• KM Yachtbuilders
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World's finest explorer yachts.

We build dreams. With over 30 years of expertise, we craft custom aluminum explorer yachts of unparalleled quality, tailored for the most extreme destinations. Specialized in high-latitude expeditions.

Is your yacht in need of maintenance, repairs or a large refit? We’re happy to help you with it. We not only work on aluminium yachts but also on steel, polyester or even wooden yachts.

Designed by one of the world’s most legendary sailors as his private yacht. Brought to you by KM Yachtbuilders, the leading builder of aluminium expedition yachts up to 100ft.

We are KM Yachtbuilders

We build aluminium yachts. Since 1998, KM Yachtbuilders has pioneered innovative and no-nonsense aluminum yacht construction, prioritizing safety and adventure. Starting out with three people and about as many yachts. A few decades later we are a team of 70 with more than 100 builds under our belt and our yachts are sailing the seven seas from pole to pole.

Meet us at BOOT Düsseldorf 18 – 26 of January 2025

Get ready to experience the world’s largest indoor water sports show and explore the latest in boat technology, equipment and accessories. From sailboats to motor yachts, stand-up paddling […]

Choose your destination, comfortably go wherever you want to go.

Fleet highlights, 2017 aluminium buster xxl, bestevaer 42, bestevaer 50 ‘volans’, bestevaer 53 ‘surminski’, bestevaer 53 ‘tethys’, german frers 105 bolero, allures 39.9 imagine, bestevaer 41 josephine ii, altena 53 happy hours, ovni 400 a plus, bestevaer 63 m/y, bestevaer 36 ‘bv3’, hoek 65 weatherly, bestevaer 73 christopher, bestevaer 53 xaos, ovni 43 sanderling, pelagic 77 ‘amundsen’, bestevaer 54 ‘micmac’ (prev. canada), bestevaer 56 panta rhei, bestevaer 53 m/y #3, bestevaer 62 luskentyre, bestevaer 53 my still, bestevaer 45 lionne, bestevaer 53 m/y bryndis, km custom yachts.

A custom built yacht is a journey in itself. Every customer comes with their own set of demands that depend on the purpose of the boat. Decades of experience, teamwork and a profound love of our craft help us to always come up with solutions for the most challenging demands.

Bestevaer yachts

Bestevaer s/y, bestevaer m/y, custom bestevaer 1/1, the world's finest explorer yachts., become part of the km family.

Our team is always ready to assist our yacht owners with advice and assistance in the event of contingencies.

Explore Bestevaer yachts

Designed by one of the world’s most legendary sailors as his private yacht. Brought to you by KM Yachtbuilders.

Samen met bedrijven

Yacht Builders Academy zet zich in om te voldoen aan de behoefte van het bedrijfsleven en klaar te zijn voor de toekomst. We doen dit met een uniek aanbod van Maritiem Technische opleidingen voor jongeren en een aanvullend cursusaanbod voor volwassenen. Onze opleidingen zijn samen met het bedrijfsleven ontwikkeld, zodat onze studenten precies leren wat in de praktijk nodig is. Daarnaast delen we onze kennis, ervaring en passie, zodat de jachtbouwbranche in Noordwest-Nederland blijft bloeien.

Meedoen? Meld u aan bij Yacht Builders Academy!

Onze partners

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yachtbuilders academy

Abma's Jachtwerf

Abma's Jachtwerf is een van de oudste dealers en sinds meerdere jaren ook de grootste dealer van de Benelux. Op de werf worden jaarlijks tientallen motoren ingebouwd. U kunt hier terecht voor nieuw, gebruikt en gereviseerd.

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Altec Holding

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Bonsink Yachtpainters

Bonsink Yacht Painters specialiseert zich al sinds 1982 als allround internationaal jachtschilder in de watersport. Door de jaren heen hebben de jachtschilders van Bonsink Yacht Painters zowel in het binnen- als het buitenland veel ervaring opgedaan in de jachtbouw. Of het nu gaat om een schip van 100 meter of van 5 meter, bij Jachtschildersbedrijf Bonsink Yacht Painters wordt u altijd op een snelle en correcte manier geholpen, all over the World!

yachtbuilders academy

Onze engineers hebben een passie voor schepen. Zo ontwerpen wij altijd innovatieve en duurzame schepen, met designs die kwaliteit uitstralen. C-Job gelooft dat alleen door intensieve samenwerking met de opdrachtgever vooruitstrevende scheepsontwerpen en hoogwaardige engineeringsoplossingen tot stand komen. Ideeën en ambities van opdrachtgevers worden doorvertaald in praktische ontwerpen. C-Job’s schepen zijn altijd duurzaam en voorzien van de laatste technologieën.

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De Koninggroep is gespecialiseerd in straal-, spuit- en conserverings-werkzaamheden van hoogwaardige kwaliteit. De Koning heeft al meer dan 25 jaar wereldwijd een uitstekende reputatie als specialist in jachtschilderwerk.

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De Stille Boot

Experts in Elektrisch Varen

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De Vries Scheepsbouw Makkum

Bij De Vries Scheepsbouw in Makkum worden luxe motorjachten afgebouwd met maximale lengte van 120 meter. Naast nieuwbouw worden bij De Vries Scheepsbouw Makkum ook refits van Feadships uitgevoerd. Samen met zo’n 260 collega’s legt een ieder zich dagelijks vol passie toe op het leveren van het hoogst haalbare kwaliteitsniveau.

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Dutches Yachts B.V.

Voor onderhoud aan uw schip, lakwerk van het interieur of de reling, voor Dutchess Yachts zijn dit veel voorkomende werkzaamheden. Onze jachtschilders hebben inmiddels meer dan 15 jaar ervaring op het gebied van schilderen van exterieurs en interieurs van schepen. U kunt met uw schip van Aluminium, staal, hout of polyester met een lengte tot 20 meter bij ons terecht voor alle voorkomende behandelingen. Jaarlijks behandelen wij een 20-tal schepen voor zowel werven als particulieren.

yachtbuilders academy

De wereld is enorm veranderd sinds 1860. Dat jaar werd Elzinga opgericht door de toen 28-jarige Hotze Hille Elzinga. Alles was toen nog overzichtelijk, een man en zijn schildersbedrijf, beide vol ambacht. Maar de tijd heeft niet stilgestaan. De afgelopen anderhalve eeuw vonden er diverse uitbreidingen plaats en bleven we continu vernieuwen, groeien en innoveren. En ondanks dat bleven we herkenbaar als een echt familiebedrijf. Gedurende de opeenvolgende jaren kwamen er steeds meer divisies bij, wat resulteerde in diverse uitbereidingen van onze bedrijfsgebouwen. Er ontstonden prachtige intensieve samenwerkingen met veel klanten, waarvoor we vandaag de dag nog steeds met passie aan verschillende projecten voor werken. We blijven innoveren en benaderen commercieel de markt vanuit 7 divisies We doen er alles aan om constant het beste vakwerk op maat te kunnen blijven aanbieden. Dus, op naar de toekomst!

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Gebroeders Van Enkhuizen

Wij bouwen jachten met eeuwigheidswaarde en beschikkend over ruime kennis op het gebied van motoren, onderhoud en nieuwbouw.

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Goos Watersport

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Heesen Yachts enjoys a reputation that sets it apart from the rest as a brand synonymous with high-quality shipbuilding and award-winning design. A yacht is a beautiful way to expand your horizons in glorious comfort. But when that yacht is a Heesen it can be so much more. Only a Heesen yacht can take you to the destinations of your dreams by pushing the boundaries of quality, performance and design and offer the high level of luxury service you are accustomed to in your daily life.

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yachtbuilders academy


 Straal- en Coatingbedrijf Hooghiemstra BV, gevestigd in Uitwellingerga (Friesland), is een familiebedrijf dat al meer dan 30 jaar actief is in het gritstralen (zandstralen) en coaten. Zij stralen en coaten alles en zijn gespecialiseerd in het stralen en coaten van uw boot, schip, jacht, tjalk, skûtsje of casco. Maar ook containers, constructies, vijzels, velgen, transportmiddelen of uw melkbus worden met zorg behandeld door het team van deskundige medewerkers.

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Hoora Watersport

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KM Yachtbuilders

KM Yachtbuilders bv bouwt 20 jaar zeilschepen van 40 tot 100 voet te Makkum (FRL) geheel naar wens van de klant. Ze werkt veel samen met ontwerpers als Dykstra Naval Architects, Van de Stadt Design, Koopmans en bouwt ‘one-off’ jachten.

Koninklijke De Vries Scheepsbouw Aalsmeer

Koninklijke De Vries Scheepsbouw is met Feadship wereldwijd marktleider en heeft een internationale klantenkring. Toch liggen de wortels van ons familiebedrijf al meer dan honderd jaar stevig in de Aalsmeerder grond.

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Kuipers Woudsend

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Lido2D3D biedt hoogwaardig tekenwerk aan jachtbouwers over de hele wereld. We zijn gespecialiseerd in gedetailleerde productietekeningen voor luxe jachten, in 2D en/of 3D. We leveren productietekeningen, assemblagetekeningen, CNC-files en visualisaties. Onze 3D laserscanner stelt ons in staat accurate metingen te doen van een schip of een ander object.

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Miedema Sails

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Nederlandse Jachtbouw Industrie | NJI

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Netherlands Maritime Technology | NMT

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Nordmare Engineering

Nordmare Engineering bv is een ingenieursbureau op het gebied van scheeps- en jachtbouw. Ons kantoor in Leek biedt plaats aan meerdere medewerkers die scheepsbouwkundige engineering en CAD ontwerp- en tekenwerk uitvoeren. Styling en vormdesign wordt door de yachtdesigner aangeleverd en wij werken vervolgens alle gegevens uit.

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OOM | Opleiding Ontwikkeling Metaalbewerking

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Ottenhome Heeg BV

We hebben een passie voor watersport en die passie dragen we graag aan u over. We verhuren en verkopen vanuit het watersportdorp Heeg, Friesland, een mooie vloot aan motor– en zeilboten en organiseren we met evenementen waar de watersport centraal staat. We doen dit al sinds 1984 elke dag met veel plezier die we terugzien in onze terugkerende gasten.

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Paul Dijkstra Composites B.V.

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Roeiwerf Wiersma

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Rolf de Jong Zeilmakerij

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Royal van Lent

Situated on Kaag Island, Royal Van Lent yard has roots dating back to 1849. Yacht construction started in earnest eighty years ago when motor and sailing yachts were built out of wood. Royal Van Lent rapidly expanded into the construction of steel and aluminium, and is now solely dedicated to custom-built motoryachts. In addition to providing premium quality, Royal Van Lent takes great pride in maintaining a personal relationship with owners.  

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Studio Delta

Studio Delta is gespecialiseerd in naval architecture voor jachten en biedt haar diensten aan in het technisch design van tenders tot superjachten van <10 m tot 100 m +. De studio is gevestigd in de haven van Scheveningen en heeft meer dan 20 jaar ervaring in de superjacht industrie, nationaal en internationaal.

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Tecla Bodewes Shipyards

Thecla Bodewes Shipyards specialize in building lightweight inland navigation vessels, day-passenger ships, pushers, fishing cutters and low-profile coasters.

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UK - De Vries Sails

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Vereniging SZS

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Visser Workum BV

Visser Workum BV is specialist op het gebied van in- en exterieurs voor de luxe jachtbouw.

Door uitgebreide vakkennis te combineren met de nieuwste 2D/3D scan- en freestechnieken leveren wij al bijna 50 jaar unieke producten die aan de hoogste kwaliteitseisen voldoen.

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WSB Finishing Equipment biedt producten en diensten aan op het vlak van voorbehandeling en oppervlaktebehandeling, lijm- en kitapplicaties maar ook systemen voor het transporteren van vloeistoffen.

Kwaliteit, veiligheid en milieuzorg staan hierbij centraal. WSB werd meer dan 40 jaar geleden opgericht en is sindsdien in de Benelux marktleider met een sterke reputatie als het gaat om kwaliteit en service.

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Yachtpaints, Equipments en Consultancy BV (YEC)

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Younique Yachts

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Life-changing opportunities for all

Professional full-time training in Lyme Regis, Dorset 40-Week Boat Building | 12-Week Furniture Making 2-14 day Short Courses

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Make your passion your future

Welcome to the Boat Building Academy

Our world leading courses are focussed on professional training but also provide life-changing opportunities for complete beginners, enthusiasts and those on a gap year. Learn boat building and woodworking by the sea in the heart of Lyme Regis, on the Dorset coast. From 2 days to 40 weeks, there is a course for everyone. Our tutors are selected not only for their excellence in boat building and craftsmanship but also for their outstanding communication and teaching skills. "I have taught and studied in many professional courses throughout my working life and the training I have had at the BBA is some of the very best" – Bijan Nabavi, 2023 40-week Boat Building student

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Our Boat Building and Furniture Making Courses

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40-week Boat Building course

Our flagship 40-week boat building course.

Since 1997 we have trained over 2500 people. Many of these have gone on to work in the boat building industry across the UK and the world.

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12-week furniture making course

A practical and comprehensive programme of woodwork, skill building, joinery, drawing, bending, a personal design and make project, and much more.

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2 to 10-day short courses

From GRP Repairs to Antique Furniture Restoration, there is a short course for everyone! Whether you’re a complete beginner, want to hone a particular skill or spend time by the sea learning something new.

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Join us this September

If you want to be part of a community that is preparing people for the boat building industry, then the Boat Building Academy is the place for YOU!

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Spend 2 weeks in sunny Lyme Regis learning how to build your own wooden paddleboard

“The 40-week Boat Building course is by far the best thing I have ever done. The teaching is of the highest quality, both in expertise and enthusiasm for the course and the boatbuilding industry in general. I would highly recommend it to anyone who is considering a career in either woodworking or boatbuilding or even just to learn a new skillset.”

yachtbuilders academy

"Your college has set the benchmark for the future of training craftsmen, which has long been the biggest worry of traditional boat builders and repairers. You deserve to go from strength to strength, and I for one will recommend it to anyone looking for a career in our industry."

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A really useful week! I learned techniques and got some confidence in general woodworking, but the best thing was being able to bring my boat along for the class to work on. I am extremely grateful for the dedicated concentration on the issues that need sorting for my boat.

yachtbuilders academy

A brilliant, well run school, where everyone was helpful, professional and a joy to be around! It was an excellent course that more than met my expectations. Providing many detailed explanations on several different aspects of boat construction.

yachtbuilders academy

All our interactions and experiences with the BBA have impressed us with their commitment to creating a diverse and inclusive space. The teaching offered is second to none, and the environment is unique in its atmosphere of respect, encouragement and acceptance of all. BBA is a wonderful place to spend time.

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“I wanted to do the 40 week course in order to retrain and start a new career. Without the bursary I would not have been able to join when I did, and at 34 I felt that I didn’t have time to waste. Before the course, I was stuck in a fairly poorly paid job and only had a small amount of savings. I was lucky enough that my family were willing to help with some of my costs, but it was a stretch. The bursary I received enabled me to make up the rest and enjoy the course to the fullest. I now have lifelong skills (and friends), and finally a career that I love. I wouldn’t be writing this without the support I received.”

yachtbuilders academy

"It exceeded expectations! Lovely people, lovely tutor, lovely place. It was the right amount of things to try and achieve in a week." Thank you so much for the bursary opportunity. This has had a huge impact on me & has made the project i want to achieve more possible and less scary to start."

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“I trained at BBA and built my first boat as a replica to the oldest surviving Shetland boat and this has underpinned my work as a traditional wooden boat builder for the last seventeen years. I would like to express my great appreciation to all the tutors at the Academy for the guidance, skill and knowledge they have shared with me.”.

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"The BBA prepares you perfectly for the boat building industry, and in my case Spirit Yachts. The boats are bigger, but the fundamentals are the same and it’s much easier to scale up than down"

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The Boat Diaries

Discover our boat building diaries. Follow the construction and progress of the boats currently being built in our workshop, as well as those built on our previous 40-week boat building courses.

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19’6″ strip planked, cold moulded 1954 launch (scamp)

- harry walker.

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18’6″ glued clinker sailing boat

- jérémie blanc.

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7’10” traditional clinker dinghy

- joachim liescher.

yachtbuilders academy

20′ Looe traditional clinker diesel launch

- ben short.

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14′ carvel & cold moulded Riva Scoiattolo, outboard powered

- tom thorley, support future boat building and furniture making students by making a bursary donation online.

We aim to provide financial help to men and women passionate to train in the crafts of boat building and woodworking.

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Recent News and Events

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Our solar PV is up and running

As mentioned in our recent news post, the Academy received grant funding from Low Carbon Dorset as part of the Shared Prosperity

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Launch Day, June 2024

Congratulations to the Class of August 2023! 🎉 ‘Launch Day’ has marked the end of their time at the Boat Building Academy

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Solar Panel plan for Boat Building Academy approved!

DORSET Council has agreed that solar panels can be added to the Boat Building Academy at Monmouth Beach, Lyme Regis. The council

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Spaces available on our flagship Boat Building course

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Spaces available on our 12-week furniture making course

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Book our short courses online

ASA / American Sailing

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Come aboard and soak in the stunning views of downtown St. Petersburg, Florida, and the vast expanse of Tampa Bay with Intelligent Sailing’s top-notch experiences. Cruise on our cutting-edge luxury yachts for personalized, one-on-one coaching tailored to your skill level – whether you’re up for a laid-back “fun day” or aiming for advanced training and ASA certifications with our seasoned instructors. As ASA’s longest-serving Sailing School in St. Petersburg, Florida, boasting over 20 years of experience, we feature an entire fleet of new model yachts, ranging from just a few months to a few years old. With Intelligent Sailing, you sail and snooze on brand-new yachts!

Indulge in luxury with our Intelligent Sailing School or opt for our Yacht Club Membership program, or why not both? Gain exclusive access to our impeccably maintained fleet of yachts, including monohulls and catamarans ranging from 32 to 51 feet, each decked out with lavish amenities like multiple cabins, air conditioning, generators, refrigerators/freezers, fresh-water electric heads, and more.

Nestled in the prestigious Harborage Marina, our spot offers unparalleled convenience, with mega-yacht slips, a charming grilling area, swimming pool, lounge, showers, and laundry facilities. Enjoy easy access to downtown St. Pete’s vibrant scene, top beaches, and Tampa International Airport.

At Intelligent Sailing, we’re all about going above and beyond. From private cruises to beginner classes, corporate team-building events to special charters, we’ve got it all. Plus, explore ASA Sailing Certification Courses to boost your skills and confidence on the water.

Ready to turn your sailing dreams into reality? Our services include yacht brokerage, guiding you through every step of the process. With our Owner options, leave the care and maintenance to us while enjoying passive income opportunities based on usage.

Dive into the lively spirit of Tampa Bay and downtown St. Petersburg with Intelligent Sailing – where every journey promises extraordinary adventures.

Why settle for ordinary? Instead, join Florida’s premier sailing school and elevate your adventure with Intelligent Sailing. Choose from our fleet of new yachts and take your sailing escapades to new heights.

American Sailing Certifications Offered

ASA 101, Keelboat Sailing 1

Other Services Available

  • Couples Courses
  • Private Courses
  • Weekday Courses
  • Weekend Courses
  • Corporate Team Building Courses
  • ASA 'Challenges'
  • Day Sail Charters (public)
  • Day Sail Charters (member-only)
  • Sunset Cruises
  • Sailboat Cruises
  • Racing Courses
  • Spinnaker Courses

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ASA Veterans Sailing Education Program - Sign Up Now >>

At ASA we recognize the sacrifices made by the brave men and women who have served or are serving in our country's armed forces. As a token of our appreciation, and our way of saying thank you, we are inviting veterans and active military personnel to share our passion for sailing by offering a discount on our ASA 101 Basic Keelboat Sailing course. Intelligent Sailing is offering a minimum of $50.00 or 10% off their ASA 101 Basic Keelboat Sailing course.

Sailing School Reviews / Testimonials

David - Intelligent Sailing

Trey - Intelligent Sailing

Payton - Intelligent Sailing

Contact Information

Address 1110 3rd Street SouthSt. PetersburgFL33701USA
Phone (727) 688-3007

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America’s 10 Best Yacht Builders

Yacht At Last side view

In America, the yachting industry might not be as established. Yet, today, America’s best luxury yacht builders continue to put out award-winning and state-of-the-art designs. Who are America’s best yacht builders?

From Christensen to Trinity, we countdown the best yacht builders in America and highlight what makes each shipyard unique. Here are our favorites:

1. Christensen

Christensen is one of the most established yacht builders in the U.S., and the company is known for its completely custom yachts. Each yacht the company produces is designed according to owner specifications.

Known for its classic hull design, and upscale finishes, Christensen produces some of the most luxurious superyachts in the U.S. That’s thanks in part to the builder’s in-house design team. Many other builders outsource design. Plus, the builder is known for its exquisite interiors, featuring spacious layouts and the finest finishes. Christensen also regularly wins innovation awards for their efficient and powerful displacement systems and state-of-the-art stabilization.

2. Westport

Since 1964, Westport has been a leader in yacht design and manufacturing in the U.S. And its earned a reputation for developing sporty, classically-styled superyachts.

That wasn’t always the case. Originally, Westport designed and built commercial fishing vessels, but today, Westport focuses exclusively on luxury motor yachts, including 34-, 38-, 40- and 50-meter yachts. Westport’s raised pilothouse and tri-deck yachts feature classic nautical hulls with modern touches. The interiors are sleek and comfortable and known for their spacious outdoor deck areas.

3. Derecktor

Derecktor is one of the country’s oldest yacht builders. It was founded on Long Island, NY in 1947, and during its early years, the company produced commercial fishing and passenger vessels. (Even today, Derecktor manufacturers high-speed ferries for cities around the world.)

Derecktor’s output has changed quite a bit in its 70-year history. Today, the company continues to build commercial vessels, but it’s also a top builder of custom motor yachts. Derecktor produces both explorer yachts and motor yachts, and many of its luxury motor yachts feature explorer-inspired designs. Many Derecktor yachts, for example, feature towering superstructures positioned forward. This opens up an abundance of aft-deck space for outdoor dining areas, beach clubs, and even helipads.

In addition to style, Derecktor yachts are renowned for their performance. They might be sizable. But they’re fast, and the ride is stable.

4. Hatteras

Hatteras is a legendary name in American shipbuilding, known for its high-speed and beautiful motor yachts. Initially, the shipyard focused entirely on sportfish yachts – something they’re still known for today. Yet, the company’s line-up of motor yachts offers the best of the best in luxury yachting.

Hatteras offers a full range of superyachts, including the 100 RPH, a stunning 102-foot raised pilothouse motoryacht, and the M90. Hatteras certainly shows its sporty roots in all of its designs; Hatteras exteriors are sleek and streamlined, sharing design details with its sportfish line.

At Trinity , size is the name of the game. The Gulfport-based shipyard produces yachts up to 123 meters (400 feet), including some of the largest luxury yachts ever built in the U.S.

The yachtbuilder has many signatures. For example, classic nautical architecture is one. Trinity produces some of the most inspiring superstructure designs that feature sleek lines and an abundance of glass. When you charter a Trinity yacht, you’ll have plenty of places to relax, as most of their designs incorporate an abundance of deck space. In the past, that’s include beautiful sky lounges and sprawling aft-deck dining/bar areas.

Below deck, Trinity yachts delivers spacious layouts. The yachtbuilder is know for their opulent owner’s suites and staterooms, as well as stunning salons.

6. Broward Marine

Founded by legendary boatbuilder Frank Denison in the 1950s, Broward Marine has been a leader in superyacht design throughout its history. For example, in 1954, Broward launched its first luxury superyacht, ALISA V. At the time, the 96-footer was a behemoth – similar in grandness to today’s megayachts of 150+ feet.

The Alisa paved a path for the company, which shifted its focus exclusively to luxury motoryachts. In the 1980s, for example, Broward was quick to respond to the trend of the superyachts; Broward sold some 80 yachts in the 1980s, an impressive sales feat.

Under new management in the early 2000s, the company continued its focus on stunning megayachts in the 100- to 160-foot range. Broward yachts are grand in scale, with stunning tri-deck and raised pilothouse designs, and they’re also some of the first to feature farmhouse kitchens. Today, the company focuses primarily on refits, but many of their majestic yachts are still available for charter.

7. Hargrave

Hargrave has been producing yachts since the 1950s, and throughout its history, the shipyard has built a reputation for inspiring yacht designs. In fact, the company initially only focused on design. Founder Jack Hargrave, the famed nautical designer, worked closely with other top U.S. yacht builders including Burger and Hatteras, helping to launch numerous brands.

In 1997, the company transitioned from design to designing and building its own luxury yachts. The company quickly made a name for itself. Hargrave has won numerous awards for its sporty tri-decks and sportfish-inspired motoryachts. Hargrave yachts feature contemporary interiors, matched with sleek profiles.

A Horizon yacht has a distinctive look. The company’s yachts have stately exteriors with tons of classic nautical architectural details. Inside, too, Horizon yachts have a lot of character. Most Horizon yachts feature sprawling windows, creating light and airy interior spaces.

Today, the company produces yachts in the 56- to 150-foot range, and their offerings include power catamarans, tri-decks and raised pilothouse motor yachts.

If you’re looking for a power cat, that’s a Horizon specialty. The company’s PC Series features a range of mid-sized power cats up to about 80 feet, with numerous concept yachts in the works. Yet, Horizon does it all. You’ll find Horizon yachts in just about any style, from Fast Displacement yachts (FD Series), to customized tri-decks (CC Series).

The Burger Boat Company is one of the most historic shipbuilders in the U.S. Originally launched in 1863, the company has built more than 500 yachts in its history (more than 250 of which are still in operation). The company was a pioneer in steel yacht building, but today, Burger primary builds aluminum yachts.

Burger produces a range of custom tri-deck motor yachts, ranging from 112- to 214-foot motor yachts. Burger boats have a distinctive look and feel. They have spacious deck areas, like the wrap-around deck on its current 214-foot tri-deck concept, as well as innovative exterior lounge areas.

10. Delta Marine

For more than 50 years, Delta Marine has been producing world-class motor yachts from its headquarters in Seattle. The boatbuilder is known for its sleek exterior designs. Delta Marine yachts feature clean, flowing lines throughout, and the company produces a range of raised pilothouse and tri-deck motor yachts.

Plus, the interiors are completely custom. As such, no two Delta Marine yachts look the same, and the interiors are as unique as their owners. Delta yachts are also well-known for their performance. Many feature performance-minded hulls, and feature state-of-the-art displacement systems.

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Yacht builders academy

Yacht builders academy Review

Write a review, 👍 yacht builders academy is an excellent place to ....

👍 Yacht Builders Academy is an excellent place to learn yacht building. The instructors are very knowledgeable and the course material is comprehensive. The hands-on training helped me gain practical skills that are essential in this industry. I highly recommend this academy! 👍

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I recently completed a course at a yacht building academy and it was a fantastic experience. The instructors were top-notch and the curriculum was well-structured. I learned so much and feel confident in my ability to enter the industry. Highly recommend!

😃 I recently completed a course at Yacht Builders ...

😃 I recently completed a course at Yacht Builders Academy and it was an incredible experience. The instructors were fantastic and the curriculum was well-structured. The hands-on training helped me develop practical skills that are invaluable in the yacht building industry. I highly recommend this academy! 😃

😊 Yacht Builders Academy exceeded my expectations....

😊 Yacht Builders Academy exceeded my expectations. The instructors were amazing and the course material was very informative. The hands-on training was the highlight of the course for me. I feel well-prepared to pursue a career in yacht building. I definitely recommend this academy! 😊

I had a fantastic experience at Yacht Builders Aca...

I had a fantastic experience at Yacht Builders Academy. The instructors were incredibly helpful and the curriculum was well-designed. I loved the hands-on aspect of the course and the opportunity to work on real projects. I highly recommend this academy to anyone interested in yacht building.

Yacht Builders Academy is a great place to learn y...

Yacht Builders Academy is a great place to learn yacht building. The instructors are highly experienced and the curriculum is well-structured. The practical training provided hands-on experience and helped me build confidence in my skills. I would definitely recommend this academy to anyone interested in yacht building.

I recently completed a course at an academy and it...

I recently completed a course at an academy and it was a fantastic experience. The instructors were top-notch and the curriculum was well-structured. I learned so much and feel confident in my ability to enter the industry. Highly recommend!

I had a great experience with Yacht Builders Acade...

I had a great experience with Yacht Builders Academy. The instructors were knowledgeable and supportive throughout the course. The hands-on training provided gave me the skills and confidence to pursue a career in yacht building. I highly recommend Yacht Builders Academy to anyone interested in this field.

Yacht Builders Academy is a great place to learn yacht building. The instructors are highly experienced and the curriculum is well-structured. I really enjoyed the practical training and the opportunity to work on real projects. This academy exceeded my expectations!

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We Transform Life Outcomes

SailFuture's innovative programs empower hard to reach teens to transform their life outcomes.

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SailFuture Academy Private High School

SailFuture Academy is a tuition-free career preparatory high school that leverages project-based learning and paid apprenticeships to prepare students for the real world.

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Summer Learning for Middle School Students

SailFuture Academy: Middle School Summer Camp Registration

Discover a unique opportunity for your middle schooler to dive into the world of entrepreneurship with SailFuture's Middle School Entrepreneurship Camp! Over two exciting weeks in July, students will engage in hands-on projects, learning how to craft their own business from the ground up. They'll explore everything from screen printing and product design to personal finance and even water-based boating adventures, all while developing crucial team-building and life skills.

Our Programs

Based in St. Petersburg, FL, SailFuture serves 200 children and families a year through innovative programs ranging from international sailing expeditions to an entrepreneurship high school.

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Current Job Openings & Careers at SailFuture

Join a team of passionate leaders who do whatever it takes to help young people transform their life trajectories.

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SailFuture wins $500,000 YASS Prize

The SailFuture Academy was selected from a pool of 2,700 innovative schools across the United States.

“The Yass Prize recognizes and rewards outstanding education providers and aims to amplify their work through financial support, collaboration, coaching, encouragement and an extensive mentorship network.” Forbes

Recent News

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SailFuture Teaching Life Skills through Sailing

SailFuture Academy is a free, private school in Florida that teaches disadvantaged youth life skills including the art of sailing.

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Good Morning America

10 Jan 2022

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Free private High School Empowers Students

The program will focus on giving students career skills in a real-life environment.

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The Weekly Challenger

06 Aug 2021

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National nonprofit ‘pressure-tests’ innovative education choice programs in Florida and beyond

A more recent project is SailFuture Academy, a St. Petersburg foster care agency that is opening a vocational high school this fall for lower-income who have become disengaged in traditional high school settings.

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ReImagine Education

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Tiny private school aims to boost struggling Pinellas teens

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Tampa Bay Times

16 Jun 2021

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SailFuture Academy moves into New Building

A project-based high school serving underprivileged students in Pinellas County is enrolling students for its first year in a new building, starting this fall.

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WTSP Tampa Bay

03 Sep 2020

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SailFuture opens historic Norwood School, prepares youth for success

SailFuture serves teens throughout the St. Petersburg community, and with the purchase and recent redevelopment of the historic Norwood Elementary School, the innovative organization is better equipped to prepare kids for success as adults.

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St. Pete Catalyst

02 Sep 2020

Navigating #extraordinary% journeys

‘As proud Dutch yacht builders with a passion for perfection, we realize dreams that enter history books’

Your journey begins #the moment you step on board.%

The one boat you’ve always dreamed about. Many times, you have imagined it: you know every little detail. But who understands exactly what you want? Where to build it? Where can you find the quality, the capacity and the passion to fulfill all your wishes? Who do you trust to bring this voyage to a successful end?  We understand what you want to achieve; it is our mission to realize your dream.

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You want a proven design and building process that #brings it% #all together%

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Whether you’re a private owner embarking on the journey of building or refitting your dream boat, a professional seeking a collaborative partnership with a shipyard, or a brand owner envisioning the construction of your yachts, finding the right yard is key. You want a yard that understands your goals, budget and timeframe and works within those parameters. For you, clear communication and a transparent process are key. You want a yard that shares the joy of seeing your vision come to life.

Crafting yachts, #building legacies%

We love to know who you are. Are you a professional, private owner or brand owner?

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Private owner

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Brand owner

Where imagination meets the sea, beyond my imagination.

For our demanding clients and diverse projects, it is important that we have a reliable partner nearby who can deliver the quality and craftsmanship required for our new build and refit projects.

It is one of the main reasons that we like to work with VMG Yachtbuilders. The fact that fulfilling agreements and sound management are self-evident is a requirement for our unusual assignments.

Olivier van Meer

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Our #projects%

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Baruna of 1938

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Bestevaer 50 Stormvogel

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Spirit of Venice

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Puffin 50 Jaleo

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Chaser 500CC

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Saloon boat Sally

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Taeke Hadewych

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Royal Huisman 64 Yonder

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Saloon boat Proost van Sint Jan

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IJver (IJver Class)

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Puffin 50 SeaBear

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Grand Estime 62 Misha

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Puffin 37 Haaks

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Agile 42 Karma

The art of building #bespoke yachts.%.

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Centuries of craftsmanship

The Netherlands has a long tradition in yacht building and cargo vessels. You will find the best yards in the world in the Netherlands. The boatbuilding skills are passed on from generation to generation. West-Friesland, the area where VMG Yachtbuilders is firmly rooted, has been a centre for yacht building for many decades. Strong family traditions, the ambition to be the best in the trade and a powerful work ethos characterize the success of this region.


Building a new boat, working on a refit or doing a routine maintenance project: boats will be boats and, inevitably, there will be bumps in the road.

You want a yard that is reliable, works on time, delivers what is promised and communicates promptly when things don’t go according to plan. We take pride in our reliability and work hard to involve you every step of the way.

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You have carefully considered your dream yacht, but when you see it taking shape before your eyes, things may look different than you envisioned it.

We understand that, in the course of the building stages, your ideas evolve which may lead to design changes. Our team will listen to your new plans and adjust the process accordingly.

Availability and capacity

You want the best craftsmen to work on your boat. Through our innovative set-up, we can make the right highly skilled staff available for your project in every phase: from building the hull and finishing the interior to maintenance projects and after sales projects. In our three production facilities we have the right equipment to work fast and efficient. Come and have a look; we are happy to show you around.

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Knowledge and experience

Albeit a maintenance project, a refit or a brand new yacht: you have ideas about how you want it done. We listen carefully to your ideas and will pair them with our knowledge and experience to create the best solutions. Innovation starts with the exchange of ideas and mixed with skill and expertise it leads to great results.

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Crafted with Precision. Built with Passion. By our Team.

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The Very Best of Dutch Yacht Builders


Dutch yacht builders have crafted a reputation as being among the world’s very best, with an extraordinary density of high quality, high value shipyards operating out of the Netherlands.

Part of the reason for the dominance of Dutch yacht builders in the superyacht industry stems from Holland’s prestigious history of boat building, which stretches back centuries and was perfectly poised to make the shift to constructing luxury yachts during the 20th century. The word ‘yacht’ originally comes from the Dutch word ‘jacht’, meaning hunt.

Some of the towering names of the yachting world have emerged from Holland, with the great heritage yards Amels, Hakvoort, Royal Huisman, De Vries and Royal Van Lent more recently joined by other outstanding Dutch yacht builders such as Heesen, Vitters, and Oceanco.

Dutch shipyards are heralded not only for their world-class build quality, high tech yards, and innovation, but are also renowned for reliability in finishing projects on time and on budget. With Dutch shipyards producing many fully-custom ‘one-off’ yachts, many of the yachts launched from Holland’s shipyards are extremely iconic and often win international awards.

Dutch yacht builders have also capitalized on their individual reputations for quality construction by forming strong collaborations including Feadship and HISWA, which serve to market the best of Dutch yachting internationally, thereby growing the influence of the Dutch yacht builders.

Notable Dutch Yacht Builders

Dutch yacht builders Feadship yacht ANNA

This prestige brand is often known as the ‘Rolls Royce’ of yacht builders, constructing fully custom yachts from a ‘blank slate’ beginning. Feadship is actually a partnership between two of the greatest Dutch shipyards: De Vries and Royal Van Lent, with yacht building roots dating back to 1849. The Feadship fleet today is more than 450 strong, and includes some ground-breaking yachts including AQUARIUS and ECTASEA.

Dutch yacht builders Amels yacht IMAGINE

Founded in 1918 and boasting the largest and most high-tech shipyard in the Netherlands, Amels turned its hand to superyacht construction in the 1980’s. Amels builds fully custom yachts up to 656’ (200m), as well as their highly sought-after ‘Limited Edition Series’. Known for exceptional build quality and iconic yachts including HERE COMES THE SUN, Amels also builds a popular range of support yachts for superyachts through DAMEN, its parent company.

Dutch yacht builders Royal Huismann yacht HYPERION

Royal Huisman

This family-run shipyard was founded in 1884, and has produced some of the finest sailing yachts afloat, with a long line of regatta honors and design awards across its fleet of maxi-yachts and performance cruisers. While its fame is recognized across the world for building sailing yachts such as ATHENA, Royal Huisman also builds motoryachts, including the award winning ARCADIA.

Dutch yacht builders Hakvoort yacht ALLEGRIA

Hakvoort is another illustrious Dutch shipyard which dates back to 1919 and builds sailing and motoryachts up to 215’ (65m). With yachts constructed in steel and aluminum, Hakvoort offers a full-custom service from design to launch, as well as a 180’ (55m) semi-custom series. They have launched many notable, award-winning yachts, from LADY MARINA in 1994 to APOSTROPHE in 2013.

Dutch yacht builders Heesen yacht QUINTA ESSENTIA

Founded in 1979, Heesen has enjoyed a meteoric rise in the yachting industry, and is now considered one of the most innovative Dutch yacht builders. Initially known as a builder of fast performance yachts, Heesen has expanded its yacht building capacity up to 260’ (80m) and has achieved notoriety for its revolutionary design and engineering, such as the Fast Displacement Hull Form first seen on multi-award-winning GALACTICA STAR.

Dutch yacht builders Vitters yacht HOEK DESIGN MARIE

One of the most respected names in sailing, the Vitters shipyard was founded in 1990 and has gone on to launch luxury sailing yachts known for winning superyacht regattas and international design awards. Constructing yachts over 30m with an uncompromising focus on quality and design, Vitters has received accolades for yachts including SARISSA, GANESHA and AQUIJO. Vitters also owns the Green Marine yard, which is responsible for building the Volvo Ocean Race fleet.

Dutch yacht builders Oceanco yacht WELLESLEY

This Dutch yacht builder specializes in the large yacht market, constructing fully custom superyachts over 260’ (80m) in aluminum and steel. Oceanco opened its doors in 1990 and has been responsible for the launch of some of the industry’s most well-known yachts, including ALFA NERO, ANASTASIA and the largest Dutch yacht to be built thus far, the 360’ (110m) JUBILEE.

Dutch yacht builders Moonen yacht AZUL A

Located in the medieval Dutch town of Den Bosch, Moonen Shipyards is one of the world’s most well-known motoryacht builders. Having launched their first boat in 1963, Moonen pride themselves in quality and service and offer diverse options in the upper echelons of the yacht industry for fully customized superyachts up to 150’ (45m), custom series displacement yachts, explorer vessels or fast displacement all-aluminum powerboats.

Dutch yacht builders Mulder yacht FAVORITE 1500

Established as a family-owned shipyard in 1938, Mulder has become a renowned member of the Dutch yacht building family. The yards’ global reputation for quality has been built upon three main pillars: the classic Super Favorite Cruisers, the later Favorite Superior and a range of Mulder custom-built motor yachts from 42’ to 147’ (13m to 45m).

Dutch yacht builders Van der Valk Continental Trawler

Van der Valk

A passionate yacht enthousiast, Wim van der Valk started the company that bears his name in 1967, and is still driving force behind it today. In applying the most advanced solutions, systems and materials possible, this pedigreed Dutch yacht builder believes in creating yachts that will stand the test of time. In the late 1990s, they introduced their signature product – the Continental I series. Today, to ensure unrivaled quality and exclusivity, Van Der Valk produces a select, limited number of Continental yachts each year.

Dutch yacht builders Hartman Marine Group yacht AMUNDSEN

Hartman Marine Group

Founded in 2003, Hartman Marine Group has roots which span back to 1775 with a heritage of seven generations of skipper-owners. Hartman yachts hold a timeless and fresh style without compromising practicality and superb comfort, in the true fashion of Dutch boatbuilding excellence. Leveraging on experience, innovation as well as tradition, Hartman applies their robust standards from the drawing table to the unique finishing touches in every custom build.

Worth Avenue Yachts have many yachts for sale in their fleet built by these renowned Dutch yacht builders, and are experts in the sale, construction and charter of Dutch yachts. Contact us to find out more about which Dutch yacht builder is right for you.

Side view of a superyacht cruising in blue sea | Yacht for Sale |N&J

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At Northrop & Johnson, we believe that working with the best allows you to achieve the best. We are proud to be affiliated with the world’s most esteemed, pioneering yacht builders, manufacturers, shipyards and refit facilities. Northrop & Johnson’s knowledgeable sales brokers and new construction experts have spent their careers cultivating relationships with these facilities to ensure we have the best brokerage yachts available for sale. Feel free to select the shipyard in our index below to see the brokerage boats we have for sale by builder.

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Since Huckins was first launched in 1928, our yachts have been and continue to be as unique as the people for whom they are created. By designing and building yachts with our customers — not just for them — we champion individuality in a world that sees fewer examples every day.

But don't let Huckins' classic elegance give you the wrong impression. This is not your grandfather's yacht, and our high-performance hulls certainly aren't hewn from wood. Huckins has been utilizing fiberglass composite core construction for 40 years (initially AIREX ® and today Corecell ™ ), and we were one of the first powerboat builders to do so. All of our yachts are built from the most modern materials available to reduce weight, increase strength and maximize fuel efficiency.

A Huckins isn't for everyone, but we make no apologies. For those who appreciate uniqueness and custom craftsmanship, our yachts represent timeless elegance. Visions come to life. And dreams come true. Not to mention the lightest, sweetest-handling and fuel-stingiest yachts ever to put miles between you and the fuel dock.

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Huckins' Heritage and Brand: Learn about the legendary Quadraconic ® hull and the Sportsman 36.

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58' Huckins Offshore "Kemosabe"

This 3 stateroom/3 head layout radiates elegance and distinction. Late model classic Huckins repowered in 2010 with QSM11 Cummins 670 HP. Epoxy glassed exterior and epoxy bilges when built. Traditional mahogany paneling in salon and owners stateroom. The fly-bridge and large cockpit make her a practical fishing boat as well as a fast, seaworthy, blue water family cruiser.

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    Since 1998, KM Yachtbuilders has pioneered innovative and no-nonsense aluminum yacht construction, prioritizing safety and adventure. Starting out with three people and about as many yachts. A few decades later we are a team of 45 with more than 100 builds under our belt and our yachts are sailing the seven seas from pole to pole.

  2. Yacht builders academy

    Yacht Builders Academy. Voorlichting en workshops. Voor Werkzoekenden en Omscholers Voor Werkzoekenden en Omscholers. Financiering en subsidies. Welke subsidies zijn er voor mij of mijn bedrijf? Welke subsidies zijn er voor mij of mijn bedrijf? Contact. [email protected] ...


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  13. Home

    The boatbuilding skills are passed on from generation to generation. West-Friesland, the area where VMG Yachtbuilders is firmly rooted, has been a centre for yacht building for many decades. Strong family traditions, the ambition to be the best in the trade and a powerful work ethos characterize the success of this region.

  14. The Very Best of Dutch Yacht Builders

    Heesen. Founded in 1979, Heesen has enjoyed a meteoric rise in the yachting industry, and is now considered one of the most innovative Dutch yacht builders. Initially known as a builder of fast performance yachts, Heesen has expanded its yacht building capacity up to 260' (80m) and has achieved notoriety for its revolutionary design and ...

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    GUIDE FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING YACHTS JULY 2021 PART 3 HULL CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPMENT American Bureau of Shipping Incorporated by Act of Legislature of

  16. Luxury yacht builders

    Fraser Brokers boast ongoing knowledge of all shipyards and projects for sale. And Fraser's project management team has, to date, delivered over 50 new yachts and 50 refit projects, including multiple award winners, up to +120M/+394' in length. Our Brokers and Project Managers have extensive knowledge of the market and shipyard projects ...

  17. Celebrating American Yacht Builders

    Founded in 1863, Burger Boat Company is renowned for designing and building custom yachts that embrace meaningful innovations. Each vessel seamlessly integrates state-of-the-art technology and exquisite craftsmanship to reflects an Owner's personal style. Working alongside many of the world's most respected designers and naval architects ...

  18. Yacht Builders

    A flawless new-build process from inception to delivery. At Northrop & Johnson, we believe that working with the best allows you to achieve the best. We are proud to be affiliated with the world's most esteemed, pioneering yacht builders, manufacturers, shipyards and refit facilities. Northrop & Johnson's knowledgeable sales brokers and new ...

  19. Huckins Yachts

    Huckins Yachts - Renowned American Yacht Builders since 1928. Experience Unmatched Craftsmanship in 40-90ft Custom Yachts. 904.389.1125. NEW Sportsman 38. NEW Sportsman 38. New Construction .

  20. ASA Sailing School

    The proximity of the Naval Academy, numerous local stores, and restaurants make your class location ideal. St. Petersburg Base - Boats and classes are located at The Renaissance Vinoy Resort Marina. Amenities include a heated pool, hot tubs, state-of-the-art fitness center, full-service day spa and salon, and room service directly to your ...

  21. The Boat Building Academy

    Work at your own pace and have access to the content 24/7. Bob Emser is a Boat Builder and Artist. His popular channel "The Art of Boat Building" can be seen on YouTube. Emser has an international reputation as a sculptor, having shown on 5 continents, 8 countries and 27 states in the U.S. His extensive body of work, dating back to 1978 ...

  22. The Yachtie Academy

    THE YACHTIE ACADEMY. Incredible courses and communities, made by yachties, for yachties. By Yachties, For Yachties.