personalized service to handling specific requests.
  • Administration : Managing budgets, inventories, and interior maintenance schedules.
  • Training and Mentoring : Providing guidance and training to junior stewards/esses, fostering a cohesive and skilled team.
  • Event Planning : Coordinating events and activities onboard, from intimate dinners to extravagant parties.
  • Leadership Skills : Strong leadership abilities to manage and motivate the team.
  • Attention to Detail : Exceptional attention to detail to maintain high standards.
  • Communication Skills : Excellent communication for both team management and guest interaction.
  • Organizational Skills : Proficiency in managing various administrative tasks and logistics.
  • Adaptability : The ability to handle unexpected situations with grace and efficiency.

Typically, a career path to becoming a Chief Stewardess involves climbing the ranks, starting from junior stewardess roles and gaining experience in various aspects of yacht stewardship. Continuous learning through training courses and certifications in hospitality, management, and service can greatly enhance career prospects.

⭐️ Second Stew/First Service Stew

Second in command:.

The Second Stew , often known as the First Service Stew , is the Chief Stew’s right hand and is in charge of ensuring the highest standards of service are maintained on board.

  • Service Leadership : Taking charge of the service team to deliver exquisite dining and hospitality experiences.
  • Guest Interaction : Being a primary point of contact for guests, understanding and catering to their preferences and needs.
  • Interior Management : Assisting with the management of the interior, including maintenance, cleaning, and decoration.
  • Inventory Control : Overseeing the stock of service supplies, linens, and other essential items.
  • Advanced Service Skills : Proficiency in fine dining service, wine knowledge, and table setting.
  • Team Coordination : Ability to lead and coordinate a team effectively.
  • Problem-Solving Abilities : Quick thinking to resolve issues and ensure guest satisfaction.
  • Detail-Oriented Nature : Keen attention to detail in every aspect of service and interior maintenance.

⭐️ Third Stew/Second Service Stew

Ready and capable:.

The Third Stew , also called the Second Service Stew , is a real team-player and doesn’t mind helping out wherever they are needed.

  • Assisting in Service : Supporting the service team during meals and events.
  • Housekeeping Duties : Ensuring guest cabins and communal areas are impeccably maintained.
  • Laundry Tasks : Managing laundry tasks, including washing, ironing, and careful handling of delicate items.
  • Guest Assistance : Helping with guest requests and ensuring their comfort throughout the stay.
  • Adaptability : Flexibility to switch between different tasks and areas as needed.
  • Foundational Service Knowledge : Understanding of basic service principles and housekeeping standards.
  • Eagerness to Learn : Willingness to learn and grow in the role, taking guidance from more experienced crew members.
  • Strong Work Ethic : A proactive approach and commitment to maintaining high standards.

⭐️ Housekeeping Stew / Head of Housekeeping

Stealthy cleaning ninjas:.

The Housekeeping Stew , often serving as the Head of Housekeeping , is crucial in ensuring the yacht’s interior always looks fabulous.

  • Interior Maintenance : Overseeing the cleanliness and upkeep of all interior areas, including guest cabins and communal spaces.
  • Quality Control : Ensuring all housekeeping tasks meet the highest standards of cleanliness and presentation.
  • Team Management : Leading the housekeeping team, scheduling, and assigning tasks.
  • Stock Management : Managing inventories of cleaning supplies, linens, and other housekeeping items.
  • Attention to Detail : Exceptional focus on details, ensuring every corner of the yacht’s interior is perfect.
  • Organizational Skills : Strong ability to organize and prioritize tasks efficiently.
  • Team Leadership : Capable of leading and motivating a team to achieve high standards.
  • Resilience and Stamina : Physical and mental stamina to manage extensive and demanding housekeeping duties.

⭐️ Laundry Stew

The art of laundry:.

The Laundry Stew plays a vital role in the yacht’s operations, focusing on laundry management.

  • Laundry Processing : Handling, washing, ironing, and proper care of all linens, uniforms, and guest clothing.
  • Fabric Care : Knowledge of different fabrics and appropriate cleaning techniques.
  • Inventory Management : Keeping track of laundry supplies and linen stocks.
  • Timely Service : Ensuring laundry services are completed efficiently and returned to guests or crew promptly.
  • Detail-Oriented Approach : Meticulous attention to detail in handling and caring for garments and linens.
  • Organizational Skills : Ability to manage laundry operations smoothly and keep everything in order.
  • Time Management : Efficiently managing laundry tasks to meet tight deadlines.
  • Dedication to Quality : Commitment to delivering high-quality laundry and garment care.

⭐️ Sole Stew

Going solo:.

The Sole Stew is often found on smaller superyachts, where they are the sole manager of all interior duties.

  • All-Round Interior Management : From service and housekeeping to laundry and sometimes even basic cooking.
  • Guest Relations : Being the main point of contact for guests, handling all their service and accommodation needs.
  • Flexibility and Adaptability : Juggling multiple responsibilities and adapting to changing situations.
  • Versatility : Ability to handle various aspects of yacht stewardship competently.
  • Exceptional Organizational Skills : Keeping track of numerous tasks and managing time effectively.
  • Strong Interpersonal Skills : Excellent communication and the ability to connect with guests and crew alike.
  • Resilience : Stamina and resilience to handle the extended hours and diverse challenges of the role.

stewardess yacht cosa fa

2. Dual Roles

In this exciting world of yachting, dual role yacht stews are real all-rounders. They juggle their stewardess tasks with a whole bunch of other key responsibilities on board, showing off their versatile skills.

⭐️ Deck/Stew

Balancing interior and exterior duties:.

The Deck/Stew role is a dynamic fusion of deckhand and stewardess roles, needing a varied skill set to manage both interior and exterior duties.

  • Exterior Maintenance : Assisting with the upkeep and maintenance of the yacht’s exterior, including cleaning, painting, and basic repairs.
  • Guest Interaction on Deck : Helping with guest activities on deck, ensuring safety and enjoyment.
  • Interior Service : Transitioning to interior duties, focusing on housekeeping, laundry, and guest service.
  • Event Assistance : Aiding in the setup and execution of on-board events.
  • Adaptability : The ability to swiftly switch between exterior and interior roles.
  • Physical Fitness : Good physical condition to handle demanding deck duties.
  • Attention to Detail : Precision in both cleaning and guest service tasks.
  • Time Management : Juggling different responsibilities efficiently.

Challenges often include balancing the physically demanding exterior work with the meticulous nature of interior service, managing time effectively, and maintaining high standards in both areas.

⭐️ Chef/Stew

Combining culinary and hospitality expertise:.

The Chef/Stew role is a unique mix of culinary excellence and yacht duties.

  • Meal Preparation : Crafting and executing menus, from daily meals to special dietary requests.
  • Galley Management : Managing the kitchen’s inventory, cleanliness, and organization.
  • Service and Housekeeping : Providing guest service, including table setting, service, and maintaining the cleanliness and comfort of guest areas.
  • Provisioning and Planning : Handling the purchasing and planning required for meals and interior supplies.
  • Culinary Expertise : Strong cooking skills and knowledge of various cuisines and dietary needs.
  • Multitasking Ability : Balancing kitchen duties with stewardess responsibilities.
  • Creativity and Innovation : Being creative in menu planning and meal presentation.
  • Organizational Skills : Efficiently managing both the galley and interior duties.

The main challenges in this role are time management, especially when balancing cooking with service duties, and maintaining energy levels during busy periods.

Finding the right fit is key to a rewarding experience in this unique and dynamic industry.

3. Specialized Roles

Specialized roles in yachting combine traditional yacht stew duties with specific skills and qualifications, elevating the luxury experience for guests.

⭐️ Nurse/Stew

Combining medical expertise with traditional yacht stew duties:.

The Nurse/Stew role typically caters to guests and owners needing extra care onboard, beyond what the Captain or First Officer, who usually handle medical duties, can provide.

  • Medical Care : Providing first aid and managing medical emergencies onboard.
  • Health Monitoring : Regularly monitoring the health of guests and crew, especially during longer voyages.
  • Stewardess Responsibilities : Balancing nursing duties with standard stewardess tasks such as service, housekeeping, or laundry.
  • Nursing Qualifications : A professional nursing background with valid certification.
  • Emergency Response Skills : Training in emergency medical response and first aid.
  • Adaptability : Ability to switch between medical and hospitality roles.

Typical scenarios include handling minor injuries, managing chronic conditions of guests or crew, and being prepared for any medical emergencies.

⭐️ Fitness Instructor/Stew

Incorporating fitness and wellness into the yacht experience:.

This role combines fitness instruction with regular yacht stew duties, offering guests personalized wellness and fitness programs.

  • Fitness Training : Conducting personal training sessions, group workouts, or yoga classes.
  • Wellness Programs : Developing wellness programs tailored to guest preferences.
  • Stewardess Tasks : Providing standard stewardess services alongside fitness duties.
  • Fitness Certification : Professional training and certification in fitness instruction, personal training, or yoga.
  • People Skills : Strong interpersonal skills to motivate and engage guests in fitness activities.
  • Flexibility : Balancing fitness sessions with other interior responsibilities.

Yacht Stew Fitness Instructor

4. Niche Roles

⭐️ spa manager/stew nanny/stew engineer/stew.

These roles represent a fusion of yacht stew duties with specialized skills, each adding a unique touch to the luxury yachting experience.

  • Spa Manager/Stew : Offers beauty and spa services such as facials, manicures, or hair styling in addition to stewardess responsibilities. Requires spa management qualifications.
  • Nanny/Stew : Specializes in childcare alongside standard stewardess tasks. Childcare experience and relevant qualifications are necessary.
  • Technical Skills : Proficiency in yacht maintenance and engineering, backed by AEC 1 and AEC 2 certifications.
  • Hospitality Skills : Training and experience in hospitality to manage stewardess duties effectively.
  • Versatility : Ability to seamlessly transition between technical maintenance and guest service.

Each of these roles enhances the yachting experience by better meeting the different needs of guests and owners. Not only do they require competency in typical yacht stew tasks , but they also necessitate specialized skills and certifications in their respective areas of expertise.

Chef/Deck/Stew, triple duties onboard smaller yachts.

5. Hybrid Roles

⭐️ chef/deck/stew.

This role really stands out for being super versatile in multiple departments, especially since this position is mostly found on smaller yachts. Often part of a couples position , this role is typically paired with a partner serving as the Captain/Engineer, creating a comprehensive team that manages all aspects of yacht operations.

Mastering the Galley, Deck, and Interior:

The Chef/Deck/Stew is a triple-threat , skillfully handling responsibilities in the galley , on deck , and within the interior .

  • Culinary Expertise : As the chef, this role demands preparing and presenting meals, planning menus, and provisioning. It requires culinary creativity, knowledge of various cuisines, and the ability to cater to diverse dietary preferences.
  • Deckhand Duties : On deck, tasks include maintaining the yacht’s exterior, assisting with docking and anchoring, and ensuring guest safety and enjoyment in outdoor activities.
  • Steward/ess Responsibilities : The interior duties cover housekeeping, service, and ensuring guest comfort and satisfaction. This encompasses everything from room preparation to laundry, and providing top-notch service during meals and events.
  • Adaptability and Flexibility : The ability to efficiently transition between cooking, cleaning, and deck maintenance.
  • Time Management and Efficiency : Balancing the various tasks effectively, maintaining high standards across all areas.
  • Physical Stamina and Resilience : Handling the physically demanding aspects of the role, with long working hours.
  • Excellent Organizational Skills : Keeping track of multiple duties and ensuring every aspect of the job is handled impeccably.

The main challenge lies in managing the diverse responsibilities and the need to constantly switch gears, often with limited downtime. This role requires not only a varied skill set but also a strong passion for yachting and a dedication to delivering an exceptional experience to guests.

Whether you dream of specializing in one area or you’re up for the challenge of wearing multiple hats, there’s a perfect place for you in this exciting industry.
First-Time Yacht Stew? Learn These 71 Terms

6. Finding Your Fit: Is Yachting Right for Me?

Choosing a role in the yachting industry is about aligning your skills, interests, and lifestyle preferences with the right position. It’s an exciting journey of self-discovery and professional growth .

1. Understanding Your Strengths and Preferences:

Start by assessing your skills and interests. Recognize your strengths (and weaknesses) and consider how they align with various yacht stew roles. Take a free online personality test like the one from Myers-Briggs (16Personalities). A personality test can help you figure out your strengths, weaknesses, and skills. By providing insights into your character traits, behavioral tendencies, and preferences , these tests can guide you in understanding where you excel and areas that may need improvement.

2. Questions to Ask Yourself:

  • Do I get seasick? This is a big one. Suffering from seasickness can be debilitating and even dangerous. It also puts an added burden on your fellow crew who end up having to pick up the slack. If you’ve never been to sea before, then we suggest testing your tolerance before spending money on courses, certifications, visas, flights, etc. Medication does not always work .
  • What are my strongest skills and how do they translate into yachting roles? (e.g., organization, service, culinary skills) Do I have a passion for culinary arts, or do I excel in providing top-notch guest service?
  • Do I prefer working in a team or independently? This can help decide between roles like a Sole Stew or being part of a larger interior crew.
  • Am I looking for variety or specialization in my work? Am I more inclined towards meticulous interior work or do I prefer being active on the deck, or both? Consider dual roles or specialized positions if you have specific skills or certifications.
  • How do I handle physical demands and high-stress environments? Assess your physical fitness and stress management abilities for more demanding roles.
  • How do I feel about confined spaces? Will I be able to cope having to share a small cabin with a stranger? You will be sharing a cabin and head (bathroom) with another crew member, usually of the same gender (MCA rules) but not always.
  • What are my long-term career goals? Think about how each role can pave the way for future opportunities in the yachting industry.

Yacht Stew Guide

3. Balancing Lifestyle and Professional Goals:

Yachting roles come with unique lifestyle implications . Reflect on how comfortable you are with the demands of yacht life , such as being away from home for extended periods or working unconventional hours . Consider how each role aligns with your personal life and career goals .

4. Seeking Advice and Gaining Experience:

Don’t hesitate to seek advice from seasoned professionals in the industry. Their insights can be invaluable in understanding the realities of different roles. Additionally, consider gaining experience in various areas to get a better sense of what suits you best .

Remember, finding your fit in the yachting world is a personal journey . It’s about finding a role that not only utilizes your skills and talents but also fulfills your personal and professional goals. Take the time to reflect, explore, and choose the path that resonates most with you.

7. What Yachting Means to You: Career or Gap Year?

Pursuing a role in the yachting industry can serve various purposes, from a gap year adventure to the start of a long-term career . It’s important to recognize that everyone’s journey is unique , shaped by personal goals, motivations, and circumstances.

1. Short-Term Ventures and Life Experiences:

For many people, working in yachting is an opportunity to explore the world , earn money, and gain life experiences before settling into university studies or a different career path. It offers a chance to develop a range of skills , from teamwork to service excellence, that are valuable in any future endeavor.

2. Considerations for Short-Term Stints:

  • Initial Investment : Be aware that entering the yachting industry requires upfront investment in mandatory certifications and training, such as STCW.
  • Competitive Landscape : With many aspiring crew members, securing a position might be challenging, so be prepared for a competitive job market.
  • Financial Goals : While the ‘quick buck’ scenario has become less common due to increased qualification costs and competition, yachting can still provide a substantial income for those looking to save for future plans.

3. Building a Career in Yachting:

For others, yachting is a career choice , offering a path filled with growth and diverse opportunities.

This includes:

  • Long-Term Career Progression : For those aiming for a long-term career, there are opportunities to advance from junior roles to senior positions, like Chief Steward/ess or transitioning into specialized roles.
  • Continuous Training and Certification : Ongoing education is vital for safety and service excellence, and it paves the way for career advancement.
  • Networking and Industry Connections : Building a strong network is crucial for both short-term and long-term yachting professionals. It opens doors to new opportunities and is key for staying informed about the industry.

4. Personal Motivations and Reflections:

Regardless of your reason for entering the yachting industry, consider your personal motivations:

  • Why am I pursuing yachting? (e.g., financial goals, adventure, career development)
  • What are my post-yachting plans? Reflect on how this experience will contribute to your future goals.

5. Adapting to Industry Realities:

Be prepared for the realities of yacht life – long hours, demanding work, and the need for flexibility . Whether it’s for a season or a longer-term career, these experiences can be incredibly enriching and valuable.

Surviving Your First 10 Days Onboard: A Green Yacht Stew’s Guide

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8. Final Say

In yachting, one thing is crystal clear: finding the right fit is key to a rewarding experience in this unique and dynamic industry. Whether you’re drawn to the seas for a short adventure or envisioning a l ong-term career, the role you choose should align with your abilities, interests, and personal goals.

1. Embracing Your Unique Path:

Every stewardess or steward brings their own set of skills and preferences to the table. Some thrive in the detailed, service-oriented environment of interior roles, while others find their calling in the multifaceted responsibilities of a dual role . And then, there are those who excel in specialized positions , combining their unique skills with the core duties of a yacht stewardess.

2. The Power of Self-Reflection:

Understanding your strengths and what you enjoy is crucial. Reflect on what excites you about yachting – is it the travel , the service aspect, the chance to use specialized skills , or the thrill of multitasking across various roles? Your answer to this question will guide you to the role that best suits you .

3. Adapting and Growing:

Remember, your initial choice doesn’t have to be your forever path. The yachting industry offers room for growth and change. You might start in one role and discover a passion for another area as you gain experience. Be open to learning , adapting, and evolving your career path as you go.

4. A Rewarding Adventure Awaits:

No matter what role you choose, a career in yachting promises adventure , personal growth, and the chance to create unforgettable experiences for yourself and your guests. It’s about finding a balance between professional aspirations and personal fulfillment, and enjoying the journey every step of the way.

Top Guide to Slaying Your First Yacht Stew Job Interview

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Since 2006, Leanne has worked in various roles on luxury yachts, from Chief Stewardess to Chef/Deck/Stew, navigating the ins and outs of yachting around the world. Currently, she is enjoying life as a freelance Chief Stew.

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Yacht Crew Agency / The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Yacht Stewardess: How to Get the Job of Your Dreams

The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Yacht Stewardess: How to Get the Job of Your Dreams

  • February 13, 2023

Becoming a yacht stewardess is a dream job for many women, who enjoy working in a luxurious, challenging, and dynamic environment. The job of a yacht stewardess involves providing first-class hospitality services to guests and crew members on board a superyacht. It requires a combination of technical skills, interpersonal skills, and a professional demeanor. In this article, we will guide you through the steps you need to follow to become a yacht stewardess and get the job of your dreams.

Step 1: Determine If You Meet the Basic Requirements

Before you start applying for yacht stewardess positions, it’s important to make sure that you meet the basic requirements for the job. Most yacht stewardesses are required to have:

  • A minimum age of 21 years old
  • A valid passport
  • A high school diploma or equivalent
  • Excellent communication skills in English
  • Basic computer skills
  • Good health and fitness
  • The ability to work well under pressure
  • A friendly and professional demeanor

Step 2: Obtain the Necessary Certifications and Training

To become a yacht stewardess, you need to have a basic understanding of maritime safety procedures and first aid. You can obtain this knowledge by taking the following courses:

  • STCW (Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping)
  • Basic Safety Training
  • Personal Survival Techniques
  • Fire Prevention and Firefighting
  • First Aid/CPR

These courses can be taken at maritime training centers, community colleges, or online. It is recommended that you obtain these certifications before you start applying for yacht stewardess positions.

Step 3: Build Your Resume and Portfolio

Your resume and portfolio are crucial to getting hired as a  yacht stewardess . Your resume should include your education, certifications, work experience, and skills. Your portfolio should include professional photos of yourself, references, and any relevant training certificates. Make sure your resume and portfolio are well-presented, professional, and tailored to the job you’re applying for.

Step 4: Network and Apply for Yacht Stewardess Jobs

Once you have your resume and portfolio ready, it’s time to start applying for yacht stewardess jobs. You can find job postings on yacht crew websites, LinkedIn, and other job search websites such as  Yacht Crew Agency . You can also network with other yacht crew members, attend yacht crew events, and join yacht crew Facebook groups. When applying for a yacht stewardess job, make sure to include a cover letter that explains why you’re the right fit for the job.

Step 5: Ace the Interview and Impress the Yacht Owner

When you land an interview for a yacht stewardess position, make sure to dress professionally, arrive on time, and bring a copy of your resume and portfolio. Be prepared to answer questions about your skills, experience, and why you want to be a yacht stewardess. During the interview, make sure to showcase your professionalism, friendliness, and attention to detail. If you’re lucky enough to be offered a yacht stewardess position, make sure to impress the yacht owner with your positive attitude, hard work, and excellent customer service skills.

Additional Tips for Success

  • Stay physically fit and maintain a healthy lifestyle, as the job can be physically demanding.
  • Continuously improve your skills and stay up to date with industry trends and best practices.
  • Be flexible and adaptable, as the job often involves working in changing environments and conditions.
  • Be a team player and work well with others, as the job requires working closely with the crew and guests.

With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a successful yacht stewardess. Good luck!

Frequent questions on how to become a yacht stewardess

The job of a yacht stewardess is often a entry-level position and prior work experience is not always required. However, previous experience in the hospitality, customer service, or travel industries may be advantageous.

A friendly and professional demeanor is important for a yacht stewardess, as the job involves providing hospitality services to guests and crew members. Other important qualities include the ability to work well under pressure, good interpersonal skills, and a positive attitude.

While STCW, basic safety training, and first aid certifications are essential for a yacht stewardess, additional training or certifications in wine and cocktail service, culinary skills, or language proficiency could be beneficial and increase your chances of getting hired.

stewardess yacht cosa fa

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How Do You Become a Stewardess/Steward On a Yacht?

Home Blog How Do You Become a Stewardess/Steward On a Yacht?

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The allure of the open sea, exotic destinations, and the luxury of superyachts draw many to the profession of a yacht stewardess or steward. It’s a role that combines hospitality, meticulous attention to detail, and a love for travel into one exciting package. If you’ve ever wondered how to start your journey in this exclusive industry, you’re in the right place. This guide will walk you through the steps to becoming a certified yacht stewardess or steward, covering essential qualifications, the reality of the job, and much more.

What Does a Yacht Stewardess Do?

Serving as an essential crew member on a high-end leisure yacht, a yacht stewardess/steward, plays a pivotal role in enhancing the onboard experience for guests. Responsibilities encompass a wide range of tasks aimed at ensuring guest comfort, including but not limited to, meal preparation, serving beverages and food, upkeeping the yacht’s interior cleanliness, and fulfilling any particular guest needs. Additionally, you might be tasked with orchestrating social gatherings on the yacht and offering bespoke concierge services. The role demands exceptional customer service abilities, meticulous attention to detail, and the capacity to thrive in a dynamic, upscale setting.

What Qualifications Do You Need To Be a Stewardess/Steward On a Yacht?

The foundation of a successful career on a superyacht is built on a combination of formal qualifications and hands-on experience. At a minimum, aspiring stewards and stewardesses should obtain the following certifications:

  • STCW 95+10 Basic Safety Training : A mandatory certification for anyone working at sea for any crew members working on foreign-flagged vessels, covering basic safety procedures, firefighting, and sea survival techniques.
  • Food Safety and Hygiene : A Level 2 certification is often required to ensure you can safely handle and prepare food.
  • Silver Service & Interior Training : Specialised training that teaches the high standards of personal service expected on luxury yachts.
  • ENG1 Medical Certificate:  This is mandatory for all crew members working on Superyachts to prove you are fit to work at sea.

Where Can I Complete These Qualifications?

STCW 95 – https://www.superyacht-crew-academy.com/

Food Hygiene Level 2 ( MCA approved )   – https://mycrewkit.com/listing-courses/food-hygiene-online/?_search_category=training-schools&_search_course=food-hygiene-online

Silver Service & Interior Training – https://www.superyacht-crew-academy.com/courses/professional-superyacht-interior-crew-package/

ENG1 Medical Certificate: – https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/mca-approved-doctors-overseas/mca-approved-doctors-overseas

For AMSA Medical: https://www.sonichealthplus.com.au/services/legislative-medicals/maritime

Is It Hard to Be a Stewardess on a Yacht?

While the job comes with the opportunity to visit breathtaking locations and work on some of the most beautiful vessels in the world, it’s not without its challenges. The role demands long hours, flexibility, and the ability to maintain high standards of service under pressure. However, for those with a passion for excellence and a love of the sea, the rewards far outweigh the challenges.

How Do You Become a Certified Yacht Stewardess?

Becoming a certified yacht stewardess or steward involves more than just obtaining the necessary qualifications. It’s about building a portfolio of skills and experiences that make you stand out. Networking within the industry and gaining experience through day work or entry-level positions on yachts can be invaluable. Additionally, many opt to complete professional yachting courses offered by specialised training academies like SCA, which are designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed for a successful career.

stewardess yacht cosa fa

What Is the Salary of a Yacht Stewardess?

Typically, a junior stewardess can anticipate earning between USD $3,000 and USD $3,500 monthly, with the exact figure largely influenced by the vessel’s size. This range is generally applicable to individuals new to the stewardess role or those with limited experience in the position.

As one progresses and accumulates more experience, potentially advancing to a second stew position on a larger yacht and assuming additional duties alongside the chief stewardess, the expected monthly income can rise to between USD $3,500 and USD $5,500. The salary at this intermediate level is contingent upon the yacht’s dimensions, as well as the individual’s training and certifications.

In the top-tier position of chief stewardess, where the breadth of responsibilities significantly expands to encompass the majority of the interior crew’s tasks, the salary range can span from USD $5,000 to over USD $9,000 per month. This reflects the demanding nature and extensive obligations associated with the role

Can My Land-Based Skills Be Transferred To Superyachting as a Stewardess/Steward?

Of course , there are plenty of land-based skills that will really help you stand out and potentially help you land a job sooner.These skills below are some of the common skills that can be transferred to a Superyacht role:

Hospitality & Guest Service: Experience in hospitality ensures you can provide exceptional service, making guests feel at home and attending to their needs with professionalism and care.

Event Planning: Your ability to plan and execute events means you can organise unforgettable experiences for guests, from intimate dinners to lavish parties.

Barista & Bartender: Skills in crafting beverages, from morning coffees to evening cocktails, add a touch of sophistication and personalisation to the guest experience.

Housekeeping: Meticulous housekeeping standards are essential for maintaining the pristine condition of the interior, ensuring every space is welcoming and comfortable.

Nanny: Experience in childcare allows you to offer dedicated and professional care to guests’ children, ensuring they are safe, entertained, and well-cared for.

Yoga Instructor: As a yoga instructor, you can lead sessions that enhance guests’ wellness and relaxation, contributing to their overall experience of luxury and rejuvenation.

Floristry: Your floristry skills can beautify the yacht’s spaces, creating inviting and refreshing environments through the artful arrangement of flowers.

Cooking: Culinary skills enable you to contribute to the yacht’s dining experiences, whether it’s assisting in the kitchen or preparing special meals for guests with dietary preferences.

Can Yacht Stewardess Have Tattoos?

The yachting industry is known for its strict presentation standards, and visible tattoos can sometimes be a barrier to employment. However, attitudes are evolving, and many yachts now adopt a more flexible approach, especially if tattoos can be easily covered. It’s always best to check the specific policy of the yacht or management company you’re applying to.

Each yacht has its own unique culture and policies, particularly when it comes to tattoos. While some yachts are more lenient, embracing both small and large visible tattoos, others may enforce strict policies against them. It’s important to be transparent about any visible tattoos you have. However, there’s no need to disclose tattoos that are not visible.

How To Become a Yacht Stewardess/Steward in Australia?

While the foundational training is much the same, AMSA ( Australian Maritime Safety Authority ) requires crew working on commercial vessels within Australia to have an AMSA COST STCW.This can be confusing for some as they have almost the same units of safety training as the MCA approved STCW certificates which crew generally have when they want to work overseas.

To keep things simple if you are want to work in Australia on private & foreign flagged vessels here in Australia you can use your MCA approved STCW 95 issued by the marshall islands which SCA offers, this would allow you to still work here on private & foreign-flagged vessels in Australia then giving you the option to head overseas later when you gain more expereince.

If you wish to only work in Australia on commercial vessels eg charter boats , tour boats etc… you should obtain an AMSA COST.

What Should I Do Next To Become a Yacht Stewardess/Steward?

The next step is to complete your training and decide whether you want to head overseas or remain in Australia, we advise students to gain some temp work here in Australia if they can before heading overseas as it’s always good to have valuable experience in the progressively competitive industry that is Superyachting.

How Do I Find Superyacht Job Position Listings?

The best place to look is on crew agency websites or job search platforms like Yotspot which has a large number of job listings you can look through,  create a profile and update your account with your CV and all your certificates then you will be able to apply for jobs.

Below is a list of almost all the crew agencies from around the world which you can sign up with to increase your chances of landing a job. It is a lot of work creating profiles and uploading documents, however, it could increase your chances of being connected with the right job at the right time.


yotspot photo

Are There Facebook Groups That Post Job Listings?

Yes, there are multiple facebook groups that post job listings all the time , its great to sign up with as many as you can to increase your chances of finding a job.Please note : make sure to clean up your Facebook profile before signing up to the groups as future employers may see your profile and you want to make a good first impression.

Some groups include:

Antibes Yacht crew 

Palma Yacht

Australian Pacific Yacht crew 

stewardess yacht cosa fa

Where Can I Book My Courses?

To book your Superyacht courses head to the link below , we offer an interior training package that will not only give you the mandatory safety training but the essential skills and knowledge to start your career as a superyacht stewardess/steward.


A career as a stewardess or steward on a superyacht offers an unparalleled opportunity to combine your love for the sea with a passion for hospitality and service. By obtaining the right qualifications, gaining relevant experience, and continuously striving for excellence, you can embark on a rewarding journey in this exclusive industry. Whether you’re drawn to the adventure, the challenge, or the luxury lifestyle, the world of superyachting awaits.

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Superyacht Crew Academy Provides training and certification for people who wish to work on Superyachts anywhere in the world and within the Australian Maritime Industry. Legal Name: Club Sail Pty. Ltd. Trading as: Superyacht Crew Academy Registered Training Organisation no. 91462

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How to Become a Yacht Stewardess / Steward: An Experienced Insiders Guide

If you’re wondering how to become a yacht stewardess / steward, you’ve found the perfect starting point.

I’ve personally reaped the rewards of 10 magnificent years in the industry, where I started out as a yacht stewardess and worked my way up to Chief Stewardess. This has motivated me to help people like you that are wondering how to become a yachtie .

My goal here is to equip you with the best resources and knowledge for how to become a stewardess on a yacht. Make sure you follow these steps to ensure you successfully land your first job.

yacht stewardess setting dinner table with an Asian theme

Table of Contents

Yacht Steward / Yacht Stewardess Job Description

As a Yacht Stewardess or Steward, you are responsible for all the interior operations of the vessel. This will include tasks such as housekeeping, laundry and high-end food and beverage service.

Interior Tasks Include:

  • 5 star food and beverage service
  • Flower arranging
  • Table scaping
  • Laundry Care
  • Interior housekeeping
  • Updating interior inventories
  • Accounting and budgeting
  • Liaising with guests and co-ordinating activities

stewardess yacht cosa fa

1. What Qualifications Do You Need to be a Yacht Stewardess or Steward?

In order to become a stewardess on a yacht, you will need to have an STCW Certification and pass an ENG1 medical.

The STCW (Standards of Training and Certification of Watch keeping) is an internationally mandated course and a minimum requirement for anyone who wishes to work on a yacht.

Throughout the training, crew members will acquire the necessary skills to handle emergency situations and ensure the safety of all onboard. They will also learn safe working practices to ensure the safety of themselves and their fellow crew members.

In 2010 the STCW convention added a new module requirement to the basic safety training, so ensure that you do the additional Proficiency in Security Awareness (PSA) module which takes one extra day.

This STCW course is comprised of 4 modules, takes 5 days to complete, and is valid for 5 years. The modules include:

  • Personal Survival Techniques (PST)
  • Fire Fighting and prevention (FFP)
  • Elementary First Aid (EFA)
  • Personal Safety and Social Responsibility (PSSR)

If you aim to work on vessels of +50m in size you may also need to hold the PDSD (Proficiency in Designated Security duties) course. This is a one-day online course for anyone who may be involved in security duties such as being a watch keeper.

To work on a yacht, you must undergo a basic medical examination called an ENG1. This assessment is performed by a doctor certified by the Maritime Coastguard Agency (MCA) to ensure that you are healthy enough to work on a yacht.

A list of MCA-approved doctors can be found  here .

4 yacht stewardesses wearing emersion suits

2. Recommended Courses if You want to Become a Yacht Stewardess / Steward

In order to become a Yacht Stewardess or Steward you do not necessarily need to hold any other courses or certifications. The courses you choose to do would be more so to boost your confidence and gain better insight into being a stewardess on a yacht.

Hood Hygiene and Safety Level 2

Although this course is not mandatory, I highly recommend you do it as most vessels require anyone handling food (Stews included) to hold this certification. There are a few variations of the course so just ensure that the one you do is MCA approved.

The purpose of this certification is to equip crew members with the skills to assume personal accountability for food safety. This involves understanding the importance of maintaining cleanliness and hygiene in both personal work areas and food preparation.

Introductory Yacht Steward/ Yacht Stewardess Training

These courses are generally held over 5 days, and include everything you need to know about how to get into yachting as a Stewardess or Steward, as well as what your job will entail.

You will learn all the basic elements of housekeeping, laundry, service, floristry, wine knowledge, and onboard living etiquette.

These courses are not essential, but extremely helpful in having you better understand what will be required of you if you want to become a Yacht Stew.

the master cabin of a super yacht. a big room with a bed

3. Create the Perfect Yacht CV

If you are wondering how become a Yacht Stewardess with no experience, you are going to need to make sure your Yacht CV stands out from the rest.

Besides a well-laid out resume, you also need to highlight why you are the best candidate for this specific job that you are applying for. Be sure to highlight ANY transferable skills you may have to offer the industry. This could be hospitality experience, floristry, baby-sitting, yoga, or maybe you are a masseuse.

Resumes on a desk next to glasses, a pen, and a plant

4. Apply for your Visa if Necessary

To work as a stewardess on a Super Yacht, you will need to look into your personal situation and passport to identify which visa you need.

B1/B2 VISA – Needed to enter the United States and surrounding waters

Shengen Visa – Needed to enter Europe for the Mediterranean season

5. Locate Yourself in the Right Place at the Right Time

Once you are ready to head over to a yachting hub, you need to consider the time of year you are going. Ideally, you want to arrive a few weeks before the season starts. There are 2 seasons in yachting:

The United States and Caribbean Winter Season (November/December to March/April)

The biggest hub for yachting in America is Fort Lauderdale, and in the Caribbean, it is Antigua and St Maarten.

Please note that if you are not a green card holder or US citizen, I do not recommend flying into America and actively seeking work. This is illegal and could get you into trouble.

The Mediterranean Summer Season (April/May to September/October)

If you’re looking for the ideal spot in the Mediterranean, consider Antibes in the South of France. It’s a top yachting hub with plenty of crew houses and yacht agents. Plus, you’re within easy reach of other sought-after destinations like Monaco and Nice.

Palma, located on the island of Mallorca, is also a major hub for yachting. It boasts numerous marinas, agents, and crew housing facilities.

aerial view of large marina with yachts

6. Day Working and Dock Walking for a Yacht Stewardess / Steward

“Daywork” is when you get hired on a day-to-day basis, earning cash and assisting boats as they need extra help onboard.

Daywork is a great way to get experience as a Yacht Stewardess or Steward. If you make a good impression on the Captain and Crew, this could lead to a permanent position onboard or a referral to another boat.

“ Dock Walking ” is when you walk the docks of marina’s handing out your CV in the hopes of being hired for day work.

7. Sign up with Yacht Crew Agencies

You will want to sign up with as many yacht crew agencies as possible. Here are some popular agencies you should sign up with to get started: Luxury Yacht Group, Blue Water Yachting, The Crew Network, Cotton Crews, Yot Spot, Northrop and Johnson, HR Crew and Burgess.

To stay updated on job postings, it’s important to check social media platforms like Facebook. Join various yachting Facebook groups such as Fort Lauderdale Yacht Crew, Palma Yacht Crew, and Antibes Yacht Crew. You want to keep checking these groups regularly to stay informed.

Yacht Steward / Yacht Stewardess Salary

As with everything in the industry, your salary is largely dependent on the size of the vessel, your experience in the industry, as well as your qualifications.

A starting salary for a Yacht Stewardess or Steward can range from $2500-$3500. From there you can expect to see annual salary increments as you spend more time in the industry.

If you want to set some goals, a Chief Stewardess’s salary can be upwards of $5000 – $9000. Possibly even more depending on the size of the vessel!

On top of these very attractive salaries , you may also have opportunities to earn more money in the form of charter tips and annual bonuses.

tropical table setting with fruits and flowers

Roles and Responsibilities of a Yacht Stewardess or Steward

The housekeeping stew.

The role of a Housekeeping Stew is to clean and maintain all aspects of the interior of the vessel . Guest cabins and common areas need to be meticulously cleaned with a lot of care and attention to detail. They will also be cleaning crew areas such as the crew mess and bridge.

Cleaning the vessel is not as simple as it seems. You will be vacuuming, dusting, polishing, tooth-picking grooves, ear budding ledges, and working with delicate surfaces.

The Laundry Stew

The Laundry Stew is responsible for laundering, stain treating, ironing, and maintaining laundry for the entire vessel. This includes crew uniform, crew personal clothing, guest clothing, beach towels, bath towels, table linens, rags, and kitchen tea towels.

The job of a Laundry Stewardess is in fact a very meticulous one, as you will be dealing with a number of different fabrics and colors. A simple mistake could cost the boss a very expensive dress.

The Service Stew

The role of the Service Stewardess is to ensure that every want and need of the guests is met. As far as service goes, you will be serving 3 meals a day, afternoon canapes, sunset cocktails, and all the other beverages and snacks in between.

You may also be required to head over to the beach to do service if there is a beach set up, or go for a cruise on the tender to serve drinks and snacks. A fun part of the role is also of course the tablescaping, which is usually most Stewardesses’ favorite aspect of the job.

yacht stewardess ironing in the laundry room

At-home Tasks for Your Personal Growth

There are a number of things you can do to boost your confidence as a Yacht Stewardess or Steward before joining the industry. I can assure you that personal skills and experience come preferred over certifications.

Take your time to do research, link up to the social media accounts of established stewardesses and get involved with any work or transferable skills that will boost your resume.

All of these tasks, to list a few, can be practiced at home and will impress your future employer.

  • Napkin folding
  • Table setting
  • Cocktail making
  • Making beds
  • Toilet paper folds

4 yacht stewardesses standing together in uniform

Final Thoughts on Becoming a Yacht Stewardess / Steward

Some of you may find it easy to become a Yacht Stewardess or steward, and some of you may bump into some hurdles along the way.

Either way, my advice to you is to keep your head up and stay positive.

Work hard, put in extra effort wherever possible, keep smiling, and be a positive energy bubble in your work environment. Your efforts will pay off and soon you will be reveling in the world of Yachting. I hope to see you out there!

If you need any more advice I would be more than happy to assist you personally. Please pop me an email in the contact section.

stewardess yacht cosa fa

Hi, my name is Lisa, a Chief Stewardess in the yachting industry with 10 years of experience, as well as 8 years of hospitality experience prior to that. Being in the yachting industry has been a whirlwind of adventure, growth, challenges and some of the best experiences of my life, and I am excited to share my knowledge and experiences with all of you.

7 Best Antibes Crew Houses: Where to stay for first-timers

Fort lauderdale crew houses: 21 of the best crew accommodations, 3 thoughts on “how to become a yacht stewardess / steward: an experienced insiders guide”.

Thank you for such helpful content!

Hi I’m interested in a position to be a Stewardess and to work in the bar or a restaurant on the boat . I would love to apply for a position in the mediterranean, I’m not sure where to start or if I have to do a course .

Hello Chelsea. When you are starting out in the Super Yachting Industry (not cruise ships) your role is more likely to include housekeeping and laundry. With more years of experience, your role will become more diverse and include bar tending and service. If you are looking to better understand the role of a Stewardess before joining the industry, then I have a great post on a Day in the Life of a Yacht Stewardess. If you are interested in joining the industry, then this article lists out everything you need to do to find your first job. Good Luck!

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How to Become a Yacht Stewardess: Everything You Need to Know About the Job

Posted on: 11/26/2018


The annual salary for a yacht stewardess starts at  around $40,000  plus tips. While that may not seem like a lot to some, while you are living on the ship all of your expenses will be covered by the charter guest.

Being a yacht stewardess is a great way to see the world, meet incredible people, be fed every meal by a great chef, and live a more present lifestyle free of cell phones and constant connection. Away from your family and friends on the open water, you will find peace and adventure.

Read on to learn how to become a yacht stewardess and begin your dream career today. 

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How to Become a Yacht Stewardess: The Education Requirements

If you want to land a job as a stewardess, you will need to take some short courses that ensure safety and good service on the yacht. 

If you are looking for an entry-level position, then you will take the most standard courses, while those looking to become a chief stewardess will have to go back to school for further certifications. 

When you are first getting started in the yachting industry, you will need to complete an  STCW certification course   at an academy like the Maritime Professional Training Academy in Fort Lauderdale.

This  course costs   around a thousand dollars and is typically completed over about a week-long time range. 

How Hard is it to Get Hired as a Stewardess?

Getting hired as a stewardess aboard a yacht is generally not considered to be difficult. Once you have your STCW certification, you will be legally qualified to take a position.

In order to get a job, you should move to a major port city. In the United States, nine times out of ten that is going to mean Fort Lauderdale. Your other option is Newport in Rhode Island. While there are other cities in the country where you may be able to find a position, these hotspots are the best place for those new to the industry to scoop up work.

Once you land in the city, you can hit the docks with your resume looking for people who need to fill positions. In this industry, when you need someone, you need them now, so be prepared to start as soon as the next day.

If you have any hospitality experience such as bartending or entertaining guests, this is helpful to list on your resume.

What Time of Year Do They Hire in Fort Lauderdale?

To get hired as a stewardess, you should head to Fort Lauderdale in between seasons. This is where you will find the most stationary yachts giving you the best chance of landing a position.

There are two primary yachting seasons - summer and winter. To get hired for the summer season, you will need to be in Fort Lauderdale between April and June. For the winter season, you should arrive between September and mid-December.

These down-times are when yachts are in port preparing for the next season and you will be able to set up interviews with many different ship captains or owners at one time. 

Those are also the months that you would have off once you become part of a crew while the yachts are repaired and maintained for the next season.

Image 0379:

What Do I Do if I Don't Get Hired There?

When you are new to the yachting industry (the term is "green"), you may find it difficult to secure a position. When you begin asking around for advice, many experienced crew members will tell you to head to St. Martin to look for work. 

St. Martin is where many of the yachts head and make a port out of for the season. If you are there you can often find positions that crop up from other stewardesses who didn't work out or were unable to fulfill their obligation.

In order to do this, you will need to purchase a round-trip ticket in order to get through customs. You can cancel your returning flight at a later date if you find a position.

If you choose this route, be cautious when you talk to customs people at the airport. Don't tell them that you are coming to look for work. It can raise a lot of questions and prevent your entry in some cases. Just like how people coming to America aren't able to work, there are similar visa requirements for the island.

However, since you will be hired aboard an international vessel, those laws won't apply to you. But trying to explain all of that to an ornery customs agent isn't the best way to spend your first twelve hours in the city.

Image 0380:

Consider Registering with a Crew Agency

One of the best ways to find open positions aboard yachts is by registering with a crew agency. They will be able to pair you up with openings and act as an advocate on your behalf.

Before you hit the agency, make sure you spruce up your resume. You need to sell your abilities and talents to potential captains.

These agencies typically don't require any fee from you to join, so you might as well give it a shot. The agencies are paid by the ship captains once they agree to your placement.

If you go with an agency, you will still need to attend individual interviews and secure the position in the same way you would if you found it on your own. It's just a great way to aggregate leads and provides a lot of exposure for your resume bringing you more potential opportunities.

To stay on an agencies books, you will need to check in with them weekly while you are in between gigs. This is so that they can ensure that you are still available. Once you find placement, you will be required to check out.

Make sure you follow through with doing this or you may find it difficult to work with the same agent when you are in need of work again.

Networking Tips

Once you move to town, you will need to begin by walking the docks and meeting people. Dress professionally and make friends, this is a social industry where the right recommendation can go a long way.

Be proactive and positive while you network. You need to be confident in yourself and your ability to find a job if you want anyone else to believe in you.

Useful Skills to Have

While anyone can find a home aboard a yacht with the right attitude and certifications, there are certain skills that will move you up the hiring list. 

Those that have basic cooking skills, experience babysitting, formal service training, experience working in a bar or food service, mechanical experience, carpentry skills, and diving experience will all find it much easier to find work and they can also help you command more pay.

How to Secure the Most Pay

When you are first starting out as a crew member, your salary is usually a baseline. Over time, as you gain experience, you will be able to command a higher salary. 

Other factors that impact your wage include the size of the boat, the number of responsibilities that you will have, whether the vessel is chartered or for private use, and your ability to make a commitment to being on board long term.

Jobs that offer other benefits like medical and vacation time may offer lower pay as a trade-off, so decide what is important to you before you decide what vessels to head to look for work.

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A Note on Commitment

When you step aboard a yacht as a crew member for the first time, you will be very excited and eager to get started. But over time with subsequent charters, you may begin to lose your excitement, especially if your charter guests are particularly difficult or if you get into an argument with another crew member. 

While cruising around the world is a dream come true for many, you have to remember that it isn't a vacation. You will be expected to work hospitality hours, which are long and hard and often go late into the night. 

You will also have to contend with the personalities of the other crew members and try not to step on anyone's toes, both while you're staying in Fort Lauderdale   and on your ship. If you don't have an easy-going personality type, then this may not be the position for you. 

Once you take a job on a yacht, you need to make sure that you finish out your contract if you want to find employment anywhere else. Don't allow gossip,  bad etiquette  and drama to ruin your potential career.

Where to Stay While Finding a Position

Having learned how to become a yacht stewardess, you know your next step needs to be certification and moving to Fort Lauderdale to find a position.

Check out these great listings for a safe, affordable  place to stay .

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Stewardess , All guides

Stewardess on a superyacht -10 steps to find your first job.

  • July 13, 2021

How to become a Yacht Stewardess ?

Step 1 – Get Qualified Step 2 – Get the right skills and training Step 3 – Get the perfect Yachting CV Step 4 – Location – Plan your journey with your mentor Step 5 – Daywork and experience

Step 6 – Get the right Yachtie Network and Contacts

Step 7 – Get a Strong Superyacht Reference Step 8 – Start applying for our Superyacht jobs Step 9 – Ace your job interviews with your coach Step 10 – Get a job, bank account and sign contract Claim your Yachtie Careers Deckhand and Stewardess offer

Step 1 – Get Qualified as a Stewardess

Despite what you will hear…. To start working on a Superyacht there are only 3 Basic Documents required to make you qualified, and in order to start as a Stewardess you need:

  • Passport (Valid 12 months)
  • Basic Safety STCW Training
  • Medical Certificate (Valid 6 months at least)

Step 2 – Get the right skills and stewardess training

To get an edge over other crew, some yachts require additional certificates to be held by a minimum amount of crew on board. This is called safe manning certification . If you are a Stewardess starting you should consider these:

  • Food and Hygiene Level 2
  • Crowd and Crisis Management

This is included in Yachtiecareers Stewardess Superyacht Course

Step 3 – Get the perfect Yachting CV

You will need to write a perfect Superyacht Stewardess CV. The sections of your CV should include:

  • Contact Information
  • Personal Information
  • Skills and Qualifications
  • Certificates
  • Education & Languages

With Yachtiecareers we write the CV for you , in order to make you avoid make the mistakes of other crew and give you an edge over the competition to get your first job.

  • We make sure your strengths are highlighted
  • We work with graphic designers to make the lay-out appeal to Captains and recruiters
  • We write it so that the overall message is selling your persona
  • We structure the information correctly.
  • We use industry expert writers for sentencing, paragraphing to make your CV stand out
  • Most importantly you get a personal CV and can avoid using a CV-template looking like the other 20 CVs in the pile.

Step 4 – Location – Plan your journey with your Personal guide

Are you in Europe or in the US ?  Depending on your location, you can use our guides and knowledge to maximise your chances to get daywork in each city.

The best places to start Yachting, in order to succeed are the following:

  • Fort Lauderdale
  • US West Coast

To become a Yacht Stewardess those are location hubs for Superyachts, offering you most chances to secure a job, furthermore it will connect you with people in the Yachting Industry, in addition to the Yachtiecareers network.

  • Antibes, France
  • Barcelona, Spain
  • Palme de Mallorca, Spain
  • Split, Croatia
  • Genoa, Italy

That is the top-list , recommended to find daywork with no experience by Yachtiecareers, moreover it will enable you to travel and see some of the most beautiful places in Europe.

Step 5 – Daywork and experience

The best way to find daywork is to speak with your Yachtiecareers Instructor and network in the location you are currently in. You need to be flexible and ready to work and step in at short notice.

When I was starting Yachting , I spent one day day working in Portofino in Italy , the next one in Monaco and 2 days later I was in Cannes in France.

Towards the end of the week I was doing a crossing on a 50m yacht from Antibes, France to Venice, Italy. 

You need to be flexible and ready to work and step in at short notice, in order to get the right opportunities.

  • Network in your Location
  • Use Yachtiecareers Partner Daywork App to find daywork with one click
  • Let your Instructor find daywork for you
  • Have your phone ready at all times
  • Have your CV and business cards ready 
  • Use your crew house contacts
  • Join relevant Facebook groups (this is not always a good idea)

We can assist you finding daywork, just text your Instructor on WhatsApp.

Step 7 – Get a Strong Superyacht Reference

Just like any other profession, network is everything. When you complete our training we are confident in your abilities and are happy to provide you with a reference.

If I am looking for a Stewardess on board and I get a recommendation from a friend or someone I know, because I will choose your CV over 10 other CVs with stronger experience. That is just reality.

So build references and network using YachtieCareers, your Instructors, people you meet in Yachting hubs and ask during your Daywork.

Step 8 – Start applying for our Superyacht jobs

The way to find Superyacht jobs as a Stewardess with no experience can be hard. By all means you can register, on regular crew agencies, crew databases and apply for jobs daily.

However you will be competing with thousands of other crew, the chances that I will even read your CV are very slim.  And if I do get your CV it will be in a pile with 20 other CVs. At this point it is very important your CV has the perfect lay-out and structure.

At Yachtiecareers  we have created a Superyacht recruitment platform where we focus only on junior crew.   In addition to that the yachts we work with only contact us with junior crew requests and with the help of your personal Instructor you can get connected to people in the industry making it easier to land that first job. 

Other ways is to network and daywork. Do nor apply for hundreds (100) of online jobs without having the perfect CV and experience, it will just be a waste of time, moreover you should spend your time more wisely.

Step 9 – Ace your job interviews with your coach

At this point, you are very close to securing your first job, since you have completed the right training and used our step by step guide to secure your first job interview, because the CV they have received has displayed your key strengths.

Stewardess Yacht training qualifications Instructor Stewardess skills

Before the interview, your Chief Stewardess Instructor will prepare you for the questions you might face before starting, remember that 90% of the questions will be about your CV, so know your own CV inside out before the interview to explain your past experiences.

As long as you appear willing to start the job, humble and showing a happy attitude it will get you on board if you follow the interview guide from your Instructor, as result you will secure your first Superyacht job.

Step 10 – Get a stewardess job, bank account and sign your contract

Great, because you followed our guide it has led to you securing your first Superyacht  Stewardess job.

Now the fun starts. It is time to pack, to sign your contract and to get a Bank account. 

We will go through your contract with you, moreover we will make sure it is either MLC compliant or giving you the basic rights as yacht crew. If you have got the interview by using the Yachtiecareers network, the Yacht will be compliant.

  • We help you with your Bank Account, to get the right currency and setting it up online
  • Make sure to bring your Medical Certificate, Passport and STCW certificates originals.
  • Get your flight tickets
  • Sign the contract
  • Pack your personal belonging, you might be away a long time, therefor there is limited space on board, so you have to get it all in to one suitcase !

STCW Deckhand Training

Yacht Deckhand Premium STCW

Yacht STCW Basic Safety Training

Yacht Stewardess Premium STCW

Yacht Stewardess Training

Yacht Stewardess Full STCW

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Superyacht Deckhand Full STCW

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STCW Training in Holland- A Comprehensive Guide

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Benefits of STCW

Top 10 Benefits of STCW Course Netherlands

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Yacht Stewardess Training in Amsterdam

Food hygiene level 2

Yacht Crew Courses for Holland: Food Hygiene Level 2

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Kickstart Your Stewardess Career in Netherlands!

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STCW training in Sweden

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Get free yacht cv and yacht job offers

How To Become A Yacht Stewardess - The Art Of Luxury Hospitality

In this article, we will talk about how to become a yacht stewardess and more. If you have a passion for travel, a flair for hospitality, and a desire to work in a dynamic and luxurious environment, pursuing a career as a yacht stewardess might be the perfect choice for you.

stewardess yacht cosa fa

.bwwcfb-y51p0m{color:inherit;font-size:inherit;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;text-decoration-thickness:1px;}.bwwcfb-y51p0m:hover{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.bwwcfb-y51p0m:hover::after{content:" #";opacity:0.6;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;} Career As A Yacht Stewardess

A yacht stewardess serving

The Role Of A Yacht Stewardess

  • Guest Services - Providing personalized guest services is a crucial aspect of a yacht stewardess's role. They assist guests with their belongings, offer guidance on yacht facilities, and ensure their comfort and satisfaction throughout their stay.
  • Table Service - Yacht stewardesses are skilled in the art of fine dining service. They set elegant tables, serve gourmet meals and beverages, and cater to individual dietary preferences with precision and flair.
  • Event Planning - From intimate cocktail parties to extravagant soirées, yacht stewardesses excel in event planning and execution. They coordinate every detail, from decorations and entertainment to menu selection, to create unforgettable experiences for guests.
  • Inventory Management - Stewardesses are responsible for inventory control, ensuring that supplies, provisions, and luxury amenities are well-stocked. They work closely with the yacht's chief stewardess or purser to manage budgets and procurement.

Skills Required

  • Exceptional Communication - Effective communication is key to understanding and meeting guests' needs. A stewardess must possess excellent interpersonal skills to provide personalized service and build rapport with guests from diverse backgrounds.
  • Attention to Detail - A keen eye for detail is vital to maintaining the luxurious ambiance of the yacht. Stewardesses must pay attention to every aspect of interior aesthetics, cleanliness, and service, ensuring perfection in even the smallest details.
  • Multitasking Abilities - Working onboard a yacht demands the ability to juggle multiple tasks simultaneously. Yacht stewardesses must efficiently manage their time, prioritize responsibilities, and adapt to changing circumstances to ensure seamless operations.
  • Professionalism and Discretion - A yacht stewardess must uphold the utmost professionalism and discretion at all times. They often work closely with high-profile individuals, and it is crucial to respect privacy, maintain confidentiality, and handle sensitive situations with tact and grace.
  • Adaptability and Resilience - The yacht industry is dynamic and fast-paced. Stewardesses must be adaptable, ready to embrace challenges, and adjust to the demands of guests and the ever-changing itinerary.

Become A Yacht Stewardess

stewardess yacht cosa fa

How to become a YACHT STEWARD or stewardESS! (Your step-by-step guide)

  • Gain Relevant Experience and Qualifications - To become a yacht stewardess, start by gaining hospitality experience in upscale establishments and consider pursuing formal education in hospitality management. Enroll in industry-specific courses like STCW Basic Safety Training to learn essential safety protocols.
  • Build Nautical Knowledge and Skills - Familiarize yourself with yachting terminology, etiquette, and develop proficiency in watersports. Acquiring basic culinary skills can also be beneficial for the role.
  • Create a Professional Yachting CV - Craft a well-structured CV that highlights your relevant experience, qualifications, and skills. Tailor it for each application and include references from previous employers.
  • Networking and Job Applications - Attend yachting events and job fairs to network with industry professionals. Register with reputable crew agencies and utilize online job platforms dedicated to yachting careers.
  • Prepare for Interviews and Trials - Research yachts and owners before interviews or trials. Dress professionally, maintain a positive demeanor, and use trial periods to demonstrate your skills and adaptability.
  • Continual Professional Development - Consider obtaining advanced certifications and embrace on-the-job training. Stay connected with industry professionals through networking events and conferences to expand your knowledge and career prospects.

Required Courses

stewardess yacht cosa fa

What Qualifications do you need to become a Yacht Stew?

STCW Basic Safety Training

Food and hygiene certification, wine and beverage courses, interior introduction and service courses, silver service training, personal survival techniques (pst) and life raft training, best seasons to seek yacht stewardess jobs.

3 yacht stewardess on a yacht

Mediterranean Season

Caribbean season, crossover seasons, worldwide events and yacht shows, off-season considerations, people also ask, what are the main responsibilities of a yacht stewardess, how much do yacht stewardesses typically earn, are there any specific height or weight requirements to become a yacht stewardess, final words, .bwwcfb-1mysgrz{display:-webkit-box;-webkit-line-clamp:1;-webkit-box-orient:vertical;overflow:hidden;-webkit-line-clamp:2;} career as a yacht stewardess.

Jane Resture

Jane Resture

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private yacht stewardess

How to Become a Stewardess on a Private Yacht in 2024

stewardess yacht cosa fa

Working as a stewardess on a private yacht is a unique and rewarding career choice. It offers the opportunity to travel the world, meet interesting people, and experience a luxurious lifestyle. However, it also requires a specific set of skills and qualifications. This article will guide you through the steps to becoming a stewardess on a private yacht.

Understanding the Role of a Yacht Stewardess

A yacht stewardess is responsible for maintaining the interior of the yacht, providing high-quality guest services, and ensuring the comfort and satisfaction of the yacht’s guests. Duties can range from housekeeping and meal service to managing onboard events and activities.

Required Skills and Qualifications

While no specific academic qualifications are required to become a yacht stewardess, certain skills and experiences can increase your chances of landing a job. These include:

  • Customer service experience: Prior experience in hospitality, such as hotels or restaurants, can be beneficial.
  • Strong communication skills: You’ll need to interact with guests and crew members effectively.
  • Attention to detail: High standards of cleanliness and organization are crucial.
  • Physical fitness: The job can be physically demanding, with long hours and lots of manual work.
  • First aid and safety training: Many yachts require crew members to have basic first aid and safety training.

Steps to Becoming a Yacht Stewardess

Here are the steps you can take to become a yacht stewardess:

  • Gain relevant experience: Start by working in hospitality or customer service roles to develop the necessary skills.
  • Get certified: Consider getting a certification from a recognized yachting authority, such as the Professional Yachting Association (PYA) or the Royal Yachting Association (RYA).
  • Network: Attend yachting events and connect with industry professionals. Many yacht jobs are filled through word of mouth.
  • Apply for jobs: Look for job postings on yachting websites, in yachting magazines, and through yachting recruitment agencies.

Challenges and Rewards of the Job

Being a yacht stewardess can be challenging. The work is physically demanding, the hours can be long, and you may be away from home for extended periods. However, the rewards can be significant. You’ll have the opportunity to travel to exotic locations, work in a luxurious environment, and meet interesting people. Plus, the pay is often very good, especially on larger yachts.

Becoming a stewardess on a private yacht is not for everyone. It requires a specific set of skills, a strong work ethic, and a willingness to live a somewhat unconventional lifestyle.

However, it can be a rewarding and exciting career for those who are up for the challenge. By gaining relevant experience, getting certified, networking, and applying for jobs, you can make your dream of becoming a yacht stewardess a reality.

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Everything You Need to Know About Becoming a Yacht Stewardess

Last Updated: June 18, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Finn Kobler . Finn Kobler graduated from USC in 2022 with a BFA in Writing for Screen/Television. He is a two-time California State Champion and record holder in Original Prose/Poetry, a 2018 finalist for the Los Angeles Youth Poet Laureate, and he's written micro-budget films that have been screened in over 150 theaters nationwide. Growing up, Finn spent every summer helping his family's nonprofit arts program, Showdown Stage Company, empower people through accessible media. He hopes to continue that mission with his writing at wikiHow. There are 19 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 6,503 times.

If you’re social and love to travel, yacht stewarding might be the perfect career for you! Spending months at a time exploring exotic locations, helping out on the boat, meeting and working with lifelong friends all day long. It’s a job as rewarding as it is exciting. Keep reading and we’ll teach you everything you need to know about becoming a yacht stewardess.

Yacht Stewardess Job Requirements

Step 1 Complete your STCW Basic Safety Training.

  • SCTW certificates are valid for up to five years. After five years, you must take a fire fighting and sea survival refresher course.
  • Make sure your course is certified by a national maritime organization in the country where you complete it.

Step 2 Get your ENG1 Medical Certificate.

  • Medical conditions that may inhibit you from receiving your ENG1 include, but are not limited to: epilepsy, heart disease, kidney failure, color-blindness, and history of drug/alcohol addiction. [3] X Research source
  • If you are working on a small boat operating 60 miles from shore or less, an ML5 will suffice as a substitute for an ENG1.

Step 3 Ensure your travel documents are up to date.

How to Find a Job as a Yacht Stewardess

Step 1 Travel to a yachting hub.

  • Living near a yacht hub between jobs can be expensive. Look into a crew house - a privately-owned, budget-friendly accommodation where yachties and former yachties live - to stay while you network, complete your training and look for work. [5] X Research source

Step 2 Network with other yachties.

  • Make sure you look presentable while you network. Yacht stewardesses are extremely clean and well-groomed. Dress for the part you want by wearing deck shoes and an appropriate yacht shirt.

Step 3 Work through a recruitment agency.

  • Jobs like bartending, nannying, customer service, and cleaning all look good as these types of duties will be performed on the yacht.
  • Look into doing free day work on boats to help build your sea legs and make connections with captains and crew.

Step 5 Create a memorable CV.

  • All yacht CV’s list certifications, work history, nationality, spoken languages, body modifications, references, and relevant skills. Some are even more in-depth with details like smoking habits and overall objective. [9] X Research source
  • There are several free yacht CV templates online to help ensure yours fits the industry norm.
  • Don’t be afraid to play around with the formatting. Your CV should be professional but also as unique as possible.

Step 6 Deliver a good interview.

  • Most interviewers are also looking for excellent presentation, leadership, and communication. Make sure to highlight these attributes when you answer their questions. [11] X Research source

You’d Make a Good Yacht Stewardess If…

Step 1 You’re comfortable being away from home.

Benefits of Being a Yacht Stewardess

Step 1 It gives you a chance to see the world.

A Day in the Life of a Yacht Stewardess

Step 1 You’ll have lots of different jobs day-to-day.

Yacht Stewardess Pay

Yacht stewardesses are paid well.

  • Yacht stewardesses also have no living expenses since food, housing, electricity, water, even toiletries are provided on the ship. [22] X Research source
  • Depending on the countries you sail out of, this can sometimes be tax-free!
  • Tips are usually divided evenly among the crew.

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  • ↑ https://www.ypicrew.com/yacht-work-job-qualifications
  • ↑ https://uksa.org/what-is-an-eng1-medical-certificate/
  • ↑ https://www.flyingfishonline.com/useful-stuff/eng-1-medical/
  • ↑ https://slightnorth.com/how-to-work-on-a-yacht/
  • ↑ https://www.yachting-pages.com/articles/crew-housing-and-accommodation-in-the-superyacht-industry.html
  • ↑ https://yachtstewardess.co.za/how-to-become-a-superyacht-stewardess/
  • ↑ https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/resumes-cover-letters/yacht-crew-cv
  • ↑ https://www.ypicrew.com/yacht-interview-tips-from-recruiters
  • ↑ https://stewardessbible.com/the-interview-process-selecting-the-right-stewardess/
  • ↑ https://www.cnn.com/2018/08/23/sport/superyacht-stewardess-spt-intl/index.html
  • ↑ https://www.pya.org/News/Crew-Accommodation-in-Large-Yachts.aspx
  • ↑ https://expertvagabond.com/yacht-crew-jobs/
  • ↑ https://www.flyingfishonline.com/news/is-yachting-a-good-career/
  • ↑ https://www.oceaninternationaltrainingacademy.com/working-on-a-yacht?r_done=1
  • ↑ https://climbtheladder.com/yacht-stewardess-cover-letter/
  • ↑ https://nypost.com/2018/09/03/working-on-a-superyacht-is-like-being-in-a-glamorized-pressure-cooker/
  • ↑ https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/what-its-like-work-yacht-crew-nicola-morgan/
  • ↑ https://www.luxyachts.com/articles/three-primary-factors-combine-to-determine-the-salary-of-a-yacht-stewardess
  • ↑ https://www.businessinsider.com/yacht-stewardess-florida-earns-5000-month-travel-careers-2022-4

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Finn Kobler

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stewardess yacht cosa fa


How to become a yacht stewardess? The fundamentals of the job

3 hôtesses sur le pont d'un voilier

The job of a stewardess on a yacht is growing more and more , just like the global demand for crew members. Although the stewardess position may seem the most accessible, it remains a passionate and demanding job.

Indeed, the job of stewardess on a boat is one of the most diversified and versatile in the maritime industry . In addition to the role of service and reception, a stewardess must ensure the safety of passengers on board alongside the captain/skipper; and be trained to react in case of emergency.

In this article, Capt’n Boat lists the prerequisites for the position of stewardess on a yacht, and the missions that are entrusted to her.

1. What is a stewardess on a boat?

A stewardess (or hostess) on a yacht is a person in charge of the reception and comfort of the passengers on board , whether it is a yacht, a sailboat, a cruise ship or any other type of boat.

The word comes from the Latin “hospes”, which means “host” or “guest”. Over time, the meaning of the word “hospes” has evolved to also include “person who welcomes guests”.

The term “hostess” is therefore used to refer to a person who takes care of the guests or passengers of a ship, ensuring their comfort and well-being during their stay.

The duties of the stewardess may vary depending on the type of boat and the company, and will be detailed later in the article.

2. What professional training to become a stewardess on a boat?

In order to be a stewardess, only one certificate is required: the Basic Safety Training Certificate (BST) .

Obtaining the BST consists of 4 courses:

  • Individual Survival Techniques,
  • Basic firefighting training,
  • Personal Safety and Social Responsibility,
  • Medical First Aid.

The BST is valid for 5 years. Without this training, you cannot work as a stewardess on a boat.

An ENG1 certificate is also required, delivered by a doctor approved by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA).

There is no “degree” as such to become a stewardess on a boat. However, it is recommended to have experience in customer service or in the hotel industry. For stewardess/cook, some shipowners may require a Food Hygiene and Safety Training .

Of course, the best training is experience! Improve your skills on the job, go to sea, do missions! It is with experience that you will improve!

hotesse servant la table sur le pont d'un voilier

3. Qualities and skills expected from a stewardess on a boat

As a stewardess on a boat, it is important to have the following qualities in order to best manage customer requests:

  • Communication skills : Be able to communicate effectively with passengers and crew.
  • Service skills : Have a helpful and friendly attitude towards passengers to respond to requests quickly and efficiently.
  • Organizational skills : Be organized to plan daily tasks, including cleaning of cabins and common areas, food and beverage supplies, and work schedules.
  • For stewardess/cook => Culinary skills : Be able to prepare simple and varied meals to suit guests’ tastes and dietary restrictions.
  • Safety knowledge : Yacht stews must have a basic knowledge of onboard safety procedures and be able to provide instructions to passengers in case of emergency.
  • Ability to work as a team : With crew members and other personnel on board.
  • Patience and resilience : Stewardesses must be able to deal with challenges and difficult situations that may arise on board, while remaining calm and professional.

Proficiency in multiple foreign languages is a major asset for this type of position.

➡ On Capt’n Boat, we regularly have requests for English, Italian or Spanish speaking stewardesses for sailboat/catamaran cruises.

Sign up if you haven’t already and find stewardess assignments all over the world! 👇

Of course, there are other qualities and skills, so don’t hesitate to put them forward in your seaman CV . The more versatile and adaptable you are, the better your missions will be!

4. The missions of a yacht stew

The stewardess is an important member of the ship’s crew and her main role is to take care of the passengers . Indeed, she makes sure that she is available to answer the customers’ requests and ensure their comfort on board. This includes:

  • The reception of the passengers,
  • preparation of the cabins,
  • serving meals and drinks,
  • organizing activities for customers,
  • maintaining the cleanliness of the boat,
  • management of supplies and stocks,

She also ensures the safety on board, with the other members of the crew.

It is important to note that the role of stewardess can vary depending on the size and type of boat, as well as the type of clientele. In some cases, you may also be responsible for preparing meals as a stewardess/cook.

Most of these missions correspond to the job of hotel staff, but here on a floating hotel!

table dressée par hôtesse avec victuailles et boissons sur une péniche

Furthermore, depending on the size of the boat, the stewardess may have to work with a crew. This difference will have an impact on the number of tasks and may place you as the manager of the team on board.

5. Salary of a yacht stewardess 

The average salary of a stewardess on a ship depends on many factors, such as experience, the size of the ship, the area of navigation, the type of clientele and the duration of the service at sea. In the West Indies, Spain and Greece, the remuneration of a stewardess is around 200€/day. In France, it is about 250€/day. (Indicative daily wage based on the market standards observed).

As an example, for a one week cruise from Corfu (Greece) on a Lagoon 42 catamaran, count ~ 1400 €.

For a stewardess/cook, this remuneration is higher. You are free to negotiate your salary according to your past experiences.

Working as a yacht stewardess is a rewarding work experience. Although there is no specific background required, experience in the hospitality industry can be a plus.

If you like customer relations, teamwork, and above all, have a liking for the sea: this job is for you! An affinity with the maritime world is obviously required: you will be housed on the boat, so you will certainly be subjected to the swell and potential bad weather!

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How to Become a Yacht Stewardess: The A-to-Z Quick Start Guide

July 6, 2022 By Julie Perry


The a to z of how to become a yacht steward/ess.

In the first half of my book, The Insiders’ Guide to Becoming a Yacht Stewardess , I discuss the yachting industry and give you insight into what this world is all about. I also spend quite a few chapters discussing what both crew life, and the work, is like. I promise it’s a fun and fascinating read, and it will appeal to many people — even those just curious to learn more about this exclusive world of superyachts. I cover who owns them, who travels on them, how much they cost, what destinations they visit, and even what they’re like inside.

BUT, if you are eager and ready to become a part of the yachting industry, then Part II of my book is for you. In it, you will learn the step-by-step process for acquiring a yacht stew position, if not any entry-level position onboard a yacht, including deckhand, chef, and engineering positions. In the end, I think you’ll be shocked to discover just how straightforward it is to land one of these dream jobs. Training is key, professionalism is required, and before you’re convinced you should give it a go, please make sure you have the right intentions. While the benefits that accompany this job are plentiful, being a yacht crewmember requires a LOT of hard work .

Interior Crew M/Y Samar - Yacht Stews

© Suki Finnerty Yachting Today

While I recommend grabbing a copy of my book for the nitty-gritty details, I can quickly chart your course here. I am going to throw at you, in an “a, b, c” fashion, what I consider to be the main action steps to get you from where you sit now to your first stewardess position (or nearly any entry-level crew position) on a luxury yacht. The order of these steps might vary, but what I want you to glean from looking down the list is just how uncomplicated the process really is for how to become a yacht stewardess or steward .

And not to worry, if you buy the book , I expand upon every step throughout Chapters 6–11, along with delivering practical, insider advice on how to get hired in a short period of time. You will see which chapters contain that information below.

Use The Quick Start Guide as a checklist reference as you prepare to take your own leap into what I hope will be a well-lit path.

Chart Your Course

Are you ready? Here goes:

  • Assess your skills and determine whether or not this opportunity is for you. (Chapter 6)
  • Find storage for your major belongings and plan to pack up what you’ll need because you’re going away for a while! (Chapter 8)
  • Select the hiring port where you will conduct your job search, which you will determine based on convenience to your set of circumstances, as well as on the time of year. (Chapter 8)
  • If you do not already have a passport, apply now! (Chapter 8)
  • If you are a non-U.S. citizen, you need to apply for a B1/B2 visa before leaving your home country. (Chapter 8)
  • Prepare a preliminary résumé/CV highlighting your applicable skills and work experience, along with your special abilities, talents, and interests. (Note: I’ll explain what a CV is in Chapter 10.) A cover letter is optional, but it is a nice touch. And make sure your social media profiles project you as a reliable person to hire. (Chapters 6 and 10)
  • Compile a list of preliminary work references to include with your résumé/CV submissions. (Chapter 10)
  • Have a headshot photo taken of yourself (or use an existing one) to include with your résumé/CV submissions. (Chapter 10)
  • Research the yacht-crew training schools in your chosen hiring port, and find out their respective STCW Basic Safety Training (BST) Course schedules ahead of time. You should plan to arrive in town when courses are being offered and can accommodate you. The same holds true with any optional preparatory classes you plan on taking, such as a specialized stew training course. (Chapter 7)
  • Research yacht-crew housing options in your chosen hiring port, and call ahead to check availability for the date you plan to arrive. Consider booking your initial accommodations once you’ve determined your STCW Basic Safety Training course dates and made your travel arrangements. (Chapter 8)
  • Send preliminary e-mails to the yacht-crew recruitment agencies that you hope to register with before you make your move. Simply introduce yourself, let them know you will be coming in to meet them soon, and tell them your planned arrival date. Consider sending along your résumé/CV in advance, with expected course-completion dates listed. If possible, go ahead and schedule your personal interview. (Chapters 9 and 10)
  • Book that airplane ticket, and move to a hiring port. (Chapter 8)
  • Once you are physically in a hiring port, go meet with the agencies. I recommend registering with a minimum of two crew recruitment agencies to get started. The crew agents will want to interview you when you arrive, so dress the part, and be ready to sell yourself as a serious job candidate. If you haven’t already e-mailed it in advance, hand them your résumé/CV and get their feedback. Make any necessary updates or adjustments that the crew agents suggest. (Chapters 9 and 10)
  • If you have not already done so, enroll in, take, and complete a five-day STCW Basic Safety Training Course from an accredited training school. (Chapter 7)
  • Let the crew recruitment agencies know when you’ve completed your STCW training, and update your résumé/CV accordingly. (Chapter 10)
  • Consider enrolling in a specialized steward/ess training course (highly recommended!) to increase your chances of getting hired fast. Completing this training really can be the deciding factor on whether or not you are offered a position as an entry-level stew. (Chapter 7)
  • Look for day work at local marinas and shipyards in your hiring port. Going boat to boat letting captains and current crew know you are available for work could even lead to a full-time position. This is referred to in the industry as “dockwalking.” Much more on this later. (Chapter 9)
  • Seek out alternative job-finding methods such as classified “crew wanted” ads in the yachting newspapers and trade publications as well as on their websites, public bulletin boards in well-known yachting establishments, and by networking with people in your crew house and at local yachtie hot spots, such as bars and restaurants. Not to worry, I’ll supply that list, too. (Chapter 9)
  • Update your résumé/CV and referral list with all the new training and day-work experiences you accumulate. This includes acquiring and passing along to the crew agents reference letters from captains or supervisors from any yacht that hires you to do day work for a period of three or more days. (Chapters 9 and 10)
  • Keep checking in with the crew agencies as often as possible (which you can do online via their websites and/or their social-media presences), to remind them of your availability and update them on your own efforts to find a job. (Chapter 9)
  • NETWORK, NETWORK, NETWORK! (Chapters 7–10)
  • Take advantage of all interview opportunities that initially come through from the agencies or by other means listed above. (Chapter 10)
  • It may not be the case for everyone, but if you’re able to interview with several yachts before accepting a position, be selective! (Chapter 10)
  • Think overnight before accepting a position. If you are not interested, let the hiring party know as quickly as possible.
  • Accept your first job, and get ready for an extraordinary, life-altering experience! (Chapters 10 and 11)
  • (Because I needed a “z”): Send me an email and let me live vicariously through your adventures at sea!

Please feel free to download Chapter 1 here .

Becoming a crewmember on a luxury yacht is a career move that not only can grow your bank account, but also can enlarge your worldview. It’s about travel, it’s about providing service, and it’s about stepping outside of your comfort zone to become more knowledgeable about the world, its customs, and its diverse people. I know from firsthand experience that when you take on an adventure such as the one offered in this industry, you can discover an entirely new perspective on life.” ~Julie Perry

The Insiders Guide to Becoming a Yacht Stewardess 2nd Edition by Julie Perry Download Chapter 1

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Guide to Becoming a Yacht Stewardess Working on Superyachts

This working on superyachts guide is a authored by Carryn.

Working on superyachts seems glamorous, right? Your office overlooks crystal clear waters and your job involves stepping into the life of the rich and famous.

Not to mention, you get paid a fortune whilst doing so! But, as with most things in life, there’s more to the yachting industry than what meets the eye.

This guide details all the steps to getting a job working on a super yacht and what life is really like as a yacht stewardess — the good, the bad and the ugly!

Table of Contents

Before I Became a Yacht Stewardess

After 6 months working on a superyacht, is it easy to get a job working on superyachts, connections within the yachting industry, other qualities needed to become a yacht stewardess, the salary for a yacht stewardness, 1. do you want to become a yacht stewardess or a deckhand, role of a yacht stewardess working on a super yacht, role of a deckhand, other positions available for working on superyachts, 2. requirements for working on superyachts, 3. where to get a job: the mediterranean or the caribbean, 4. visa requirements for working on superyachts, 5. working on a private yacht vs a chartered yacht, 6. how to land that job as a yacht stewardess, register with yacht crew agencies, networking with other crew and yacht stewardesses, how much does it cost to work on a super yacht, what is life really like working on superyachts, how i got my job working on a superyacht, 1. how much time do you have to get a job, 2. do you believe in yourself, 3. are you ready to work your ass off every single day, how to become a ski instructor almost anywhere in the world, how to be a travel nanny and work as you travel, how to be an au pair in spain + tips for getting a job, how to work abroad & travel the world, how you can work abroad without experience so you can travel longer.

After graduating from college in South Africa, I jumped straight into the working world and started “adulting”.

After 3 months of long, hard work, with very little pay, I decided that I was tired of being broke and living in debt.

In an attempt to see just how versatile my skills were, I quit my job in search of greener pastures on the other side of the world, France. Here, I began what I thought would be a lifelong career as a yacht stewardess. I was intrigued by the idea of working on superyachts, how glamorous it all was and of course the MONEY.

Working as a yacht stewardess changed my life for the better. When I left for France I was a young, naive college graduate who struggled to find a balance between traveling and being financially independent.

6 months later, which is a lot earlier than I’d expected, I decided to throw in the towel. The money I’d made was amazing yet never gave me the job satisfaction I was actually looking for. I returned home with a new-found love for my country, my family and the smaller things in life.

Working on superyachts put my life into perspective.

It was an extremely personal time filled with self-reflection and allowed me to appreciate and value my own personal skills and work ethic.

How to work on a yacht and travel the World.

Working on Superyachts: The Basics

A superyacht is a large luxury boat that’s longer than 24 meters. These yachts are owned by the rich and famous and often make their way between the Caribbean and the Mediterranean waters.

These superyachts need crew to provide them with that 1st class service. And this is where the thousands of yachties come into play.

People often confuse working on superyachts with that of working on cruise ships. No, they are not the same! Working on a superyacht is a far more intimate job. There can be two to twelve guests on board and you’re at their beck and call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

It’s a grueling job that will have you working long hours in confined spaces, but the rewards are far greater than those of the cruise ships.

Yes and no.

The yachting industry is a difficult one to get into, but once you have your foot in the door, you’re guaranteed future work and better positions. However, getting that first job working on a superyacht is the hardest part.

You will struggle to secure a job in advance as most captains and crew agencies want to meet you in person before they hire you. As a result, you need to go to the yachting hubs where you will spend your time job hunting.

Securing a job takes time. For some, it’s a matter of days, but for most, it takes weeks or even months.

How to get a job as a yacht stewardess on a Superyacht.

The saying “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know” never rang so true as it does in the yachting world. If you have connections in the industry, you shouldn’t have a problem getting a job as a yacht stewardess.

The yachting industry is a small one and referrals are the easiest way to land your first job.

Owners want young, good-looking crew running around after them. As a yacht stewardess, your uniform consists of short skirts and tight shirts and you need to look presentable and professional at all times. If you fit this profile of a yacht stewardess, finding a job working on a superyacht will be a lot easier for you.

Your personality and drive also play a huge factor. Captains and owners want outgoing, energetic and friendly crew who will get on well with the rest of the team.

You have very little personal space and whilst conflicts are bound to happen, you will have to master the art of the “smile and walk away” and avoid confrontations with other crew and guests.

So yes, getting a job working on superyachts isn’t easy, but if you have the above points covered, I bet you could get a job!

The starting salary for a yacht stewardess or deckhand is roughly 2,500€ per month. This is with no experience and excludes 10% tips  — which you receive on chartered trips. These tips could quite easily match your base salary. And it’s all tax-free!

You have no rent to pay as you live on board the boat. Your meals are prepared for you by the qualified chef, and you don’t need to purchase any groceries or toiletries.

EVERYTHING is covered. What I saved in 5 months whilst working on superyachts has taken me a full year to make as an English Teacher in Korea !

Working on a yacht as a stewardess is a powerful experience.

Sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it?

How to Work on a Superyacht: 6 Steps

Each of these superyachts needs 6-10 crew who all work together to ensure the smooth running of the luxury vessel. There are many positions available ranging from engineers to chefs but most crew start off as either a yacht stewardess or a deckhand.

As a yacht stewardess or stew, as it’s more commonly referred to, your main tasks are housekeeping and ensuring that the interior of the yacht is properly maintained. You need to provide the highest standards of hospitality and ensure that the guests are taken care of. To put it bluntly, you’re a glorified maid wearing a cute outfit!

Daily Tasks of a Yacht Stewardess

As a yacht stewardess, your daily tasks whilst working on a private yacht include meticulous cleaning of the interior of the boat such as the cabins, toilets and living areas. You’re responsible for all the laundry, ironing as well as flower arranging, and table setting for all meals.

You need to provide a silver service dining experience and make world-class cocktails whenever the guests request. If there are children on board your yacht, you may also be asked to keep them entertained whilst ensuring all your other tasks are completed.

Working Hours

Your days start when the first guest awakes and end when the last guest goes to bed! If they’re out clubbing until 4 am, you’ll have to stay up to welcome them back on board and perhaps serve them drinks upon their return.

There are no free weekends if you’re on charter and you rotate shifts with the other crew, who also work just as hard. Because of this, the hours are long and tiring and if you have demanding guests, you could feel completely broken by the end of it.

The workload and the sort of work changes depending on the season, whether you have guests on board and any maintenance issues.

The deckhand’s position is more geared for men and includes maintaining the exterior of the yacht as well as all the deck equipment. You scrub the boat, top to bottom and it’s a physically demanding role. Tasks include cleaning the engine, painting, and varnishing the deck. You’re in charge of the fenders and ropes as well as the tenders and jet skis.

Perhaps you’re a qualified chef, engineer or beautician. These jobs are also available but with no prior yachting experience, you will struggle to find positions available.

You may want to apply as either a yacht stewardess or deckhand first, and highlight these additional skills in your CV. This is because there are more opportunities for stews and deckhands. Captains will also be reluctant to hire a chef or engineer who’s doesn’t have experience working on superyachts as the demands are different from those of the normal day job.

People happily working on a private yacht.

To find a job working on superyachts, there are a few basic requirements that you need to meet.

STCW stands for Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping for Seafarers. There are 5 modules that need to be completed within this required course. These include:

  • Personal Safety & Social Responsibilities (PSSR)
  • Fire Fighting
  • Personal Survival Techniques (PST)
  • Proficiency in Designated Security Duties (PDSD)

Eng 1 (Seafarer Medical Certificate)

This is an exam to ensure you don’t suffer from any existing medical condition that may deter you from performing your job. You’ll be required to take a urine sample and a doctor will perform a physical exam to ensure you have no issues with your sight or hearing.

Additional Courses to Work on a Superyacht

Once you’ve secured your position, your chief stewardess or captain will conduct proper in-house training to ensure you know how to work on a yacht and complete the tasks to their standards.

The below courses will prepare you for your new job and will add value to your yachting CV, but they are costly and are not a requirement.

  • Stewardess courses where they cover interior care skills, silver service, table setting, cocktail service as well as flower arranging.
  • Food Safety Certificate Level 2 . This certification applies to crew working on MLC compliant yachts. Service personnel such as chefs and yacht stewardesses working out of the galley will need this food hygiene certification.
  • Powerboat Level 2 allows you to ride the tender and is beneficial for deckhands.

There are 2 yachting seasons: The Mediterranean and the Caribbean Season.

Each of these areas has yachting hubs where crew base themselves when looking for work. These towns are filled with aspiring yachties all gunning for the same position. Once the season is complete, your yacht may move to warmer waters or dock in the harbor until the winter season has passed.

The Mediterranean Yachting Season

The yachting season in the Mediterranean starts as early as April where these superyachts start crewing up and the season continues until August. The main hubs to look for work in the Mediterranean include Antibes in France and Palma de Mallorca in Spain.

The Caribbean Yachting Season

The Caribbean season is active all year round with September to March being the busiest months. Ft. Lauderdale in Florida is the main hub which attracts hundreds of crew every year. From here the boats move toward Antigua and St. Maarten in the Caribbean and as well as the Bahamas where guests enjoy the crystal-clear waters and tropical islands.

  • Caribbean: If you’re heading to the United States of America, you’ll need a B1/B2 Visa.
  • Mediterranean: A Schengen visa is required if you are going to France or Spain.
  • Seaman’s Book: Once you find a job working on a super yacht, you need to arrange a seaman’s book. This is recognized as proof that you are working on a yacht and is also a compulsory document when applying for a transit visa.

Superyacht docks

There are two kinds of superyachts: Private yachts and chartered yachts.

Private Yachts

Private yachts are used exclusively by the owner.

In some cases, the owner may use the yacht a few times a season and so the crew will have a more relaxed schedule. But don’t take this for granted. I spent 5 months working on a private yacht and had guests on board every day!

Chartered Yachts

Chartered yachts are hired by groups of people for a shorter duration.

You usually have a day or two to get the yacht ready for each charter. This means that the guests are always changing, and the routes are very busy. However, it’s standard for the crew to receive 10-20% tips from the guests. Not too bad if you ask me!

So you’ve completed your yachting courses and you’ve decided whether you’re going to the Mediterranean or the Caribbean. Flights are booked, and visas have been organized. Now, you need to get a job working on a superyacht.

Find a Crew House for the First Week After Your Arrival

These crew houses are like hostels catering for new yachties. They are slightly more expensive than other accommodation you can find. However, it’s worth staying in a crew house for the first week while you try to find your way around your new surroundings.

If you’re heading to the South of France, I highly recommend “The Crew Grapevine” which is where I started off.

The crew houses are generally a stone’s throw away from the harbor and the staff working there understand the yachting world and will help you find your feet.

The owners of these crew houses are also highly respected in the industry and if you make a good impression, they may put in a good word for you with a captain they know. The crew houses also include free printing which is great when you have to print out hundreds of CVs.

The docks

Reserving Your Spot at a Crew House

These crew houses are extremely popular and because of the uncertainty of the yachting industry, you cannot book your spot in advance. Some people land a job working on a private yacht after 2 days and so they leave the crew house immediately, others only leave after 2 months!

The best way to get into a crew house is to keep in contact with them when you start organizing your trip.

Introduce yourself and let them know your plans. Then, a week before your arrival, mail them each day to see if they have openings available. I received an email confirming my booking the day I landed in France. Talk about cutting it fine!

After your first week, you would know your way around and would have met other yachties. Together you can rent an apartment for the rest of your stay as this is a far more affordable option.

Finding Daywork on a Yacht

Daywork is temporary work on board a superyacht where you help the other crew complete their duties, but you don’t stay on board the boat.

Daywork on a yacht is a great way of earning money and building up your CV whilst looking for a permanent job as a yacht stewardess.

You get paid $100 – $150 for the days’ work and this should be enough to keep you going for a few extra days.

Dock Walking

As the name suggests, dock walking involves walking through the marinas in search of work on a yacht. With a big, friendly smile on your face, you approach the many superyachts and hand your CV over to the crew.

You’ll most likely face rejection as the boats will have crew but hold your head up high and keep going! For tips on how to create the perfect CV, check this post out.

Security at some of these docks has become extremely tight and dock walking is not allowed in some marinas. This is especially true in the US so perhaps you need to look at some of the below options when looking for work on a yacht.

Yachts are interesting locations to work; you’re often plunged into very formal environments, so professionalism is key.

Yacht crew agencies are often the first port of call for captains looking for a yacht stewardess or deckhand. Registering with these crew agencies can be done through an online application where you include your work experience, qualifications, current location and contact details. This is followed by an interview which needs to be done in person.

This is the easiest way to get a job working on superyachts but if you don’t make an impression, they won’t remember you.

Making connections within the industry is of utmost importance when looking for a job as a yacht stewardess. Put yourself out there and find a common interest with other crew you meet. If they like you, they’ll pass your details onto their captains.

But of course, be aware that every new yachtie is looking to make these connections. You need to stand out from the rest and avoid hanging out in spots that only attract new crew.

Sailing in Greece on a group trip

Getting a job as a yacht stewardess can take days, weeks and even months. However, I firmly believe that this is dependent on the individual. I’ve met people who’ve invested all the time and money into working on superyachts and after a few months, they’ve had to return home as they were unsuccessful in finding a job and so their funds ran dry.

The competition is strong and when you’re at these yachting hubs, you may feel overwhelmed by the number of newbies in the industry. But, your luck can change in an instant.

Getting into the yachting industry is not cheap as your initial expenses are NOT covered. You need to support yourself financially until you get a job working on a superyacht. It’s a big investment, but one that you can pay back within your first month of work.

Cost for these courses vary between countries and all amounts below are estimates.

These expenses include the following:

  • STCW: $600-$1,200 for the 5 courses ($900 average)
  • ENG1 Medical: $80
  • Flights to the yachting hubs in the Mediterranean or Caribbean: $1,000
  • Visa: $60-$120
  • Accommodation for your first week: $275
  • Meals for your first week: $200
  • Additional expenses: $100
  • Total expense = $2,645

Bearing in mind that it can take weeks, if not months to find a job, your cost for food and accommodation could be considerably higher.

Your first season working on a superyacht will always be tough. Because you have no experience, you’ll most likely take the first job you can find as beggars can’t be choosers. You won’t really know what you’ve signed up for until you start working.

You’re the junior stewardess and everyone else has put in the hours and earned their stripes, now it’s your turn!

You may work a bit longer than the rest, you’ll be put in the laundry room and spend the entire day ironing and you’ll be the one waking up early. You’ll travel to exotic locations with the most stunning scenery. But you’ll only enjoy these views from the portholes of the cabins as there’s cleaning to be done.

But after you have one season under your belt, you’ll have more connections and can pick and choose what sort of yacht you want to work on. You will be able to find out which boats have easier guests and schedules and you won’t need to jump at the first job offer you get.

RELATED: 10 Jobs Abroad With Accommodation (& Without Experience!)

I started my yachting career in Antibes, France. After 3 days of dock walking, I was feeling extremely unmotivated by the sheer amount of crew looking for work.

I had invested so much time and money into getting to France, and financially I only had 2 weeks to find work before I was broke!

It was a beautiful sunny day and a lot of people were going to the beach to relax after a busy week of dock walking. I was torn between taking the morning off or continuing my search for work as a yacht stewardess. Reluctantly, I decided to first go to a few crew agencies and see if I could chat with one of their staff.

I must have made a good impression because two hours later I received a phone call for an interview with a captain. After a successful chat, I accepted the position and a few hours later I was on a train to Italy to start my career as a yacht stewardess working on a private yacht.

How to travel the World and get paid as yacht stewardess.

Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Commit to Working on Superyachts

It’s important to put pressure on yourself and set deadlines. Financially I only had two weeks to support myself. This was cutting it fine, but I feel that this pressure is what lead to me finding a job after only 4 days.

You’ll face rejection but will need to keep pushing through in order to secure a job. You’ll also have to justify the initial investment and if you don’t believe that you can cut it in the yachting industry, then perhaps you need to look for something less risky

Some days I worked for up to 18 hours and had very little sleep. My nails and fingers were scarred with blisters and cuts from washing so many crystal glasses. My skin went bad from not seeing the sun, and my legs were developing varicose veins from standing up all day.

But my crew were amazing. We all worked equally hard and supported each other on the difficult days. You might be lucky and find a sweet job with an easy schedule, however, prepare for the worst but this will only make you stronger.

In the end, my experience and the money I made was totally worth it. Think long and hard if you think you’re up for this kind of lifestyle. There are some that stick around and end up with great jobs who get extra tips and even flights to whatever country they want. It’s a fabulous job if you think you’re game for the challenges that come with it.

More Jobs Abroad

stewardess yacht cosa fa

Do you have what it takes to work on a superyacht? Do you want to become a yacht stewardess? Let us know in the comments!

>>> Bio

Hey, I’m Carryn! I’m a nature enthusiast and passionate explorer who loves hiking, diving, and adventuring through new countries. My travels have taken me from the peaks of Kilimanjaro to the underwater worlds of Indonesia and have lead me to Korea where I am teaching English. I share my travel stories on my blog, Torn Tackies , where I aim to inspire people to step out of their comfort zone and explore the world that surrounds them.

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Guide to Becoming a Yacht Stewardess Working on Superyachts

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Nina Ragusa is an adventurer, messy bun master, breakfast fan, and full-time travel blogger. She's been abroad since 2011 and blogging on Where in the World is Nina? for nearly as long. Nina helps people like you move around the world while making money. She loves talking about how to work abroad and online to travel longer! Read more about Nina

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Hi Nina, thank you so much for the information. I’m looking at doing my course (again) in November. Unfortunately I didn’t pursue the yachting industry the first time I did my course as I started working on the ships. But your insight has really motivated me to try again, so thank you.

Thank you Nina for sharing your info and guiding us, i do have a question though, i am a type one diabetic, and really want to work on a yacht, i am already currently in the Hospitality industry. Do you know whether type one diabetics are allowed to work on yachts?

Great info ! Thank you so much for sharing your experience, I’m looking forward to become a stewardess, I have a question: for working in the Mediterranean Sea it doesn’t matter which Schengen visa? I might have the chance chance to do a German visa, would that work? Thank you again J+

Thank you, Nina! I am heading to Antibes on May 1st to find my first yacht job and I am super excited! I’m always reading online and checking out any information I can in order to prepare, so this blog was a prize to find as it is loaded with fantastic info!

Hope you’re having a fantastic day, wish me luck!

Yes! The best of luck 🙂

Hi nina i have already documents f Seaman book and passport Eng1, food safety and level hygiene level 2

Stcw Sdsd My probllem is only the visa i want to earn already

Can you tell me whats lacking ,

How is the procedure in landing yachts ?

I think sometimes that when i travel my own expense in goin ‘

Like france

I think its too expensive

Or i think in mind that when i applied in us embassy here in philjppines for b1b2 visa

W/out a company yet is hard for me

Coz.i didnt travel yet in any location overseas I have first in mind that i justonly denied for that

Pls can you help me my dear ffriend Can you pls.humbly assist me in my dream career I am a greenie and recently took my iyt yacht card here in manila philippines

Its been an honor to have an indtrument /way like you

On helping othera like me

I want t hear your quick Humbly help my friend

Thank you so much Nina for all of this information! You’ve made me more excited to start my yachting career. I am heading to Phuket next month to take my STCW + Stewardess course, then am hoping to head over to Antibes after to start looking for work by March 🙂

That sounds SO exciting! Have fun 🙂

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Become a Superyacht Steward/ess

  • Begin a career on a Superyacht
  • Career paths
  • Become a Steward/ess on a Superyacht

Become a Steward or Stewardess on a Superyacht.

A perfect way to combine work and travel – and you’ll get to spend your time in the sunshine and in some of the most beautiful places in the world.

The Superyacht industry is constantly on the lookout for energetic, hardworking people, male or female, to provide guests and owners with the ultimate holiday experience.

Read on to discover answers to some of the most common questions we’re asked about being a Stewardess on a superyacht…

What qualifications do I need to work on a Superyacht?

  • ENG1 medical required by all crew who work at sea. If you are thinking of becoming a Superyacht Steward/ess, then we recommend you complete the ENG1 medical before completing Step 2.
  • STCW Basic Safety Training Course  is a set of compulsory qualifications required by all crew who work at sea. You will complete a Sea Survival course, First Aid, Fire Fighting (great fun), and topics on Health and Safety, and Security.
  • Get some experience . If you have hospitality experience or you have worked as a Nanny, Beautician, Hairdresser or Air Steward/ess, to name a few, then this will look great on your CV.

How do I get a job on a yacht with no experience?

It’s true that you don’t have to have worked on a yacht to start your career as a Steward/ess (apart from the compulsory qualifications mentioned above!).

Like any new career, though, it is a good idea to get some training in the basics so you can hold your own onboard. All yachts run slightly differently so one size does not fit all. To increase your chances of finding a job the more experience you can get the better.

The more experience you can offer the yacht, the better. So, if you don’t have any transferable skills,  then Flying Fish can help .

How do I find work on a Superyacht?

There are three ways crew find a job.

  • Most crew travel to Antibes, France described as the hub of yachting in the Mediterranean.
  • Online, we talk a bit more about “going online” below.
  • Contacts. If you know somebody that is already working on a Superyacht then through their connections it is possible to find work.

Almost everybody that is looking for a job on a Superyacht travels to Antibes, France. On arrival, crew tend to stay in a crew house such as the  Crew Grapevine  used as a base to look for work.

If budget is a concern then crew join forces and rent an Airbnb between them. The advantage of a crew house like the Crew Grapevine is that the owners (ex-yachties) actively help you find a job.

The way you find a job on a Superyacht is quite unique. From your base in Antibes, you would travel to other ports in the local area, walk the dock and chat to the crew working onboard to see if there are any positions available.

Superyacht crew who have the evening off will go to the local bars to unwind. This is the perfect chance to get to know people that are working on Superyachts and to build connections in the industry.

Learn more about it here

Go online to look for work

All Superyacht recruitment agents post positions on their respective websites. Once qualified, new crew would register with the agency and complete their registration form. You would then get in touch with the agent to start searching for that dream job.

The recruitment agent’s job is to match the right candidate for the job being advertised. There are many recruitments agents out there, a quick Google search for “ Superyacht Recruitment Agents ” will bring up a list.

Facebook is another medium that yachts use to post jobs. To keep up to date is it worth joining a couple of the Superyacht Facebook groups. Yacht crew jobs and Palma yacht group are two examples.

Amelia, who trained with Flying Fish in 2020, gave some good advice:

“Sign up to a few good recruitment companies, make sure you interview with the recruiter first rather than using Facebook. Second, when you have your interview, make sure you ask questions about the yacht. This is because you are not only finding a job but a home and family too, so ask as many questions as possible to make sure it’s the right yacht for you.”

How long does it take to find work as a Steward/ess on a Superyacht?

Over the 12 years that we have been running  Steward and Stewardess courses, most find a job between one to four weeks. We have had customers that have found a job in a day and others that have taken six weeks to find that perfect job.

The time it takes to find a job is down to you. You will need to be proactive, up early, and make sure you are at the front of the queue. From our experience, people who work hard and explore every opportunity will find a job quickly.

Every Chief Stew that calls us for a reference asks the same questions – does the candidate have a  good attitude ? You need to be hard-working, happy to work long hours, and used to mucking in. Have a can-do attitude and a willingness to go that extra mile to help your fellow crew mates.

When’s the best time to look Steward/ess Superyacht work?

Traditionally Superyachts recruit for the Mediterranean season anytime between February to May. That being said, yachts recruit all year round. We have seen many graduates find work in July and August when the season is in full swing.

The next key recruitment period is between September and November as yachts prepare for the Caribbean season. Yachts will cross the Atlantic anytime between December and January to cruise the Caribbean or the US for the winter.

Superyacht crew who have had a busy Mediterranean season may decide to take the winter off, which leaves opportunities for new crew to enter the industry.

How much money does a Steward/ess typically make?

A Steward/ess starting out in the industry can expect to earn €2,000 to €3,500 per month – almost all crew paid in Euros. The salary can depend on many factors, the main one being the yacht’s “crew budget.”

The owner or management company will agree on a budget that the Captain uses to hire crew, which can lead to small variations in the amount yachts pay their crew.

Your salary can also depend on whether you work on a Charter or Private yacht. It is customary for charter guests to tip the crew, the tip is normally around 10% of the charter fee. Chartering a Superyacht can set you back anywhere from €250,000 to €1 million per week.

Tips are split evenly amongst the crew and on average, can be anything from €2,000 – €5,000 per charter.

Is my salary tax-free?

As a crew member (or Seafarer) working on a Superyacht, it is likely that you will be out of the Uk for a significant about of time. Spend more than half of the year abroad then you fall under a specific piece of legislation called the Seafarers Earning Deduction Scheme. As a basic principle, if you are out of the UK for more than 183 days then there is no income tax on income (including tips) from the yacht.

UK Seafarers are required to complete a self assessment tax return each year. Flying Fish are registered tax agents and offer a Seafarers tax service to the yachting industry. We work with hundreds of customers to insure that their Self Assessment tax returns are completed on time.

What is it like working on a Superyacht?

All Superyacht crew work, eat, and sleep onboard. The yacht will become your home, and all meals are provided while onboard. Your contract will specify your duties, salary, working hours, and holiday. The yacht will supply your uniform and provide further training if necessary.

Superyacht crew will be comfortable with being away from their friends and family for long periods of time. For your first job, expect to be away from home for an extended period, which may be six months or more.

There are various roles within the Interior department; Laundry, Service, and Housekeeping. Depending on the size of the yacht will depend on what your role is onboard. For example, large yachts will have a dedicated laundry team, while for a small yacht (35-40M), the Stewardess will do all three.

During a normal week, when there are no guests onboard, you are likely to work five days a week, with weekends off. The structure of your working week will differ from yacht to yacht, but there will be time off to explore and have some well-earned downtime.

What’s a typical working day like for a Steward/ess?

Your working day will typically start at 8:00 am and finish at 6:00 pm, usually six days a week. When on charter, or if the owners are onboard, your work hours will differ. Unsociable hours are common when guests are onboard.

What are the cabin arrangments ?

You will share a cabin with another Stewardess. The cabins are small but comfortable with an ensuite bathroom. There is access to the internet via that yacht’s Wi-Fi system, so you’ll be able to keep in touch with friends and family at home.

 Can I make a career in yachting?

Yes, and many have! Becoming a Superyacht Stewardess can be a career, and what an amazing career it can be. Every Stewardess starts out as a Junior Stew; then, as you gain time and experience onboard you can progress to 2nd Stew, then Chief Stew.

The chief Stew runs the entire interior team, manages the budget, and will be the first point of contact for the guests and owners – not an easy role.

Some yachts will employ  a Purser , which can be best described as the PA to the Superyacht.

Not only is there progression, but becoming a Superyacht Steward/ess offers the travel and adventure we all seek. You will meet some of the world’s rich and famous and make some friends for life.

So, how do I become a Steward/ess on a Superyacht?

This is where we come in. Flying Fish run a two-week Superyacht Steward/ess course that includes all the qualifications and skills you need to get started in the industry. Everything from the STCW Basic Safety Training to our specialised Interior programme, run by an ex-chief Stewardess.

The course is great fun; you will learn loads of new skills and meet like-minded people who, like you, are thinking about a different career path.

Superyacht Steward/Stewardess Course

Become a steward or stewardess on a superyacht.

Becoming a Superyacht Steward or Stewardess is the perfect way to combine work and travel.

The course is suitable for complete beginners or those with experience who are looking to work as a Steward or Stewardess on a Superyacht.

Want to find out more?

Contact our team at Flying Fish today for information on our Superyacht Steward/ess course, life as a Stewardess, qualification advice and much more!

Alternatively, click on our Superyacht Steward/ess course below and kick start your new career today!

The ultimate guide to working on Superyachts

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The North Ossetia - Alania Republic, Russia

The capital city of North Ossetia republic: Vladikavkaz .

The North Ossetia - Alania Republic - Overview

The Republic of North Ossetia - Alania is a federal subject of Russia located on the northern slope of the Greater Caucasus, part of the North Caucasian Federal District. Vladikavkaz is the capital city of the region.

The population of the North Ossetia - Alania Republic is about 688,100 (2022), the area - 7,987 sq. km.

North Ossetia republic flag

North ossetia republic coat of arms.

North Ossetia republic coat of arms

North Ossetia republic anthem

North ossetia republic map, russia, north ossetia republic latest news and posts from our blog:.

13 April, 2021 / Mountain Landscapes of the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania .

6 October, 2020 / The City of the Dead in Dargavs .

26 June, 2018 / Beauty of Mountainous Digoria in North Ossetia .

28 May, 2016 / Stunning nature of the Caucasus - climbing Stolovaya Mountain .

History of the North Ossetia - Alania Republic

From the first millennium BC, Koban culture was spread on the territory of present North Ossetia. It was named after the village of Koban located in Tagaur canyon, where ancient archaeological monuments were found. Since the 7th century BC, the Scythian tribes began to settle in the Central Caucasus.

Koban population assimilated among the Scythians and then the Sarmatians, some of whom switched to a settled agricultural economy. By the 2nd century AD, the Sarmatians of South-Eastern Europe and Central Asia united under a new name - the Alans. Like the Scythians, the Alans used Derbent pass and the passes of the Greater Caucasus for their raids.

In 372, the nomadic tribes of the Huns invaded Europe from Central Asia. This invasion was the reason of migration of the Alans to the most inaccessible mountain areas on both slopes of the Greater Caucasus mountain range. In the 6th-7th centuries, Alania was again a relatively powerful state with a dense network of well-fortified settlements, developed agriculture, trade and crafts. At the beginning of the 10th century, Orthodoxy became the state religion in Alania.

In the 12th century, Alania experienced the feudal period and was divided into principalities fighting against each other. They were unable to unite against the Mongols who invaded the region in the 13th century. In 1222, the Mongolian army defeated the Alanian army. In January 1239, after a three-month siege, the Alanian capital of Magas was captured. The Mongols ravaged the plain part of the country, but the resistance continued in the mountain areas.

More Historical Facts…

The final blow in a series of tragic events of the 13th-14th centuries was the invasion of the troops of Tamerlane in 1395. Almost all of the Alans were killed, the state of the Alans collapsed. The survivors took refuge in the mountains where they mingled with the local population of other language group and later became known as the Ossetians.

In the 15th-17th centuries, the Ossetians fought for survival in extremely cramped conditions of the mountains (the plain was occupied by Adygeyan tribes). In the 18th century, the Ossetians were in need for resettlement on the plane because of the extreme shortage of land. Ossetia was also important for Russia, as the region that controlled the strategic passes in the Caucasus.

In 1774, the territory of North Ossetia was among the first regions in the North Caucasus, which joined the Russian Empire. Vladikavkaz, founded in 1784, became the first Russian fortress in the area. In the 19th century, the Ossetians migrated from the mountains to the plains and outskirts of Mozdok.

In Soviet times, Ossetia was divided into two parts. The part north of the Caucasian ridge came under the jurisdiction of the RSFSR (present Russian Federation), the part to the south came under control of the Georgian SSR. In 1921, Ossetia became part of Gorskaya Soviet Republic. It received the status of an autonomous oblast in 1924. In 1936, it was reformed into North Ossetian Soviet Socialist Republic.

During the Second World War, fierce battles took place on the territory of the republic, the northern and western parts of North Ossetia were occupied by the Germans. In November, 1942, the German advance was stopped near Ordzhonikidze (Vladikavkaz). About 85,000 people were drafted into the Soviet Army in the republic and almost 45,000 of them were killed.

During the war, the territory inhabited by the Ingush, who were deported for “collaboration” with the Germans, was joined to North Ossetia. Empty villages were inhabited by the Ossetians from North Ossetia, the South Ossetian Autonomous District and inner districts of the Georgian SSR.

The Ingush, who returned home in the 1950s, were given back part of their former territory. Instead of Prigorodny district, which then belonged to North Ossetia, they received the land taken from Stavropol krai. But the Ingush demanded that the eastern part of Prigorodny district should be returned to them. In 1992, an armed conflict broke out because of territorial disputes.

In 1993, the region received a new name - the Republic of North Ossetia. In January 1995, it received its present name - the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania.

In the 1990s and in the early 21st century, several major terrorist attacks occurred on the territory of the republic related to the wars in Chechnya including the taking of hostages in the school #1 in Beslan in 2004. This terrorist act led to serious political consequences not only for the republic but also for Russia in general (the system of election of regional governors was abolished).

North Ossetia - Features

The territory of the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania stretches from north to south for 120 km, from west to east - 125 km. The highest peak is Mount Kazbek (5,033 meters). The Terek is the main river.

It is one of the most densely populated Russian regions. About half of the population lives in Vladikavkaz. The largest cities and towns are Vladikavkaz (298,800), Mozdok (41,000), Beslan (37,300), Alagir (19,400), Ardon (19,200). The national composition according to the 2010 census: Ossetians (64.5%), Russians (20.6%), Ingush (4.0%), Armenians (2.3%), Kumyks (2.3%), Georgians (1.3%).

The climate is moderately continental in the central part and foothills. The average temperature in January is about minus 3.2 degrees Celsius, in July - plus 20.4 degrees Celsius. The natural resources of the region include complex ores containing zinc, lead, copper, silver, dolomites, mineral water springs. Also there are several oil deposits. Forests cover about 22% of the territory.

The main industries of the republic are non-ferrous metallurgy, machine-building, mining (non-ferrous ores, construction materials), electronics, light, glass, food. Several large plants producing spirits are located in Vladikavkaz and Beslan.

Two main highways (Georgian Military Road and Transkam) pass through the territory of North Ossetia connecting Russia with the South Caucasus countries and the Middle East.

Tourism in North Ossetia - Alania

Since the middle of the 19th century, Ossetia was positioned as one of the tourist centers in the North Caucasus. The Soviet period was the next milestone in the development of a recreational complex of the republic. By the early 1990s, spa treatment and tourist-excursion services became an important part of the local economy.

Today, North Ossetia may serve as a basis for the creation of a large health resort agglomeration, comparable to well-known Sochi-Matsesta and the Caucasian Mineral Waters regions.

The geographical location of the republic allows to organize year-round ski resorts. In addition to traditional forms of recreation, there is great potential for the development of extreme forms of recreation, agricultural and ecological tourism. North Ossetian State Nature Reserve is located in the upper reaches of the Tsey, Ardon and Fiagdon rivers.

The rich historical heritage of North Ossetia is of great value. The republic has more than 1,500 historical and cultural monuments. Vladikavkaz trams are one of the oldest tram systems in Russia (1904).

North Ossetia republic of Russia photos

The beauty of the mountainous north ossetia - alania.

Mountain valley in North Ossetia

Mountain valley in North Ossetia

Author: Dmitry Zhmakin

The North Ossetia Republic scenery

The North Ossetia Republic scenery

Author: Ivan Diakonenko

Skiing in the North Ossetia Republic

Skiing in the North Ossetia Republic

Author: Yegorin Sergey

North Ossetia - Alania scenery

Horses in the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania

Horses in the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania

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  1. Come Diventare una Hostess e Steward per Mega-Yacht di Lusso

    Cosa fa una Hostess ed uno Steward di Super-Yacht e Mega-Yacht. Prima di tutto, vediamo cosa vuol dire lavorare come una Hostess o Steward su uno Yacht di Lusso.. Sentiamo spesso, sopratutto dai candidati senza alcuna esperienza, che fare la Hostess o lo Steward su un Super-Yacht o Mega-Yacht Privato è come lavorare su una nave da crociera.. Niente di più lontano e sbagliato!

  2. What is a Yacht Stewardess

    What is a Yacht Stewardess. A Superyacht Stewardess job (yacht stew) is an entry-level position to working onboard a Superyacht. A Yacht stewardess is responsible for the maintenance of the interior of the superyacht and providing the highest standard оf hоѕрitаlitу аnd ѕеrviсе in line with the owners and guests expectations.

  3. Yacht Steward/ess Crew Position

    Experience in five-star establishments (i.e. Michelin star restaurant, fine hotel) Wine certification. Tender driving certification. Limited computer skills. Yacht Steward or Stewardess have 0 - 3 years experience and are responsible for interior cleaning and maintenance. They earn $30K-38K based on yacht size & experience.

  4. Yacht Stewardess Duties

    3. Adapting and Growing: Remember, your initial choice doesn't have to be your forever path. The yachting industry offers room for growth and change. You might start in one role and discover a passion for another area as you gain experience. Be open to learning, adapting, and evolving your career path as you go. 4.

  5. The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Yacht Stewardess: How to Get the Job

    Step 2: Obtain the Necessary Certifications and Training. To become a yacht stewardess, you need to have a basic understanding of maritime safety procedures and first aid. You can obtain this knowledge by taking the following courses: STCW (Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping) Basic Safety Training. Personal Survival Techniques.

  6. How to Kickstart Your Career as a Yacht Stewardess

    4.1 Dress the Part. First impressions matter, so dress professionally and appropriately for your yacht stewardess interview. Opt for a tidy hairstyle, light makeup, and a polished appearance. Wear a polo shirt paired with a skirt, skort, or shorts in navy, black, or beige.

  7. How To Become A Stewardess On A Superyacht: A Guide

    To be considered for a stewardess position, candidates must have certain qualifications. A high school diploma or equivalent is required, and many employers prefer candidates with a college degree. Candidates should also have a valid passport, a seafarer's medical certificate, and a basic safety training certificate.

  8. How Do You Become a Stewardess/Steward On a Yacht?

    Serving as an essential crew member on a high-end leisure yacht, a yacht stewardess/steward, plays a pivotal role in enhancing the onboard experience for guests. Responsibilities encompass a wide range of tasks aimed at ensuring guest comfort, including but not limited to, meal preparation, serving beverages and food, upkeeping the yacht's ...

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    Recommended Courses if You want to Become a Yacht Stewardess / Steward. 3. Create the Perfect Yacht CV. 4. Apply for your Visa if Necessary. 5. Locate Yourself in the Right Place at the Right Time. 6. Day Working and Dock Walking for a Yacht Stewardess / Steward.

  10. How to Become a Yacht Stewardess: Everything You Need to Know About the

    If you want to land a job as a stewardess, you will need to take some short courses that ensure safety and good service on the yacht. If you are looking for an entry-level position, then you will take the most standard courses, while those looking to become a chief stewardess will have to go back to school for further certifications.

  11. YachtieCareers

    Step 5 - Daywork and experience. Step 6 - Get the right Yachtie Network and Contacts. Step 7 - Get a Strong Superyacht Reference. Step 8 - Start applying for our Superyacht jobs. Step 9 - Ace your job interviews with your coach. Step 10 - Get a job, bank account and sign contract Claim your Yachtie Careers Deckhand and Stewardess offer.

  12. Yacht Stewardess Requirements: What You Need to Get Hired

    excellent communication skills. ability to work well under pressure. strong organisational skills. adaptability and flexibility. problem-solving abilities. teamwork and collaboration. Having the right skillset is crucial for a superyacht stewardess to succeed in their career and to climb the ladder of success.

  13. How To Become A Yacht Stewardess

    Interior Maintenance - Yacht stewardesses are responsible for maintaining the cleanliness and orderliness of the interior spaces, including cabins, salons, and dining areas. This involves daily cleaning, laundry services, and restocking of amenities. Guest Services - Providing personalized guest services is a crucial aspect of a yacht stewardess's role.

  14. How to Become a Stewardess on a Private Yacht in 2024

    Steps to Becoming a Yacht Stewardess. Here are the steps you can take to become a yacht stewardess: Gain relevant experience: Start by working in hospitality or customer service roles to develop the necessary skills. Get certified: Consider getting a certification from a recognized yachting authority, such as the Professional Yachting ...

  15. How to Get a Job as a Yacht Stewardess

    Top Tips For Working as a Stewardess. On larger yachts, the chief stew will provide his or her team with a checklist of duties to perform for each shift. "The routine will generally be the same," says Chief Stewardess Tracey Bamforth. "You will be allocated a shift, shift duties, and shift expectations. You will wake up and dress in your ...

  16. How to Become a Yacht Stewardess: Beginner's Guide

    How to Find a Job as a Yacht Stewardess. Travel to a yachting hub. To get a job on a yacht, you need to go where the yachts are. The major spots people dock yachts/hire for yacht work are Antibes, Fort Lauderdale, and Palma de Mallorca. Once you've arrived, talk to locals, wander the docks, and see if there are any positions open.

  17. How to become a yacht stewardess? The fundamentals of the job

    A stewardess (or hostess) on a yacht is a person in charge of the reception and comfort of the passengers on board, whether it is a yacht, a sailboat, a cruise ship or any other type of boat. The word comes from the Latin "hospes", which means "host" or "guest". Over time, the meaning of the word "hospes" has evolved to also ...

  18. How to Become a Yacht Stewardess: The A-to-Z Quick Start Guide

    The first edition of her book, "The Insiders' Guide to Becoming a Yacht Stewardess," has been a must-read guide for yacht crew since 2006. With the release of her updated, second edition, Julie hopes to continue to help wannabe "yachties" get into this awe-inspiring industry—if not simply entertain those intrigued by such a career path.

  19. Guide to Becoming a Yacht Stewardess Working on Superyachts

    4. Visa Requirements for Working on Superyachts. Caribbean: If you're heading to the United States of America, you'll need a B1/B2 Visa. Mediterranean: A Schengen visa is required if you are going to France or Spain. Seaman's Book: Once you find a job working on a super yacht, you need to arrange a seaman's book.

  20. Become a Steward/ess on a Superyacht

    ENG1 medical required by all crew who work at sea. If you are thinking of becoming a Superyacht Steward/ess, then we recommend you complete the ENG1 medical before completing Step 2. STCW Basic Safety Training Course is a set of compulsory qualifications required by all crew who work at sea. You will complete a Sea Survival course, First Aid ...

  21. Vladikavkaz Tourism: All You Need to Know Before You Go (2024)

    Vladikavkaz Tourism: Tripadvisor has 4,438 reviews of Vladikavkaz Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Vladikavkaz Tourism resource.

  22. How to Become a Stewardess on a Yacht (Plus Skills)

    The following steps explain how to become a stewardess on a yacht: 1. Consider taking a yachting or super yacht course. Gaining a specific yachting or super yacht qualification can significantly improve your chances of securing a position as a yacht attendant. These specialised courses provide a comprehensive overview of the skills and ...

  23. The North Ossetia

    The territory of the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania stretches from north to south for 120 km, from west to east - 125 km. The highest peak is Mount Kazbek (5,033 meters). The Terek is the main river. It is one of the most densely populated Russian regions. About half of the population lives in Vladikavkaz.