AI music generators could be a boon for artists — but also problematic

Stability ai, the company behind stable diffusion, is tackling music.

yacht diffusion

It was only five years ago that electronic punk band YACHT entered the recording studio with a daunting task: They would train an AI on 14 years of their music, then synthesize the results into the album “ Chain Tripping .”

“I’m not interested in being a reactionary,” YACHT member and tech writer Claire L. Evans said in a documentary about the album. “I don’t want to return to my roots and play acoustic guitar because I’m so freaked out about the coming robot apocalypse, but I also don’t want to jump into the trenches and welcome our new robot overlords either.”

But our new robot overlords are making a whole lot of progress in the space of AI music generation. Even though the Grammy-nominated “Chain Tripping” was released in 2019, the technology behind it is already becoming outdated. Now, the startup behind the open source AI image generator Stable Diffusion is pushing us forward again with its next act: making music.

Creating harmony

Harmonai is an organization with financial backing from Stability AI , the London-based startup behind Stable Diffusion . In late September, Harmonai released Dance Diffusion , an algorithm and set of tools that can generate clips of music by training on hundreds of hours of existing songs.

“I started my work on audio diffusion around the same time as I started working with Stability AI,” Zach Evans, who heads development of Dance Diffusion, told TechCrunch in an email interview. “I was brought on to the company due to my development work with [the image-generating algorithm] Disco Diffusion and I quickly decided to pivot to audio research. To facilitate my own learning and research, and make a community that focuses on audio AI, I started Harmonai.”

Dance Diffusion remains in the testing stages — at present, the system can only generate clips a few seconds long. But the early results provide a tantalizing glimpse at what could be the future of music creation, while at the same time raising questions about the potential impact on artists.

Dance Diffusion art

Image Credits: DALL-E 2/OpenAI

The emergence of Dance Diffusion comes several years after OpenAI, the San Francisco-based lab behind DALL-E 2 , detailed its grand experiment with music generation, dubbed Jukebox . Given a genre, artist and a snippet of lyrics, Jukebox could generate relatively coherent music complete with vocals. But the songs Jukebox produced lacked larger musical structures like choruses that repeat and often contained nonsense lyrics .

Google’s AudioLM, detailed for the first time earlier this week, shows more promise, with an uncanny ability to generate piano music given a short snippet of playing. But it hasn’t been open sourced.

Dance Diffusion aims to overcome the limitations of previous open source tools by borrowing technology from image generators such as Stable Diffusion . The system is what’s known as a diffusion model, which generates new data (e.g., songs) by learning how to destroy and recover many existing samples of data. As it’s fed the existing samples — say, the entire Smashing Pumpkins discography — the model gets better at recovering all the data it had previously destroyed to create new works.

Kyle Worrall, a Ph.D. student at the University of York in the U.K. studying the musical applications of machine learning, explained the nuances of diffusion systems in an interview with TechCrunch:

“In the training of a diffusion model, training data such as the MAESTRO data set of piano performances is ‘destroyed’ and ‘recovered,’ and the model improves at performing these tasks as it works its way through the training data,” he said via email. “Eventually the trained model can take noise and turn that into music similar to the training data (i.e., piano performances in MAESTRO’s case). Users can then use the trained model to do one of three tasks: Generate new audio, regenerate existing audio that the user chooses or interpolate between two input tracks.”

It’s not the most intuitive idea. But as DALL-E 2 , Stable Diffusion and other such systems have shown, the results can be remarkably realistic.

For example, check out this Disco Diffusion model fine-tuned on Daft Punk music:

Or this style transfer of the Pirates of the Caribbean theme to flute:

Or this style transfer of Smash Mouth vocals to the Tetris theme (yes, really):

Or these models, which were fine-tuned on copyright-free dance music:

Artist perspective

Jona Bechtolt of YACHT was impressed by what Dance Diffusion can create.

“Our initial reaction was like, ‘Okay, this is a leap forward from where we were at before with raw audio,’” Bechtolt told TechCrunch.

Unlike popular image-generating systems, Dance Diffusion is somewhat limited in what it can create — at least for the time being. While it can be fine-tuned on a particular artist, genre or even instrument, the system isn’t as general as Jukebox. The handful of Dance Diffusion models available — a hodgepodge from Harmonai and early adopters on the official Discord server , including models fine-tuned with clips from Billy Joel, The Beatles, Daft Punk and musician Jonathan Mann’s Song A Day  project — stay within their respective lanes. That is to say, the Jonathan Mann model always generates songs in Mann’s musical style.

And Dance Diffusion-generated music won’t fool anyone today. While the system can “style transfer” songs by applying the style of one artist to a song by another, essentially creating covers, it can’t generate clips longer than a few seconds in length and lyrics that aren’t gibberish (see the below clip). That’s the result of technical hurdles Harmonai has yet to overcome, says Nicolas Martel, a self-taught game developer and member of the Harmonai Discord.

“The model is only trained on short 1.5-second samples at a time so it can’t learn or reason about long-term structure,” Martel told TechCrunch. “The authors seem to be saying this isn’t a problem, but in my experience — and logically anyway — that hasn’t been very true.”

YACHT’s Evans and Bechtolt are concerned about the ethical implications of AI — they are working artists, after all — but they observe that these “style transfers” are already part of the natural creative process.

Dance Diffusion art

Image Credits: DALL-E 2 / OpenAI

“That’s something that artists are already doing in the studio in a much more informal and sloppy way,” Evans said. “You sit down to write a song and you’re like, I want a Fall bass line and a B-52’s melody, and I want it to sound like it came from London in 1977.”

But Evans isn’t interested in writing the dark, post-punk rendition of “Love Shack.” Rather, she thinks that interesting music comes from experimentation in the studio — even if you take inspiration from the B-52’s, your final product may not bear the signs of those influences.

“In trying to achieve that, you fail,” Evans told TechCrunch. “One of the things that attracted us to machine learning tools and AI art was the ways in which it was failing, because these models aren’t perfect. They’re just guessing at what we want.”

Evans describes artists as “the ultimate beta testers,” using tools outside of the ways in which they were intended to create something new.

“Oftentimes, the output can be really weird and damaged and upsetting, or it can sound really strange and novel, and that failure is delightful,” Evans said.

Ethical consequences

Assuming Dance Diffusion one day reaches the point where it can generate coherent whole songs, it seems inevitable that major ethical and legal issues will come to the fore. They already have, albeit around simpler AI systems. In 2020, Jay-Z ‘s record label filed copyright strikes against a YouTube channel, Vocal Synthesis, for using AI to create Jay-Z covers of songs like Billy Joel’s “We Didn’t Start the Fire.” After initially removing the videos, YouTube reinstated them, finding the takedown requests were “incomplete.” But deepfaked music still stands on murky legal ground.

Perhaps anticipating legal challenges, OpenAI for its part open sourced Jukebox under a non-commercial license , prohibiting users from selling any music created with the system.

“There is little work into establishing how original the output of generative algorithms are, so the use of generative music in advertisements and other projects still runs the risk of accidentally infringing on copyright and as such damaging the property,” Worrall said. “This area needs to be further researched.”

An academic paper authored by Eric Sunray, now a legal intern at the Music Publishers Association, argues that AI music generators like Dance Diffusion violate music copyright by creating “tapestries of coherent audio from the works they ingest in training, thereby infringing the United States Copyright Act’s reproduction right.” Following the release of Jukebox, critics have also questioned whether training AI models on copyrighted musical material constitutes fair use. Similar concerns have been raised around the training data used in image-, code- and text-generating AI systems, which is often scraped from the web without creators’ knowledge.

Technologists like Mat Dryhurst and Holly Herndon founded Spawning AI , a set of AI tools built for artists, by artists. One of their projects, “ Have I Been Trained ,” allows users to search for their artwork and see if it has been incorporated into an AI training set without their consent.

“We are showing people what exists within popular datasets used to train AI image systems and are initially offering them tools to opt out or opt in to training,” Herndon told TechCrunch via email. “We are also talking to many of the biggest research organizations to convince them that consensual data is beneficial for everyone.”

Dance Diffusion art

But these standards are — and will likely remain — voluntary. Harmonai hasn’t said whether it’ll adopt them.

“To be clear, Dance Diffusion is not a product and it is currently only research,” said Zach Evans of Stability AI. “All of the models that are officially being released as part of Dance Diffusion are trained on public domain data, Creative Commons-licensed data and data contributed by artists in the community. The method here is opt-in only and we look forward to working with artists to scale up our data through further opt-in contributions, and I applaud the work of Holly Herndon and Mat Dryhurst and their new Spawning organization.”

YACHT’s Evans and Bechtolt see parallels between the emergence of AI generated art and other new technologies.

“It’s especially frustrating when we see the same patterns play out across all disciplines,” Evans told TechCrunch. “We’ve seen the way that people being lazy about security and privacy on social media can lead to harassment. When tools and platforms are designed by people who aren’t thinking about the long-term consequences and social effects of their work like that, things happen.”

Jonathan Mann — the same Mann whose music was used to train one of the early Dance Diffusion models — told TechCrunch that he has mixed feelings about generative AI systems. While he believes that Harmonai has been “thoughtful” about the data they’re using for training, others like OpenAI have not been as conscientious.

“Jukebox was trained on thousands of artists without their permission — it’s staggering,” Mann said. “It feels weird to use Jukebox knowing that a lot of folks’ music was used without their permission. We are in uncharted territory.”

From a user perspective, Waxy’s Andy Baio speculates in a blog post that new music generated by an AI system would be considered a derivative work, in which case only the original elements would be protected by copyright. Of course, it’s unclear what might be considered “original” in such music. Using this music commercially is to enter uncharted waters. It’s a simpler matter if generated music is used for purposes protected under fair use, like parody and commentary, but Baio expects that courts would have to make case-by-base judgments.

Dance Diffusion art

According to Herndon, copyright law is not structured to adequately regulate AI art-making. Evans also points out that the music industry has been historically more litigious than the visual art world, which is perhaps why Dance Diffusion was explicitly trained on a dataset of copyright-free or voluntarily submitted material, while DALL-E mini will easily spit out a Pikachu if you input the term “Pokémon.”

“I have no illusion that that’s because they thought that was the best thing to do ethically,” Evans said. “It’s because copyright law in music is very strict and more aggressively enforced.”

Creative potential

Gordon Tuomikoski, an arts major at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln who moderates the official Stable Diffusion Discord community, believes that Dance Diffusion has immense artistic potential. He notes that some members of the Harmonai server have created models trained on dubstep “webs,” kicks and snare drums and backup vocals, which they’ve strung together into original songs.

“As a musician, I definitely see myself using something like Dance Diffusion for samples and loops,” Tuomikoski told TechCrunch via email.

Martel sees Dance Diffusion one day replacing VSTs, the digital standard used to connect synthesizers and effect plugins with recording systems and audio editing software. For example, he says, a model trained on ’70s jazz rock and Canterbury music will intelligently introduce new “textures” in the drums, like subtle drum rolls and “ghost notes,” in the same way that artists like John Marshall might — but without the manual engineering work normally required.

Take this Dance Diffusion model of Senegalese drumming, for instance:

And this model of snares:

And this model of a male choir singing in the key of D across three octaves:

And this model of Mann’s songs fine-tuned with royalty-free dance music:

“Normally, you’d have to lay down notes in a MIDI file and sound-design really hard. Achieving a humanized sound this way is not only very time-consuming but requires a deeply intimate understanding of the instrument you’re sound designing,” Martel said. “With Dance Diffusion, I look forward to feeding the finest ’70s prog rock into AI, an infinite unending orchestra of virtuoso musicians playing Pink Floyd, Soft Machine and Genesis, trillions of new albums in different styles, remixed in new ways by injecting some Aphex Twin and Vaporwave, all performing at the peak of human creativity — all in collaboration with your own personal tastes.”

Mann has greater ambitions. He’s currently using a combination of Jukebox and Dance Diffusion to play around with music generation and plans to release a tool that’ll allow others to do the same. But he hopes to one day use Dance Diffusion — possibly in conjunction with other systems — to create a “digital version” of himself capable of continuing the Song A Day project after he passes away.

“The exact form it’ll take hasn’t quite become clear yet … [but] thanks to folks at Harmonai and some others I’ve met in the Jukebox Discord, over the last few months I feel like we’ve made bigger strides than any time in the last four years,” Mann said. “I have over 5,000 Song A Day songs, complete with their lyrics as well as rich metadata, with attributes ranging from mood, genre, tempo, key, all the way to location and beard (whether or not I had a beard when I wrote the song). My hope is that given all this data, we can create a model that can reliably create new songs as if I had written them myself. A Song A Day, but forever.”

If AI can successfully make new music, where does that leave musicians?

YACHT’s Evans and Bechtolt point out that new technology has upended the art scene before, and the results weren’t as catastrophic as expected. In the 1980s, the U.K. Musicians Union attempted to ban the use of synthesizers , arguing that it would replace musicians and put them out of work.

“With synthesizers, a lot of artists took this new thing and instead of refusing it, they invented techno, hip hop, post punk and new wave music,” Evans said. “It’s just that right now, the upheavals are happening so quickly that we don’t have time to digest and absorb the impact of these tools and make sense of them.”

Still, YACHT worries that AI could eventually challenge work that musicians do in their day jobs, like writing scores for commercials. But like Herndon, they don’t think AI can quite replicate the creative process just yet.

“It is divisive and a fundamental misunderstanding of the function of art to think that AI tools are going to replace the importance of human expression,” Herndon said. “I hope that automated systems will raise important questions about how little we as a society have valued art and journalism on the internet. Rather than speculate about replacement narratives, I prefer to think about this as a fresh opportunity to revalue humans.”

AI is getting better at generating porn. We might not be prepared for the consequences.

Ambient Scent Diffusion For Yachts And Private Jets

by Air-Scent on November 05, 2022

Discover how our ambient scent diffusion and odor control products enhance the interiors of luxury yachts and private jets , amplifying, soothing and subtly triggering emotional arousal and increased situational satisfaction through the power of scent.

Yachts and private jets represent the epitome of luxury travel in this modern era. Both have their roots in the last century.

The age of cruise travel had its heyday in the 1930s and 40s, and ocean liners were floating palaces of elegance and class, offering every amenity imaginable.

Luxury ships, like the Queen Mary, sailed the open sea from 1936 to 1967, and was fitted with:5 dining rooms; live entertainment; two cocktail lounges; several swimming pools; a grand ballroom; squash court and a small hospital.  

A Short History of Private Jets

The first commercial flight occurred in the 1920s between St Petersburg and Tampa. As commercial air travel developed in the 1930s, these flights featured radio telephones and oversized seats, and due to their prohibitive costs, were reserved for wealthy businessmen and executives.

By the late 1950s, private jets became a favored mode of travel note only for businessmen but also celebrities, moguls like Howard Hughes and socialites.

Today, a much broader range of clientele has access to the sheer luxury of a private jet and all its accoutrements, including an Air Scent International fragrance that will complement the ambiance of all onboard as well as soothe troubled minds and calm spirits.

Ambient Scents Private Jets

How Is Luxury Travel Defined Today?

Today, luxury travel translates into some things from times past that are the same, but many others that are very different. They both are and have always been expensive, and travelers from all eras in time have always needed a little pampering, but not all luxuries are created equal.

A positive luxury travel experience involves red carpet treatment and an attentive staff ready at all times to provide whatever service may be needed.

Ambient Scenting For Luxury Yachts

Inferior luxury status usually entails poor customer service and the unexpected padding of the bill for every single item or service that may be provided.

The latter almost always loses return customers but the former becomes implanted in consumer memory and is likely to become a repeated travel experience.

According to Robert Mackaseck, CEO of Valera Global: “Luxury travel is defined by attention to the details, meticulous workmanship, sumptuous atmosphere and discerning good taste.”

Air Scent International, Scenting And Luxury Travel

Our ambient air care experts at Air Scent International are well aware that scenting is one of those things that helps define that idiomatic expression, “the devil is in the details,” which alludes to some mysterious element that defines mastery over a particular problem.

In the case of luxury travel in yachts or private jets, the secret to an effective opulent fragrance lies in its ability to capture memories and subtly intoxicate travelers with a sense of quiet joy and well-being.

According to one scent marketing expert, “ Scent triggers memories and recall more than any of the other senses, which is why many five-star hotels are expanding fragrance initiatives as a way to scent brand their experiences.”  

The same holds true for luxury yachts and private jets. For the most part, opulent fragrances for yachts employ a myriad of raw materials blended with gracefully balanced accords that exude a rich, elegant and luxurious character.

Scents for private jets must also, in their own way, reflect a specific lifestyle.

An Air Scent International rule of thumb guarantees that all our opulent formulations will dazzle the spirit and all the senses at once, as there is never a second chance to create a first impression.

Ambient Scenting Private Yachts-min-min

Some Unexpected Thoughts About Luxury Travel

Luxury travel captures the mind and heart of the traveler both emotionally and physically before, during and after the experience. The following concepts suggest some of the factors that greatly influence this mode of travel.

Luxury Travel Is A Personal Journey

We all take ourselves with us wherever we go, and luxury travel provides an opportunity to immerse oneself solely in the journey and not the destination. It evokes a sense of discovery, elation and respite from the dust of everyday life. Being away from home and on the receiving end of meticulous attention and care opens the door to new perspectives and attitudes.  

Luxury Travel Is No Longer An Elitist Privilege

While once reserved for the rich and famous, today stellar accommodations and services are much more affordable to mainstream travelers. While there are certainly degrees as to which amenities are offered, modern luxury travel has become much more democratic, with many cruise lines offering both luxury and tour packages.  

Luxury Travel Means Seeing The World On One’s Own Terms

Going with a flow determined by the whims and fancies of the traveler can be very satisfying, as it sets the experience apart from others, and is like they words of that old Frank Sinatra song, I Did It My Way . In the world of luxury travel, via corporate jet or private yacht, there are no rules and anything goes.

Seeking An Understanding Of Other Cultures And Ways Of Life

A recent survey determined that 27% of US International travelers consider themselves “sophisticated explorers” seeking to discover new cultures and traditions. They value cultural heritage, luxury products that highlight individual customs and traditions, story telling and the performance arts.

Luxury Travelers Want Their Dreams To Become Reality

According to Carrie McDougall, president of Cultural Crossroads: “…Travelers look for something unique, above their expectations with superb service where their needs and wants are fulfilled. This includes exclusivity, privacy and everything from relaxation to adventure, with pampering and extras.”

The Quest For Exquisite Cuisine

For luxury travelers, cuisine transforms from a daily necessity into a heavenly culinary experience. Gourmands seek extraordinary culinary pleasures, which fine cuisine can offer in many forms. For example, a particular favored cuisine or drink can become a theme for a yacht trip or cruise, such a visiting vineyards, or just dining at the highest end restaurants found in any particular region. The options are endless, and they can all uniquely appeal to the customized whims and fancies of those onboard.

Luxury Travel Provides A Unique Sense Of Community  

While the luxury traveler may well be somewhat of a snob, he or she or they still desire a sense of community. This is provided by optional tour events and night happy hours so that guests can mingle and become acquainted if they so desire.

Content Is A Highlight of Luxury Travel

Itineraries and programming are aspects of luxury travel that many high-end consumers may enjoy planning for themselves, but they still seek easy access to their experiences that can only be coordinated by others. Standalone luxury offerings allow travelers the freedom to sample whatever they may like.

The Epitome Of Customization

Luxury travel allows for many choices, which is a key ingredient to consumer happiness and the potential for repeat traffic. Whether a traveler seeks a massage in a private room, cooking classes or personal tours, if money can buy it and it isn’t illegal, a traveler can most probably get it.

3 Luxurious Ambient Scents For Luxury Yachts And Private Jets

The following represent some popular scents that are associated with luxury travel of all types.

Air-Scent International Fragrance Disclosures


This incredibly invigorating Scentsia fragrance refill streams with the citrus sparkle of uplifting grapefruit, fresh, clean lemon and sharp lime.

These head notes soon flawlessly drift into a herbal/floral heart note bouquet marked by aspects of woody, aromatic rosemary, spicy green basil, cool, minty eucalyptus, creamy gardenia, fiery, spicy carnation, and sweet, intoxicating night-blooming jasmine.

An earthy musky dry down of dark, potent patchouli, rich, honeyed amber, sugary, balsamic Douglas Fir and passionate, sensual musk completes this unforgettable luxury fragrance.

Bursting with fruity accents of uplifting grapefruit, fresh clean lemon and crisp apple, these head notes soon flow into a floral heart note bouquet featuring facets of romantic rose, intense and intoxicating jasmine, delicate, sweet lily-of-the-valley, creamy gardenia and waxy, buttery tuberose.

A musky, warm and spicy dry down of   dark, warm and honeyed amber and sun-dried driftwood complete this unforgettable fragrance.  

This Scentsia fragrance refill opens with top notes of sparkling, energizing citrus.

These facets meld into a soft floral middle one featuring facets of musky rose, rich, sweet jasmine petal and exotic, soft and clean white tea bud.

Base notes of aromatic, erotic white musk and woody nuances finish this bold, intriguing fragrance.

Air Scent International

We are a leading international ambient scent diffusion and air care manufacturer and purveyor and have been in continuous operation since the late 1940s.

Air-Scent International Headquarters Logo

We are the world’s foremost authority on fan air fresheners, cutting edge linear scent diffusion technologies, fragrance development, molecular odor control and state-of-the-art small and large area HVAC diffusers and non HVAC air diffusing systems. Boasting a world wide clientele, our success is founded upon our stellar customer service and innovations.

We manufacture our own equipment and fragrances, delivering the most comprehensive and integrated product offerings in the perfume industry today.

If you are a luxury travel service provider, or if you’re a company that services one, contact our teams today, and see how we can enhance the experience of pampered travelers and put that final red ribbon on their first class journey, hotel stay, voyage or flight experiences.  

Bon Voyage!

Photo Credits: Pixabay, Shutterstock and Air-Scent International

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Cruising the Moskva River: A short guide to boat trips in Russia’s capital

yacht diffusion

There’s hardly a better way to absorb Moscow’s atmosphere than on a ship sailing up and down the Moskva River. While complicated ticketing, loud music and chilling winds might dampen the anticipated fun, this checklist will help you to enjoy the scenic views and not fall into common tourist traps.

How to find the right boat?

There are plenty of boats and selecting the right one might be challenging. The size of the boat should be your main criteria.

Plenty of small boats cruise the Moskva River, and the most vivid one is this yellow Lay’s-branded boat. Everyone who has ever visited Moscow probably has seen it.

yacht diffusion

This option might leave a passenger disembarking partially deaf as the merciless Russian pop music blasts onboard. A free spirit, however, will find partying on such a vessel to be an unforgettable and authentic experience that’s almost a metaphor for life in modern Russia: too loud, and sometimes too welcoming. Tickets start at $13 (800 rubles) per person.

Bigger boats offer smoother sailing and tend to attract foreign visitors because of their distinct Soviet aura. Indeed, many of the older vessels must have seen better days. They are still afloat, however, and getting aboard is a unique ‘cultural’ experience. Sometimes the crew might offer lunch or dinner to passengers, but this option must be purchased with the ticket. Here is one such  option  offering dinner for $24 (1,490 rubles).

yacht diffusion

If you want to travel in style, consider Flotilla Radisson. These large, modern vessels are quite posh, with a cozy restaurant and an attentive crew at your service. Even though the selection of wines and food is modest, these vessels are still much better than other boats.

yacht diffusion

Surprisingly, the luxurious boats are priced rather modestly, and a single ticket goes for $17-$32 (1,100-2,000 rubles); also expect a reasonable restaurant bill on top.

How to buy tickets?

Women holding photos of ships promise huge discounts to “the young and beautiful,” and give personal invitations for river tours. They sound and look nice, but there’s a small catch: their ticket prices are usually more than those purchased online.

“We bought tickets from street hawkers for 900 rubles each, only to later discover that the other passengers bought their tickets twice as cheap!”  wrote  (in Russian) a disappointed Rostislav on a travel company website.

Nevertheless, buying from street hawkers has one considerable advantage: they personally escort you to the vessel so that you don’t waste time looking for the boat on your own.

yacht diffusion

Prices start at $13 (800 rubles) for one ride, and for an additional $6.5 (400 rubles) you can purchase an unlimited number of tours on the same boat on any given day.

Flotilla Radisson has official ticket offices at Gorky Park and Hotel Ukraine, but they’re often sold out.

Buying online is an option that might save some cash. Websites such as  this   offer considerable discounts for tickets sold online. On a busy Friday night an online purchase might be the only chance to get a ticket on a Flotilla Radisson boat.

This  website  (in Russian) offers multiple options for short river cruises in and around the city center, including offbeat options such as ‘disco cruises’ and ‘children cruises.’ This other  website  sells tickets online, but doesn’t have an English version. The interface is intuitive, however.

Buying tickets online has its bad points, however. The most common is confusing which pier you should go to and missing your river tour.

yacht diffusion

“I once bought tickets online to save with the discount that the website offered,” said Igor Shvarkin from Moscow. “The pier was initially marked as ‘Park Kultury,’ but when I arrived it wasn’t easy to find my boat because there were too many there. My guests had to walk a considerable distance before I finally found the vessel that accepted my tickets purchased online,” said the man.

There are two main boarding piers in the city center:  Hotel Ukraine  and  Park Kultury . Always take note of your particular berth when buying tickets online.

Where to sit onboard?

Even on a warm day, the headwind might be chilly for passengers on deck. Make sure you have warm clothes, or that the crew has blankets ready upon request.

The glass-encased hold makes the tour much more comfortable, but not at the expense of having an enjoyable experience.

yacht diffusion

Getting off the boat requires preparation as well. Ideally, you should be able to disembark on any pier along the way. In reality, passengers never know where the boat’s captain will make the next stop. Street hawkers often tell passengers in advance where they’ll be able to disembark. If you buy tickets online then you’ll have to research it yourself.

There’s a chance that the captain won’t make any stops at all and will take you back to where the tour began, which is the case with Flotilla Radisson. The safest option is to automatically expect that you’ll return to the pier where you started.

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DiffusionAtlas: High-Fidelity Consistent Diffusion Video Editing

Shao-Yu Chang 1 Hwann-Tzong Chen 2 Tyng-Luh Liu 1

1 Academia Sinica, Taiwan 2 National Tsing Hua University

[Paper (arxiv)] [Code (coming soon)]

yacht diffusion

Given a source video, a text prompt, and a reference image (e.g., “a purple minivan”), our method enables consistent video editing with high-fidelity output. We introduce the one-shot tuning mechanism for diffusion models to update the attention blocks for the source structure and to edit the objects directly on atlas textures. After getting the edited foreground atlas, we optimize the UV mappings using constraints exploited from the original UV space structures and a pretrained diffusion model to propagate edited atlas textures back to the frames more naturally.

yacht diffusion

UV mapping optimization process.

yacht diffusion

Mast & Rigging Manufacturer

Z Spars UK is a leading manufacturer of alloy masts, booms, rigging, spars and fittings for sailing yachts around the world. With a combined 200+ years of experience within the yachting industry, we have extensive knowledge about sailing vessels and their specifications.

Are you looking for... Reliable service Fast delivery High Quality  Think Z SPARS UK

If you would like to visit our office to discuss your needs, please contact us to book an appointment., phone: 01473 822130, email: [email protected], mon-thur 08:00 - 16:30, fri 08:00 - 16:00, fill out our enquiry form here, download our full brochure.

Garlington Yachts

A true icon in the sportfishing industry.

yacht diffusion

High Performance

We constantly strive for excellence and complete every project with the pride it deserves. Our team receives personal satisfaction from knowing that their efforts lead to a finished product we all can be proud of.

From the graceful sweep of their sheer a Garlington is instantly recognized as the vessel by which others are judged. Classic and elegant exteriors, matched to contemporary interiors along with a state of the art machinery package, this is the ethos of all Garlingtons.

All Garlingtons are built using cored composite construction. The advantages of cored hulls and superstructures are well known, but in addition to creating a lighter stiffer package the use of this construction method provides a quiet soft riding hull with great impact resistance. Our hulls are lighter and stiffer, thus allowing for greater performance.

Resin infusion & Core Cell Foam Highly innovative construction

Garlington Yachts are built with cored composites of Glass, Kevlar, and Carbon fiber. The great advantages of cored hulls are well known, cored hulls are stiffer and perform better in heavy seas as well as being lighter. They are insulated, therefore quiet, and more comfortable riding boats.

Corecell is the first structural foam designed specifically for the marine industry, we use a sandwich construction process in which we infuse fiberglass on either side of every piece of core to produce the most structurally sound sport fishing yachts.

Corecell is a closed cell foam that adds safety to ocean going vessels because it only absorbs 1% of its weight in water over its lifetime, meaning our hulls stay light.

Richard Garlington did not like the boats available at the time in the early eighties, so he decided to build his own. He asked long time friend Dan McCarthy, a famous United States Navy submarine-designer during the sixties and seventies, to draw a soft riding hull with a running surface that could take heavy seas while maintaining great tractability and comfort. When Garlington started the company, he built clean, sharp-looking boats, designed to catch fish and run in rough seas without compromise. Since the Landeweer family purchased the company, it’s upheld the quality and integrity of the custom boats, building beautiful sport-fishers that perform and meet the discerning needs of their owners. The broad based history and experience of our yard is reflected in the level of excellence we maintain from conception to completion of each custom sport fish. It is our firm belief that the pride we put into manufacturing will be reflected in the pride and pleasure of ownership.

View all our models



The 44’ has seen more action around the world than nearly any other custom express. From the granders of Madera to tagging tunas & sailfish for conservation. This large feeling dayboat has everything pro anglers dream of.

More about this model



The 49′ Express – is a Larger express one that can efficiently travel long distances with ease and just as important, fish well. She performs well inshore and off. Her stylish and efficient design makes her the perfect all round express fisherman.



The Garlington 61’ has been recognized as an industry standard in performance, construction and styling for decades. A true icon in the sportfishing industry. They can try to copy the lines, but they can’t copy the ride.



The Garlington 61′ Express established the new standard in modern styling and performance for large express sportfisherman. We remain committed to improving our boats with new technologies, systems and finishing materials.



The 71′ is built on the success of the 61′, but with larger spaces and increased capacities. The 71′ shares the same hull form and almost identical proportions of house and bridge with a few subtle improvements.

Get in touch with us

Constant refinement since 1980 . The broad based history and experience of our yard is reflected in the level of excellence we maintain from conception to completion of each custom sport fish. It is our firm belief that the pride we put into manufacturing will be reflected in the pride and pleasure of ownership.

  • Head Office 3370 Southeast Slater Street Stuart, FL, 34997 United States
  • 772-283-7124
  • Guided tour

River Cruise on Luxurious Radisson Boat

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River Cruise on Luxurious Radisson Boat

Equipped with ice-breaking technology, these huge fancy yachts are the only river cruisers running all year around. The round trip journey takes two and a half hours and floats past all the big sights like the White House, Novodevichy monastery and the Kremlin. There’s a large open air observation deck up top, while the main body of the ship houses a restaurant with a dance floor for a romantic post dinner dance. For a particularly romantic experience take one of the evening boats and admire the bright lights of the city skyline at night.

The most relaxing and picturesque tour that Moscow can offer: a great way to see the city center and its main attractions. This is a perfect alternative to exploring the city by car, if you only have time to do sightseeing during weekday rush hours.

Your English-speaking guide is eager to share every bit of their knowledge about the surrounding landscape, the architecture and historical details.

We conduct Moscow river tour on Radisson Flotilla boats all year around!  It’s warm inside during winter months, while there’s air conditioning during hot summer days. You may also treat yourself to drinks, lunch or dinner on board (drinks and food are not included in tour price).

The cost of an excursion with a personal guide for 1 person

Quay at Radisson Collection Hotel

Government Headquarters ("the White House")

Kievsky Railway Central

Novodevichy Convent

Luzhniki Stadium

Academy of Sciences

Monument to Peter I

Cathedral of Christ the Saviour

Moscow Kremlin

St.Basil's Cathedral

Novospassky Monastery

U-turn and back to Quay at Radisson Royal Hotel

Choose your dates

Who's going.

  • Excursion River Cruise on Luxurious Radisson Boat
  • Date and time:
  • Who's going:

See photo of the meeting point

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  19. About us

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