What does Motorboat mean?

what is a motorboat girl

Other definitions of Motorboat:

  • To motorboat someone, place your face between their breasts, squishing them together, rock your head side to side (or have them jiggle back and forth), and making an audible "brrrr" noise, which sounds like a motorboat.

All of our slang term and phrase definitions are made possible by our wonderful visitors. If you know of another definition of Motorboat that should be included here, please let us know .

How to use the term Motorboat :

It's doubtful she derives much pleasure other than seeing your amusement when you're motorboating.

Oh, motorboat me harder, baby! Yes, just like that!


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How Do You Motorboat? (The BEST Tips & Techniques)

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Do you want to make the perfect motorboat noise? Have you been wondering what motorboating is and how to do it? Motorboating is a fun and unique way to make a sound and it can be a great addition to any routine.

In this article, we’ll cover the basics of motorboating, the benefits, essential steps, tips, variations, and interesting facts.

So, if you’re curious about how to make the best motorboat noise, read on!

Table of Contents

Short Answer

Motorboating is a silly sound effect created with one’s mouth.

To motorboat, open your mouth wide, stick out your tongue, and make a motorboat sound with your lips vibrating.

It can be made louder and faster by slightly wiggling your head.

Motorboating is usually done as a joke or to express excitement.

What is Motorboating?

Motorboating is a unique and funny way to make noise.

It involves cupping your hands around your mouth and blowing air through them to create a loud, vibrating noise.

This technique has been used for centuries, and it is sure to draw laughs from anyone within earshot.

It is a great way to lighten the mood in any situation, especially when you want to add a bit of humor to the conversation.

Motorboating is easy to do and requires very little preparation.

All you need to do is make an O shape with your lips and then blow air through your hands to create the noise.

It is important to keep your lips tight and your hands cupped in order to make the noise.

With practice, anyone can learn how to motorboat and add it to their repertoire of funny noises.

When motorboating, you should also be aware of the sound levels you are producing.

You dont want to be too loud and disrupt the peace, but at the same time, you want to make sure you can be heard.

If you are practicing motorboating alone, you may want to start off by using a softer sound and gradually increasing the intensity.

If you are with friends, you can all practice together and make sure everyone is comfortable with the sound levels you are producing.

Benefits of Motorboating

what is a motorboat girl

Motorboating can be a great way to add some fun and humor to any situation.

Not only is it a novel way to make noise, but it can also be used to create a memorable moment or lighten the mood.

When used correctly, motorboating can be a great way to show enthusiasm and support for a certain event or cause.

It can also be a fun way to show appreciation and gratitude.

Another great benefit of motorboating is that it can be used to get peoples attention.

Whether youre trying to call someones attention to something or just trying to get someones attention in general, motorboating can be a great way to do it.

Its also a great way to make a statement without saying a word.

Finally, motorboating is a great way to show your creativity and express yourself in a unique and memorable way.

With practice, you can learn how to create different sounds and rhythms with your motorboating, which can be a great way to show off your creative side.

Plus, its always fun to learn something new!

Essential Steps for Motorboating

Motorboating is a fun and unique way to make noise that often elicits smiles of amusement.

The basic technique involves making a loud, vibrating noise with your lips by cupping your hands around your mouth and blowing air through them.

To master motorboating, it is important to understand the essential steps.

Firstly, you need to form an O shape with your lips.

This is key to creating the vibrating sound.

Its also important to keep your lips tight in order to maintain the shape.

Secondly, you need to cup your hands around your mouth.

This will help to amplify the sound and create the desired vibration.

Make sure your hands are tightly cupped so that the air is forced through them.

Thirdly, you need to blow the air through your hands.

This is the final step and the key to creating the motorboat sound.

Make sure your lips stay tight and your hands are cupped tightly during this step to ensure the best possible sound.

Once you understand and practice these essential steps, you will be on your way to mastering the art of motorboating.

With some practice, you will be able to make the sound with ease and add it to your repertoire of funny noises.

So, the next time youre in the mood to make someone laugh, dont forget to motorboat!

Tips for Making the Perfect Motorboat Noise

what is a motorboat girl

Making a motorboat noise is a funny and unique way to get attention or add a little humor to a conversation.

Whether youre trying to make a funny comment in a group chat or want to add a little fun to a presentation, the motorboat noise is sure to get a laugh.

To make the perfect motorboat noise, youll need to practice a few techniques.

First, make an O shape with your lips.

This will help the air travel through your mouth and hands to create the motorboat noise.

Keep your lips tight and your hands cupped to create the best sound.

As you blow air through your hands, try to move your hands in a circular motion to create a more consistent sound.

You can also practice creating different tones by changing the shape of your mouth.

Try making an A shape or an E shape with your mouth and practice making the motorboat noise.

This will help you create a variety of sounds for different situations.

Another important tip to keep in mind is to practice your motorboat in different environments.

The sound of a motorboat can be affected by the size of the room or the acoustics of the space.

Try practicing in different environments to get used to the variations in sound.

Finally, practice makes perfect! Spend time practicing the motorboat noise until youre comfortable with the sound.

This will help you become more confident and comfortable making the motorboat noise in different situations.

By following these tips and techniques, youll be able to perfect the art of the motorboat noise and make people laugh!

Different Variations of Motorboating

Motorboating is a unique and fun way to make noise.

It involves making a loud, vibrating sound with your lips by cupping your hands around your mouth and blowing air through them.

There are many variations to motorboating that can help you perfect the sound and even add a bit of flair to your repertoire.

One variation is to move your hands in a circular motion around your mouth as you blow air through them.

This creates a unique sound that is louder and more complex than the standard motorboating sound.

Another variation is to use both hands to motorboat.

This creates a more powerful sound and allows you to control the pitch and sound of the noise.

You can also experiment with different hand positions to create different sounds.

Finally, you can try motorboating with an object, such as a balloon or a cup.

This can create a unique and interesting sound that is sure to impress your friends.

Just make sure to blow gently into the object to avoid popping it!

No matter what variation you choose, the key to great motorboating is practice.

Spend some time experimenting with different techniques and youll be motorboating like a pro in no time.

Interesting Facts About Motorboating

what is a motorboat girl

Motorboating is a unique and humorous way to make noise that involves cupping your hands around your mouth and blowing air through them.

The sound that is created is loud, vibrating, and unmistakable.

It is believed to have originated in the early 1900s, when people would go to amusement parks and try to imitate the sound of steamboats passing down the river.

Since then, motorboating has become a popular way to add some humor to any situation.

It is often used in movies and television shows, as well as in stand-up comedy.

It can also be used to add some fun and excitement to any party or gathering.

Motorboating is surprisingly easy to do.

All you have to do is make an O shape with your lips and then blow air through your hands.

With a bit of practice, anyone can learn how to motorboat and add it to their repertoire of funny noises.

When motorboating, it is important to be aware of your surroundings.

The sound of motorboating is quite loud and can be disruptive to people in close proximity.

It is best to do it in an area where it wont disturb anyone else.

Motorboating is a fun and unique way to make noise.

So the next time youre looking for a way to liven up a party or just have some fun, try motorboating!

How to Incorporate Motorboating into Your Routine

Once youve mastered the basics of motorboating, you can begin to incorporate it into your everyday life.

This is an excellent way to add some spice and humor to your conversations, and can be a great way to break the ice in awkward situations.

Motorboating can be used to add emphasis to a joke or funny story, or to break up an otherwise dull conversation.

It can also be used as a fun way to cheer on a sports team, or to show your approval or excitement for a particular event.

Another great way to use motorboating is in the car.

It can be a fun and unique way to express your joy or enthusiasm when listening to a song, or to show your appreciation for a great performance.

You can also use motorboating to make a statement or to show your displeasure with something.

Finally, motorboating can be used as a fun party trick.

Its sure to be a hit with your friends, and you can even teach them how to do it.

Motorboating can also be used to create a fun and unique atmosphere for any event, from a birthday party to a corporate function.

With a little practice and creativity, motorboating can be a great way to add some humor and fun to your daily life.

So get out there and show off your motorboat skills!

Final Thoughts

Motorboating is a fun and unique way to make noise that can add a funny and unexpected element to your conversations.

With practice, you can learn how to create the perfect motorboat noise and even add variations and interesting facts to your repertoire.

So why not give it a try? With the help of these best tips and techniques, you’ll be motorboating like a pro in no time!

James Frami

At the age of 15, he and four other friends from his neighborhood constructed their first boat. He has been sailing for almost 30 years and has a wealth of knowledge that he wants to share with others.

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  • 1.1 Pronunciation

English [ edit ]

Pronunciation [ edit ], noun [ edit ].

motorboating ( uncountable )

  • The act of travelling in a motorboat .
  • ( slang ) The act of placing one's head between a woman's breasts and making the sound of a motorboat with one's lips whilst moving the head from side to side.

Verb [ edit ]

  • 2010 , Phil Torcivia, Nice Meeting You , page 183 : (He is referring to her boobs.) Phil: Nice. Dog #1: They are suh-weet! Can you imagine climbing behind that caboose and hanging on to those milk-bags? Dog #2: I'd be motorboating them for hours.
  • 2011 , Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi , A Shore Thing , page 120 : "Mmmm," he mumbled, his face between her boobs, motorboating .
  • 2012 , Alex Langley, The Geek Handbook: Practical Skills and Advice for the Likeable Modern Geek , page 56 : PROBLEM: You accidentally touched your platonic galpal on the boob. SOLUTION: Apologize quickly, making it clear that it was just a slip of the hand. DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE: Try to “break the tension” by motorboating your friend's breasts.

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  • English terms with audio links
  • English lemmas
  • English nouns
  • English uncountable nouns
  • English slang
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  • English terms with quotations
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What Women Want In Boating


They want role models, training, and inclusion, according to a cross section of fascinating women interviewed for this BoatUS Special Report.

A woman wearing a baseball hat and sunglasses at the helm of a sailboat

The author at the helm of her Dufour 35, which she sailed to Mexico, French Polynesia, and Australia with her husband, Robin. (Photo: Jean Pascal-Remon)

We'd accepted an invitation for sundowners on a couple's boat when, amidst chips, dips, and pleasantries, I found myself caught in the dreaded man-talk triangle. Our host was describing a recent engine problem. I asked a question about it, but he launched into an explanation — directed exclusively at my husband, Robin. Knowing my interest in engines and wanting to include me, Robin smartly made eye contact only with me. All the while I glared at this man like a 6-year-old in a staring contest, determined to eyeball my way into the conversation. For five uncomfortable minutes, he talked to Robin, Robin talked to me, and I talked to the man.

A group of four men and one woman in matching orange and blue shirts smile at the camera from a orange and blue raceboat

Danielle Tindale of Lake Winnebago, Wisconsin, grew up boating and now participates in offshore powerboating poker runs across the United States with her fiancé.

He was a nice fellow and meant no offense, but my fellow boating women can relate. We're a minority in a male-dominated sport, so we sometimes get overlooked.

According to data collected by the market research firm Info-Link, men outnumber women when it comes to registered boat owners by 7 to 1, which probably comes as no surprise, but the data also reveals signs that an increasing number of women are buying boats. For example, the incidence of women first-time boat buyers is about one-third higher than the percentage of women in the general boat-owning population. "This means a higher percentage of woman are giving boat ownership a try," said Jack Ellis, managing director at Info-Link.

Even more promising is the number of women using peer-to-peer (P2P) rental services, online platforms that allow users to rent boats directly from owners. At Boatsetter, a platform with 10,000 listed boats, 32 percent of renters are women. That's more than 2.5 times female boat owners (12 percent). Bryan Petro, COO of another P2P service GetMyBoat told us that women are turning to his company's service for "family vacations, bachelorette parties, birthday parties, family reunions, [and] ... fun outings on the weekend." With all that in mind, the recreational boating industry — and the culture surrounding the lifestyle — could both benefit from greater female influence. BoatUS Magazine spoke with female boaters to understand what women, men, and the boating industry can do to foster equilibrium.

My Love Is An Ocean

Water is the great unifier, regardless of gender. Mary Avery-Harrington, a 54-year-old offshore performance boater in Cape Cod, told us, "It's the feeling you get, the release of all the pressures in life that you leave on shore." Danielle Tindale, a 35-year-old with a SV43 Outerlimits powerboat, noted how boating brings people together. "The time you spend with your loved ones on the boat is something you can't replace," she said. Niki Lee, founder of Passion for Powerboats, a 61,000 member Facebook group told us the allure is simple: "I love just driving around, wind in my hair, and being on the water."

An aerial shot of a powerboat underway

Mary Avery-Harrington runs her 37-foot Outerlimits locally in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and trailers all over, doing poker runs from Key West to Canada. She's "all about strong women" and got her daughter into running her own "go-fast" boat at the age of 16.

But diving into the wonders of the boating lifestyle, one must take the good with the bad.

"I'd say the challenging aspects are docking and trailering," said Lee, while Tindale sees the greatest challenges in boating as maintenance and upkeep. "There's always something that needs to be done on offshore boats that most people are totally unaware of," she said.

Most women don't grow up being expected or encouraged to rebuild an engine or tow a trailer, so they don't acquire valuable mechanical skills along the way. Needless to say, bridging the skills gap is daunting to boating newcomers. So, what can be done?

What Women Can Do

Manage fear. From newbies to world-class athletes, every female boater we interviewed talked about dealing with fear on the water.

A woman in a red sailing jacket smiles as she holds blue rope in her hands.

Susie Goodall, 28, is the youngest and only female competitor in the 2018 Golden Globe Race, where she'll sail solo and nonstop.

Meet Susie Goodall, a 28-year-old Brit who is the only woman entered in the 2018 Golden Globe Race, a 10-month solo round-the-world sail race without GPS, satellite phone, computer, weather routing or … stopping. It's unquestionably one of the most challenging and dangerous races in the world. Yet, when we got on the topic of fear, Goodall, a sponsored athlete and professional sailing instructor, mentioned the discomfort she still feels when solo docking her heavy Rustler 36 sailing yacht.

"It might sound silly, but I actually get most nervous coming in and out of port on my own," she said. "When I have to leave port by myself, I put it off and it takes me almost an hour to leave every time. But it's one of those situations where you've got to just do it."

When a professional sailor, staring down the barrel of one of the most dangerous feats in sailing, tells you that she finds solo docking stressful, you can take comfort that the feeling is universal.

Goodall's strategy is to acknowledge her fear. "When I'm out on the ocean, fear is something I just deal with because I don't have a choice, because I'm in the situation," she said. "I think just knowing that I don't like it, accepting that I don't like it, and acknowledging that it's really unpleasant, is a big thing."

A man at the helm of a white sailboat

Berenike "Nike" Steiger has spent the last five years fixing up and solo sailing her 30-plus-foot aluminum boat, Karl, around the world. 52,000 people follow her adventure on her YouTube channel White Spot Pirates, and she recently released a documentary called "Untie the Lines." Left: Nikki Lee is the founder of Passion for Powerboats, a 61,000-member Facebook group, where members share their love of go-fast boats. In a recent shootout, Lee and her partner hit a blistering 87 mph.

Talk it out. Berenike "Nike" Steiger, who recently completed a 4,000 mile sail, much of it solo, told us that she struggled with anxiety, sometimes doubting her abilities to deal with tricky situations. She said it's important to talk about these fears.

"Show others that it's OK to have doubt, anxiety, and worry, because that's what most of us experience as part of boating," she said. "It doesn't mean you're weak. It's totally human, and often is even good because it keeps you on your toes for potentially dangerous situations that come along."

A woman pulls at a rope onboard a sailboat and looks up at the sails

Beth Mansfield is a passionate sailor, proud boat owner, and active member of the Edgewater Yacht Club on Lake Erie. A few years ago, she started a cruising group and is now the Sailboat Cruising Fleet Captain.

Gain proficiency. One way to reduce boating anxiety is to get experience. As Beth Mansfield, a sailor and cruising fleet captain at her local yacht club in Ohio, shared, "There's no substitute for experience, both good and bad. There have been many embarrassing moments, many with witnesses, but I just tell myself it's the cost of learning." Mansfield added she found it helpful to join a local chapter of a national organization that promotes the sport of racing among women.

Ask (lots of) questions. All boaters learn by asking for help, and as Steiger says, "It's OK to ask for help and ask questions about stuff you might not know. Get as much input as you can, then use your own knowledge and judgment to make decisions. You cannot know everything from the start. Have confidence that you'll grow into it step by step. And don't be afraid to tackle topics that might be considered 'men's territory.'"

A man and woman in a white rowboat named SCOUT

After saving for years, Alaina Moore and her husband Patrick Riley bought a 30-foot Cape Dory and went on a yearlong sail of the Eastern Seaboard. They wrote and recorded an album called "Cape Dory," which propelled them into a chart-topping music career as the band Tennis.

Tune it out. One risk of casting a wide net for learning is the potential to be overwhelmed with well-meaning advice. Mary Avery-Harrington's solution? "I always say to women, 'It's easy, just roll your windows up, don't listen to all the advice, take your time, and you'll be perfect at it. If you need instruction just pick one person you have confidence in and ignore the rest,'" she said. "Being a woman, I sometimes get more advice from well-meaning men. I've learned it's OK to ask someone to help direct me on occasion, but to mostly just believe in myself and smile with my windows up and do it my way."

Be a mentor. With the advent of groups like Women Who Sail and The Magenta Project , female mentorship is now just a click away. The climate has changed dramatically in a relatively short period, but some obstacles remain. Think about this: In a recent study conducted by the retailer REI, some 63 percent of respondents said they could not think of an outdoor female role model.

Carrie Sixkiller 2017 LOTO Shootout

Carrie Sixkiller was voted into the LOTO Shootout Hall of Fame in 2017 after 10 years of running speed trials in her 1993 Baja 24-foot Outlaw, B-Nauti (which doubles as her lake boat). She also leads a project called SilverBras and has given away more than 5,000 bras to women and girls in need. (Photo: George Denny)

"Women need to be more supportive of other women in boating by encouraging them to do more! Teach other women what you know, and share helpful tips for working on, driving, and trailering a boat," is the advice of Carrie Sixkiller, the second female solo racer to be inducted into the Lake of the Ozarks Shootout Hall of Fame.

A woman wearing sunglasses smiles from the helm of a powerboat giving a thumbs up

Lori Garlough's hobby is buying and restoring old offshore boats. Lori's 13-year-old daughter has grown up helping her mom work on boats and already has a good grasp of basic mechanics. When not working on boats, Lori enjoys cruising the St. Lawrence and Rideau rivers.

"Start with the kids," said Lori Garlough, a single mother with a passion for fixing-up mid-1980s Scarabs. She's made a point of teaching her daughter mechanics and shop skills. "I'd love to see us get our kids more involved, giving them a good knowledge base when they're young so they can decide later on if boating is for them," she said.

What Men Can Do

Be a mentor. Many women told us their greatest champions in boating have been men. As Mansfield said, "Women need good role models, male and female, and helpful mentors. I've been very fortunate to have wonderful mentors. But more importantly, I've had the backing of my husband, whose tolerance allowed me to make mistakes. Without his support, we would have sold the boat years ago."

While mentorship can take the form of instruction and advice, it also means there's a time to hand over the keys. "I've known women who want to drive the boat, but the husband won't let them," Sixkiller said. "Men should encourage women to work on the boat and be a part of the process. It makes boating much more fun when you do it together."

Having control can also go a long way in dealing with anxiety. "After a few calamitous events involving differences of opinion, a mentor suggested that I let my husband come to understand that I was the captain of the vessel and my orders were indisputable," Mansfield recalled. "I was fortunate that he understood my need to feel in control, which increased my comfort level in difficult situations. I started managing more of the maintenance issues on the boat and did more of the repairs myself. He delights in that! And he's quick to point out to others that it's my boat."

Share responsibility. This goes a long way in promoting confidence. "It's really not about needing to know it all. It's about partnerships and sharing responsibilities and passions," Avery-Harrington said. "My husband and I share every responsibility of boating, and by doing so I've gained so much confidence. I have people commenting all the time when I back the boat down the ramp or pull it out of the water that they wish they could do the same."

Steiger suggested going a step further: "Empower women to dive into fields they might not feel comfortable with in the beginning by offering support, knowledge, and trust in their abilities."

BoatUS Supports Women Boaters

Boating lesson

BoatUS strives to support and foster education for women boaters to encourage enjoyment and grow boating as a whole. Here are a few of the ways we're involved:

Women Making Waves: This boat-handling class is offered at some of the BoatUS Foundation On-Water Training pilot programs held across the country. Women are taught basic boat-handling skills, often by female U.S. Coast Guard-licensed captains. The course offers experience and confidence at the helm. BoatUS.org/On-Water

Sailing Convention for Women: BoatUS is a proud sponsor of this annual gathering, located in Corona del Mar, California. This daylong ladies-only series of shore- and boat-based workshops offer beginners and experts alike a welcoming environment to learn more about all topics sailing. sailingconventionforwomen.com

Women's Sailing Conference: This annual event in Marblehead, Massachusetts, sponsored by BoatUS, features hands-on land- and water-based workshops and seminars. It offers women a fantastic opportunity to learn or hone sailing skills, network with other women sailors, and gain the confidence necessary to become a valuable crew member or knowledgeable skipper. womensailing.org

Leadership in Women's Sailing Award: Co-sponsored by the National Women's Sailing Association and BoatUS, this annual award recognizes an individual with a record of achievement in inspiring, educating, and enriching the lives of other women through sailing. womensailing.org

— Stacey Nedrow-Wigmore

What The Industry Can Do

While many marine organizations have made commendable efforts to encourage equal participation in boating, highlighting active boating women in their ads and creating seminars geared toward this demographic, there are still some in the marine industry who seem to have slipped on bronzing oil and remain stuck in the 1960s.

Moore put it more directly. "Boating needs a hard rebrand. It's seen as the domain of wealthy white men. At this time in history that's a huge strike against it," she said. "Every business and political office is striving for diversity and gender equality. It's time for boating and its institutions to catch up."

A man and a woman in the cockpit of a boat, both wearing a pink and green uniform.

Nikki Lee is the founder of Passion for Powerboats, a 61,000-member Facebook group, where members share their love of go-fast boats. In a recent shootout, Lee and her partner hit a blistering 87 mph.

Retire the stereotype. Almost every woman we interviewed called for a change in industry marketing, wanting to see women represented in positions of power: at the helm, navigating, and so on. "Nine times out of 10, any ad for boats or boating features a male driving the boat, not a female. Boating has always been a male-dominated industry because they imply it requires a certain skill set only meant for men," Sixkiller said. Images of women sun tanning in bikinis on deck while men drive is a not-so-subtle exclusion of women's accomplishments in boating and watersports.

Design gear for women. Women want products designed around their specific needs, instead of, as one woman put it, "wimpy-pink" afterthoughts. In particular, women struggle to find outerwear and life jackets that are suitable for under 5’10 heights and curvy or plus-size body types, many of them turning to mountain, golf, and surf brands for their boating attire.

Offer courses and training. Women also want more options for product and boating education. "I'd love to see the marine industry offer women-only programs for women to feel more comfortable on the water by themselves," Tindale told us. "In my experience, as soon as you offer these programs for both men and women, you see a decline in women wanting to participate."

One positive example of this is Freedom Boat Club's DIVAS Program, an association for Freedom Boat Club women members that offers training and social opportunities. To date, the club has held 22 classes in southwest Florida and trained more than 350 women.

Women in the workforce. In one sector of the marine industry (ferry, cruise, and cargo ships) the 2015 International Workers Federation (ITF) estimated that only 1 to 2 percent of the workforce is women. Encouraging more women to work in the boating business will help draw more women customers to consider boating.

Melanie Neale, a yacht broker and founding member of the new Facebook group Women Working in the Marine Industry, suggested that marine businesses could help by hiring more qualified women for male-dominated jobs, or by offering employees the same benefits as other industries, "such as flexible work hours and better policies on maternity leave."

Women already in the marine industry can help mentor and hire more women, too. Supporting women entrepreneurs and employees in the marine industry helps boating and plays a critical role in increasing workforce diversity. In the long run, that will make boating more representative overall, and attract more women into this lifestyle that we love.

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Officer ‘motorboated’ subordinate at promotion ceremony, retires after guilty plea

what is a motorboat girl

A former Louisiana National Guard officer was allowed to retire after a general court-martial convicted him of charges stemming from “motorboating” a subordinate soldier during an informal promotion ceremony while deployed to Jordan in May 2021, Army Times has confirmed.

Capt. Billy Joe Crosby Jr., a logistics officer who was overseas with the 256th Infantry Brigade Combat Team during its recent deployment, was initially charged with abusive sexual contact and conduct unbecoming an officer, according to court records obtained by Army Times. Crosby was the officer-in-charge of an outpost in Jordan.

Maj. Jessica Rovero, a spokesperson for the command overseeing the trial, told Army Times in a statement that Crosby’s “behavior is not in line with the Army values.”

Rovero added that “multiple Soldiers immediately reported the behavior, and Crosby pled guilty at trial.”

The guilty plea came with strings attached, though.

The officer struck a deal that erased the abusive sexual contact charge. He pled guilty to assault consummated by battery — a non-sexual offense — and conduct unbecoming, records reveal.

Crosby, a prior enlisted soldier who participated in the 1989 invasion of Panama, was confined for 30 days. The plea deal also prevented the judge from dismissing him from the Army, which would have kept him from collecting his retirement.

A Louisiana National Guard spokesperson, Lt. Col. Noel Collins, confirmed that Crosby retired March 31 after completing his confinement and returning home.

Crosby did not respond to an emailed request for comment.

What did Crosby do?

When he learned that the junior soldier was selected for promotion, Crosby reportedly announced to her twice that he intended to “motorboat” her during her promotion ceremony because the Army Combat Uniform’s chest-placed rank patch was intended for such actions.

An NCO witnessed both statements, according to a motion filed by prosecutors.

what is a motorboat girl

Stop staring at my breasts — oh wait, that’s where my rank is

The placement of the rank on the chest is a concern for many women during promotion ceremonies, says the author of this commentary..

Prosecutors described “motorboating” as “when a person places his or her face between a [woman]’s breasts and shakes his or her head back and forth while making sounds resembling a boat motor.”

Weeks before the assault, Crosby also told the NCO that he wanted to bring the junior soldier with him on a driving trip to another base in Jordan. The NCO told investigators that Crosby requested the soldier’s company because “he liked looking at her tits.”

The junior soldier told Crosby the day before the assault that she did not want a promotion ceremony.

But during work the following day, according to a prosecution motion, Crosby “approached [the junior soldier], told her to stand up, placed the rank in front of her chest, leaned in the grab the rank with his teeth...then placed his face between [the junior soldier]’s breasts...[and] vigorously moved his head from side to side between [her] breasts while still holding the rank with his teeth.”

It’s not clear when the crime was reported, nor is it clear who reported it, but court documents indicate that agents from the Army’s Criminal Investigation Division were interviewing witnesses within two weeks of the incident.

Crosby, who initially declared he would plead not guilty, changed his plea after negotiating a deal that reduced the charges and protected his retirement. The removal of the abusive sexual contact charge, which was dismissed as part of the deal, also meant that he did not have to register as a sex offender.

Although the deal took away the possibility of an other-than-honorable discharge and reduced his maximum confinement to 120 days, the judge only sentenced Crosby to 30 days and did not direct a reprimand, fines or forfeitures.

Crosby’s brigade had other disciplinary issues during its 2021 mobilization, which saw most of the unit sent to the Middle East. Some other elements of the brigade went to the federally controlled mission supporting officials at the U.S.-Mexico border.

A Louisiana Guard cavalry troop operating in south Texas was temporarily disbanded after widespread issues with sexual harassment, discipline and command climate. The state returned its troops from the border mission a month ahead of schedule after two soldiers died in alcohol-related incidents, though a state spokesperson said the move was unrelated to the problems the units had faced.

Davis Winkie covers the Army for Military Times. He studied history at Vanderbilt and UNC-Chapel Hill, and served five years in the Army Guard. His investigations earned the Society of Professional Journalists' 2023 Sunshine Award and consecutive Military Reporters and Editors honors, among others. Davis was also a 2022 Livingston Awards finalist.

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Motorboating, motorboating.


Order a Rap Dictionary book

  • Post author By Rap Dictionary
  • Post date April 13, 2022

Motorboat (slang)

Type: verb , slang

Pronunciation: /mow-ter- boat /

Also spelled or known as: Motor boat , Motor- boat

Related: Motorboated

What does Motorboat mean?

To put your face between two breasts and shake your head acting like a motorboat.

Example sentence: “She let me motorboat her at the party.”

Motorboat in songs :

“If life is a woman, she’s got some epic titties and I wanna get up in it and live it and motorboat ’ em ” – Watsky, IDGAF.

“See them titties , wanna motorboat it” – Childish Gambino, Dream / Southern Hospitality / Partna Dem .

“In a six, told her suck a dick , motorboat her tits ” – A$AP Rocky, Goldie.

“Wish I was big pimpin ’ on a yacht wit Hova But I’m happy that my girl lemme motorboat her” – Lil Dicky, Jewish Flow .

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What does motorboating a girl mean?

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

What does the lingo used in motorboating mean?

The Motorboat is described as “the act of placing one’s face in between two generous breasts, and shaking one’s head side to side very fast while producing a forceful, lip-vibrating “brrr” sound,” according to the Urban Dictionary.

What exactly is the point of going out on a motorboat?

Fishing, duck hunting, swimming, skin diving, and water skiing are some of the recreational activities that may be enjoyed on motorboats. Motorboats are also used for cruising, which is the act of traveling on water. In the world of competitive sport, they are utilized for racing as well as for piloting and navigation competitions.

What exactly does it mean to motorboard?

noun. A record player’s fixed plate that bears and distributes the weight of the player’s moving parts. Also known as the platter.

What does it mean to have ample?

1: being large or larger than is necessary in terms of size, scope, or capacity There was space enough for a substantial garden. 2: in copious amounts; more than enough to fulfill a requirement or need They did not need to worry about money for the vacation. 3: a figure that is ample or buxom in appearance.


Found 40 questions connected to this topic.

Where did the phrase “props” originally originate?

The term “props” first appeared in hip-hop culture and was taken from the word “proper,” which meant “due regard.” The term “props” is defined as “proper respects” in an older Hip-Hop and Slang Dictionary that was posted on alternative rap in June 1992 by Lee P Miller.

How fast is a motor boat capable of going?

Motorboats whose primary purpose is speed, in the past known as rum-runners, often called cigarette boats (due to their slender shape), or simply go-fast boats today, are able to reach speeds of up to 90 miles per hour with relative ease over calm, flat waters. In the past, these boats were known as “rum-runners.”

What kinds of motors do boats have?

  • Stern Drive Engine. Inboard Engine Also referred to as an I/O, this type of engine combines aspects that are typical of both inboards and outboards. An automotive engine with four strokes that has been modified for use in boats is called an inboard. …
  • Outboard Engine. …
  • Jet Drive Engine.

What does Waterboat mean?

: a boat carrying fresh water to ships .

What exactly does “Moto” mean?

motonoun. movement; way of movement; notably, movement with increased rapidity; — used particularly in the phrase con moto, directing to a considerably quicker movement; as, andante con moto, a little more rapidly than andante, etc.

Who was the first to use the word “OG”?

In 2006, Steve Champion and Anthony Ross, a person who had previously been a member of the South Central Los Angeles gang, claimed that the word was initially used in the early 1970s by the Original Gangster Crips, which were based in Los Angeles.

What propels boats through the water?

Motorboat engines run on gasoline or diesel fuel. There are many different kinds of engines. There are many different kinds of fuel that can be used in engines, including gasoline, diesel, gas turbines, rotary combustion, and steam.

Which is quicker, a boat or a car?

Because of the need for a car to move air out of its path, cars are significantly faster than boats. On the other hand, a boat must overcome the resistance of water, which is denser than air, in order to go forward. Yet because boats have to push twice as much weight as vehicles do in the water, they move far more slowly than cars do.

Is a speed of 50 miles per hour considered fast for a boat?

My personal record for the quickest I’ve ever gone in a boat is 116 miles per hour… When traveling at fast speeds in a boat, driving is really different. Maintaining that pace in a car will get you honked at in the slow lane, but most recreational boats have open helms, so you can feel every bit of 50 mph (the boat-speed gold standard) on the water. On the other hand, sustaining that speed in a car would get you in trouble.

Who is the owner of the Cigaretteboats?

Pay attention, all you racing maniacs: A new proprietor has taken over the storied Miami brand Cigarette. One of the most storied names in Miami boating has a new owner. John H. Case, a multibillionaire entrepreneur, has acquired the Cigarette Racing Team. The team’s founder, Don Aronow, is known for having lived a notoriously scandalous life before he was killed in a fight on a side street in Miami.

Can you name the boat that holds the record for the quickest speed?

Are you curious about which boat can travel the fastest across the world? The jet-powered hydroplane Spirit of Australia is the boat that holds the Guinness World Record for being the fastest boat in the world. It is estimated that it attained a speed of 344.86 miles per hour during its attempt to break the record.

How quickly can a boat with 135 horsepower travel?

With the appropriate propeller, a 135 HO etec will allow the boat to achieve speeds of 45–47 miles per hour.

Is it quick for a boat to go 25 mph?

A little bit of a challenge for the younger ones. It seems that speeds between 28 and 35 offer the most fun. If the tubes are properly inflated, you should be able to enjoy a thrilling ride of about 20 miles per hour. You should aim to maintain an average speed of about 25 miles per hour for the sports that you are interested into.

What exactly does it mean to give someone props?

Learners of the English Language Props are defined as anything that is done or spoken in public to publicly acknowledge and draw special attention to someone for doing something: respect; sometimes known as credit or acknowledgment

What does it mean when someone says, “I’ll give you props?”

I give him credits for putting up with bothersome customers. I have to give him credit for putting up with annoying customers.

What exactly does it mean to say “Trop”?

The word “turn” can also be referred to as “reaction, response,” and “change” when the combining form known as “trop-” is used as a prefix. It is utilized in the definition of several technical words. The prefix “trop-” originates from the Greek words trópos, which means “turn,” and trop, which means “a turning.” The word trope, as well as the adjective tropical, derives from the Greek word trópos.

What is the correct word for when enough is not enough?

Being ample or more than enough in amount. ample. abundant. liberal. numerous.

What does ampule imply in English?

1: a little bulbous glass container that is hermetically sealed and used to hold a solution for hypodermic injection. 2: a vial that is similar in appearance to an ampoule

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What Does Motorboating A Girl Mean?

“The longer the boat, the longer the wave it generates at higher speeds , and longer waves move faster than shorter waves,” he says. … A catamaran’s double hull can allow it to have high stability at low boat weight so it can exceed “hull speed” and move at phenomenal speeds for its length.

What is a speedboat used for?

Motorboats are used recreationally for traveling on water (cruising) and for the enjoyment of such sports as fishing, duck hunting, swimming, skin diving, and water skiing. In sport they are used for racing and in piloting and navigation contests.

How do speed boats not flip?

The boat is always in “top gear,” however, the lack of friction (resistance) on the propeller at low speeds allows the engine to idle and turn the propeller without stalling the engine.

What type of boat is a runabout?

Generally, a runabout is defined as a small powerboat somewhere in the 14–24 foot range. They are usually powered by an outboard or stern-drive engine. They are a multipurpose boat suitable for water sports, cruising and fishing.

Why are speed boats called cigarette?

Vannie Higgins was a Brooklyn gangster and the original owner of a speedboat named Cigarette. This boat was a rum-runner during the Prohibition era in U.S. history. The boat was called Cigarette because of its narrow beam and elongated hull , which, at that time, were unusual for regular boats to have.

Can a speed boat tip over?

If you hit a rogue wave at a high speed you are far more likely to tip over . If you try to turn too quickly at speed you can essentially roll your boat the same way you would roll your car. The difference between cars and boats may be huge but physics is still the same no matter if you are on land or at sea.

Are speed boats faster than cars?

Cars are faster than boats because the car has to push the air out of its way (less friction). Whereas for a boat, it has to push the water out of its way, which is denser than air (more friction). … Even if the car and the boat have the same horsepower engine and the same weight, the boat won’t go faster than a car.

What is motorboat slang?

Assuming you mean the slang usage rather than the use of a boat with a motor. It means the activity of putting one’s face between a woman’s breasts , and rocking turning one’s head rapidly from side to side while making a noise like a motorboat.

What causes motor boating in amplifier?

As with all electronic oscillation, motorboating occurs when some of the output energy from an amplifying device like a transistor or vacuum tube gets coupled back into the input circuit of the device (or possibly into an earlier stage of the amplifier circuit) with the proper phase for positive feedback.

When did boats get motors?

The earliest boat to be powered by a petrol engine was tested on the Neckar River by Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach in 1886 , when they tested their new “longcase clock” engine. It had been constructed in the former greenhouse (converted into a workshop) in Daimler’s back yard.

What was the first steam boat?

The first successful steamboat was the Clermont , which was built by American inventor Robert Fulton in 1807.

Who built the first steamboat?

In 1787, John Fitch demonstrated a working model of the steamboat concept on the Delaware River. The first truly successful design appeared two decades later. It was built by Robert Fulton with the assistance of Robert R. Livingston, the former U.S. minister to France.

Can a ship flip?

Capsizing or keeling over occurs when a boat or ship is turned on its side or it is upside down in the water. The act of reversing a capsized vessel is called righting . … Vessels of this design are called self-righting.

Can a sailboat flip?

Yes, sailboats can flip or roll over , which is also referred to as capsizing. To prevent this from happening, make sure you do the following: Don’t ride your sailboat in inclement weather, including strong winds, rains, lightning, and thunder.

Can a sailboat sink?

Yachts can tip over, and they can sink just like any other type of boat . However, some yachts can capsize and sink more easily than others. The size of the yacht and the draft plays an important role when it comes to capsizing.

What is the fastest boat in the world?

Wondering what is the fastest boat in the world? Unbelievably, the Guinness World Record for the fastest boat in the world is held by the jet-powered hydroplane Spirit of Australia which reached an estimated speed of 344.86 MPH.

How fast do speed boats go?

Most high-performance center-consoles are powered by two to four outboards. Top speeds range from 60 to 85 MPH . Today’s most popular go-fast catamarans range from 28 to 52 feet. Powered by twin inboard engines up to 1,750-HP, they can reach 180 MPH and beyond.

Can a river boat go in the ocean?

As long as the weather is optimal and the sea is calm it is perfectly fine to take a shallow draft boat onto the ocean, though some lake boats are better suited to that marine environment than others. A Mod V Jon boat is much better suited to dealing with ocean chop and waves than its flat bottom brother.

Is a pontoon a runabout?

Pontoons are more on the slow, spacious, hard-to-maneuver side of things, while runabouts are fast, less spacious and highly maneuverable . … When it comes down to it, these are the key things you need to know about deck boats and their disadvantages, compared to both pontoons and runabouts.

What is a sedan boat?

Sedan bridge boats are essentially the same as a sportfishing yacht , but without the emphasis on the fishing part. … These small yachts have enough rooms and amenities, like a bathroom and a cooking area, to be live aboard boats. In fact, some people say they are one step away from being houseboats.

Is it hard to drive a speed boat?

Driving a boat is more complicated than driving a car, so it’s not surprising that you’re nervous about your trip. … One of the most common causes of boat accidents is speeding. It’s easy to speed when you’re out on the water because there are no stoplights, no lanes and little traffic.

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What does it mean to motorboat a girl?

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To "motorboat" a girl, means for a person to put their head between a girls breasts, move their head back and forth, while blowing air hard. It is called "motorboating" because of the sound it makes.

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When was the motorboat invented?

What is a vaporetti?

A motorboat serving as a canal bus in Venice, ItalyA motorboat serving as a canal bus in Venice, ItalyA motorboat serving as a canal bus in Venice, ItalyA motorboat serving as a canal bus in Venice, ItalyA motorboat serving as a canal bus in Venice, ItalyA motorboat serving as a canal bus in Venice, Italy

What is the sentence for motorboat?

Rafts are replaced by Motorboats. They are fast and safe.

How can you motorboat a girl's boobs without asking?

As a baby boy he just lays there and babbled in to her boobs as he shakes his head. Happens alot.

What is the meaning of the word motorboat?

The definition of motorboat is any kind of boat with a motor that runs it. It is usually any type of boat that is available as long as it has a motor. For example, a car is not a boat so it is not a motorboat.

What equipment is required while operating a motorboat in Virginia?

Personal floatation devices are required while operating a motorboat in Virginia.

What is equipment is recommended while operating a motorboat in Virginia?

Who invented the motorboat, what are the release dates for motorboat mamas - 1928.

Motorboat Mamas - 1928 was released on: USA: 30 September 1928

Who is motorboat Jones?

motorboat jones is just one of the altar egos for jordan himself along with johnny kilroy

What should a motorboat operator do when approaching a sailing vessel head-on?

Do everything possible to avoid it. The motorboat operator would give way if boat is under sail but go by regular motorboat rules if he is under power.

A motorboat and a PWC are meeting head-on. Which one is the stand-on vessel?


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Drivers license centers in Tennessee, other states experience hours-long outage

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Tennessee driver license / Source: (State of Tennessee)

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WSMV) - On Thursday morning, a network outage affected several state motor vehicle agencies across the United States.

A network operated by the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators, which connects motor vehicle agencies across the U.S. to each other and various verification services, experienced an outage, according to the Tennessee Department of Safety & Homeland Security.

During the outage, agencies were unable to complete transactions of driver licenses and motor vehicle titles. This prevented numerous agencies and states, including Tennessee, from issuing driver’s licenses during that time.

The outage reportedly lasted from 9:50 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. ET, according to AAMVA.

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  4. MotorBoating


  1. Do women actually enjoy being motorboated or is it just ...

    A motorboat is when you shake your face between them and basically blow a raspberry. Nuzzling and whatever else could definitely fall into the sexual category, but a straight up motorboat, no chance. Reply reply

  2. What Happens If You Motorboat Someone? (Here's What You Need To Know)

    Motorboating is the act of pressing one's face into someone's chest and moving the head from side to side while making a loud, vibrating sound. It is usually done as a joke or a way to show affection, but it can also be seen as a sexual gesture. The sound that is made is meant to imitate the sound of a motorboat engine.

  3. What does it mean to motorboat someone?

    To summarize, motorboating refers to the act of placing one's head between a woman's breasts and making a motorboat sound with one's lips. While it may be seen as a form of physical affection or sexual gratification in certain contexts, it is crucial to always obtain explicit consent from your partner and respect their boundaries.

  4. Full Speed Ahead: The Origins of 'Motorboating'

    The Pop Culture Effect. The term came into mainstream use, and dare we say, 'popularity,' primarily through its appearance in pop culture. It was featured prominently in a scene from the 2005 comedy film "Wedding Crashers," where Vince Vaughn's character enthusiastically explains to Owen Wilson's character the pleasures of motorboating.

  5. Motorboat » What does Motorboat mean? » Slang.org

    The meaning of Motorboat is: A slang term for the act of pushing your face between breasts, rocking your head back and forth, and blowing outward, simulating the noise of a boat's motor.. Find more definitions for Motorboat on Slang.org! ... Berlin Wall, the 80's (AKA the Eighties) was an era of popularizing slang. This decade saw the advent ...

  6. Breast fetishism

    Motorboating. A form of breast fetishism where a person places their face into the cleavage between a woman's breasts and moves it from side-to-side is known as motorboating. The person performing the act may also make the sound of a motorboat, from which the name is derived. This act ...

  7. Motorboat Woman Photos and Premium High Res Pictures

    Couple enjoying a ride on a speedboat. Browse Getty Images' premium collection of high-quality, authentic Motorboat Woman stock photos, royalty-free images, and pictures. Motorboat Woman stock photos are available in a variety of sizes and formats to fit your needs.

  8. How Do You Motorboat? (The BEST Tips & Techniques)

    Motorboating is a silly sound effect created with one's mouth. To motorboat, open your mouth wide, stick out your tongue, and make a motorboat sound with your lips vibrating. It can be made louder and faster by slightly wiggling your head. Motorboating is usually done as a joke or to express excitement.

  9. motorboating

    motorboating (uncountable) The act of travelling in a motorboat. The act of placing one's head between a woman's breasts and making the sound of a motorboat with one's lips whilst moving the head from side to side. Verb [edit] motorboating. present participle and gerund of motorboat

  10. What Women Want In Boating

    In particular, women struggle to find outerwear and life jackets that are suitable for under 5'10 heights and curvy or plus-size body types, many of them turning to mountain, golf, and surf brands for their boating attire. Offer courses and training. Women also want more options for product and boating education.

  11. 5,862 Motorboat Woman Stock Photos and High-res Pictures

    Young girl riding a speedboat. Browse Getty Images' premium collection of high-quality, authentic Motorboat Woman stock photos, royalty-free images, and pictures. Motorboat Woman stock photos are available in a variety of sizes and formats to fit your needs.

  12. Officer 'motorboated' subordinate at promotion ceremony, retires after

    May 18, 2022. Capt. Billy Joe Crosby Jr. was convicted of assault consummated by battery and conduct unbecoming an officer for "motorboating" a subordinate during an informal promotion ceremony in ...

  13. Motorboat Girl Videos and HD Footage

    Browse 278 motorboat girl videos and clips available to use in your projects, or start a new search to explore more footage and b-roll video clips. Long shot of people relaxing on Brighton beach at sunset. Teenager girl riding motorboat in the sunny summer day. Panoramic view of the bay of Lerici. A girl standing on the rocks admiring the view.


    Image for MOTORBOATING. When I write MOTORBOATING, I mean this: "Making motor noises when your is head between a woman's breasts" Summary of Key Points "Making motor noises when your is head between a woman's breasts" is the most common definition for MOTORBOATING on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.

  15. Urban Dictionary: motorboat

    v. int. The act of pushing one's face in between two ample breasts, and rocking one's head side to side very rapidly while making a vigorous, lip-vibrating "brrr" sound. n. The sound produced when doing a motorboat.

  16. Urban Dictionary: motorboated

    a face shaken in boobs, as evidenced in wedding crashers, and in superpoke on facebook

  17. Motorboat

    To put your face between two breasts and shake your head acting like a motorboat. Example sentence: "She let me motorboat her at the party.". Motorboat in songs: "If life is a woman, she's got some epic titties and I wanna get up in it and live it and motorboat ' em " - Watsky, IDGAF. "See them titties, wanna motorboat it ...

  18. What does it mean to motorboat someone?

    To "motorboat" a girl, means for a person to put their head between a girls breasts, move their head back and forth, while blowing air hard. It is called "motorboating" because of the sound it makes.

  19. What does motorboating a girl mean?

    The term "motorboating" refers to the act of placing one's head between a woman's breasts and making the sound of a motorboat with one's lips while moving the head from side to side. The term also refers to the practice of motorboating. 12. The experience of traveling by water in a motorboat used as a noun.

  20. 782 Motorboat A Girl Stock Photos & High-Res Pictures

    Browse Getty Images' premium collection of high-quality, authentic Motorboat A Girl stock photos, royalty-free images, and pictures. Motorboat A Girl stock photos are available in a variety of sizes and formats to fit your needs.

  21. Motorboat

    A motorboat with an outboard motor. A motorboat, speedboat or powerboat is a boat that is exclusively powered by an engine.. Some motorboats are fitted with inboard engines, others have an outboard motor installed on the rear, containing the internal combustion engine, the gearbox and the propeller in one portable unit. An inboard-outboard contains a hybrid of an inboard and an outboard, where ...

  22. What Does Motorboating A Girl Mean?

    What Does Motorboating A Girl Mean? "The longer the boat, the longer the wave it generates at higher speeds, and longer waves move faster than shorter waves," he says. …. A catamaran's double hull can allow it to have high stability at low boat weight so it can exceed "hull speed" and move at phenomenal speeds for its length.

  23. What does it mean to motorboat a girl?

    To "motorboat" a girl, means for a person to put their head between a girls breasts, move their head back and forth, while blowing air hard. It is called "motorboating" because of the sound it makes.

  24. Mary Barra: GM's Chair and CEO Offers No-Nonsense Inspiration

    In July 2020, GM and the Girl Scouts launched a partnership to encourage girls to pursue STEM-based careers. GM donated a $1 million grant to help the Girl Guides develop STEM programming and courses.

  25. Drivers license centers in Tennessee, other states experience hours

    During the outage, agencies were unable to complete transactions of driver licenses and motor vehicle titles. This prevented numerous agencies and states, including Tennessee, from issuing driver ...