Il misterioso proprietario del mega yacht Seven Seas: ecco chi è!

Benvenuti a questo articolo dedicato ai proprietari di yacht Seven Seas! Il mondo degli yacht e delle navi di lusso è un settore in costante evoluzione, che attira sempre più persone interessate ad acquistare una barca da diporto o a noleggiare una per le proprie vacanze. Tra i brand più prestigiosi e desiderati, Seven Seas si posiziona tra i primi, offrendo imbarcazioni di alta qualità e capaci di soddisfare le esigenze dei clienti più esigenti. In questo articolo, vi accompagneremo alla scoperta delle caratteristiche principali delle navi Seven Seas, analizzando le opzioni disponibili per i proprietari e fornendo consigli utili per il loro mantenimento e miglioramento. Siamo pronti a salpare verso il mondo della navigazione di lusso? Allora mettiamoci comodi e partiamo alla scoperta dei segreti di Seven Seas.

  • 1) Risparmio sui costi: possedere una barca è una spesa costante, dalla manutenzione al carburante, alle tasse. Affittare una barca come Seven Seas Yacht permette di godere degli stessi lussi senza dover sostenere tutti i costi legati alla proprietà, che possono anche essere imprevisti e onerosi.
  • 2) Flessibilità e varietà: affittare una barca come Seven Seas Yacht offre la possibilità di scegliere una vasta gamma di imbarcazioni disponibili per affitto, in diverse destinazioni e con diversi requisiti o attrezzature. Inoltre, essendo un affitto, è possibile scegliere il periodo di noleggio e personalizzare il viaggio secondo le proprie esigenze, senza dover preoccuparsi delle questioni legate alla proprietà della barca.
  • Costi elevati: Acquistare e gestire un Seven Seas Yacht comporta costi elevati. Il prezzo di acquisto iniziale per un yacht di lusso è di solito molto elevato, ed è necessario considerare anche i costi di manutenzione, riparazione, assicurazione e varie altre spese correlate alla proprietà di una barca di questa portata.
  • Impegno di tempo: Proprietari di Seven Seas Yacht devono impegnare notevoli quantità di tempo per gestire e mantenere l’imbarcazione. Per godere dei benefici di possedere un yacht di lusso, i proprietari devono partecipare alla pianificazione di viaggi, alla prenotazione di ormeggi e alla preparazione della barca per l’uso. Ciò richiede tempo e impegno, che potrebbero costituire un impedimento per coloro che cercano di massimizzare il proprio tempo libero.

Qual è il nome del proprietario dello yacht più grande del mondo?

Il proprietario dello yacht più grande del mondo è il sovrano e politico emiratino Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, il cui gigante dei mari si estende per 180 metri. Si tratta di un’impressionante dimostrazione di lusso e potere, considerando che il yacht è stato acquistato per circa 500 milioni di euro.

L’emiratino Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan possiede lo yacht più grande del mondo, un’imponente dimostrazione di lusso e potere che si estende per 180 metri e che è stato acquistato per circa 500 milioni di euro.

Qual è lo yacht più veloce del mondo?

Il titolo di yacht più veloce al mondo va al World Is Not Enough. Costruito nel 2004 da Millennuim Superyachts, questo superyacht da 42 metri è dotato di quattro potenti motori che gli consentono di raggiungere una velocità massima di 70 nodi. Questo record lo rende lo yacht più veloce mai costruito fino ad oggi. Una garanzia per chi cerca una vita veloce e lussuosa in mare aperto.

Il World Is Not Enough di Millennuim Superyachts è il superyacht più veloce mai costruito, con una velocità massima di 70 nodi. Grazie ai suoi quattro potenti motori, questo yacht da 42 metri garantisce un’esperienza di navigazione veloce e lussuosa.

Qual è il prezzo di Lady Moura?

Secondo fonti affidabili, il prezzo d’acquisto per la celebre imbarcazione Lady Moura si aggira intorno ai 125 milioni di euro. Costruita nel lontano 1990 presso il cantiere navale di Amburgo Blohm & Voss, la Lady Moura è una delle imbarcazioni più iconiche al mondo, ammirata per la sua imprescindibile bellezza e raffinatezza. Nonostante la cifra astronomicamente elevata, il proprietario non dovrebbe avere avuto alcun problema ad acquistare questa meraviglia navale affascinante.

La Lady Moura, notevole per la sua eleganza, è stata costruita nel 1990 dal Blohm & Voss. Secondo fonti, la nave è stata venduta a un prezzo di circa 125 milioni di euro, facendone una delle imbarcazioni più costose mai vendute. Nonostante il prezzo elevato, il proprietario affascinato dalla bellezza della nave, non avrà avuto problemi a effettuare l’acquisto.

Il proprietaio del Seven Seas Yacht: una storia di successo e lusso

Il proprietario del Seven Seas Yacht, Steven Spielberg, è un regista di successo che ha guadagnato una fortuna con i suoi film di successo. Con una lunghezza di 86 metri, il suo yacht è stato costruito dal cantiere navale olandese Oceanco e presenta numerosi servizi di lusso, tra cui una piscina a sfioro, una sala cinema e un beach club. Il yacht può ospitare fino a 12 persone e ha una squadra di 26 membri per offrire un’esperienza di crociera senza precedenti. Il Seven Seas Yacht è una dimostrazione di lusso e stile di vita, che riflette il successo e la raffinatezza del suo proprietario.

Lo yacht Seven Seas, di proprietà del regista Steven Spielberg, offre un’esperienza di crociera di lusso senza pari, dotato di numerosi servizi tra cui una piscina a sfioro e una sala cinema. Costruito dalla Oceanco, il yacht di 86 metri di lunghezza è una dimostrazione di raffinatezza e successo.

Il dietro le quinte del Seven Seas Yacht: alla scoperta del proprietario

Il Seven Seas Yacht è uno dei più grandi e lussuosi yacht al mondo, con una lunghezza di oltre 90 metri. Il proprietario del Seven Seas è il miliardario Steven Spielberg, famoso regista di film come E.T. l’extra-terrestre e Indiana Jones. Spielberg ha speso circa 200 milioni di dollari per acquistare e personalizzare il suo yacht, che dispone di una palestra, una piscina a sfioro, un’ampia sala cinema e una sala da pranzo per 12 persone. Il Seven Seas può ospitare fino a 12 ospiti e 26 membri dell’equipaggio.

Il Seven Seas Yacht, di proprietà di Steven Spielberg, è uno dei più grandi e costosi yacht al mondo. Con una lunghezza di oltre 90 metri, dispone di molte lussuose caratteristiche come una piscina a sfioro e una sala cinema. Può ospitare fino a 12 ospiti e 26 membri dell’equipaggio.

Seven Seas Yacht e il suo proprietario: tra sfarzo e innovazione tecnologica

Il proprietario di Seven Seas Yacht, Steven Spielberg, ha creato una delle navi più straordinarie del mondo. La yacht da 282 piedi dispone di una vasta gamma di tecnologie all’avanguardia, tra cui una piattaforma per elicotteri, un sistema di stabilizzazione attiva, una piscina a sfioro in vetroresina e persino un teatro all’aperto. Il design dell’interno della barca è mozzafiato, con una varietà di tessuti e materiali di alta qualità scelti personalmente dal famoso regista. Seven Seas è sicuramente tra le navi più lussuose e avanzate del mondo, riflettendo il gusto raffinato e innovativo del suo proprietario.

Il regista Steven Spielberg ha creato una yacht di livello mondiale: la Seven Seas. Con tecnologie all’avanguardia e interni di alta qualità, con una vasta gamma di materiali selezionati personalmente da Spielberg, questa è considerata una delle navi più lussuose e avanzate al mondo.

L’imprenditore dietro il Seven Seas Yacht: una visione di eccellenza nel mondo della nautica

Il Seven Seas Yacht è uno dei più lussuosi e avanzati natanti in circolazione, e il suo imprenditore, Steven Spielberg, è un vero appassionato del mondo della nautica. La sua visione di eccellenza si riflette nella progettazione e nella costruzione di questo yacht, che offre una perfetta combinazione di innovazione, tecnologia e lusso. Grazie alle sue eccezionali doti imprenditoriali, Spielberg ha saputo creare un vero e proprio simbolo di status all’interno del panorama nautico, che attira ogni anno numerosi appassionati provenienti da ogni parte del mondo.

Il Seven Seas Yacht rappresenta un nuovo standard di lusso e innovazione nel mondo della nautica, grazie alla sua progettazione avanzata e alle doti imprenditoriali del suo proprietario Steven Spielberg. Il natante è diventato un simbolo di status e attira appassionati di ogni provenienza.

Possedere una Seven Seas Yacht è un privilegio riservato a pochi. Il lusso, il comfort e la raffinatezza offerti da questi gioielli del mare sono incomparabili e trasformano ogni viaggio in una vacanza da sogno. Tuttavia, essere il proprietario di una di queste imbarcazioni non è solo una questione di soldi, ma anche di responsabilità e cura per la sicurezza dell’equipaggio e degli ospiti a bordo. La Seven Seas Yacht Company si impegna ogni giorno a garantire la massima qualità e la sicurezza delle imbarcazioni, offrendo un’esperienza di navigazione indimenticabile per tutti i clienti fortunati a possedere una di queste splendide barche.

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seven seas yacht proprietario

Dentro il superyacht che Steven Spielberg ha appena venduto per 130 milioni di euro

La redazione di Forbes.

“Sette mari”, meglio conosciuto come “Seven seas”, superyacht del regista Steven Spielberg , è stato appena venduto per 130 milioni di euro (circa 150 milioni di dollari). L’acquirente è il miliardario barone dell’acciaio Barry Zekelman , ceo della Zekelman Industries.

Lo yacht di Steven Spielberg

Costruito dal famoso cantiere navale olandese Oceanco seguendo le direttive dello stesso Spielberg, lo yacht ha toccato i mari per la prima volta nel 2010. In questi dieci anni ha accumulato diversi premi come l’Academy Award. Ed è stato avvistato al largo della costa francese durante il Festival di Cannes.

Merle Wood di Merle Wood & Associates , la società che si è occupata di seguire la vendita, ha fatto sapere che lo yacht ha cambiato nome in “Man of Steel”. Con una velocità massima di 20 nodi, lo yacht è lungo circa 86 metri e può ospitare fino a 20 ospiti. Al suo interno dispone di nove cabine, un eliporto e persino un cinema (che considerato Spielberg fosse il suo precedente proprietario sembra una scelta quantomai azzeccata).

Gli interni, invece, disegnati da Nuvolari & Lenard e Molly Isaksen, si estendono su quattro ponti. La suite del vecchio proprietario infine dispone di una cabina a tutto baglio con bagno privato e spogliatoio, insieme a un ufficio e una terrazza con vasca idromassaggio privata. L’imbarcazione comprende poi una sauna, un bagno turco, una palestra, una piscina, un enorme beach club, un eliporto e diverse aree lounge e bar.

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Meet ‘Seven Seas,’ a Stylish 357-Foot Superyacht That May or May Not Belong to Hollywood Royalty

The oceanco vessel is presumably owned by director steven spielberg., rachel cormack.

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Oceanco Seven Seas Superyacht

Steven Spielberg’s famous superyacht Seven Seas has been given a sequel.

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Oceanco claims Seven Seas also offers “outstanding performance and seakeeping ability.” The folks at Lateral Naval Architects carried out an extensive optimization process to ensure the 4,444 GT cruiser excels in all areas, and even partnered with Oceanco to develop the propulsion system. Seven Seas is powered by twin MTU 20V 4000 M73L diesel engines that can produce 4,813 hp each and propel the vessel to 20 knots. She is also the first LY3-compliant yacht (the British government’s classification for big commercial craft), to feature a marine evacuation system, according to Oceanco. Such systems make it easy and quick for you to slide into a lifeboat should an emergency situation arise.

PORTOFINO, ITALY - JULY 01:  General view of Steven Spielberg's boat 'Seven Seas' on July 1, 2011 in Portofino, Italy.  (Photo by Jacopo Raule/Getty Images)

The original Seven Seas, now known as Man of Steel , was delivered to Spielberg in 2010. The four-time Academy Award winner, who ranks as the most commercially successful director in history with a net worth of $4 billion, spared no expense when designing his dream machine. He opted for nine generous staterooms, a spa, a gym, a pool, a beach club, a helipad, a tender garage, and a full movie theater, of course. Over the past decade, the OG Seven Seas has lived up to its moniker, sailing the coast of France during the Cannes Film Festival and the waters of Antigua and Barbuda. The high-profile 282-footer will certainly be a tough act to follow, but the new 357-footer could well steal the spotlight.

Rachel Cormack is a digital editor at Robb Report. She cut her teeth writing for HuffPost, Concrete Playground, and several other online publications in Australia, before moving to New York at the…

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A Closer Look at Steven Spielberg's Yacht Seven Seas

Few names in Hollywood can compare to Steven Spielberg. The mention of this award-winning filmmaker’s name alone brings about memories of some of the industry’s best movies including Jaws, Indiana Jones, Schindler’s List, Lincoln, Ready Player One, and so many more. While we only know a few details about how Spielberg lives his private life, we do know that he owns a yacht—a superyacht at that. Called the Seven Seas , Spielberg’s yacht is the type that exists only in dreams. We’re going to head for the ocean to take a closer look at Spielberg’s yacht and what makes it incredible.

First off, it’s important to note that Spielberg’s yacht is worth about $184 million. That’s a lot of money, but it’s not that big of a deal for someone whose net worth is about $3.7 billion. Spielberg continues to add to that net worth, not only through making films but also through his yacht. Business Insider tells us that Spielberg actually opened up the doors to his yacht to allow anyone to charter it for a fee. We say anyone because even you can charter the yacht as long as you can afford the monthly fee of $1.2 million. If that fee is a little too steep for you, allow us to just indulge your senses by telling you why the yacht might be worth that much.

First off, it may sound ridiculous but people have insane amounts of money everywhere. And Spielberg can charter his yacht by that much because he is who he is. His superyacht is actually for sale, and it’s a good sales strategy to allow potential buyers to charter the yacht before purchase. This 282-foot long vessel was designed and built by Dutch company Oceano . The style of the yacht is sleek and elegant. Apart from its size, you can tell how luxurious it really is from its exterior design. The blue hull perfectly contrasts the white color of the upper deck platform. It’s simply a stunning view from any angle you take it in.

The Interior

Moving into the interior is a similar experience. Every single room inside the yacht is outlined with beautiful and rich wooden materials. The décor is exotic, eclectic, and equally luxurious. Every single room in the superyacht is larger than average rooms on land. But the room sizes aren’t the best part about the Seven Seas. When Oceano created this yacht, they packed it in with a number of amenities that only the rich could afford to have built. The Seven Seas has a gorgeous infinity pool, but it’s no ordinary infinity pool. This area is outfitted with a 15-foot dual-purpose glass screen that serves as a monitor for movies to be played on. After all, what’s a Spielberg yacht if you can’t watch movies on it? The infinity pool happens to also serve another luxury purpose: a helipad. The pool converts somehow just so a helicopter (maybe Spielberg’s) can come and go as needed. Other amenities in the yacht includes an indoor cinema with a screen larger than the infinity pool’s, a fully equipped gym that features an amazing panoramic view of the ocean, a fully functional spa for relaxation, and of course, a fully stocked bar for some libations.


The fun doesn’t end there at the Seven Seas. The yacht will also give you access to a lot of watersports options. As a guest on this yacht, you can have access to various watersports equipment such as snorkels, wetsuits, kayaks, sea bobs, water skiis, and so many more. For those seriously considering renting out this charter, you’d have to consider the accommodations first. The yacht needs 26 crewmembers to be fully staffed. The rest of the guest rooms can be occupied by up to 12 guests, plus Spielberg. While all the guest rooms are lovely and amazing, not all guest rooms are created equal. You could expect that Spielberg’s room happens to be the best, as it features a study room and a Jacuzzi among other special things. All of the guest rooms are fit to welcome some of Hollywood’s royalty including Leonardo di Caprio and actress Blake Lively.

When it comes to performance, only true power could pull a yacht of that size. The Seven Seas has an incredibly powerful engine that has a maximum speed of 20 knots. The superyacht cruises at 15 knots. It has a range of 15,000 nautical miles, and it’s outfitted with some of the best stabilizing mechanisms out there. Interestingly enough, Spielberg is actually prone to seasickness. In fact, he’s said a few times before that he’s actually not much of an ocean person. People have said similar things before only to have their minds changed by the ocean. It’s been rumored that the reason why Spielberg is chartering the Seven Seas is that he wants to sell it for a bigger yacht. Despite the seasickness, Spielberg has fallen in love with the ocean and the boating life. He wants more yacht space than what he’s got now, and we can only speculate that he’s probably looking to spend more time in it than he does now. After all, being in the ocean for a long time can begin to feel claustrophobic. It’s been rumored that Spielberg has his eyes set on a particular yacht that sails at about 300 feet. It isn’t much bigger than the Seven Seas, but it sure costs much more. The new yacht is said to cost $250 million, and it probably has even better amenities than the Seven Seas. For now, Spielberg is enjoying the superyacht he has now until it’s time for the next.

Lily Wordsmith

Written by  Lily Wordsmith

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Does this 357-Foot New Yacht Belong to Steven Spielberg?

Oceanco is keeping details of the mammoth vessel’s owner under wraps.

By Irenie Forshaw

Steven Spielberg yacht

Oceanco is used to catering for the fabulously wealthy; earlier this year the Dutch shipbuilder delivered Jeff Bezos’s gleaming new ship , Koru. Now, the rumor mill is going into overdrive once again. This time, Steven Spielberg is reportedly the billionaire behind its newest yacht: Seven Seas.

Spanning 357 feet, the mammoth motoryacht isn’t as long as Koru – which scooped the title of the longest sailing yacht on the planet at 417 ft – but she does cut an impressive figure. This isn’t Spielberg’s first foray into the yachting world – the Hollywood director had his first ship (also called Seven Seas ) delivered by Oceanco back in 2010.

The original Seven Seas – whose name is inspired by Spielberg’s seven children – measured 282 feet and boasted an expansive spa , gym, beauty salon, and, of course, movie theatre. But the four-time Academy Award winner sold the ship to Canadian billionaire Barry Zekelman in 2021 for a cool $151m (the ship has since been renamed Man of Steel).

It seems Spielberg has caught the superyacht bug; the new Seven Seas is even bigger and more lavish than her predecessor. So, what do we know about the director’s latest ship? While Oceanco has remained relatively tight-lipped on the project, a few key details have emerged which we’ll dive into here.

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Who is building Steven Spielberg’s new yacht?

Spielberg yacht Seven Seas

The superyacht – previously known as project Y720 – was commissioned back in 2022 for a whopping $250m. She was built by Oceanco – the same shipyard that made Spielberg’s old boat in Alblasserdam, a town in the western Netherlands around 12 miles from Rotterdam. Omani billionaire businessman Mohammed al Barwani bought the luxury shipyard back in 2010 (he also owns Turquoise Yachts in Istanbul).

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Oceanco has an impressive track record when it comes to building jaw-dropping superyachts. As well as recently unveiling Bezos’s Koru, four years ago the shipbuilder delivered Black Pearl – a striking three-mast vessel which, at 350 ft, became the largest sailing yacht in the world at the time, and garnered attention for its cutting-edge eco-credentials.

What do we know about the design?

steven spielberg yacht

Oceanco collaborated with Dutch firm Sinot Yacht Architecture Design to build Spielberg’s new yacht. The project was overseen by Lateral Naval Architects, with the team carrying out an “extensive optimization process” to ensure Seven Seas met the highest performance standards (she is the first LY3-compliant yacht to feature a Marine Evacuation System).

Powered by twin MTU 20V 4000 M73L diesel engines, she is able to reach top speeds of up to 20 knots and weighs in at 4,444 GT. Her sleek steel hull, teak deck, and lightweight aluminum superstructure give her a graceful silhouette; this is certainly a yacht to turn heads.

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Considerably larger than Spielberg’s former yacht, Seven Seas 2.0 can host up to 14 guests across seven cabins (so there’s plenty of space for his entire family). There’s also room onboard for up to 30 crew, plus a gym, pool, spa, beach club, helipad and tender garage. Oh, and there’s a movie theatre too. Obviously.

The fourth largest project delivered by Oceanco to date, she was glimpsed for the first time in March 2022 being rolled out of the construction shed at the shipyard and was spotted in the Port of Gibraltar in early July.

How about the interiors?

Spielberg yacht exterior

It’s extremely unlikely we’ll get to see inside Spielberg’s new yacht anytime soon, but we do know the interiors onboard Seven Seas have been crafted by Beverly Hills-based designer Molly Isaksen (in a telling sign she was also brought in for the interiors onboard Man of Steel ).

While details remain sparse, Oceanco did reveal we can expect plenty of “natural materials and glass onboard, offering guests an unparalleled outward-looking experience”.

[See also: Twenty for 20: Innovative Yachts of the 21 st Century]

Photo of Irenie Forshaw

Irenie Forshaw

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seven seas yacht proprietario

SEVEN SEAS is a 109.0 m Motor Yacht, built in Netherlands by Oceanco and delivered in 2023.

Her top speed is 20.0 kn. She has a gross tonnage of 4349.0 GT and a 16.0 m beam.

She was designed by Sinot Yacht Architecture & Design , who has designed 12 other superyachts in the BOAT Pro database.

The naval architecture was developed by Lateral Naval Architects , who has architected 5 other superyachts in the BOAT Pro database, and the interior of the yacht was designed by Sinot Yacht Architecture & Design (29 other superyacht interiors designed) and Molly Isaksen Interiors - she is built with a Teak deck, a Steel hull, and Aluminium superstructure.

SEVEN SEAS is in the top 5% by LOA in the world. She is one of 70 motor yachts longer than 100m, and, compared to similarly sized motor yachts, her top speed is 0.14 kn above the average.

SEVEN SEAS is currently sailing under the Cayman Islands flag, the 2nd most popular flag state for superyachts with a total of 1366 yachts registered. She is known to be an active superyacht and has most recently been spotted cruising near Bahamas. For more information regarding SEVEN SEAS's movements, find out more about BOAT Pro AIS .


  • Name: SEVEN SEAS
  • Yacht Type: Motor Yacht
  • Yacht Subtype: Displacement
  • Builder: Oceanco
  • Naval Architect: Lateral Naval Architects
  • Exterior Designer: Sinot Yacht Architecture & Design
  • Interior Designer: Molly Isaksen Interiors , Sinot Yacht Architecture & Design

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Seven Seas Charter Yacht


This Yacht is not for Charter*


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SEVEN SEAS yacht NOT for charter*

109m  /  357'7 | oceanco | 2023.

Owner & Guests

Cabin Configuration

  • Previous Yacht

Special Features:

  • Built in 2023
  • Lloyds Register ✠ 100A1 SSC Yacht Mono, G6, ECO(IHM) ✠ LMC UMS classification
  • Interior design from Sinot Yacht Design
  • Up to 35 crew

The 109m/357'7" motor yacht 'Seven Seas' was built by Oceanco in the Netherlands at their Alblasserdam shipyard. Her interior is styled by Dutch designer design house Sinot Yacht Design and she was delivered to her owner in July 2023. This luxury vessel's exterior design is the work of Sinot Yacht Design.

Guest Accommodation

Seven Seas has been designed to comfortably accommodate up to 14 guests in 7 suites. She is also capable of carrying up to 35 crew onboard to ensure a relaxed luxury yacht experience.

Onboard Comfort & Entertainment

Her features include sauna, satellite communications, underwater lights, deck jacuzzi, WiFi and air conditioning.

Range & Performance

Seven Seas is built with a steel hull and aluminium superstructure, with teak decks. Seven Seas comfortably cruises at 15 knots, reaches a maximum speed of 18 knots. She was built to Lloyds Register ✠ 100A1 SSC Yacht Mono, G6, ECO(IHM) ✠ LMC UMS classification society rules.

*Charter Seven Seas Motor Yacht

Motor yacht Seven Seas is currently not believed to be available for private Charter. To view similar yachts for charter , or contact your Yacht Charter Broker for information about renting a luxury charter yacht.

Seven Seas Yacht Owner, Captain or marketing company

'Yacht Charter Fleet' is a free information service, if your yacht is available for charter please contact us with details and photos and we will update our records.

Seven Seas Photos

Seven Seas Yacht

NOTE to U.S. Customs & Border Protection


M/Y Seven Seas


Here are a selection of superyachts which are similar to Seven Seas yacht which are believed to be available for charter. To view all similar luxury charter yachts click on the button below.

 charter yacht

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89m | Oceanco

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97m | Lurssen

from $1,512,000 p/week ♦︎

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90m | Oceanco

from $1,296,000 p/week ♦︎

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107m | Olympic Yacht Services

from $2,160,000 p/week ♦︎

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from $1,728,000 p/week ♦︎

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108m | Benetti

from $1,944,000 p/week ♦︎

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122m | Lurssen

from $3,000,000 p/week

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from $1,400,000 p/week

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from $751,000 p/week ♦︎ *

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Oceanco delivers 109-metre superyacht Seven Seas

by Mariska Buitendijk | Jul 5, 2023 | News , Ship design , Shipbuilding , Yachts

Oceanco Seven Seas

Oceanco has delivered the Seven Seas, a 109-metre motoryacht. Under the expertise and guidance of Lateral Naval Architects, the project underwent an extensive optimisation process, resulting in outstanding performance and exceptional seakeeping ability.

The yacht was created in collaboration between Oceanco , Sinot Yacht Architecture & Design and Molly Isaksen Interiors. Setting Seven Seas apart is its profile and the use of natural materials and glass on board, offering guests an outward-looking experience.

Also read: 111-metre Oceanco superyacht moved to Alblasserdam for completion

The Seven Seas is the first Large Yacht Code 3-compliant yacht to feature a Marine Evacuation System.

The specifications of the yacht are:

  • Length: 109m/357ft
  • Beam: 16m/52ft
  • Speed: 20 knots
  • Interior & exterior design: Sinot Yacht Architecture and Design
  • Interior design: Molly Isaksen Interiors
  • Naval architecture: Oceanco & Lateral
  • Owner’s Representative: Y.CO

Also read: What Oceanco’s new 131-metre yacht design looks like

Upcoming Events

Exhibition: rescuers at sea: 200 years of knrm, co2 conference, port congress rotterdam (havencongres rotterdam), international partnering forum (ipf) by the oceantic network, hydrogen conference belgium, offshore technology conference (otc), lng bunkering & future fuel global summit 2024, scandinavian maritime fair, argus green marine fuels conference.

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Curious about the articles in SWZ|Maritime? Some of them are published online. Read them here .

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Interior & exterior design.

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Interior Design

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Naval Architecture

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Yacht, IMO 9840178

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La nave SEVEN SEAS (IMO 9840178, MMSI 319225300) è una nave Yacht costruita nel 2022 che naviga attualmente sotto bandiera della Cayman Islands.


Posizione della carta & Weather

Ultima toccata, dati principali.

Posizione attuale e storico delle toccate sono ricevuti dall'AIS. I dettagli sulle specifiche tecniche, sul tonnellaggio e sulla gestione sono derivati dal database di VesselFinder. I dati sono solo per scopi informativi e VesselFinder non è responsabile per l'accuratezza e l'affidabilità dei dati di SEVEN SEAS.


  1. Rare Look Inside Steven Spielberg's Seven Seas Yacht, Which Just Sold

    seven seas yacht proprietario

  2. Inside SEVEN SEAS Yacht • Oceanco • 2022 • Value $250M • Owner Steven

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  4. Luxury Yachts Owned By the Rich and Famous

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  5. Seven Seas, il superyacht che Steven Spielberg ha venduto per 130 milioni

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  6. Yacht Seven Seas, an Oceanco Superyacht

    seven seas yacht proprietario


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  3. Steven Spielberg: un'eredità di cinema impareggiabile e stile di vita

    L'avventura di Spielberg nella produzione ha portato alla co-fondazione di. di $4 miliardi, Spielberg guadagna da diversi flussi, inclusa la commissione su ogni biglietto venduto nei parchi a tema Universal, grazie a film di successo come ET. più di US$ 100 milioni ogni anno.

  4. Seven Seas, il superyacht che Steven Spielberg ha venduto per 130 milioni

    La redazione di Forbes. "Sette mari", meglio conosciuto come "Seven seas", superyacht del regista Steven Spielberg, è stato appena venduto per 130 milioni di euro (circa 150 milioni di dollari). L'acquirente è il miliardario barone dell'acciaio Barry Zekelman, ceo della Zekelman Industries.

  5. SEVEN SEAS jacht • Steven Spielberg $250M superjacht

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  8. A Closer Look at Steven Spielberg's Yacht Seven Seas

    Called the Seven Seas, Spielberg's yacht is the type that exists only in dreams. We're going to head for the ocean to take a closer look at Spielberg's yacht and what makes it incredible. Worth. First off, it's important to note that Spielberg's yacht is worth about $184 million.

  9. Seven Seas Yacht

    She is the 5th-largest yacht built by Oceanco. Seven Seas's owner is shown in SYT iQ and is exclusively available to subscribers. On SuperYacht Times, we have 35 photos of the yacht, Seven Seas, and she is featured in 26 yacht news articles.Seven Seas is not for sale, but there are other yachts for sale in the world at the moment.

  10. Does this 357-Foot New Yacht Belong to Steven Spielberg?

    Hollywood director Steven Spielberg is reportedly the billionaire owner of Seven Seas / ©Oceanco. Oceanco is used to catering for the fabulously wealthy; earlier this year the Dutch shipbuilder delivered Jeff Bezos's gleaming new ship, Koru. Now, the rumor mill is going into overdrive once again.

  11. Steven Spielberg Takes His New $250 Million Megayacht, Seven Seas, on

    Steven Spielberg Takes His New $250 Million Megayacht, Seven Seas, on Its Maiden Journey - autoevolution. Coverstory. Steven Spielberg Takes His New $250 Million Megayacht, Seven Seas, on...

  12. SEVEN SEAS yacht (Oceanco, 109m, 2023)

    SEVEN SEAS is a 109.0 m Motor Yacht, built in Netherlands by Oceanco and delivered in 2023. Her top speed is 20.0 kn. She has a gross tonnage of 4349.0 GT and a 16.0 m beam. She was designed by Sinot Yacht Architecture & Design, who has designed 12 other superyachts in the BOAT Pro database.

  13. Nederlandse scheepswerf Oceanco heeft superjacht Seven Seas van Steven

    Nederlandse scheepswerf Oceanco heeft superjacht Seven Seas van Steven Spielberg afgeleverd. Na het afleveren van het superjacht van Jeff Bezos heeft Oceanco ook Steven Spielberg blij gemaakt met zijn nieuwste nautische speeltje. 4 juli 2023. Scroll down.

  14. SEVEN SEAS Yacht • Steven Spielberg $250M Superyacht

    Steven Spielberg è l'orgoglioso proprietario della Seven Seas. Ha chiamato lo yacht in onore dei suoi sette figli ed è legalmente di proprietà di una società denominata LEROY FREE LTD, con sede nelle Isole Cayman. È in corso una controversia legale tra il broker di yacht Merle Wood (MWA) e Oceanco.

  15. SEVEN SEAS Yacht

    The 109m/357'7" motor yacht 'Seven Seas' was built by Oceanco in the Netherlands at their Alblasserdam shipyard. Her interior is styled by Dutch designer design house Sinot Yacht Design and she was delivered to her owner in July 2023.

  16. Oceanco celebrates delivery of Seven Seas

    News. Menu. News. Oceanco celebrates delivery of Seven Seas. 3 July 2023. Oceanco is proud to announce the delivery of Seven Seas, a remarkable 109-meter motoryacht that showcases the extraordinary collaboration between Sinot Yacht Architecture & Design and Molly Isaksen Interiors.

  17. Oceanco delivers 109-metre superyacht Seven Seas

    The Seven Seas is the first Large Yacht Code 3-compliant yacht to feature a Marine Evacuation System. The specifications of the yacht are: Length: 109m/357ft. Beam: 16m/52ft. Speed: 20 knots. Interior & exterior design: Sinot Yacht Architecture and Design. Interior design: Molly Isaksen Interiors. Naval architecture: Oceanco & Lateral.

  18. Seven Seas

    With a uniquely proportioned profile, Seven Seas is a spectacular example of graceful contemporary design that honors the natural surroundings. Inviting views of the seascape are created by way of large glass windows on the main, bridge and upper decks.

  19. Ship SEVEN SEAS (Yacht) Registered in Cayman Is

    Vessel SEVEN SEAS is a Yacht, Registered in Cayman Is. Discover the vessel's particulars, including capacity, machinery, photos and ownership. Get the details of the current Voyage of SEVEN SEAS including Position, Port Calls, Destination, ETA and Distance travelled - IMO 9840178, MMSI 319225300, Call sign ZGQC2.

  20. SEVEN SEAS Yacht • Oceanco • 2022 • Novità

    Seven Seas. Il precedente yacht Seven Seas è stato venduto e ora prende il nome Uomo d'acciaio. Ciò significa che ora è di proprietà di Canadian miliardario Barry Zekelman. Possiede uno dei più grandi produttori di tubi e condutture in acciaio del Nord America. Il suo patrimonio netto è superiore a $3 miliardi. SuperYachtFan.

  21. SEVEN SEAS, Yacht

    VesselFinder. Navi. miscellaneo. SEVEN SEAS. La nave SEVEN SEAS (IMO 9840178, MMSI 319225300) è una nave Yacht costruita nel 2022 che naviga attualmente sotto bandiera della Cayman Islands. Plans & Prices. Track on Map Aggiungi foto. Aggiungi alla flotta. Dati AIS. SW BAY - BS. ETA: Feb 22, 14:30. Nassau, Bahamas.

  22. Yacht Seven Seas • Oceanco • 2022 • Posizione

    Seven Seas Yacht - Posizione dal vivo. © Bjorn Mierop. Yacht Proprietario Fotografie Posizione In vendita e noleggio Notizia. Segui in diretta la posizione del Seven Seas Yacht! Aiutaci a crescere. SuperYachtFan.

  23. Seven Seas Yacht • Oceanco • 2022 • In vendita ea noleggio

    Seven Seas Yacht - In vendita - A noleggio. Yacht Proprietario Fotografie Posizione In vendita e noleggio Notizia. Seven Seas. Lo yacht non è attualmente disponibile per il noleggio o per la vendita. I tuoi dati di contatto qui? Invia una mail a [email protected] (si prega di menzionare il nome dello yacht). Yacht in vendita.